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有村 秀孝(ありむらひでたか) データ更新日:2024.06.03

教授 /  医学研究院 保健学部門 保健学部門医用量子線科学分野

キーワード:放射線治療, 類似症例, 画像処理,パターン認識
キーワード:放射線治療, 類似症例, 画像処理,パターン認識
キーワード:脳動脈瘤、コンピュータ支援診断、magnetic resonance angiography
キーワード:肺癌検診、結節陰影、コンピュータ支援診断、computed tomography
2017.04~2020.03, 代表者:数理・データサイエンス教育研究センター センター長 内田誠一, 九州大学, 2017年度九州大学数理・データサイエンスに関する教育・研究支援プログラムの開発.
2012.04~2014.03, 代表者:有村秀孝, 九州大学, 科学研究費補助金(文部科学省、日本学術振興会) 新学術領域研究.
2010.04~2013.03, 代表者:塩山善之, 九州大学病院, 科学研究費補助金(文部科学省、日本学術振興会) 基盤研究(C).
2011.10~2013.03, 代表者:中村和正, 九州大学病院, 科学研究費補助金(文部科学省、日本学術振興会) 挑戦的萌芽研究.
2010.04~2013.03, 代表者:吉浦敬, 九州大学病院, 科学研究費補助金(文部科学省、日本学術振興会)基盤研究(C).
2010.04~2013.03, 代表者:有村秀孝, 九州大学, 科学研究費補助金(文部科学省、日本学術振興会) 基盤研究(C).
2010.04~2013.03, 代表者:豊福不可依, 九州大学, 科学研究費補助金の採択状況(文部科学省、日本学術振興会) 基盤研究(C).
1. 有村秀孝(編集、分担執筆), 「レディオミクス入門」 有村 秀孝 (編集), 角谷 倫之 (編集) ISBN:978-4-274-22638-0, オーム社, 2021.10, [URL], 医療分野にもAIが導入されAIを活用して網羅的な解析を行うレディオミクスが注目される中、本書はレディオミクスについて系統的にまとめた初めての書籍である。
2. 有村秀孝(分担執筆), 「放射線治療AIと外科治療AI (医療AIとディープラーニングシリーズ) 」( 藤田 広志 (監修), 有村 秀孝 (編集), 諸岡 健一 (編集)チャプター1, オーム社, 2020.04.
3. 有村秀孝(分担執筆), 「新・医用放射線科学講座 医用画像情報工学」(編著:藤田 広志 )第4章コンピュータ支援診断6.6.放射線治療へのCAD応用 pp.167~169, 医歯薬出版, 2018.02.
4. 有村秀孝(分担執筆), 画像・情報処理(編著:尾川浩一)第3章 画像工学 1~8節, pp.124-220, 国際文献社, 2018.02.
5. Hidetaka Arimura, Image-Based Computer-Assisted Radiation Therapy Edited by Hidetaka Arimura, March 4, 2017, Springer, 2017.03, This book provides a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art computational intelligence research and technologies in computer-assisted radiation therapy based on image engineering. It also traces major technical advancements and research findings in the field of image-based computer-assisted radiation therapy.

In high-precision radiation therapies, novel approaches in image engineering including computer graphics, image processing, pattern recognition, and computational anatomy play important roles in improving the accuracy of radiation therapy and assisting decision making by radiation oncology professionals, such as radiation oncologists, radiation technologists, and medical physicists, in each phase of radiation therapy.
All the topics presented in this book broaden understanding of the modern medical technologies and systems for image-based computer-assisted radiation therapy. Therefore this volume will greatly benefit not only radiation oncologists and radiologists but also radiation technologists, professors in medical physics or engineering, and engineers involved in the development of products to utilize this advanced therapy..
6. Hidetaka Arimura, Taiki Magome, Genyu Kakiuchi, Jyunpei Kuwazuru, Asumi Mizoguchi, "Computational Intelligent Image Analysis for Assisting Radiation Oncologists’ Decision Making in Radiation Treatment Planning" in Computational Intelligence in Biomedical Imaging Edited by Kenji Suzuki (The University of Chicago) pp. 83-103, Springer Science+Business Media New York, Springer, 2013.12.
7. Hidetaka Arimura, Chiaki Tokunaga, Yasuo Yamashita, Jyunpei Kuwazuru, "Magnetic Resonance Image Analysis for Brain CAD Systems with Machine Learning" in Machine Learning in Computer-Aided Diagnosis: Medical Imaging Intelligence and Analysis Edited by Kenji Suzuki (The University of Chicago) , IGI Global, pp. 258-296, IGI global, USA, 2012.01.
8. 有村秀孝(分担執筆), 実践医用画像解析ハンドブック(監修:藤田広志,石田隆行,桂川茂彦)5.5.6 放射線治療における自動領域抽出法, pp.505-512, オーム社, 2012.11.
9. 有村秀孝(分担執筆), 実践医用画像解析ハンドブック(監修:藤田広志,石田隆行,桂川茂彦) 脳MR画像における認知症と多発性硬化症のCAD, pp.701-707, オーム社, 2012.11.
10. 有村秀孝(分担執筆), 医用画像ハンドブック(監修:石田隆行,桂川茂彦,藤田広志):第1編13章レベルセット法:p274~p279, オーム社, 2011.01.
11. 有村秀孝(分担執筆), 医用画像ハンドブック(監修:石田隆行,桂川茂彦,藤田広志): 第4編11章MR画像の画像処理:p936~p942., オーム社, 2011.01.
1. YiZhi Tong, Hidetaka Arimura, Tadamasa Yoshitake, Yunhao Cui,Takumi Kodama, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Ronnie Wirestam, Hidetake Yabuuchi., Prediction of Consolidation Tumor Ratio on Planning CT Images of Lung Cancer Patients Treated with Radiotherapy Based on Deep Learning, Applied Sciences 2024 (Published: 13 April 2024), https://doi.org/10.3390/app14083275, 2024.04, [URL].
2. Yuko Isoyama-Shirakawa, Tadamasa Yoshitake, Kenta Ninomiya, Kaori Asa, Keiji Matsumoto, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Takumi Kodama, Kousei Ishigami, Hidetaka Arimura, Combination of Clinical Factors and Radiomics Can Predict Local Recurrence and Metastasis After Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Non-small Cell Lung Cancer, Anticancer Res. 2023;43(11):5003-5013. , 10.21873/anticanres.16699, 2023.11, [URL].
3. Mai Egashira, Hidetada Arimura, Kazuma Kobayashi, Kazutoshi Moriyama, Takumi Kodama, Tomoki Tokuda, Kenta Ninomiya, Hiroyuki Okamoto, Hiroshi Igaki, Magnetic Resonance-Based Imaging Biopsy with Signatures Including Topological Betti Number Features for Prediction of Primary Brain Metastatic Sites, Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine (Published: 21 August 2023), 2023.08, [URL].
4. Yunhao Cui, Hidetaka Arimura, Tadamasa Yoshitake, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Hidetake Yabuuchi, Deep learning model fusion improves lung tumor segmentation accuracy across variable training-to-test dataset ratios, Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine (Published: 07 August 2023), 10.1007/s13246-023-01295-8, 2023.08, [URL].
5. Kenta Ninomiya, Hidetaka Arimura, Kentaro Tanaka, Wai Yee Chan, Yutaro Kabata, Shinichi Mizuno, Nadia Fareeda Muhammad Gowdh, Nur Adura Yaakup, Chong-Kin Liam, Chee-Shee Chai, Kwan Hoong Ng, Three-dimensional topological radiogenomics of epidermal growth factor receptor Del19 and L858R mutation subtypes on computed tomography images of lung cancer patients, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine (Volume 236, June 2023, 107544), 2023.06, [URL], The objective of this study was to elucidate a novel radiogenomics approach using three-dimensional (3D) topologically invariant Betti numbers (BNs) for topological characterization of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) Del19 and L858R mutation subtypes. 3DBN features, which showed a radiogenomic association with the characteristics of the EGFR Del19/L858R mutation subtypes, yielded higher accuracy for subtype classifications in comparison with conventional features..
6. Yu Jin, Hidetaka Arimura, YunHao Cui, Takumi Kodama, Shinichi Mizuno, Satoshi Ansai, CT image-based biopsy to aid prediction of HOPX expression status and prognosis for non-small cell lung cancer patients, Cancers 2023, 15(8), 2220 (Published:10 April 2022), 2023.04, [URL], Recent studies have found that the HOPX gene functions as a tumor suppressor, and its expression status influences patients’ survival in NSCLC. This study established an imaging biopsy with the radiogenomic signatures that links HOPX expression status and CT images to aid the prediction of HOPX expression status and the prognosis for lung cancer patients. Detecting gene expression status from CT images might be helpful to improve the accuracy of wet biopsy..
7. Kojiro Ikushima, Hidetaka Arimura, Ryuji Yasumatsu, Hidemi Kamezawa, Kenta Ninomiya, Topology-based radiomic features for prediction of parotid gland cancer malignancy grade in magnetic resonance images, Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, Published: 20 April 2023, 2023.04, [URL].
8. Hidemi KAMEZAWA, Hidetaka ARIMURA, Recurrence prediction with local binary pattern-based dosiomics in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine (Published: 05 December 2022), https://doi.org/10.1007/s13246-022-01201-8, 2022.12, [URL].
9. Noriyuki Nagami, Hidetaka Arimura, Junichi Nojiri, Cui Yunhao, Kenta Ninomiya, Manabu Ogata, Mitsutoshi Oishi, Keiichi Ohira, Shigetoshi Kitamura, Hiroyuki Irie., Dual segmentation models for poorly and well-differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma using two-step transfer deep learning on dynamic contrast-enhanced CT images, Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine (Published: 05 December 2022), https://doi.org/10.1007/s13246-022-01202-7, 2022.12, [URL].
10. Quoc Cuong Le, Hidetaka Arimura, Kenta Ninomiya, Takumi Kodama, Tetsuhiro Moriyama, Can persistent homology features capture more intrinsic in-formation about tumors from 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography images of head and neck cancer patients?, Metabolites 12(972) 1-12, 2022.10, [URL].
11. Masayuki Yamanouchi, Hidetaka Arimura,Takumi Kodama, Akimasa Urakami, Prediction of Intracranial Aneurysm Rupture Risk Using Non-Invasive Radiomics Analysis Based on Follow-Up Magnetic Resonance Angiography Images: A Preliminary Study, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL 12(17), 2022.09, [URL].
12. 森山和俊, 有村秀孝, 小林和馬、Quoc Cuong Le, 浦上暉允、二宮健太、兒玉拓巳、岡本裕之, 井垣浩, ヘッセ指数画像に基づく脳転移腫瘍の原発巣推定の可能性, 医用画像情報学会雑誌, 2022 年 39 巻 3 号 p. 57-67, 2022.09, [URL].
13. Kodama Takumi, Arimura Hidetaka, Shirakawa Yumi, Ninomiya Kenta, Yoshitake Tadamasa, Shioyama Yoshiyuki., Relapse predictability of topological signature on pretreatment planning CT images of stage I non-small cell lung cancer patients before treatment with stereotactic ablative radiotherapy., Thoracic cancer 13(15) 2117-2126 , 2022.08, [URL], 本研究は、定位切除放射線治療(SABR)を受ける前のI期非小細胞肺がん(NSCLC)患者の治療前計画CT画像において、局所再発と遠隔転移に関連するトポロジカルシグネチャーの予測可能性を探ることを目的とした。反転トポロジーシグネチャーは、SABRを受ける前のI期NSCLC患者の局所再発および遠隔転移予測を改善する可能性を示した。.
14. Kenta Ninomiya, Hidetaka Arimura, Tadamasa Yoshitake, Taka-aki Hirose, Yoshiyuki Shioyama., Synergistic combination of a topologically invariant imaging signature and a biomarker for the accurate prediction of symptomatic radiation pneumonitis before stereotactic ablative radiotherapy for lung cancer: A retrospective analysis., PloS one 17(1) e0263292, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0263292, 2022.01, [URL], We aimed to explore the synergistic combination of a topologically invariant Betti number (BN)-based signature and a biomarker for the accurate prediction of symptomatic (grade≥2) radiation-induced pneumonitis (RP+) before stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR) for lung cancer.
15. Akimasa Urakami, Hidetaka Arimura, Yukihisa Takayama, Fumio Kinoshita, Kenta Ninomiya, Kenjiro Imada, Sumiko Watanabe, Akihiro Nishie, Yoshinao Oda, Kousei Ishigami, Stratification of prostate cancer patients into low- and high-grade groups using multiparametric magnetic resonance radiomics with dynamic contrast-enhanced image joint histograms, The Prostate 82(3) 330-344, 2022.02, [URL], This study aimed to investigate the potential of stratification of prostate cancer patients into low- and high-grade groups (GGs) using multiparametric magnetic resonance (mpMR) radiomics in conjunction with two-dimensional (2D) joint histograms computed with dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) images. This study suggests that the proposed approach could have the potential to stratify prostate cancer patients into low- and high-GGs..
16. Yunhao Cui, Hidetaka Arimura, Risa Nakano, Tadamasa Yoshitake, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Hidetake Yabuuchi, Automated approach for segmenting gross tumor volumes for lung cancer stereotactic body radiation therapy using CT-based dense V-networks, Journal of Radiation Research, Volume 62, Issue 2, March 2021, Pages 346–355, https://doi.org/10.1093/jrr/rraa132, 2021.03, [URL].
17. Kenta Ninomiya, Hidetaka Arimura, Wai Yee Chan, Kentaro Tanaka, Shinichi Mizuno, Nadia Fareeda Muhammad Gowdh, Nur Adura Yaakup, Chong-Kin Liam, Chee-Shee Chai, Kwan Hoong Ng, Robust identification of EGFR mutated NSCLC patients from three countries using Betti numbers, PloS one 16(1) e0244354, 2021.01, [URL], We have proposed a novel robust radiogenomics approach to the identification of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutations among patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) using Betti numbers (BNs).The proposed model showed higher robustness than the conventional models in the identification of EGFR mutations among NSCLC patients.The results suggested the robustness of the BN-based approach against variations in image scanner/scanning parameters..
18. Quoc Cuong Le, Hidetaka Arimura, Kenta Ninomiya, Yutaro Kabata, Radiomic features based on Hessian index for prediction of prognosis in head-and-neck cancer patients, Scientific Reports 10, 21301 (2020), https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-78338-7, 2020.12, [URL], This study demonstrated the usefulness of radiomic features based on the Hessian index of differential topology for the prediction of prognosis prior to treatment in head-and-neck (HN) cancer patients. The Hessian index, which can indicate tumor heterogeneity with convex, concave, and other points (saddle points), was calculated as the number of negative eigenvalues of the Hessian matrix at each voxel on computed tomography (CT) images. This result indicates that index features could provide more prognostic information than conventional features and further increase the prognostic value of clinical variables in HN cancer patients..
19. Hidemi KAMEZAWA, Hidetaka ARIMURA, Ryuji YASUMATSU, Kenta NINOMIYA, Shu HASEAI, Preoperative and non-invasive approach for radiomic biomarker-based prediction of malignancy grades in patients with parotid gland cancer in magnetic resonance images, Medical Imaging and Information Sciences 2020 Volume 37 Issue 4, 2020.12, [URL].
20. Taka-aki Hirose, Hidetaka Arimura, Kenta Ninomiya, Tadamasa Yoshitake, Jun-ichi Fukunaga, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Radiomic prediction of radiation pneumonitis on pretreatment planning computed tomography images prior to lung cancer stereotactic body radiation therapy, Scientific Reports 10, 20424 (2020), https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-77552-7, 2020.11, [URL], This study developed a radiomics-based predictive model for radiation-induced pneumonitis (RP) after lung cancer stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) on pretreatment planning computed tomography (CT) images. The radiomic features calculated on pretreatment planning CT images could be predictive imaging biomarkers for RP after lung cancer SBRT.
21. Leni Aziyus Fitria, Freddy Haryanto, Hidetaka Arimura, Cui YunHao,Kenta Ninomiya, Risa Nakano, Mohammad Haekal, Yuni Warty, Umar Fauzi, Automated classification of urinary stones based on microcomputed tomography images using convolutional neural network, Physica Medica Vol.78, October 2020, Pages 201-208, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejmp.2020.09.007, 2020.10, [URL].
22. 山田真大,二宮健太,崔云昊,有村秀孝, レディオミクス特徴量に基づく機械学習を用いたNSCLCの組織学的サブタイプの分類, 医用画像情報学会雑誌Vol.37No. 3, 2020.10.
23. Toya R, Saito T, Matsuyama T, Kai Y, Shiraishi S, Murakami D, Yoshida R, Watakabe T, Sakamoto F, Tsuda N, Arimura H, Orita Y, Nakayama H, Oya N, Diagnostic Value of FDG-PET/CT for the Identification of Extranodal Extension in Patients With Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma., Anticancer Res. 2020;40(4):2073-2077., doi:10.21873/anticanres.14165, 2020.04.
24. Shu Haseai, Hidetaka Arimura, Kaori Asai, Tadamasa Yoshitake, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Similar-cases-based planning approaches with beam angle optimizations using water equivalent path length for lung stereotactic body radiation therapy, Radiological Physics and Technology, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12194-020-00558-3, 2020.03, [URL].
25. Yudai Kai, Hidetaka Arimura, Kenta Ninomiya, Tetsuo Saito, Yoshinobu Shimohigashi, Akiko Kuraoka, Masato Maruyama, Ryo Toya, Natsuo Oya, Semi-automated prediction approach of target shifts using machine learning with anatomical features between planning and pretreatment CT images in prostate radiotherapy, Journal of Radiation Research,Volume 61, Issue 2, Pages 285–297, https://doi.org/10.1093/jrr/rrz105, 2020.03.
26. Taka-aki Hirose, Hidetaka Arimura, Jun-ichi Fukunaga, Saiji Ohga, Tadamasa Yoshitake, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Observer Uncertainties of Soft Tissue-based Patient Positioning in IGRT, Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, Volume 21, Issue 2, Pages: 73-81, https://doi.org/10.1002/acm2.12817, 2020.01, [URL].
27. Yudai Kai, Hidetaka Arimura, Ryo Toya, Tetsuo Saito, Tomohiko Matsuyama, Yoshiyuki Fukugawa, Shinya Shiraishi, Yoshinobu Shimohigashi, Masato Maruyama, Natsuo Oya, Comparability of rigid image registration with deformable image registration for diagnostic position PET/CT images in delineation of gross tumor volumes in nasopharyngeal carcinoma radiotherapy planning: An observer study, Japanese Journal of Radiology, vol.38, pp256–264, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11604-019-00911-6, 2020.03, [URL].
28. Alamgir Hossain, Hidetaka ARIMURA, Fumio Kinoshita, Kenta Ninomiya, Sumiko Watanabe, Kenjiro Imada, Ryoma Koyanagi, Yoshinao Oda, Automated Approach for Estimation of Grade Groups for Prostate Cancer based on Histological Image Feature Analysis, The Prostate, Volume 80 Issue 3 Page 291-302 Published 2020, DOI:10.1002/pros.23943, 2020.02, [URL].
29. Kenta NINOMIYA, Hidetaka ARIMURA, Homological radiomics analysis for prognostic prediction in lung cancer patients, Physica Medica: European Journal of Medical Physics, Volume 69 Page 90-100, DOI:10.1016/j.ejmp.2019.11.026, 2020.01, [URL].
30. Motoki SASAHARA, Hidetaka ARIMURA, Kenta NINOMIYA, Takaaki HIROSE, Noriyuki NAGAMI, Yudai KAI, Yusuke SHIBAYAMA, Saiji OHGA, Junnichi FUKUNAGA , Machine-Learning-Based Framework for Estimation of Prostate Locations with Anatomical Feature Points on CBCT Images for Image-Guided Target-Based Patient Positioning in Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy, Medical Imaging and Information Sciences 2019 Volume 36 Issue 3 Pages 122-127 , https://doi.org/10.11318/mii.36.122 , 2019.10.
31. Tran Thi Thao Nguyen, Hidetaka Arimura, Ryosuke Asamura, Taka-aki Hirose, Saiji Ohga, Jun-ichi Fukunaga, Comparison of volumetric-modulated arc therapy and intensity-modulated radiation therapy prostate cancer plans accounting for cold spots, Radiol Phys Technol. 2019 Jun;12(2):137-148. Epub 2019 Feb 25., doi: 10.1007/s12194-019-00502-0, 2019.06.
32. Noriyuki Nagami, Hidetaka Arimura, Mazen Soufi, Mitsutoshi Ohishi, Takeshi Imaizumi, Yoshimasa Yamagushi, Kenta Ninomiya, Sunao Tokumaru, Shingo Toyama, Kanako Kawasaki, Aiko Kitazato, Satoshi Takita, Kouji Uba, Hiroyuki Irie, An approach for evaluation of delineation accuracy of GTV contours with considering interobserver variability in reference contours: Impact of MAR on radiation treatment planning, Medical Imaging and Information Sciences 2019 Volume 36 Issue 1 Pages 4-9 , https://doi.org/10.11318/mii.36.4, 2019.03.
