九州大学 研究者情報
権 寧魯(ごん やすろ) データ更新日:2023.12.27

教授 /  基幹教育院 自然科学理論系部門

1. 権 寧魯, セルバーグゼータ関数のこれまでとこれから, 琉球大学数理科学科談話会, 2022.11.
2. Yasuro Gon, On zeros of the derivatives of Selberg zeta functions for Hilbert modular
surfaces, 米沢数論セミナー, 2019.12.
3. Yasuro Gon, On zeros of the derivatives of Selberg zeta functions for Hilbert modular
surfaces, Zeta Functions in OKINAWA 2019, 2019.10.
4. Yasuro Gon, A prime geodesic theorem for SL(3,Z), Zeta Functions in OKINAWA 2018, 2018.10.
5. 権 寧魯, SL(3,Z)の素測地線定理について, 東工大数論・幾何学セミナー, 2018.10.
6. 権 寧魯, セルバーグゼータ関数と素測地線定理の現在, 第63回代数学シンポジウム, 2018.09.
7. Yasuro Gon, A prime geodesic theorem for SL(3,Z), 5th Kyoto conference on automorphic forms, 2018.06.
8. Yasuro Gon, Determinants of Laplacians on Hilbert modular surfaces, 金沢大学数理学談話会, 2017.12.
9. Yasuro Gon, Determinants of Laplacians on Hilbert modular surfaces, Zeta Functions in OKINAWA 2017, 2017.11.
10. Yasuro Gon, Remarks on gamma factors of Selberg type zeta functions, Zeta Functions in OKINAWA 2016, 2016.10.
11. Yasuro Gon, An explicit integral representation of Siegel-Whittaker functions on Sp(2,R)
for the large discrete series representations, Tuebingen OberSeminar Analysis und Zahlentheorie, 2016.09.
12. Yasuro Gon, Selberg zeta functions for Hilbert modular groups and
determinants of restricted Laplacians, Tuebingen OberSeminar Analysis und Zahlentheorie, 2016.08.
13. Yasuro Gon, An explicit integral representation of Siegel-Whittaker functions on Sp(2,R)
for the large discrete series representations, Geometry, Representation Theory, and Differential Equations, 2016.02.
14. Yasuro Gon, Partial deformation of Selberg zeta functions, Zeta Functions in OKINAWA 2015, 2015.10.
15. Yasuro Gon, Selberg type zeta functions for PSL(2) over rings of pure cubic integers, Zeta Functions in OKINAWA 2014, 2014.10.
16. 権 寧魯, An explicit integral representation of Siegel-Whittaker functions on Sp(2,R)
for the large discrete series representations,, 愛媛大学整数論ミニ集会, 2014.08.
17. 権 寧魯, Zeta functions of Ruelle and Selberg
for Hilbert modular surfaces, Geometric zeta functions and related topics, 2013.10.
18. Yasuro Gon, The square root of Selberg type zeta functions and
determinants of restricted Laplacians, Zeta Functions in OKINAWA 2013, 2013.10.
19. 権 寧魯, Selberg type Dirichlet series in two variables, 金沢数論ミニ集会, 2012.11.
20. Yasuro Gon, Selberg type Dirichlet series in two variables, Zetas and Limit Laws 2012, 2012.11.
21. Yasuro Gon, Class numbers of binary quadratic forms and Ruelle type zeta functions
for Hilbert modular varieties, Kyoto conference on automorphic forms, 2012.10.
22. Yasuro Gon, Zeta functions of Ruelle and Selberg types for Hilbert modular groups, Zeta Function 2012, 2012.09.
23. Yasuro Gon, Zeta functions defined by class numbers of binary quadratic forms over rings of algebraic integers, Zeta Function 2012, 2012.09.
24. 権 寧魯, 2元2次形式の類数とヒルベルトモジュラー群に対する ルエル型ゼータ関数について, 大阪大学整数論・保型形式セミナー, 2012.07.
25. 権 寧魯, 2元2次形式の類数とヒルベルトモジュラー群に対する
ルエル型ゼータ関数, 大岡山談話会, 2012.01.
26. Yasuro Gon, Class numbers of binary quadratic forms and
Ruelle type zeta functions for Hilbert modular groups, Zetas and Limit Laws 2011, 2011.11.
27. Y. Gon, Mahler measures and their generalization, 香川セミナー, 2011.10.
28. Y. Gon, Selberg type zeta functions for the Hilbert modular group of a real quadratic field, Workshop on L-functions, 2011.04.
29. Y. Gon, Mahler measures and their generalization, The Eve of IMI and FM, Ito One Day Workshop, 2011.03.
30. Y. Gon, Truncated Selberg type Dirichlet series and asymptotic formulas , Zetas and Limit Laws 2010, 2010.11.
31. Y. Gon, Selberg type zeta functions for the Hilbert modular group of a real quadratic field, 仙台整数論研究集会, 2010.10.
32. Y. Gon, Selberg 跡公式,Selberg ゼータ関数

