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尹 聖昊(ゆん そんほ) データ更新日:2023.11.22

教授 /  先導物質化学研究所 先端素子材料部門 総合理工学府 第I類 素子材料科学

Development of high quality precursors for premium grade synthetic graphite
(海外、共同研究、代表: 韓国科学研究院)
キーワード:synthetic graphite, petroleum based binder pitch, high yield, high density

キーワード:Actived carbon,Marine biomass

(国内、共同研究、代表: 国立大学法人 金沢大学)
キーワード:oxygen-enriched TSA

(国内、受託研究、代表: 日本製鉄)
キーワード:Marine biomass
Development of high quality precursors for premium grade synthetic graphite
(海外、共同研究、代表: 韓国科学研究院)
キーワード:synthetic graphite, petroleum based binder pitch, high yield, high density
(国内、受託研究、代表:電力研究院) NEDO
Development of high yield mesophase pitch precursor for high performance pitch-derived carbon fiber
(海外、共同研究、代表: 韓国科学研究院)
キーワード:high performance pitch-derived carbon fiber, mesophase pitch, high yield
Development of low cost high performance pitch-derived carbon fiber
(海外、共同研究、代表)、Korea Textile Machinery Institute)

キーワード:low cost high performance pitch-derived carbon fiber
クウェート原油系留分の効果的な水素化処理の触媒及びプロセスに関する支援調査事業(クウェート)(国際, 受託研究, 代表)JCCP(日本))
キーワード:Heavy oil, hydrogenation, catalyst
ハイパーコールの高度利用研究(国内, 共同研究, 代表)神戸製鋼, 共同研究)
キーワード:hyper coal, pitch, carbon fiber
高電位キャパシタ用活性炭の研究(国内, 共同研究, 代表)マツダ, 共同研究)
キーワード:activated carbon, super capacitor, high potential
ナフサ分解タールの高度有効利用に関する基盤開発研究(国内, 共同研究, 代表)昭和電工(日本)
キーワード:high utilization, ethylene bottom oil
キーワード:Mosaic coke, Li-ion battery
高性能炭素系吸着材の開発と吸着式ヒートポンプ・冷凍サイクルへの展開 (CREST), (国内, 共同研究, 分担), 高田(工学部), JST(日本)
キーワード:activated carbon, adsorption, heat pump
キーワード:人造カーボン、Domain theory
Ethylene Bottom Oilを用いた高強度炭素繊維の製造に関する研究
キーワード:activated carbon, adsorption, heat pump
キーワード:CNF, 耐火物、マグネシア
キーワード:CNF, nano-graphene, nanofluid
キーワード:CNF, battery, anode, nano-gate
キーワード:エチレンボトム油, 高度利用
コールタールを用いたBinder Pitchの調製法
To improve RDS performance for more VR processing by using additive
キーワード:Petroeum Heavy Oil, RDS, VR, Demetallization
キーワード:Activated carbon fiber, DeNOx
キーワード:Carbon, Capacitor, Capacitance, Activation,Needle Coke
Deep desulfurization and de-nitorgenation of Arabian Heavy Oil
キーワード:desulfurization, de-nitorgenation, Petroleum
キーワード:Hyper coal, capacitor
キーワード:mesophase pitch, pitch based carbon fiber
NEDO, 「固体高分子形燃料電池実用化戦略的技術開発」
キーワード:Fuel cell, Methanol, Carbon nanofiber
キーワード:Carbon nanofiber, catalyst, environment
キーワード:Carbon Black, Electrochemistry, Capacitor
キーワード:Electrochemistry, CNF
「カーボンリサイクル・次世代火力発電等技術開発/ カーボンリサイクル・次世代火力推進事業/ カーボンリサイクル技術の共通基盤技術開発 /CO2を活用したマリンバイオマス由来活性炭転換技術の開発」
2022.04~2024.03, 代表者:中林康治, 九州大学, NEDO
「NEDO先導研究プログラム/エネルギー・環境新技術先導研究プログラム /マリンバイオマスの多角的製鉄利用に資する研究開発」
2021.04~2023.03, 代表者:今井 静, 日本製鉄, NEDO
2021.04~2023.03, 代表者:児玉 昭雄, 国立大学法人 金沢大学, NEDO
2017.10~2021.12, 代表者:尹聖昊, 先導物質化学研究所, KEIT(韓国)
Development of high quality precursors (soft pitch, coke, binder pitch, and impregnation pitch) for premium grade synthetic graphite
2019.07~2023.12, 代表者:尹聖昊, 先導物質化学研究所, KEIT(韓国)
2016.04~2020.03, 代表者:尹聖昊, 先導物質化学研究所, NEDO(日本).
2013.07~2016.03, 代表者:尹聖昊, 先導物質化学研究所, マツダ
Development of pitch based middle performance carbon fiber for the application of CFRP
2014.02~2015.12, 代表者:尹聖昊, 先導物質化学研究所, RIST(韓国).
2013.07~2015.03, 代表者:尹聖昊, 先導物質化学研究所, 九州大学(日本).
2012.10~2015.09, 代表者:尹聖昊, 先導物質化学研究所, 三菱商事(日本).
2012.04~2015.03, 代表者:尹聖昊, 先導物質化学研究所, 昭和電工(日本).
2014.04~2015.03, 代表者:尹聖昊, 先導物質化学研究所, NEDO(日本).
2014.04~2015.03, 代表者:尹聖昊, 炭素資源国際教育研究センター, JCCP(日本).
2013.04~2014.03, 代表者:尹聖昊, 先導物質化学研究所, JST(日本).
2013.04~2014.03, 代表者:尹聖昊, 先導物質化学研究所, NEDO(日本).
2013.04~2014.03, 代表者:持田 勲, 炭素資源国際教育研究センター, JCCP(日本).
2012.10~2014.09, 代表者:尹聖昊, 先導物質化学研究所, 三菱商事(日本).
2013.07~2014.03, 代表者:尹聖昊, 先導物質化学研究所, 一般財団法人石炭エネルギーセンター(日本)
2013.07~2014.03, 代表者:尹聖昊, 先導物質化学研究所, J-Power(日本).
2012.04~2014.03, 代表者:尹聖昊, 先導物質化学研究所, 昭和電工(日本).
2013.07~2014.03, 代表者:尹聖昊, 先導物質化学研究所, マツダ(日本).
2013.07~2014.03, 代表者:尹聖昊, 先導物質化学研究所, 九州大学(日本).
Development of pitch based middle performance carbon fiber for the application of CFRP
2013.02~2013.11, 代表者:尹聖昊, 先導物質化学研究所, RIST(韓国).
カーボンブラックの原料および炭素構造の解析 その3
2013.01~2013.12, 代表者:尹聖昊, 先導物質化学研究所, 東海カーボン(日本).
Development of NCO derived pitch based carbon fiber for CFRP
2013.09~2014.10, 代表者:尹聖昊, 先導物質化学研究所.
Development of NCO derived pitch based carbon fiber for CFRP
2013.09~2014.10, 代表者:尹聖昊, 先導物質化学研究所.
2012.08~2013.04, 代表者:尹 聖昊, 先導物質化学研究所, 電気化学(株)(日本)
CNF-Carbon blackの複合材の開発.
2012.10~2014.09, 代表者:尹 聖昊, 先導物質化学研究所, SK(韓国)
2010.12~2014.03, 代表者:尹 聖昊, 先導物質化学研究所, JST(日本)
イオン又は分子の出入りだけが可能なナノサイズのゲートを周期的に多数有する特殊な構造のチューブラー構造の炭素ナノ繊維(CNF)(Tubular CNF with nano-gate: TCNF-NG)を設計・調製し、その内部にLi, Na, Ca, Mg, Zn, Al及び鉄酸化物の充填させる。特定な金属又は金属酸化物が充填されたTCNF-NGをLi-ion電池(Na-ion, Ca-ion又はMg-ion電池)又はエアー(Zn-air, Al-air及びFe-air)電池の負極材として用いることによって、デンドライトの形成が心配ない安全な超高容量の2次電池が実現できる。
2011.02~2013.12, 代表者:尹 聖昊, 先導物質化学研究所, 九州大学(日本).
高分散グラフェンを用いたナノフルイドの開発研究 (Alliance)
2011.03~2013.03, 代表者:尹聖昊, 先導物質化学研究所, 文部科学省(日本)
高速ナノ分散によって高分散かつ高安定性を有するグラフェン-エチレングリコール系のナノフルイドの調製に成功した。得られた高分散ナノフルイドは定置状態にして6週間間沈殿せず、安定的な分散状態を維持した。 高分散ナノフルイドはグラフェン1.0%の濃度で17%の熱伝導性の向上を示した。.
CNF複合材料を用いた製鋼用高強度耐火用最適CNFの低コスト調製研究 (JST-A step)
2011.08~2012.03, 代表者:尹聖昊, 先導物質化学研究所, JST(日本)
構造最適化したカーボンナノファイバー(CNF)をマグネシア表面に複合した CNF/MgO複合材を、既存のマグネシア耐火物へ0.1~6 wt.%程度適切に分散配置し成形及び焼成することにより、耐火物の組織が強化され飛躍的な高強度化および低弾性率化が図られることを世界で初めて見出した。特に、複合対象の CNF は、ナノロッド単位が繊維軸に最適に配列している繊径が20 nm以下のチューブラーCNF(TCNF)であることが必須であり、その原因を解明すると共に目標に適したTCNFの低温大量合成法の開発研究が必須である。しかし、これまでのところ、メタンを原料として900℃以上で成長したTCNF(KNF003)を用いたTCNF/MgO複合材のみが6 wt.%未満の添加によって目標性能を発揮したものの、それ以外の、例えば700℃以下の低温でCOまたは炭化水素ガスを用いて製造したCNF/MgOでは逆に強度や靭性が低下してしまい、実用には供せない。そこで、本研究開発においては、最適な複合用CNFの低コストかつ大量製造可能な触媒と合成条件を明らかにし、熱衝撃に対して高靭性化されたCNF複合高強度耐火物の実用化のための基盤を構築することを目標とした。この研究成果により、耐火物の大幅な耐用性向上が期待され、鉄鋼業において大幅な生産性向上による省エネルギー化への貢献と膨大な利益が見込まれる。.
高性能炭素系吸着材の開発と吸着式ヒートポンプ・冷凍サイクルへの展開 (CREST)
2010.10~2015.03, 代表者:小山, 工学部, JST(日本)
2010.04~2011.03, 代表者:尹 聖昊, 先導物質化学研究所, 九州大学(日本).
2010.10~2011.09, 代表者:尹 聖昊, 先導物質化学研究所, 九州大学(日本).
2011.01~2011.12, 代表者:尹 聖昊, 先導物質化学研究所, 九州大学(日本)
2008.04~2012.03, 代表者:持田 勲, 九州大学石炭国際教育センター, 日本
2010.04~2011.03, 代表者:谷口 順二, 九州電力, 九州電力(Japan)
豪州ビクトリア州で産出する褐炭を対象としたCCSスタンバイの高度利用技術を開発する。 豪州ビクトリア州に大量に賦存する褐炭の高度利用による褐炭エネルギー・化学コンプレックス事業の構築を視野に、その基幹となる乾燥、燃焼、ガス化/発電技術に対して、褐炭の高反応性を有効に利用する流動層ガス化の技術的、経済的可能性を調査研究し、褐炭エネルギー・化学コンプレックス事業の可能性を、CCSを含めて明らかにする。.
産炭国共同基礎調査 コークス製造適用性評価(インドネシア)
2010.04~2014.03, 代表者:宗岡  正二, 新日本製鐵株式會社, JOGMEG(Japan)
2010.04~2011.03, 代表者:林 潤一郎, 先導物質化学研究所, 九州大学(日本)
A high utilization of coal tar (coal tar pitch ) to needle coke
2010.07~2012.12, 代表者:尹 聖昊, 先導物質化学研究所.
Novel catalyst for heavy oil up-grading for higher value product
2009.11~2010.04, 代表者:持田 勲, 炭素資源国際教育研究センター.
2009.12~2013.03, 代表者:Jcoal, IMCE、九州大学, NEDO(Japan)
2008.04~2010.03, 代表者:尹 聖昊, 九州大学先導物質化学研究所, KRI (Japan)
2008.10~2009.09, 代表者:尹 聖昊, 九州大学先導物質化学研究所, JST(Japan)
2008.09~2014.03, 代表者:尹 聖昊, 九州大学先導物質化学研究所, NEDO(Japan)
2007.04~2012.03, 代表者:尹 聖昊, 九州大学先導物質化学研究所, NEDO-Jcoal(日本)
低温水蒸気ガス化や触媒ガス化(ガス化温度 900℃以下)などの新たなガス化プロセスに向けて、次の研究開発を行なう。
(1) 低温ガス化(流動層ガス化、水蒸気ガス化の基礎プロセスの開発)、(2) 触媒ガス化(低温ガス化に必要な低コストの触媒の探索および開発)
(3) 炉内流動解析(高速に移動する流動媒体の伝熱・流動などの解析)
(4) システム検討(高効率化を達成可能なシステムの最適化と効率検討)
・目標値 :ガス化温度900℃以下のガス化プロセスの開発
Strategic Japanese-Chinese Cooperative Program
2007.12~2011.03, 代表者:Isao Mochida, KAITEC, Kyushu University, JST(Japan)
1.活性炭素繊維あるいは活性ナノ炭素繊維を緊急に応用し、福岡・北京における交通繁多地域における大気中SOx, NOxと微細粒子の捕捉・無害化を実証する。
2007.06~2008.04, 代表者:尹 聖昊, 九州大学先導物質化学研究所, JST(日本)
2006.10~2007.03, 代表者:尹 聖昊, 九州大学先導物質科学研究所, JST(日本)
2004.12~2011.03, 代表者:持田 勲, 産学連携, NEDO(日本)
2002.10~2008.03, 代表者:持田 勲, 先導物質化学研究所, 日本
1. 尹 聖昊, 活性炭素繊維の応用技術と動向—活性炭素繊維を用いた道路辺および自動車内の大気浄化—, S H Yoon, J Miyawaki, T Shimohara, M Yoshikawa, and I Mochida, 炭素繊維 製造 - 応用技術の最前線 The Forefront Technology of Carbon Fiber Manufacture and Application, (2013), シーエムシー出版、2013., 2013.08.
