Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Papers
Sugiyama Yoshio Last modified date:2024.06.03

Professor / Health and Sport Sciences / Department of Human Sciences / Faculty of Human-Environment Studies

1. Daisuke Horii, Hiratoshi Kaneda, Enji Okuda, Yoshio Sugiyama, Quantitative analysis of qualitative data on factors affecting college students' motivation to exercise, Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 11, 1, 188-198, 2024.01.
2. Kota Kubo, Yoshio Sugiyama, Does sport-domain gratitude have a unique impact on the risk of burnout when controlling for positive affect?, International Journal of Sport and Health Science, 21, 144-152, 2023.12, This study aimed to analyze whether sport-domain gratitude predicts the risk of burnout, even when controlling for positive affect. We administered a survey to 470 Japanese university athletes; The final sample comprised data from 412 athletes (men=357, mean age=19.88 years, SD=1.06). The participants completed questionnaires assessing burnout, positive affect, and sport-domain gratitude. A series of hierarchical multiple regressions was estimated to predict each of the following five dependent variables: burnout, interpersonal exhaustion, emotional exhaustion for athletic practice, lack of personal accomplishment (LPA), and devaluation toward club activity (DCA). Positive affect was entered in the first step; subsequently, sport-domain gratitude was entered in the second step, wherein burnout, LPA, and DCA were predicted by sport-domain gratitude. Our findings indicate that sport-domain gratitude has a distinct inhibitory effect on the risk of burnout that cannot be attributed to positive affect alone. Accordingly, coaches should promote not only to athletes’ feelings of positive affect in athletic life, but also feelings of gratitude in their competitive lives to reduce the risk of burnout..
3. Eriko Aiba, Kojiro Matsuda, Yoshio Sugiyama, Emotion regulation strategies during competitive games: Examination of the relationship between reappraisal/expressive suppression and psychological competitive ability, International Journal of Sport and Health Science, 21, 96-105, 2023.08.
4. Kojiro Matsuda, Yasuo Susaki, Eriko Aiba, Yujiro Ishihara, Yoshio Sugiyama, Factors involved in the psychological development of baseball players experiencing the Yips: Social support, meaning-making processes, and overcoming the Yips, Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 22, 9, 2141-2151, 2022.09.
5. Soni Nopembri, Yoshio Sugiyama, Interaction between physical fitness, psychosocial, and spiritual aspects of children in Indonesian physical education, Journal of Physical Education, 33, 1, e3306, 2022.02.
6. Soni Nopembri, Yoshio Sugiyama, Assessing psychosocial skills and negative emotional states of elementary school students in different area, International Journal of Instruction, 14, 3, 59-72, 2021.07.
7. Takumi Nakasuga, Shunsuke Sakata, Yoshio Sugiyama, Assessment of causal relationships between motivational climates, goal orientations and “zest for living” in junior high school physical education classes (JSPEHSS Distinguished Research Award for Early Career Contribution 2019), International Journal of Sport and Health Science, 10.5432/ijshs.17104, 18, 67-83, 2020.09.
8. Kojiro Matsuda, Yasuo Susaki, Kosuke Mukai, Yoshio Sugiyama, Process of psychological growth associated with the experience of the yips using the trajectory equifinality model, Psychology, 10.4236/psych.2019.1014122, 10, 1881-1907, 2019.10.
9. Soni Nopembri, Yoshio Sugiyama, Saryono, Ahmad Rithaudin, Improving stress coping and problem-solving skills of children in disaster-prone area through cooperative physical education and sports lesson, Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 10.14198/jhse.2019.141.15, 14, 1, 185-194, 2019.03.
10. Soni Nopembri, Ahmad Rithaudin, Saryono, Yoshio Sugiyama, Spiritual development through elementary physical education classes, Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (Proceedings of the 2nd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, ad Sport Science (YISHPESS 2018) and 1st Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2018)), 278, 137-140, 2018.12.
11. Soni Nopembri, Yoshio Sugiyama, Development of the psychosocial skills scale and its relationship with the negative emotional states of elementary school children, Retnowati et al. (Eds), Character Education for 21th Century Global Citizens. Taylor & Francis Group: London., 2018.10.
