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Oshima Hisao Last modified date:2024.06.03

Associate Professor / Art
Department of Media Design
Faculty of Design

Graduate School
Undergraduate School
Other Organization

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 Reseacher Profiling Tool Kyushu University Pure
Academic Degree
Master of Arts
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Field of Specialization
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Outline Activities
The current target of my research is to explore the intertextual relationship between the Elizabethan drama, especially plays of Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare, and the discourses of religious and class conflicts of the Elizabethan society. I led and leading the researches [JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)]: "A Study on Receptions of The Tempest: Text, Discourse, and Intertextuality" (18520216 from 2006-7) and "An Intertextual Study on the Reception of Shakespeare in Films" (22520252 from 2010-13), publishing their findings in Shakespearean international conferences in Prague and Porto in 2011. In the Kaken project, "An Intertextual Study of the Visual Reception of Shakespeare in the Victorian Age" (16K02453 from 2016 to 2020), I presented papers in the international conferences of the Quadrircentennial World Shakespeare Congress after his death at Stratford and London in 2016, the Asian Shakespeare Association at Manila (2018), and the Psychology and Arts at Dubrovnik(2018), and published a paper in the English Literary Society of Japan's "Studies in English Literature" Vol.XI (2019). I have started a new Kaken project, "An Intertextual Study of the Visual Reception of Shakespearean Characters" (16K02453 from 2021 to 2024). As a committee member of Shakespeare Association of Japan, I contribute in organizing its yearly conference. As I teach the "Culture of Drama" course, my research extends to the comparative cultural study on the shapes and functions of drama culture and theaters (such as the National Theatre and the New Globe in London, Hakata Theater and Kaho Theater in Fukuoka, for example) in local areas and cities, especially in Japan and England. In recent years, the focus of my research is on drama theories, and a research project on Shakespeare's intertextual reception in Japan is in progress, funded by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, as mentioned above. My current research theme is the reception of Shakespeare in Akira Kurosawa's Shakespearean works and other genre films as well as in modern Japanese productions directed by Yukio Ninagawa, Tadashi Suzuki, Mansai Nomura, and Yoshihiro Kurita. As for my educational activities, I teach the courses, "Culture of Drama" and "Graduation Thesis Seminar," and ESL classes ("General English" & "Academic Writing") and "Core Seminar." As the Department of Design has been changed, I have become a member of the Media Design Course and teach new related classes. In the Graduate School of Design, I teach "Dramaturgy and Drama Theories" and supervise graduate students writing a master thesis. I have been a member of Entrance Examination Committee at the department, graduate school, and the university. I was a member of the Academic Committee from 2008 to 2011. As for my social activities, I presided over "Hypertext Reading Circle" for our staff, students, and citizens until March 2007; I also endeavor to promote and enhance the local drama culture through citizen-targeted drama education (I held an Open Lecture for citizens, "Drama and Crown in the Age of Shakespeare" in the past, and designed a lecture concert "Midsummernight Shakespeare" at Okagaki in which I also played the role of lecturer) and research of local drama cultures as well as "Theater Experience" classes in the "Culture of Drama" course. I held Open Lectures for Citizens, "Enjoy Shakespeare in Films" in 2012, "Enjoy Shakespeare on Stage" in 2013, "Enjoy Shakespeare through Kurosawa's Films" and "The Performing Culture Revived by Gramophone" (Reported by newspaper, radio and TV) in 2014, "Enjoy Shakespeare through Opera," "The Performing Culture Revived by Gramophone" in 2015, "Actresses in Modern Japaneses Drama" in 2019. Open lectures on "The Culture of Gramophone Records" were held in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019(twice a year), and 2020.
Research Interests
  • An Intertextual Study on Characters and Records in the Reception of Shakespeare
    keyword : Shakespeare, Characters, Records, Reception, Intertextuality
    2024.04~2025.03This research aims to explore and study the reception of Shakespeare's dramatic works in films, especially of 1950s, from the intertextual point of view , and to establish critical methods to understand the intertextual reception of Shakespeare in the later ages..
  • An Intertextual Study on the Visual Reception of Shakespearean Characters
    keyword : Shakespeare, Characters, Visual Reception, Intertextuality
    2021.04~2024.03This research aims to explore and study the reception of Shakespeare's dramatic works in films, especially of 1950s, from the intertextual point of view , and to establish critical methods to understand the intertextual reception of Shakespeare in the later ages..
  • The Jacobean Intertextuality of Shakespeare's Tragedies and Romances
    keyword : Shakespeare, Tragedy, Romance, James, Jacobean, Intertextuality
    2018.04~2021.03This research aims to explore and study the reception of Shakespeare's dramatic works in films, especially of 1950s, from the intertextual point of view , and to establish critical methods to understand the intertextual reception of Shakespeare in the later ages..
