Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Presentations
Toshio Sumi Last modified date:2024.01.15

Professor / Division for Theoretical Natural Science / Faculty of Arts and Science

1. Toshio Sumi, Progress toward the Laitinen Conjecture, Transformation Group Theory -The path we have walked along, and the way to progress-, 2021.02, [URL], Let G be a finite Oliver group. A real G-module V is a finite dimensional real vector space with a linear G-action. Two real G-modules U and V are called Laitinen-Smith equivalent if there exists a smooth G-action on a homotopy sphere Σ with exactly two fixed points, at which the tangential G-modules are isomorphic
to U and V , respectively, and in addition Σh is connected for any 2-element h of
order ≥ 8. The Laitinen Conjecture is stated as follows.
“ If the number of real conjugacy classes of elements of G not of prime power order is greater than 1, then there exist nonisomorphic Laitinen-Smith equivalent G-modules. ”
Although there exist counterexamples of the Laitinen conjecture, infinitely many Oliver groups meet Laitinen’s expectations. In this talk, I would like to explain why it is not easy to get a counterexample..
2. Toshio Sumi, Smith Problem and Laitinen's Conjecture, Conference celebrating the 70th birthday of Prof. Krzysztof Pawałowski, 2021.01, [URL], Professor Krzysztof Pawa lowski is studying the Smith problem. Corresponding to the Smith problem, Laitinen conjectured that if a finite Oliver group G has the property that the number of real conjugacy
classes of elements not of prime power order is greater than or equal to 2, there exist nontrivial Laitinen–Smith equivalent G-modules. Here, two G-modules are called Laitinen–Smith equivalent if they are tangential representations of a sphere with a smooth G-action having exactly two fixed points under mild connectivity condition. First, Morimoto pointed out that Aut(A6) is a counterexample for the Laitinen’s conjecture. After that, Pawa lowski and I concluded that it is a unique counterexample among unsolvable groups. Although there exist a few counterexamples among solvable Oliver groups, many groups satisfy the Laitinen’s conjecture. I will talk about a sufficient condition for a group that the Laitinen’s conjecture is true. This is a joint work with professor Krzysztof Pawalowski..
3. Let G be a finite group. A group G acts smoothly on a smooth manifold M with fixed point x.
By the derivative, the tangent space Tx(M) at x regards as a representation G-space. Wasserman studied whether an isovariant G-map f : V → W between representation G-spaces V and W has
dim V − dim VG ≤ dim W − dim WG.
We say G is a Borsuk-Ulam group if the above question is always true. We will discuss Borsuk-Ulam groups from the viewpoint of computer-aided experiments..
4. , [URL].
5. Toshio Sumi, SL(3, F_q) is a BUG or ..., Workshop on Geometric Discrete Mathematics II, 2018.12.
6. Toshio Sumi, Sufficient condition to be a Borsuk-Ulam group, UMI – SIMAI – PTM, 2018.09.
7. Toshio Sumi, Mitsuhiro Miyazaki, Toshio Sakata, Monomial preorder, ideals of minors, and plural typical ranks, Innovation in statistics and related mathematics through computational algebraic statistics, 2015.03, Let m, n The set of all real tensors with size m x n x p is one to one corresponding to the set of bilinear maps from R^m x R^n to R^p.
We show that if there exists a non-singular bilinear map for (m-1)(n-1)+1 As an approach for the converse problem, we consider monomial preorders and ideals of minors.
This is a joint work with Prof. Mitsuhiro Miyazaki and Prof. Toshio Sakata..
8. Toshio Sumi, Construction of gap modules, The 41st Symposium on Transformation Groups, 2014.11.
9. Toshio Sumi, Note on tangential representations on a sphere, Joint Meeting of the German Mathematical Society and the Polish Mathematical Society, 2014.09, Our target is Smith sets for Oliver groups. A solvable Oliver group possessing non-trivial Smith set is not determined, but we know completely for non-solvable groups. In this talk, we give many non-solvable groups of which Smith set are additive groups.
10. Toshio Sumi, Toshio Sakata, Mitsuhiro Miyazaki, Rank of tensors with size 2 x ... x 2, Computational Algebraic Statistics, Theories and Applications (CASTA 2014), 2014.01.
11. Toshio Sumi, Nonsolvable groups possessing gap modules, Knots, Manifolds, and Group Actions, 2013.09, For a finite group G, a gap G-module is a finite dimensional real vector space with linear G-action satisfying the suitable condition. A finite group not of prime power order is called a gap group if there exists a gap module. The purpose of this talk is to show a necessary and sufficient condition for a group G to be a gap group and to give a gap module. We also discuss when a nonsolvable group is a gap group..
12. The Smith equivalence problem and Smith sets of Oliver groups.
13. Toshio Sumi, The Smith equivalence problems for finite Oliver groups, Geometry of manifolds and group actions, 2012.09, [URL], Let G be a finite group. A real G-module V is a finite dimensional real vector space with a linear G-action. Two real G-modules U and V are called Smith equivalent if there exists a smooth G-action on a homotopy sphere with exactly two fixed points, at which the tangential G-modules are isomorphic to U and V, respectively. The Smith equivalence problem is stated as follows.
Is it true that two Smith equivalent G-modules are isomorphic? In this talk, I would like to introduce a history of this problem and recent results..
14. On rank of tensors.
15. Nonsolvable groups of which the Smith sets are groups.
16. Existence and construction of absolutely nonsingular tensors.
17. On dimensions of vector spaces of consisting of nonsingular n×n matrices except zero.
18. Dimensions of the fixed point sets of representation spaces and the Smith problem
19. On absolutely nonsingular tensors -characterization, properties and construction-.
20. , [URL].