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鶴野 玲治(つるの れいじ) データ更新日:2024.06.27

キーワード:ビジュアルコンピューティング コンピュータグラフィックス アニメーション
キーワード:ビジュアルシミュレーション, アニメーション
キーワード:ビジュアルエフェクト コンピュータグラフィックス コンピュータアニメーション
キーワード:ノンフォトリアリスティックレンダリング インタラクション
キーワード:ビジュアルシミュレーション バイオメカニクス, FEM
1. 池添昌幸、荻内康雄、佐藤優、志賀勉、高橋美保子、竹下輝和、田上健一、鶴野玲治、出口敦、三浦佳世 , 循環建築・都市デザイン - 人間の感性と豊かさのデザイン, 技法堂出版, 2.4 3D表現の方法と利用、pp.74-77, 2008.01.
2. (50音順)青木研、木村卓、源田悦夫、小清水満、後藤道子、鶴野玲治、西井育生、松本明彦、町田博、家城雄一、山岸宏一, ディジタル映像表現, CGARTS協会, 第9章担当, 2004.10.
3. (編集5名)源田悦夫ほか、(執筆28名)鶴野玲治含, デジタルイメージクリエーション・デザイン編CG, CGARTS協会(画像情報教育振興協会), 2001.02.
4. (編集7名)源田悦夫、江口響子、草原真知子、小林昭世、佐藤啓一、杉山知之、鶴野玲治。(著者17名), コミュニケーションデザイン編マルチメディア標準テキストブック, CGARTS協会(画像情報教育振興協会), 1997.10.
1. Kenta Akita, Yuki Morimoto, Reiji Tsuruno, Hand‐drawn anime line drawing colorization of faces with texture details, Computer Animation & Virtual Worlds, https://doi.org/10.1002/cav.2198, vol.35, issue 1, 2023.07, [URL], Automatic or semi-automatic colorization can reduce the burden of illustrators in color illustration production, which is a research area with significant market demand. Texture details in eyes and hair influence the impression of character illustrations. Generally, these details are not expressed in line drawings. Many existing automatic or semi-automatic colorization methods do not target hand-drawn line drawings and it is difficult to paint texture details on such drawings. In this paper, we propose the semi-automatic colorization of character line drawings around faces with texture details. Our method uses a reference image as a color hint and transfers the textures of the reference image to a line drawing. To achieve this, our method uses semantic segmentation masks to match parts of the line drawing with the same parts of the reference image. We create two types of segmentation datasets to train a segmentation network that creates segmentation masks. We transfer texture details to a hand-drawn line drawing by mapping each part of the reference image to the corresponding part of the line drawing using segmentation masks. We show that our method is more effective for hand-drawn line drawings than existing methods using qualitative and quantitative evaluations..
2. Doi Kohei, Morimoto Yuki, Tsuruno Reiji, Global Illumination-Aware Stylised Shading, COMPUTER GRAPHICS FORUM, 10.1111/cgf.14397, 40, 7, 11-20, 2021.10, [URL], Our aim is to convert an object's appearance to an arbitrary colour considering the light scattering in the entire scene, which is often called the global illumination. Existing stylisation methods convert the colour of an object with a 1-dimensional texture for 3-dimensional computer graphics to reproduce a typical style used in illustrations and cel animations. However, they cannot express global illumination effects. We propose two individual methods to compute the global illumination and convert the shading to an arbitrary colour. The methods reproduce reflections in other objects with the converted colour. As a result, we can convert the colour of illumination effects that have not yet been reproduced, such as soft shadows and refractions..
3. 丸山哲, 鶴野玲治, 局所二次形式近似による 2 次元 CG 流体渦場の幾何学特徴の抽出, 画像電子学会誌, 50, 3, 411-418, 2021.07, CG 向けに最適化された安定性の高い既存の流体シミュレーション手法は美しくリアルな視覚結果をもたらすが,それらは特定の物理的条件を満たすように作られており,幾何学的に不自然な視覚結果を出力することがある.これを解決するために,流体の挙動を幾何学的手法で近似する考え方に基づき,適切な数理モデルを開発することが考えられ,視覚的・幾何学的に自然な流体挙動を少ない計算量で得られるメリットが見込まれる.本研究ではシミュレーションされた流体の渦場を局所的に二次形式の関数で近似する手法と,近似結果を利用した渦場の様々な幾何学特徴の抽出手法を提案する.本手法で流体内の 1 点の近傍での二次形式の幾何学(楕円,放物線,双曲線)の構造を判別し,結果が楕円である場合に渦の形状と相性の良い特徴(楕円の中心位置,縦横比など)を抽出する.また,その幾何学特徴と流体の物理的特徴の関連性も調査し,楕円なら渦の中心付近,放物線または双曲線なら流れの歪みの関連性が高いことを示す.さらに本手法の応用として流体の渦の細部を上げる既存手法を修正し,よりリアルで幾何学的整合性が良い渦場を作ることに成功した..
4. 秋田健太, 森本有紀, 鶴野玲治, 目の正確な色を考慮した深層学習によるカラー参照画像を用いたキャラクタイラスト線画の着色, 情報処理学会論文誌, 62, 1, 397-403, ISSN 1882-7764, 2021.01, [URL], 近年,深層学習を用いた自動着色に関する研究がさかんである.カラーイラストは線画を着色することで作成されるが,着色に非常に時間がかかるため,自動着色技術によって効率化することが期待される.既存の研究の多くは,ユーザが線画の領域ごとに色ヒントを入力する必要があるため,入力が多くなる.また,カラー参照画像による既存の自動着色手法では,目のような小領域は指定どおりに着色できないことが多い.しかし,目はキャラクタイラストにおいて,非常に着目される部分であり,重要である.そこで本論文では,カラー参照画像によるキャラクタイラストの線画の顔を対象とした自動着色において,正しく目の色を反映するための深層学習モデルを提案する.本手法では,カラー参照画像の目の一部をそのまま円形の色ヒントとして,線画の目の位置に自動で与える.これにより,ユーザ入力なしで入力線画の目に参照画像の目の色を先行手法よりも正しく反映することができる.

Recently, automatic colorization of line drawings using deep learning has been studied. Color illustrations are created by colorizing line drawings. Colorization task is tedious and time-consuming. Therefore, the automatic colorization system is expected. Most existing studies require a lot of user inputs as color hints for each region. Previous studies using reference images often fail to realize automatic colorization, especially for small areas, e.g., eye colors in the resulting image may differ from the reference image. However, eyes are important because these are noticeable in the characters' illustrations. In this paper, we propose a method to colorize line drawings of anime characters' face with accurate eye colors of an input color reference image. The proposed method estimates eye positions of line drawing and color reference image. Then round areas centered on these positions are color hints for our colorization network. Comparing with previous methods, our method can accurately colorize eyes of line drawings only with a color reference image..
5. 丸山哲, 鶴野玲治, 局所二次形式近似による2次元CG流体渦場の幾何学特徴の抽出, Visual Computing 2020, 2020.12, CG向けに最適化された安定性の高い既存の流体シミュレーション手法は、美しくリアルな視覚結果をもたらすが、それらは特定の物理的条件を満たすように作られており、幾何学的な特徴が不鮮明であったり、自然界では正しくない形状の視覚結果を出力することがある。これを解決するために、無関係な方法であるが、流体シミュレーションを幾何学的手法で近似するという考え方に基づき、適切な近似方法をさぐることが考えられ、それに基づく数理モデリングによって視覚的・幾何学的に自然で滑らかな流体の動きを少ない計算量で得られるというメリットが見込まれる。本研究ではシミュレーションされた流体の渦場を局所的に二次形式の関数で近似するための手法を2種類提案し、その二次形式の係数を利用して、渦場の様々な幾何学特徴を抽出する手法を提案する。これにより、流体内の1点の近傍が、二次形式の幾何学(楕円、放物線、双曲線)のうちどの幾何学構造を示しているかを判別(セグメンテーション)でき、それが楕円として判別できれば、渦の形状と相性の良い特徴(楕円の中心位置、縦横比など)を抽出できる。また、その幾何学特徴が、流体の物理的特徴とどのように関係するかも調査し、楕円なら渦の中心付近が、放物線または双曲線は流れのひずみが関連性が高いことを示す。さらに、抽出した幾何学的特徴を応用し、流体の渦のディテールを上げる既存手法を修正し、よりリアルで幾何学的整合性が良い渦場を作ることに成功した。.
6. Kenta Akita, Yuki Morimoto, Reiji Tsuruno, Colorization of Line Drawings with Empty Pupils, COMPUTER GRAPHICS FORUM, 10.1111/cgf.14171, 39, 7, 601-610, 2020.10.
