九州大学 研究者情報
堀 賀貴(ほり よしき) データ更新日:2023.11.22

教授 /  人間環境学研究院 都市・建築学部門 計画環境系

1. OGAWA,T., HORI,Y., A Detailed Structural Classification of Cross Vault in Ostia" 13th Annual International Conference on Architecture, 13th Annual International Conference on Architecture, 2023.07.
2. ZHAO, X. , OGAWA,T., HORI,Y., Accuracy of 3D point clouds generated by photogrammetry by comparison with the laser scanning, 29th EAA Annual Meeting, 2023.08.
3. LIM, Y. B. , OGAWA,T., HORI,Y., Paving Process of The Black and White Mosaics in Herculaneum, 29th EAA Annual Meeting, 2023.08.
4. Y. B. Lim, T. Ogawa, Y. Hori, DETECTION OF RESTORATION WORK BY APPLYING THE RANSAC ALGORITHM TO THE POINT CLOUD DATA FROM LASER SCANNING: CASE STUDY AT OSTIA, Workshop 3D-ARCH, 2022.02, In Ostia, the huge range of excavation carried out by Guido Calza under Mussolini (1938-1942), the zone of contiguous city blocks unearthed in those massive campaigns. From 2012, new survey by a Japanese team of standing remains using laser scanners formed the basis for an analysis of building history, and for a reconstruction of the original building. There is a considerable amount of undocumented reconstruction work in the upper part of the structure which has been identified from analysis of the surface of the walls. The seam and the absence of coursing between the original walls and the later restored works sometimes including in the Roman phase, and sometimes modern using original part of the walls, make difficult to identify which part of walls were original and which were restorations or re-use 80 years later from the excavation. In this paper, the case that the seams are invisible, but its existence is known from the photographic record of the progress of the excavations. The detection by applying the RANSAC algorithm to the point cloud data from laser scanning relies on several cases of invisible seams running on the surfaces. Additionally, this method allows us without any special knowledge and experience to find detailed characteristics on the surface of the walls, such as slight unevenness or weathering parts, to extrapolate the building history..
5. OGAWA, T.and HORI, Y., Applying RANSAC Algorism to Analyse Archaeological and Architectural Materials from Ostia Antica., 27th EAA Annual Meeting, 2021.09, There are not the same shapes in ancient Roman artifacts strictly, and they usually confuse a geometry shape and free-form surfaces in themselves. It’ s difficult to precisely measure objects because of these shapes which were made by hand labour regardless of object’ s type and scale.
For example, “ mensa ponderariae ” , standard measurement gauges were used for cubic and dry measure in ancient Roman period, and these shapes of cavities chiselled in a marble brock are different from each other region.
In this poster presentation, we have two main aims.
1) To extract a geometrical shape (a sphere in this case) from a cavity of the mensa ponderaria in Ostia
2) To reconstruct the chiselling cavity process
To accomplish the first aim, mensa ponderariae were accurately measured by OPT scanner keeping a side length of each triangle of mesh data
within 3mm, and point cloud data were made from vertexes of these mesh data. Then, RANSAC algorism, the process which excludes “gross error” from point cloud were applied, and it enables us to exclude shapes of free-form surfaces, which could be made by hand labour in the Roman empire. A sphere was extracted from a point cloud, which is remaining through this process, by least square method.
For the second aim, these extracted spheres were used as the criterion of analysing shapes of free-form surfaces excluded in RANSAC algorism process. Then, the chiselling cavity process will be reconstructed based upon scientific evidences.
Five mensa ponderariae in Ostia were measured by Kyushu University in 2015..
6. OGAWA,T., HORI,Y., and AYATSUKA, I., Measurement Conversion in Pompeii and Herculaneum, 27th EAA Annual Meeting, 2021.09, In a small room beside the western perimeter wall of the Sanctuary of Apollo, a copy of the Mensa Ponderaria, the original of which is kept at the National Archaeological Museum of Naples, is displayed. It is a counter used to check the exact capacity measures used for liquid and solid goods in trade, such as oils and cereals, could be trans-measured between Roman and Oscan capacity feet (OCF and RCF). This counter has already existed in the Oscan period, as proved by the epigraph on carved into the face of the marble counter. When the colony was founded, the Romans upgraded to the system of Roman weights and measures, but traditional Oscan foot has been survived for a long while. Using 5 cavities on this counter Pompeiians could easily convert measures by OCF into those by RCF, for example 20 OCF into 16 RCF, as the result of three- dimensionally measuring this copy of counter applying OPT scanner in 2015, where each main cavity was modeled in mesh data and its volume was exactly provided. Of course, we believed that the copy has been produced carefully and exactly into the same shape. This counter appears to have functioned as a standard measure of capacity in trade between the Oscan and the Roman. However, it is not unclear whether the standard measure had been given for vessels or container in daily use at Pompeii and Herculaneum. In the later part of this paper, the capacities of a lead bucket coming from House of Mosaic atrium and a bronze bathtub from House of the Stags are measured by OCF and RCF. Conclusively standard measures of capacity both in Oscan and Roman system could be applied into the containers in daily use at Pompeii and also Herculaneum..
