Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Presentations
Maruyama Masami Last modified date:2024.06.03

Lecturer / Department of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medical Sciences (統合看護基礎Ⅰ) / Department of Health Sciences / Faculty of Medical Sciences

1. Masami Maruyama, The study of the historical materials in Kyushu University: From the Standpoint of professional ethics, Twelfth Kumamoto University Bioethics Roundtable, KBRT12, 2018.12.
2.    This thesis proposes a new method of education in Bioethics and Medical Ethics. It is based on good use of a lot of old valuable materials Kyushu University has.Today, lectures and discussions are the most common ways of education in class. However, I realized some of my students, having got a chance to see and read a lot of old materials that are usually shelved, not only showed a great interest in them but also got some new ideas for study from them. Then, I got an idea of this new educational method by putting QIR (Kyushu University Institutional Repository) to good use. The QIR system was a great help. It enabled me to know such rare, precious and valuable books and materials ever seldom used. It may help me to clarify how to deal with those old materials, how to use them in class, and so on.
3.  The first objective of this paper is to utilize old historical materials in education today. Currently, education in medical ethics is conducted using mostly textbooks, as well as lectures and discussions on DVD. The objectives of learning  medical ethics include: to come to understand ethical issues in medicine; to be able to perform ethical analysis and inference; to acquire the disposition and attitude of an expert; and to see things from the patients’ perspective and sympathize with them. The collection, preservation, and organization of the vast accumulation of unsorted rare books and historical material held by the Kyushu University Graduate School of Medical Sciences is expected to lead to further developments not only in medical history, but also in medical ethics and interdisciplinary research; this information will presumably be disclosed using the information resource management system applied by the Kyushu University Institutional Repository (Q IR). This paper introduces (a portion of) the research results of the 2011-12 Grants -in-Aid for Scientific Research (Kakenhi) / Grant-in-Aid for Exploratory Research project entitled “Historical Materials Research at the Kyushu University Graduate School of Medical Sciences: Construction of New Educational Methodology in Medical Ethics” (Title Number 23650563). The ultimate aim is to construct a new educational methodology connecting present-day researchers to old historical materials that have never seen the light of day..
4. Dr. Inokichi Kubo, Founder of the Department of Otolaryngology,
Kyushu University and His Achivements
( Part 2: Studying Kubo’s “Biomedical Ethics ” of the fellow pupil’ s narratives )
5. Dr. Inokichi Kubo, Founder of the Department of Otolaryngology,
Kyushu University and His Achivements
( Part 1: Studying Kubo’s ethos of the fellow pupil’ s narratives )
6. For medical doctors and nurses,truth telling of fatal disease,such as cancer,to the patient or family is always a painful and ambivalent task. Willing of accepting truth telling may depend on personality of individuals,but it can be affected by culture or common views of society as well. This article analyses how and why different acceptance of truth telling is observed in different countries.We conducted two questionnaire survey for university students in Korea in 2006,and in Japan and China in 2008.The students were asked wheter they want to be informed their own disease,and whether they want their family to be informed of the truth in a hypothetical situation that respondents or their family had a cancer..
7. Objectives:There are various kinds of staff members such as physicians,nurse,radiographic technicians and hygienic technicians in the medical field.While seeking their specialty,they work as part of a term.The importance of working with staff members having different roles for treatment oatients was investigated. In this study,the characteristics were evaluated from scenes which students in the nursing,clinical radiographic technology and hygienic technology departments of K Junior College remembered after clinical training.The purpose of this study was to investigate the specialty of medical staff and the process of specialization.Subjects:The sybject was students in the third year,and consisted of 18 in the nursing departments and 38 in the
clinical radiographic technology department(7males,31females)and 29 in the hygienic technology department(1male,28females).Investigation period:According to the training period ineach department,the investigation was performed on27 February 1998 for the students in nursing department,on 18 September 2000 for the students in clinical radiographic technology department,and on 31 January 2001 for the students in the hygienic technology department.Method and analysis:The keyword Fig.1 shown in [individual.Group and Seishin:Japanese Culture and Behavior]by Takie Sugiyama Lebra in 1986,was used.After clinical training,vivid scenes during the training period were recorded by the students.The scenes were classified according to the model and evaluated.Results:We presented the results of the students inthe nursing department at the sixth goup meeting of bioethics education at the tenth meeting [Human care and Bioethics]of the Japanese Bioethics Society,and the detailed.The characteristics of these scenes that the students remembered after clinical training were cosidered to show the initial specializattion process of medical staff.In further studies,we are planning to investigate the relationship between specialixation and the curriculum in each department,motives for jobs,the consciousness of speciality and the specialization process of medical staff..