7. Kenta Akita, Yuki Morimoto, Reiji Tsuruno, Deep-Eyes: Fully Automatic Anime Character Colorization with Painting of Details on Empty Pupils, Eurographics, accepted in EUROGRAPHICS & EUROVIS 2020 short paper, 2020.06, Many studies have recently applied deep learning to the automatic colorization of line drawings. However, it is difficult to paint empty pupils using existing methods because the networks are trained with pupils that have edges, which are generated from color images using image processing. Most actual line drawings have empty pupils that artists must paint in. In this paper, we propose a novel network model that transfers the pupil details in a reference color image to input line drawings with empty pupils. We also propose a method for accurately and automatically coloring eyes. In this method, eye patches are extracted from a reference color image and automatically added to an input line drawing as color hints using our eye position estimation network..
8. Kenta Akita, Yuki Morimoto, Reiji Tsuruno, Fully automatic colorization for anime character considering accurate eye colors, SIGGRAPH2019, 10.1145/3306214.3338585, Article No:11, 1-2, SIGGRAPH2019,ACM Annual conference
ISBN (Electronic) 9781450363143
Published - Jul 28 2019, 2019.07, In this paper, we propose a method to colorize line drawings of anime characters' faces with colors from a reference image. Previous studies using reference images often fail to realize fully-automatic colorization, especially for small areas, e.g., eye colors in the resulting image may differ from the reference image. The proposed method accurately colorizes eyes in the input line drawing using automatically computed hints. The hints are round patches used to specify the positions and corresponding colors extracted from the eye areas of a reference image..
9. Tomoko Nakamoto, Philip Sköld, Reiji Tsuruno., Eye Movement Model for Face-to-Face Interaction of Virtual Characters, Asia Digital Art and Design, 4C-3, 2018.11.
10. 丸山哲, 鶴野玲治, 流れ場の分割及びモデル化を利用したラテアート風流れ模様の生成, NICOGRAPH, 芸術科学会, C-7, 2018.11.
11. taihei meno, Reiji Tsuruno, Local Density Calibration for Position Based Fluids, International Journal of Asia Digital Art and Design, 21, 1, 41-48, 2017.10, [URL], This paper propose a improved PBF(position based fluid model)-based method for simulating realistic incompressible fluid flow. Our goal is to present simulation method of fluid phenomena as realistic as possible in realtime to many applications that require a high frame rate. Rapid fluid simulations are important for realizing real-time applications in computer graphics. Position based fluids (PBF) has been suggested as a practical method for real-time simulations of incompressible fluids. This method is based on the SPH(smoothed particle hydrodynamics) and realizes incompressibility by restricting the density. Furthermore, it reduces the calculation costs by allowing large time steps. However, because it iteratively calculates the density constraints, PBF is impractical for applications requiring high resolution and high frame rate. To increase the simulation speed of PBF, we replace the iterative density calculation by a density model. In the conventional method, iterating few density calculations compresses the simulated fluid. To resolve this problem, we consider the particle density and the direction of the fluid flow. We develop a computational model based on this hypothesis and verify its usefulness in simulations. The method suppresses the fluid compression even in a non-iterative model. We conclude that the proposed computational model effectively maintains a constant density in PBF..
12. Taihei Meno, Reiji Tsuruno, Local Pressure Correction Model for Position Based Fluids, Asia Digital Art and Design, 4A-6, 2016.11, Speed of fluid simulation calculations is an important factor for realizing real-time applications in computer graphics.
Position based fluids (PBF), which is an incompressible fluid simulation method, has been suggested as a practical
method for real-time simulation. Using this method, it is possible to take large time steps; therefore, the cost of
calculation can be reduced. However, method is not practical for applications that require high resolution and frame rate
because it is necessary to iteratively calculate the density constraints. In this study, we developed a pressure model that
replaces the iterative density calculation in PBF to realize faster simulation. First, we hypothesized that problems with
incompressibility caused by a small number of iterations can be solved by considering the influence of pressure. Second,
we used an alternative pressure model that uses this hypothesis and verified it using simulation. The pressure
interpolation model uses the function relating to the distance and the density. The results confirm that compression of the
fluid can be suppressed even with a small number of iterations. Finally, by considering the influence of pressure in PBF, it
was possible to substitute the proposed model for iterative calculation of the density constraints..
13. Maki Kitamura, Reiji Tsuruno, 2.5D Modeling from Illustrations of Different Views, international Journal of Asia Digital Art and Design, 8, 4, 74-79, 2015.01, When artists design characters, they draw illustrations viewed from the front, side or slant views. In this paper, we create a 2.5D model using such illustrations. A 2.5D model is a model that is created by arranging deformable billboards along the depth direction, and it can express appearance of the character between two viewpoints with considering depth information.
Our method uses two cartoon-like illustrations and the corresponding eye directions as inputs. These illustrations are composed of contours and closed regions painted with uniform colors. Given closed regions in illustrations, our method finds corresponding closed regions between two illustrations based on an improved similarity function, which yields better matching than a previous method. After obtaining correspondences of closed regions, our method creates a 2.5D model by transforming each pair of matched regions as a 3D billboard whose position can be estimated based on the correspondence. These processes are semi-automatic. The user then assigns feature points manually along the corresponding contours of matched regions so that the contours can be interpolated naturally. Finally, by completing regions that appear or vanish with user strokes, our method can interpolate illustrations with occluded regions. We demonstrate that our method can create 2.5D models with various illustrations..
14. Jun Yoshino, Reiji Tsuruno, Interactive fluid control by shape matching, 芸術科学会, 13, 3, 169-176, 2014.09, [URL], In this paper, we propose an interactive method to control fluid behavior by using a target shape. To achieve the desired motion, we define additional forces using control particles that employ the Navier–Stokes quation. Control particles are generated from a fluid area chosen by the user, and their behavior is sequentially determined using a shape-matching method referring to the target shape. Our method enables interactive simulation of fluid animation that is gradually deformed to the target shape following physical laws..
15. Junmin Park, Reiji Tsuruno, A Color Palette based Interface for Biological Iridescences Rendering, Asia Digital Art and Design Association, 18, 1, 4-11, 2014.07, [URL], Iridescent colors can be observed on many biological objects including morpho butterflies and Japanese jewel beetles. While ordinary colors are induced by pigments in surface, the iridescent colors are caused by interference of light due to microstructure covering the objects. To render iridescences in computer graphics, users need to consider a lot of physical parameters such as index of refraction or film layer thickness. However, in such input systems, users are difficult to predict rendering results since iridescence is affected by combination of those many physical factors. In this paper, we propose a color palette based interface for biological iridescences rendering, with which users can pass information for rendering iri-descences to system by picking colors instead of by inputting physical data of surface. Incident angle dependency of re-flectance spectrum is studied to achieve physically sound simulation and color picking user interface. We also evaluated our system through rendering results and user study in the latter half of this article..
16. 森本有紀, Reiji Tsuruno, 高橋時市郎, 拡散・吸着理論に基づいた染色技法のためのビジュアルシミュレーションモデル, 画像電子学会, 43, 3, 348-356, 通巻229号, 2014.07, [URL], 本稿では布の織り構造や糸・染料の要素に基づいて物理的に染色をシミュレーションする手法を提案する。本手法では横糸と縦糸の上下2層のセルを用いた布モデル内においてFickの第2法則に基づき染料の拡散を表現する。拡散係数は染色物理の理論に基づいて布繊維の多孔度や無拡散経路の屈曲率などの染料や布のパラメータから算出し布の織構造の違いや拡散の異方性などによる染色の特徴を表現する。染料の繊維への吸着には吸着等温式を考慮するモデルを提案する。また、簡単な染色技法を考慮するために染料の拡散を防ぐ防染技法のシミュレーションを行う。結果画像からは本手法により染色独特の多くの特徴を表現できることがわかる。.
17. Maki (Terai) Kitamura, Yoshihiro Kanamori, Jun Minani, Yukio Fukui, Reiji Tsuruno, Motion Frame Omission for Cartoon-like Effects, 2014 International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology, 148-152, Full Paper C2_P066.pdf, 2014.01.
18. Maki Terai, Reiji Tsuruno, An Interactive Tile-Based Modeling Interface, Nicograph International 2013, Nicograph International 2013, proceeding DVDROM, pp.10-13, 2013.06, This paper presents a novel modeling interface and method that uses two-dimensional (2D) data. In general, 2D computer graphics are most commonly used to depict 2D structures. However, many computer games often depict three-dimensional (3D) structures using 2D computer graphics. We dene such an expression as an overhead view. Although an overhead view has no 3D structure, we can perceive an ambiguous 3D structure from it. In this study, we dene shape perception rules from the overhead view and propose a novel modeling system using it. We also propose a tile-based interface as a prototype system that can create a 3D shape from an overhead view and can seamlessly convert an overhead view into a 3D view. In addition, we conduct a psychological experiment by means of which we conrmed our system is highly intuitive and can quickly create 3D models..
19. Jun Yoshino, Reiji Tsuruno, Interactive Shape Control for Fluid Animation, Nicograph International 2013, 108-114, Nicograph International proceeiings DVDROM, pp.108-114, 2013, 2013.06, In this paper, we propose an interactive method to control uid behavior by using a target shape. To achieve the desired motion, we dene the additional forces by using control particles employing the Navier-Stokes equation. Control particles are generated from a fuid area chosen by the user, and their behavior is sequentially determined by using a shape-matching method referring to the target shape. Our method enables one to interactively simulate uid animation, which is gradually deformed to the target shape following a physical law..