2. 尹 聖昊, 炭素繊維の応用技術と動向(共著), シーエムシー出版、2013., 2013.02.
3. 尹聖昊、宮脇仁、持田勲, 炭素学(基礎物性から応用展開まで), 化学同人、東京、2011年10月, 2011.10.
4. 尹 聖昊(共著), 炭素学, 化学同人, 2011.01.
5. 尹 聖昊(共著), リチウム2次電池部材, 技術情報協会, 2011.01.
6. 持田 勲、 荒牧 寿弘、 尹 聖昊 , 21世紀初期の今、何故再び石炭か?


, 日本エネルギー学会, 2010.09.
1. Hiroki Shimanoe, Takashi Mashio, Taisei Tomaru, Seung-Jae Ha, Young-Pyo Jeon, Koji Nakabayashi, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Understanding mesophase pitch from a lyotropic liquid crystalline perspective, Carbon Reports, 2-1, 2–22 (2023), https://doi.org/10.7209/carbon.020105, 2, 1, 2-22, 2023.03, This review explores recent research regarding mesophase pitch (MP). Spinnable mesophase pitch (SMP) was used as a model pitch for MP in all experiments. We explain some phenomenological results of the lyotropic liquid crystalline properties of the SMP, which show that the MP behaves as a typical lyotropic liquid crystal. The mesogenic and solvent components of SMP are defined. We define the threshold concentration (TC) as the minimum amount of mesogenic component necessary for SMP to achieve 100 vol% anisotropy. We also report the TCs of various SMPs and discuss the effects of the solvent
component. Concerning the identity of the mesogenic component, we discuss quantitative correlations between the size of the layered molecular stacking units and the anisotropic content of the SMP. Research has shown that a layered molecular stacking unit larger than a specific size corresponds to the mesogenic component of the MP. We discuss a novel method for the manufacture of SMPs using our understanding of MP as a lyotropic liquid crystal, which comprises thermal mixing of optimal amounts of the mesogenic and solvent components that were prepared separately under different conditions. This method enables the properties of each component to be optimized without involving a costly hydrogenation process. Finally, we discuss how this approach can be used to increase SMP yield by modifying the contents of the anisotropic mesogenic and
solvent components..
2. Hiroki Shimanoe, Takashi Mashio, Taisei Tomaru, Seung-Jae Ha, Young-Pyo Jeon, Koji Nakabayashi, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Evaluation of the utility of isotropic pitches as solvent components of spinnable mesophase pitch precursors for highly graphitizable functional carbon materials, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 120, 25 325-331 (2023), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jiec.2022.12.039, 120, 25, 325-331, 2023.02.
3. Hiroki Shimanoe, Takashi Mashio, Taisei Tomaru, Seung-Jae Ha, Young-Pyo Jeon, Koji Nakabayashi, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Analysis of spinnable mesophase pitch in terms of lyotropic liquid crystalline solution, Carbon Letters, 33, 713–726 (2023), https://doi.org/10.1007/s42823-022-00453-4. , 33, 713-726, 2023.02.
4. Da HE, Ryo SAKAI, Hyeonseok YI, Koji SAITO, Toru KATO, Chika KOSUGI, Koji NAKABAYASHI, Seong-Ho YOON, Jin MIYAWAKI, Component analysis by solid-state NMR for effective utilization of marine biomass, Keiko IDETA
, Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science, 59 (2022).
, https://doi.org/10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.59.0_74, 59, 2022.12.
5. Da HE, Ryo SAKAI, Keiko IDETA, Hyeonseok YI, Koji SAITO, Toru KATO, Chika KOSUGI, Koji NAKABAYASHI, Seong-Ho YOON, Jin MIYAWAKI, A Study of Pyrolysis Characteristics and Removal Method of Hetero-elements for Production of Marine Biomass-based Carbon Materials, Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science, 59 (2022). , https://doi.org/10.20550/jiesekitanronbun.59.0_76, 59, 2022.12.
6. Dong‑Yeon Ryu, Doo‑Won Kim, Yu‑Jin Kang, Youngjin Lee, Koji Nakabayashi1, Jin Miyawaki, Joo‑Il Park, Preparation of environmental‑friendly N‑rich chitin‑derived activated carbon for the removal of formaldehyde, Carbon Letters, 10.1007/s42823-022-00379-x, 32, 6, 1473-1479, 32, Issue 6, Pages 1473 - 1479October 2022, 2022.12, A conventional porous carbon is still a very promising material for the removal of gaseous pollutants because of its abundant surface functional groups and a high specific surface area. Here, we prepared an environment-friendly uniform N-rich narrow micropore activated carbon, for the removal of formaldehyde, based on steam activation and N-rich with chitin as the starting material. A sample carbonized at 500 °C and steam activated at 800 °C (CAC800) showed a reasonable yield (55%) with uniform and narrow micropores without mesopores but having a balanced nitrogen functionality. CAC800 possesses outstanding formaldehyde removal capabilities under both dry and wet (humidity 45%) conditions. In addition, when compared with commercial activated carbon materials, we clearly demonstrated that the existence of high nitrogen content with uniform and narrow micropores simultaneously removed formaldehyde, effectively..
7. Lee, Song Mia;Lee, Seon Ho;Park, Seungjooa;Yoon, Seong-Ho;Jung, Doo-Hwan, Preparation of mesoporous activated carbon by preliminary oxidation of petroleum coke with hydrogen peroxide and its application in capacitive deionization, Desalination
, 10.1016/j.desal.2022.115901, 5391, Article number 115901, Volume 5391 October 2022 Article number 115901, 2022.10, Capacitive desalination is a very promising method for the supply of high-tech industrial water in the future. In this study, activated carbon with both specific surface area and mesopores developed at the same time was prepared by preliminarily oxidized petroleum coke with hydrogen peroxide and then activating it with KOH. Hydrogen peroxide used for preliminary oxidation penetrates deep to the inside as well as the surface of petroleum coke to increase reactivity upon activation, forming pores to the depth of petroleum coke to create high specific surface area activated carbon with developed mesopores. Activated carbon prepared by preliminarily oxidized petroleum coke had high specific surface area and mesopores. In particular, OMC-35 had a specific surface area of 3032 m2/g and the highest mesopores of 0.82 cm3/g. As a result, OMC-35 had an excellent capacitance of 196.9 F/g at a scan rate of 5 mV/s. In addition, OMC-35 showed a salt adsorption capacity (SAC) of 19.5 mg/g and excellent desalination performance with a salt removal efficiency of 98.5 % in 250 ppm of NaCl solution..
8. Hiroki Shimanoe, Takashi Mashio, Hideki Nakashima, Seunghyun Ko, Young-Pyo Jeon, Koji Nakabayashi, Jin Miyawakia, Seong-Ho Yoon, Correlation between molecular stacking and anisotropic texture in spinnable mesophase pitch, Carbon, 192, 15, 395-404, 10.1016/j.carbon.2022.02.062., 2022.06, The correlation of the anisotropic texture and (002) the molecular stacking property of spinnable mesophase pitch (SMP) was closely examined. SMP was found to be a specific solution consisting of mesogenic and solvent components, and the mesogenic component was composed of a cluster unit of (002) stacked molecular sheets. The anisotropic texture of SMP was strongly correlated with the height of (002) molecular stacking. When the concentration ratio of the mesogenic component to the solvent component was higher than the threshold concentration, the SMP always had 100 vol% anisotropic texture and a similar or larger number of stacked (002) sheets compared with its mesogenic component in both the solid and molten states. The solvent component, in both lamellar and hexagonal phases, assisted orientation of mesogenic molecules and rearrangement of mesogenic cluster units, thereby inducing a higher degree of graphitization than that of the solvent-free mesophase pitch. A schematic phase model of SMP was proposed based on a lyotropic liquid crystalline system and a hierarchical domain model..
9. Kaiser Ahmed Rocky, Md. Amirul Islam, Animesh Pal, Bidyut Baran Saha, Hyun-Sig Kil, Seong-Ho Yoon & Jin Miyawaki , Specific Heat Capacity of Carbon-Based Composites for Adsorption Heat Pump and Desalination Applications, Springer Water
pp. 87-111
, 10.1007/978-3-030-93845-1_4, 2022.06.
10. Hoi-Kyoeng Jung, Adel Al-Mutairi, Ik-Phyo Hong, Jung-Chul An, Min-Seok Jeon, Cho-I Park, Doo-Won Kim, Abdulazeem Marafie, Xiaoliang Ma, Taegon Kim, Seong-Ho Yoon, Joo-Il Park, Characteristics on catalytic removal of sulfur and nitrogen from atmospheric residues at the molecular level, Catalysis Today
Volumes 388–389, 1 April 2022, Pages 259-268
, 10.1016/j.cattod.2020.06.040, 38-389, 1, 259-268, 2022.04, The detailed investigation of heavy oil catalytic upgrading is important because heteroatom-containing compounds are detrimental to refining processes and the environment. Atmospheric residues (ARs) with different compositions were hydrotreated in two plug-flow reactors in series to study the reactivity of various species over the commercial catalysts at the molecular level. A 15-T Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance (FT-ICR) mass spectrometer equipped with atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI) was applied to determine the molecular composition without chemical derivatization. Here, we examined the changes in bulk and molecular composition of two different ARs. The catalytic reactivity of the ARs was determined with respect to the relative abundance of the double bond equivalent (DBE) distribution dependent on carbon number for each class, such as hydrocarbon, sulfur, and nitrogen species. Reactivities and reaction routes of hydrocarbon, sulfur, and nitrogen species were discussed in detail at the molecular level..
11. Yi H., Nakabayashi K., Yoon S.-H., Miyawaki J. , Study on the applicability of pressurized physically activated carbon as an adsorbent in adsorption heat pumps, RSC Advances, 12, 5, 2558 - 2563, 10.1039/d1ra08395c., 2022.01.
12. Islam M.A., Pal A., Baran Saha B., Yoon S.-H., Miyawaki J., Thermophysical Characteristics of Novel Biomass-Derived Activated Carbon as a Function of Synthesis Parameters, Heat Transfer Engineering, 10.1080/01457632.2021.2001743, 1-14, 2021.11.
13. Lee S.H.,Lee S.M. Park S., Yoon S.-H., Han H., Jung D.-H., Preparation of isotropic carbon fibers from kerosene-purified coal tar pitch by co-carbonization with pyrolysis fuel oil, Materials

Volume 14, Issue 21 November-1 2021 Article number 6280
, 10.3390/ma14216280, 14, 21, November-1 2021 Article number 6280, 2021.11, An inexpensive and general-purpose carbon fiber was prepared using coal tar pitch. In contrast to the solvent extraction process employing expensive solvents, a low-cost centrifugal separation method facilitated the reduction of loss due to the pitch purification and an overall yield increase. The coal tar pitch purified by centrifugation and subsequently co-carbonized with pyrolysis fuel oil improved in spinnability. Moreover, the resulting spinnable pitch had a softening point of 250◦C. The obtained carbon fibers were heat-treated at 1000◦C for 5 min, resulting in a tensile strength of approximately 1000 MPa and an average diameter of 9 µm. In this study, we present an effective method for obtaining low-cost general-purpose isotropic carbon fibers. .
14. Ideta K., Kim D.-W., Kim T., Nakabayashi K., Miyawaki J., Park J.-I., Yoon S.-H., Effect of pore size in activated carbon on the response characteristic of electric double layer capacitor, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry

Volume 102, Pages 321 - 326 25 October 2021
, 10.1016/j.jiec.2021.07.014, 102, 321-326, 2021.10, The effect of pore size on the response characteristic of an electric double layer capacitor (EDLC) was closely examined. A series of phenol-resin-based activated carbon (AC) samples was prepared as average pore size from 0.94 to 1.68 nm by KOH activation by varying the activation temperature and KOH/carbonized phenol-resin ratio. The impedance properties of pouch-type EDLC cells prepared using AC samples were evaluated by applying an alternating current at 3 V between 10 mHz and 100 kHz for confirming the response characteristic. The cell based on the AC with a largest pore size (1.68 nm) showed fast response frequency, and had a high dielectric relaxation time constant as calculated from the response frequency value. The AC with the largest pore size, which consisted of both micropores (>1 nm) and mesopores (2–4 nm), was confirmed to facilitate extremely low electrolyte-diffusion resistance during the formation of the electric double layer, implying that the large pores lead to fast and stable response frequency. The presented findings suggest that AC with a largest pore size as the electrode leads to superior capacitance and response frequency characteristics in the alternating current than those of an AC with a smaller pore size. .
