Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Presentations
Eishi Baba Last modified date:2023.09.28

Professor / Department of Oncology and Social Medicine / Center for Cohort Studies / Faculty of Medical Sciences

1. Seoul Immunotherapy for advanced gastric cancer: Analysis of immune cell subsets.
2. Management of chemotherapy-induced cardiomyopathy.
3. Macrophages in ascites from cancer patients are primed to transdifferentiate into fibroblasts.
4. Loss of E-cadherin expression is the morphological determinant of human gastric signet ring cell carcinoma.
5. Immune-related adverse events (irAE) management in Japanes clinical practice.
6. Clinical application of immunotherapy for advanced gastric cancer in Japan.
7. CD168 expression marks a highly-concentrated human colorectal cancer stem cell population.
8. Single-cell transcriptomics identifies RHAMM positive proliferative cells within human colorectal cancer stem cells.
9. Classification of BRAF mutated colorectal cancer based on microsatellite stability.
10. ヒト胆嚢癌細胞株を用いたTrastuzumab/5‐FU及びGEM/I‐OHPの薬剤感受性の検討.
11. 切除不能進行・再発大腸癌の高齢患者に対するBevacizumab併用化学療法の検討.
12. Nonmyeloablative allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation as immunotherapy for pancreatic cancer.
13. Tsuyoshi Shirakawa, Shingo Tamura, Masato Komoda, Gen Hirano, Taichi Isobe, Keita Uchino, Hitoshi Kusaba, Eishi Baba, Koichi Akashi, A STUDY OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN GASTROINTESTINAL CANCER CHEMOTHERAPY AND THROMBOEMBOLISM; IS D-DIMER REALLY USEFUL?, ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY, 2010.11.
14. Standard Chemotherapy for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer.
15. Guidelines for proper use of the G-CSF in the management of solid tumors.
16. Shuji Arita, Tsuyoshi Shirakawa, Yuzo Matsushita, Hozumi Kumagai, Gen Hirano, Akitaka Makiyama, Yoshihiro Shibata, Shingo Tamura, Hitoshi Kusaba, Eishi Baba, Trifluridine-tipiracil for multidrug-resistant advanced colorectal cancer: A multicenter retrospective study, ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY, 2015.11.
17. Michitaka Nagase, Kentaro Yamazaki, Hiroshi Tamagawa, Shinya Ueda, Takao Tamura, Kohei Murata, Takashi Tsuda, Eishi Baba, Masahiro Tsuda, Toshikazu Moriwaki, Taito Esaki, Yasushi Tsuji, Kei Muro, Koichi Taira, Tadamichi Denda, Masahiko Ando, Satoshi Morita, Narikazu Boku, Ichinosuke Hyodo, The impact of early tumor shrinkage on survival in WJOG4407G trial, a randomized phase III trial of mFOLFOX6 plus bevacizumab versus FOLFIRI plus bevacizumab in first-line treatment for metastatic colorectal cancer., JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, 2015.01.
18. Michitaka Nakano, Hioshi Ariyama, Shingo Tamura, Taichi Isobe, Kohta Miyawaki, Yuta Okumura, Hitoshi Kusaba, Takashi Ueki, Eishi Baba, Koichi Akashi, Plasticity of CD44+colorectal cancer stem cells depends on TGF-beta-induced epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT): evidences from ex vivo culture system, CANCER RESEARCH, 2015.08.
19. Mamoru Tanaka, Hitoshi Kusaba, Satomi Mukaide, Junji Kishimoto, Hozumi Kumagai, Akitaka Makiyama, Tsuyoshi Shirakawa, Hisanobu Oda, Masato Komoda, Kenji Mitsugi, Koichi Akashi, Eishi Baba, Exploratory analysis of a prognosis predictive formula for metastatic colorectal cancer treated with chemotherapy., JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, 2015.01.
20. Michitaka Nakano, Hiroshi Ariyama, Shingo Tamura, Taichi Isobe, Kohta Miyawaki, Yuta Okumura, Hitoshi Kusaba, Takashi Ueki, Eishi Baba, Koichi Akashi, Epithelial to mesenchymal transition by TGF-beta induced cancer stem-like properties in primary colorectal cancer, ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY, 2015.11.
21. Michitaka Nakano, Mamoru Tanaka, Risa Tanaka, Akitaka Makiyama, Keita Uchino, Taito Esaki, Kenji Mitsuki, Eishi Baba, TGF-beta regulates CD44 expression of cancer cells through epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in malignant ascites, ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY, 2016.07.
22. Mamoru Tanaka, Michitaka Nakano, Hiroshi Ariyama, Kyoko Inadomi, Risa Tanaka, Shigeo Takaishi, Hitoshi Kusaba, Eishi Baba, Koichi Akashi, Macrophage-to-fibroblast transition promotes cancer progression in peritoneal carcinomatosis of gastrointestinal cancer patient, CANCER RESEARCH, 2016.07.