12. Kojiro Matsuda, Yasuo Susaki, Yoshio Sugiyama, Relations between the experience of the yips and athletes' psychological growth, SOJ Psychology, 5, 1, 1-10, 2018.05.
13. Ningning Sheng, Jiandong Ding, Yoshio Sugiyama, Exploring influences of teachers' social behaviors on students' social skills in physical education classes: An example with Chinese college freshmen, Advances in Physical Education, 8, 1, 35-45, 2018.02.
14. Jiandong Ding, Yoshio Sugiyama, Examining relationships between the cognitive aspect of college students' attitudes toward physical education and their social skills in physical education classes, Advances in Physical Education, 8, 1, 20-30, 2018.02.
15. Jiandong Ding, Yoshio Sugiyama, Exploring influences of sport experiences on social skills in physical education classes in college students, Advances in Physical Education, 7, 3, 248-259, 2017.08.
16. Soni Nopembri, Ahmad Rithaudin, Saryono, Yoshio Sugiyama, Developing children's communication and social awareness skills in volcano disaster areas through physical education and sports programs, Advances in Physical Education, 7, 1, 70-84, 2017.02.
17. Jiandong Ding, Yoshio Sugiyama, Development of a scale to assess Chinese college students' social skills in physical education classes, Journal of Health Science(健康科学), 38, 11-19, 印刷中, 2016.03.
18. Soni Nopembri, Saryono, Yoshio Sugiyama, Reducing children's negative emotional states through physical education and sport in disaster-prone areas, Advances in Physical Education, 6, 1, 10-18, 2016.02, 本研究では,インドネシアのムラピ火山山頂に近い噴火被災地に住む子どもたちのネガティブ感情を低減させることを意図して行われた体育・スポーツプログラムの効果を検証した。調査対象者は,4年生から6年生の小学生810名であった。これらの児童は,学校のクラス単位で,介入群と2つの統制群にランダムに割り付けられた。介入群は,心理社会的健康の維持増進に資する実践を含む,特別にデザインされた体育・スポーツプログラムを実施した。2つの統制群は,従来からある体育・スポーツプログラムを実施した。これらは,2014-15の学期に,28週間にわたって行われた。ネガティブ感情は,抑うつ・不安・ストレス尺度(DASS42)を用いて,教育プログラムの事前と事後に測定された。分散分析の結果,介入群と統制群とで,尺度得点の変化に有意な違いが認められた。.
19. Xuelian Wang, Yoshio Sugiyama, Comparing health status and lifestyle in Chinese college students, Advances in Physical Education, 5, 4, 282-285, 2015.11.
20. Soni Nopembri, Yoshio Sugiyama, Physical education and sport as a psychosocial intervention effort for children in disaster-prone areas, Journal of Health Science(健康科学), 37, 13-21, 2015.03.
21. Jiandong Ding, Yoshio Sugiyama, Social skills development in school physical education: A review, Journal of Health Science(健康科学), 37, 1-11, 2015.03.
22. Xuelian Wang, Yoshio Sugiyama, Relationship between the change in health status and satisfaction with physical education in Chinese college students, Advances in Physical Education, 4, 111-115, 2014.08.
23. Xuelian Wang, Yoshio Sugiyama, Enhancing social skills through college physical education, Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 14, 2, 158-163, 2014.06.
24. Nakasuga, T., Sugiama, Y., Sakata, S., & Susaki, Y.: The examination of motivational climate in physical education of junior high school students: Focusing on the mastery climate. Journal of Health Science, 34, 83-87, 2012..
25. Nakasuga, T., Sugiama, Y., & Susaki, Y.: Influence of the motivational climate in physical education on achievement motivation of junior high school students. Journal of Health Science, 34, 55-62, 2012..
26. Wang, X. & Sugiyama, Y.: Current situation and issues of university physical education in China. Journal of Health Science, 33, 13-19, 2011..
27. Nishida, T., Ito, T., Sasaki, B., Isogai, H., Sugiyama, Y., & Shibukura, T. (2010) Factors that influence a "Zest for Living": From the perspectives of learning motivation, adaptation to stress, and psychosocial skills in physical education class. Nagoya Journal of Health, Physical Fitness & Sports, 33-1, 23-29..
