Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Reports
Tomoharu Yoshizumi Last modified date:2024.04.09

Professor / Department of Surgery and Science / Department of Clinical Medicine / Faculty of Medical Sciences

1. Tomoharu Yoshizumi and Masaki Mori, Portal flow modulation in living donor liver transplantation: review with a focus on splenectomy., Surgery Today, 10.1007/s00595-019-01881-y. , 2019.12, Small-for-size graft (SFSG) syndrome after living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) is the dysfunction of a small graft, characterized by coagulopathy, cholestasis, ascites, and encephalopathy. It is a serious complication of LDLT and usually triggered by excessive portal flow transmitted to the allograft in the postperfusion setting, resulting in sinusoidal congestion and hemorrhage. Portal overflow injures the liver directly through nutrient excess, endothelial activation, and sinusoidal shear stress; and indirectly through arterial vasoconstriction. These conditions may be attenuated with portal flow modulation. Attempts have been made to control excessive portal flow to the SFSG, including simultaneous splenectomy, splenic artery ligation, hemi-portocaval shunt, and pharmacological manipulation, with positive outcomes. Currently, a donor liver is considered a SFSG when the graft-to-recipient weight ratio is less than 0.8 or the ratio of the graft volume to the standard liver volume is less than 40%. A strategy for transplanting SFSG safely into recipients and avoiding extensive surgery in the living donor could effectively address the donor shortage. We review the literature and assess our current knowledge of and strategies for portal flow modulation in LDLT..
2. Yoshizumi T, Shirabe K, Mori M, It is time to abandon the Milan criteria., 10.21037/hbsn.2018.10.08., 2019.02.
3. Yoshizumi T, Harada N, Mori M, Biliary Stricture: the Achilles heel of pediatric living donor liver transplantation., 10.1097/TP.0000000000002573., 2019.02, 解説のため、なし.
4. Functional Analysis of Human Hepatocytes Isolated From Chimeric Mouse Liver
© 2018 Elsevier Inc. Chimeric mice with humanized liver were first established by transplanting primary human hepatocytes (PHHs) isolated from a Japanese 27-year-old donor into complementary DNA-urokinase-type plasminogen activator/severe combined immunodeficiency mice. The PHHs from the Japanese donor increased more than 100-fold in the mouse liver, and human hepatocytes purified from the chimeric mouse liver (hcPHs) were successfully transplanted into second-passaged mice. These PHHs and hcPHs can produce human albumin and preserve many liver-specific enzyme genes, which are important for liver function. Interestingly, hepatitis B virus can be infected with these chimeric mice; hepatitis B viral DNA and hepatitis B surface antigen levels were detectable. In conclusion, hcPHs can be an ideal cell source for analysis of human hepatocytes..
5. H. Furukawa, M. Taniguchi, T. Kawai, H. Morikawa, N. Kokudo, S. Uemoto, S. Eguchi, T. Shimamura, K. Mizuta, T. Yoshizumi, Establishment of Educational Program in Liver Procurement With E-Learning With Animation and Simulation Using Large Animals., TRANSPLANTATION, Vol.98, p.734, 2014.07.
6. H. Furukawa, M. Taniguchi, T. Kawai, H. Morikawa, N. Kokudo, S. Uemoto, S. Eguchi, T. Shimamura, K. Mizuta, T. Yoshizumi, Establishment of Educational Program in Liver Procurement With E-Learning With Animation and Simulation Using Large Animals., AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPLANTATION, Vol.14, p.734, 2014.06.
7. 早期経腸栄養による生体肝移植後の敗血症予防.
8. 腹部手術の合併症とその対処法 Virtual Touch Tissue Quantification(VTTQ)による肝細胞癌切除術後難治性腹水の予測.
9. 部分肝移植(右葉グラフト)における脳死移植と生体移植の比較(2施設間での検討).
10. 内山 秀昭, 調 憲, 武冨 紹信, 吉住 朋晴, 原田 昇, 伊地知 秀樹, 吉松 正憲, 前原 喜彦, IVS-1-5 生体肝移植肝動脈再建経験で得られたmicrovascular surgical techniqueの一般消化器外科手術への応用(IVS-1 国際ビデオシンポジウム(1),第111回日本外科学会定期学術集会), 日本外科学会雑誌, Vol.112, No.1, p.222, 2011.05.
11. 内山 秀昭, 調 憲, 武冨 紹信, 吉住 朋晴, 原田 昇, 伊地知 秀樹, 吉松 正憲, 前原 喜彦, Introduction of plastic surgery technique in general surgery 生体肝移植肝動脈再建経験で得られたmicrovascular surgical techniqueの一般消化器外科手術への応用(Introduction of plastic surgery technique in general surgery Expanding application of microvascular surgical technique to general, 日本外科学会雑誌, Vol.112, No.臨増1-2, p.222, 2011.05.
12. 外科と輸血 肝細胞癌に対する肝切除後輸血の予後に与える影響 20年間の解析.
13. 肝細胞癌根治後の肝外再発危険因子の検討.
14. 低侵襲肝臓手術の新展開 内視鏡外科の役割 低侵襲肝臓手術としての完全腹腔鏡下肝切除術の役割.
15. 生体肝移植術後早期の胆汁うっ滞型C型肝炎再発症例に関する検討.
16. 胆道合併症ゼロを目指した生体肝移植ドナー肝切除の工夫.
17. 腹腔鏡下胃全摘術 再建の標準化に向けた吻合法の検討.
19. 3D-CTを用いたグラフト重量予測とその誤差への対策.
20. 電圧負荷によるラット移植肝-6℃非凍結保存の効果と問題点.
21. ラット肝移植における電圧負荷による-6℃非凍結肝保存.
22. 副島 雄二, 武冨 紹信, 吉住 朋晴, 内山 秀昭, 祇園 智信, 原田 昇, 伊地知 秀樹, 米村 祐輔, 島田 光生, 前原 喜彦, One hundred left-lobe living donor liver transplantations between adults : technical evolution with special reference to venous and biliary reconstruction(The 105th Annual Congress of Japan Surgical Society), 日本外科学会雑誌, Vol.106, p.65, 2005.04.
23. 肝細胞癌切除症例における新鮮凍結血漿(FFP)の役割.