Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Reports
Sugiyama Yoshio Last modified dateļ¼š2024.06.03

Professor / Health and Sport Sciences / Department of Human Sciences / Faculty of Human-Environment Studies

1. H.Kurata, H.Shibayama, I.Tabata, H.Tamaki, M.Hoshikawa, Y.Sugiyama, Y.Hagi, H.NIshizono, M.Yamamoto, K.Saito, T.Okuwaki, M.Hata, & S.Fukuzato (2000)
A report on the TASS canoe project -a case study focusing on two high-level athletes-.
Annals of Fitness and Sports Sciences, 24, 1-15..
2. Y.Sugiyama (1999)
Measurement techniques for athletes -psychological measurement-.
Coaching Clinic, 13-7, 30-33..