15. Kim T., Kim D.-W., Ideta K., Park C.-I., Miyawaki J., Park J.-I., Yoon S.-H., Pressurized physical activation: A simple production method for activated carbon with a highly developed pore structure, Carbon

Volume 183, Pages 735 - 742 15 October 2021
, 10.1016/j.carbon.2021.07.061, 183, 735-742, 2021.09, Activated carbon (AC) is produced by a physical or chemical activation process. Physical activation methods are commonly adopted in industry because of their low production costs, but the insufficiency of activating agent diffusibility into core parts of the particles and microdomains of carbon materials causes a lower activation yield and degree of pore development, compared with chemical activation methods. To increase the activating agent diffusibility and corresponding degree of pore development, we propose a novel pressurized physical activation method. Pressurization afforded remarkable increases in specific surface area and total pore volume of the prepared AC, compared with atmospheric pressure. Additionally, in AC prepared by this method, pore size distribution analysis revealed characteristic development of micropores of about 1.6 nm; such micropores did not appear in AC under conventional atmospheric physical activation. Furthermore, observations of particles and their microdomains showed that pressurization increased the activating agent diffusibility in carbon particles, but not at the microdomain level. This innovative pressurized physical activation can produce AC with highly developed pores (specific surface area >2600 m2/g) and a unique pore size distribution due to the improved activating agent diffusibility in carbon particles..
16. Kim T., Kim D.-W., Ideta K., Park C.-I., Miyawaki J., Park J.-I., Yoon S.-H., Structural pore elucidation of super-activated carbon based on the micro-domain structure model, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry

Volume 101, Pages 186 - 194 25 September 2021
, 10.1016/j.jiec.2021.06.013, 101, 186-194, 2021.09, For elucidation of the pore structure of super-activated carbon (SAC) based on the micro-domain structure model, a new experiment of inverse approach was designed by ball-mill treatment. The two representative SACs with an ultra-high specific surface area (∼3000 m2 g−1) used Maxsorb-III as a non-graphitizable carbon and M-30 as a graphitizable carbon, which are derived from petroleum coke and meso-phase carbon microbeads (MCMB), respectively. SACs consisting of micro-domains, are destroyed during ball milling due to the weak-interactions between the micro-domains. The formation mechanisms of their intra-particular pores (internal slit-like micropores in micro-domain) and inter-particular pores (channeled mesopores between microdomains) are successfully explained by the N2 adsorption/desorption isotherms, FE-SEM, HR-TEM, STEM, and electrochemical techniques. In addition, their capacitance behaviors using different electrolytes as a probe are clearly matched with the change of micro- and mesopores through the ball-mill treatment. This novel micro-domain structure model for porous carbon materials successfully accounts for critical limitations of the conventional hierarchical pore structure model..
17. Park C.-I., Oh K., Ma X., Cho E., Park Y.-D., Hong I., An J.-C., Kang Y.-J., Jo H.-K., Jang M.-H., Yoon S.-H., Jeon Y. , Molecular Behaviors on Asphaltenes during Atmospheric Residue Hydrodesulfurization, Energy and Fuels
Volume 35, Issue 17, Pages 13644 - 136532 September 2021
, 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.1c01201, 35, 17, 13644-136532, 2021.09, A two-stage hydrotreatment of the two atmospheric residues (LF-AR and KEC-AR) over the MoO3/γ-alumina catalyst at the first stage and the NiMo/γ-alumina catalyst at the second stage was performed. Evolution of various heteroatom classes in the asphaltenes during the hydrotreating process was examined, focusing on removing sulfur and nitrogen species from asphaltenes. Various heteroatom classes (CcHh,CcHh-Ss, CcHh-Nn,CcHh-Oo,CcHh-NnSs, CcHh-OoSs, CcHh-NnOo, andCcHh-NnOoSs) in the asphaltenes were analyzed by using Fourier transfer ion cyclotron mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS) linked with atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI). According to the changes of their relative abundance, double bond equivalent (DBE), and the carbon number in the hydrotreating process, behaviors of the various heteroatom classes in the asphaltenes during the hydrotreating process were interpreted. Two distinctive differences in heteroatom reduction were observed for two different AR samples, and qualitative evaluation was attempted for providing possible scenarios. © 2021 American Chemical Society.
18. Cui, Q., Ma, X., Nakano, K., Nakabayashi, K., Miyawaki, J., Al-Mutairi, A., Marafi, A.M.J., Al-Otaibi, A.M., Yoon, S.-H., Mochida, I., Effect of blending on hydrotreating reactivities of atmospheric residues: Synergistic effects, Fuel
Volume 293, 1 June 2021, Article number 120429
, DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2021.120429, 293, Article number 120429, 2021.06, In order to clarify the effect of blending heavy atmospheric residues (AR) and light AR on reactivities for hydrodesulfurization (HDS), hydrodenitrogenation (HDN), hydrodevanadium (HDV), hydrodenickel (HDNi), hydrodeasphaltenes (HDAsp) and hydrodeconradson-carbon-residue (HDCCR) in hydrotreating process, hydrotreating of the blends from two ARs at different ratios was conducted in a fixed-bed unit at 370 °C under a H2 pressure of 13.5 MPa over a set of commercial HDM and HDS catalysts. The compositions and properties of the two ARs and their blends as well as their hydrotreated products were analyzed and compared in detail. A positive synergistic effect of the blending was found for HDS, HDN and HDCCR, while a negative synergistic effect of the blending was observed for HDAsp, HDV and HDNi. A synergistic effect index (ηi,s) was proposed to describe quantitatively the extent of the blending synergistic effect. The observed synergistic effects can be attributed to change of the aromatics-to-saturates ratio in the blends. In addition, composition and property of the hydrotreated products from the blending feedstocks with different blending ratios were well estimated on the basis of the developed models with an average relative deviation less than 1.5 %..
19. Fengjing Jiang, Weineng Liao, Tsubasa Ayukawa, Seong-Ho Yoon, Koji Nakabayashi, Jin Miyawaki, Enhanced performance and durability of composite bipolar plate with surface modification of cactus-like carbon nanofibers, Journal of Power Sources, 482, 228903 (2021), DOI: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2020.228903, 482, article No.: 228903, 2021.01, To sufficiently improve the electrical conductivity of composite bipolar plates is crucial for their application in fuel cells and redox flow batteries. Eliminating the resin-rich layer on the surface of composite bipolar plates turns to be an effective approach. In this work, graphite/resin composite bipolar plates with advanced performance and durability are obtained after surface treatment with cactus-like carbon nanofibers which grow from the catalyst cores and stretch out to form cactus-like structures. Morphology and structure of the carbon nanofibers, as well as the morphology, electrical conductivity, electrochemical properties and charge-discharge performance of the bipolar plates in a vanadium redox flow battery (VRFB) are investigated. Results show that surface treatment with graphitized cactus-like carbon nanofibers significantly enhance the conductivity of the composite plates which reaches as high as 198.7 S cm−1, and the area specific resistance can be reduced to 25.4 mΩ cm2. The VRFB single cell with the modified bipolar plate exhibits very high energy efficiency of 86.28%, at 100 mA cm−2, and shows excellent durability in charge-discharge cycling test. With the superior properties above, composite bipolar plates after surface treatment with cactus-like carbon nanofibers are promising candidates for VRFBs..
20. Keiko Ideta, Doo-Won Kim, Taegon Kim, Koji Nakabayashi, Jin Miyawaki, Joo-Il Park, and Seong-Ho Yoon , 19F ex situ solid-state NMR study on structural differences in pores of activated carbon series derived from chemical and physical activation processes for EDLCs, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 24(23), 12457-12465 (2020), DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c02106, 8, 12457-12465, 2020.06, This study demonstrates the differences in the capacitive behaviors between the pore structures generated by physical and chemical activation and infiltrated electrolyte ions in the pores. Three paired samples were successfully synthesized with similar specific surface areas and average pore widths through steam activation (physical) and KOH activation (chemical) processes. Their capacitive behaviors were investigated with their effective charge (β) values through 19F ex situ solid-state NMR and electrochemical methods. Despite their similar pore characteristics, their capacitive behaviors were totally different because of the differences in their surface structures such as the edge-rich for KOH activation and basal-rich for steam activation. The KOH-activated series displayed higher capacitances and β values than those of the steam-activated series due to the existence of an edge-rich surface structure, which induced more effective charging under electrochemical polarization. Additionally, the pore development model (domain theory) through the KOH and steamactivation approaches was discussed by using the β values and chemical shifts by using this 19F ex situ solid-state NMR technique. Copyright © 2020 American Chemical Society..
21. Shimanoe, H., Mashio, T., Nakabayashi, K., Inoue, T., Hamaguchi, M., Miyawaki, J., Mochida, I., Yoon, S.-H., Manufacturing spinnable mesophase pitch using direct coal extracted fraction and its derived mesophase pitch based carbon fiber, Carbon
Volume 158, March 2020, Pages 922-929
, 10.1016/j.carbon.2019.11.082, 8, 922-929, 2020.03, Spinnable mesophase pitch with high pitch yield of more than 50 wt% was successfully prepared using direct bitumen coal extracted fraction through the three-step process of hydrogenation, N2 blowing heat treatment, and thin-layer evaporation. The prepared mesophase pitch was smoothly spun to the fibrous form and could be converted into mesophase pitch-based carbonized and graphitized fibers through the usual oxidative stabilization, carbonization, and graphitization. The prepared mesophase pitch based carbon fibers showed typical random transversal structures with mechanical performances, tensile strengths of 1.83 GPa and 3.00 GPa, Young's moduli of 133 GPa and 450 GPa, and elongation properties of 1.37% and 0.68% after heat treatments at 1000 °C for 30 min and 2800 °C for 10 min, respectively. The relatively high-molecular-weight and well-developed polynuclear aromatic molecular structure of hypercoal is the likely reason for the high mesophase pitch yield. The meaning of each preparation processes, hydrogenation, N2 blowing heat treatment and thin layered evaporation, was discussed in detail. We anticipate that the success of high-yield mesophase pitch manufacturing using hypercoal as raw material will be an important key to innovatively reduce the production cost of mesophase pitch-based carbon fiber..
22. Nakabayashi, K., Matsuo, Y., Isomoto, K., Teshima, K., Ayukawa, T., Shimanoe, H., Mashio, T., Mochida, I., Miyawaki, J., Yoon, S.-H., Establishment of Innovative Carbon Nanofiber Synthesis Technology Utilizing Carbon Dioxide, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering
Volume 8, Issue 9, 9 March 2020, Pages 3844-3852
, 10.1021/acssuschemeng.9b07253, 8, 3844-3852, 2020.03, The 18th century industrial revolution dramatically changed people's lives and allowed for rapid growth of the global economy. However, since that time, the mass consumption of fossil fuels has resulted in the release of large amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere, creating a greenhouse effect and global warming. In turn, global warming poses a serious threat to the workings of society. Thus, the immobilization of emitted CO2 and the development of effective CO2 utilization technologies are currently being investigated toward the development of a sustainable society. This study proposes the manufacture of carbon nanofiber (CNF) materials using CO2 gas as a carbon source. It is expected that this technology will be valuable as a means of recapturing CO2. We report herein the effects of CO2 on CNF growth using CO2 and hydrocarbon gases on simple catalytic chemical vapor deposition (CCVD) catalysts, including Fe, Ni, and Co. Four factors were examined: The effectiveness of the catalyst, the reaction temperature, the CO2 concentration, and the specific hydrocarbons supplied in the feed gas. Use of these techniques will enable one to expect (1) future utilization of exhaust gas emitted from thermal power stations and factories as a carbon source and (2) the future possibility of directly converting CO2 to CNF by utilizing the heat given off by emission from factories and other thermal power-generating facilities as a heat source in CNF synthesis, as well as the future possibility of proposing an effective CO2 utilization system that will be revolutionary in its impact. .
23. Pal, A., Uddin, K., Saha, B.B., Thu, K., Kil, H.-S., Yoon, S.-H., Miyawaki, J., A benchmark for CO2 uptake onto newly synthesized biomass-derived activated carbons, Applied Energy
Volume 264, 15 April 2020, Article number 114720
, 10.1016/j.apenergy.2020.114720, 264, Article number 114720, 2020.04, To properly address the threat of global warming, there is an urgent need to reduce CO2 from the atmosphere through the development of environment-friendly technologies. Therefore, capturing/storage and utilization of CO2 as a refrigerant for adsorption cooling/heating technologies have been gaining momentum in the last decades. This study focuses on the development of novel activated carbons (ACs) with extremely large pore volume and high surface area from environment-friendly and abundantly available biomass precursor seeking higher CO2 adsorption capacity. Four AC samples are synthesized from the two biomass precursor's namely waste palm trunk (WPT) and mangrove (M) employing potassium hydroxide as an activating agent. The porous properties of the synthesized ACs are investigated from the N2 adsorption/desorption data. It is praiseworthy to elucidate that the highest surface area and pore volume for biomass-derived ACs (BACs) are obtained 2927 m2 g−1 and 2.87 cm3 g−1, respectively. CO2 adsorption characteristics are investigated using a high precision magnetic suspension balance unit at five different temperatures ranging from 25 to 70 °C with various pressures. The WPT-AC (C500)/CO2 pair shows the highest adsorption uptake as high as 1.791 g g−1 (excess adsorption) and 2.172 g g−1 (absolute adsorption) at 25 °C and 5.04 MPa, which is superior to any other ACs reported to date. To the best of our knowledge, porous properties and adsorption uptake of CO2 reported in this study are the up-to-date benchmarks. The results show that novel BACs/CO2 pairs possess remarkably high adsorption performance, which will contribute towards the advancement of various adsorption-based technologies..