20. Ryoichi Ando, Nils Thurey, tsuruno reiji, Preserving Fluid Sheets with Adaptively Sampled Anisotropic Particles, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics , IEEE, http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/TVCG.2012.87, 18, 8, 1202-1214, (IEEE computer Society Digital Library, 09 March 2012), 2012.08, [URL], This paper presents a particle-based model for preserving fluid sheets of animated liquids with an adaptively sampled Fluid-Implicit-Particle (FLIP) method. In our method, we preserve fluid sheets by filling the breaking sheets with particle splitting in the thin regions, and by collapsing them in the deep water. To identify the critically thin parts, we compute the anisotropy of the particle neighborhoods, and use this information as a resampling criterion to reconstruct thin liquid surfaces. Unlike previous approaches, our method does not suffer from diffusive surfaces or complex re-meshing operations, and robustly handles topology changes with the use of a meshless representation. We extend the underlying FLIP model with an anisotropic position correction to improve the particle spacing, and adaptive sampling to efficiently perform simulations of larger volumes. Due to the Lagrangian nature of our method, it can be easily implemented and efficiently parallelized. Our results show that our method can produce visually complex liquid animations with thin structures and vivid motions..
21. 武田十季、鶴野玲治、牛尼剛聡, ビジュアル・ジョイン:実空間コンテンツの仮想融合モデル, 情報処理学会論文誌, 5, 1, 17-30, 情報処理学会論文誌 データベー スVol.5 No.1 17–30 (Mar. 2012), 2012.03, 人は日常空間に存在する様々な情報表現(コンテンツ)を利用して情報活動を行う.この際,複数
22. Ryoichi Ando, Reiji Tsuruno, A Particle-based Method for Preserving Fluid Sheets, SCA '11 Proceedings of the 2011 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation
ACM New York, NY, USA ©2011

, 10.1145/2019406.2019408, Awarded (Honorable Mention)
, 2011.08, We present a new particle-based method that explicitly preserves thin fluid sheets for animating liquids. Our primary contribution is a meshless particle-based framework that splits at thin points and collapses at dense points to prevent the breakup of liquid. In contrast to existing surface tracking methods, the proposed framework does not suffer from numerical diffusion or tangles, and robustly handles topology changes by the meshless representation. As the underlying fluid model, we use Fluid-Implicit-Particle (FLIP) with weak spring forces to generate smooth particle-based liquid animation that maintains an even spatial particle distribution in the presence of eddying or inertial motions. The thin features are detected by examining stretches of distributions of neighboring particles by performing Principle Component Analysis (PCA), which is used to reconstruct thin surfaces with anisotropic kernels. Our algorithm is intuitively implemented, easy to parallelize and capable of producing visually complex thin liquid animations..
23. 安東遼一、鶴野玲治, 参照画像を用いたブラシストロークの対話的生成, 画像電子学会誌, 40, 4, 578-586, 2011.07, This paper describes an interactive technique for generating brus strokes used in exemplar images. The proposed method decomposes several exemplar images of brush strokes into small fragments that are stitched together through one-dimentional texture synthesis in order to enerate the final brush stroke silhouettes. In contrast to previous methods in which the strokes are generated by per-pixel computation or using physically based simulation, our method is not only less computationally expensive but also capable of simulating various kinds of brushes. In addition, we introduce a fluid-dynamics-driven post-process and a Kubelca-Munk synthesis method to make the paint strokes appear more real. Our evaluation experiments show that our ethod can handle various media such as oil paints, water colors, charcoad, and pastels. We also obtained interesting results with lipsticks and fingers..
24. Ryoichi Ando, Reiji Tsuruno, Vector graphics depicting marbling flow, Computers & Graphics, Elsevier, , 35, 1, 148-159, Volume 35, Issue 1, February 2011, Pages 148-159
Extended Papers from Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering (NPAR) 2010 , 2011.02.
25. Ryoichi Ando, Reiji Tsuruno, Vector Fluid - A Vector Graphics Depiction of Surface Flow, SBIM-NPAR 2010; The 2010 Joint Session of the Symposia on Sketch Based Interfaces and Modeling and
Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering
, 未定, Fullpaper, 2010.06.
26. Ryoichi Ando, Reiji Tsuruno, Segmental Brush Synthesis with Stroke Images, Eurographics 2010, 2010, short paper, 2010.05.
27. Ryoichi Ando, Reiji Tsuruno, Vector Fluid: A Vector Art Representation of Fluid, SIGGRAPH Asia 2009, 2010, DVD #2, Sketches&Posters, ISBN 978-1-60558-858-2, 2009.12.
28. Taichi Nishiyori, Souei Sato, Narumi Tashiro, Toki Takeda, Ryouichi Ando, Maki Terai, Taketoshi Ushiama, Reiji Tsuruno, Fu-Fuu: Interactive Game using Breath Control, SIGGRAPH ASIA 2008, Full Conference DVD #1, /content/sketches/nishiyori.pdf, ISBN 978-1-60558-388-4/08/0012,
SIGGRAPH Asia 2008, Singapore, December 10-13, 2008, 2008.12.
29. Tetsuyuki Minamihara, Maki Terai, Reiji Tsuruno, Visual Simulation of Scattering and Settling of Fine Particles, SIGGRAPH ASIA 2008, Full Conference DVD #1, /content/sketches/minamihara.pdf, ISBN 978-1-60558-388-4/08/0012,
Siggraph Asia 2008, Singapore, December 10-13, 2008, 2008.12.
30. Yuki Morimoto, Masayuki Tanaka, Reiji Tsuruno, Kiyoshi Tomimatsu, Visualization of Dyeing based on Diffusion and Adsorption Theories, PacificGraphics2007, IEEE computer society, proceedings of 15th Pacific conference on Computer Graphics and Applications(PacificGraphics2007), pp.57-64, published by the IEEE Computer Society, 2007.10.
31. Yuki Morimoto, Masayuki Tanaka, Reiji Tsuruno, Kiyoshi Tomimatsu, Liquid Diffusion Model that Accounts for Variety of Dyeing Parameters, EUROGRAPHICS 2007 , EUROGRAPHICS2007 shortpapers and medical prize awards, pp.85-88, 2007, 2007.09.
32. Akihiko SHIRAI,Kyoko MURAKAMI,Reiji TSURUNO,Etsuo GENDA, WiiMedia: Papier Poupee Painter";a new usage of game controller for infancy art media, CyberGames2007; International Conference on Games Research and Development, CyberGames2007:International Conference on Games Research and Development, Edmond C.Prakash and tosiyasu L. Kunii(Editors), pp.25-32, 2007
e-Book Published in 2007 at Cybergames Converence, Manchester Metropolitan University, Departmentof computing and Mathematics, manchester M1 5GD , 2007.09.
33. Yuki Morimoto, Reiji Tsuruno, Kiyoshi Tomimatsu, Liquid Penetration Modeling for Cloth Dyeing, Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization and Imaging, D.W.Cunningham,G.Meyer,L.Neumann(Eds), Eurographics Association, pp.97-104, 2007, 2007.06.
34. Maki Terai, Jun Fujiki, Reiji Tsuruno, Kiyoshi Tomimatsu, Tile-Based Modeling and Rendering, A.Butz et al.(Eds.), Springer-Verlag, SG 2007, LNCS 4609, pp.158-163, 2007
8th International Symposium on Smart Graphics, Kyoto, Japan, June 2007, Proceedings
, LNCS 4609, pp.233-234, 2007, 2007.06.
35. Yuki Morimoto, Reiji Tsuruno, Cellular Modeling of Dye Stain on Cloth, International Journal of Asia Digital Art and Design, vol.5,pp.20-25, 2006.12.
36. Kyoko Murakami, Reiji Tsuruno, Etsuo Genda, Natural-looking strokes for drawing applications, The Visual Computer, vol.22, pp.415-423, 2006.05, [URL].
37. Jun Fujiki, Kyoko Murakami, Reiji Tsuruno, Kiyoshi Tomimatsu, Path Tracing in Volumetric Space Using Stored Irradiance, IWAIT2006(International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology), pp.256-261, ISSN1880-5957, 2006.01.
38. 大嶋貴史、松村誠明、村上恭子、鶴野玲治, CGによる弾性体のリアルタイム剥離表現, 画像電子学会誌, 第34巻、第4号、pp.327-335, 2005.07.
39. 村上恭子、鶴野玲治、源田悦夫, 複数被照射紙面を利用したリアルタイムストロークレンダリング, 画像電子学会誌, 第34巻、第4号、pp.319-326, 2005.07.
40. Masaaki Matsumura, Reiji Tsuruno, Visual Simulation of Melting Ice Considering the Natural Convection, ACM SIGGRAPH, sketches, SIGGRAPH2005
conference proceedings DVDROM, 2005.07.