33. Kenta NINOMIYA, Hidetaka ARIMURA, Motoki SASAHARA, Yudai KAI, Taka-aki HIROSE, Saiji OHGA, Feasibility of anatomical feature points for estimation of prostate locations in the Bayesian delineation frameworks for prostate cancer radiotherapy, Radiological Physics and Technology 2018, 11:434–444, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12194-018-0481-2, 2018.11.
34. Taka-aki Hirose, Hidetaka Arimura, Yusuke Shibayama, Jun-ichi Fukunaga, Saiji Ohga, Effect of accounting for interfractional CTV shape variations in PTV margins on prostate cancer radiation treatment plans, Physica Medica: European Journal of Medical Physics, October 2018, Volume 54, Pages 66–76, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejmp.2018.09.008, 2018.10.
35. Mazen Soufi, Hidetaka Arimura, Noriyuki Nagami, Identification of optimal mother wavelets in survival prediction of lung cancer patients using wavelet decomposition-based radiomic features, Medical Physics 2018 Nov;45(11):5116-5128. Epub 2018 Oct 19., doi: 10.1002/mp.13202., 2018.10, Purpose : To identify the optimal mother wavelets in survival prediction of lung cancer patients using wavelet-decomposition-based (WDB) radiomic features in CT images.
Materials and Methods: CT images of patients with histologically confirmed non-small cell lung carcinomas (NSCLCs) in Training (Dataset T; n = 162) and validation (Dataset V; n = 143) datasets were analyzed for this study. The optimal mother wavelets were identified based on the impacts of the WDB radiomic features on the patient survival times. 432 three-dimensional WDB radiomic features were calculated from regions of interest (ROI) of 162 tumor contours. A Coxnet algorithm was used to select a subset of radiomic features (signature) based on the prediction of survival times with a 5-fold cross-validation. The impacts of the radiomic features on the patients’ survival times were assessed by using a multivariate Cox proportional hazard regression (MCPHR) model. The major contribution of this study was to identify optimal mother wavelets based on a maximization of a novel ranking index (RI) incorporating the Coxnet prediction error and the summation of the p-values of the radiomic features in the MCPHR model on Dataset T. The prognostic performance of the optimal mother wavelets was validated based on the concordance index (CI) of the MCPHR models when applied to Dataset V. The proposed approach was tested by using 31 mother wavelets from 6 wavelet families that were available in a commercially available software (Matlab® 2016b).
Results: The optimal mother wavelets were Symlet 5 and Biorthogonal 2.6 at 128 re-quantization levels, which yielded RIs of 4.27±0.29 (3 features) and 6.50±0.50 (5 features), respectively. The CIs of the MCPHR models of Symlet 5 were 0.66±0.03 (Dataset T) and 0.64±0.00 (Dataset V), whereas those of Biorthogonal 2.6 were 0.68±0.03 (Dataset T) and 0.62±0.02 (Dataset V). The radiomic signatures included the GLRLM-based HLH gray level non-uniformity feature that demonstrated statistically significant differences in stratifying patients with better and worse prognoses in Datasets T and V.
Conclusion: This study has revealed the potential of Symlet and Biorthogonal mother wavelets in the survival prediction of lung cancer patients by using WDB radiomic features in CT images..
36. Satoshi Yoshidome, Hidetaka Arimura, Kotaro Terashima, Masakazu Hirakawa, Taka-aki Hirose, Junichi Fukunaga, Yasuhiko Nakamura, Hiroshi Honda, Automated and robust estimation framework for lung tumor location in kilovolt cone-beam computed tomography images for target-based patient positioning in lung stereotactic body radiotherapy, Medical Imaging and Information Sciences 2018 Vol. 35 No.3, pp. 48-54, https://doi.org/10.11318/mii.35.48, 2018.09.
37. Hidemi Kamezawa, Hidetaka Arimura, Hiroyuki Arakawa, Noboru Kameda, Investigation for a practical patient dose index for assessment of patient organ dose from cone-beam computed tomography in radiation therapy using a Monte Carlo simulation, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Volume 181, Issue 4, 1 November 2018, Pages 333–342, https://doi.org/10.1093/rpd/ncy032, 2018.03.
38. Mohammad Haekal, Hidetaka Arimura, Taka-aki Hirose, Yusuke Shibayama, Saiji Ohga, Junichi Fukunaga, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Hiroshi Honda, Tomonari Sasaki, Computational analysis of interfractional anisotropic shape variations of the rectum in prostate cancer radiation therapy, Physica Medica: European Journal of Medical Physics, Volume 46, February 2018, Pages 168-179, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejmp.2017.12.019, 2018.02.
39. Mazen Soufi, Hidetaka Arimura, Takahiro Nakamoto, Taka-aki Hirose, Saiji Ohga, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Hiroshi Honda, Tomonari Sasaki, Exploration of temporal stability and prognostic power of radiomic features based on electronic portal imaging device images, Physica Medica: European Journal of Medical Physics, Volume 46, February 2018, Pages 32-44, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejmp.2017.11.037, 2018.02.
40. Yasuo Kawata, Hidetaka Arimura, Koujiro Ikushima, Ze Jin, Kento Morita, Chiaki Tokunaga, Hidetake Yabu-uchi, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Tomonari Sasaki, Hiroshi Honda, Masayuki Sasaki, Impact of Pixel-based Machine-Learning Techniques on Automated Frameworks for Delineation of Gross Tumor Volume Regions for Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy, Physica Medica: European Journal of Medical Physics Volume 42, October 2017, Pages 141-149, 2017.10.
41. Noriyuki Kadoya, Kumiko Karasawa, Iori Sumida, Hidetaka Arimura, Yasumasa Kakinohana, Shigeto Kabuki, Hajime Monzen, Teiji Nishio, Hiroki Shirato, Syogo Yamada, Educational outcomes of a medical physicist program over the past 10 years in Japan, Journal of Radiation Research 1-6. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/jrr/rrx016 , https://doi.org/10.1093/jrr/rrx016 , 2017.04.
42. Yusuke Shibayama, Hidetaka Arimura, Taka-aki Hirose, Takahiro Nakamoto, Tomonari Sasaki, Saiji Ohga, Norimasa Matsushita, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Yasuhiko Nakamura, Hiroshi Honda, Investigation of interfractional shape variations based on statistical point distribution model for prostate cancer radiation therapy, Medical Physics, Volume 44, Issue 5, Pages 1837–1845, DOI:10.1002/mp.12217, First published: 20 April 2017, 10.1002/mp.12217, 2017.05, Purpose: The setup errors and organ motion errors pertaining to clinical target volume (CTV) have been considered as two major causes of uncertainties in the determination of the CTV-to-planning target volume (PTV) margins for prostate cancer radiation treatment planning. We based our study on the assumption that interfractional target shape variations are not negligible as another source of uncertainty for the determination of precise CTV-to-PTV margins. Thus, we investigated the interfractional shape variations of CTVs based on a point distribution model (PDM) for prostate cancer radiation therapy.
Materials and Methods: To quantify the shape variations of CTVs, the PDM was applied for the contours of 4 types of CTV regions (low-risk, intermediate- risk, high-risk CTVs, and prostate plus entire seminal vesicles), which were delineated by considering prostate cancer risk groups on planning computed tomography (CT) and cone beam CT (CBCT) images of 73 fractions of 10 patients. The standard deviations (SDs) of the interfractional random errors for shape variations were obtained from covariance matrices based on the PDMs, which were generated from vertices of triangulated CTV surfaces. The correspondences between CTV surface vertices were determined based on a thin plate spline robust point matching algorithm. The systematic error for shape variations was defined as the average deviation between surfaces of an average CTV and planning CTVs, and the random error as the average deviation of CTV surface vertices for fractions from an average CTV surface.
Results: The means of the SDs of the systematic errors for the 4 types of CTVs ranged from 1.0 to 2.0 mm along the anterior direction, 1.2 to 2.6 mm along the posterior direction, 1.0 to 2.5 mm along the superior direction, 0.9 to 1.9 mm along the inferior direction, 0.9 to 2.6 mm along the right direction, and 1.0 to 3.0 mm along the left direction. Concerning the random errors, the means of the SDs ranged from 0.9 to 1.2 mm along the anterior direction, 1.0 to 1.4 mm along the posterior direction, 0.9 to 1.3 mm along the superior direction, 0.8 to 1.0 mm along the inferior direction, 0.8 to 0.9 mm along the right direction, and 0.8 to 1.0 mm along the left direction.
Conclusions: Since the shape variations were not negligible for intermediate and high risk CTVs, they should be taken into account for the determination of the CTV-to-PTV margins in radiation treatment planning of prostate cancer..
43. Takahiro Nakamoto, Hidetaka Arimura, KENICHI MOROOKA, Yasuhiko Nakamura, Tomonari Sasaki, Taka-aki Hirose, Yoshiyuki Umedu, Hiroshi Honda, Hideki Hirata, A framework for estimating four-dimensional dose distributions during stereotactic body radiation therapy based on a 2D/3D registration technique with an adaptive transformation parameter approach, Medical Imaging and Information Sciences, Vol. 33(2016) No. 3, p.48-56, DOI:doi.org/10.11318/mii.33.48, 2016.10.
44. Koujiro Ikushima, Hidetaka Arimura, Ze Jin, Hidetake Yabu-uchi, Jumpei Kuwazuru, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Tomonari Sasaki, Hiroshi Honda, Masayuki Sasaki, Computer-assisted framework for machine-learning-based delineation of GTV regions on datasets of planning CT and PET/CT images, Journal of Radiation Research, Volume 58, Issue 1,123-134, Published: 23 January 2017, DOI: 10.1093/jrr/rrw082, DOI 10.1093/jrr/rrw082, 2017.01.
45. Mazen Soufi, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsumasa Nakamura, Fauzia P. Lestari, Freddy Haryanto, Taka-aki Hirose, Yoshiyuki Umedu, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Fukai Toyofuku, Feasibility of Differential Geometry-Based Features in Detection of Anatomical Feature Points on Patient Surfaces in Range Image-Guided Radiation Therapy, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, November 2016, Volume 11, Issue 11, pp 1993–2006,
First Online: 13 June 2016, DOI:10.1007/s11548-016-1436-x
, 2016.11.
46. Yoshifumi Oku, Hidetaka Arimura, Tran Thi Thao Nguyen, Yoshiyuki Hiraki, Masahiko Toyota, Yasumasa Saigo, Takashi Yoshiura, Hideki Hirata, Investigation of whether in-room CT-based adaptive intracavitary brachytherapy for uterine cervical cancer is robust against interfractional location variations of organs and/or applicators, Journal of Radiation Research (2016) 57 (6): 677-683, 2016 Jun 13, Published: 02 December 2016, DOI:10.1093/jrr/rrw043, 2016.11.
47. Hidemi Kamezawa, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsutoshi Shirieda, Noboru Kameda, Masafumi Ohki, Feasibility of patient dose reduction based on various noise suppression filters for cone-beam computed tomography in an image-guided patient positioning system, Physics in Medicine and Biology 2016 May 7;61(9):3609-36. Doi: 10.1088/0031-9155/61/9/3609 (Epub 2016 Apr 11), 2016.05.
48. 山之内雅幸, 有村秀孝, 衝突検出のためのコンピュータグラフィックスを用いた放射線治療シミュレータの開発, 医用画像情報学会雑誌,Vol. 33(2016) No. 1 ,P.8-15, 2016.03.
49. Ze Jin, Hidetaka Arimura, Shingo Kakeda, Fumio Yamashita, Makoto Sasaki, Yukunori Korogi, An Ellipsoid Convex Enhancement Filter for Detection of Asymptomatic Intracranial Aneurysm Candidates in CAD Frameworks, Medical Physics Vol.43, No.2, 951 (2016); http://dx.doi.org/10.1118/1.4940349 (Jan. 28, 2016), 2016.01.
50. Noriyuki Kadoya, Kumiko Karasawa, Iori Sumida, Hidetaka Arimura, Syogo Yamada, The current status of education and career paths of students after completion of medical physicist programs in Japan: a survey by the Japanese Board for Medical Physicist Qualification, Radiological Physics and Technology, DOI 10.1007/s12194-015-0317-2, DOI 10.1007/s12194-015-0317-2, 2015.06.
51. Takahiro Nakamoto, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsumasa Nakamura, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Asumi Mizoguchi, Taka-aki Hirose, Hiroshi Honda, Yoshiyuki Umedu, Yasuhiko Nakamura, Hideki Hirata, A computerized framework for monitoring four-dimensional dose distributions during stereotactic body radiation therapy using a portal dose image-based 2D/3D registration approach, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compmedimag.2014.12.003, March 2015 Volume 40, Pages 1–12 , 2015.03.
52. Satoshi Yoshidome, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsumasa Nakamura, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Kazushige Atsumi, Hideki Yoshikawa, Kei Nishikawa, Hideki Hirata, Feasibility study of automated framework for estimating lung tumor locations for target-based patient positioning in stereotactic body radiotherapy, doi.org/10.1155/2015/653974, BioMed Research International, Article ID 653974, 2014.12.
53. Ze Jin, Hidetaka Arimura, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Katsumasa Nakamura, Jumpei Kuwazuru, Taiki Magome, Hidetake Yabuuchi, Hiroshi Honda, Hideki Hirata, Masayuki Sasaki, Computer-Assisted Delineation of Lung Tumor Regions in Treatment Planning CT Images with PET/CT Image Sets Based on an Optimum Contour Selection Method, Journal of Radiation Research, 10.1093/jrr/rru056, 2014 Nov;55(6):1153-62, 2014.11.
54. Natsuo Tomita, Takeshi Kodaira, Teruki Teshima, Kazuhiko Ogawa, Yu Kumazaki, Chikako Yamauchi, Takafumi Toita, Takashi Uno, Minako Sumi, Hiroshi Onishi, Masahiro Kenjo, Katsumasa Nakamura, Hodaka Numasaki, Masahiko Koizumi, Yuki Otani, Naoto Shikama, Naoki Nakamura, Kiyotomo Matsugi, Hidetaka Arimura, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Japanese Structure Survey of High-precision Radiotherapy in 2012 Based on Institutional Questionnaire about the Patterns of Care, Jpn J Clin Oncol., 10.1093/jjco/hyu041, 44(6)579–586, 2014.04.
55. Hidetaka Arimura, Genyu Kakiuchi, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Shin-ichi Minohara, Takahiro Nakamoto, Katsumasa Nakamura, Hiroshi Honda, Mutsumi Tashiro, Tatsuaki Kanai, Hideki Hirata, Quantitative evaluation of the robustness of beam directions based on power spectral analysis of water-equivalent path length image in charged particle therapy, International Journal of Intelligent Computing in Medical Sciences and Image Processing, Vol. 6, No.1, 1-16, 2014.07.
56. Taiki Magome, Hidetaka Arimura, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Katsumasa Nakamura, Hiroshi Honda, Hideki Hirata, Similar-case-based optimization of beam arrangements in stereotactic body radiotherapy for assisting treatment planners, BioMed Research International, Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 309534, 10 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/309534, 2013.11.
57. 溝口明日実, 有村 秀孝, 塩山善之, 廣瀬貴章, 穴井重男, 本田 浩, 梅津芳幸, 平田 秀紀, 大喜 雅文, 中村 和正, 豊福 不可依, 放射線治療におけるelectronic portal imaging deviceを用いた4次元線量分布推定法の開発, 電子情報通信学会和文論文誌D 医用画像特集, Vol.J96-D,No.4, pp.813-823, 2013.04.
58. Taiki Magome, Hidetaka Arimura, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Asumi Mizoguchi, Chiaki Tokunaga, Katsumasa Nakamura, Hiroshi Honda, Masafumi Ohki, Fukai Toyofuku, Hideki Hirata, Computer-aided beam arrangement based on similar cases in radiation treatment planning databases for stereotactic lung radiation therapy., Journal of Radiation Research, 10.1093/jrr/rrs123, 54, 3, 569-577, 2013.05.
59. Arimura H, Itano W, Shioyama Y, Matsushita N, Magome T, Yoshitake T, Anai S, Nakamura K, Yoshidome S, Yamagami A, Honda H, Ohki M, Toyofuku F, Hirata H., Computerized estimation of patient setup errors in portal images based on localized pelvic templates for prostate cancer radiotherapy, Journal of Radiation Research, 1;53(6):961-72, 2012.11.
60. Kawata H, Arimura H, Suefuji H, Ohkura S, Saida Y, Nashiki K, Hayashida K, Kawahara T, Ohishi A, Hayabuchi N., Automated Estimation of Number of Implanted Iodine-125 Seeds for Prostate Brachytherapy based on Two-View Analysis of Pelvic Radiographs, Journal of Radiation Research, 53(5):742-52, 2012.09.
61. Kuwazuru J, Arimura H, Kakeda S, Yamamoto D, Magome T, Yamashita Y, Ohki M, Toyofuku F, Korogi Y., Automated Detection of Multiple Sclerosis Candidate Regions in MR Images: False-Positive Removal with Use of an ANN-controlled Level Set Method, Radiological Physics and Technology , 5(1):105-13., 2012.01.
62. 山下泰生,有村秀孝,吉浦 敬,徳永千晶,桑水流純平,馬込大貴, 門司晃,小林幸次,古閑省一 ,中村泰彦,大屋信義,本田 浩,大喜雅文,豊福不可依, MR脳血流マップ画像を用いたアルツハイマー病の鑑別支援システムの開発, 医用画像情報学会雑誌, Vol. 28, No.3, pp. 72-78, 2011, 2011.10, 本論文は,ASLに基づく脳血流量の機能的特徴量を用いた,アルツハイマー病と正常例を区別する方法論を提案した.MRIで得られた機能画像を使用した初めてのCADの試みであり,新規性があるとともに将来的な臨床実用の可能性が高いと考える.提案システムを用いれば,医師の診断の見落としや,労力の軽減が期待でき,患者負担の減少が望める,社会的貢献度の大きな論文である..
63. Anai S, Arimura H, Nakamura K, Araki F, Matsuki T, Yoshikawa H, Yoshidome S, Shioyama Y, Honda H, Ikeda N., Estimation of focal and extra-focal radiation profiles based on Gaussian modeling in medical linear accelerators, Radiological Physics and Technology, 4(2):173-9, 2011.07.
64. Atsumi K, Shioyama Y, Arimura H, Terashima K, Matsuki T, Ohga S, Yoshitake T, Nonoshita T, Tsurumaru D, Ohnishi K, Asai K, Matsumoto K, Nakamura K, Honda H., Esophageal Stenosis Associated with Tumor Regression in Radiation Therapy for Esophageal Cancer: Frequency and Prediction, International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 1;82(5):1973-80, 2012.04.
65. 吉留 郷志, 有村 秀孝, 塩山 善之, 中村和正, 穴井重男, 中村浩太, 野元諭, 本田 浩, 豊福不可依, 寺嶋廣美, 平田秀紀, 肺定位放射線治療におけるEPIDシネ画像を用いた腫瘍位置のずれ量自動推定方法の開発, 医学物理, Vol.30, No.3,120-131, 2011.03.
66. Magome T, Arimura H, Kakeda S, Yamamoto D, Kawata Y, Yamashita Y, Higashida Y, Toyofuku F, Ohki M, Korogi Y., Automated segmentation method of white matter and gray matter regions with multiple sclerosis lesions in MR images., Radiological Physics and Technology, Volume 4, Issue 1 (2011), 61-72, 2011.01, 多発性硬化症患者の脳萎縮の程度を定量的に評価することは非常に難しい.そこで,本研究では,脳萎縮の程度を定量的に評価するために,頭部MR画像から多発性硬化症病変部を含む大脳白質・灰白質領域を自動抽出する手法を世界で初めて開発した.その結果,提案手法が多発性硬化症における大脳白質・灰白質領域を自動抽出するために有用であり,多発性硬化症患者の萎縮を評価するための,ツールとして役立つ可能性を示した..
67. Yamamoto D, Arimura H, Kakeda S, Magome T, Yamashita Y, Toyofuku F, Ohki M, Higashida Y, Korogi Y., Computer-aided detection of multiple sclerosis lesions in brain magnetic resonance images: False positive reduction scheme consisted of rule-based, level set method, and support vector machine, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 34,404-413, 2010.05.
68. Kawata Y, Arimura H, Yamashita Y, Magome T, Ohki M, Toyofuku F, Higashida Y, Tsuchiya K., Computer-Aided Evaluation Method of White Matter Hyperintensities Related to Subcortical Vascular Dementia Based on Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 34,370-376, 2010.05.