  • The Intertextuality of the Visual Reception of Shakespeare in the Victorian Age
    keyword : Shakespeare, Visual Reception, Intertextuality, Victorian Age
    2016.04~2020.03This research aims to explore and study the reception of Shakespeare's dramatic works in films, especially of 1950s, from the intertextual point of view , and to establish critical methods to understand the intertextual reception of Shakespeare in the later ages..
  • Shakespeare and Genre Films: A Study of the Intertextual Reception of Shakespeare
    keyword : Shakespeare, Genre Films, Intertextuality, Reception
    2008.01~2015.03This research aims to explore and study the reception of Shakespeare's dramatic works in films, especially of 1950s, from the intertextual point of view , and to establish critical methods to understand the intertextual reception of Shakespeare in the later ages..
  • The Locality of the Culture of Drama
    keyword : Culture of Drama, Theater, City, Rural Area, Facilities of Art and Culture
    2008.04~2015.03This study aims to research the theaters in Fukuoka, Chikuho, Sado and other places, and explore their social and cultural fuctions in their urban / rural areas..
  • An Intertextual Study on the Reception of "The Tempest"
    keyword : The Tempest, Intertextuality, Reception
    2005.01~2015.12This project research, in cooperation with 3 other researchers, aims to explore as a case study the reception of "The Tempest" from the intertextual point of view, and then to establish a critical method to understand the intertextual reception of Shakespeare..
  • Study of the Culture of Performing Arts in the Taisho and Showa Periods through Gramophone
    keyword : Culture of Performing Arts, Taisho, Showa, Gramophone
    2014.04~2024.03This study aims to research the theaters in Fukuoka Prefecture, and explore their social and cultural fuctions in their urban / rural areas..
Current and Past Project
  • This research project, funded by "Fundamental Research (C) of Science and Technology" aims to study the intertextuality of the visual reception of Shakespearean characters.
  • This research project, funded by "Fundamental Research (C) of Science and Technology" aims to study the important functions of sight and visual aspects in the
    Victorian reception of Shakespearean plays, analysing the pictures about Shakespeare actors and stage scenes.
  • This research project, funded by "Fundamental Research (C) of Science and Technology" aims to study the intertextual reception of Shakespearean plays in adaptation films, focusing on the after-war entertainment genre films such as Westerns and gang films.
  • This research project, funded by "Fundamental Research (C) of Science and Technology", in cooperation of four other university researchers, aims to study the receptions of "The Tempest" from the intertextual point of view, and then to establish a critical methodology to understand Shakespeare intertextually.
Academic Activities
1. Tobias Doering, Virginia Mason Vaughan, Nandini Das, Ruru Li, Andrew Moran, John Mucciolo, Hisao Oshima, Miguel Ramalhete Gomes, N. Amos Rothschild, Simon John Ryle, Eckart Voigts-Virchow, Natascha Wanninger, Donna Woodford-Gormley, Mimi Yiu, Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature, Vol. 29 (2013): Critical and Cultural Transformations: Shakespeare's "The Tempest" - 1611 to the Present, Narr Verlag, 2013.09, Part II 第3章 '"The Tempest" and Japanese theatrical traditions: Noh, Kabuki, and Bunraku' (pp. 149-172)を執筆し、シェイクスピア作『テンペスト』の日本における受容に関して特に伝統芸能の能・歌舞伎・文楽のインターテクスチュアリティに注文して論じた。.
2. Study Guide for Readers of Shakespeare.
1. Koume Akasaka and the Culture of the Coal Mining Area of Chikuho - the Locality of New Balladry, [URL].
2. 大島 久雄, Book Review: Susan Bennett and Christie Carson, eds., "Shakespeare Beyond English: A Global Experiment" (Cambridge UP, 2013), "Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance" vol. 14, 2016.10, Susan Bennett and Christie Carson, eds., "Shakespeare Beyond English: A Global Experiment" (Cambridge UP, 2013)に関する劇評。.
3. Performance Review: "The Tempest" by Yamanote-Jijosha, [URL].
4. 大島 久雄, Performance Review: "The Tempest" by Yamanote-Jijosha, Shakespeare Studies Vol. 53 (Shakespeare Society of Japan), 2016.03, 山の手事情社公演『テンペスト』に関する劇評。.
5. 大島 久雄, Book Review "Janet Clare, 'Shakespeare's Stage Traffic: Imitation, Borrowing and Competition in Renaissance Theatre'", Shakespeare Studies Vol. 52 (Shakespeare Society of Japan), 2015.03, ジャネット・クレア著 'Shakespeare's Stage Traffic: Imitation, Borrowing and Competition in Renaissance Theatre' に関する書評。.