41. 森本有紀、鶴野玲治, CGによる染色表現のための染み込みモデル, 画像電子学会
, Visual Computing グラフィックスとCAD合同シンポジウム2005
pp.173-177, 2005.06.
42. 松村誠明、鶴野玲治, 自然対流を考慮した氷解現象シミュレーション, 画像電子学会
, Visual Computing グラフィックスとCAD合同シンポジウム2005
pp.105-110, 2005.06.
43. Kyoko Murakami, Reiji Tsuruno, Etsuo Genda, Multiple Illuminated Paper Textures for Drawing Strokes, IEEE, Proc. of Computer Graphics International 2005 (CGI'05)
June 22024,2005, Stony Brook, NY, USA
pp.156-161, 2005.06.
44. 鶴野玲治、立花裕美、村上恭子, 紙面テクスチャを使った仮想鉛筆ドローイングインタフェース, 芸術工学研究, vol.3, pp.21-28, 2005.03.
45. 松村誠明, 岩本周大、竹内久、今村淳司、鶴野玲治, Be Silhouetted : Invisible and Visible Shadow, 第20回NICOGRAPH論文集, 2004.11.
46. 村上恭子, 鶴野玲治, 源田悦夫, 被照射紙面を利用したドローイングツールのためにストローク生成技法, 第20回 NICOGRAPH論文集, 論文賞(優秀論文賞)受賞, 2004.11.
47. 鶴野玲治, 立花裕美, 村上恭子, 紙面付着データを用いたインタラクティブな仮想鉛筆ストロークの生成, 第20回NICOGRAPH論文集, 論文賞(審査員特別賞)受賞, 2004.11.
48. Kyoko Murakami, Reiji Tsuruno, Etsuo Genda, Strokes for Drawings Using Illuminated Paper Surfaces, SIGGRAPH2004 Full Conference DVD-ROM, 2004.08.
49. 村上恭子、鶴野玲治、源田悦夫, フレーム間コヒーレンスを保ったパステル画風CGアニメーションの生成, 画像電子学会
, Visual Computing グラフィックスCAD合同シンポジウム2004予稿集
pp125-130, 2004, 2004.06.
50. Kyoko Murakami, Reiji Tsuruno, Trans-Polygon Stroke Method for Frame Coherent Pastel Images, Eurographics 2003 short presentation, 2003.09.
51. Kyoko Murakami, Reiji Tsuruno, Polygon-based Pastel-like Rendering for Animation, SIGGRAPH2003 conference proceedings DVD ROM, 2003.07.
52. 廣川俊二、山本耕之、石川聖二、タンジュークイ、鶴野玲治, ACL線維束の変形・ひずみ挙動の三次元動画像構築に関する研究, 日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会誌, vol.23, pp47-52, 2002.09.
53. Kyoko Murakami, Reiji Tsuruno, Pastel-like Rendering Considerign the Properties of Pigments and Support Medium, SIGGRAPH2002 conference abstract and applications, p.227, 2002/7, 2002.07.
54. 村上恭子、鶴野玲治, 顔料及び支持体の特性を考慮したパステル画風レンダリング, 芸術科学会論文誌, 第1巻・第2号、pp.89-96,2002/6, 2002.06.
55. 立花裕美、伊東謙太郎、村上恭子、鶴野玲治, 実データに基づいたインタラクティブな鉛筆画ツール, 情報処理学会インタラクション2003論文集, pp.227-228, 2003/2, 2002.02.
56. 村上恭子 鶴野玲治, パステル画風CG画像の生成, 芸術工学会誌, No.26, pp.108-113, 2001/11, 2001.11.
57. 立花裕美 鶴野玲治, 手作り感を考慮した仮想粘土モデル, 芸術工学会誌, No.26,pp.118-123,2001/11, 2001.11.
58. Shunji HIrokawa, Reiji Tsuruno, Computer Generated Graphic Images of Human Ligament, The VIII-th International Symposium on Computer simulation in Biomechanics, Proc.of the VIII-th International Symposium on Computer simulation in Biomechanicspp.59-64, 2001/7, Milan, Italy, 2001.07.
59. Hirokawa, S., Reiji Tsuruno, Three-dimensional deformation and stress distribution of the anterior cruciate ligament in the knee (Results of model analyses and visual simulation), JSME International Journal, Series C: Mechanical Systems, Machine Elements and Manufacturing, 43, 4, 957-965, Volume 43, Issue 4, December 2000, Pages 957-965, 2000.12, This paper describes a new structurally-motivated phenomenological approach. Such assumption was made that the ACL can be idealized as being composed of a homogeneous matrix in which two non-interacting families of densely distributed extensible fibers are embedded. Then a constitutive equation for the ACL composite was formulated. Using the finite element method, the visual simulations were performed in terms of three-dimensional change in shape, stress distribution and intraligaments' stresses, as a function of knee angle. Variations in stress due to tibial anterior-posterior displacements were also introduced. All the results were compared and discussed with the previous studies, thereby verifying the validity and usefulness of our model..
60. 廣川俊二 川田高士 山本耕之 鶴野玲治, MCL損傷のメカニズム, 日本臨床バイオメカニズム学会誌, 2000.10.
61. Yoshida, M., Kamiura, Y., Reiji Tsuruno, Takahashi, M., Tomokage,H., Application of one-bond-type migration to interstitialcy-type self-interstitial and phosphorus in silicon, Journal of Crystal Growth, Volume 210, Issue 1, 1 March 2000, Pages 128-131, 2000.03, (1) From the standpoint of the potential energy, the one-bond-type migration is divided into the BC (bond-centered type) and SP (split 〈1 0 0〉 type) migrations. In the BC migration, there are two kinds of atom migrations. One is that in which a BC atom pushes its neighboring atom to a BC site. This is the typical migration by the interstitialcy mechanism. The other is that in which a BC atom rotates about its neighboring atom and becomes the BC atom again. This is a feature of the BC migration. (2) The BC and SP migrations are applied to P diffusion in Si. Assuming there is no interaction between P and Si, the distance and probability for each step of the migration are obtained and applied to Si self-diffusion. Because they are not constant, the definition of the correlation factor for the self-diffusion is different from the usual one..
62. Shunji Hirokawa, Reiji Tsuruno, Three-dimensional Deformation and Stress Distribution in an Analytical/Computational Model of the anterior Cruciate Ligament, Journal of Biomechanics, 10.1016/S0021-9290(00)00073-7, 33, 9, 1069-1077, Vol.33, No.9, pp.1069-1077, 2000, 2000.01.
63. 廣川俊二 鶴野玲治, ACLの三次元形状変形と応力分布の可視化シミュレーション, 日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会誌, Vol.20, pp171-178,1999, 1999.10.
64. Yoshida, M., Kamiura, Y., Tsuruno, R., Takahashi, M., Tomokage, H., One bond-type migration of phosphorus in silicon by interstitialcy mechanism, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1: Regular Papers and Short Notes and Review Papers, Volume 37, Issue 12, December 1998, Pages 6376-6377, 1998.12.
65. Hirokawa,S., Reiji Tsuruno, Visual simulation on ligament's stress derived from the microstructural model, Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings, 20, 2478-2481, Volume 5, 1998, Pages 2478-2481
Publisher: IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, United States, 1998.01, This paper describes a new structurally-motivated phenomenological approach. Such assumption was made that the ACL can be idealized as being composed of a homogeneous matrix in which two non-interacting families of densely distributed extensible fibers are embedded. A non-linear stress-strain characteristic exhibited by multiple collagen fibers was represented by the tri-liner curve. Then a constitutive equation for the ACL composite was formulated. Using the finite element method, a 3-D finite deformation and stress distribution of the ACL as a function of knee flexion were introduced through simulation and their graphic representation was made..
66. Yoshida, M., Tsuruno, R., Kamiura, Y., Takahashi, M., Tomokage, H., Schematic model for the migration of interstitialcy-type self-interstitial including the middle state, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1: Regular Papers and Short Notes and Review Papers, Volume 36, Issue 12 A, December 1997, Pages 7156-7157, 1997.12.
67. Shunji Hirokawa, Reiji Tsuruno, Hyper-Elastic Model Analysis of Anterior Cruciate Ligament, Medical Engineering and Physics, 10.1016/S1350-4533(96)00077-X, 19, 7, 637-651, Vol.19, No.7, pp.637-651, 1997, 1997.01.