69. Yoshitake T, Shioyama Y, Nakamura K, Ohga S, Nonoshita T, Ohnishi K, Terashima K, Arimura H, Hirata H, Honda H., A clinical evaluation of visual feedback-guided breath-hold reproducibility of tumor location, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 54, 7171-7182, 2009.11.
70. Arimura H, MagomeT, Yamashita Y, Yamamoto D., Computer-aided Diagnosis Systems for Brain Diseases in Magnetic Resonance Images, Algorithms, 2009, 2(3), 925-952, 2009.07.
71. Yoshiura T, Noguchi T, Hiwatashi A, Togao O, Yamashita K, Nakao T, Nagao E, Kumazawa S, Arimura H, Honda H., Age-Related Microstructural Changes in Subcortical White Matter During Postadolescent Periods in Men Revealed by Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging., Human Brain Mapping, 30(10):3142-50, 2009.10.
72. Arimura H, Egashira Y, Shioyama Y, Nakamura K, Yoshidome S, Anai S, Nomoto S, Honda H, Toyofuku F, Higashida Y, Onizuka Y, Terashima H., Computerized method for estimation of the location of a lung tumor on EPID cine images without implanted markers in stereotactic body radiotherapy, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 54, 665-677, 2009.02.
73. Yoshidome S, Arimura H, Kakeda S, Korogi Y, Tsuchiiya K, Katsuragawa S, Doi K, Performance evaluation of a CAD scheme for detection of intracranial aneurysms in MRA images based on a cross-validation test with four different databases. , International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery(CARS) , Vol.3(Suppl 1), S203-204, 2008.07.
74. Yamamoto D, Arimura H, Kakeda S, Magome T, Yamashita Y, Ohki M, Toyofuku F, Higashida Y, Korogi Y, Computer-aided detection of multiple sclerosis lesions based on three types of blain MR images, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery(CARS), Vol.3(Suppl 1), S202-203, 2008.07.
75. Arimura H, Yoshiura T, Kumazawa S, Mihara F, Honda H, TanakaK, Koga H, Sakai S, Toyofuku F, Higashida Y., Computerized method for classification of patients with Alzheimer's disease based on segmentation of serebral cortical regions including hippocampal regions. , International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery(CARS), Vol.3(Suppl1), S201-202, 2008.07.
76. Yamashita Y, Arimura H, Tsuchiya K., Computer-aided Detection of Ischemic Lesions related to Subcortical Vascular Dementia on Magnetic Resonance Images., Academic Radiology, 15:978-985, 2008.06.
77. Yoshiura T, Kumazawa S, Noguchi T, Hiwatashi A, Togao O, Yamashita K, Arimura H, Higashida Y, Toyofuku F, Mihara F, Honda H., MR Tractography Based on Directional Diffusion Function:Validation in Somatotopic Organization of the Pyramidal Tract., Academic Radiology, Vol. 15, Issue 2, 186-192 , 2008.03.
78. Kakeda S, Korogi Y, Arimura H, Hirai T, Katsuragawa S, Aoki T, Doi K., Diagnostic Accuracy and Reading Time to Detect Intracranial Aneurysms on MR Angiography Using a Computer-Aided Diagnosis System., American Journal of Roentgenology, Vol. 190, 459-465, 2008.03.
79. Arimura H, Yoshiura, Kumazawa S, Tanaka K, Koga H, Mihara F, Honda H, Sakai S, Toyofuku F, Higashida Y., Automated Method for Identification of Patients With Alzheimer’s Disease Based on Three-dimensional MR Images., Academic Radiology, Vol.15, No.3, 274-284, 2008.03.
80. Yamashita K, Yoshiura T, Arimura H, Yamashita Y, Mihara F, Noguchi T, Hiwatashi A, Togao O, Kumazawa S, Higashida Y, Honda.H., Performance evaluation of radiologists with artificial neural network for differential diagnosis of intra-axial cerebral tumors on MR images., American Journal Neuroradiology, 29:1153-1158, 2008.03.
81. Arimura H, Yoshiura T, Kumazawa S, Tanaka K, Koga H, Mihara F, Honda H, Sakai S, Toyofuku F, Higashida Y., Computer-aided diagnostic method for classification of Alzheimer's disease with atrophic image features on MR images., SPIE Proceedings, Vol.6915, 69151P-1-8, 2008.02.
82. Toyofuku F, Tokumori K, Higashida Y, Arimura H, Morishita J, Ohki M., Bone mineral imaging using a digital magnification mammography system., SPIE Proceedings, Vol.6915, 691358-1-8, 2008.02.
83. 山本大輔,有村秀孝,掛田伸吾,馬込大貴,山下泰生,大喜 雅文,豊福不可依,東田善治,興梠 征典, 多発性硬化症のMR画像における病変部領域の検出法の開発, 信学技報 IEICE Technical Report, MI 2007-97, p177-p180, 2008.01.
84. 河田康雄,有村秀孝,山下泰生,馬込大貴,大喜雅文,東田善治,豊福不可依,土屋一洋, 脳血管性認知症のMR画像における脳皮質下虚血病変領域の検出法の開発, 信学技報 IEICE Technical Report, MI 2007-93, p153-p156, 2008.01.
85. 穴井重男,有村秀孝,吉留郷志,中村和正,塩山善之,野元諭,鬼塚昌彦,寺島廣美, 体幹部定位放射線治療におけるEPIDポータル画像を用いたターゲット位置のずれ量推定方法の開発, 日本放射線腫瘍学会誌, vol.19:245 252 (2007), 2007.12.
86. Arimura H, Yoshidome S, Anai S, Shioyama Y, Nakamura K, Nomoto S, Honda H, Onizuka Y, Terashima H., Automated Method for Recognition of a Tumor Displacement on EPID Without Implanted Markers in Stereotactic Radiotherapy., International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, Vol.69, Issue3, S685-S686, 2007.11.
87. Arimura H, Yoshiura T, Kumazawa S, Tanaka T, Koga H, Sakai S, Mihara F, Honda H, Toyofuku F, Higashida Y., SVM-based Method for Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease with Atrophic Image Features on MR images, Proceedings of ISICE, 231-234, 2007.09.
88. Arimura H, Yamashita Y, Tsuchiya K., Computerized Detection of Ischemic Lesions related to Subcortical Vascular Dementia on Magnetic Resonance Images, Proceedings of ISICE 2007, 235-238, 2007.09.
89. 山本大輔、有村秀孝、掛田伸吾、山下泰生、熊澤誠志、豊福不可依、東田善治、興梠 征典, 脳MR画像に基づいた多発性硬化症病変部の検出法の開発, 信学技報 IEICE Technical Report , MI2007-45, 51-52, 2007.09.
90. 馬込大貴、有村秀孝、掛田伸吾、山本大輔、熊澤誠志、豊福不可依、東田善治、興梠 征典, 多発性硬化症におけるレベルセット法を用いた脳白質領域の抽出, 信学技報 IEICE Technical Report, MI2007-44, 49-50, 2007.09.
91. Arimura H, Anai S, Yoshidome S, Nakamura K, Shioyama Y, Nomoto S, Honda H, Onizuka Y, Terashima H., Computerized method for measurement of displacement vectors of target positions on EPID cine images in stereotactic radiotherapy, SPIE Proceedings, Vol.6512, 65121U-1-8, 2007.05.
92. 山下泰生、有村秀孝、土屋一洋, MR画像に基づいた脳血管性認知障害の虚血病変領域の自動検出法の開発, 信学技報 IEICE Technical Report, MI2006-168(2007-1), 41-44, 2007.01.
93. Kumazawa S, Yoshiura T, Arimura H, Mihara F, Honda H, Higashida Y, Toyofuku F., Estimation of white matter connectivity based on a three-dimensional directional diffusion function in diffusion tensor MRI, Medical Physics, Vol.33, No.12, 4643-4652, 2006.12.
94. Kumazawa S, Yoshiura T, Arimura H, Mihara F, Honda H, Higashida Y, Toyofuku F., Estimation of white matter tracts based on a directional diffusion function in DT-MRI, IFMBE Proceedings, Vol.14, 2433-2436, 2006.08.
95. Arimura H, Yoshiura T, Kumazawa S, Koga H, Sakai S, Mihara F, Honda H, Toyofuku F, Higashida Y., Automated Volumetric Measurement of Cerebrospinal Fluid in Sulci and Lateral Ventricles Based on 3-D MR images, IFMBE Proceedings, Vol.14, 2184-2187, 2006.08.
96. Kumazawa S, Yoshiura T, Arimura H, Mihara F, Honda H, Higashida Y, Toyofuku F., Visualization of white matter tracts using a directional diffusion function based tractography in DT-MRI, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Vol.1,Supplement,1, 7-9, 2006.06.
97. Arimura H, Li Q, Korogi Y, Hirai T, Katsuragawa S, Yamashita Y, Tsuchiya K, Doi K., Improvement and evaluation of computerized method for detection of intracranial aneurysms for 3-D MR angiography, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Vol.1,Supplement,1, 385-386, 2006.06.
98. Arimura H, Yoshiura T, Kumazawa S, Koga H, Sakai S, Mihara F, Honda H, Ohki M, Toyofuku F, Higashida Y., Automated method for measurement of cerebral cortical thickness for 3-D MR Images, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Vol.1,Supplement,1, 19-20, 2006.06.
99. Arimura H, Yoshiura T, Kumazawa S, Koga H, Sakai S, Mihara F, Honda H, Ohki M, Toyofuku F, Higashida Y., Computerized Method for Automated Measurement of Thickness of Cerebral Cortex for 3-D MR Images, SPIE Proceedings, Vol.6144, 1239-1246, 2006.05.
100. Arimura H, Li Q, Korogi Y, Hirai T, Katsuragawa S, Yamashita Y, Tsuchiya K, Doi K, Computerized detection of intracranial aneurysms for 3D MR angiography:Feature extraction of small protrusions based on a shape-based difference image technique, Medical Physics, Vol.33, No.2, 394-401, 2006.02.
101. Li F, Arimura H, Suzuki K, Shiraishi J, Li Q, Abe H, Engelmann R, Sone S, MacMahon H, Doi K, Computer-Aided Detection for Peripheral Lung Cancers Missed at CT: ROC Analyses without and with localization, Radiology, 10.1148/radiol.2372041555, 237, 2, 684-690, Vol. 237, pp. 684 –690, 2005.11.
102. Hirai T, Korogi Y, Arimura H, Katsuragawa S, Kitajima M, Yamura M, Yamashita Y, Doi K, Intracranial Aneurysms at MR Angiography: Effect of Computer-aided Diagnosis on Radiologists’ Detection Performance, Radiology, 10.1148/radiol.2372041734, 237, 2, 605-610, Vol. 237, pp. 605 –610, 2005.11.
103. Arimura H, Li Q, Korogi Y, Hirai T, Abe H, Yamashita Y, Katsuragawa S, Ikeda R, and Doi K, CAD Scheme for Detection of Intracranial Aneurysms in MRA based on 3D Analysis of Vessel Skeletons and Enhanced Aneurysms, SPIE Proc., 10.1117/12.593574, 5747, 967-974, Vol. 5747, pp. 967-974, 2005.05.
104. Arimura H, Li Q, Korogi Y, Hirai T, Abe H, Yamashita Y, Katsuragawa S, Ikeda R, and Doi K, Automated computerized scheme for detection of unruptured intracranial aneurysms in three-dimensional MRA, Academic Radiology, 10.1016/j.acra.2004.07.011, 11, 10, 1093-1104, Vol.11, [10], 1093-1104, 2004.10.
105. Arimura H, Katsuragawa S, Suzuki K, Li F, Shiraishi J, Sone S, and Doi K, Computerized scheme for automated detection of lung nodules in low-dose CT images for lung cancer screening, Academic Radiology, 11, [6], pp. 617-629, 2004.06.
106. Li Q, Arimura H, and Doi K, Selective Enhancement Filters for Lung Nodules, Intracranial Aneurysms, and Breast Microcalcifications, International Congress Series, 1268, pp. 929-934, 2004.06.
107. Arimura H, Li Q, Korogi Y, Hirai T, Abe H, Yamashita Y, Katsuragawa S, Ikeda R, and Doi K, Development of CAD scheme for automated detection of intracranial aneurysms in magnetic resonance angiography, International Congress Series, 10.1016/j.ics.2004.03.102, 1268, 1015-1020, 1268, pp. 1015-1020, 2004.06.
108. 有村秀孝, 石田隆行, 桂川茂彦, 川下郁生, 土井邦雄, テンプレートマッチング技術を用いた胸部X線写真の撮影方向と画像の向きを認識する方法の開発, 日本放射線技術学会雑誌, 58, [8], pp. 1047-1054, 2002.08.
109. Arimura H, Katsuragawa S, Li Q, Ishida T, and Doi K, Development of a computerized method for identifying the posteroanterior and lateral views of chest radiographs by use of a template matching technique, Medical Physics, 29, [7], 1556-1561, 2002.07.
110. H. Arimura, S. Katsuragawa, T. Ishida, N. Oda, H. Nakata, and K. Doi, Performance evaluation of an advanced method for automatic identification
of view positions of chest radiographs by use of a large database, SPIE Proceedings, 4684, pp. 308-315, 2002.05.
111. K. Maeda, H. Arimura, I. Kawashita, K. Morikawa, T. Ishida, H. Kanamori, and M. Matsumoto, Influence of scattered x rays on the sharpness of image signal produced by a CR system, SPIE Proceedings, 4682, pp. 675-682, 2002.05.
112. Arimura H, Date T, Morikawa K, Kubota H, Matsumoto M, and Kanamori H, Effect of scattered x rays on image signal of radiograph, Proceedings of 10th International Congress of The International Radiation Protection Association, P-7-33: pp. 1-7, 2000.05.
113. 川下郁生、石田隆行、桂川茂彦、有村秀孝、土井邦雄, 胸部X線画像のコンピュータ支援診断−テクスチャー解析の画質依存性, 日本放射線技術学会雑誌, 56,[3], pp.443〜448, 2000.03.
主要総説, 論評, 解説, 書評, 報告書等
1. 有村 秀孝、兒玉 拓巳, がんの特徴を穴から見通す -トポロジー穴解析-, 日本放射線技術学会 画像通信 2024;47(1):12-16, 2024.05.
2. 有村 秀孝、兒玉 拓巳、二宮 健太、徳田 智紀, トポロジーでがんの特徴を数に変える−穴解析−, 医用画像情報学会雑誌 2023;40(4):79-84., 2023.12, [URL].
3. 有村 秀孝、兒玉拓巳、金煜, Radiomics,Radiogenomics 解析に必要な知識, 臨床放射線 2023;68:845-851. 2023年9月号, 2023.09.
4. 有村 秀孝、廣瀬 貴章、兒玉拓巳、古田凛太郎, 医療へのレディオミクスAIの貢献 ―連載:医療 Al技術の現在と未来―, 週間医学のあゆみvol282, No.11, 1033-1038, 2022.9.10, 2022.09.
5. 有村 秀孝、兒玉 拓巳 、浦上 暉允、亀澤 秀美、廣瀬 貴章、二宮 健太, 高精度がん治療支援のための画像生検—レディオミクスで抽出できる情報ー, 日本放射線技術学会雑誌2022 年 78 巻 2 号 p. 219-224, https://doi.org/10.6009/jjrt.780213, 2022.02, [URL].
6. 有村 秀孝、二宮 健太、 CUI YunHao、廣瀬 貴章, AI時代の放射線医学 6 放射線治療におけるprecision medicineを目指したAI技術, 月刊Precision Medicine (プレシジョンメディシン)巻5号1、31-34, https://jglobal.jst.go.jp/detail?JGLOBAL_ID=202102212455247371, 2022.01, [URL].
7. 有村秀孝, 岩﨑 貴大, COVID-19画像診断におけるAI応用の最先端, 「医学物理」41-3号 p. 82-86(招待解説), https://doi.org/10.11323/jjmp.41.3_82, 2021.11.
8. 廣瀬 貴章、有村 秀孝、二宮 健太、吉武 忠正、福永 淳一、塩山 善之, 肺癌定位放射線治療における治療計画 CT 画像を用いたレディオミクス解析による放射線肺臓炎予測, 医用画像情報学会, Vo.38, No.2, https://doi.org/10.11318/mii.38.41, 2021.07.
9. 有村秀孝, 「特集/レディオミクスの臨床応用の可能性を探る」序文, MEDICAL IMAGING TECHNOLOGY, Vo.38, No.1, 2020.01.
10. 有村秀孝, 二宮健太, 山田真大, 亀澤秀美, 高精度放射線治療における臨床応用のためのAIを用いたレディオミクスの可能性, 臨床放射線 64巻8号, pp1029-1034, 2019.07.
11. 有村秀孝, 「放射線治療におけるDeformable Image Registration特集」巻頭言, 医学物理 第39巻第1, 2019, pp1, Jpn. J. Med. Phys. Vol. 39 No. 1: 1 (2019), https://doi.org/10.11323/jjmp.39.1_1, 2019.06.
12. 有村秀孝, 「放射線治療におけるDeformable Image Registrationの基礎」, 医学物理 第39巻第1, 2019, pp2-6, Jpn. J. Med. Phys. Vol. 39 No. 1: 2–6 (2019), https://doi.org/10.11323/jjmp.39.1_2, 2019.06.
13. 有村秀孝, 二宮健太, 山田真大, 亀澤秀美, 高精度放射線治療分野におけるradiomics, 臨床画像 Vol.35, 2019, pp735-740, 2019.06.
14. 有村秀孝, 「研究計画の立て方」―放射線技術学における研究の進め方:研究計画から論文発表まで―, 日本放射線技術学会雑誌 Vol. 75 No. 6 Jun 2019, 2019.06.
15. Hidetaka Arimura, Mazen Soufi, Hidemi Kamezawa, Kenta Ninomiya, Masahiro Yamada, Radiomics with artificial intelligence for precision medicine in radiation therapy (review paper), Journal of Radiation Research, Volume 60 Issue 1 Page 150-157, 10.1093/jrr/rry077, 2019.01, [URL].
16. Hidetaka Arimura, Mazen Soufi, Kenta Ninomiya, Hidemi Kamezawa, Masahiro Yamada, Potentials of radiomics for cancer diagnosis and treatment in comparison with computer-aided diagnosis (review paper), Radiological Physics and Technology, Volume 11 Issue 4 Page 365-374 , 2018.12.
17. 亀澤秀美、有村秀孝, スーフィーマーゼン、二宮健太, 山田真大, 放射線治療におけるAIを用いたレディオミクスの可能性, Rad Fun Vol.16 No.12, pp38-42, 2018.11.
18. 有村秀孝, 二宮健太, 山田真大, 放射線治療分野におけるレディオミクスの展望, 医療機器学第88巻第4号pp485-489, 2018.08.
19. 有村秀孝, 二宮健太, 亀澤秀美 , 放射線技術学領域における人工知能技術の活用(過去, 現在, 未来), 九州支部会誌・日本放射線技術学会,13-16, 2018.02.
20. Hidetaka Arimura, Mazen Soufi, A Review on Radiomics for Personalized Medicine in Cancer Treatment, 「MEDICAL IMAGING TECHNOLOGY」第36巻第2号, 2017.12.
21. 矢能稔啓, 有村 秀孝, 医学物理学会用語委員, 医学物理用語集2016, 医学物理 第37巻 Sup.5, 2017.09.
22. Hidetaka Arimura, Mazen Soufi, Mohammad Haekal, Multidimensional Image Analysis for High Precision Radiation Therapy, Jpn. J. Med. Phys. Vol. 36 No. 4: 217–221 (2016), 2016.09.
23. Mazen Soufi, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsumasa Nakamura, Taka-aki Hirose, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Fukai Toyofuku, Differential geometry based localization of anatomical feature points in range images of patient surfaces acquired by time-of-flight camera, IEICE Technical Report Vol.115, No.401, pp.315-319, 2016.01.
24. Takahiro Nakamoto, Hidetaka Arimura, Tomonari Sasaki, KEN'ICHI MOROOKA, Taka-aki Hirose, Yasuhiko Nakamura, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Hiroshi Honda, Hideki Hirata, Development of a framework for estimating four-dimensional dose distributions during treatment time in stereotactic body radiation therapy for lung cancer based on therapeutic x-ray dynamic portal images , IEICE Technical Report vol.115, no.401, MI2015-86, pp.69-73,, 2016.01.
25. Ze Jin, Hidetaka Arimura, Shingo Kakeda, Fumio Yamashita, Makoto Sasaki, Yukunori Korogi, A novel ellipsoid convex enhancement filter for boosting the performance in detection of asymptomatic intracranial aneurysms at 3.0 T magnetic resonance angiography, IEICE Technical Report vol. 115, no. 401, MI2015-126, pp. 257-261, 2016.01.
26. 有村秀孝, 治療計画計算解剖モデルに基づく粒子線治療支援システムの開発, (特集 医用画像に基づく計算解剖学の創成と診断・治療支援の高度化)月刊インナービジョン2014年11月号 p51, 2014.11.
