Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Books
Se Teruhisa Last modified date:2024.06.03

Professor / Department of Social Studies / Department of Social Studies / Faculty of Social and Cultural Studies

1. Ewha Institute for Humanities, Ewha Womans University and Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Global Society, Kyushu University (eds.), Ewha Institute for Humanities, Ewha Womans University and Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Global Society, Kyushu University (eds.), Translation, Transculturation, and Transformation of Modernity in East Asia (Somyong Publishing, 2018), Somyong Publishing, Teruhisa Se, “Human Rights Education in the Japanese Cultural Context: Which Type of Rights Theory Can Provide a Better Guide?” を執筆。pp. 387-411., 2018.06.
2. (翻訳)富沢 克、伊藤恭彦、長谷川一年、施 光恒、竹島博之, デイヴィッド・ミラー『国際正義とは何か――グローバル化とネーションとしての責任』, 風行社, 第7章、第8章の翻訳を担当。, 2011.06.
3. A Rebirth of Liberalism: Deriving a Political Theory from Fallibilism.
4. The Japanese Translation of Will Kymlicka's An Introduction to Contemporary Political Philosophy (Oxford University Press, 1990).