68. Hirokawa, S., Reiji Tsuruno, Measurement/analysis of deformation and strain distribution of the anterior cruciate ligament in the human knee, Memoirs of the Kyushu University, Faculty of Engineering, Volume 56, Issue 2, June 1996, Pages 51-68, 1996.06, Highly variable deformations of the anterior cruciate ligaments (ACL) cannot be adequately quantified by one-dimensional and/or localized measurements. Furthermore it is impossible to directly measure in-situ, non-uniform distribution of biaxial strain over the entire surface of the intra-articular ligaments. We employed an alternative approach; Instead of using an actual knee and ACL, a knee motion simulator and a pseudo ligament were prepared. The pseudo ligament was manipulated so as to simulate the deformation and stress the actual ACL undergoes during knee flexion. Two hundred and ten points drawn on the pseudo ligament at regular intervals, were measured by the stereo-photogrammetric method, and components of the Green strain tensor were computed. Next, using the finite element method, in which the ligament was treated as an incompressive hyperelastic membrane, the finite deformation of the ligament was theoretically analyzed. The results demonstrated that strain distribution varied, even along the fiber run, and large strain gradients were observed in the regions near the insertions. Futher, the following values were obtained as a function of knee flexion: three-dimensional change in shape, resultant pull force on the tibial insertion, and change of strain pattern by anterior-posterior displacement of the tibia..
69. Reiji Tsuruno, Yoshihide Isobe, Shin Ozaki, Hideo Kosako, Eiichi Bamba, 放射線治療用高精度線量補償フィルタ設計システム, 電子情報通信学会論文誌, D-Ⅱ,Vol.J76-D-II,No.3, pp.729-736
, 1993.03.
70. Nobuyuki Matsui, Reiji Tsuruno, Eiichi Bamba, テクスチャ認知のフラクタル依存性, 電子情報通信学会論文誌
, D-Ⅱ,Vol.J76-D-II,, No.7,, 1406-1413, 1993.03.
71. Kazuhiko Ushio, Reiji Tsuruno, Cyclic Sk-Factorization of  Complete Bipartite Graphs, SIAM (Society of Industrial Applied Mathematics), 557-563, 1991.09.
72. Takao Miyamoto, Reiji Tsuruno, Seiji Koyama, Hideo Kosako, 三角形パッチによる輪郭線からの側面生成法の改良, 図学研究, 53, 9-16, 1991.07.
73. Reiji Tsuruno, Yoshihide Isobe, Shin Ozaki, et.al., 粗間隔ボリュームデータからの境界曲面構築アルゴリズム, 図学研究, 52, 1-6, 1991.03.
74. Kazuhiko Ushio, Reiji Tsuruno, P3-factorization of complete multipartite graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics, Springer Verlag.,
, 5, 1, 385-387, 1989.02.
75. Sachiko Miyazoe, Reiji Tsuruno, Sadahiko Nagae, 高速状態におけるCGシミュレーション~相対性理論に基づく視覚イメージの構築, NICOGRAPH'88, 4, 318-324, 1988.11.
76. Reiji Tsuruno, yoshihide isobe, shin ozaki, sadahiko nagae, eiichi bamba, 放射線治療計画における3D処理法とその臨床応用, NICOGRAPH'88, 266-274, 1988.11.
77. Noboru Matsukura, Reiji Tsuruno, 骨盤骨折の受傷機転に対する実験的検討, 中部日本整形外科災害外科学会雑誌, 31, 5, 2088-2089, 1988.09.
78. Reiji Tsuruno, Hideyuki Isoyama, Miyamoto Takao, et.al., 頭部X線CTからの脳腫瘍部位自動抽出とその3次元表示, 情報処理学会グラフィックスCADシンポジウム, 27, 7, 129-138, 1987.12.
79. Reiji Tsuruno, H.Isoyama, S.Nagae, E.Bamba, K.Shimizu, Y.Okamoto, 脳腫瘍CTの3次元表示システム, NICOGRAPH, 3, 105-113, 1987.11.
80. Reiji Tsuruno, S.Miyazoe, S.Nagae, S.Fukunaga, パーソナルコンピュータにおける拡張Z-BUFFER法, 図学研究, 41, 11-17, 1987.08.
81. Reiji Tsuruno, S.Nagae, S.Fukunaga, N.Matsukura, ビデオ入力によるCT画像の立体表示, 図学研究, 40, 31-37, 1987.03.
82. N.Matsukura, S.Tanaka, M.Tomihara, H.Kitagawa, S.Nagae, Reiji Tsuruno, コンピュータを用いたCT像の立体表示の試み, 中部日本整形外科災害外科学会雑誌, 29, 5, 2267-2268, 1986.09.
83. Reiji Tsuruno, S.Nagae, S.Fukunaga, パーソナルコンピュータにおけるサーフェースモデルの構築とCAD/CAMへの応用, 図学研究, 38, 9-14, 1986.03.
主要総説, 論評, 解説, 書評, 報告書等
1. 鶴野玲治, SIGGRAPH2010 Technical Papers, Journal of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, Vol.15, No.3, p.37, 2010, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会, 2010.10.
2. 鶴野玲治, 現実物のモデリングと仮想物のレンダリング., 九州大学感性融合創造センター, 年報
pp.47-52, 2005.03.
3. Reiji Tsuruno, Visual Simulation, 2nd International Workshop on Sustainable Habitat Systems, Kyushu University 21st century COE program, 2005.10.
1. Kenta Akita, Yuki Morimoto, Reiji Tsuruno, Hand-Drawn Anime Line Drawing Colorization of Faces with Texture Details, Computer Graphics International 2023 (CGI2023), 2023.08, Automatic or semi-automatic colorization can reduce the burden of illustrators in color illustration production, which is a research area with significant market demand because the colorization of line drawings of character illustrations is time-consuming. Texture details in eyes and hair influence the impression of character illustrations. Generally, these details are not expressed in line drawings, but in colorization in color illustration production. Many existing automatic or semi-automatic colorization methods do not target hand-drawn line drawings and it is difficult to paint texture details on such drawings. In this paper, we propose the semi-automatic colorization of character line drawings around faces with texture details. Our method uses a reference image as a color hint and transfers the textures of the reference image to a line drawing. To achieve this, our method uses segmentation masks to match parts of the line drawing with the same parts of the reference image. We create two types of segmentation datasets to train a segmentation network that creates segmentation masks. We transfer texture details to a hand-drawn line drawing by mapping each part of the reference image to the corresponding part of the line drawing using segmentation masks. We show that our method is more effective for hand-drawn line drawings than existing methods using qualitative and quantitative evaluations..
2. 秋田健太,森本有紀,鶴野玲治, キャラクタイラスト線画の顔を対象としたテクスチャ詳細が反映可能な自動着色, VC+VCC2022, 2022.10.
3. Taisei Omine, Yuki Morimoto, Reiji Tsuruno, Automatic Generation of a 3D Braid Hair Model from a Single Image, SIGGRAPH2022, 2022.07.
4. 松村誠明, 秋田健太, 森本有紀, 鶴野玲治, 山本福永, 拓海奏, 青野裕司, 視認率を考慮した人物特徴点の3次元座標推定精度の改善に対する検討, 情報処理学会 第116回オーディオビジュアル複合情報処理研究発表会, 2022.02.
5. Kohei Doi, Yuki Morimoto, Reiji Tsuruno, Global Illumination-Aware Color Remapping with Fidelity for Texture Values, SIGGRAPH 2021, 2021.08, [URL], Our aim is to convert an object’s appearance to an arbitrary color considering the light scattering in the entire scene, which is often called the global illumination. Existing stylization methods convert the color of an object with a 1-dimensional texture for 3-dimensional computer graphics to reproduce a typical style used in illustrations and cel animations. However, they cannot express global illumination effects such as color bleedings and soft shadows. We propose a method to compute the global illumination and convert the shading to an arbitrary color. It consists of subpath tracing from the eye to the object, and radiance estimation on the object. The radiance is stored and used later to convert its color. The method reproduces reflections in other objects with the converted color. As a result, we can convert the color of illumination effects such as soft shadows and refractions..
6. 秋田 健太, 松村 誠明, 山本 奏, 鶴野 玲治, モーションキャプチャデータの関節回転角におけるノイズ除去のための損失関数の検討, 情報処理学会研究報告オーディオビジュアル複合情報処理(AVM), 2021.02, [URL], 本研究では,マーカーレスモーションキャプチャデータに重畳するノイズ除去を目的とし,関節回転角が時系列方向に滑らかに連続して変化するという特徴を反映させるため,時系列方向の微分損失を含めて計算する損失関数を設計した.この結果,従来手法 (関節回転角の平均二乗誤差) と同様のノイズ除去効果を発揮しつつ,特に学習の早期 epoch にて約 1% の損失削減効果が確認された..
7. 秋田健太,森本有紀, 鶴野玲治, Colorization of Line Drawings with Empty Pupils, Visual Computing 2020, 2020.12.
8. Kenta Akita, Yuki Morimoto, Reiji Tsuruno, Fully automatic colorization for anime character considering accurate eye colors, ACM SIGGRAPH 2019, 2019.07, In this paper, we propose a method to colorize line drawings of anime characters' faces with colors from a reference image. Previous studies using reference images often fail to realize fully-automatic colorization, especially for small areas, e.g., eye colors in the resulting image may differ from the reference image. The proposed method accurately colorizes eyes in the input line drawing using automatically computed hints. The hints are round patches used to specify the positions and corresponding colors extracted from the eye areas of a reference image..