27. 福永淳一, 有村秀孝, 梅津芳幸, 大石歩, 広瀬貴章, 前立腺がんIMRTの治療計画における金マーカーの線量分布および線量評価指標への影響(臨床技術), 日本放射線技術学会雑誌, Vol.70, No.12, 2014, 2014.12.
28. Hidetaka Arimura, Prospects of Computational Medical Image Analysis in High Precision Radiation Therapy, 技術研究報告20140624, p.63~p.64, 2014.06.
29. Mazen Soufi, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsumasa Nakamura, Taka-aki Hirose, Yoshiyuki Umedu, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Fukai Toyofuku, Range-Image Guided System for Monitoring Intra-Fractional Setup Errors of Head and Neck Cancer Patients by Using an Infrared Ray Based Time-of-Flight Camera, 技術研究報告20140624, p.47 ~ p.52, 2014.06.
30. Misato Imai, Hidetaka Arimura, Ayumi Nonaka, Katsumasa Nakamura, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Hiroshi Honda, Hideki Hirata, Investigation of feasibility of a sparse-coding-based image similarity for retrieval of similar cases in radiation treatment planning database, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2014, vol. 9, sup. 1, S77-S78, 2014.06.
31. Nguyen Tran Thi Thao, Hidetaka Arimura, Fujibuchi Toshioh, Hideki Hirata, Evaluation of dose distributions in inhomogeneous phantom for intracavitary brachytherapy with high-dose rate 192Ir source using Monte Carlo simulation., International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2014, vol. 9, sup. 1, S289-S290, 2014.06.
32. Yusuke Shibayama, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsumasa Nakamura, Norimasa Matsushita, Yoshiyuki Umedu, Taka-aki Hirose, Yasuhiko Nakamura, Hiroshi Honda, Hideki Hirata, Statistical representations of clinical target volume models based on distance images for prostate cancer radiation therapy, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2014, vol. 9, sup. 1, S60-S61, 2014.06.
33. Takahiro Nakamoto, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsumasa Nakamura, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Asumi Mizoguchi, Taka-aki Hirose, Hiroshi Honda, Yoshiyuki Umedu, Yasuhiko Nakamura, Hideki Hirata, Automated estimation of four-dimensional dose distributions in stereotactic body radiotherapy based on a 2D/3D registration between EPID dynamic images and planning CT images., International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2014, vol. 9, sup. 1, S68-S69, 2014.06.
34. Taka-aki Hirose, Hidetaka Arimura, Yoshiyuki Umedu, Norimasa Matshishita, Yoshitaka Noguchi, Junichi Fukunaga, Tomoko Kimura, Naomi Hirano, Yoshitsugu Matsumoto, Saiji Ooga, Katsumasa Nakamura, Evaluation of a framework for determination of PTV margins based on a statistical point distribution model for CTVs in intensity modulated radiation therapy for prostate cancer, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2014, vol. 9, sup. 1, S373-374, 2014.06.
35. Hidetaka Arimura, Computer-Assisted Particle Therapy System Based on Computational Anatomy Models for Treatment Planning, Proceedings of The Fifth International Symposium on the Project Computational Anatomy pp.93-96, 2014.03.
36. Ayumi Nonaka, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsumasa Nakamura, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Mazen Soufi, Taiki Magome, Hiroshi Honda, Hideki Hirata, Local image descriptor-based searching framework of usable similar cases in a radiation treatment planning database for stereotactic body , SPIE Medical Imaging 2014 (San Diego), Paper 9039-18, 2014.02.
37. Mazen Soufi, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsumasa Nakamura, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Taka-aki Hirose, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Fukai Toyofuku, Hideki Hirata, Automated estimation of intra-fractional patient setup errors by using range images obtained via time-of-flight camera , Proceedings of 14th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (ISIS2013) 12 pages, 2013.11.
38. 仲本宗泰, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsumasa Nakamura, 塩山善之, 溝口明日実, 広瀬貴章, Hiroshi Honda, 梅津芳幸, 中村泰彦, Hideki Hirata, 高精度放射線治療時における2D/3Dレジストレーションに基づく患者体内4次元線量分布自動推定システムの開発, 信学技報 (IEICE Technical Report), Vol.113,No.281,pp5-10,2013.11., 2013.11.
39. Hidetaka Arimura, Chiaki Tokunaga, Takashi Yoshiura, Tomoyuki Ohara, Yasuo Yamashita, Fukai Toyofuku, Automated Measurement of Cerebral Cortical Thickness Based on Fuzzy Membership Map Derived from MR images for Evaluation of Alzheimer's Disease, The 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) proceedings pp.7116-7119, 2013.07.
40. Hidetaka Arimura, Ze Jin, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Katsumasa Nakamura, Taiki Magome, Masayuki Sasaki, Automated Method for Extraction of Lung Tumors Using a Machine Learning Classifier with Knowledge of Radiation Oncologists on Data Sets of Planning CT and FDG-PET/CT images, The 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) proceedings pp. 2988-2991, 2013.07.
41. Arimura H, Kakiuchi G, Jin Z, Shioyama Y, Minohara S, Nakamura K, Honda H, Hirata H., Computer-Assisted Particle Therapy System Based on Computational Anatomy Models for Treatment Planning, Proceedings of The Fourth International Symposium on the Project "Computational Anatomy"(p.101-102), 2013.02.
42. Nakamoto T, Arimura H, Shioyama Y, Mizoguchi A, Nakamura K, Yoshidome Y, Hirose T, Anai S, Honda H, Umezu Y, Nakamura Y, Toyofuku F, Ohki M, Hirata H., Computerized monitoring of a lung tumor motion in four-dimensional dose distribution in stereotactic body radiation, Proceedings of International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia 2012,Vol.38, pp.1-3, 2012.11.
43. Jin Z, Arimura H, Shioyama Y, Kuwazuru J, Magome T, Nakamura K, Honda H, Toyofuku F, Hirata H, Sasaki M., Computer-aided Delineation of Lung Tumor Regions in Treatment Planning CT Images and PET/CT Images Using Localized Level Set Approach, IEICE Technical Report Vol. 112, No.411, pp.49-51, 2013.01.
44. Arimura H, Kakiuchi G, Shioyama Y, Minohara S, Mizoguchi A, Nakamura K, Nakamura Y, Honda H, Toyofuku F, Ohki M, Hirata H., Computerized determination of robust beam directions against patient setup errors in hadron particle therapy , Proceedings of Workshop of Image-Guidance and Multimodal Dose Planning in Radiation Therapy, MICCAI 2012(p.82-87), 2012.10.
45. Magome T, Arimura H, Shioyama Y, Mizoguchi A, Tokunaga C, Nakamura K, Nakamura Y, Honda H, Ohki, Toyofuku F, Hirata H, Computer-assisted determination of the usable beam arrangement from similar treatment plans in stereotactic body radiotherapy , Proceedings of Workshop of Image-Guidance and Multimodal Dose Planning in Radiation Therapy, MICCAI 2012(p.101-107), 2012.10.
46. 有村秀孝, 画像工学から見た放射線治療における画像融合と検証の可能性, 日本放射線技術学会 放射線治療分科会誌, Vol.26.No.2,28-34, 2012.10.
47. 有村秀孝, 第103回日本医学物理学会(JSMP)学術大会リポート, INNERVISION, 27巻,6号,27-29, 2012.06.
48. 有村秀孝, JRC 2012 キーワードから診断しよう!, Ran Fan, 10巻,7号,61-63, 2012.06.
49. Jin Ze, Arimura H, Shioyama Y, Fukuta M, Magome T, Kakiuchi G, Nakamura K, Honda H, Hirata H, Toyofuku F., Computer-aided radiotherapy: extraction of bronchial regions in treatment planning CT images, World Congress Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (WC2012, Beijing), IFMBE Proceedings Vol.39, 2012.05.
50. Kakiuchi G, Arimura H, Shioyama Y, Minohara S, MIzoguchi A, Honda H, Toyofuku F, Ohki M, Hirata H., Automated determination of robust beam directions against patient setup errors based on electron density spatial distribution in hadron particle therapy, World Congress Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (WC2012), IFMBE Proceedings Vol.39, 1772-1775, 2012.05.30,Beijing, 2012.05.
51. Magome T, Arimura H, Shioyama Y, Mizoguchi A, Tokunaga C, Nakamura K, Honda H, Ohki M, Toyofuku F, Hirata H., Computer-assisted radiation treatment planning system for determination of beam directions based on similar cases in a database for stereotactic body radiotherapy, Proc. of SPIE Vol.8319, 83190O(8 pages), 2012.06.
52. Arimura H, Kuwazuru J, Shioyama Y, Taniyama E, Magome T, Nakamura K, Honda H, Toyofuku F, Hirata H, Sasaki M., Automated Contouring of Tumor Regions in CT Images Using an Adaptive Level Set Method, Proceedings of The 2012 International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology, pp. 46-49, January 9-10, 2012, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 2012.01.
53. Mizoguchi A, Arimura H, Yoshidome S, Hirose T, Shioyama Y, Anai S, Nakamura K, Honda H, Umezu Y, Hirata H, Ohki M, Toyofuku F., Real-time monitoring of a lung tumor region based on gamma evaluation during stereotactic body radiotherapy, Japan-Korea Joint Meeting on Medical Physics (JKMP), Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics(AOCMP),Fukuoka, Proc. of JKMP-AOCMP 2011, p-57, 2011.09.
54. Tokunaga C, Arimura H, Yoshiura T, Yamashita Y, Kobayashi K, Magome T, Honda H, Hirata H, Toyofuku F, Ohki M, Automated measurement of three-dimensional cortical thicknesses in ten cerebral lobar regions for patients with Alzheimer's disease, Japan-Korea Joint Meeting on Medical Physics (JKMP), Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics(AOCMP),Fukuoka, Proc. of JKMP-AOCMP 2011, c9-1, 2011.09.
55. Magome T, Arimura H, Shioyama Y, Tokunaga C, Nakamura K, Honda H, Ohki M, Hirata H, Toyofuku F., Automated method for determination of beam directions based on similar cases for lung stereotactic body radiotherapy, Japan-Korea Joint Meeting on Medical Physics (JKMP), Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics(AOCMP),Fukuoka, Proc. of JKMP-AOCMP 2011, young-8, 2011.09.
56. Kuwazuru J, Arimura H, Shioyama Y, Taniyama E, Magome T, Nakamura K, Honda H, Toyofuku F, Hirata H, Sasaki M., Computerized Delineation of Gross Tumor Volumes in Treatment Planning CT Images Using an Adaptive Level Set Method, Japan-Korea Joint Meeting on Medical Physics (JKMP), Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics(AOCMP),Fukuoka, Proc. of JKMP-AOCMP 2011, p-58, 2011.09.
57. 有村秀孝,溝口明日実,板野航, 高精度放射線治療を支える医用画像処理, 放射線, Vol.37.No.2,101-105, 2011.03.
58. 有村秀孝, 医学物理における医用画像処理の役割, 医学物理学会機関誌(100回記念特集号), Vol.30.No.3,111-119, 2011.03.
59. Itano W, Arimura H, Shioyama Y, Magome T, Yoshitake T, Anai S, Nakamura K, Yoshidome S, Tachibana M, Nomoto S, Honda H, Ohki M, Toyofuku F, Hirata H., Computerized verification method for patient setup using portal images during radiation treatment of prostate cancer, International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia (IFMIA), Proceedings of IFMIA 2011, 227-230., 2011.01.
60. Kuwazuru J, Arimura H, Kakeda S, Yamamoto D, Magome T,Yamashita Y, Ohki M, Toyofuku F, Korogi Y., Automated Detection of Multiple Sclerosis Lesions: False Positive Removal Method Using an ANN-controlled Speed Function in a Level Set Method, International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia (IFMIA), Proceedings of IFMIA 2011, 320-327., 2011.01.
61. 有村秀孝,馬込大貴,穴井重男,塩山善之,中村和正, 放射線治療における医用画像処理技術と評価法 , 日本放射線技術学会雑誌, 第67巻1号,pp76-83, 2011, 2011.01.
62. 有村秀孝,馬込大貴, Macを用いた画像処理プログラミング開発のためのソフトウエア, 日本放射線技術学会雑誌, 第66巻12号,pp1648-1654, 2010.12.
63. Kuwazuru J, Arimura H, Kakeda S, Yamamoto D, Magome T,Yamashita Y, Ohki M, Toyofuku F, Korogi Y., Automated Segmentation of Multiple Selerosis Candidate Regions using a Level Set Method based on an Aritificial Neural Network, Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics 2010(AOCMP), Taipei, Proc. AOCMP, p91-92, 2010.10.
64. Itano W, Arimura H, Shioyama Y, Magome T, Yoshitake T, Anai S, Nakamura K, Yoshidome S, Tachibana M, Honda H, Hirata H., Automated Verification Method for Patient Setup Based on Digitally Reconstructed Radiography and Portal Image for Prostate Cancer Treatment, Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics 2010(AOCMP), Taipei, Proc. AOCMP, p89-90, 2010.10.
65. Yamashita Y, Arimura H, Yoshiura T, Tokunaga C, Magome T, Monji A, NakamuraY, Ohya N, Honda H, Higashida Y, Ohki M, Toyofuku F., Computerized Classification of Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease Based on Arterial Spin-Labeled perfusion MRI. , World Automation Congress 2010 (WAC), 2010.09.
66. Tokunaga C, Arimura H, Yoshiura T, Yamashita Y, Magome T, Honda H, Hirata H, Toyofuku F, Ohki M., Fuzzy-Based Segmentation of Brain Parenchymal Regions with Alzheimer's Disease into Cerebral Cortex and with Matter in 3.0-T Magnetic Resonance Images, World Automation Congress 2010 (WAC), 2010.09.
67. Itano W, Arimura H, Shioyama Y, Magome T, Yoshitake T, Anai S, Nakamura K, Yoshidome S, Tachibana M, Nomoto S, Honda H, Ohki M, Toyofuku F, Hirata H., Automated Verification Method for Patient Setup Based on Digitally Reconstructed Radiography and Portal Image for Prostate Cancer Treatment, IEEE Xplore digital library; World Automation Congress (WAC) 2010: 1-4., 2010.09.
68. 有村秀孝, 画像誘導放射線治療を支える医用画像処理技術 , 日本医学物理学会機関誌, 第30巻Sup.4, 25-42, 2010.09.
69. Magome T, Arimura H, Shioyama Y, Nakamura K, Yoshitake T, Nomoto S, Anai S, Honda H, Ohki M, Toyofuku F, Onizuka Y, Higashida Y, Hirata H., Automated selection of similar cases with brain tumors using MR images for assisting radiation treatment planning, Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2010; 5, Suppl1: S326-327, 2010.07.
70. Yamashita Y, Arimura H, Yoshiura T, Tokunaga C, Magome T, Monji A, NakamuraY, Ohya N, Honda H, Ohki M, Higashida Y, Toyofuku F. , Computer-aided Classification of Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease Based on Cerebral Blood Flow Map measured by Arterial Spin Labeling MRI, Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2010; 5 Suppl1, S387-388, 2010.07.
71. Arimura H, Shioyama Y, Nakamura K, Yoshitake T, Anai S, Nomoto S, Honda H, Toyofuku F, Higashida Y, Onizuka Y, Terashima H, Hirata H., Computer-aided verification of a lung tumor location using EPID without implanted markers in stereotactic body radiotherapy, Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2010; 5, Suppl1: S72-73, 2010.07.
72. Fujita H, You J, Qin Li Q, Arimura H, Tanaka R, Sanada S, Niki N, Lee G, Hara T, Fukuoka D, Muramatsu C, Katafuchi T, Iinuma G, Miyake M, Arai Y, Moriyama N., State-of-the-art of Computer-Aided Detection/Diagnosis (CAD), ICMB International Conference on Medical Biometrics 2010; Vol.6165, pp.296-305, 2010.07.
73. Fujita H, You J, Qin Li Q, A. Arimura H. et.al., State-of-the-art of Computer-Aided Detection/Diagnosis (CAD), ICMB International Conference on Medical Biometrics 2010, Vol.6165, 296-305, 2010.07.
74. Arimura H, Kawata Y, Yamashita Y, Magome T, Ohki M, Toyofuku F, Higashida H, Tsuchiya K., Computerized evaluation method of white matter hyperintensities related to subcortical vascular dementia in brain MR images, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7624 762424-1, 2010.06.
75. Yamashita Y, Arimura H, Yoshiura T, Tokunaga C, Magome T, Monjid A, Noguchi T, Toyofuku F, Ohki M, Nakamura Y, Honda H., Computer-aided classification of patients with dementia of Alzheimer's type based on cerebral blood flow determined with arterial spin labeling technique, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7624 76241J-1, 2010.06.
76. 板野航,有村秀孝,塩山善之,馬込大貴,吉武忠正,穴井重男,中村和正,吉留郷志,橘昌幸,野元諭,本田浩,大喜雅文,豊福不可依,平田秀紀, 放射線治療におけるポータル画像とDRR画像に基づいたセットアップエラーの推定方法の開発 , 信学技報(IEICE Technical Report) Vol.109, No.407, pp111-114, 2010.01.
77. 馬込大貴,有村秀孝,塩山善之,中村和正,野元諭,大西かよ子,穴井重男,本田浩,大喜雅文,豊福不可依,鬼塚昌彦,平田秀紀, 放射線治療のための類似症例検索方法の開発, 信学技報(IEICE Technical Report) Vol.109, No.407, pp.103-105, 2010.01.
78. 山下泰生,有村秀孝,吉浦敬,馬込大貴,小林幸次,門司晃,豊福不可依,大喜雅文,中村泰彦,本田浩, ASLによる脳血流マップに基づいたアルツハイマー型認知症の鑑別支援診断システムの開発, 信学技報(IEICE Technical Report) Vol.109, No.407, pp.107-109, 2010.01.
79. Arimura H, Shioyama Y, Nakamura K, Anai S, Nomoto S, Hirata H, Honda H, Toyofuku F, Onizuka Y, Terashima H, Automated Localization Method for a Lung Tumor on EPID Images without Implanted Markers in Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy, International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 1 November 2009 (Vol. 75, Issue 3, Page S97), 2009.11.
80. Kawata H, Arimura H, Suefuji H, Ohkura S, Ono H, Saida H, Hayabuchi N., Automated Identification of Radioactive Iodine-125 Seed Locations using Pelvic Radiography in Prostate Brachytherapy, International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 1 November 2009 (Vol. 75, Issue 3, Page S629-S630), 2009.11.
81. Magome T, Arimura H, Shioyama Y, Nomoto S, Ohnishi K, Honda H, Ohki M, Toyofuku F, Onizuka Y, Hirata H., Automated Selection Method for Similar MR Images with Brain Tumors for Assisting Radiation Treatment Planning, International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 1 November 2009 (Vol. 75, Issue 3, Page S629-S630), 2009.11.
82. Magome T, Arimura H, Kakeda S, Yamamoto D, Kawata Y, Yamashita Y, Ohki M, Toyofuku F, Higashida Y, Korogi Y., Automated method for segmentation of white matter and gray matter regions with multiple sclerosis in 3T MR images, IEICE Technical Report (信学技報 ),vol.108, no.385, 9-10., 2009.01.
83. Kawata Y, Arimura H, Yamashita Y, Magome T, Toyofuku F, Higashida H, Ohki M, Tsuchiya K., Computerized Detection of White Matter Hyperintensity Related to Subcortical Vascular Dementia Based on Automated and Semiautomated Segmentation, IEICE Technical Report (信学技報 ),vol.108, no.385, 253-254., 2009.01.
84. Yamamoto D, Arimura H, Kakeda S, Magome T, Yamashita Y, Ohki M, Toyofuku F, Higashida Y, Korogi Y., Computerized detection of multiple sclerosis lesions based on 3.0T two-dimensional magnetic resonance images, IEICE Technical Report (信学技報 ),vol.108, no.385, 505-506., 2009.01.
85. Arimura H, Yoshiura T, Kumazawa S, Tanaka K, Koga, H, Mihara F, Honda H, Sakai S, Toyofuku F, Higashida Y., Computer-aided diagnostic method for classification of Alzheimer's disease with atrophic image features on MR images, Proc. of SPIE Vol.6915, 69151P-1 -8, 2008.06.
86. Toyofuku F, Tokumori K, Higashida Y, Arimura H, Morishita J, Ohki M., Bone mineral imaging using a digital magnification mammography system, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 6913, 691358 , 2008.06.
87. 有村秀孝, 神経放射線領域におけるコンピュータ支援診断システムの研究開発, 日本医学物理学会 Vol.28, Sup.1, p1-p20, 第95回日本医学物理学会 学術大会教育講演, 2008.04.
