九州大学 研究者情報
石井 達郎(いしい たつろう) データ更新日:2023.11.27

准教授 /  芸術工学研究院 メディアデザイン部門 コンテンツデザイン

1. 田上健一, 池田美奈子, 伊原久裕, 石井達郎, 尾本章, 大井尚行, 秋田直繁, 工藤真生, 中村哲医師メモリアルアーカイブ
, 芸術工学研究, 36 , 1-20, 2022.03, Dr. Tetsu Nakamura, who devoted himself to medical activities
and an irrigation project called the Green Earth Project
in Afghanistan and Pakistan for a long time, was killed by a
bullet in Jalalabad, Afghanistan on December 4, 2019. This
paper reports on the outline of the design for the Exhibition
Space of "Dr. Tetsu Nakamura Memorial Archive" at Kyushu
2. Niwa Keita, Kim Daewoong, Ishii Tatsuro , A study on guidelines for making good movies: A text-mining analysis, International Journal of Asia Digital Art and Design Association, https://doi.org/10.20668/adada.25.3_49, 25, 3, 49-58, 2021.09.
3. 青木 卓也, 妹尾 武治, 中村 信次, 藤井 芳孝, 石井 達郎, 脇山 真治, 娯楽コンテンツとしてのベクションの歴史研究, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌, https://doi.org/10.18974/tvrsj.25.3_255, 25, 3, 255-265, 2020.06, [URL], Visually induced illusory self-motion perception is named “Vection”. In this article, we investigated the history of vection. There have been a lot of contents and technology using and relating to vection, e.g. analogue contents, movies, animations, 3D computer graphics (3D CGs), Games, and VR contents. We introduced these things in chronological order. The readers will be able to understand the history of vection very briefly..
4. Toshiya Nishimura, 金 大雄, 石井 達郎, Study on Enhancement of the Creative Field in Music Education, Asia Digital Art and Design, no.1, Vol.20, 25-32, 2016.04.
5. Hayato Kume, 金 大雄, 石井 達郎, Production of Learning Materials for Special Education Support Adjustable for Individual Capabilities a Tablet Device, Asia Digital Art and Design, no.1, Vol.20, 15-21, 2016.04.
6. Tomoyo Matsuda, 金 大雄, 石井 達郎, An Evaluation Study of preferences between combinations of 2D-look shading and Limited Animation in 3D computer , Asia Digital Art and Design, Vol.19, 73-82, 2015.10.
7. 石井 達郎, 金 大雄, Effect of Scene Emphasis by Pseudo Displacement of Viewing Distance in Stereoscopic Image, Asia Digital Art and Design
, Vol.17, 12-17, 2014.07.
8. Hwnag Rok Yun, 金 大雄, 石井 達郎, A study of Digital Media Utilizing the Contents of The Architecture Cultural Property, Asia Digital Art and Design
, Vol.17, 77-84, 2013.12.
9. 河 宗秀, 金 大雄, 石井 達郎, 立体映像におけるズーム時のコンバージェンスポイント調整に関する研究, 芸術工学会, 第63号, 91-98, 2013.12.