6. A Study on Receptions of "The Tempest": Text, Discourse, and Intertextuality.
1. Hisao Oshima, Ophelia and the Tradition of "Joyu" in Japan, The Shakespeare Association of Korea: Shakespeare Review, Vol.57 No.4, 615-622., 10.17009/shakes.2022.57.4.005, 57, 4, 615-632, 2022.04, 川上貞奴や松井須磨子が最初に演じた『ハムレット』の登場人物オフィーリアがいかに日本における女優の伝統の形成に貢献したかを明らかにした。.
2. The Jacobean Intertextuality of Shakespeare and Holinshed's Chronicles.
3. The Jacobean Intertextuality of "The Tempest" - Shakespeare and Books -.
4. "The Nation Vanquished, but Mountains and Rivers Remain" -- The Intertextuality of After-war Japan in "Kumonosujo" --.
5. The Discourse of Religious Conflicts and its Apocalyptic Rhetoric in "The Lamentation of a Christian against the City of London".
6. "Massacre at Paris" and the Discourses of Religious Conflicts and Kingship.
7. 大島久雄, The Ovidian Fire Metaphor in Marlowe's "Hero and Leander", 日本英文学会九州支部『九州英文学研究』, 第10号, 1-25頁, 1993.03.
1. Hisao Oshima, Dialect, Gender, Race and Diaspora in Chong Wishing's "Singing Shylock", Shakespeare Association of Korea 60th Anniversary Conference "Between Proximity and Distance: Transposing Shakespeare Today", 2023.10, [URL], This paper is an intertextual study on the visual reception of Shakespearean characters in Chong Wishing's "Singing Shylock" (2023), focusing on modern issues of dialect, gender, race and diaspora..
2. Hisao Oshima, Tsubouchi Shōyō’s Translation and Illustrations in "The Complete Works of Shakespeare:" An Intercultural Study on the Visual Reception of Characters, Found in Translation: Understanding Shakespeare through Intercultural Dialogue, 2022.09, This paper is an intertextual study on the visual reception of characters in Tsubouchi Shōyō’s "Complete Works of Shakespeare" focusing on its illustrations..
3. This paper aims to discuss the intertextualy between Shakespeare, especially "King Lear," and Holinshed's Chronicles., [URL].
4. Hisao Oshima, Ruins and Akira Kurosawa’s War Memory in His Shakespearean Adaptation Films, World Shakespeare Congress 2021, 2021.07, [URL], This paper aims to examine how Akira Kurosawa's War Memory are reflected in scenes of ruins in his Shakespearean Films..
5. Hisao Oshima, Lear in the Castle and Lear on the Beach: Tatsuya Nakadai and the Modern Issue of Aging, 37th International Conference on Psychology and the Arts, 2021.06, [URL], This paper aims to examine the relationship between Tatsuya Nakadai's filmic roles of Lear and the modern issue of aging..
6. Hisao Oshima, Ophelia and the Japanese Actresses: The Role's Formative Influence on the Idea of Joyu, The 4th Biennial Conference of the Asian Shakespeare Association, 2020.11, [URL], This paper aims to examine how the role of Ophelia has influenced the idea of Joyu in Japan..
7. Shakespeare and 3 Witches: the Iconology of Their Visual Reception.
8. Hisao Oshima, A Psychological Study of the Preraphaelite's Visual Reception of Shakespeare , 35nd International Conference on Psychology and the Arts, 2018.06, [URL], This paper aims to be a psychological study of the Preraphaelite's visual reception of Shakespeare.
9. Hisao Oshima, Shoyo Tsubouchi and His "Complete Works of Shakespeare", The 3rd Biennial Conference of the Asian Shakespeare Association, 2018.05, This paper aims to examine how Shoyo Tsubouchi's "Complete Works of Shakespeare" influenced the reception of Shakespeare in Japan..
10. The 70th Annual Conference of the Kysuhu Branch of the Japan Association of English Literature.
11. Hisao Oshima, Tadashi Suzuki's "King Lear" and the Japanese Architecture, 2016 World Shakespeare Congress: Creating and Re-creating Shakespeare , 2016.08, [URL], This paper aims to analyse the creative relationship between Tadashi Suzuki's "King Lear" and the Japanese architecture..
12. Hisao Oshima, A Psychological Study of Christopher Marlowe's Manipulation of the Audience Response in "The Jew of Malta", 32nd International Conference on Psychology and the Arts, 2015.06, [URL], This paper aims to analyse Christopher Marlowe's psychological manipulation of the audience response in "The Jew of Malta.".
13. Hisao Oshima, Japanese Stage Representations of Travels in Shakespeare's Plays in the Romance Tradition, Inaugural Conference of the Asian Shakespeare Association, 2014.05, This paper aims to analyze Japanese stage representations of travels in Shakespeare's plays and show how travels in Shakespeare's plays in the Romance tradition are staged using traditional theatrical representations in Japan..