88. Arimura H, Anai S, Yoshidome S, Nakamura K, Shioyama Y, Nomoto S, Honda H, Onizuka Y, Terashima H., Computerized method for measurement of displacement vectors of target positions on EPID cine images in stereotactic radiotherapy, Proc. of SPIE Vol.6512, 65121U, 2007.06.
89. 有村秀孝, 脳神経領域のCAD研究に関する文献, 放射線技術学会 画像通信, Vol.30, No.1, 74-78, 2007.03.
90. Arimura H, Yoshiura T, Kumazawa S, Koga, H, Sakai S, Mihara F, Honda H, Ohki M, Toyofuku F, Higashida Y., Computerized method for automated measurement of thickness of cerebral cortex for 3-D MR images, Proc. of SPIE Vol.61443V, 1239-1246, 2006.06.
91. Kumazawa S, Yoshiura T, Arimura H, Mihara F, Honda H, Higashida Y, Toyofuku F., White Matter Fiber Tractography based on a Directional Diffusion Field in Diffusion Tensor MRI, Proc. of SPIE Vol.6144, 1260-1267, 2006.06.
92. 東田善治,有村秀孝,熊澤誠志,杜下淳次、坂井修二, コンピュータ支援診断(computer aided diagnosis: CAD)システムの開発, 福岡医学雑誌, 97(3):82 - 90, 2006, 総説の一部を担当:p84(1頁), 2006.05.
93. Arimura H, Li Q, Korogi Y, Hirai T, Yamashita Y, Katsuragawa S, Ikeda R, Doi K., CAD scheme for detection of intracranial aneurysms in MRA based on 3D analysis of vessel skeletons and enhanced aneurysms, Proc. of SPIE Vol.5747, 967-974, 2005.06.
94. Arimura H, Katsuragawa S, Ishida T, Oda N, Nakata H, Doi K., Performance evaluation of an advanced method for automated identification of view positions of chest radiographs by use of a large database, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 4684, 308 -315, 2002.06.
95. Maeda K, Arimura H, Kawashita I, Morikawa K, Ishida T, Matsumoto M, Kanamori H, Evaluation of influence of scattered x rays on signal sharpness of radiographs produced by using a CR system, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 4682, 675-682, 2002.06.
96. Kawashita I, Maeda K, Arimura H, Morikawa K, Ishida T., Development of an automated method for evaluation of sharpness of digital radiographs using edge method, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 4320, 331-338 , 2001.06.
97. Arimura H, Date T, Morikawa K, Kubota H, Matsumoto M, Kanamori H., Influence of scattered x rays on object sharpness of radiographs, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 3977, 506 -513, 2000.06.
98. Arimura H, Okawa T, Kubota H, Matsumoto M, Kanamori H., Comparison of Wiener spectra of quantum mottle for screen-film systems with modulation transfer functions, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 3336, 675 -683 , 1998.06.
99. Arimura H, Ikari T, Okamoto M, Nakamori N, Kanamori H, Kubota H, Matsumoto M, Takigawa A., X‐ray tube voltage dependence of Wiener spectra of quantum mottle obtained by determining detective quantum efficiencies of a screen, Opt. Eng.35, p.926- 937, 1996.06.
100. Arimura H, Okamoto M, Ikari T, Kubota H, Matsumoto M, Takigawa A, Nakamori N, Kanamori H., X-ray tube voltage dependence of three factors of radiographic mottle for single and double emulsions, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 2708, 574-587, 1996.06.
101. Arimura H, Ikari T, Okamoto M, Kubota H, Matsumoto M, Takigawa A, Nakamori N, Kanamori H., X-ray tube voltage dependence of detective quantum efficiencies of front and back screens , Proc. of SPIE Vol. 2519, p12-23, 1995.06.
102. Arimura H, Ikeda T, Ikari T, Kubota H, Matsumoto M, Takigawa A, Nakamori N, Kanamori H., X-ray tube voltage dependence of Rossmann's three factors in Wiener spectra of radiographic mottles of a low-speed screen/film system, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 2163, p42-53, 1994.06.
1. Hidetaka Arimura, Why don't you do radiogenomics?(April 27), 第111回日本泌尿器科学会総会The 111th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Urological Association, 2024.04.
2. Hidemi Kamezawa Hidetaka Arimura, Novel radiomics/dosiomics-based treatment failure prediction for pharyngeal cancer patients, International Conference on Radiological Physics and Technology (ICRPT), 2024.04.
3. Naoya Fuchiwaki, Hidetaka Arimura, Kentaro Tanaka, Rintaro Furuta, Development of a robust predictive model for time variant trajectories of tumor growth in lung cancer patients treated with TKI (13 April), International Conference on Radiological Physics and Technology (ICRPT), 2024.04.
4. Naoya Fukano, Hidetaka Arimura, Yuko Shirakawa, Takumi Kodama, Tadamasa Yoshitake, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Prediction of Progression in Patients with Early-Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Treated with Surgery and Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy(11 April), International Conference on Radiological Physics and Technology (ICRPT), 2024.04.
5. Mayu Nakagaki, Hidetaka Arimura, Yu Jin, Hidetake Yabuuchi, Imaging biopsy models for identification of triple-negative breast cancer at preoperative dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance images (11 April), International Conference on Radiological Physics and Technology (ICRPT), 2024.04.
6. 有村秀孝, がんの特徴を穴から見通す -トポロジー穴解析-(12 April), 第80回日本放射線技術学会学術大会, 2024.04.
7. Jin Yu, Hidetaka Arimura, Takeshi Iwasaki, Takumi Kodama, YunHao Cui, Yoshinao Oda, Pathological image features for prediction of disease progression of lung cancer patients who received radiation therapy(March.4), IEICE Technical Committee on Medical Imaging (MI)@Okinawa, 2024.03.
8. Yunhao Cui, Hidetaka Arimura, Tadamasa Yoshitake, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Hidetake Yabuuchi, Robust segmentation approach across various training-to-test ratios for gross tumor volume of lung tumor based on voting-fused deep learning(March.4), IEICE Technical Committee on Medical Imaging (MI)@Okinawa, 2024.03.
9. 兒玉拓巳,有村秀孝,白川友子,二宮健太,吉武忠正,塩山善之, 体幹部定位放射線治療前の臨床特徴量と画像特徴量を用いた非小細胞肺がん患者の再発予測(March.4), 電子情報通信学会・医用画像研究会(MI)@沖縄県青年会館, 2024.03.
10. 兒玉拓巳,有村秀孝,白川友子,二宮健太,吉武忠正,塩山善之, 非小細胞肺癌患者の治療前CT画像の穴解析を用いた予後予測(Feb.4), 令和5年度九州がんプロ全体研修会@みらいホール, 2024.02.
11. Yu Jin, Hidetaka Arimura, YunHao Cui, Takumi Kodama, Shinichi Mizuno, Satoshi Ansai, CT image radiogenomic signatures for prediction of HOPX expression status for patients with non-small cell lung cancer (Feb.3), 医用画像情報学会 令和5年度春期(第198回)大会@九大病院キャンパス, 2024.02.
12. 兒玉拓巳,有村秀孝,白川友子,二宮健太,吉武忠正,塩山善之, 期非小細胞肺癌患者の放射線治療前 CT 画像における穴解析を用いた再発予測 (Feb.3), 医用画像情報学会 令和5年度春期(第198回)大会@九大病院キャンパス, 2024.02.
13. 濱崎洋志,有村秀孝,山崎誘三,深田光敬,的場哲哉,加藤豊幸, 冠動脈 CT 画像を用いた安定狭心症患者における病変特異的虚血の非侵襲的検出モデル (Feb.3), 医用画像情報学会 令和5年度春期(第198回)大会@九大病院キャンパス, 2024.02.
14. 中垣 真優、有村 秀孝、Jin Yu、藪内 英剛, 術前造影ダイナミックMRIを用いたトリプルネガティブ乳がん患者の識別(Nov.4), 第18回九州放射線医療技術学術大会@大分, 2023.11.
15. 深野 拓登、有村 秀孝、白川 友子、兒玉 巧巳、吉武 忠正、塩山 善之, 外科治療を受けた早期非小細胞肺癌患者の予後予測モデルの開発(Nov.4), 第18回九州放射線医療技術学術大会@大分, 2023.11.
16. 淵脇 尚哉、有村 秀孝、田中 謙太郎、古田 凜太郎, EGFR-TKI治療を受けた非小細胞肺癌患者の腫瘍細胞数経時変化予測モデルの開発(Nov.4), 第18回九州放射線医療技術学術大会@大分, 2023.11.
17. 兒玉 拓巳、有村 秀孝、白川 友子、二宮 健太、吉武 忠正、塩山 善之, 体幹部定位放射線治療前のベッチ数特徴量を用いた非小細胞肺がん患者における局所領域再発予測(Sep. 30), JAMIT若手医用画像工学シンポジウム: SAMIT2023@つくば, 2023.09.
18. Hidetaka Arimura, Applications of topological radiomics (Medical imaging signatures with topology for cancer, mini-course 3, Sep.29), WORKSHOP on Mathematics for Industry, Warsaw 25-29 September, 2023, 2023.09, [URL].
19. Hidetaka Arimura, Medical background for topological radiomics (Medical imaging signatures with topology for cancer, mini-course 2, Sep.28), WORKSHOP on Mathematics for Industry, Warsaw 25-29 September, 2023, 2023.09, [URL].
20. Hidetaka Arimura, Background and radiomics (Medical imaging signatures with topology for cancer, mini-course 1, Sep.28), WORKSHOP on Mathematics for Industry, Warsaw 25-29 September, 2023, 2023.09, [URL].
21. 有村 秀孝, 高精度放射線治療におけるAI応用研究の現状と未来−AIは理由を説明すべきか?−(Sep.17), 第2回日本医用画像電子情報・人工知能研究会@徳島, 2023.09.
22. Hidetaka Arimura, Medical AI for Cancer(Sep.14), 4th SNU-KYU Joint Symposium, 2023.09.
23. 岩﨑貴大、有村秀孝、幾嶋宏二郎、二宮健太、岩永秀幸, Harmonization補正のRadiomics特徴量を用いたCT画像上でのCOVID-19肺炎の重症度分類モデルの構築, 第126回日本医学物理学会学術大会@広島, 2023.09.
24. Hidetaka Arimura, Issues in AI (Parallel Workshop: ACOMP Series, Artificial Intelligent, Aug. 12), SEACOMP & PITFMB 2023, Aug. 10-13, Lombok, 2023.08.
25. Hidetaka Arimura, Topological Radiomics of Explainable AI (Plenary Session 7, Aug. 12), SEACOMP & PITFMB 2023, Aug. 10-13, Lombok, 2023.08.
26. Rintaro Furuta, Hidetaka Arimura, Kentaro Tanaka, Yutaro Kabata, Mai Egashira, Prediction Model for the Time Variant Trajectories of Lung Tumor Growths After Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Therapy(Oral, Aug. 12), SEACOMP & PITFMB 2023, Aug. 10-13, 2023.08.
27. Takumi Kodama, Hidetaka Arimura, Yuko Shirakawa, Kenta Ninomiya, Tadamasa Yoshitake, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Prediction of Locoregional Recurrence in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients Prior to Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy Using Betti Number Imaging Signatures (Oral, Aug. 12), SEACOMP & PITFMB 2023, Aug. 10-13, 2023.08.
28. 崔 雲昊、有村秀孝,吉武忠正、塩山善之、藪内英剛, 「肺がん定位体放射線治療における3次元計画CT画像上のGTVに対する深層学習ネットワークのセグメンテーション性能への訓練対テスト比の影響(口頭7/28), 第42回日本医用画像工学会@大阪, 2023.07.
29. 古田凜太郎、有村秀孝,田中 謙太郎、加葉田雄太郎、江頭 舞, TKI治療後における肺腫瘍成長の経時変化予測モデル(口頭7/28), 第42回日本医用画像工学会@大阪, 2023.07.
30. Kojiro Ikushima, Hidetaka Arimura, Ryuji Yasumatsu, Hidemi Kamezawa, Kenta Ninomiya, Magnetic resonance imaging-based approach with topological radiomic features for prediction of malignancy grade in parotid gland cancer (Oral, June3), 医用画像情報学会令和5年度年次(第196回)大会@広島, 2023.06.
31. Hidetaka Arimura, 癌治療におけるAIの展開 ーレディオミクスから未来予測ー (特別講演5/27), 日本歯科放射線学会第63回学術大会, 2023年5月26-28日@百年講堂, 2023.05.
32. Quoc Cuong Le, Hidetaka Arimura, Prediction of Intracranial aneurysm rupture using Image features of unruptured intracranial aneurysm Magnetic Resonance Angiography images using the Radiomics method (Oral, April 14), 2nd International Conference on Radiological Physics and Technology (ICRPT), April 13-16, 2023.04.
33. Jyunya Eda, Hidetaka Arimura, Takumi Kodama, Tadamasa Yoshitake, Comparison between Planning CT Image and Dose Distribution Signatures for Prediction of Radiation Pneumonitis in Patients with NSCLC before SABR (Oral, April 13), 2nd International Conference on Radiological Physics and Technology (ICRPT), April 13-16, 2023.04.
34. Kazuki Mitsushima, Hidetaka Arimura, Yuko Shirakawa, Tadamasa Yoshitake, Mai Egashira, Prediction of tumor growth trajectories in patients with stage I Non-small Cell Lung Cancer receiving Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy  (Oral, April 15), 2nd International Conference on Radiological Physics and Technology (ICRPT), April 13-16, 2023.04.
35. Yu Jin, Hidetaka Arimura, YunHao Cui, Takumi Kodama, Shinichi Mizuno, Prognoses Prediction of NSCLC Patients with CT Image Feature Linked with Gene Expression (Oral, April 16), 2nd International Conference on Radiological Physics and Technology (ICRPT), April 13-16, 2023.04.
36. Takumi Kodama, Hidetaka Arimura, Yuko Shirakawa, Kenta Ninomiya, Tadamasa Yoshitake, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Topological radiomics prediction of distant metastasis after stereotactic ablative radiotherapy for stage I non-small cell lung cancer patients (Oral, April 13), 2nd International Conference on Radiological Physics and Technology (ICRPT), April 13-16, 2023.04.
37. Noriyuki Nagami, Hidetaka Arimura, Junichi Nojiri, Cui Yunhao, Kenta Ninomiya, Manabu Ogata, Mitsutoshi Oishi, Keiichi Ohira, Shigetoshi Kitamura, Hiroyuki Irie, Novel segmentation model for well-differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma regions using dense V-net with three phase images of dynamic contrast-enhanced CT (Oral, April 14), 2nd International Conference on Radiological Physics and Technology (ICRPT), April 13-16, 2023.04.
38. 山之内雅幸,有村秀孝, レディオミクス手法を用いた未破裂脳動脈瘤Magnetic Resonance Angiography画像の画像特徴量を使用した脳動脈瘤破裂予測手法の検討(4/16), 第79回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会, 2023年4月13-16日, 2023.04.
39. Hidetaka Arimura, 画像診断技術の覧古考新:x2ai2x (招待講演・4/15合同シンポジウム), 第125回日本医学物理学会学術大会, 2023年4月13-16日, 2023.04.
40. Takumi Kodama, Hidetaka Arimura, Yuko Shirakawa, Kenta Ninomiya, Tadamasa Yoshitake, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Topological prediction models for relapse of stage I patients with non-small cell lung cancer prior to stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (Poster), SPIE Medical Imaging 2023, San Diego, 2023.02.
41. YiZhi Tong, Hidetaka Arimura, YunHao Cui, Takumi Kodama, Tadamasa Yoshitake,Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Hidetake Yabuuchi, Automated segmentation of stage I non-small cell lung cancer regions in radiation treatment planning CT images, (Oral, Feb.11), 医用画像情報学会MII the 195Meeting@名古屋, 2023.02.
42. Kyomi Uchino, Hidetaka Arimura, Kentaro Tanaka, Hidetake Yabuuchi, Temporal Prediction of Tumor Growth Trajectory in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Patients Treated with Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors, (Poster, Dec.11), 22nd Asia-Oceania Congress on Medical Physics (AOCMP 2022), December 10-12, 2022 in Taipei, 2022.12.
43. Hiroshi Hamasaki, Hidetaka Arimura, Yuzo Yamasaki, Takayuki Yamamoto, Mitsuhiro Fukata, Tetsuya Matoba, Toyoyuki Kato, Kousei Ishigami, Noninvasive Prediction of Myocardial Ischemia Based on Fractional Flow Reserve Derived from Coronary Computed Tomography, (Poster, Dec.11), 22nd Asia-Oceania Congress on Medical Physics (AOCMP 2022), December 10-12, 2022 in Taipei, 2022.12.
44. Hidetaka Arimura, Mathematical characterization of cancer in imaging biopsy (Invited Speech, Dec.11), 22nd Asia-Oceania Congress on Medical Physics (AOCMP 2022), December 10-12, 2022 in Taipei, 2022.12, If cancer images can be characterized mathematically, you may thoroughly understand several cancer hallmarks such as metastatic properties. The imaging biopsy is the computational process to characterize tumors as well as normal tissues by extracting intrinsic information. The models to perform the imaging biopsy are based on advanced image processing technologies including radiomics and deep learning. Our studies suggested the prognostic powers of Hessian indices of differential topology in head and neck cancer patients and Betti numbers of topology in lung cancer patients..
45. Hidetaka Arimura, Imaging biopsy for extraction of tumor traits (Keynote Speech, Dec.7), Malaysian Congress of Radiology 2022, December 7-9, 2022 in Penang, 2022.12.
46. 光島 千稀、有村 秀孝、白川 友子、吉武 忠正、江頭 舞, Ⅰ期非小細胞肺癌患者の体幹部定位放射線治療による治療効果予測(口頭), 第17回 九州放射線医療技術学術大会@アクロス福岡, 2022.11.
47. 江田惇哉、有村秀孝、兒玉拓巳、吉武忠正、廣瀬 貴章, 体幹部定位放射線治療後の非小細胞肺癌患者に対する放射線肺炎の予測(口頭), 第17回 九州放射線医療技術学術大会@アクロス福岡, 2022.11.
48. Yunhao Cui, Hidetaka Arimura, Yuko Shirakawa, Tadamasa Yoshitake, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Hidetake Yabuuchi, Deep learning-based measurement of volume-based consolidation-to-tumor ratios on planning CT images of lung cancer SBRT patients(Poster, Sep.17), 第124回日本医学物理学会学術大会 (長崎), 2022.09.
49. Hidetaka Arimura, Envisioning mathematical tumor characterization for imaging biopsy (Keynote Speech, Sep.13), 5th International Conference of Computer and Informatics Engineering (IC2IE), Indonesia, 2022.09.
50. 平川勇也、有村秀孝、Yunhao Cui、高山幸久、西江昭弘、石神康生, CycleGANを用いた前立腺癌患者における仮想造影MR画像合成(口頭、7/30), 第41回日本医用画像工学会大会JAMIT, 2022.07.
51. 内野恭美、有村秀孝、田中謙太郎、藪内英剛, ICI治療のNSCLC患者における肺腫瘍細胞数の経時変化曲線の推定(口頭、7/31), 第41回日本医用画像工学会大会JAMIT, 2022.07.
52. 兒玉拓巳、有村秀孝、二宮健太、白川友子、吉武忠正、塩山善之  , トポロジー画像解析による体幹部定位放射線治療を受けたステージI非小細胞肺癌患者の進行予測(口頭、7/31), 第41回日本医用画像工学会大会JAMIT, 2022.07.
53. Takahiro Iwasaki, Hidetaka Arimura, Kenta Ninomiya, Hideyuki Iwanaga, Computational triage of severe patients caused by coronavirus disease 2019 pneumonia on CT images with radiomic signatures.(ePoster, July10-14), AAPM2022 (LIVE and IN-PERSON at Washington), 2022.07.
54. Yunhao Cui, Hidetaka Arimura, Tadamasa Yoshitake, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Hidetake Yabuuchi, Exploration of Generalization of Dense V-Networks On A Small Training Dataset In Segmenting Gross Tumor Volumes On 3D Planning CT Images for Lung Cancer Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy(Oral, Online, June13), WC2022 (Hybrid Congress in Singapore), 2022.06.
55. Takumi Kodama, Hidetaka Arimura, Yuko Shirakawa,Kenta Ninomiya, Tadamasa Yoshitake, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Progression Predictability Based on Planning Computed Tomography Images for Early Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients with Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy(Oral, Online, June13), WC2022 (Hybrid Congress in Singapore), 2022.06.
56. Hidetaka Arimura, 放射線診断分野におけるAI時代の若手研究者への期待 Expectations for young investigators in the age of AI in diagnostic field(Invited Speaker, April17), The 123rd Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics (Yokohama), 2022.04.
57. Yu Jin, Hidetaka Arimura, Takumi Kodama, A Radiogenomic Signature for Prediction of Lung Cancer Prognosis: Association Between HOPX Gene Expression and CT Image Features(Oral, Online, April15), The 123rd Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics (Yokohama), 2022.04.
