Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Papers
Kondo Kayoko Last modified date:2024.06.03

Professor / Department of Design Futures / Faculty of Design

1. Kayoko KONDO, Leslie MABON, Y.BY, Yuriko HAYABUCHI, Balancing conflicting mitigation and adaptation behaviours of urban residents under climate change and the urban heat island effect, Sustainable Cities and Society,, 2020.11.
2. Leslie Mabon, Kayoko Kondo, Hiroyuki Kanekiyo, Yuriko Hayabuchi, Asako Yamaguchi, Fukuoka: Adapting to climate change through urban green space and the built environment?, Cities: The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning,, Vol.93, 273-285, 2019.10, 福岡市の温暖化防止政策について、緑地と建築物の観点から、評価した論文。.
3. Leslie Mabon, Wan-Yu Shih, Kayoko Kondo, Hiroyuki Kanekiyo, Yuriko Hayabuchi, What is the role of epistemic communities in shaping local environmental policy? Managing environmental change through planning and greenspace in Fukuoka City, Japan, Geoforum,, Volume 104, 158-169, 2019.08, 福岡市の環境政策の歴史的変遷を明らかにしつつ評価した論文。.
4. Study on the Effect of Happiness on Intent to Settle: Case of Hinosato district, Munakata city, Fukuoka.
5. Yuxue Zhang, Kayoko Kondo, Artit Chutchaipolrut, Sujitra Arampongpun, Ikuyo Kikusawa, Influence of Favorite Place in House—Outdoor or Indoor—On Energy Consumption and Happiness in Rural Thailand, Sustainability, 10.3390/su9081350, 9(8), 1350, 2017.08, タイにおける居場所選択に関する調査研究の成果。近代住宅よりも伝統的な高床式住宅のような屋外滞在が幸福度を高め、低炭素効果が大きいことを明らかにした。.
6. Ikuyo Kikusawa, Kayoko Kondo, Designing Autonomous Communities in Suburbs of Japan, European Journal of Sustainable Development, 10.14207/ejsd.2017.v6n1p1, 6, 1, 1-10, 2017.02.
7. Hang Ben, Kayoko Kondo, The Energy Consumption of Heating in the Northeast Rural Area of China from the Perspective of the Kang and Agricultural Waste, Meteorological and Environmental Research, 6, 1, 9-16, 2015.01.
8. Current State and Problem of Biomass Utilization in Kyushu.
9. Yinan Chen, TETSUO HAYASHI, Kayoko Kondo, KOJI NOMURA, Energy use of Residential Buildings in China, Part 2 Nanjin City, Proc. of The Yellow Sea Rim International Exchange Meeting on Building Environment and Energy , YSRIM 2013 , 174-179, 2013.02.
10. Shiro HORI, Kayoko KONDO, Daisuke NOGATA, Han BEN, The determinants of household energy-saving behavior: Survey and comparison in five major Asian cities., Energy Policy, 52, 354-362, 2013.01, It is difficult to control household energy consumption through regulation. From a policy standpoint, it is particularly challenging to identify the factors that influence people’s actions. Moreover, whatever these factors are, they are unlikely to uniformly span multiple cities in the Asian region. In this paper, we conduct a survey of energy saving behavior to clarify the differences among such factors across five major Asian cities. The results from these surveys in Dalian, Chongqing, Fukuoka, Bangkok, and Ho Chi Minh indicate that global warming consciousness, environmental behavior, and social interaction significantly affect energy-saving behavior. Income and age also had weak positive effects on energy-saving behaviors.
Social interaction was strongly linked to energy-saving behaviors, particularly in the rural areas of Dalian and Chongqing. This result indicates that community-based activities impact energy-saving behaviors.
11. Tetsuya KAWABE, TETSUO HAYASHI, Kayoko Kondo, KOJI NOMURA, Energy use of Residential Buildings in China, The Yellow Sea Rim International Exchange Meeting on Building Environment and Energy 2012 , 209-218, 2012.02.
12. Tomoaki KURODA, TETSUO HAYASHI, Kayoko Kondo, KOJI NOMURA, Energy use of Residential Buildings in South-East Asia, The Yellow Sea Rim International Exchange Meeting on Building Environment and Energy 2012 , 99-102, 2012.02.
13. A Study on Evaluating Policies for Promoting the Residential Photovoltaic System Based on Consumer Research Method, KONDO Kayoko, FUJIMURA Junpei, Journal of Environmental Engineering, Arichitectural Institute of Japan, Vol.76 No.667. pp.847-853, 2011.09.
14. Role of Community School in Children's Activities, Development of Social Relations in their Community, and View of their Community, KONDO Kayoko, ISHIGAMI Shogo,the Journal of Design, Kyushu University, Vol. 14, 2011.03.
15. A Study on Environmental Information Display of Environmentally Conscious Products on the Online Stores, KONDO Kayoko, Han Youngjin, Papers on Environmental Information Science, Vol.23, pp.221-226,2009.11.
16. LCA on Regional Management Systems for Household Waste with an Analysis of Practical Social Conditions, KONDO Kayoko and others, Journal of the Japan Society of Waste Management Experts, Vol.19(2), pp. 110-119, 2008.03.
17. KONDO Kayoko, HAN Youngjin, The Effects and Continuance of Environmental Education Based on Experience: Toward School and Family Collaboration, Journal of Environmental Information Science, Voi.36, No.5, pp.151-156, 2008.03.
18. A study on the environmental information display on the online stores: based on a questionnaire survey to online retailers and consumers,Han Youngjin, KAYOKO Kondo, Papers on Environmental Infromation Science, Vol. 21, pp.25-30,2007.11.
19. KONDO Kayoko, TANI Masakazu, On the influence of spare time and life habits on environmentally conscious behavior: practical knowledge and practical action, Journal of Environmental Information Science, Vol.35, No.5,pp.85-92
, 2007.03.
20. KONDO Kayoko, Francis Hutcheson's Utilitarinism and Political Theory: Succession and Change from Locke, Geijutsu Kougaku: the Journal of Design, Kyushu University, vol.6,pp.1-8, 2006.12.
21. The singnificance and a role of nature education in gardening activity at an elementary school in inner city district; on a schoolchildren comparison investigation between city-environment and coutntry-envrionment, KONDO Kayoko, MATSUFUJI Ryohei,Architectural Institute of Japan, Vol.601, pp.73-79, 2006.03.
22. The kinds of behaviors and their motives of households with detached house, to reduce waste.
23. Systems of collecting waste and their effects on inhabitants' environmental behavior and estimation of the system, KONDO Kayoko, Geijutsu Kogaku Kenkyu, Kyushu University, pp.25-35, 2000.05.
24. Some implications of collecting systems of households waste; problems and possibilities of many classing waste.
25. The civil society and American colony of John Locke; the limited sociey and the unlimited nature.
26. Malthus's criticism of Smith's concept of wealth and inclination to the principle of agriculture.
27. Consistency of 'the Principle of population' and 'the Principle'.
28. Malthus -- An essay on the Principle of population and the Principle of political economy.
29. Malthus on labourers -- An essay on the Principle of population and the Principle of political economy.
30. The politics and economy of T.R. Malthus.
31. The nation in 'the Wealth of nations'.