7. Yoshiki HORI, Laser scanning of the city of Ostia and some consideration on upper structures, Ancient Architecture Discussion Group, 2019.06.
8. Ogawa, T., and Y. Hori., Comparison with Accuracy of Terrestrial Laser Scanner by Using Point Cloud Aligned with Shape Matching and best Fitting Methods., International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2019.02, [URL], Recently operation systems of laser scanning have been obviously improved; for instance shape matching has been equipped with software on a post processing stage so measurement without any targets is a prerequisite condition of field surveying with laser scanners. Moreover a shape matching method enables us to easily register a pair of point clouds with some errors even if those data are scanned by several type scanners. Those slightly errors can influence accuracy of alignments if the object is large to require a lot of scans. Laser scanning data has random errors and accuracy of alignments can be improved by matching error distributions of pairs of point clouds to natural distributions. This method is called "best fitting" in contrast "shape matching" in a software, PolyWorks |Inspector. In this paper, accuracy of alignments between shape matching and best fitting is discussed. The scan data of three phaseshift laser scanners (FARO Focus 3D MS120, FARO Focus 3D X330 and Z+F Imager 5016) and two time-of-flight scanners (Leica BLK 360 and Leica Scan station C5) are used for analyses. Accuracy of alignments by using shape matching and best fitting methods is demonstrated by showing points of scan data with histograms of error distributions..
9. 堀 賀貴, 古代ローマの都市構造を読む:脱計画性を計画する, 日本西洋史学会, 2018.05, 古代ローマを代表するポンペイ,ヘルクラネウム,オスティア遺跡の重要性の 一つに,たとえ一部であっても古代ローマ都市の構造が復元できる点がある。 ポンペイに関しては,分厚い研究成果があり,様々な都市解釈が試みられている。古代ローマに限らず都市構造に関して,その「計画性」に着目することは 非常に重要かつスタンダードな分析方法である。しかし,上記の三都市を見る限り,もちろん計画性は認められるものの,むしろ計画的合理性から逸脱している点が多く確認できる。例えば,ポンペイに関しては最近のトピックとして交通体系の問題があるが,都市全体に適用できるような規制あるいは慣習が存 在したとは言い難い。さらにオスティアについては,都市の全貌が明らかになっていないのもさることながら,中央広場をデクマヌス・マキシムスが貫通しているなどの明らかな逸脱があり,従来の格子状の都市計画の枠組みではまったく説明できない,ある意味で不可解,不合理な都市構造をもっており,従来の合理性に基づく解釈では理解が難しい。 本発表では,ポンペイ,ヘルクラネウムやオスティアの都市構造を,別の側面から再解釈することを試みたい。それは「機能性」や「合理性」といった近代都市にも通ずるような理念ではなく,「不便さ」あるいは「不合理さ」による都市のコントールである。いいかえれば都市を使いやすくする計画ではなく, 使いにくくする計画ともいえる。ポンペイでは,道路の封鎖や都市門での荷車の通行など,オスティアについては,道路の封鎖に加えて,かさ上げや行き止まりなど,様々な「不便な状況」を意図的につくり出すような都市制御(脱計 画性)について問題提起したい。加えて,ポンペイとオスティアを比較することによって,都市の「高層化」がもたらした景観,環境の変化についても報告する。
10. 堀 賀貴, 小川拓郞, VISUALIZATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF ANCIENT ROMAN BUILDINGS IN OSTIA USING POINT CLOUD DATA, International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2017.03, [URL], The implementation of laser scanning in the field of archaeology provides us with an entirely new dimension in research and surveying. It allows us to digitally recreate individual objects, or entire cities, using millions of three-dimensional points grouped together in what is referred to as ‘point clouds’. In addition, the visualization of the point cloud data, which can be used in the final report by archaeologists and architects, should usually be produced as a JPG or TIFF file. Not only the visualization of point cloud data, but also re-examination of older data and new survey of the construction of Roman building applying remote-sensing technology for precise and detailed measurements afford new information that may lead to revising drawings of ancient buildings which had been adduced as evidence without any consideration of a degree of accuracy, and finally can provide new research of ancient buildings. We used laser scanners at fields because of its speed, comprehensive coverage, accuracy and flexibility of data manipulation. Therefore, we “skipped” many of post-processing and focused on the images created from the meta-data simply aligned using a tool which extended automatic feature-matching algorithm and a popular renderer that can provide graphic results..