28. Nagao,Y., Sugiyama,Y., Yamazaki,M., & Kawazu,K.: The resources and application of collective efficacy in team sport. Journal of Health Science, 32, 11-19..
29. Sugiyama,Y., Shibukura,T., Nishida,T., Ito,T., Sasaki,B., & Isogai,H.: Development of scales for psychosocial skills in physical education and life skills. Journal of Health Science, 32, 77-84..
30. Nakazawa,T. & Sugiyama,Y.: The examination of psychological support intending to improve state of ego. Journal of Health Science, 32, 85-95..
31. Yaguchi, K., Yasunaga, A., and Sugiyama, Y., Psychological health and the functional fitness in Japanese older adults, 東海大学紀要体育学部, 39, 11-17, 第39号, 11-17, 2009., 2010.03.
32. Nishida, T., Isogai, H., Kitamura, K., Sugiyama, Y., & Ito, T. (2009) Toward cross-cultural research on sport motivation. Nagoya Journal of Health, Physical Fitness & Sports, 32-1, 31-40..
33. Yamazaki,M., Sugiyama,Y., Nagao,Y., Kawazu,K., Wang,X-L., & Kumasaki,E. (2009) Self-modeling theory and its applications in competition situations. Journal of Health Science, 31, 37-47..
34. Kawazu,K., Sugiyama,Y., Nagao,Y., Yamazaki,M., Wang,X-L., & Kumasaki,E. (2009) Constructing a team perfromance prediction model for sport teams. Journal of Health Science, 8, 61-68..
35. Yamazaki,M., Sugiyama,Y., Uchida,W., & Oda,N. (2008) The intervention effect of the motivation video watching just before the match for badminton players. Japan Journal of Test and Measurement in Health and Physical Education, 8, 17-25..
36. Sugiyama,Y., Shibukura,T., Nishida,T., Ito,T., Sasaki,B., & Isogai,H. (2008) Current status and prospect of life skills education through physical education in schools. Journal of Health Sceince, 30, 1-9..
37. Sugiyama, Y. (2007) Relation of attentional focus and styles with psychological and social skills in sport competition. Journal of Health Sceince, 29, 25-31..
38. Yamazaki,M., Sugiyama,Y., MUrakami,M., & Uchida,W.
The psychological intervention effects continual watching the motivational video.
Kyushu Journal of Physical Educaiton and Sport, 20-2, 1-8..
39. Sugiyama, Y. & Lee, M-S., Relation of eye dominance with performance and subjective ratings in golf putting, Perceptual and Motor Skills, 10.2466/PMS.100.3.761-766, 100, 3, 761-766, 100, 761-766., 2005.06.
40. N.Maeda, J.Sonoda, & Y.Sugiyama, The interaction between self-efficacy and sports performance, Journal of Kyushu University of Health and Welfare, No.4, pp.233-237., 2003.03.
41. Sugiyama, Y. (2004)
Relation of competitive social skills and individual and social orientations in sport with prosocial behavior in daily life.
Journal of Health Science, 26, 41-49..
42. Y.Sugiyama, H.Nishizono, S.Takeshita, & R.Yamada, Eye dominance, visibility and putting performance, Science and Golf E.Thain (Ed.), London: Routledge, IV, pp.151-156., 2002.07.
43. Y.Sugiyama (2001)
Enjoyment in physical education.
Journal of Health and Physical Education, 43, 44-50..
44. D.Teipel, S.Ichimura, M.Matsumoto, Y.Sugiyama, K.Uemukai, & A.Kondo, Assessment of psychological stress conditions amongst German and japanese soccer plyaers, Cultural Diversity and Congruence in Physical Education and Sport K.Hardman & J.Standeven (Eds.), Achen: Meyer & Meyer Sport, pp.153-161., 1998.06.
45. T.Uchiyama, J.Sonoda, & Y.Sugiyama (1998)
Self-efficacy and causal attribution in sport.
Annals of Fitness and Sports Sciences, 19, 65-71..
46. N.Maeda, J.Sonoda, & Y.Sugiyama (1998)
Effect of goal setting on self-efficacy: Theoretical considerations and future perspectives.
Kyushu Journal of Sport Psychology, 10-1, 63-66..