九州大学 研究者情報
丸山 マサ美(Maruyama Masami) データ更新日:2023.11.22

講師 /  医学研究院 保健学部門 医学研究院

1. Michio Ando(1), Hiroko Kukihara(2), Masami Maruyama(3), Ilhak Lee(4), Niwako Yamawaki(5), Comparison of concept about Good Death and view of life and death among Japanese,Korea,and American at COVID-19 , World Journal of Nursing Research , 10.31586/wjnr.2022.410, 2022.04, Comparison of concept about Good Death and view of life and death among Japanese,Korea,and American at COVID-19 was spread and many people died. Death is near to everyone. The aim of the study was to investigate differences of concept of good death and view of life and death cross cultural. Participants were 92 Japanese, 110 Korean and 100 American who were ordinary people. We used the Good Death questionnaire to measure desirable death and the Death Attitude Inventory to measure view of life and death. Participants completed both questionnaires. As for Good Death, Japanese and Korea regarded “not being burden to others” as important the most, and American regarded “feeling that one's life is worth living” as important the most, and American regardes “feeling that one's life is worth living” as important. The scores of “Unawareness of death” and “religious and spiritual comfort” of Korean were the highest,following American, and Japan. As for the Death Attitude Inventory, the scores of American was higher than Japanese and Korean totally. The scores of “Death as release” or “Death Avoidance” of American were the highest. There results suggest that although Japanese and Korean regard “Not being burden to others” as important in common,Korea regard religious and spiritual comfort as important. American may avoid to think of death and regarde it as release. We can make use of these cultural differences in clinical situation..
2.  丸山マサ美, アメリカ公文書館にみる九州大学生体解剖事件関係資料とその意義,  日本健康学会 , 86, 5⃣, 224-230, 2020.09,  Aim: I investigated materials related to this case that were held in the U.S., and I explored reconsidering the case as a bioethical issue. Methods: For a 2012 Scientific Research Project (Theme: Research on Historical Documents at Kyushu University School of Medicine (Theme No. 23650563) ),I conducted an overseas investigation of the Kyushu University Vivisection Case in December 2014 after completing a preliminary study in Japan. Results: On 25 December 2014, in the abovementioned U.S archives, I discovered unpublished materials written by Fukujiro Ishiyama, “Professor” in the First Department of Surgery of Kyushu Imperial University. These materials have since been published in a textbook and utilized for bioethics education. Conclusion: The Great Fukuoka Air Raid occurred in 1945, at the end of the Pacific War. Eight POWs who had been on board a U.S. Army B-29 bomber were subjected to “experimental surgeries” under the Japanese Western District Army at the Department of Anatomy of the Kyushu University School of Medicine. This resulted in the deaths of all the POWs in the so-called “Kyushu University Vivisection Case.” For a long time, the university has regarded this case as negative history and as taboo. The incident seemed to have been planned by Dr. H. Komori, an army physician, who held the key to the case and is said to have committed “a horrible and inhumane act.” The discovery of the new materials, however, has made the case a bioethics issue that involves the Code of Conduct for Medical Professionals. Significantly, the discovery has presented an opportunity for the issue to be reconsidered from an interdisciplinary perspective.

3. 丸山マサ美, アメリカ国立公文書館にみる九州大学生体解剖事件関連資料, 日本健康学会会誌, 日本健康学会誌, 第85巻, 42-43, 2020.01.
4. 丸山マサ美, 終末期医療におけるnarrative ethics, 日本ホスピス・在宅ケア研究会
, Vol.11.No.1,pp.24-26., 2003.11.
5. 丸山マサ美・安藤満代・松崎彰信, 子どものタ−ミナルケアに関する医師の語り, 九州大学医学部保健学科紀要, No.2,pp.85-90., 2003.09.
6. 丸山マサ美, 看護倫理教育に向けた臨地実習の位置づけに関する研究
−臨地実習における学生の人間欲求構造の分析−, 九州大学医学部保健学科, No.2,pp.1-5., 2003.09.
7. Masami Maruyama, Study on Speciality of Medical Staff in Clinical Practice
- From Scenes That Students Remembered after Clinical Practice -, 九州大学医学部保健学科紀要, No.1,pp.83-87., 2003.03.
8. 丸山マサ美, Japanese Style of Informed Consent on The Bases of Defense Mechanism of Denial
Comparing Germans, MEMORIRS OF KYUSHU UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF HEALTH SCIENCES, Vol.29,pp.55-60., 2002.11.
9. 丸山マサ美, 不妊治療を受ける患者の倫理問題分析
−Vulnerability理論とnarrative[患者の語り]の位置づけ−, 九州大学医療技術短期大学部紀要, Vol.20,pp61-65., 2002.02.
10. 丸山マサ美, 看護学教育の精神に関する歴史学的研究
−人物研究的アプロ−チを中心に−, 九州大学医療技術短期大学部紀要, Vol.28,pp.63-67, 2001.02.
11. 丸山マサ美・安藤満代・松尾智子, 告知に関する死生観の比較研究, 生命倫理, Vol.10,No.1,pp.100-110., 2000.09.
12. 丸山マサ美・鷹野和美, 地域医療における生命倫理, nurse DATA, Vol.21 No.5,pp.47-52., 2000.05.
13. 丸山マサ美, (テ−マ)不妊治療受けた女性たちの手記の分析−第二報女の不妊症の内容分析, 医学哲学 医学倫理, No.17,pp.118-122, 1999.11.
14. 丸山マサ美, (テ−マ)臨地実習における看護倫理教育, 生命倫理 VO.NO., Vol.1,No.L9,pp.139-143, 1999.09.
15. 丸山マサ美, 21世紀に向けての看護倫理教育の展望
−ジョ−ジタウン大学倫理研究所IBC参加して−, 看護研究, Vol.32 No.4,pp.81-84., 1999.08.
16. 丸山マサ美, 看護行為にインフォ−ムド・コンセントは考えられるか
−小児病棟における看護学生の場合−, 九州大学医療技術短期大学部紀要, Vol.27., 1999.03.
17. 丸山マサ美, (テ−マ)不妊治療を受けた女性たちの手記の分析 −第一報 病気行動のモデルからみた女性の不妊症−, 医学哲学 医学倫理, No.15,pp.26-32, 1997.09.