9. Tomoko Nakamoto, Philip Sköld, Reiji Tsuruno., Eye Movement Model for Face-to-Face Interaction with Virtual Characters, 2018 International Conference for Asia Digital Art and Design, ADADA+CUMULUS, 2018.11.
10. 丸山哲, 鶴野玲治, 流れ場の分割及びモデル化を利用したラテアート風流れ模様の生成, NICOGRAPH2018, 芸術科学会, 2018.11.
11. 中本智子, 鶴野 玲治, ユーザと対面するバーチャルキャラクタの自然な眼球運動モデルの生成, 情報処理学会CGVI研究会第168回研究発表会 (CGVI, CVIM, DCC共催), 2017.11, [URL], 他者と対面した時、人の視線は相手の目や鼻などの特徴点を経常的に推移することが知られている。本研究では自然に他者を見つめるような眼球運動の生成を目的とし、実測値に基づいたマルコフ連鎖による視線移動モデルを生成した。そのモデルを用いる事により、ユーザを見つめるような眼球運動の生成が可能となった。目が大きなキャラクタを使って実験を行った結果、ランダムな視線移動に比べて自然な印象を与えることが確認できた。.
12. 中本智子, 鶴野 玲治, 対面時の自然な視線動作を伴ったバーチャルキャラクタ, 映像表現・芸術科学フォーラム, 2017.03, [URL], 本研究では人と人が対面したような自然な視線動作をバーチャルキャラクタに付与する手法を提案する。人間は他者を見つめる際に完全にランダムに視線を動かすのではなく、目、鼻などの特定の部位に重点的に視線を遷移させる事が知られている。本手法では実際に人と対面した時に相手を見つめる際の視線運動に関する統計データと、webカメラで取得した人間の顔の位置や部位に基づいて眼球運動を生成する。それを利用して作成した眼球運動をバーチャルキャラクタに付与することで、対面した際のユーザ側の顔を意識したような視線動作を伴ったバーチャルキャラクタの生成が可能になった。 .
13. 石川湧一, 堀田昇吾, 栗丸侑大, 丸山哲, 鶴野 玲治, VR HISTORIA~体験するドキュメンタリー~の制作, 映像表現・芸術科学フォーラム, 2017.03, [URL], インタラクティブにかつ美しい映像を楽しめるドキュメンタリー映像を使ったVRゲームを制作した。コンテンツのコンセプトに合わせ、仮想空間のステージとして列車のコンパートメントと車窓を設定し、没入感と操作性と映像のクオリティを高めるために、オブジェクトの操作や提示にはHTC Vive、レンダリングにはUnrealEngine4を使用している。.
14. 目野泰平, 鶴野 玲治, 位置ベース流体シミュレーションのための局所密度補完モデル, 映像表現・芸術科学フォーラム, 2017.03, [URL], 精細な流体をリアルタイムで計算する方法として位置ベース流体シミュレーション手法がある。この手法では流体の非圧縮性を密度に関する制約として与え、制約を満たすように粒子の位置を直接移動する。この手法は高速で安定した計算が可能であるが、制約を満たすためには反復計算を行う必要があるためリアルタイムアプリケーションでは計算コストの面で問題となる。そこで本論文では、密度の制約を補完するために局所密度補完モデルを設定することで少ない反復計算回数でも非圧縮性を保つ手法を提案する。提案手法を用いることで、従来の手法よりも密度の安定化が可能であり、少ない計算コストで非圧縮性の実現が可能であることが確認された。
There is a position-based fluid simulation method as a method to calculate fine fluids in real time. In this method, incompressibility of the fluid is given as a constraint on density, and the particle position is directly moved so as to satisfy the constraint. Although this method is capable of high speed and stable calculation, it is necessary to perform iterative calculation to satisfy the constraint, which is a problem in terms of calculation cost in real time application. In this paper, we propose a method to maintain incompressibility even with small iterative calculation by setting regional density correction model to complement density constraint. By using the proposed method, it is confirmed that the density can be stabilized more than the conventional method, and incompressibility can be realized with less calculation cost..
15. Taihei Meno, Reiji Tsuruno, Local Pressure Correction Model for Position Based Fluids, ADADA2016(14th International Conference for Asia Digital Art and Design), 2016.11, [URL].
16. 亀田彗, 鶴野 玲治, ドット絵キャラクターのモーフィング手法の提案, Visual Computing /グラフィックスCAD合同シンポジウム2015, 2015.06.
17. 北村真紀, 金森由博, Reiji Tsuruno, 異なる視点から描かれたイラストからの2.5Dモデル生成, 情報処理学会グラフィックスCAD研究会第156回研究発表会, 2014.09, [URL], キャラクタデザインの際,キャラクタの正面,側面や斜めなどから見たイラストが描かれる.本研究ではそのような異なる視点から描かれた 2 枚のイラストを用いて 2.5D モデルを生成する.2.5D モデルは変形するビルボードを奥行き方向に重ねたモデルであり,2 視点の間のキャラクタの見え方を,奥行きを考慮して表現できる.提案手法は単色の輪郭線と閉領域で構成されたカートゥン調のイラストと各イラストの視線方向を入力とする.各閉領域を 2 枚のイラスト間で対応付け,対応付けられた閉領域を 3D 空間にビルボードとして配置することで 2.5D モデルを作成する.これらは半自動的に処理される.さらに提案手法は,遮蔽によって消失・出現する閉領域の補完を行うことで,視点が変わった時に遮蔽されて見えなくなっていくような部分が存在するイラストの補間も可能にした.

When artists design characters, they draw illustrations viewed from the front, side or slant views. In this paper, we create a 2.5D model using such illustrations. A 2.5D model is a model that is created by arranging deformable billboards in the depth direction, and it can express an appearance of the character between two viewpoints with considering depth information. Our method uses two cartoon-like illustrations and eye directions as inputs. These illustrations are consisted of contours and closed regions painted with uniform colors. Our method finds corresponding regions between two illustrations, and creates a 2.5D model by putting each matched region as a billboard in 3D space. These processes are semi-automatic. By completing regions that appear or vanish, our method can interpolate illustrations with occluded regions.
18. Kitamura(Terai) Maki, Yoshihiro Kanamori, Jun Mitani, Yukio Fukui, Reiji Tsuruno, Motion Frame Omission for Cartoon-like Effects
, IWAIT2014 / The International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2014, 2014.01.
19. Jun Yoshino, Reiji Tsuruno, Interactive Shape Control for Fluid Animation, Nicograph International 2013, 2013.06.
20. Maki Terai, Reiji Tsuruno, An Interactive Tile-Based Modeling Interface, Nicograph International 2013, 2013.06.
21. 北村(寺井)真紀, 金森由博, 三谷純, 福井幸男, 鶴野 玲治, リミテッドアニメ風表現のためのモーションタイミング調整法, 情報処理学会グラフィックスCAD研究会, 2013.11, リミテッドアニメとは、同じ絵を2コマあるいは3コマ連続して用いることによって、毎秒24コマのアニメーションを構成する表現手法である。本研究ではモーションキャプチャのデータを入力とし、このデータからフレームを間引くことで動きのタイミングを制御し、「中無し」と「コマ撮り」の効果を模倣する。具体的には、動きが特に速いフレームを削除することで「中無し」のように速さを強調し、動きの小さいフレームを更新しないことで「コマ撮り」のように微小な動きを低減する。適用結果の動画により、リミテッドアニメ風のモーションタイミング調整が実現できたことを示す。.
22. 勇 太智, 鶴野 玲治, 外形制御による魚群アニメーションの生成, 映像表現・芸術科学フォーラム2013, 2013.03, 本研究では外形を与えることでCGの魚の群れを制御する方法を提案する。まず移動空間を格子(セル)に分け、それぞれのセルに移動方向や移動量に影響を与えるポテンシャル場を適用する。さらに魚群に階層化させたboidを適用し、リーダーを制御することで巨視的な制御に対応させる。実験によって群の外形が意図通りに形成され、水族館の巨大水槽や海中で見られるマイワシ群の動きに近い渦流のような泳動を確認できている。.
23. 吉野 潤, 鶴野 玲治, 流体形状のインタラクティブなコントロール, 映像表現・芸術科学フォーラム2013, 2013.03, 本研究ではインタラクティブに目標形状を与え流体の挙動をコントロールするための手法を提案する。目標形状に向かって変移する流体の動きはNavier-Stokes方程式の外力項に対して制御粒子(control particle)による力を追加することで実現される。control particleはユーザーが指定した流体領域の内部に動的に生成され、その振る舞いはShape Matching法によって目標形状を参照しながら逐次決定される。提案手法を用いることで物理法則に従った動きをしながら徐々にその概形を目標形状へと変移させていく流体を動的に表現することが可能となる。.
24. 冨田康之、鶴野玲治, インタラクティブな波モデルの合成による水面写真の動画化, NICOGRAPH(芸術科学会), 2011.09.