24. Ryu, D.-Y., Nakabayashi, K., Shimohara, T., Morio, U., Mochida, I., Miyawaki, J., Jeon, Y., Park, J.-I., Yoon, S.-H., Behaviors of cellulose-based activated carbon fiber for acetaldehyde adsorption at low concentration, Applied Sciences (Switzerland)
Volume 10, Issue 1, 1 January 2020, Article number 25
, 10.3390/app10010025, 10, Article No.25, 2020.01, The toxic nature of acetaldehyde renders its removal from a wide range of materials highly desirable. Removal of low-concentration acetaldehyde (a group 1 carcinogenic volatile organic compound) using an adsorbent of cellulose-based activated carbon fiber modified by amine functional group (A@CACF-H) is proposed, using 2 ppm of acetaldehyde balanced with N2/O2 (79/21% v/v) observed under continuous flow, with a total flow rate of 100 mL/min over 50 mg of A@CACF-H. The effective removal of the targeted acetaldehyde is achieved by introducing the functionalized amine at optimized content. The removal mechanism of A@CACF-H is elucidated using two-dimensional gas chromatography coupled with time-of-flight mass spectrometry (2D-GC TOF-MS), indicating the efficacy of the proposed acetaldehyde removal method..
25. Xiongchao Lin, Jinchang Liu, Keiko Ideta, Jin Miyawaki, Yonggang Wang, Isao Mochida, Seongho Yoon, Cation induced microstructure and viscosity variation of molten synthetic slag analyzed by solid-state NMR, Fuel, 267, 1 May 2020, 117310
, 10.1016/j.fuel.2020.117310, 267, 117310, 2020.05.
26. Kui Shia, Jianxiao Yanga, Jun Li, Xiaxiang Zhang, Wei Wu, Hongbo Liua, Seong-Ho Yoon, Xuanke Li, Effect of oxygen-introduced pitch precursor on the properties and structureevolution of isotropic pitch-basedfibers during carbonization andgraphitization, Fuel Processing Technology, 199, 106291 March (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuproc.2019.106291, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuproc.2019.106291, 199, 106291, 2020.02.
27. Jinchang Liu, Hiroki Shimanoe, Seunghyun Ko, Hansong Lee3, Caehyun Jo3, Jaewoong Lee, Seong-Hwa Hong, Hyunchul Lee, Young-Pyo Jeon, Koji Nakabayashi, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Highly chlorinated polyvinyl chloride as a novel precursor for fibrous carbon material , Polymers 2020, 12(2), 328; https://doi.org/10.3390/polym12020328, https://doi.org/10.3390/polym12020328, 12, 2, 328, 2020.01.
28. ,Shimanoe, H., Ko, S., Jeon, YP, Nakabayashi, K., Miyawaki, J., Yoon, S-.H., Shortening Stabilization Time Using Pressurized Air Flow in Manufacturing Mesophase Pitch-Based Carbon Fiber, POLYMERS, 11-12, Article No. 1911, DOI: 10.3390/polym11121911, 11, 12, Article No. 1911, 2020.01.
29. Lee, S.H., Lee, S.M., Im, U.-S., Kim, S.-D., Yoon, S.-H., Lee, B.-R., Peck, D.-H., Shul, Y.-G., Jung, D.-H., Preparation and characterization of high-spinnability isotropic pitch from 1-methylnaphthalene-extracted low-rank coal by co-carbonization with petroleum residue Carbon, Carbon, 155, 186-194 (2019). , 155, 186-194, 2019.10.
30. Cui, Q., Ma, X., Nakabayashi, K., Miyawaki, J., Al-Mutairi, A., Marafi, A.M.J., Al-Otaibi, A.M., Yoon, S.-H., Mochida, I., Interaction of Vanadyl Complexes in Atmospheric Residue with Their Matrixes: An ESR Study in a Temperature Range up to 170 °C, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123, 20587-20593 (2019). , 123, 20587-20593, 2019.10.
31. Ko, S., Choi, J.-E., Yim, H., Miyawaki, J., Yoon, S.-H, Jeon, Y.-P., Improved understanding of the molecular structure of pyrolysis fuel oil: towards its utilization as a raw material for mesophase pitch synthesis, Carbon Letters, 29, 307-317 (2019). , 29, 307-317, 2019.10.
32. Dae Eon Jung, Dabin Chung, Seong Ho Yoon, Byoung Chul Kim , The Preparation and Properties of Isotropic Pitch-Based Carbon Felt Prepared by Solvent-Supported Dual Concentric Electrospinning, Macromolecular Research
, 27, 10, 1024-1027, 2019.10.
33. Nakabayashi, K., Yi, H., Ryu, D.-Y., Chung, D., Miyawaki, J., Yoon, S.-H., Enhancement of first cycle coulombic efficiency of hard carbon derived from Eucalyptus in a sodium ion battery, Chemistry Letters, 48, 753-755 (2019). , 48, 753-755, 2019.07.
34. Jeon, M.-S., Lee, Y., Jung, H.-K., Kim, H.-J., Yoon, S.-H., Kim, T., Park, J.-I., The chemical aspects on hydrotreating catalysis for residue, Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 57, 455-460 (2019)., 57, 455-460, 2019.06.
35. Lee, C., Na, H., Jeon, Y., Jung Hwang, H., Kim, H.-J., Mochida, I., Yoon, S.-H., Park, J.-I., Shul, Y.-G., Poly(ether imide) nanofibrous web composite membrane with SiO2 /heteropolyacid ionomer for durable and high-temperature polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cells, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 74, 25 7-13, June (2019)., 74, 25, 7-13, 2019.06.
36. Liu, J., Shimanoe, H., Choi, J.-E., Ko, S., Jeon, Y.-P., Nakabayashi, K., Miyawaki, J., Yoon, S.-H, Effect of the pre-treated pyrolysis fuel oil: Coal tar pitch ratio on the spinnability and oxidation properties of isotropic pitch precursors and the mechanical properties of derived carbon fibers, Carbon Letters, 29, 2, 193-202, April (2019)., 29, 2, 193-202, 2019.04.
37. Özsin, G., Pütün, A.E., Nakabayashi, K., Miyawaki, J., Yoon, S.-H., Environmental-friendly production of carbon fiber from isotropic hybrid pitches synthesized from waste biomass and polystyrene with ethylene bottom oil, Journal of Cleaner Production, 239, 1 Article number 118025 December (2019). , https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.118025, 239, Article number 118025, 2019.12.
38. Dong-YeonRyu, Takaaki Shimohara, Koji Nakabayashi, Jin Miyawaki, Joo-Il Park, Seong-HoYoon, Urea/nitric acid co-impregnated pitch-based activated carbon fiber for the effective removal of formaldehyde, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 80, 25 98-105 December (2019). , https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jiec.2019.07.036, 80, 25, 98-105, 2019.12.
39. Kui Shia, Jianxiao Yanga, Jun Li, Xiaxiang Zhang, Wei Wu, Hongbo Liua, Seong-Ho Yoon, Xuanke Li, Effect of oxygen-introduced pitch precursor on the properties and structureevolution of isotropic pitch-basedfibers during carbonization andgraphitization, Fuel Processing Technology, 199, 106291 March (2020). , https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuproc.2019.106291, 199, 106291, 2019.03.
40. Kim, T., Naoki, W., Miyawaki, J., Park, J.-I., Lee, C., Jung, H.-K., Jeon, M.-S., Kim, H.-J., Yoon, S.-H., Synthesis of surface-replicated ultra-thin silica hollow nanofibers using structurally different carbon nanofibers as templates, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 272, 21-26, April (2019), 272, 21-26, 2019.04.
41. Yao Yu, Hyun-Sig Kil, Koji Nakabayashi, Seong-Ho Yoon, Jin Miyawaki, Toward development of activated carbons with enhanced effective adsorption amount by control of activation process, Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute, 2097, 020002, 2019.04.
42. Sano, Y., Karasawa, T., Inomata, M., Mochida, I., Miyawaki, J., Yoon, S.-H, Ultra-deep desulfurization process of diesel fuel with adsorption treatment, Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute, 62, 2, 61-66, 2019.02.
43. Kim, J., Yi, Y., Peck, D.-H., Yoon, S.-H., Jung, D.-H., Park, H.S., Controlling hierarchical porous structures of rice-husk-derived carbons for improved capacitive deionization performance, Environmental Science: Nano, 6, 3, 916-924, 2019.01.
44. Liu, J., Shimanoe, H., Nakabayashi, K., Miyawaki, J., Choi, J.-E., Jeon, Y.-P., Yoon, S.-H., Enhancing the oxidative stabilization of isotropic pitch precursors prepared through the co-carbonization of ethylene bottom oil and polyvinyl chloride, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 67, 25, 358-364, 2018.11.
45. Liu, J., Shimanoe, H., Nakabayashi, K., Miyawaki, J., Choi, J.-E., Jeon, Y.-P., Yoon, S.-H., Preparation of isotropic pitch precursor for pitch-based carbon fiber through the co-carbonization of ethylene bottom oil and polyvinyl chloride, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 67, 25, 267-283, 2018.11, For the first time, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) was used as an easily-handled chlorine source for preparation of isotropic pitch-based carbon fiber (IPCF) incorporating ethylene bottom oil (EO) as a raw material. Pitch precursors were prepared by the chlorination–dehydrochlorination triggered by chlorine radicals originated from PVC; aromatization and poly-condensation reactions occurred by polyene-type radicals from PVC. Radical production and co-carbonization were facilitated by pretreatments of EO through vacuum distillation, bromination, and additional heat treatment. Pitches were prepared by the cocarbonization of pretreated EO and EO containing 20 wt% PVC, and had higher yields and better spinnability than those by simple distillation..
46. Seongho YOON, Fast Water Relaxation through One-Dimensional Channels by Rapid Energy Transfer, Ohba, T., Ideta, K., Hata, K., Yoon, S.-H., Miyawaki, J., Hata, K., ChemPhysChem, in press (2016)., ChemPhysChem, in press (2016)., in press (2016)., 2016.11.
47. Seongho YOON, Evaluation of the thermal and rheological characteristics of minerals in coal using SiO2-Al2O3-CaO-FeOx quaternary system, Wang, C.-H., Lin, X.-C., Yang, S.-S., Liu, S.-Q., Yoon, S., Wang, Y.-G. Ranliao Huaxue Xuebao/Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology. 44 (9), 1025-1033, September (2016). , Ranliao Huaxue Xuebao/Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology. 44 (9), 1025-1033, September (2016). , 44 (9), 1025-1033, September (2016). , 2016.09.
48. Seongho YOON, An asymmetrical activated carbon electrode configuration for increased pore utilization in a membrane-assisted capacitive deionization system, Kim, J., Peck, D.-H., Lee, B., Yoon, S.-H., Jung, D.-H. Xinxing Tan Cailiao/New Carbon Materials, 31(4), 378-385 (2016)., Xinxing Tan Cailiao/New Carbon Materials, 31(4), 378-385 (2016)., 31(4), 378-385 (2016)., 2016.04.
49. Seongho YOON, Synthesis and Characteristics of Silica-Coated Carbon Nanofibers on Electroplated Co–Ni/C-Fiber Textiles, Kun-Ho Jang, Sang-Hoon Lee, Yujin Han, Seong-Ho Yoon, and Chang-Seop Lee, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 16, 10767–10771 (2016)., Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 16, 10767–10771 (2016)., 16, 10767–10771 (2016)., 2016.04.
50. Seongho YOON, Effect of heat pre-treatment conditions on the electrochemical properties of mangrove wood-derived hard carbon as an effective anode material for lithium-ion batteries, Yu-Jin Han, Dabin Chung, Koji Nakabayashi, Jin-Do Chung, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Electrochimica Acta, 213, 20, 432–438 September (2016)., Electrochimica Acta, 213, 20, 432–438 September (2016)., 213, 20, 432-438, 2016.02.
51. Seongho YOON, Preparation of pitch based carbon fibers using Hyper-coal as a raw material, Jianxiao Yanga, 1, Koji Nakabayashi, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Carbon, 106, 28–36, September (2016)., Carbon, 106, 28–36, September (2016)., 106, 28-36, 2016.03.
52. Seongho YOON, C4F8 plasma treatment of as an effective route for improving rate performance of natural/synthetic graphite anodes in lithium ion batteries, Choonghyeon Lee, Yu-Jin Han, Young Deok Seo, Koji Nakabayashi, Jin Miyawaki, Ricardo Santamaría, Rosa Menéndez, Seong-Ho Yoon, and Jyongsik Jang, Carbon, 103, 28-35 (2016), Carbon, 103, 28-35 (2016), 103, 28-35, 2016.03.
53. Seongho YOON, Control of Nitrogen Content and its Effects on the Electrochemical Behavior of Nitrogen-doped Carbon Nanofibers, Jiyoung Kim, Jin-Sung Jang, Dong-Hyun Peck, Byungrok Lee, Seong-Ho Yoon, Doo-Hwan Jung, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry,768, 34-40 (2016)., Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry,768, 34-40 (2016), 768, 34-40, 2016.03.
