Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Papers
Oshima Hisao Last modified date:2024.06.03

Associate Professor / Art / Department of Media Design / Faculty of Design

1. Hisao Oshima, Ophelia and the Tradition of "Joyu" in Japan, The Shakespeare Association of Korea: Shakespeare Review, Vol.57 No.4, 615-622., 10.17009/shakes.2022.57.4.005, 57, 4, 615-632, 2022.04, 川上貞奴や松井須磨子が最初に演じた『ハムレット』の登場人物オフィーリアがいかに日本における女優の伝統の形成に貢献したかを明らかにした。.
2. The Jacobean Intertextuality of Shakespeare and Holinshed's Chronicles.
3. The Jacobean Intertextuality of "The Tempest" - Shakespeare and Books -.
4. "The Nation Vanquished, but Mountains and Rivers Remain" -- The Intertextuality of After-war Japan in "Kumonosujo" --.
5. "Prospero's Books" and the Western Culture of Books.
6. English Drama and Classicism in John Dryden's An Essay of Dramatic Poesy.
7. The Discourse of Religious Conflicts and its Apocalyptic Rhetoric in "The Lamentation of a Christian against the City of London".
8. "Massacre at Paris" and the Discourses of Religious Conflicts and Kingship.
9. "Gorboduc" and Education for the Elite: Inns of Court Play as an Educational Media.
10. Development of a HyperText CAL Software for English Composition.
11. 大島久雄, The Ovidian Fire Metaphor in Marlowe's "Hero and Leander", 日本英文学会九州支部『九州英文学研究』, 第10号, 1-25頁, 1993.03.
12. Shakespeare's Satirical Viewpoints: Bird's-eye Surveys of the Human Society.
13. 大島久雄, 'O Aeneas, Quench These Flames:' Love and Fate in Marlowe's "Dido Queen of Carthage", 福井大学教育学部紀要第1部人文科学外国語・外国文学編, 第42号、1-26頁, 1991.07.
14. 大島久雄, The Satirical Dramatization of the Romance Tradition: "Soliman and Perseda" as a Love Tragedy with No Tragic Consumation of Love, 福井大学教育学部紀要第1部人文科学外国語・外国文学編, 第40号、1-17頁, 1990.07.
15. Tragic Love in "Gismond of Salerne".
16. Nature and Man in "Venus and Adonis".
17. 'Time's Ruin, Beauty's Wrack:' Mutability in "Lucrece".
18. 大島久雄, The Image of the Broken Course in "Gorboduc", Quest: Studies in English Linguistics and Literature, No. 5, pp. 11-37., 1986.12.
19. Time and Heroism: A Study of "Antony and Cleopatra".