14. Hisao Oshima, A Psychological Study of the After-war Intertextuality of Akira Kurosawa's "Throne of Blood", 30th International Conference on Psychology and the Arts, 2013.06, [URL], As an intertextual reception case-study, this paper aims to analyze the psychological effects of Akira Kurosawa's "Throne of Blood" in the After-war period of Japan..
15. Hisao Oshima, Psychological Effects of Shakespearean Performances in Japan after the 3.11 Tsunami, 29th International Conference on Psychology and the Arts, 2012.07, [URL], As an intertextual reception case-study, this paper aims to analyze the psychological effects of Shakespearean performances in Japan after the 3.11 Tsunami..
16. Shipwrecks in the Kabuki Style: "The Tempests" in Japan, [URL].
17. "Ninagawa Tempest" and the Japanese Tradition of Shakespearean Adaptation: Prospero, Shakespeare, and Zeami in Sado Island, [URL].
18. The Intertextuality of the Shakespearean Reception in Genre Films of the Post-war Decade -- From "My Darling Clementine" to "The Bad Sleeps Well" --.
19. Ninagawa's Intertextual and Intercultural Uses of Geography and History in his Production of "The Tempest".
20. The Throne of Blood and Kurosawa's Intertextual Transplantation of Macbeth.
21. The Tempest and the Master-Servant Discourse.
22. Reading "The Tempest": Introduction "Text and Intertextuality".
Membership in Academic Society
  • Asian Shakespeare Association
  • Psychology and Art
  • Japanese Association of Shakespeare
  • Japanese Association of English Literature
  • Japanese Association of English Literature, Kyushu Branch
Educational Activities
In the Graduate School of Design (Media Design Course), I teach Advanced Lecture on Drama,
Design Study I, Design Study II and Media Design Presentation Seminar. In the Department of Design (Media Design Course), I teach Culture of Drama, Seminar of Comparative Drama and Media Culture, Comprehensive Project of Media Desing II, Graduation Thesis Seminar I and II. As for General Education, I teach English at Ito Campus as a member of Language Department, and I support activities of the University Museum as its member.
Other Educational Activities
  • 2019.09, I played the role of class teacher for the junior students and were responsible for managing the department's educational programs for them..
  • 2018.09, As a maternity leave substitute, I played the role of class teacher for the junior students and were responsible for managing the department's educational programs for them..
  • 2017.05.
  • 2006.09.
Professional and Outreach Activities
As for my social activities, I presided over "Hypertext Reading Circle" for our staff and students and cititzens until March 2007; I also endeavor to promote and enhance the local drama culture through citizen-targeted drama education (I held open lectures for citizens: "Drama and Crown in the Age of Shakespeare" and Tokyo Midtown Design Touch: "City and Drama: Designs in Shakespeare and Kabuki") and research of local drama cultures as well as "Theater Experience" classes in the "Culture of Drama" course and a lecture concert, "Midsummernight Shakespeare" at Okagaki. I played the role of lecturer in "Enjoy Shakespeare through Films" (2012), "Enjoy Shakespeare on Stage" (2013), "Enjoy Shakespeare through Kurosawa's Films" (2014), "Introduction to Modern Drama" (2018) and "Enjoy the Performing Culture of the Taisho and Showa Periods through Gramophones" (2014), which was reported by newspaper, radio and TV. In 2015 and 2016, I offered public lectures on Shakespeare and gramophone and participated as a lecturer in lectures held by Kyushu University Museum. NHK reported on my study on gramophone in Fukuoka, Kyushu, and all Japan. I held gramophone public lectures in 2017, 2018, 2019(twice), 2020(twice), 2021(twice). I try to promote international research relationships, playing the role of leader in Professor McLuskie's seminar at Kyoto in 2006, and attending the 2006 Shakespeare World Congress at Brisbane in Australia, the 2007 7th Triennial Shakespeare Congress of Southern Africa (Rhodes University), the Inaugural Conference of the Asian Shakespeare (National Taiwan University) in 2014, the 32nd International Conference on Psychology and the Arts (Malta University) in 2015, and Quadricentennial World Shakespeare Congress (Shakespeare Institute & London Univ.) in 2016. In 2018, I attended the international conference of Asian Shakespeare Association in Manila with two of my master students who read their seminar papers under my guidance. I read my paper through Zoom in the ASA conference held in Seoul in 2020 and it was published in Korean Shakespeare Association's journal "Special Issue" in 2022. In 2023, I read my paper in Shakespeare Association of Korea 60th Anniversary Conference "Between Proximity and Distance: Transposing Shakespeare Today.".