54. Seongho YOON, Enhancing the tensile strength of isotropic pitch-based carbon fibers by improving the stabilization and carbonization properties of precursor pitch, Byung-Jun Kim, Toru Kotegawa, Youngho Eom, Jungchul An, Ik-Pyo Hong, Osamu Kato, Koji Nakabayashi, Jin Miyawaki, Byoung Chul Kim, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Carbon, 99, 649–657, April (2016). , Carbon, 99, 649–657, April (2016), 99, 649-657, 2016.03.
55. Seongho YOON, Fabrication of monolithic carbon nanofiber/carbon composites, Ge, X., Chen, M., Wang, J., Long, D., Ling, L., Qiao, W., Mochida, I., Yoon, S.-H., RSC Advances, 6, 6443-6450 (2016). , RSC Advances, 6, 6443-6450 (2016). , 6, 6443-6450, 2016.03.
56. Seongho YOON, Preparation of isotropic pitch-based carbon fiber using hyper coal through co-carbonation with ethylene bottom oil, Yang, J., Nakabayashi, K., Miyawaki, J., Yoon, S.-H., Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 34, 397-404, February (2016)., Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 34, 397-404, February (2016)., 34, 397-404, 2016.02.
57. Seongho YOON, Enhancement of the rate performance of plasma-treated platelet carbon nanofiber anodes in lithium-ion batteries, RSC Advances, 6, 4810-4817 (2016) DOI:10.1039/C5RA20650B., 6, 4810-4817 , 2016.01.
58. Seongho YOON, The characterization of metal complexes in typical Kuwait atmospheric residues using both GPC coupled with ICP-MS and HT GC-AED, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 34, 25 204-212 February (2016)., 34, 25, 204-212, 2015.01.
59. Seongho YOON, Synthesis and characterization of high-softening-point methylene bridged pitches by visible light irradiation assisted free-radical bromination, Carbon, 95, 780-788 (2015)., 95, 780-788, 2015.01.
60. Seongho YOON, Coating of graphite anode with coal tar pitch as an effective precursor for enhancing the rate performance in Li-ion batteries: Effects of composition and softening points of coal tar pitch, Carbon, 94, 432–438 November (2015)., 94, 432-438, 2015.12.
61. Seongho YOON, Analysis of the transformation behaviors of a Chinese coal ash using in-/ex-situ XRD and SEM-EXD, Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 10, 105-111 (2015), 10, 105-111, 2015.11.
62. Seongho YOON, Adsorption of ethanol onto phenol resin based adsorbents for developing next generation cooling systems, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 81, 171–178 (2015)., 81, 171-178, 2015.10.
63. Seongho YOON, The thermotropic liquid crystalline behavior of mesophase pitches with different chemical structures, Carbon, 81, 694-701 (2015), 81, 694-701, 2015.10.
64. Seongho YOON, Lin X., Min-Hyun Seo, Insights into the functional group transformation of a chinese brown coal during slow pyrolysis by combining various experiments, Fuel, 118, 257-264, 2014.05.
65. Seongho YOON, Kim Taegon, Min-Hyun Seo, Fe nanoparticle entrained in tubular carbon nanofiber as an effective electrode material for metal–air batteries: a fundamental reason, Carbon, 80, 698-707, 2014.12.
66. Seongho YOON, Yuzo Ohata, Min-Hyun Seo, TiO2-entrained tubular carbon nanofiber and its electrochemical properties in the rechargeable Na-ion battery system, Applied Thermal Engineering, 72, 2, 309-314, 2014.10.
67. Seongho YOON, Jiang Yong, Lin X., Microstructural transformations of two representative slags at high temperatures and effects on the viscosity, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 20, 1338-1345, 2014.07.
68. Seongho YOON, Byung Jun Kim, Min-Hyun Seo, Preparation of carbon fibers with excellent mechanical properties from isotropic pitches, Carbon, 77, 747-755, 2014.06.
69. 持田 勲, Okuma Osamu, Seongho YOON, Chemicals from coal liquefaction, Chemical Reviews, 114, 3, 1637-1672, 2014.03.
70. Tae-Gon Kim, Park, J.-I, Seongho YOON, Hydrotreatment of two atmospheric residues from Kuwait Export and Lower Fars crude oils, Fuel, 117, 191-197, 2014.02.
71. Motoyama. Y, Taguchi, M, Seongho YOON, Chemoselective Hydrogenation of Functionalized Nitroarenes and Imines by Using Carbon Nanofiber-Supported Iridium Nanoparticles, Chemistry - An Asian Journal, 9, 1, 71-74, 2014.02.
72. Lee, K.J., Shiratori Nanako, Seongho YOON, Toward an effective adsorbent for polar pollutants: Formaldehyde adsorption by activated carbon, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 260, 82-88, 2013.08.
73. Tae gon Kim, Park, J.-I, Seongho YOON, Identification and quantification of (alkyl)benzenes in hydrocracked products of light cycle oil by GC-AED, Fuel, 111, 883-886, 2013.10.
74. Kim, Y.-K, Park, J.-I, Seongho YOON, Low-temperature catalytic conversion of lignite: 3. Tar reforming using the supported potassium carbonate, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 20, 1, 9-12, 2013.10.
75. Kim, Y.-K, Park, J.-I, Seongho YOON, Low-temperature catalytic conversion of lignite: 2. Recovery and reuse of potassium carbonate supported on perovskite oxide in steam gasification, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 20, 1, 194-201, 2013.10.
76. Kim, Y.-K, Park, J.-I, Seongho YOON, Low-temperature catalytic conversion of lignite: 1. Steam gasification using potassium carbonate supported on perovskite oxide, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 20, 1, 216-221, 2013.10.
77. Azizi, N, Kim, Y.-K, Seongho YOON, Catalytic steam gasification of waste palm tree trunk derived Bio-Char, Applied Mechanics and Materials,, 315, 252-259, 2013.05.
78. Tae-gon Kim, Juil Park, Seongho YOON, Analysis and deep hydrodesulfurization reactivity of Saudi Arabian gas oils, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry,, 19, 5, 1577-1582, 2013.11.
79. Hyun-Seok Kim, Yusuke Nishiyama, Keiko Ideta, Seongho YOON, Analysis of water in Loy Yang brown coal using solid-state 1H NMR, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry,, 19, 5, 1673-1679, 2013.11.
80. Tae-Hwan Park, Jae-Seong Yeo, Yuzo Ohata, Seongho YOON, Rate Performance Enhancement of Anode for Lithium-Ion Battery via Composition of Hard Carbon And Silicon-Carbon Nanofiber, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 8, 249-256, 2013.04.
81. Azizi, N, Kim, Y.-K, Seongho YOON, Low temperature catalytic steam gasification of waste palm trunk by potassium carbonate supported on  perovskite oxide, Advanced Materials Research, 626, 551-558 (2013), 2013.04.
82. Jae-Seong Yeo, Tae-Hwan Park, Min-Hyun Seo, Seongho YOON, Enhancement of the Rate Capability of Graphite via the Introduction of Boron–oxygen Functional Groups, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 8, 1308-1315 , 2013.04.
83. Byung Jun Kim, Hyunsig Kil, Naoki Watanabe, Seongho YOON, Preparation of Novel Isotropic Pitch with High Softening Point and Solvent Solubility for Pitch-based Electrospun Nanofiber, Current Organic Chemistry, 17 , 1463-1468, 2013.03.
84. Seongho YOON, Enhancing the rate performance of graphite anodes through addition of natural graphite/carbon nanofibers in lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Electrochimica Acta, 93, 236-240, 2013.03.
85. Seongho YOON, Fluidized bed drying of Loy Yang brown coal with variation of temperature, relative humidity, fluidization velocity and formulation of its drying rate, Fuel , 105, 415-424, 2013.02.
86. Seongho YOON, Modification performance of Hypercoal as an additive on co-carbonization of coal, Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology, 40, 1025-1032, 2012.12.
87. Seongho YOON, Estimation of mass transfer rate of oxidant to coal char particle surface with partial oxidation reaction in O 2/CO 2 system, Kagaku Kogaku Ronbunshu, 38, 6, 384-390, 2012.11.
88. Seongho YOON, Hydrotreating of light cycle oil over NiMo and CoMo catalysts with different supports, Fuel Processing Technology, 109, 172-178, 2013.02.
89. Seongho YOON, Mild hydrocracking of 1-methyl naphthalene (1-MN) over alumina modified zeolite, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 19, 2, 627-632, 2013.01.
90. Seongho YOON, Pt Nanoparticle-Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanohybrid for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells, JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, 12, 5669-5672, 2012.07.
91. Seongho YOON, Jin Miyawaki, Synthesis of silicon monoxide-pyrolytic carbon-carbon nanofiber composites and their hybridization with natural graphite as a means of improving the anodic performance of lithium-ion batteries, Nanotechnology, 23, 2012.12.
92. Seongho YOON, Jin Miyawaki, Solid electrolyte interphase formation behavior on well-defined carbon surfaces for Li-ion battery systems, Electrochimica Acta, 77, 111-120, 2012.10.
93. Seongho YOON, Jin Miyawaki, Structure and electrochemical applications of boron-doped graphitized carbon nanofibers, Nanotechnology, 23, 10-4404, 2012.08.
94. Seongho YOON, Jin Miyawaki, In-situ Preparation and Electrochemical Performance of an Urchin-like Carbon Nanofibers@LiFePO4 Hybrid, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE, 7, 4397-4404, 2012.05.
95. Seongho YOON, Jin Miyawaki, Lee Gangho, High magnetic field solid-state NMR analyses by combining MAS, MQ-MAS, homo-nuclear and hetero-nuclear correlation experiments, MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN CHEMISTRY, 50, 289-294, 2012.10.
96. Seongho YOON, Jin Miyawaki, Lee Gangho, Development of carbon-supported hybrid catalyst for clean removal of formaldehyde indoors, CATALYSIS TODAY, 185, 278-283, 2012.07.
97. Seongho YOON, Correlation between fluidity properties and local structures of three typical Asian coal ashes, Energy and Fuels, 26, 2136-2144 (2012)., 26, 2136-2144, 2012.04.
98. X. Lin, J. Miyawaki, I.Mochida, and S-H Yoon, A Study on the Correlation of Structure and Fluidity of Three Asian Coal Ashes and Slags, , Journal of Novel Carbon Resources, 5, 5-9 (2011). , 5, 5-9, 2012.01.
99. Y-K Kim, J. Miyawaki, I.Mochida, and S-H Yoon, Tar reforming of Lignite at Low Temperatures Using Supported Potassium Carbonate, Journal of Novel Carbon Resources, 5, 1-4 (2011)., 5, 1-4, 2012.01.
100. Young-Kwang Kima, Li-fang Hao, Joo-Il Park, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Catalytic activity and activation mechanism of potassium carbonate supported on perovskite oxide for coal char combustion, Fuel, 94, 516-522 (2012), 94, 516-522, 2012.01.
101. Nam, K. , Lim, S., Kim, S.-K., Yoon, S.-H. , Jung, D.-H., Application of silica as a catalyst support at high concentrations of methanol for direct methanol fuel cells, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37, 4619-4626 (2012). , 37, 4619-4626, 2012.02.
102. Li, W. , Long, D. , Miyawaki, J. , Qiao, W. , Ling, L , Mochida, I., Yoon, S.-H, Structural features of polyacrylonitrile-based carbon fibers, Journal of Materials Science, 47, 919-928 , (2012), 47, 5, 919-928, 2012.02.
103. Motoyama, Y. , Lee, Y. , Tsuji, K. , Yoon, S.-H. , Mochida, I. , Nagashima, H., Platinum Nanoparticles Supported on Nitrogen-doped Carbon Nanofibers as Efficient Poisoning Catalysts for the Hydrogenation of Nitroarenes, ChemCatChem 3, 1578-1581 October (2011), 3, 5, 1578-1581, 2011.10.
104. Lee, Y., Motoyama, Y., Tsuji, K., Yoon, S.-H., Mochida, I., Nagashima, H., , (Z)-Selective Partial Hydrogenation of Internal Alkynes by Using Palladium Nanoparticles Supported on Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Nanofiber , ChemCatChem 4 (6) , pp. 778-781 (2012), 4, 5, 778-781, 2012.03.
105. Lin, Xiongchao; Ideta, Keiko; Miyawaki, Jin; Nishiyama, Yusuke; Mochida, Isao; Yoon, Seong-Ho, High magnetic field solid-state NMR analyses by combining MAS, MQ-MAS, homo-nuclear and hetero-nuclear correlation experiments, MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN CHEMISTRY, 50, 289-294, (2012), 50, 289-294, 2012.03.
106. Lin, X., Ideta, K., Miyawaki, J., Takebe, H., Yoon, S.-H., Mochida, I., Correlation between fluidity properties and local structures of three typical Asian coal ashes , Energy and Fuels 26 (4) , pp. 2136-2144 (2012), 185, , 2136-2144, 2012.03.
107. Jin Miyawaki, Gang-Ho Lee, Joonyoung Yeh, Nanako Shiratori, Takaaki Shimohara, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Development of carbon-supported hybrid catalyst for clean removal of formaldehyde indoors, Catalysis Today, 185, , 278-283, 2012.10.
108. Miyawaki, J., Shimohara, T., Shirahama, N., Yasutake, A., Yoshikawa, M., Mochida, I. , Yoon, S.-H, Removal of NOx from air through cooperation of the TiO2 photocatalyst and urea on activated carbon fiber at room temperature, Applied Catalysis B (Environmental), in press, 2011.10.
