九州大学 研究者情報
広瀬 直毅(ひろせ なおき) データ更新日:2024.02.20

教授 /  応用力学研究所 附属大気海洋環境研究センター

1. 広瀬 直毅 外, 国連海洋科学の10年 わが国の取組み事例集(第1版), 日本海洋政策学会, p22, 2021.03, [URL].
2. 農業情報学会編 広瀬 直毅, 新スマート農業 ー進化する農業情報利用ー, 農林統計出版, 第4章 農業生産のスマート化, 4-8-2 ICT技術を利用したスマート沿岸漁業, pp.176-177, 2019.05.
3. 柳 哲雄編著 髙山 勝巳・金 海珍・広瀬 直毅, 里海管理論 綺麗で豊で賑わいのある持続的な海, 農林統計協会, 第4章 国際環境管理 4. 1 日本海の溶存酸素濃度の数値モデリング, pp. 132-144, 2019.03.
4. Haejin Kim, Katsumi Takayama, Naoki Hirose, Akihiko Morimoto, Ryota Shibano, Masashi Ito, Tetsutaro Takikawa, Xinyu Guo, Yucheng Wang, Taishi Kubota, Naoki Yoshie, Katazakai Saki, Jing Zhang, Takafumi Yoshida, International management of marine environment, Elsevier, 10.1016/B978-0-12-813060-5.00004-3, 85-129, 2019.01, [URL], The Environment Research and Technology Development Fund of the Ministry of the Environment, Japan S-13 was started from FY2014, aiming to develop a coastal environmental management methodology for sustainable coastal areas. This project selected three target sea areas, namely, the coastal area of the Sanriku region, the Seto Inland Sea and the Japan Sea to verify the developed management methodology. Among the three areas, our group focused on the Japan Sea..
5. 松野 健, 尹 宗煥, 広瀬 直毅, 宮本 真由美, 柳 哲雄, 上原 克人, 中村 昌彦, 東アジア縁辺海の海洋環境研究, 花書院, 2015.03.
6. 高山 勝巳, 上野 玄太, 広瀬 直毅, 基礎編3章「データの入手につれて逐次的に同化するカルマンフィルター・スムーザー」, データ同化-観測・実験とモデルを融合するイノベーション-, 京都大学学術出版会, 63-92, 2009.07.
7. 広瀬 直毅, 万田 敦昌, 渡邊 達郎, 応用編7章「カルマンフィルターの応用-日本海予測システムを中心として-」, データ同化-観測・実験とモデルを融合するイノベーション-, 京都大学学術出版会, 199-222, 2009.07.
8. G. Ueno, T. Higuchi, T. Kagimoto, N. Hirose, Application of the ensemble Kalman filter to atmosphere-ocean coupled model, IEEE, 10.1109/NSSPW.2006.4378835, 125 - 128 , 2006.12, [URL], We report the first application of the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) to an intermediate coupled atmosphere-ocean model by [1], into which the sea surface height (SSH) anomaly observations by TOPEX/POSEIDON (T/P) altimetry are assimilated. Smoothed estimates of the 54,403 dimensional state are obtained from 1981 observational points with 2048 ensemble members. While data assimilated are SSH anomalies alone, an ensemble experiment of 2002/03 El Niño event based on the EnKF can predict consistent Niño 3 sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies about 5 months in advance..
9. H. Kawamura, T. Kobayashi, Naoki Hirose, T. Ito, O. Togawa, Oil spill simulation in the Japan Sea, WITPress, 10.2495/CENV060261, 88, 273-278, 2006.01, [URL], An assessment system of the marine environment in the Japan Sea is being developed at the Japan Atomic Energy Agency. This study aims to confirm the validity of the assessment system by reproducing the oil spill at the incident of Russian tanker Nakhodka in January 1997. As a main subject, one of the data assimilation techniques, an approximate Kalman filter, was applied to the assessment system by combining an ocean general circulation model with sea level measurements of satellite data. Using calculated ocean currents, simulations of the behaviour of spilled oil were performed with a particle random-walk model. A number of experiments with different parameters and situations showed that the assimilated daily ocean currents with wind drift were for the simulation for movement of spilled oil..
10. S. M. Varlamov, J. H. Yoon, Naoki Hirose, H. Kawamura, Oil spill modelling in the Sea of Japan
Application to the tanker `Nakhodka' 1997 incident
, Computational Mechanics Publ, 359-370, 1998.07, An operational system for the prediction of oil spills in the Sea of Japan is developed. The modelled climatological sea currents were generated by the three-dimensional primitive ocean circulation model with 10-minute horizontal resolution and 19 vertical levels. The model was forced by climatological atmospheric winds and heat fluxes. The oil spill was modelled with the particle tracking techniques. The model included the advection by currents, random diffusion, buoyancy effect and the parameterization of oil evaporation, biodegradation and beaching. The realization of the model is the real-time simulations and forecasts of the ocean currents with the fine resolution in the upper layer of the Sea of Japan..