58. Koujiro Ikushima, Hidetaka Arimura, Ryuji Yasumatsu,Hidemi Kamezawa, Kenta Ninomiya, Radiomic feature-based prediction model for malignancy grade of parotid gland cancer in preoperative magnetic resonance images(Oral, April14), The 123rd Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics (Yokohama), 2022.04.
59. Takahiro Iwasaki, Hidetaka Arimura, Kenta Ninomiya, Hideyuki Iwanaga, Radiomic classification of severity caused by coronavirus disease 2019 pneumonia based on CT images(Oral, April15), The 123rd Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics (Yokohama), 2022.04.
60. Rintaro Furuta, Hidetaka Arimura, Kentaro Tanaka, Mai Egashira, Prediction of Time Variant Trajectory of Lung Tumor Growth During TKI Targeted Therapy(Oral, April15), The 123rd Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics (Yokohama), 2022.04.
61. 森山和俊, 有村秀孝, 小林和馬, Quoc Cuong-Le, 浦上暉允, 二宮健太, 兒玉拓巳, 岡本裕之, 井垣浩, Light GBM を用いたヘッセ指数画像による脳転移腫瘍の原発巣推定, 医用画像情報学会令和3年度春季(第192回)大会Web開催, 2022.02.
62. 有村秀孝, 癌治療におけるレディオミクスとAI(特別講演), 第十七回前立腺癌密封小線源永久挿入治療研究会, 2022.01.
63. 古田凜太郎、有村秀孝,田中 謙太郎、江頭 舞、Truong Gia Huy, 数学的モデルを用いたEGFR-TKI治療における肺腫瘍細胞数の経時変化曲線の予測, 第16回九州放射線医療技術学術大会(佐賀), 2021.12.
64. 白坂大輔、有村秀孝,菊地一史、森山和俊、浦上暉允, 小児低悪性度グリオーマにおけるBRAF遺伝子変異の鑑別方法の開発, 第16回九州放射線医療技術学術大会(佐賀), 2021.12.
65. 藤井和希、有村秀孝,木下史生、浦上暉允、渡邊壽美子、高松大、小田義直, 前立腺癌病理組織の画像特徴量と細胞密度との関係, 第16回九州放射線医療技術学術大会(佐賀), 2021.12.
66. Hidetaka Arimura, Non-invasive imaging biopsy for characterizing diseases: (Invited Speech, November 04), 1st International Conference on Health Sciences and Biotechnology (ICHB), 2021.11.
67. Hidetaka Arimura, Novel imaging biopsy models for characterizing tumors and its surrounding tissue: (Invited Speech, 21, October), 19th SEACOMP, 13th TMPS and the 14th ACOMP (Phuket, Thailand, Virtual congress), 2021.10.
68. Hidetaka Arimura, Optimization mathematics for medical physics: (Invited Speech, 22, October), 19th SEACOMP, 13th TMPS and the 14th ACOMP, 2021.10.
69. Takumi Kodama, Hidetaka Arimura, Kenta Ninomiya, Yuko Shirakawa, Tadamasa Yoshitake, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Radiomics Prediction for Progression in NSCLC Patients Treated with Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy, The 40th JAMIT Annual Hybrid Meeting, 2021.10.
70. Takumi Kodama, Hidetaka Arimura, Radiomics analysis for prognostic prediction for time to progression in non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (Sep.13), Symposium on Intelligent Data Science for Radiological Imaging between University of Malaya and Kyushu University, Virtual Meeting, 2021.09.
71. Hidetaka Arimura, Radiomics-based imaging biopsy approaches for precision radiology (Sep.13), Symposium on Intelligent Data Science for Radiological Imaging between University of Malaya and Kyushu University, Virtual Meeting, 2021.09.
72. Hidetaka Arimura, Radiomics and imaging biopsy approaches for precision medicine (Invited Speech at Symposium 3, Sep.10), The 9th Korea-Japan Joint Meeting on Medical Physics, KJMP2021, Virtual Meeting, 2021.09, [URL].
73. Taka-aki Hirose, Hidetaka Arimura, Yunhao Cui, Kenta Ninomiya, Tadamasa Yoshitake, Jun-ichi Fukunaga, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Pretreatment Prediction of Radiation Pneumonitis Based on Deep Transfer Learning after Lung Cancer Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (Oral, Sep.9), The 9th Korea-Japan Joint Meeting on Medical Physics, KJMP2021,Virtual Meeting, 2021.09.
74. Hidetaka Arimura, Radiomics and radiogenomics with AI for Oncology (Invited Speech, Sep.02), AFOMP Monthly Webinar Series, Asia Oceania Federation of Organizations for Medical Physics AFOMP 20th Anniversary, 2021.09.
75. Hidemi Kamezawa, Hidetaka Arimura, Recurrence prediction for head and neck squamous cell cancer patients using local binary pattern-based dosiomics (Poster, July 25), 2021 AAPM Virtual Meeting, 2021.07, [URL].
76. Akimasa Urakami, Hidetaka Arimura, Yukihisa Takayama, Fumio Kinoshita, Kenta Ninomiya, Kenjiro Imada, Sumiko Watanabe, Akihiro Nishie, Yoshinao Oda, Kousei Ishigami, Automatic Stratification of Prostate Cancer Patients Into Low- and High-Grade Groups Using a Support Vector Machine Model with Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Image Features (Poster, July 29), 2021 AAPM Virtual Meeting, 2021.07, [URL].
77. Mai Egashira, Hidetaka Arimura, Truong Huy, Shirakawa Yuko, Kenta Ninomiya, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Tadamasa Yoshitake, Prediction of Therapeutic Outcomes of Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer for Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy Based On a Differential Model (Poster, July 26), 2021 AAPM Virtual Meeting, 2021.07, [URL].
78. Kenta Ninomiya, Hidetaka Arimura, Tadamasa Yoshitake, Takaaki Hirose, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Computational Prediction of Symptomatic RP Based On Planning Computed Tomography Images Using Topologically Invariant Betti Numbers Prior to Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (Oral, July 28), 2021 AAPM Virtual Meeting, 2021.07, [URL].
79. Hidetaka Arimura, Radiomics and Radiogenomics for Precision Radiology: Underlying Information of Medical Images (Invited Speech, Medical physics session, July 3, 2021), 19th Asian Oceanian Society of Radiology (AOCR 2021) Malaysia, 2021.07, [URL].
80. Hidemi KAMEZAWA, Hidetaka ARIMURA, Ryuji YASUMATSU, Kenta NINOMIYA, Shu HASEAI, Preoperative and Non-Invasive Approach for Radiomic Biomarker-Based Prediction of Malignancy Grades in Patients with Parotid Gland Cancer in Magnetic Resonance Images, 医用画像情報学会令和3年度年次(第190回)大会(Web開催), 2021.06.
81. 森山 和俊,有村 秀孝,小林 和馬,Quoc Cuong Le,二宮 健太,浦上 暉允,岡本 裕之 井垣 浩, 脳MR画像解析に基づく転移性脳腫瘍の原発巣推定, 医用画像情報学会令和3年度年次(第190回)大会(Web開催), 2021.06.
82. Hidetaka Arimura, COVID-19診断における人工知能の応用 (Apr. 16), 合同シンポジウム1「新型コロナウイルス感染症の全貌に迫る」, The 121st Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics (JSMP), 2021.04.
83. Taka-aki Hirose, Hidetaka Arimura, Yunhao Cui, Kenta Ninomiya, Tadamasa Yoshitake, Jun-ichi Fukunaga, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Deep Learning-Based Prediction of Radiation Pneumonitis after Lung Cancer Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (Oral, Apr.17), The 77th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Radiological Technology (JSRT), 2021.04.
84. Kenta Ninomiya, Hidetaka Arimura, Wai Yee Chan, Kentaro Tanaka, Shinichi Mizuno, Nadia Fareeda Muhammad Gowdh, Nur Adura Yaakup, Chong-Kin Liam, Chee-Shee Chai, Kwan Hoong Ng, Radiogenomic imaging biopsy for EGFR-Mutated patients with non-small cell lung cancer based on contrast CT images using invariant Betti numbers (Oral, Apr. 16), The 121st Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics (JSMP), 2021.04.
85. Mai Egashira, Hidetaka Arimura, Truong Gia Huy, Yuko Shirakawa, Kenta Ninomiya, Tadamasa Yoshitake, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Prediction of Therapeutic Outcomes for Patients with Non-small Cell Lung Cancer who Received Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy (Oral, Apr.17), The 77th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Radiological Technology (JSRT), 2021.04.
86. Takumi Kodama, Hidetaka Arimura, Kenta Ninomiya, Yuko Shirakawa, Tadamasa Yoshitake, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Radiomics Prediction for Progression in NSCLC Patients Treated with Stereotactic Body Radio Therapy (Oral, Apr.17), The 77th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Radiological Technology (JSRT), 2021.04.
87. Yuya Hirakawa, Hidetaka Arimura, Cui Yunhao, High Resolution Reconstruction of Low-Frequency MR Images Using Convolutional Neural Network (Oral, Apr.17), The 77th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Radiological Technology (JSRT), 2021.04.
88. Truong Gia Huy, Hidetaka Arimura, Kentaro Tanaka, Kenta Ninomiya, Estimation of tumor growth trajectories during TKI targeted therapy based on Gompertz model (Oral, Apr. 17), The 121st Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics (JSMP), 2021.04.
89. Yunhao Cui, Hidetaka Arimura, Risa Nakano, Tadamasa Yoshitake, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Hidetake Yabuuchi, AI-segmentation of gross tumor volumes on 3D planning CT images for lung cancer stereotactic ablative radiotherapy based on dense V-networks (Oral, Jan. 26), International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia (IFMIA) 2021, Hybrid conference (Taipei), 2021.01.
90. Kenta Ninomiya, Hidetaka Arimura, Wai Yee Chan, Kentaro Tanaka, Shinichi Mizuno, Nadia Fareeda Muhammad Gowdh, Nur Adura Yaakup, Chong-Kin Liam, Chee-Shee Chai, Kwan Hoong Ng, Novel recognition approach of TKI-sensitizing EGFR mutations in non-small cell lung cancer patients using topologically invariant Betti numbers (Oral, Jan. 25), International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia (IFMIA) 2021, Hybrid conference (Taipei), 2021.01, [URL].
91. Hidetaka Arimura, What is the medical physics from academic point of view? (Keynote Speech, Dec.18), The 1st International Symposium on Physics and Application 2020 (ISPA 2020) Indonesia, 2020.12, [URL].
92. Truong Gia Huy, Hidetaka Arimura, Kentaro Tanaka, Kenta Ninomiya, Prediction of Tumor Growth Trajectories During Molecularly Targeted Therapy Based on Mathematical Models (E-Poster), 20th Asia-Oceania Congress on Medical Physics (AOCMP), 18th South-East Asian Congress of Medical Physics (SEACOMP), 2020.12.
93. Noriyuki Nagami, Hidetaka Arimura, Junichi Nojiri, Kenta Ninomiya, Reika Ohgushi, Satoshi Takita, Manabu Ogata, Shigetoshi Kitamura, Hiroyuki Irie, CT-based convolutional-neural-network segmentation of poorly differentiated HCCs with lung-cancer-based transfer learning (E-Poster), 20th Asia-Oceania Congress on Medical Physics (AOCMP), 18th South-East Asian Congress of Medical Physics (SEACOMP), 2020.12.
94. Akimasa Urakami, Hidetaka Arimura, Fumio Kinoshita, Kenta Ninomiya, Sumiko Watanabe, Kenjiro Imada, Yoshinao Oda, Automatic stratification of prostate cancer patients into low- and high-grade groups based on multiparametric MR image feature analysis (E-Poster), 20th Asia-Oceania Congress on Medical Physics (AOCMP), 18th South-East Asian Congress of Medical Physics (SEACOMP), 2020.12.
95. Hidetaka Arimura, Novel technologies of advanced radiomics for clinical practices (Invited Speech, Dec.5), 20th Asia-Oceania Congress on Medical Physics (AOCMP), 18th South-East Asian Congress of Medical Physics (SEACOMP), 2020.12.
96. Hidetaka Arimura, How to make a research plan for young investigators (Invited Speech, Dec.4), 20th Asia-Oceania Congress on Medical Physics (AOCMP), 18th South-East Asian Congress of Medical Physics (SEACOMP), 2020.12.
97. Hidetaka Arimura, Radiomics with Artificial Intelligence in Radiation Oncology (Invited Speech, Nov.19), Korean Association for Lung Cancer 2020, International Conference Virtual (2020 KALC), 2020.11, [URL].
98. 廣瀬貴章, 有村秀孝, 二宮健太, 吉武忠正, 福永淳一, 塩山善之, CT-Radiomics特徴量を用いた非小細胞肺癌定位照射後の放射線肺臓炎予測 (口頭), 日本放射線腫瘍学会第33回学術大会(JASTRO2020), 2020.10.
99. Akimasa Urakami, Hidetaka Arimura, Fumio Kinoshita, Kenjiro Imada, Yukihisa Takayama, Akihiro Nishie, Kousei Ishigami, Yoshinao Oda, Sumiko Watanabe, Automatic stratification of prostate cancer patients into low- and high-grade groups using machine learning models with MR image features, 第39回日本医用画像工学会大会(JAMIT 2020), 2020.09.
100. Kenta Ninomiya, Hidetaka Arimura, A novel topologically invariant radiomic features for prognostic prediction in lung cancer patients (Sep. 18), 第39回日本医用画像工学会大会(JAMIT 2020), 2020.09.
101. Hidetaka Arimura, Sciences in Medical Imaging and Radiomics (Keynote Speech, Sep. 24), The 10th International Seminar on New Paradigm and Innovation on Natural Science and Its Application (ISNPINSA-10), 2020.09.
102. Quoc Cuong-Le, Hidetaka Arimura,Kenta Ninomiya, Hidemi Kemezawa, Radiomics-based analysis for prediction of five-year overall survivals in head-and-neck cancer patients (Sep. 25), The 10th International Seminar on New Paradigm and Innovation on Natural Science and Its Application (ISNPINSA-10), 2020.09.
103. Kazutoshi Moriyama, Hidetaka Arimura, Kazuma Kobayashi, Quoc Cuong-Le, Kenta Ninomiya, Akimasa Urakami, Hiroyuki Okamoto, Hiroshi Igaki, Identification of primary cancer sites of brain metastases based on brain MR image feature analysis (Sep. 25), The 10th International Seminar on New Paradigm and Innovation on Natural Science and Its Application (ISNPINSA-10), 2020.09.
104. Hidemi Kamezawa, Hidetaka Arimura, Ryuji Yasumatsu, Kenta Ninomiya, Preoperative Non-invasive Grading of Parotid Gland Cancer Malignancy Using Radiomic MR Features (Blue Ribbon e-Poster, July 12), 2020 Joint AAPM/COMP Virtual Meeting, 2020.07.
105. Taka-aki Hirose, Hidetaka Arimura, Kenta Ninomiya,Tadamasa Yoshitake, Jun-ichi Fukunaga, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Radiomic prediction of radiation pneumonitis on pretreatment planning CT images of lung cancer patients receiving stereotactic body radiation therapy (Oral, July 14), 2020 Joint AAPM/COMP Virtual Meeting, 2020.07.
106. Kenta Ninomiya, Hidetaka Arimura, Wai Yee Chan, Kentaro Tanaka, Shinichi Mizuno, Nadia Fareeda Muhammad Gowdh, Nur Adura Yaakup, Chong-Kin Liam, Chee-Shee Chai, Kwan Hoong Ng, Phenotyping potential of topologically invariant Betti numbers for epidermal growth factor receptor mutations in non-small cell lung cancer patients (Oral, July 16), 2020 Joint AAPM/COMP Virtual Meeting, 2020.07.
107. Noriyuki Nagami, Hidetaka Arimura, Junichi Nojiri, Risa Nakano, Kenta Ninomiya, Manabu Ogata, Satoshi Takita, Shigetoshi Kitamura, Hiroyuki Irie, CT-based convolutional-neural-network segmentation of HCC regions with lung-cancer-based transfer learning (Poster, Blue ribbon, July 16), 2020 Joint AAPM/COMP Virtual Meeting, 2020.07.
108. Hidetaka Arimura, Keynote lecture (President of the 119th Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics), The 119th Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics (WEB conference), 2020.05.
109. Hidetaka Arimura, Radiotherapeutic smart imaging with radiomics (Joint Symposium2 / Smart Imaging - QIBA vs Radiomics vs AI -), The 119th Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics (WEB conference), 2020.05.
110. Le C. Quoc, Hidetaka Arimura, Kenta Ninomiya, Hidemi Kamezawa, Yutaro Kabata, A Radiomics-based Prediction of Five-year Survival Probabilities of Head-and-Neck Cancer Patients, The 119th Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics (WEB conference), 2020.05.
111. Takaaki Hirose, Hidetaka Arimura, Kenta Ninomiya, Tadamasa Yoshitake, Jun-ichi Fukunaga , Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Radiomic Prediction of Radiation Pneumonitis in Patients Receiving Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Lung Cancer, The 119th Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics (WEB conference), 2020.05.
112. Akimasa Urakami, Hidetaka Arimura, Kenjiro Imada, Fumio Kinoshita, Yoshinao Oda, Automatic Stratification of Prostate Cancer Patients Using SVM Built with MR Image Features, The 119th Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics (WEB conference), 2020.05.
113. Masayuki Yamanouchi, Hidetaka Arimura, Exploration of Image Features Associated with Ruptures of Intracranial Aneurysms Using Magnetic Resonance Angiography, The 119th Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics (WEB conference), 2020.05.
114. Hidemi Kamezawa, Hidetaka Arimura, Ryuji Yasumatsu, Kenta Ninomiya, MR-radiomic Biopsy for Prediction of Malignancy Grade in Parotid Gland Cancer, The 119th Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics (WEB conference), 2020.05.
115. Satoshi Yoshidome, Hidetaka Arimura, Yunhao Cui, Prediction of Axillary Lymph Node Metastasis of Breast Cancer Using Radiomics Features in MRI Images, The 119th Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics (WEB conference), 2020.05.
116. Noriyuki Nagami, Hidetaka Arimura, Junichi Nojiri, Risa Nakano, Kenta Ninomiya, Manabu Ogata, Satoshi Takita, Shigetoshi Kitamura, Hiroyuki Irie, Feasibility of Convolutional-neural-networks-based Segmentation of HCC Region with Transfer Learning for Lung Cancer, The 119th Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics (WEB conference), 2020.05.
117. Satoshi Sakata,Arimura Hidetaka, Ryo Toya, Yudai Kai, Distinguishability between Lymph Nodes and Metastasis from Head and Neck Cancer Using Image Features Calculated on CT Images, The 119th Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics (WEB conference), 2020.05.
118. Kenta Ninomiya, Hidetaka Arimura, Homology-based approach for prognostic prediction of lung cancer using novel topologically invariant radiomic features (Oral, Feb. 20), SPIE Medical imaging (Houston, Texas, 15-20, Feb.), 2020.02.
119. Hidemi Kamezawa, Hidetaka Arimura, Ryuji Yasumatsu, Kenta Ninomiya, MR-radiomic biopsy for estimation of malignancy grade in parotid gland cancer (Poster), SPIE Medical imaging (Houston, Texas, 15-20, Feb.), 2020.02.
120. 山之内雅幸、有村秀孝, MRAを用いた脳動脈瘤の破裂に関連する画像特徴量 (口頭), 電子情報通信学会医用画像研究会 (MI) (沖縄, 1/29- 1/30), 2020.01.
121. 二宮健太、有村秀孝、田中謙太郎, レディオミクス画像解析による EGFR 変異型肺癌識別法 (口頭), 日本放射線腫瘍学会 第32回学術大会 (名古屋, 11/21-23), 2019.11.
122. Akimasa Urakami, Arimura Hidetaka, Kenjiro Imada, Fumio Kinoshita, Yoshinao Oda, Prediction of prostate cancer malignancy using MR image features (Oral), 第14回九州放射線医療技術学術大会、熊本 11/9-10, 2019.11.
123. Takahiro Ochiai, Arimura Hidetaka, Risa Nakano, Kenta Ninomiya, Automatic classification of histological subtypes of NSCLC by using deep learning (Oral), 第14回九州放射線医療技術学術大会、熊本 11/9-10, 2019.11.
124. Satoshi Sakata,Arimura Hidetaka, Ryo Toya, Yudai Kai, Comparison of image features between lymph nodes and lymph node metastasis in head and neck CT images (Oral), 第14回九州放射線医療技術学術大会、熊本 11/9-10, 2019.11.