109. Long, D., Li, W., Miyawaki, J, Qiao, W., Ling, L., Mochida, I., Yoon, S.-H, Meso-channel development in graphitic carbon nanofibers with various structures, Chemistry of Materials, 23, 4141-4148, 2011.09.
110. Li, W. , Long, D. , Miyawaki, J. , Qiao, W. , Ling, L , Mochida, I., Yoon, S.-H, Structural features of polyacrylonitrile-based carbon fibers, Journal of Materials Science, in press, 2011.10.
111. Long, D. , Li, W. , Qiao, W., Miyawaki, J. , Yoon, S.-H. , Mochida, I. , Ling, L., Graphitization behaviour of chemically derived graphene sheets, Nanoscale, 3, 3652-3656, 2011.09.
112. Kim Jiyoung; Lim Seongyop; Kim Sang-Kyung; Seong-Ho Yoon, Doohwan Jung, Electrochemical Catalytic Activity for Oxygen Reduction Reaction of Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Nanofibers, JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, 11, 6350-6358, 2011.07.
113. Donghui Long, Wei Li, Wenming Qiao, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Isao Mochida, and Licheng Ling, Partially unzipped carbon nanotubes as a superior catalyst support for PEM fuel cells, Chem. Commun, 47, 9429-9431, 2011.10.
114. Park, Joo-Il, Lee, Jihn-Koo, Miyawaki, Jin, Yoon, Seong-Ho, Mochida, Isao, Catalytic oxidation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) over SBA-15 supported metal catalysts, JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY, 17, 271-276, 2011 May, 2011.05.
115. Zhi Wang, Yanli Wang, Donghui Long, Isao Mochida, Wenming Qiao,Liang Zhan, Xiaojun Liu,Seong-Ho Yoon, and Licheng Ling, Kinetics and Mechanism Study of Low-Temperature Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO with Urea Supported on Pitch-Based Spherical Activated Carbon, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, April 08, 2011, 2011.04.
116. Lv, Ruitao, Cui, Tongxiang, Jun, Mun-Suk, Zhang, Qiang, Cao, Anyuan, Su, Dang Sheng, Zhang, Zhengjun, Yoon, Seong-Ho, Miyawaki, Jin, Mochida, Isao, Kang, Feiyu, Open-Ended, N-Doped Carbon Nanotube-Graphene Hybrid Nanostructures as high-Performance Catalyst Support, ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS, 21, 999-1006, 2011.03.
117. Joo-Il Park, Jihn-Koo Lee, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Isao Mochida , Characteristics on HDS over amorphous silica-alumina in single and dual catalytic bed system for gas oil, Catalysis Today, In Press, 2011.01.
118. Nakano, K., Pang, W., Lee, J.-K., Park, J.-I., Yoon, S.-H., Mochida, I. , Activity of alumina-silica-supported NiMoS prepared by controlled mixing of alumina into SiO2 hydrogels for HDS of gas oil
, Fuel Processing Technology, in press, 2011.01.
119. Chang-Min Yoon, Donghui Long, Sang-Min Jang, Wenming Qiao, Licheng Ling, Jin Miyawaki, Choong-Kyun Rhee, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Electrochemical surface oxidation of carbon nanofibers
, Carbon, 49, 96-105, 2011.01.
120. Yoon, Seong-Ho; Long, Donghui; Li, Wei; Ling, Licheng; Miyawaki, Jin; Mochida, Isao, Preparation of nitrogen-doped graphene sheets by a combined chemical and hydrothermal reduction of graphene oxide, Langmuir, in press (2010)., 2010.12.
121. Donghui Long, Bai An, Kiyoshi Yokogawa, Licheng Ling, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Structural Units and Their Periodicity in Carbon Nanotubes, Small, 6, 2526-2529, 2010.11.
122. Weiwei Pang, Jihn-Koo Lee, Seong-Ho Yoon, Isao Mochida, Takashi Ida, Masaru Ushio, Compositional analysis of deasphalted oils from Arabian crude and their hydrocracked products, Fuel Processing Technology, 91, Pages 1517-1524 (2010)., 2010.10.
123. Joo-Il Park, Jihn-Koo Lee, Jin Miyawaki, Young-Kwang Kim, Seong-Ho Yoon, Isao Mochida , Hydro-conversion of 1-methyl naphthalene into (alkyl)benzenes over alumina-coated USY zeolite-supported NiMoS catalysts, Fuel, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 20 September 2010
, 2010.12.
124. Kyung Jin Lee, Nanako Shiratori, Gang Ho Lee, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Jyongsik Jang , Activated carbon nanofiber produced from electrospun polyacrylonitrile nanofiber as a highly efficient formaldehyde adsorbent , Carbon, Volume 48, Issue 15, December 2010, Pages 4248-4255
, 2010.12.
125. Joo-Il Park, Jihn-Koo Lee, Jin Miyawaki, Wei-Wei Pang, Seong-Ho Yoon, Isao Mochida, Platinum catalysts supported on hydrothermally stable mesoporous aluminosilicate for the catalytic oxidation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), Catalysis Communications, 11, 1068-1071 (2010)., 2010.06.
126. Xinlu Li, Seong-Ho Yoon, Kun Du, Yuxin Zhang, Jiamu Huang and Feiyu Kang, An urchin-like graphite-based anode material for lithium ion batteries, ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 55, 5519-5522 (2010) ., 2010.05.
127. Liu, Tao, Luo, Ruiying, Qiao, Wenming, Yoon, Seong-Ho, Mochida, Isao, Microstructure of carbon derived from mangrove charcoal and its application in Li-ion batteries, ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 55, 1696-1700 (2010). , 2010.04.
128. Liu T, Luo RY, Yoon SH, Mochida I, Anode performance of boron-doped graphites prepared from shot and sponge cokes , JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES, 195, 6, 1714-1719, 2010.03.
129. Liu T, Luo RY, Yoon SH, Mochida I, Effect of vacuum carbonization treatment on the irreversible capacity of hard carbon prepared from biomass material, Materials letters, 64, 1, 74-76, 2010.01.
130. Sang-Min Jang, Jin Miyawaki, Masaharu Tsuji,Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, The Preparation of a Novel Si-CNF Composite as an Effective Anodic Material for Lithium-ion Batteries, Carbon, 47, 15, 3383-3391, 2009.12.
131. Sang-Min Jang, Jin Miyawaki, Masaharu Tsuji,Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Fei-Yu Kang, Preparation of CNF-NG Composite and its Electrochemical Properties as an Anode Material of Li-ion Battery, New Carbon Materials, 2009.12.
132. Pang, W. W., Zhang, Y. Z.,Choi, K-H, Lee, J. K., Yoon, S. H.,Mochida, I., Nakano, K., Design of Catalyst Support for Deep Hydrodesulfurization of Gas Oil, PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 27, 12, 1349-1359, 2009.09.
133. N. Shiratori, K. Lee, J. Miyawaki, S. Hong,I. Mochida, B. An, K. Yokogawa, J. Jang, S. Yoon, Pore Structure Analysis of Activated Carbon Fiber by Microdomain-Based Model, Langmuir, 25, 13, 7631-7637, 2009.07.
134. 全文錫、宮脇仁、尹聖昊, CNFを用いた高活性燃料電池用触媒の調製, 燃料電池, 8, 3, 36-41, 2009.05.
135. S. Lim, S. Yoon, I. Mochida, D. Jung , Direct Synthesis and Structural Analysis of Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Nanofibers, Langmuir
, 25, 14, 8268-8273, 2009.03.
136. W. M. Qiao, Y. Song, S. H. Hong, S. Y. Lim, S.-H. Yoon, Y. Korai, and I. Mochida, Development of Mesophase Pitch Derived Mesoporous Carbons through a Commercially
Nanosized Template, Langmuir, 22(8), 3791-3797, 2006.04.
137. Seong-Ho Yoon, Seongyop Lim, Seong-hwa Hong, Wenming Qiao, D. Duayne Whitehurst, Isao Mochida, Bei An and Kiyoshi Yokogawa, A conceptual model for the structure of catalytically grown carbon nano-fibers, Carbon, 10.1016/j.carbon.2005.02.031, 43, 9, 1828-1838, Volume 43, Issue 9, August 2005, Pages 1828-1838, 2005.08.
主要総説, 論評, 解説, 書評, 報告書等
1. Hiroki Shimanoe, Takashi Mashio, Taisei Tomaru, Seung-Jae Ha, Young-Pyo Jeon, Koji Nakabayashi, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Understanding mesophase pitch from a lyotropic liquid crystalline perspective, Carbon Reports, 2-1, 2–22 (2023), https://doi.org/10.7209/carbon.020105, 53-6, 382-386, 2023.03.
2. 笘居高明, 宮脇仁, YOON Seong-Ho, 本間格, イノベーション創出を目指す異分野融合研究アライアンス 超臨界流体を利用したナノシートプロセシング, セラミックス (Bulletin of the Ceramic Society of Japan), 53-6, 382-386 (2018)., 53-6, 382-386, 2018.09.
3. 中林康治,宮脇 仁,持田 勲,尹 聖昊, 人造炭素の系統連系的ナノ構造の認識と効用, 炭素, [No.283]1-9, 2018.09.
4. 持田勲, 尹 聖昊, Min-Hyun Seo, 伝統的ではあるが,競争力のある炭素材料の現状, 炭素, 2015.02.
5. Yang Kapseung, Kim Bohye, 尹 聖昊, Pitch based carbon fibers for automotive body and electrodes, Carbon Letters, 2014.10.
6. Mochida Isao, Okuma Osamu, 尹 聖昊, Chemicals from coal liquefaction, Chemical Reviews, ACS, 114 (3), 1637–1672 (2014), 2014.03.
7. 尹 聖昊, 石炭の高度利用を目指す科学技術の動向, OHM, March, 27-31, 2013, 2013.03.
8. 尹 聖昊, Coal (1): Why do we need again coal now in the 21st century? A preface to a series of lecture note on coal bases, Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy, 89, 927-933, 2010., 2010.12.
1. 李 炫錫, 伊藤 一希, 李 浩霖, 中林 康治, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, コールタールピッチ由来非晶質炭素コーティングによる黒鉛負極の低温LIB特性の向上, 第46回炭素材料学会年会, 2019.11.
2. 中林 康治, 鮎川 翔, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, 二酸化炭素を炭素源ガスとして利用したカーボンナノファイバーの合成に関する研究, 第46回炭素材料学会年会, 2019.11.
3. 黒田 航平, 友田 達也, 出田 圭子, 中林 康治, 尹 聖昊, 宮脇 仁, 温度可変129Xe-NMR法による活性炭の細孔発達機構の解明, 第46回炭素材料学会年会, 2019.11.
4. Yi Hyeonseok・中林 康治・尹 聖昊・宮脇 仁, 加圧物理賦活による特異的な細孔構造を有する活性炭の高収率調製, 第46回炭素材料学会年会, 2019.11.
5. 真塩 昂志, 渡辺 洸悟, 中林 康治, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, 持田 勲, 軽質ガスオイルの水素化脱硫反応における分子種解析, 日本化学会 第99春季年会 (2019),甲南大学 岡本キャンパス,Japan,2019/3/16, 2019.03.
6. 尹 聖昊, Study of environmental air purification with the use of activated carbon resources with minimized loss of chemical energy, Takaaki Shimohara, Makiko Maeda, Jin Miyawaki, Masaaki Yoshikawa, Yoon Seong-Ho, Isao Mochida, The 13th China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Materials to Save the Earth (CSE2015), Sofitel Hotel, Xi'an,China,2015, The 13th China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Materials to Save the Earth (CSE2015), Sofitel Hotel, Xi'an,China,2015, 2015.08.
7. 尹 聖昊, Quantitative NMR study of electrolyte ion behaviors in micropores for EDLC: KOH-activated carbon vs. steam-activated carbon, Keiko Ideta, Yusuke Shingai, Masanori Saito, Koji Nakabayashi, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, The 13th China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Materials to Save the Earth (CSE2015), Sofitel Hotel, Xi'an,China,2015, The 13th China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Materials to Save the Earth (CSE2015), Sofitel Hotel, Xi'an,China,2015, 2015.08.
8. 尹 聖昊, Influence of activation methods on quantities of electrolyte ions stored in pores of activated carbons, Jin Miyawaki, Keiko Ideta, Yusuke Shingai, Masanori Saito, Koji Nakabayashi, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, The 13th China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Materials to Save the Earth (CSE2015), Sofitel Hotel, Xi'an,China,2015 , The 13th China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Materials to Save the Earth (CSE2015), Sofitel Hotel, Xi'an,China,2015, 2015.08.
9. 尹 聖昊, Study on the selective preparation of tubular carbon nanofibers using CO2-mixed gas, Koji Nakabayashi, Kazunari Teshima, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, The 13th China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Materials to Save the Earth (CSE2015), Sofitel Hotel, Xi'an,China,2015, The 13th China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Materials to Save the Earth (CSE2015), Sofitel Hotel, Xi'an,China,2015, 2015.08.
10. 尹 聖昊, Biomass-derived hard carbon as an effective anode for sodium ion batteries, Yu-Jin Han, Jian-Xiao Yang, Koji Nakabayashi, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, The 13th China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Materials to Save the Earth (CSE2015), Sofitel Hotel, Xi'an,China,2015, The 13th China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Materials to Save the Earth (CSE2015), Sofitel Hotel, Xi'an,China,2015, 2015.08.