, 第18回整数論サマースクール, 2010.09.
33. Y. Gon, ヒルベルトモジュラー曲面に対するセルバーグ跡公式の差分とセルバーグ型ゼータ関数, RIMS研究集会“保型形式・保型表現およびそれに伴うL函数と周期の研究”, 2010.01.
34. Y. Gon, Selberg type zeta functions for Hilbert modular varieties, Zetas and Limit Laws 2009, 2009.11.
35. Y. Gon, 双曲多様体に対するセルバーグゼータ関数とルエルゼータ関数, 九州大学力学系セミナー, 2009.06.
36. Y. Gon, Differences of the Selberg trace formula and Selberg type zeta functions
for Hilbert modular surfaces., Zetas and Limit Laws 2008, 2008.11.
37. Y. Gon, カスプ付双曲多様体に対するセルバーグゼータ関数とルエルゼータ関数, 大阪大学整数論・保型形式セミナー, 2008.06.
38. Y. Gon, Selberg zeta 関数の行列式表示, ゼータ関数の行列式表示とその応用, 2008.03.
39. Y. Gon, Selberg zeta functions for hyperbolic manifolds with cusps, 東工大保型形式セミナー, 2008.02.
40. Y. Gon, Crystal and Multiple q-Mahler measures, Mahler Measure Conference, 2007.12.
41. Y. Gon, オイラー五角数定理から保型形式へ, ENCOUNTER with MATHEMATICS, 第42回 Euler 生誕300年 Eulerからゼータの世界へ, 2007.12.
42. Y. Gon, Selberg and Ruelle zeta functions for hyperbolic manifolds with cusps, Zetas and Limit Laws 2007, 2007.10.
43. Y. Gon, Mahler measures and their generalization, Postech-Japan Number Theory Symposium, 2007.04.
44. Y. Gon, Multiple q-Mahler measures and zeta functions, Zetas and Limit Laws 2006, 2006.11.
45. Y. Gon, Periods of automorphic forms, generating functions and aymptotic problems, 研究集会"Zetas and Limit Laws 2005", 2005.11.
46. Y. Gon, Dirichlet series constructed from periods of automorphic forms, 日本数学会秋季総合分科会, 2005.09.
47. Y. Gon, Dirichlet series constructed from periods of automorphic forms, 大岡山談話会, 2005.05.
48. Y.Gon, 一般化マーラー測度とゼータ関数の特殊値, 研究集会「ゼータ関数の特殊値と有理近似」, 2005.02.
49. Y.Gon, Periods of automorphic forms and higher Selberg zeta
functions, 研究集会"Zetas and Limit Laws 2004", 2004.11.
50. Y.Gon, First variation of Selberg zeta functions and central
values of L-functions, 研究集会"Zetas and Limit Laws", 2003.11.
51. Y.Gon, Analytic properties of first variations for Selberg zeta
functions, 研究集会「リーマン面に関連する位相幾何学」, 2003.05.
52. Y.Gon, Analytic properties of first variations for Selberg zeta
functions, 日本数学会年会, 2003.03.