11. 堀 賀貴, 建築史学と考古学がえがく研究の未来, 日本建築史学会, 2016.04.
12. 堀 賀貴, ローマ都市遺跡の調査と3D計測, 西アジア考古学会, 2015.06.
13. Yoshiki hori, Laser-scanning as a measuring tool a practice in Ostia for archaeology and architecture, 日本建築学会, 2016.08.
14. 堀 賀貴, 古代ローマの都市、ポンペイとオスティアと災害, 連続国際シンポジウム「ポンペイとオスティア 古代ローマ都市研究の最前線」, 2010.11, イタリアの二大古代ローマ都市遺跡,ポンペイとオスティアについて,ポンペイについては火山噴火,オスティアについては洪水をキーワードとして,都市の滅亡,衰退について論考したもの。.
15. 堀 賀貴, ポンペイとオスティアの切石積み壁体をレーザースキャニングする:壁体と街路の関係性について, 連続国際シンポジウム「ポンペイとオスティア 古代ローマ都市研究の最前線」, 2010.11, イタリアの二大古代ローマ都市,ポンペイとオスティアにおけるレーザースキャニングの結果から,街路計画と公共建造物の壁体の配置に関連性を見いだしたもの。.
16. 堀 賀貴, ポンペイとオスティア 建築・都市史からみた古代ローマ住宅, 連続国際シンポジウム「ポンペイとオスティア 古代ローマ都市研究の最前線」, 2010.11, 国際シンポジウムでの基調講演の一つ。イタリアの二大古代ローマ遺跡,ポンペイとオスティアに残る住宅遺構について,従来の大規模戸建独立住宅中心の歴史観から,集合住宅や商業機能を加味した住宅史への再編を提起したもの。.
17. Yoshiki HORI, Drainage System of the rainwater and the excess water discharged on the streets of Pompeii , 16th EAA Annual Meeting, 2010.09, [URL], 古代ローマの都市ポンペイについて,道路に下水処理の機能があったことを示した論文。レーザースキャニングという測量技術をつかって,詳細な道路面の実測データを積み上げることによって証明した。.
18. Yosiki HORI, Asami HANGHAI, Laser Scanning in ostia. A Comparative Study of of the Drawings in 1950s and field survey on tall structures., 3D-Arch’ 2009 3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures, , 2009.02.
19. Yoshiki HORI, Ancient Quarry Techniques in the Ptolemaic and Roman Periods in the Middle Egypt, 17th Internatiional Congress of Classical Archaeology, 2008.09.
20. Yoshiki HORI, The New Translation of a Building Technique in Ponpeian City Wall, 17th Internatiional Congress of Classical Archaeology, 2008.09.
21. Yosiki HORI, Osamu AJIOKA, Asami HANGHAI, Laser Scanning in Pompeian City Wall. A Comparative Study of Accuracy of the Drawings from 1930s to 1940s., 3D-Arch’ 2007 3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures, July, 2007, 2007.07.
22. 堀 賀貴, ポンペイにおける切石積み、城壁と住宅の比較を通じて, 建築史学会, 2008.04.
23. 福田哲也 堀賀貴, アダルベルト・リベラ研究, 日本建築学会, 2008.03.
24. 大磯祐子 堀賀貴, 中部エジプト・Zawiyat-Sultan 古代採石場に関する研究, 日本建築学会, 2008.03.
25. Yoshiki HORI, Un sistema 3 Dimensional Digital-data per misurare la cinta muraria di Pompei ed una nuova metodologia di misurazione, Convegno nella Collana di Studi della SAP, 2007.01.
26. 堀 賀貴, ポンペイ,切石積み再考 城壁石材転用の可能性について, 日本建築学会, 2006.03.
27. 松田祥江,堀 賀貴, 「三世代同居」に関する史的研究 研究蓄積からみた三世代同居研究の動向, 日本建築学会, 2006.03.
28. 中村 稔,堀 賀貴, 村野藤吾の和風建築に関する研究 如庵写しの手法を通して, 日本建築学会.
29. 貴田真由美,堀 賀貴,高月鈴世,味岡 収,久保亮介,松澤博幸, (株)神戸製鋼所長府製造所本館に関する調査報告, 日本建築学会, 2006.03.
30. 池澤尚美、堀賀貴、山口瞳, 山口県下関市、山底の鼻灯台に関する調査報告, 日本建築学会九州支部, 2003.03.
31. 水田丞, 薩摩藩営鹿児島紡績所使用の鉄柱に関する復元的考察, 日本建築学会, 2004.08.
32. 園田將人, 18世紀後期から19世紀の郷村における神社拝殿と渡殿
−福岡県宗像郡の諸神社を事例として−, 日本建築学会, 2004.08.