11. 尹 聖昊, Effect of carbon material properties on temperature rising during MAS-NMR measurements, Kouichiro Hata, Keiko Ideta, Shigemi Toda, Ryusuke Harada, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Jin Miyawaki, 2015 IMCE International Symposium jointed with the 4th International Symposium of Nano-Macro Materials, Devices, and System Research Alliance Project, Chikushi Hall, C-cube, Japan,2015, The 13th China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Materials to Save the Earth (CSE2015), Sofitel Hotel, Xi'an,China,2015, 2015.08.
12. 尹 聖昊, Study on the preparation of carbon fibers with upgraded mechanical properties from naphtha cracked oil hybridized with coal tar, Byung-Jun Kim, Toru Kotegawa, Youngho Eom, Koji Nakabayashi, Osamu Kato, Jin Miyawaki, Byoung Chul Kim, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, The Annual World Conference on Carbon (CARBON 2015), The Conference Center, Dresden, Germany,2015, The Annual World Conference on Carbon (CARBON 2015), The Conference Center, Dresden, Germany,2015, 2015.07.
13. Yoshinori Matsuo, Masato Tanaka, Jouki Yoshitomi, Seong-Ho Yoon and Jin Miyawaki, Effect of the Carbon Nanofiber Addition on the Mechanical Properties of MgO-C Brick, UNITECR2011, 2011.10.
, Biennial Conference on Carbon, 2010.07.
15. Masanori Saito, Tae-Gon Kim, Sang-Min Jang, Keiko Ideta, Jin Miyawaki, Koji Saito, Seong-Ho Yoon, Isao Mochida, INFLUENCE OF PORE STRUCTURES ON THE ELECTROLYTE BEHAVIOR IN EDLC BY 11B SOLID STATE NMR
, Biennial Conference on Carbon, 2010.07.
, Biennial Conference on Carbon, 2010.07.
, Biennial Conference on Carbon, 2010.07.
, Biennial Conference on Carbon, 2010.07.
, Biennial Conference on Carbon, 2010.07.
20. Nor’ Azizi Bin Othman, Takaaki Shimohara, Masaaki Yoshikawa ,Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Investigation of the catalytic effect of MnO2 in the combination with activated carbon fiber on the removal of NO
, Biennial Conference on Carbon, 2010.07.
, Biennial Conference on Carbon, 2010.07.
, Biennial Conference on Carbon, 2010.07.
23. Yoshinori Matsuo, Li Wei, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, CO2 MIXING EFFECT ON PREPARATION OF
, Biennial Conference on Carbon, 2010.07.
, Biennial Conference on Carbon, 2010.07.
25. Yoshinori Matsuo, Li Wei, Masato Tanaka, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, IMPROVEMENTS OF STRENGTH OF REFRACTORY BRICKS BY CNF COMPOSITENESS
, Biennial Conference on Carbon, 2010.07.
, Biennial Conference on Carbon, 2010.07.
27. Jae-Seong Yeo, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, and Seong-Ho Yoon, SEI FORMATION BEHAVIORS ON WELL
, Biennial Conference on Carbon, 2010.07.
, Biennial Conference on Carbon, 2010.07.
29. Yoon, Seong-Ho, Today and Future of Advanced Carbons for Energy and Environmental Devices, 韓国炭素学会, 2010.05.
30. 尹 聖昊, Carbon Nanofiber Composite as an Effective Route for Developing Novel Functional Materials , The Scientific & Technological Research Council of Turkey, 2010.03.
31. 尹 聖昊, Si系Li-ion電極材の高性能化におけるナノ炭素繊維(CNF)の複合効果, 技術情報協会セミナー講演, 2010.01.
32. 尹 聖昊, Current and Future CCT for stead energy supply, 2010.01.
33. 尹 聖昊, High Utilization of coal and petroleum residue, 招待セミナー, 2009.11.
34. 尹 聖昊, ナノ炭素を用いた電池材料の開発について, 2009.10.
35. 尹 聖昊, Si系Li-ion電極材の高性能化におけるナノ炭素繊維(CNF)の複合効果1,Carbon nanofiber 2,CNF-機能材の複合化3,CNF-SiO,CNF-Si複合材の調整とリチウムイオン電池負極材としての応用4,CNF複合材の他の応用, 技術情報協会セミナー, 2009.09.
36. 尹 聖昊, 石炭ガス化及びコークス調整, 2009.09.
37. 尹 聖昊, KEYNOTE講演, China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Materials to Save the Earth(CSE 7th), 2009.08.
38. 尹 聖昊, CNF-Composite as an effective route for novel functional materials, 2nd Kyushu-Tsinghua Universities Joint Seminar on Environmental Protection, 2009.05.
39. Weiming Qiao, Seong-Yop Lim, Seong-Hwa Hong, Seong-Ho Yoon, Isao Mochida, Tae-Gon Kim, Choong Kyun Rhee,, Control of surface properties of carbon nanofiber, International Symposium on Carbon, 2006.07, [URL].
特許出願件数  32件
特許登録件数  6件
British Carbon Society
American Carbon Society
2011.01~2023.03, 炭素材料学会, 評議員.
2011.01~2022.03, 炭素材料学会, 評議員.
2011.01~2018.12, 炭素材料学会, 評議員.
2011.01~2017.12, 炭素材料学会, 評議員.
2011.01~2013.12, 炭素材料学会, 運営委員.
2011.01~2012.12, 炭素材料学会, 運営委員.
2008.03~2014.03, エネルギー学会, 理事.
2010.08~2010.11, CSE2010, 運営委員.
2009.04~2011.03, Carbon Society of China, 運営委員.
2009.08~2009.09, CSE2009, 運営委員.
2008.03~2010.02, エネルギー学会, 理事.
2008.12~2013.12, 炭素材料学会, 評議員.
2007.11~2008.11, ACSE2008, 運営委員.
2008.04~2008.08, エネルギー学会, 九州副支部長.
2007.09, 韓国炭素学会, 評議員.
2006.11~2007.11, CSE2007 , 幹事.
2007.04, CPC委員会, 評議員.
2007.03~2012.02, 韓国炭素学会, 理事.
2019.09.24~2019.09.27, CSE2019, International Board.
2018.08.13~2018.08.15, CSE2018, International Board.
2017.09.06~2017.09.08, CSE2017, International Board.
2016.09.27~2015.09.30, CSE2016, International Board.
2015.08.19~2015.08.22, CSE2015, International Board.
2014.12.18~2014.12.20, CSE2014, Organizer.
2013.07.13~2013.07.19, International Carbon Symposium (Carbon 2013), 座長(Chairmanship).
2013.11.10~2012.11.12, CSE2013, Organizer.
2012.07.02~2012.07.02, Japan-China Joint Symposium on Green Materials,Beijing,China,2012.7.2, 座長(Chairmanship).
2012.09.09~2012.09.11, 2nd KIER-Kyushu U. Joint Symposium on Green System and Materials,Jeju,Korea,2012.9.9-11, Organizer.
2012.11.23~2012.11.26, CSE2012, Organizer.
2011.08.23~2011.08.25, CSE2011, Organizer.
2011.07.24~2011.07.28, International Carbon Symposium (Carbon 2011), 座長(Chairmanship).
2010.11.30~2010.12.03, IMPRES2010, 座長(Chairmanship).
2010.11.25~2010.11.26, CSE2010, Oganizer.
2010.04.21~2010.04.23, 5th International Symposium on Novel Carbon Resource Sciences, 座長(Chairmanship).
2008.12.01~2008.12.04, 炭素材料学会年会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2009.08.30~2009.09.02, CSE2009, Oganizer.
2009.11.11~2008.11.13, CSE2008, Oganizer.
2007.11, CSE2007 , 司会(Moderator).
2007.11, 炭素材料学会年会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2006.11, Carbon Saves the Earth (Japan-China-Korea Joint Symposium), 座長(Chairmanship).
2005.06, Carbon saves the earth, 座長(Chairmanship).
2004.09, Carbon saves the earth, Organizer.
2016.09.27~2016.09.29, 日中韓3国セミナー, International boarder.
2015.08.21~2015.08.23, 日中韓3国セミナー, Oganaizer.
2014.12.18~2014.12.20, 日中韓3国セミナー, Oganaizer.
2013.11.07~2013.11.09, 日中韓3国セミナー, Oganaizer.
2012.11.16~2012.11.22, 日中韓3国セミナー, Oganaizer.
2011.07.25~2011.07.29, Carbon 2011, International Board.
2011.08.24~2011.08.26, 日中韓3国セミナー, Oganaizer.
2010.11.25~2010.11.26, 日中韓3国セミナー, Oganaizer.
2009.07.11~2008.07.13, 日中韓3国セミナー, Co-oganaizer.
2008.03.24~2008.03.26, 1st Japan-China Joint Symposium on Environmental Protecting, Organizer.
2008.11.11~2008.11.13, 日中韓3国セミナー, Co-oganaizer.
2007.11, 日中韓3国セミナー, Organizer.
2006.11, 3 country joint symposium, Co-organizer.
2003.07, 3 country joint symposium, Co-organizer.
2002.09, Japan-Korea joint symposium, Co-Organizer.
2005.07, 3 country joint symposium, Co-organizer.
2004.10, 3 country joint symposium, Organizer.
2006.10~2007.03, 触媒便覧, 国内, .
2005.10~2006.02, 電子ハンドブック, 国内, 著者.
年度 外国語雑誌査読論文数 日本語雑誌査読論文数 国際会議録査読論文数 国内会議録査読論文数 合計
2019年度 19        19 
2018年度 16      17 
2017年度 18      19 
2016年度 14      15 
2015年度 19      21 
2014年度 27      27 
2013年度 27      31 
2012年度 22      25 
2011年度 18      26 
2010年度 22      30 
2009年度 20      28 
2008年度 13      21 
2007年度 12        12 
2006年度     10 
2005年度     16 
2004年度     14 
海外渡航状況, 海外での教育研究歴
Cheonnam National University, Korea, 2013.01~2018.12.
Yeonsei University, Korea, 2014.01~2014.01.
Cheonnam National University, Korea, 2013.01~2016.12.
Cheonnam National University, Korea, 2012.01~2012.12.
Cheonnam National University, Korea, 2010.01~2010.01.
Istanbul Technical University, AKSA, The Scientific & Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), Turkey, 2010.03~2010.03.
China Est University, China, 2009.02~2009.02.
Cheonnam National University, Korea, 2008.12~2008.12.
KIER, Cheonnam National University, Korea, 2008.08~2008.08.
KIER, Cheonnam National University, Seoul National University, Korea, 2008.03~2008.04.
Chungnam National University, Cheongnam National University, Korea, 2007.10~2007.10.
Tsinghua University, China, 2006.04~2006.04.
Northeastern University, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 1999.08~2000.06.
2023.08~2024.07, 1ヶ月以上, Hanbat National University (Korea), Korea, .
2023.02~2023.03, 2週間以上1ヶ月未満, KRICT(韓国化学研究院), Korea, .
2021.01~2021.04, 1ヶ月以上, Copernicus University in Poland, Poland, .
2016.06~2016.08, 1ヶ月以上, Keimyung University, Korea, .
2016.06~2016.08, 1ヶ月以上, Keimyung University, Korea, .
2015.11~2016.11, 1ヶ月以上, Anatolu University, Turkey, 外国政府・外国研究機関・国際機関.
2014.09~2015.08, 1ヶ月以上, VINA Tech Co. Ltd., Korea, .
2014.01~2014.03, 1ヶ月以上, Hanyang University, Korea, 学内資金.
2013.12~2014.01, 1ヶ月以上, Chungnam National University, Korea, 学内資金.
2012.12~2013.01, 2週間以上1ヶ月未満, Chungnam National University, Korea, 学内資金.
2012.12~2012.12, 1ヶ月以上, KIER, Korea, 学内資金.
2010.10~2010.10, 1ヶ月以上, 先導物質化学研究所, Korea, 民間・財団.
2010.11~2010.11, 2週間未満, 先導物質化学研究所, Kuwait, 民間・財団.
2010.12~2011.01, 2週間以上1ヶ月未満, Chungnam National University, Korea, 学内資金.
2010.12~2011.02, 1ヶ月以上, KIER, Korea, 学内資金.
2010.12~2011.02, 1ヶ月以上, Yonsei University, Korea, 学内資金.
2008.07~2009.05, 2週間以上1ヶ月未満, 先導物質化学研究所, Kuwait, 民間・財団.
2009.02~2009.06, 1ヶ月以上, Istambul Institute of Technology, Turkey, 学内資金.
2008.08~2008.10, 1ヶ月以上, Chungnam National University, Korea, 学内資金.
2008.06~2009.05, 1ヶ月以上, Puresphere, Korea, 民間・財団.
2008.06~2009.05, 1ヶ月以上, Nanosphere, Korea, 民間・財団.
2007.10~2009.10, 1ヶ月以上, 中国石油大学 , China, 学内資金.
2007.05~2010.03, 1ヶ月以上, 先導物質化学研究所, China, 学内資金.
2004.04, 1ヶ月以上, 中国石油大学, China, 学内資金.
2004.04, 1ヶ月以上, 中国北京航空宇宙大学, China, 学内資金.
2006.08, 1ヶ月以上, KOCAT, Korea, 学内資金.
2006.08~2006.08, 2週間以上1ヶ月未満, 韓国忠南大学, Korea, 学内資金.
2006.08~2006.08, 2週間未満, 韓国忠南大学, Korea, 学内資金.