25. Ryoichi Ando, Reiji Tsuruno, High-Frequency-Aware PIC/FLIP in Liquid Animation, SIGGRAPH Asia 2010, 2010.12.
26. Yasuyuki Tomita, Reiji Tsuruno, Motion-Texture Animation of Water Surface, SIGGRAPH 2010, 2010.12.
27. Ryoichi Ando, Reiji Tsuruno, Vector Fluid - A Vector Graphics Depiction of Surface Flow, SBIM-NPAR 2010, 2010.06.
28. Ryoichi Ando, Reiji Tsuruno, Segmental Brush Synthesis with Stroke Images, EUROGRAPHICS2010, 2010.05.
29. Ryoichi Ando, Reiji Tsuruno, Vector Fluid: A Vector Art Representation of Fluid, SIGGRAPH ASIA 2009, 2009.12, [URL].
30. Ryoichi Ando, Reiji Tsuruno, Vector Fluid : ベクタ形式による美しい流れ模様の生成, SIGGRAPH ASIA 2009, 2009.12, [URL].
31. Ryoichi Ando, Reiji Tsuruno, Storokes by Example using Segmental Textures Synthesis, Pacific Graphics 2009 (PG09), 2009.10, [URL].
32. 西﨑隆紘、城崎佐和子、鶴野玲治, 繰り返し文様のインタラクティブな生成手法, インタラクション2009, 2009.03.
33. Tetsuyuki Minamihara, Maki Terai, Reiji Tsuruno, Visual Simulation of Scattering and Settling of Fine Particles, SIGGRAPH ASIA 2008, 2008.12.
34. Taichi Nishiyori, Souei Sato, Narumi Tashiro, Toki Takeda, Ryouichi Ando, Maki Terai, Taketoshi Ushiama, Reiji Tsuruno, Fu-Fuu: Interactive Game using Breath Control, SIGGRAPH ASIA 2008, 2008.12.
35. Sawako Johzaki, Maki Terai, Reiji Tsuruno, An Interactive Design System for Creating Repetition Patterns, SIGGRAPH2008, 2008.08.
36. Maki Terai, Jun Fujiki, Reiji Tsuruno, Kiyoshi Tomimatsu, Tile-Based Field Modeling, SIGGRAPH2008, 2008.08.
37. Jun Fujiki, Taketoshi Ushiama, Reiji Tsuruno, Kiyoshi Tomimatsu, Constellation: Perception Morphing by Point Animation, SIGGRAPH2008, 2008.08.
38. 森本有紀、田中正幸、鶴野玲治、富松潔, 拡散、及び、吸着理論に基づいた染色のビジュアルシミュレーション, 情報処理学会グラフィックスCAD研究会, 2008.07.
39. 城崎佐和子、寺井真紀、鶴野玲治, 対称性を用いた敷き詰めパターンの生成ツール, インタラクション2008, 2008.03.
40. Sawako Johzaki, Reiji Tsuruno, Method for generating Japanese traditional botanical repetition pattern , Asia Digital Art and Design Association, 2007.12.
41. Yuki Morimoto, Masayuki Tanaka, Reiji Tsuruno, Kiyoshi Tomimatsu, Visualization of Dyeing based on Diffusion and Adsorption Theories, PacificGraphics2007 (5th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications), 2007.10.
42. Akihiko SHIRAI,Kyoko MURAKAMI,Reiji TSURUNO,Etsuo GENDA, WiiMedia: Papier Poupee Painter;a new usage of game controller for infancy art media, CyberGames2007, 2007.09.
43. Yuki Morimoto, Masayuki Tanaka, Reiji Tsuruno, Kiyoshi Tomimatsu, Liquid Diffusion Model that Accounts for Variety of Dyeing Parameters, EUROGRAPHICS2007, 2007.09.
44. Maki Terai, Jun Fujiki, Reiji Tsuruno, Kiyoshi Tomimatsu, Tile-Based Ambiguous Modeling, SIGGRAPH2007 (The 34th International Conference and Exhibition on Coumpter Graphics and Interactive Techniques), 2007.08.
45. Yuki Morimoto, Masayuki Tanaka, Reiji Tsuruno, Kiyoshi Tomimatsu, Liquid Diffusion Model on Woven Cloth using Dyeing Theory, SIGGRAPH2007 (The 34th International Conference and Exhibition on Coumpter Graphics and Interactive Techniques), 2007.08.
46. Kyoko Murakami, Reiji Tsuruno, Textureing on Patterned Cloth With Wrinkles in a 2D Illustration, SIGGRAPH2007 (The 34th International Conference and Exhibition on Coumpter Graphics and Interactive Techniques), 2007.08.
47. Akira Yoshida, Reiji Tsuruno, Paper Mosaic-like Animation Rendering, NPAR2007 (International Symposium on Non-Photorialistic Animation and Rendering), 2007.08.
48. Kyoko Murakami, Reiji Tsuruno, Imitation Wrinkles on Patterned Cloth in Comics, NPAR2007 (5th International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering), 2007.08.
49. Maki Terai, Jun Fujiki, Reiji Tsuruno, Kiyoshi Tomimatsu, Magical Tile, 7th International Symposium on Smart Graphics, 2007.06.
50. 吉田明、鶴野玲治, 貼り絵の質感を持つ3次元アニメーションレンダリング, Visual Computing/GCADシンポジウム2007, 2007.06.
51. 寺井真紀、藤木淳、鶴野玲治、富松潔, 地形形状チップス - インタラクティブな2次元ゲームフィールドビュー操作系, インタラクション2007, 2007.03.
52. Masaaki Matsumura, Reiji Tsuruno, Animating Viscous Fluids in the Multiphase Field, SIGGRAPH2006, 2006.07, [URL].
53. Kyoko Murakakami,Reiji Tsuruno, Textured Drawing Strokes Using Polygonized Paper Surface Illumination, SIGGRAPH 2006, 2006.07, [URL].
54. 鶴野玲治, 空間と現象のシミュレーションとしてのCG, 建築学会, 2006.04.
55. Reiji Tsuruno, Visual Simulation, The 2nd International Workshop on Sustainable Habitat Systems, 2005.10.
56. Jun Fujiki, Kyoko Murakami, Reiji Tsuruno, Kiyoshi Tomimatsu, Path Tracing in Volumetric Space Using Stored Irradiance, International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2006, 2006.01.
57. Kyoko Murakami, Jun Fujiki, Reiji Tsuruno, Kiyoshi Tomimatsu, The Acceleration of Path Tracing With Converted Polygons to Volume Data, Asia Digital Art and Design Association, 2005.12.
58. Yuki Morimoto, Reiji Tsuruno, Celluar Modeling of Dye Stain on Cloth, Asia Digital Art and Design Association, 2005.12.
59. Masaaki Matsumura, Reiji Tsuruno, Visual Simulation of Melting Ice Considering the Natual Convection, SIGGRAPH2005, 2005.08.
60. Kyoko Murakami, Reiji Tsuruno, Multiple Illuminated Paper Textures for Drawing Strokes, Computer Graphics International 2005, 2005.06.
61. 森本有紀、鶴野玲治, CGによる染色表現のための染み込みモデル, 画像電子学会、情報処理学会、Visual Computing グラフィックスとCAD合同05, 2005.06.
62. 松村誠明、鶴野玲治, 自然対流を考慮した氷解現象シミュレーション, 画像電子学会、情報処理学会、Visual Computing グラフィックスとCAD合同05, 2005.06.
63. Yuki Morimoto and Reiji Tsuruno, Cellular Modeling of Dye Stain on Cloth, SIGGRAPH 2004, 2004.06.
64. Shinya Yoshida and Reiji Tsuruno, Virtual Lighting using Stereo Images, SIGGRAPH 2004, 2004.08.
65. Kyoko Murakami, Reiji Tsuruno, Etsuo Genda, Strokes for Drawings Using Illuminated Paper Surfaces, SIGGRAPH 2004, 2004.08.
66. 村上恭子、鶴野玲治、源田悦夫, フレーム間コヒーレンスを保ったパステル画風CGアニメーションの生成, 画像電子学会 情報処理学会 Visual Computing グラフィックスCAD 合同シンポジウム, 2004.06.
67. 森本有紀、鶴野玲治, 布への染料の染み込みモデル, NICOGRAPH, 2004.05.
68. 吉田真也、鶴野玲治, ステレオ画像からの仮想照明画像の生成, NICOGRAPH, 2004.05.
69. 鶴野玲治, 現実物のモデリングと仮想物のレンダリング, 九州大学感性融合創造センターセミナー, 2004.03.
70. 鶴野玲治, マルチメディアのためのアート&デザイン教育, freq03, 2003.11.
71. Kyoko Murakami, Reiji Tsuruno, Pastel-like Rendering Considering the Properties of Pigments and Support Medium, SIGGRAPH2002, 2002.07.
72. 村上恭子 鶴野玲治, パステル画風ストロークレンダリング, 日本デザイン学会第49回研究発表大会, 2002.11.