125. Hidetaka Arimura, Current status and next stage of radiomics (Plenary Speaker, Aug. 8), 17th SEACOMP and 3rd PIT-FMB (Bali, 8-10, Aug. 2019), 2019.08, Radiomics is a field based on data science that massively and comprehensively analyzes big data of medical images to extract a large number of phenotypic features reflecting cancer traits (genotypic features), and explores the associations between the features and patients’ prognoses for precision medicine. It would be possible to make decisions of more appropriate treatment policies for patients by predicting their prognoses using statistical inference models with radiomic signatures obtained from pre-treatment images in cancer therapy..
126. Hidetaka Arimura, AFOMP&SEAFOMP Professional Development: What the Future Holds (Aug. 10), PIT-FMB & SEACOMP2019 (Bali, 8-10, Aug. 2019), 2019.08.
127. Taka-aki Hirose, Hidetaka Arimura, Jun-ichi Fukunaga, Saiji Ohga, Reveal of Uncertainties of Soft-Tissue-based Patient Registration Due to Inter- and Intra-observer Variability in IGRT Era for Prostate Cancer Radiation Therapy(Oral, Aug. 8), PIT-FMB & SEACOMP2019 (Bali, 8-10, Aug. 2019), 2019.08.
128. LE Cuong Quoc, Hidetaka Arimura, Masahiro Yamada, Hidemi Kamezawa, Prediction of Five-year Survival Probabilities of Head-and-neck Cancer Patients Based on Radiomic Signatures Selected by Coxnet (Oral, Aug. 8 ), PIT-FMB & SEACOMP2019 (Bali, 8-10, Aug. 2019), 2019.08.
129. Risa Nakano, Arimura Hidetaka, Mohammad Haekal, Saiji Ohga, Tadamasa Yoshitake, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Dense V-Net automated segmentation approach for gross tumor volumes on 3D planning CT images for lung cancer (Poster+Oral), 第38回日本医用画像工学会大会(JAMIT) (Nara, July24-26, 2019), 2019.07.
130. Masahiro Yamada, Arimura Hidetaka, Kenta Ninomiya, Classification of histological subtypes of NSCLC using Coxnet and NMF (Poster+Oral), 第38回日本医用画像工学会大会(JAMIT) (Nara, July24-26, 2019), 2019.07.
131. Ma Zhuangfei, Arimura Hidetaka, Risa Nakano, Tadamasa Yoshitake, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Automated approach for estimation of sizes of lung cancer on planning CT images using dense V-net CNN with non-negative matrix factorization (Poster+Oral), 第38回日本医用画像工学会大会(JAMIT) (Nara, July24-26, 2019), 2019.07.
132. LE Cuong Quoc, Hidetaka Arimura, Masahiro Yamada, Hidemi Kamezawa, Prediction of five-year survival probabilities of head-and-neck cancer patients using support vector machine based on radiomic signatures selected by Coxnet(Poster+Oral), 第38回日本医用画像工学会大会(JAMIT) (Nara, July24-26, 2019), 2019.07.
133. Kenta Ninomiya, Hidetaka Arimura, Feasibility of different prognostic prediction models for lung cancer stages I-IIIB based on radiomic signatures (Oral), AAPM2019 (San Antonio, Texas, 14-18, 2019), 2019.07.
134. Hidemi Kamezawa, Hidetaka Arimura, Ryuji Yasumatsu, Kenta Ninomiya, Shu Haseai, Deep learning-based malignancy grade prediction models of parotid gland cancer using preoperative MR images (Poster), AAPM2019 (San Antonio, Texas, 14-18, 2019), 2019.07.
135. 有村秀孝, 「AIの時代をどう迎えるか」 JRSシンポジウム7「放射線治療はどう変わってきたか、そしてどう変わっていくか?」 (招待講演, April 13), 第78回日本医学放射線学会総会 (Yokohama, April, 11-14, 2019), 2019.04.
136. Yudai Kai, Hidetaka Arimura, Ryo Toya, Tetsuo Saito, Tomohiko Matsuyama, Yoshiyuki Fukugawa , Analyzing the integration of PET/CT images acquired in a non-radiotherapy treatment position into the GTV delineation of nasopharyngeal carcinoma using the deformable image registration (Oral), 第75回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会(JSRT) (Yokohama, April, 11-14, 2019), 2019.04.
137. Taka-aki Hirose, Hidetaka Arimura, Junichi Fukunaga, Saiji Ohga, Uncertainties of Soft-Tissue-based Patient Registration by Multiple Observers Using Cone-beam CT for Prostate Cancer Radiation Therapy (Oral), the 117th Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics (JSMP) (Yokohama, April, 11-14, 2019), 2019.04.
138. Hidemi Kamezawa, Hidetaka Arimura, Ryuji Yasumatsu, Soufi Mazen, Kenta Ninomiya, Shu Haseai, Radiomics-based malignancy estimation of parotid gland tumor using preoperative magnetic resonance images (Oral, 12-April-2019), the 117th Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics (JSMP) (Yokohama, April, 11-14, 2019), 2019.04.
139. Sachine Nakayama, Hidetaka Arimura, Mohammad Haekal, Masahiro Yamada, Prognostic shape-based features on CT images for non-small-cell lung cancer patients (Oral, 12-April-2019), the 117th Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics (JSMP) (Yokohama, April, 11-14, 2019), 2019.04.
140. Aki Yoshihisa, Hidetaka Arimura, Hidemi Kamezawa, Soufi Mazen, Masahiro Yamada, Selection of wavelet basis functions in radiomic prediction for prognoses in head and neck cancer patients (Oral, 12-April-2019), the 117th Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics (JSMP) (Yokohama, April, 11-14, 2019), 2019.04.
141. Alamgir Hossain, Hidetaka Arimura, Kenta Ninomiya, Fumio Kinoshita, Sumiko Watanabe, Kenjiro Imada, Yoshinao Oda , Monte-Carlo Simulation-based Estimation of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) Parameters in Diffusion-weighted MRI (Oral, 13-April-2019), the 117th Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics (JSMP) (Yokohama, April, 11-14, 2019), 2019.04.
142. Ma Zhuangfei, Arimura Hidetaka, Kakeda Shingo, Korogi Yukunnori, Automated approach for estimation of sizes of unruptured intracranial aneurysms in MRA images by using localized sparse non-negative matrix factorization (Oral, 12-April-2019), the 117th Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics (JSMP) (Yokohama, April, 11-14, 2019), 2019.04.
143. Kenta Ninomiya, Hidetaka Arimura, Kentaro Tanaka, Exploring potential of radiomic features in identification of EGFR-mutant in lung cancer patients (Oral, 12-April-2019), the 117th Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics (JSMP) (Yokohama, April, 11-14, 2019), 2019.04.
144. Tran Thi Thao Nguyen, Hidetaka Arimura, Ryosuke Asamura, Taka-aki Hirose, Saiji Ohga, Jun-ichi Fukunaga, Comparative analysis of cold spots in VMAT versus IMRT plans in prostate cancer ( Poster, 20190302), 第32回高精度放射線外部照射部会学術大会(東京), 2019.03.
145. Hidetaka Arimura, Potentials of radiomics with AI in clinical practice of radiotherapy (シンポジウム1・招待講演・20190302), 第32回高精度放射線外部照射部会学術大会 ( 東京・虎ノ門ヒルズフォーラム), 2019.03.
146. 二宮健太, 有村秀孝, 小柳遼馬, 木下史生, アラムギール ホッセン, 渡邊壽美子, 今田憲二郎, 小田義直, 前立腺癌における病理画像特徴量とグリソンスコアの関係 (Oral, 23-Jan-2019), 電子情報通信学会 医用画像研究会 (沖縄, 21-23, Jan. 2019), 2019.01.
147. Masahiro Yamada, Hidetaka Arimura, Kenta Ninomiya, Mazen Soufi, Automated classification of histological subtypes of NSCLC using support vector machines with radiomic features (Oral, 7-Jan-2019), IWAIT-IFMIA2019 (Singapore, 6-9 Jan. 2019), 2019.01.
148. Zhuangfei Ma, Hidetaka Arimura, Shingo Kakeda, Yukunori Korogi, Automated approach for estimation of sizes of unruptured intracranial aneurysms in MRA images using localized principal component analysis (Oral, 7-Jan-2019), IWAIT-IFMIA2019 (Singapore, 6-9 Jan. 2019), 2019.01.
149. Risa Nakano, Hidetaka Arimura, Mohammad Haekal, Saiji Ohga, Automated segmentation framework of lung gross tumor volumes on 3D planning CT images using dense V-Net deep learning (Oral, 7-Jan-2019), IWAIT-IFMIA2019 (Singapore, 6-9 Jan. 2019), 2019.01.
150. Hidemi Kamezawa, Hidetaka Arimura, Ryuji Yasumatsu, Shu Haseai, Kenta Ninomiya, Radiomics-based malignancy prediction of parotid gland tumor (Oral, 7-Jan-2019), IWAIT-IFMIA2019 (Singapore, 6-9 Jan. 2019), 2019.01.
151. Hidemi Kamezawa, Hidetaka Arimura, Ryuji Yasumatsu, Mazen Souf, Shu Haseai, Kenta Ninomiya, Radiomics-based prediction of malignant potential in patients with parotid gland cancer (Oral, 27-Nov-2018), 104th Radiological Society of North America (RSNA, Nov-25-30, 2018, Chicago), 2018.11.
152. Hidetaka Arimura, Medical Physics Practice in the Era of Artificial Intelligence (Round Table Forum 1, 13-Nov-2018), 18th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics and 16th South-East Asia Congress of Medical Physics (AOCMP, 11-14-Nov-2018, Kuala Lumpur), 2018.11.
153. Hidetaka Arimura, Overview of Radiomics with Artificial Intelligence (Radiomics Symposium, 12-Nov-2018), 18th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics and 16th South-East Asia Congress of Medical Physics (AOCMP, Kuala Lumpur), 2018.11, Medical doctors including radiation oncologists are keen on artificial intelligence (AI) that can support decision making in diagnosis and treatment in human-like manners. AI approaches are the computational algorithms or systems that can accurately perform high inference based on a huge number of knowledge data. At around the same time as the third large wave of AI, an idea of radiomics has come out from radiation oncology as one of feasible approaches for solving the issues in precision medicine and practically performing it based on multimodality medical images in a non-invasive, fast, and low-cost way. Radiomics is a field based on data science that massively and comprehensively analyzes a huge amount of the medical images to extract a large number of phenotypic features reflecting disease traits, and to discover signatures (radiomic biomarkers) that can predict patients’ prognoses. Machine learning algorithms of AI are boosting radiomics powers for prediction or estimation of what are associated with treatment strategies such as survival time, recurrence, adverse events, and subtypes. Since a number of machine learning software are open-sourced and easy-to-use for radiation oncology staffs, this third boom of AI could be a practical phase of AI in radiation oncology. Radiomics with AI are considered “specialized AI”, which may potentially provide one of practical ways for precision medicine in radiation therapy by emphasizing outcomes and reducing toxicity for individual patients..
154. Hidetaka Arimura, Data-Science-Based Radiomics (Radiomics & Artificial Intelligence Workshop, 11-Nov-2018), 18th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics and 16th South-East Asia Congress of Medical Physics (AOCMP, Kuala Lumpur), 2018.11, Medicine including cancer treatment is moving toward “precision medicine,” in which health care is personalized on a basis of patients’ data (e.g. genes and health care records) to take into account individual variability (patient or tumor heterogeneity). However, there are several issues in the precision medicine of the cancer treatment such as invasive biopsy and slow throughput for examination of gene mutations from sampled specimens. Besides, since tumors are heterogeneous, a small part of a tumor obtained by a single biopsy could be unreliable for the precision medicine. Consequently, it could not be reasonable to practically perform the precision medicine of the cancer treatment. Therefore, the idea of radiomics has come out from radiation therapy for solving the issues and performing the “practical” precision medicine. Radiomics is a field based on data science that massively and comprehensively analyzes a huge amount of the medical images to extract a large number of phenotypic features reflecting disease traits, and to discover signatures that can predict patients’ prognoses. The signatures are considered imaging biomarkers, and they are defined as vectors capsulating significant selected features as vector elements. Data science is an interdisciplinary field among statistics, pattern recognition, machine learning, data mining, data processing, data visualization, etc., to inductively discover features or hidden meaningful patterns of natural, human, and social phenomena with the vast amount of multidimensional data using computer science and domain knowledge. The purpose of data science is “learning from data” by extracting important patterns and trends, and understand “what the data says”. Since the speaker believes that the data science is the key to the success of the radiomics for statistically delving into the ‘dark’ big medical data including the huge amounts of medical images, he will describe the basics of radiomics and data science..
155. Satoshi Yoshidome, Hidetaka Arimura, Kotaro Terashima, Masakazu Hirakawa, Taka-aki Hirose, Junichi Fukunaga, Yasuhiko Nakamura, Automated estimation framework for lung tumor location in kilovolte cone-beam computed tomography images for target-based positioning in lung stereotactic body radiotherapy (Oral, 20181113), 18th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics and 16th South-East Asia Congress of Medical Physics (AOCMP, Kuala Lumpur), 2018.11.
156. Alamgir Hossain, Hidetaka Arimura, Hidetake Yabuuchi, Kenta Ninomiya, Fumio Kinoshita, Sumiko Watanabe, Kenjiro Imada, Ryoma Koyanagi, Yoshinao Oda, Estimation of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) Parameters using Monte-Carlo Simulation of Diffusion MRI (Oral, 20181113), 18th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics and 16th South-East Asia Congress of Medical Physics (AOCMP, Kuala Lumpur), 2018.11.
157. Tran Thi Thao Nguyen, Hidetaka Arimura, Ryosuke Asamura, Taka-aki Hirose, Saiji Ohga, Jun-ichi Fukunaga, Computationally analysis of cold spots in dose distributions of VMAT plans for prostate cancer (Oral, 20181113), 18th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics and 16th South-East Asia Congress of Medical Physics (AOCMP, Kuala Lumpur), 2018.11.
158. Ryoma Koyanagi, Hidetaka Arimura, Fumio Kinoshita, Alamgir Hossain, Sumiko Watanabe, Kenjiro Imada, Kenta Ninomiya, Yoshinao Oda, Relationships between Gleason scores and image features (Oral), 第13回九州放射線医療技術学術大会 (沖縄, 11月10~11日), 2018.11.
159. Yoshiro Hirano, Hidetaka Arimura, Mohhamad Haekal, Risa Nakano, Development of an automated segmentation of tumor area of prostate cancer using deep learning(Oral), 第13回九州放射線医療技術学術大会 (沖縄, 11月10~11日), 2018.11.
160. Aki Yoshihisa, Hidetaka Arimura, Mazen Soufi, Masahiro Yamada, Investigation of the optimal mother wavelet in survival prediction of head and neck cancer patients using wavelet decomposition-based radiomic features (Oral), 第13回九州放射線医療技術学術大会 (沖縄, 11月10~11日), 2018.11.
161. Sachine Nakayama, Hidetaka Arimura, Mohammad Haekal, Masahiro Yamada, Prognostic shape-based features on CT images for NSCLC patients (Oral), 第13回九州放射線医療技術学術大会 (沖縄, 11月10~11日), 2018.11.
162. 長谷合修,有村秀孝、浅井佳央里,吉武忠正,大賀才路,塩山善之、本田浩,佐々木智成, 類似症例に基づく肋骨線量を考慮した肺定位放射線治療自動立案法(口頭、10/11), 日本放射線腫瘍学会第31回学術大会(京都, 10月11日~13日), 2018.10.
163. 中野里彩,有村秀孝、大賀才路, 治療計画CT画像において深層学習を用いた3種類の肺癌の肉眼的腫瘍体の抽出(要望演題、口頭、10/12), 日本放射線腫瘍学会第31回学術大会(京都, 10月11日~13日), 2018.10.
164. Hidetaka Arimura, Functions of data science in medical physics (Plenary Speaker, Aug 11, 2018), Annual Scientific Meeting on Medical Physics and Biophysics (Semarang, Aug. 10-12, 2018), 2018.08.
165. Takaaki Hirose,Hidetaka Arimura, Junichi Fukunaga,Yoshiyuki Umezu,Saiji Ooga,Tomonari Sasaki, Evaluation of Uncertainty and PTV Margins in Image-guided Target-based Patient Positioning for Prostate Cancer (Poster, 20180729), The 60th Annual Meeting of American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), 2018.07.
166. Yudai Kai,Hidetaka Arimura, Kenta Ninomiya, Masato Maruyama, Yuji Nakaguchi, Yoshinobu Shimohigashi, Clinical knowledge-based estimation of target position displacements using machine learning architectures in prostate intensity modulated radiotherapy(Poster, 20180729), The 60th Annual Meeting of American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), 2018.07.
167. Hidemi Kamezawa, Hidetaka Arimura, Mazen Soufi , Investigation of radiomic feature selection approaches for survival prediction of squamous cell head and neck cancer patients based on features selected from squamous cell lung cancer patients (Oral、20180725), 第37回日本医用画像工学会大会(筑波, 7月25日~27日, 2018), 2018.07.
168. 山田真大、有村秀孝、マーゼン・スーフィ, 主成分分析を用いたレディオミクス特徴量による肺癌患者の予後予測法 (口頭、20180725), 第37回日本医用画像工学会大会(筑波, 7月25日~27日, 2018), 2018.07.
169. 二宮健太, 有村秀孝, 笹原基希, 廣瀬貴章, 大賀才路, 前立腺癌放射線治療におけるベイズ領域推定法のための解剖学的特徴点に基づいた前立腺位置推定法 (口頭、20180726), 第37回日本医用画像工学会大会(筑波, 7月25日~27日, 2018), 2018.07.
170. Hidetaka Arimura, Medical Image Analysis in Radiomics for Personalized Cancer Treatment from Medical Physics Point of View (Joint Sessions, June 20, 2018), 日本生体医工学会大会 日本医学物理学会・日本生体医工学会合同セッション(札幌, June 19-21, 2018), 2018.06.
171. Hidetaka Arimura, What could radiomics do for improving high precision radiotherapy? (Symposium Sessions, May 19, 2018), The 6th Taiwan-Japan Radiation Oncology Symposium (Taichung, May19, 2018), 2018.05.
172. Hidetaka Arimura, Current Status and Perspectives of Radiomics for Personalized Radiation Therapy (Joint symposium, Apr.14), 115th Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics (Yokohama, Apr.12-15, 2018), 2018.04.
173. Mazen Soufi, Hidetaka Arimura, Saiji Ohga, Taka-aki Hirose, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Hiroshi Honda, Tomonari Sasaki, Discovering optimal mother wavelets in extraction of CT image-based radiomic features for survival prediction of lung cancer patients (Oral, Apr.15), 115th Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics (Yokohama, Apr.12-15, 2018), 2018.04.
174. Hidemi Kamezawa, Hidetaka Arimura, Mazen Soufi, Survival prediction of head and neck cancer patients based on image features selected by using artificial neural network(Oral, Apr.15), 115th Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics (Yokohama, Apr.12-15, 2018), 2018.04.
175. Satoshi Yoshidome, Hidetaka Arimura, Kotaro Terashima, Masakazu Hirakawa, Taka-aki Hirose, Junichi Fukunaga, Yasuhiko Nakamura, Automated Framework for Estimation of Lung Tumor Locations in Kilovolt Cone-beam Computed Tomography Images for Target-based Patient Positioning in Stereotactic Lung Body Radiotherapy(Oral, Apr.12), The 74th annual meeting of the Japanese Society of Radiological Technology (Yokohama, Apr.12-15, 2018), 2018.04.
176. Noriyuki Nagami, Hidetaka Arimura, Mazen Soufi, Mitsutoshi Ohishi, Takeshi Imaizumi, Kouji Uba, Hiroyuki Irie, Quantification of feasibility of a metal artifact reduction technique for delineation of GTV in RTP for head and neck cancer (Oral, Apr.12), The 74th annual meeting of the Japanese Society of Radiological Technology (Yokohama, Apr.12-15, 2018), 2018.04.
177. Yudai Kai, Hidetaka Arimura, Kenta Ninomiya, Masato Maruyama, Yuji Nakaguchi, Yoshinobu Shimohigashi, An Approach for Estimation of Target Displacements in Prostate IMRT using Artificial Neural Networks(Oral, Apr.14), The 74th annual meeting of the Japanese Society of Radiological Technology (Yokohama, Apr.12-15, 2018), 2018.04.
178. Kenta Ninomiya, Hidetaka Arimura, Motoki Sasahara, Taka-aki Hirose, Saiji Ohga, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Hiroshi Honda, Automated Localization Approach of Prostates for Radiotherapy using Anatomical-feature-based Machine Learning and its Feasibility in Bayesian Target Contouring Framework (Oral, Apr.15), The 74th annual meeting of the Japanese Society of Radiological Technology (Yokohama, Apr.12-15, 2018), 2018.04.