2006.02~2006.07, 1ヶ月以上, 韓国忠南大学, Korea, 外国政府・外国研究機関・国際機関.
2004.03, 1ヶ月以上, KIER, Korea, 学内資金.
Best poster award, 第59回炭素材料夏季セミナー, 2022.07.
Best poster award, 炭素材料学会, 2019.11.
Best poster award, 炭素材料学会, 2019.11.
Best poster award, CSS, 2019.11.
Best poster award, 炭素材料学会, 2019.09.
Best poster award, 炭素材料学会, 2019.09.
Best poster award, 炭素材料学会, 2018.12.
Best poster award, CSE, 2017.09.
Best poster award, CSE, 2016.09.
日本科学技術賞【文部大臣賞】, 文部科学省, 2016.04.
学術賞, 炭素材料学会, 2015.12.
若林賞(Best 論文賞), 日本耐火物協会, 2015.04.
総長賞, 2015.12.
学術賞, 炭素材料学会, 2014.12.
総長賞, 2014.12.
総長賞, 2013.12.
総長賞, 九州大学, 2012.12.
総長賞, 九州大学, 2011.12.
Best Oral 賞, UNITECR2011 (世界耐火物学会), 2011.10.
総長賞, 九州大学, 2010.12.
Carbon 2011 優秀Poster award, International carbon society, 2011.07.
総長賞, 九州大学, 2010.12.
総長賞, 九州大学, 2009.12.
Best Poster Award, CSE2007, 2007.10.
Pergamon award, American Carbon Society, 1995.07.
2022年度~2024年度, NEDO「カーボンリサイクル・次世代火力発電等技術開発/次世代火力発電技術推進事業/カーボンリサイクル技術の共通基盤技術開発」, 分担, NEDO「カーボンリサイクル・次世代火力発電等技術開発/次世代火力発電技術推進事業/カーボンリサイクル技術の共通基盤技術開発」「CO2を活用したマリンバイオマス由来活性炭転換技術の開発」.
2021年度~2023年度, 「NEDO先導研究プログラム/エネルギー・環境新技術先導研究プログラム/革新的酸素富化TSAによる低環境負荷燃焼技術」, 分担, 「NEDO先導研究プログラム/エネルギー・環境新技術先導研究プログラム/革新的酸素富化TSAによる低環境負荷燃焼技術」.
2021年度~2023年度, 「NEDO先導研究プログラム/エネルギー・環境新技術先導研究プログラム /マリンバイオマスの多角的製鉄利用に資する研究開発」, 分担, 「NEDO先導研究プログラム/エネルギー・環境新技術先導研究プログラム
2015年度~2019年度, ゼロエミッション石炭火力技術開発事業(NEDO), 代表, 開発項目「ゼロエミッション石炭火力技術開発プロジェクト(大項目) CCS対応高効率システム開発(中項目) CO2回収型クローズドIGCC技術開発(小項目)炭種適合性評価ツールの構築-ガス化炉内数値解析コードの拡張、熱分解モデルおよびスラグ高温物性予測モデルの構築-」.
2014年度~2018年度, 産炭国石炭開発・利用協力事業, 分担, 平成22年度 産炭国石炭開発・利用協力事業
「産炭国共同基礎調査 コークス製造適用性評価(インドネシア)」.
2010年度~2015年度, 科学研究費補助金 (文部科学省), 代表, ナノゲート原理を用いた革新的金属二次電池用負極材の開発.
2010年度~2014年度, 科学研究費補助金 (文部科学省), 分担, 先進技術を基盤とした地域共通課題解決型共同研
2010年度~2014年度, 産業技術研究助成事業 (経済産業省), 分担, 平成22年度 産炭国石炭開発・利用協力事業
「産炭国共同基礎調査 コークス製造適用性評価(インドネシア)」
2008年度~2010年度, 共同研究(KRI), 代表, 常温におけるホルムアルデヒド完全無害化・除去可能な炭素系触媒担 体の開発.
2009年度~2010年度, 受託研究(福岡保健環境研究所), 代表, 自然風を駆動力とする高活性炭素繊維(ACF)を用いた高機能NOx浄化システムの開発研究.
2008年度~2009年度, 共同研究(KRI), 代表, 常温におけるホルムアルデヒド完全無害化・除去可能な炭素系触媒担 体の開発.
2008年度~2009年度, 受託研究(福岡保健環境研究所), 代表, 自然風を駆動力とする高活性炭素繊維(ACF)を用いた高機能NOx浄化システムの開発研究.
2008年度~2013年度, 受託研究(石炭エネルギーセンター), 代表, 修理使用可能な担持型高活性ガス化触媒の開発探索.
2008年度~2009年度, 受託研究(JST), 代表, 新規なCNF複合材料を用いた製鉄用高強度耐火物の開発.
2008年度~2014年度, 産業技術研究助成事業 (経済産業省), 代表, 既存技術によるCO2回収型石炭火力発電では、CO2の分離・回収で多大なエネルギーが消費されるため、発電効率が大幅に低下する。そこで、この課題を解決するため、新たな概念による革新的CO2回収型次世代IGCCシステムの実用基盤技術の開発を行う。具体的には、石炭ガス化プラントから回収したCO2を酸化剤の一部として用いることなどにより、CO2回収後の発電効率の大幅な向上が期待できるIGCCシステム(下図参照)について、CO2による石炭ガス化性能向上効果の解明と実証、乾式ガス精製技術の最適化、実用規模プラントのFSなどを実施し、性状の異なるアジアの3種類以上の石炭を用い、CO2回収後において、送電端効率42%(HHV基準)を実現させる基盤技術を確立する。また、本技術について、アジアなど環太平洋地域の多様な石炭に対する適応性を検討する。.
2008年度~2008年度, KRI萌芽研究公募, 代表, 活性ナノ炭素繊維を用いたシックハウスガスの除去.
2007年度~2010年度, 戦略的創造研究推進事業 (文部科学省), 分担, Urgent Application and Successive Back-up of the Activated Carbon Fibers and Nano Fibers for the Conservation of Atmospheric Environment in Japan and China..
2002年度~2008年度, 戦略的創造研究推進事業 (文部科学省), 分担, 「環境ナノ触媒」環境保全のためのナノ構造制御触媒と新材料の創製.
2006年度~2007年度, 産業技術研究助成事業 (経済産業省), 代表, 平成18年度クリーン・コール・テクノロジー推進事業
2006年度~2006年度, JSTシーズ発掘, 代表, 電解酸化改質による高容量無機系キャパシタ材の開発.
2005年度~2005年度, JST Seed 発掘, 代表, 電気化学法による炭素ナノ繊維への選択的官能基の導入法の開発.
2002年度~2005年度, JFC共同研究, 分担, 単層カーボンナノチューブの選択的調製触媒並びに反応条件の探索.
2023.04~2024.03, 分担, 理想的な燃料電池用触媒担体の開発.
2019.04~2023.03, 分担, 理想的な燃料電池用触媒担体の開発.
2020.06~2020.03, 代表, ハイパーコールの炭素化特性に関する共同研究(V).
2019.04~2020.03, 代表, ハイパーコールの炭素化特性に関する共同研究(IV).
2017.07~2018.03, 代表, ハイパーコールの炭素化特性に関する共同研究(IV).
2016.06~2017.03, 代表, ハイパーコールの炭素化特性に関する共同研究.
2021.04~2022.03, 代表, ナフサ分解タールの高度有効利用に関する基盤開発研究V.
2019.03~2020.03, 代表, ナフサ分解タールの高度有効利用に関する基盤開発研究IV.
2018.04~2019.03, 代表, ナフサ分解タールの高度有効利用に関する基盤開発研究III.
2017.04~2018.03, 代表, ナフサ分解タールの高度有効利用に関する基盤開発研究II.
2016.04~2017.03, 代表, ナフサ分解タールの高度有効利用に関する基盤開発研究.
2017.01~2018.10, 代表, 活性炭素素繊維に関する研究.
2016.01~2017.12, 代表, カーボンブラックとポリマーの吸着/結合状態の究明に関する共同研究.
2016.10~2017.03, 代表, 炭素材料の低温高出力化技術.
2014.04~2015.03, 代表, クウェート原油系留分の効果的な水素化処理の触媒及びプロセスに関する支援調査事業(クウェート).
2014.07~2015.03, 代表, ハイパーコールの炭素化特性に関する共同研究.
2013.04~2014.03, 代表, CNF-NGの開発、新規開発の電池材の特性評価.
2013.04~2014.03, 代表, 革新的ゼロエミッション石炭ガス化発電プロジェクト.
2013.04~2014.03, 代表, クウェート原油系留分の効果的な水素化処理の触媒及びプロセスに関する支援調査事業(クウェート).
2013.10~2015.09, 代表, 高レート性Li-ion電極材の実現及び電池用モザイクコークスの調整法.
2013.07~2014.03, 代表, コークス用バインダー製造適用性評価(インドネシア).
2013.07~2014.03, 代表, Eagle石炭ガス化技術の円滑創業ならびに高温溶融灰炭のガス化実施範囲拡大のための基盤研究Ⅵ(スラグ特性の解明).
2013.04~2015.03, 代表, ナフサ分解タールの高度有効利用に関する基盤開発研究.
2013.07~2014.03, 代表, 高性能キャパシタのための活性炭設計.
2013.07~2014.03, 代表, ハイパーコールの炭素化特性に関する共同研究.
2013.02~2013.11, 代表, Development of pitch based middle performance carbon fiber for the application of CFRP.
2013.01~2013.12, 代表, カーボンブラックの原料および炭素構造の解析 その3.
2012.10~2015.09, 代表, Development of NCO derived pitch based carbon fiber for CFRP.
2011.01~2012.03, 代表, 人造黒鉛の収率向上研究.
2009.04~2012.03, 代表, Carbon black.
2010.04~2012.03, 代表, CNF for tyre.
2010.04~2011.03, 代表, A high utilization of CFO for functional carbon materials.
2010.10~2011.09, 代表, A high utilization of coal tar (coal tar pitch) to Binder Pitch.
2010.07~2012.12, 代表, A high utilization of coal tar (coal tar pitch) to Binder Pitch.
2010.07~2012.12, 代表, A high utilization of coal tar (coal tar pitch) to needle coke.
2010.04~2011.03, 分担, To improve RDS performance for more VR processing by using additive.
2010.04~2011.03, 代表, HDPC系グリーンコークスを用いた高容量・高レート特性の低温焼成炭電池負極材の開発.
2010.04~2011.03, 代表, HDPC系グリーンコークスを用いた高容量・高レート特性の低温焼成炭電池負極材の開発.
2008.12~2009.11, 分担, A high utilization of coal tar (coal tar pitch) to needle coke.
2008.10~2009.03, 代表, ハイパーコールの電池応用に関する基礎研究.
2008.04~2009.03, 分担, 炭素質の性状と炭化特性の評価検討.
2009.04~2009.03, 分担, To improve RDS performance for more VR processing by using additive.
2009.10~2009.09, 代表, カーボンブラックの炭素構造解析.
2008.04~2009.03, 分担, HDPC系グリーンコークスを用いた高容量・高レート特性の低温焼成炭電池負極材の開発.
2009.05~2009.05, 代表, 自然風を駆動力とする高活性炭素繊維(ACF)を用いた高機能NOx浄化システムの開発研究.
2008.05~2008.09, 代表, 高分散性CNFの開発.
2007.07~2008.09, 分担, 機能性カーボンナノファイバー.
2008.08~2009.04, 代表, IGFCにおけるガス化機構の解明/電源開発が行っているIGFC工程におけるアジア低品位炭のガス化機構の解明.
2006.04~2009.03, 分担, ピッチ系高性能炭素繊維の調製研究.
2005.04~2010.03, 分担, 高性能キャパシタ材の開発研究.
2004.04~2006.03, 分担, 高容量リチウムイオン電池材料開発.
2002.07~2004.03, 分担, CNFの水素吸蔵挙動と燃料電池触媒担体機能.
2023年度, 生産科学技術奨励会, 学術助成金.
2022年度, 生産科学技術奨励会, 学術助成金.
2021年度, 生産科学技術奨励会, 学術助成金.
2020年度, 生産科学技術奨励会, 学術助成金.
2019年度, 生産科学技術奨励会, 学術助成金.
2018年度, 生産科学技術奨励会, 学術助成金.
2017年度, Yusong Telecom(株), 学術助成金.
2017年度, 生産科学技術奨励会, 学術助成金.
2017年度, 新日鐵住金エンジニアリング株式会社, 学術助成金.
2016年度, 朝日有機材工業株式会社(株), 学術助成金.
2016年度, 生産科学技術奨励会, 学術助成金.
2015年度, Yusong Telecom(株), 学術助成金.
2014年度, 旭有機(株), 学術助成金.
2014年度, VINA Tech(株), 学術助成金.
2013年度, 旭有機(株), 学術助成金.
2012年度, 旭有機(株), 学術助成金.
2011年度, 旭有機(株), 学術助成金.
2010年度, Suntel, 学術助成金.
2009年度, KRI, 学術助成金.
2008年度, NEXENナノテク(株), 学術助成金/CNFの強度阻害機構の解明.
2008年度, PureSphere(株), 学術助成金.
2008年度, 尹 聖昊(島根県研究所), 学術助成金.
2007年度, NEXENナノテク(株), 学術助成金.
2006年度, NEXENナノテク(株), 学術助成金.