73. 立花裕美 伊東謙太郎 村上恭子 鶴野玲治, 実データに基づいたインタラクティブな鉛筆画ツール, 情報処理学会インタラクション2003, 2003.02.
74. 村上恭子 鶴野玲治, アニメーションへの適用を想定したポリゴンベースのパステル画風CG, 情報処理学会第65回全国大会, 2003.03.
75. Kyoko Murakami, Reiji Tsuruno, Polygon Based Pastel Like Rendering for Animation, SIGGRAPH2003, 2003.07.
76. Kyoko Murakami, Reiji Tsuruno, Trans Polygon Stroke Method for Frame Coherent Pastel Images, EUROGRAPHICS2003, 2003.09.
1. Baba, T., Ushiama, T., Tsuruno, R., and Tomimatsu, Video game that uses skin contact as controller input, 2007.08
In ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 Emerging Technologies (San Diego, California, August 05 - 09, 2007). SIGGRAPH '07. ACM Press, New York, NY, 4., 2007.
2. Reiji Tsuruno, Atsushi Kuba, Mold Painting and Rendering, 2000.07
SIGGRAPH2000, Technical Images 19-21, 2000.
3. Reiji Tsuruno, Emi Imamura, Glaze coarted tea cup, 2000.07
SIGGRAPH2000, Technical Images, 22-23, 2000.
4. Kyoko Murakami, Reiji Tsuruno, Pastel Cubes, 2000.08
SIGGRAPH2000 Technical Images,#24-27.
Asia Digital Art and Design Association
2023.10, 芸術工学会, 理事.
2017.05, Asia Digital Art and Design Association, Journal Comittee Chair.
2017.04, Asia Digital Art and Design Association, 理事.
2016.04~2019.03, 情報処理学会コンピュータグラフィックス・ビジュアル情報学研究会, 幹事.
2015.10~2017.09, 芸術科学会, 論文誌編集委員.
2015.03~2019.03, 情報処理学会グラフィックスとCAD研究会, 幹事.
2011.05~2015.09, 芸術科学会, 理事.
2010.04~2014.03, 情報処理学会 グラフィックスCAD研究会, 運営委員.
2010.01~2011.03, 芸術科学会, 評議員.
2019.07.05~2019.07.07, Nicograph International 2019, organization (international program committee).
2018.06.29~2018.06.30, Nicograph International 2018, program comittee.
2018.06~2018.11.05, NICOGRAPH2018, 実行委員、座長.
2018.03.16~2018.03.16, Expressive Japan 2018(映像表現・芸術科学フォーラム2018), 委員.
2017.03.14~2017.03.14, 映像表現・芸術科学フォーラム, 委員.
2016.11.09~2016.11.10, 情報処理学会CGVI研究会 第165回研究発表会 (合同研究会 CVIM第204回・CGVI第165回・DCC第14回), 座長(Chairmanship).
2016.11.01~2016.11.03, ADADA international 2016, 座長(Chairmanship).
2013.11.28~2013.11.29, 情報処理学会グラフィックスCAD研究会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2013.06.02~2013.06.03, Nicograph International 2013, 座長(Chairmanship).
2008.11.15~2008.11.16, Asia Digital Art and Design Association, 座長(Chairmanship).
2007.12~2007.12, Asia Digital Art and Design Association, 座長(Chairmanship).
2006.11~2006.11, NICOGRAPH, 座長(Chairmanship).
2005.12~2005.12, Asia Digital Art and Design Association, 座長(Chairmanship).
2004.11~2004.11, 情報処理学会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2001.11~2001.11, 芸術工学会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2017.10.01~2018.03.31, 映像表現・芸術科学フォーラム2018, 実行委員.
2017.03.14~2017.03.14, 映像表現・芸術科学フォーラム2017, 実行委員.
2011.08.01~2016.11.04, ADADA2016, program committee.
2015.11.04~2015.11.09, NICOGRAPH2016, プログラム委員.
2016.07.06~2016.07.08, NICOGRAPH International 2016, program comittee.
2015.11.06~2015.11.07, NICOGRAPH2015, プログラム委員.
2015.08.29~2015.08.29, 情報処理学会第160回グラフィックスとCAD研究会, 担当幹事.
2015.06~2015.06.01, NICOGRAPH International 2015, program comittee.
2014.11.03~2014.11.04, NICOGRAPH2014, プログラム委員.
2014.03.17~2014.03.17, 映像表現・芸術科学フォーラム2014, 実行委員.
2014.01.07~2014.06.30, Visual Computing/GCADシンポジウム2014, プログラム委員(program comittee).
2013.11.08~2013.11.09, NICOGRAPH2013, プログラム委員.
2013.03.01~2013.06.23, Visual Computing/GCADシンポジウム2013, プログラム委員.
2013.06.03~2013.06.04, Nicograph International 2013, conference committee, finance co-chair and local arrangement chair.
2013.06.03~2013.06.04, Nicograph International 2013, program committee.
2013.03.15~2013.03.15, 映像表現・芸術科学フォーラム2013, 実行委員.
2012.07.04~2012.07.04, Nicograph International 2012, program committee.
2012.11.16~2012.11.17, NICOGRAPH2012, プログラム委員.
2011.09.05~2011.09.06, NICOGRAPH2011, 論文委員.
2012.03.16~2012.03.16, 芸術科学フォーラム, 実行委員会委員.
2011.09.05~2011.09.06, NICOGRAPH, 論文委員会委員.
2011.09.04~2011.09.05, 情報処理学会グラフィックスCAD研究会, 担当委員.
2006.11~2006.11, NICOGRAPH, 実行委員.
2006.04~2006.04, 建築学会 情報設計小委員会, 招待講演.
2005.10~2005.10, The 2nd International Workshop on Sustainable Habitat Systems, 講演.
2004.03~2004.03, 感性融合創造センターセミナー, 講演.
2003.11~2003.11, freq03, 講演.
1993.01~1993.01, 「アメニティのデザイン」国際シンポジウム, 実行委員.
1996.12~1996.12, International Symposium on Educational Revolution with Internet (ERI96)(インターネットを活用した教育革命国際シンポジウム), プログラム委員(program comittee), 実行委員(local arrangement).
2017.04, Asia Digital Art and Design Association, 国際, 編集委員長.
2015.10, 芸術科学会論文誌, 国内, 編集委員.
2011.05, 芸術科学会論文誌, 国内, 編集委員.
2009.09, 芸術科学会論文誌, 国内, 査読委員.
1996.10~1997.10, コミュニケーションデザイン編マルチメディア標準テキストブック, 国内, 編集委員.
年度 外国語雑誌査読論文数 日本語雑誌査読論文数 国際会議録査読論文数 国内会議録査読論文数 合計
2023年度   12 
2018年度 11 
2017年度 15 
2016年度 16 
優秀発表賞, 映像表現・芸術科学フォーラム実行委員会, 2017.03.
CGARTS人材育成パートナー企業賞, CGARTS協会, 2017.03.
優秀発表賞, 映像表現・芸術科学フォーラム実行委員会, 2017.03.
優秀研究発表賞, 情報処理学会グラフィックスCAD研究会, 2015.06.
Best Short-Paper Award, Nicograph International 2013, 2013.06.
Paper Award : Honorable Mention, ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation 2011, 2011.08.
優秀研究発表賞, 情報処理学会グラフィックスCAD研究会, 2009.07.
優秀研究発表賞, 情報処理学会グラフィックスCAD研究会, 2008.07.
審査員特別賞, 芸術科学会, 2004.11.
優秀論文賞, 芸術科学会, 2004.11.
論文賞, 日本コンピュータグラフィックス協会, 1988.11.
特別賞, CG OSAKA'88, 1988.06.
2020年度~2024年度, 基盤研究(C), 代表, 流体計算によらないインタラクティブな流れ模様の生成技法.
2014年度~2016年度, 基盤研究(C), 代表, 流体造形のモデリングインタフェースの研究.
2011年度~2013年度, 基盤研究(C), 代表, 編集可能な流体造形モデルの研究.
2006年度~2006年度, 萌芽研究, 分担, カンボジア伝統影絵劇「スバエクトム」のメディアアート的展開に関する実践的研究.
2005年度~2007年度, 基盤研究(B), 分担, ロボットを援用した人工膝関節の動態計測と耐久性評価に関する研究.
2005年度~2009年度, 科学技術振興調整費 (文部科学省), 分担, 先導的デジタルコンテンツ創成支援ユニット.
2003年度~2003年度, 平成15年度特定プロジェクト研究, 分担, メディアアートプログラミング環境と入出力デバイス利用技術の開発.
2002年度~2002年度, 特定プロジェクト研究, 分担, マルチメディアのためのデザイン教育.
2004年度~2005年度, 九州大学教育研究プログラム・研究拠点形成プロジェクト (Cタイプ), 分担, 芸術工科大学と九州大学との統合による光と陰:心理的葛藤と適応過程の分析を通して.