8. Reseach Background and Objective:The objective of nursing practice in the surgical ward is to learn to comprehensively understand patients who are undergoing surgical treatments and to provide care appropriate for the needs of peri-operative patients.Since student nurses occasionally encounter scenes of disclosure of the state of the disease to the patients themselves or their families during the 3-week practice period,we evaluated the state of approaches by students to patients or their families and evaluate their effects.In Japan,Members of society selected the following items:their weak characters do want to seen,and they do want to give their family surlus trouble.They strongly expected evasion from their psychologic stress to their family.And Japanese patients tend not to openly express their opinions and feelings to physicians and nurses because of their reserve and anxiety.
Subjects:Twenty-two thierd-year students of the nursing department who underwent practice in the surgical ward.Study Period:June 19-November30,2000.
Research Methods:Third-year students of our nursing department who consented to the enrollment in the study were asked to record the countents of their care for and responses to the patients and their families to whom they were assigned after explanation about the treatments that the patients were going to receive to evaluate the during peri-operationg period approaches to the patients and their families.Results:In nursing of Surgical patients,the students carried out preparation of documents necessary for surgical therapy and preoperative respiratory training with the patients to whom they were assinged and their families whether the state of the disease had been disclosed or not.Twenty-two students were present at the scenes of preoperative explanation about the elective operation including disclosure of the state of the disease by the surgeon to the patients and their families.Whether the students were present at such scenes or not,they considered that the understanding of the state of the disease by the patients and their families was insufficient,and they approached the patients more passively by listening to them than positively talking to them.Also,whether the students were present at the scenes of explanation or not,they made efforts to maintain composure and,particularly,to control their speech and behavior so as not to discourage the patients in coping with the disease.The students provided postive support primarily for the patients.Student nurses supported such patients in the perioperative period as well asa medical satff members in ambiguous positions but closest to the patients..
9. We wished to clarify nurses' feelings in taking charge of patients who are not noticed of having cancer and clarify how nurses cope with feelings,worries,and limitations of nursing.Interviewing nurses(nurses' feelings in talking charge of patients,coping with their feelings,and worries of nursing).We summarised the contents of interviews as our data.Nurses were afraid that patients might understand the nature of disease during nursing.They made efforts to keep their feelings calm.Because of that,nyrses understood that the family's will was the patient's selfdeterminations to respecting patients' self-determination and their mental pease.Nurses kept their balance of feelings by understanding that the family's aid in the patients' life was contribution to the patients' QOL.1)Seven nurses.The number of years of their clinical experience regard from 3 to 16(the average was about 11 years),2)Nurses' feelings intaking charge of patients:They feel uneasy.nurvous,and expend mentalenergy on understanding patients feelings.They become tense and depressed.They lack selfconfidence.They worry whether the family of patients knows of the disease presence..
10. When I was appointed as a clinical instructor for the first time,I remembered
the clinical instructors who taught me during my school days.The student felt oppressed and could not even express themselves freely or pose questions to the instructors.Therefore,when I became a clinical instructor myself,I thought of a psychological way of communication by means [drawing papers].I thought of a this method might release the students from stress and frustration and create more open environment for better relationships.
I was also able to deduce their potentialities,that is,the invisible capabilities hidden in the students as group or as individuals.
As the first step, when the bedside trainning began in my section,I gave a sheet of colored drawing paper,yellow,orange,pink,etc.,to each student.In the middle of our course,they exchanged papers,and discussed the content.
This method is one of the crucial drawbacks of this kind of one-way teaching is that the instructors are likely to neglect what the students are thinking..