23. Michitaka Nakano, Mamoru Tanaka, Taichi Isobe, Kohta Miyawaki, Yoshikane Kikushige, Hitoshi Kusaba, Shigeo Takaishi, Takashi Ueki, Eishi Baba, Koichi Akashi, Epithelial mesenchymal transition generates cancer stem cells in CD44-colorectal cancer cells, CANCER RESEARCH, 2016.07.
24. 土橋 賢司, 岡崎 章悟, 大村 光代, サンペトラ・オルテア, 大西 伸幸, 吉川 桃子, 清島 亮, 益子 高, 末松 誠, 馬場 英司, 赤司 浩一, 佐谷 秀行, 永野 修, EGFRはアミノ酸トランスポーターxCTを介して脳腫瘍の悪性化を促進する, 日本癌学会総会記事, 2016.10.
25. レンバチニブ投与中に意識障害をきたした甲状腺乳頭癌の2例.
26. 頭頸部原発横紋筋肉腫の臨床病理学的検討.
27. 非小細胞肺癌患者において大部分のT790MはEGFR活性型遺伝子変異と同じアレル上に存在する.
28. 稲富 享子, 草場 仁志, 牧山 明資, 三ツ木 健二, 内野 慶太, 田村 真吾, 柴田 義宏, 江崎 泰斗, 土橋 賢司, 在田 修二, 有山 寛, 馬場 英司, 進行再発胃癌におけるオキサリプラチン併用療法の血小板減少、末梢神経障害のリスク因子に関する探索的研究(The risk factors for oxaliplatin-induced thrombocytopenia and neuropathy in advanced gastric cancer), 日本胃癌学会総会記事, 2018.03.
29. 山本 雄介, 馬場 英司, 腫瘍生物学におけるエクソソーム研究の現状と展望(The Exosome Biology in Cancer: Current Topics and Perspectives), 日本癌学会総会記事, 2018.09.
30. 伊東 守, 中野 倫孝, 有山 寛, 山口 享子, 仙波 雄一郎, 杉尾 健志, 宮脇 恒太, 菊繁 吉謙, 水野 晋一, 田中 吏佐, 馬場 英司, 赤司 浩一, 腔水症検体を用いたTAMからCAFへの分化機構の解明(Macrophages in ascites from cancer patients are primed to transdifferentiate into fibroblasts), 日本癌学会総会記事, 2018.09.
31. 馬場 英司, 胃癌の集学的治療 胃癌に対するConversion therapy 腫瘍内科医の視点から, 日本癌治療学会学術集会抄録集, 2018.10.
32. 実臨床に即した切除不能・進行再発消化管がんに対する最適な治療戦略 切除不能・進行再発胃がん治療の近未来予想図.
33. 有山 寛, 山口 享子, 吉弘 知恭, 赤司 浩一, 馬場 英司, パクリタキセル耐性胃癌細胞株におけるエリブリンによるアポトーシス誘導機序の解析(The mechanism of apoptosis induced by eribulin in paclitaxel-refractory gastic cancer cell line), 日本癌学会総会記事, 2018.09.
34. Kyoko Yamaguchi, Hiroshi Ariyama, Tomoyasu Yoshihiro, Kenji Tsuchihashi, Kenoki Ohuchida, Yoshihiro Nagao, Yuji Soejima, Hitoshi Kusaba, Takahiro Maeda, Masafumi Nakamura, Makoto Hashizume, Eishi Baba, Koichi Akashi, Loss of E-cadherin expression is the morphological determinant of human gastric signet ring cell carcinoma, CANCER SCIENCE, 2018.12.
35. 山口 享子, 有山 寛, 吉弘 知恭, 土橋 賢司, 大内田 研宙, 長尾 吉泰, 副島 雄二, 草場 仁志, 前田 高宏, 中村 雅史, 橋爪 誠, 馬場 英司, 赤司 浩一, Eカドヘリンの発現抑制は胃印環細胞癌特有の形態変化を誘導する(Loss of E-cadherin expression is the morphological determinant of human gastric signet ring cell carcinoma), 日本癌学会総会記事, 2018.09.
36. 中野 倫孝, 菊繁 吉謙, 鶴田 展大, 宮脇 恒太, 水野 晋一, 山口 享子, 山内 拓司, 土橋 賢司, 有山 寛, 草場 仁志, 前田 高宏, 馬場 英司, 赤司 浩一, CD168陽性細胞による大腸がん幹細胞の純化(CD168 expression marks a highly-concentrated human colorectal cancer stem cell population), 日本癌学会総会記事, 2018.09.
37. 切除不能進行・再発腺様嚢胞癌(ACC)に対するニボルマブの有効性および安全性の後方視的検討.
38. Eishi Baba, The Update of Japanese gastric cancer guidelines: Chemotherapy for unresectable advanced/recurrent gastric cancer in the 6th edition (2021), Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology, Gastrointestinal Cancer Immunotherapy Forum 2021, 2021.05.