179. Taka-aki Hirose, Hidetaka Arimura, Junichi Fukunaga, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Saiji Ohga, Tomonari Sasaki, Evaluation of Uncertainty in Target-based Patient Positioning in IGRT for Prostate Cancer (Oral, Apr.12), The 74th annual meeting of the Japanese Society of Radiological Technology (Yokohama, Apr.12-15, 2018), 2018.04.
180. Tran Thi Thao Nguyen, Hidetaka Arimura, Yoshifumi Oku, Takahiro Iwasaki, Takahiro Nakamoto, Toshioh Fujibuchi, Takashi Yoshiura, Effect of a brachytherapy applicator and tissue heterogeneity on dose distributions using Monte Carlo simulations for cervical cancer (Oral, Apr.14), 115th Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics (Yokohama, Apr.12-15, 2018), 2018.04.
181. Mohammad Haekal, Hidetaka Arimura, Yusuke Shibayama, Taka-aki Hirose, Saiji Ohga, Junichi Fukunaga, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Hiroshi Honda, Tomonari Sasaki, An investigation of geometric uncertainties of the rectum surfaces due to the shape variations in prostate cancer radiation therapy (Oral, Apr.14), 115th Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics (Yokohama, Apr.12-15, 2018), 2018.04.
182. Ma Zhuangfei, Meaningful life in Japan within six months (Oral, Apr.15), 115th Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics (Yokohama, Apr.12-15, 2018), 2018.04.
183. Masahiro Yamada, Hidetaka Arimura, Mazen Soufi, Development of a framework for prediction of lung cancer patients’ prognoses using PCA-based radiomics features(Oral, Apr.15), 115th Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics (Yokohama, Apr.12-15, 2018), 2018.04.
184. Risa Nakano, Hidetaka Arimura, Ryosuke Asamura, Saiji Ohga, Hiroshi Honda, Tomonari Sasaki, Deep-learning-based segmentation of GTV regions of lung cancer using datasets of planning CT and PET/CT images (Oral, Apr.15), 115th Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics (Yokohama, Apr.12-15, 2018), 2018.04.
185. Hidetaka Arimura, Potentials of Radiomics in Cancer Treatment (Invited Speaker, March 20), International Workshop on the Biological (BER 2018, March 19-20, 2018, Osaka), 2018.03.
186. Hidemi Kamezawa, Hidetaka Arimura, Mazen Soufi, Survival prediction of squamous cell head and neck cancer patients based on radiomic features selected from lung cancer patients using artificial neural network (Poster, Feb.14), SPIE medical imaging (Houston, USA, Feb.10-15, 2018), 2018.02.
187. Kenta Ninomiya, Hidetaka Arimura, Motoki Sasahara, Taka-aki Hirose, Saiji Ohga, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Hiroshi Honda, Tomonari Sasaki, Bayesian delineation framework of clinical target volumes for prostate cancer radiotherapy using an anatomical-features-based machine learning technique (Poster, Feb.14), SPIE medical imaging (Houston, USA, Feb.10-15, 2018), 2018.02.
188. 有村 秀孝, Mazen Soufi, Perspectives of High Precision Radiotherapy with Radiomics (特別企画 Advanced lecture未来予想図 III:AIシテル 、レディオゲノミクス), 日本放射線腫瘍学会 第31回高精度放射線外部照射部会学術大会(大阪), 2018.02.
189. 笹原基希,有村秀孝,#廣瀬貴章,#二宮健太,柴山祐亮,大賀才路,福永淳一,梅津芳幸,本田浩,佐々木智成, 前立腺癌放射線治療における腫瘍ベース患者セットアップ法の検討(Oral), 医用画像情報学会(MII) 平成29年度春季(第180回)大会(岐阜), 2018.01.
190. Tran Thi Thao Nguyen, Hidetaka Arimura, Ryosuke Asamura, Mazen Soufi, Saiji Ohga, Hiroshi Honda, Tomonari Sasaki, Dosimetric analysis of cold spots in intensity-modulated radiation therapy for the treatment of prostate cancer (Oral), 医用画像情報学会(MII) 平成29年度春季(第180回)大会(岐阜), 2018.01.
191. Taka-aki Hirose, Hidetaka Arimura, Yusuke Shibayama, Junichi Fukunaga, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Saiji Ohga, Tomonari Sasaki, 前立腺癌IMRTにおけるPTVマージンに対するCTV形状変動の影響 (Oral) , 第30回日本放射線腫瘍学会学術大会 (大阪, 11月17~19日, 2017), 2017.11.
192. 山田 真大, 有村 秀孝, Mazen Soufi, 主成分分析に基づいたレディオミクス特徴量による肺癌患者予後推定法の開発(口頭), 第12回九州放射線医療技術学術大会(鹿児島), 2017.11.
193. 大倉野 裕士, 有村 秀孝, 西懸 大介, 熊澤 誠志, モンテカルロシミュレーションを用いた様々な拡散環境と拡散強調画像との関係性(口頭), 第12回九州放射線医療技術学術大会(鹿児島), 2017.11.
194. 中野 里彩, 有村 秀孝, 浅村 崚介, 大賀 才路, 本田 浩, 佐々木 智成, 肺定位放射線治療におけるfully convolutional networks-Alexnetを用いた肉眼的腫瘍体積の自動抽出法の開発(口頭), 第12回九州放射線医療技術学術大会(鹿児島), 2017.11.
195. Yudai Kai, Hidetaka Arimura, Tetsuo Saito, Masato Maruyama, Yuji Nakaguchi, Yoshinobu Shimohigashi, Akiko Kuraoka, Analysis of the relationships between target translation errors and their circumstances including normal organs for prostate radiotherapy (Poster) (Japan Journal of Medical Physics, ​Vol. 37, Sup. 3, p. 114, 2017), The 8th Japan- Korea Meeting on Medical Physics (Osaka, Sep.15-16, 2017), 2017.09.
196. Yusuke Shibayama, Hidetaka Arimura, Taka-aki Hirose, Tomonari Sasaki, Saiji Ohga, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Hiroshi Honda, Quantification of interfractional CTV shape variations based on statistical point distribution model for prostate cancer radiation therapy(Oral) (Japan Journal of Medical Physics, ​Vol. 37, Sup. 3, p. 81, 2017), The 8th Japan- Korea Meeting on Medical Physics (Osaka, Sep.15-16, 2017), 2017.09.
197. Hidetaka Arimura, Physics-based Radiotherapy to Radiomics-based Radiotherapy (Plenary Speaker), 2nd International Conference on Biomedical Signal and Image Processing (ICBIP 2017) , 2017.08.
198. Hidemi Kamezawa, Hidetaka Arimura, Hiroyuki Arakawa, Noboru Kameda, Investigation of the appropriate dose index for evaluation of patient organ doses in cone-beam computed tomography scanning by using a Monte Carlo simulation (Poster), 59th Annual Meeting of American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM2017, Denver), 2017.07.
199. Shu Haseai, Hidetaka Arimura, Misato Imai, Tadamasa Yoshitake, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Hiroshi Honda, Saiji Ohga, Tomonari Sasaki, Computer-assisted treatment planning approach using similar cases for lung stereotactic body radiation therapy(Poster), 59th Annual Meeting of American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM2017, Denver) , 2017.07.
200. Ryousuke Asamura, Hidetaka Arimura, Mazen Soufi, Saiji Ohga, Hiroshi Honda, Tomonari Sasaki, Computational Analysis for Dose Distributions of Cold Spots in Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer (Poster), 59th Annual Meeting of American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM2017, Denver), 2017.07.
201. Mohammad Haekal, Hidetaka Arimura, Yusuke Shibayama, Taka-aki Hirose, Saiji Ohga, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Yasuhiko Nakamura, Hiroshi Honda, Tomonari Sasaki, An investigation of interfractional rectum shape variations based on a statistical shape analysis for prostate cancer radiotherapy (Poster), 59th Annual Meeting of American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM2017, Denver), 2017.07.
202. Mazen Soufi, Hidetaka Arimura, Saiji Ohga, Taka-aki Hirose, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Hiroshi Honda, Tomonari Sasaki, What is the most optimal mother wavelet in radiomic analysis for the survival prediction of lung cancer patients? (Oral), 59th Annual Meeting of American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM2017, Denver), 2017.07.
203. 二宮健太, 有村 秀孝, 笹原基希, 廣瀬貴章, 大賀 才路, 梅津芳幸, 本田 浩, 佐々木智成, 前立腺癌放射線治療における臨床標的体積の自動抽出法(口頭), 第36回日本医用画像工学会大会 JAMIT2017 (岐阜), 2017.07.
204. Mazen Soufi, Hidetaka Arimura, Taka-aki Hirose, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Saiji Ohga, Hiroshi Honda, Tomonari Sasaki, Correlation in radiomic features between EPID and digitally reconstructed radiography images (Oral), 第36回日本医用画像工学会大会 JAMIT2017 (岐阜), 2017.07.
205. Hidetaka Arimura, レディオミクスベース放射線治療(オーガナイズドセッション・Oral), 第36 回日本医用画像工学会大会(JAMIT2017), 2017.07.
206. Hidetaka Arimura, From Image-Based Computational Radiotherapy to Radiomics 画像ベース計算機支援放射線治療からレディオミクスへ (Oral), 第73回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会, 2017.04.
207. Kenta Ninomiya, Hidetaka Arimura, Motoki Sasahara, Saiji Ohga, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Hiroshi Honda, Tomonari Sasaki, Automated contouring framework based on Bayesian inference for prostate cancer radiation therapy (Oral), The 113th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics JSMP2017, 2017.04.
208. Ryousuke Asamura, Hidetaka Arimura, Mazen Soufi, Ze Jin, Tomonari Sasaki, Hiroshi Honda, Ouantitative analysis for coldspots in dose distributions of IMRT for prostate cancer (Oral), The 113th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics JSMP2017 (Yokohama), 2017.04.
209. Shu Haseai, Hidetaka Arimura, Misato Imai, Saiji Ohga, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Hiroshi Honda, Tomonari Sasaki, Computer-assisted treatment planning approach with genetic algorithm-based optimization using similar cases for lung stereotactic body radiation therapy (Oral), The 113th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics JSMP2017, 2017.04.
210. Taka-aki Hirose, Hidetaka Arimura, Yusuke Shibayama, Junichi Fukunaga, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Saiji Ohga, Tomonari Sasaki, Impact of shape variations on PTV margins in IMRT for prostate cancer (Oral), The 113th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics JSMP2017, 2017.04.
211. Mohammad Haekal, Hidetaka Arimura, Yusuke Shibayama, Taka-aki Hirose, Takahiro Nakamoto, Saiji Ohga, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Yasuhiko Nakamura, Hiroshi Honda, Tomonari Sasaki, Computational analysis of rectum translation variability in prostate cancer radiotherapy (Oral), The 113th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics JSMP2017, 2017.04.
212. Tran Thi Thao Nguyen, Hidetaka Arimura, Yoshifumi Oku, Takahiro Iwasaki, Takashi Yoshiura, Monte Carlo simulations Analysis of Dosimetric Impacts of Titanium Applicator and Tissue Inhomogeneity for Cervical Intracavitary Brachytherapy (Oral), The 113th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics JSMP2017 (Yokohama), 2017.04.
213. Mazen Soufi, Hidetaka Arimura, Saiji Ohga, Taka-aki Hirose, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Takahiro Nakamoto, Hiroshi Honda, Tomonari Sasaki, Investigation of the correlation in radiomics features between EPID and digitally reconstructed radiography images (Oral), The 113th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics JSMP2017 (Yokohama), 2017.04.
214. Satoshi Yoshidome, Hidetaka Arimura, Koutarou Terashima, Masakazu Hirakawa, Taka-aki Hirose, Junichi Fukunaga, Yasuhiko Nakamura, Automated framework for estimation of lung tumor locations in kV-CBCT images for tumor-based patient positioning in stereotactic lung body radiotherapy(Poster), SPIE Medical Imaging 2017 (Orlando), 2017.02.
215. Takahiro Nakamoto, Hidetaka Arimura, Taka-aki Hirose, Saiji Ohga, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Yasuhiko Nakamura, Hiroshi Honda, Tomonari Sasaki, Reconstruction of four-dimensional computed tomography images during treatment time using electronic portal imaging device images based on a dynamic 2D/3D registration (Poster), SPIE Medical Imaging 2017 (Orlando), 2017.02.
216. 亀澤秀美, 有村秀孝, 亀田登, 尻枝勝敏, 大喜雅文, 画像誘導患者位置決めシステムにおけるノイズ抑制フィルタを用いた患者被ばく線量低減の可能性(Oral), 医用画像情報学会(MII)平成28年度春季(第177回)大会, 2017.01.
217. Mohammad Haekal, Hidetaka Arimura, Yusuke Shibayama, Taka-aki Hirose, Takahiro Nakamoto, Saiji Ohga, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Yasuhiko Nakamura, Hiroshi Honda, Tomonari Sasaki, Computational analysis on rectum positional variability by centroid measurement in prostate cancer treatment (Oral), 医用画像情報学会(MII)平成28年度春季(第177回)大会, 2017.01.
218. Koujiro Ikushima, Hidetaka Arimura, Ze Jin, Hidetake Yabuuchi, Jyunpei Kuwazuru, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Tomonari Sasaki, Hiroshi Honda, Masayuki Sasaki, Computational delineation approach for gross tumor volume regions of lung tumors using a support vector machine (Oral), 医用画像情報学会(MII)平成28年度春季(第177回)大会, 2017.01.
219. Kazuya Hirakawa, Hidetaka Arimura, Ze Jin, Shingo Kakeda, Fumio Yamashita, Makoto Sasaki, Yukunori Korogi, Probabilistic atlas model of asymptomatic intracranial aneurysms on a computer-aided framework for detecting aneurysms (Orlal), The International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia (IFMIA) 2017 (Okinawa), 2017.01.
220. Mazen Soufi, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsumasa Nakamura, Taka-aki Hirose, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Fukai Toyofuku, Feasibility of an automated framework for estimation of patient positioning errors in radiation therapy using range images acquired by an infrared ray-based range sensor (Poster), The International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia (IFMIA) 2017 (Okinawa), 2017.01.
221. Yasuo Kawata, Hidetaka Arimura, Koujiro Ikushima, Ze Jin, Hidetake Yabu-uchi, Tomonari Sasaki, Hiroshi Honda, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Masayuki Sasaki, Automated segmentation of various gross tumor volumes based on fuzzy-C means clustering for stereotactic lung radiotherapy (Oral), International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology (IWAIT 2017), (Penang, Malaysia), 2017.01.
222. Hidetaka Arimura, Chisako Muramatsu, Hiroshi Fujita, Yen-Wei Chen, Kensuke Wakasugi, Akitoshi Katsumata, Takafumi Aoki, Novel retrieval technologies for similar images and personal identification in computer-aided diagnosis and radiation therapy(Mini Symposium), International Conference On Medical Physics 2016 (ICMP2016), 2016.12.
223. Hidemi Kamezawa, Hidetaka Arimura, Noboru Kameda, Which patient dose index is appropriate for cone-beam computed tomography? (Oral), International Conference On Medical Physics 2016 (ICMP2016) , 2016.12.
224. Takahiro Nakamoto, Hidetaka Arimura, Taka-aki Hirose, Ken’ichi Morooka, Saiji Ohga, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Yasuhiko Nakamura, Hiroshi Honda, Tomonari Sasaki, 2D/3D registration-based framework for estimating 4D dose distributions according to dynamic images of an EPID during SBRT for lung cancer (Oral), International Conference On Medical Physics 2016 (ICMP2016) (Thailand), 2016.12.
225. Tran Thi Thao Nguyen, Hidetaka Arimura, Yoshifumi Oku, Takashi Yoshiura, Monte Carlo–based Assessment of Impacts of Heterogeneous Materials on Dose Distributions using Three-dimensional Gamma Analysis in Intracavitary Brachytherapy for Cervical Cancer(Oral), International Conference On Medical Physics 2016 (ICMP2016) (Thailand), 2016.12.
226. Takahiro Iwasaki, Hidetaka Arimura, Tran Thi Thao Nguyen, Yoshifumi Oku, Takashi Yoshiura, Monte Carlo-based Gamma Analysis of Impact of Tissue Heterogeneity on Dose Distributions in Cervical Cancer Intracavitary Brachytherapy (Poster), International Conference On Medical Physics 2016 (ICMP2016) (Thailand), 2016.12.
227. Motoki Sasahara, Hidetaka Arimura, Yusuke Shibayama, Taka-aki Hirose, Saiji Ohga, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Hiroshi Honda, Tomonari Sasaki, Investigation of a target-based patient positioning framework for image-guided radiotherapy in prostate cancer treatment (Oral), International Conference On Medical Physics 2016 (ICMP2016) (Thailand), 2016.12.
228. Ze Jin, Hidetaka Arimura, Shingo Kakeda, Kazuya Hirakawa, Fumio Yamashita, Makoto Sasaki, Yukunori Korogi, Impact of asymptomatic intracranial aneurysms probabilistic atlas model on a computer-aided framework for detecting small aneurysms (Oral), Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) 2016 (Chicago, IL), 2016.11.
229. Koujiro Ikushima, Hidetaka Arimura, Ze Jin, Jyunpei Kuwazuru, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Tomonari Sasaki, Hiroshi Honda, Masayuki Sasaki, Machine-learning-based delineation approach for gross tumor volume region of three types of lung tumors using planning CT and PET/CT datasets (computer-based custom application exhibit), Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) 2016 (Chicago, IL), 2016.11.
230. 有村秀孝, コンピュータ支援放射線治療計画における自動化技術(ワークショップ講演), 第29回日本放射線腫瘍学会学術大会(京都), 2016.11.
231. 永見 範幸, 有村秀孝, 大石光寿, 徳丸直郎, 今泉猛, 戸山真吾, 武下剛, 田北諭, 姥浩二, 入江裕之, Feasibility of a metal artifact reduction technique in RTP for head and neck cancer (Oral), 第29回日本放射線腫瘍学会学術大会(京都), 2016.11.
232. Taka-aki Hirose, Hidetaka Arimura, Yusuke Shibayama, Jun-ichi Fukunaga, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Ohga Saiji, Tomonari Sasaki, Usefulness of PTV margins with taking into account shape variation in IMRT plans for prostate cancer (Poster), 第29回日本放射線腫瘍学会学術大会(京都), 2016.11.
233. 有村 秀孝, 放射線技術の発展と人材育成~科学研究費助成事業を通じて~(シンポジウム講演), 第11回九州放射線医療技術学術大会(大分), 2016.11.
234. 森田 拳斗, 有村秀孝, 幾嶋宏二郎, Ze Jin, 藪内英剛, 塩山善之, 佐々木智成, 本田浩, 佐々木雅之, 人工ニューラルネットワークを用いた肺腫瘍領域の自動抽出法の開発 (口頭), 第11回九州放射線医療技術学術大会(大分), 2016.11.
235. 長谷合修, 有村 秀孝, 今井美里, 吉武 忠正, 野中歩美, 大賀 才路, 本田 浩, 佐々木智成, 類似症例に基づく計算機支援肺定位放射線治療計画法の開発 (口頭), 第11回九州放射線医療技術学術大会(大分), 2016.11.
236. 二宮健太, 有村 秀孝, 笹原基希, 大賀 才路, 梅津芳幸, 本田 浩, 佐々木智成, 放射線治療計画における前立腺領域自動抽出法の開発(口頭), 第11回九州放射線医療技術学術大会(大分), 2016.11.
237. 河田康雄, 有村秀孝, 幾嶋宏二郎, Ze Jin, 藪内英剛, 塩山善之, 佐々木智成, 本田浩, 佐々木雅之, 高精度放射線治療におけるFCMに基づく肉眼的腫瘍体積抽出法の研究(口頭), 医用画像情報学会(MII)平成28年度秋季(第176回)大会(サンポートホール高松), 2016.10.
238. Tran Thi Thao Nguyen, Hidetaka Arimura, Yoshifumi Oku, Takahiro Iwasaki, Takahiro Nakamoto, Takashi Yoshiura, Brachytherapy for Treatment of Cervical Cancer (Oral), Vietnamese-Japanese Students' Scientific Exchange Meeting VJSE 2016 (Fukuoka), 2016.09.
239. Hidetaka Arimura, What are researchers? -Messages to young investigators- (Plenary Talk), Vietnamese-Japanese Students' Scientific Exchange Meeting VJSE 2016 (Fukuoka) , 2016.09.
240. Hidetaka Arimura, 磁気共鳴血管画像における脳動脈瘤のコンピュータ支援検出と将来展望 (ワークショップ), 日本機械学会2016年度年次大会 (福岡), 2016.09.
241. Yoshifumi Oku, Hidetaka Arimura, Tran Thi Thao Nguyen, Yoshiyuki Hiraki, Masahiko Toyota, Yasumasa Saigo, Takashi Yoshiura, Hideki Hirata, Robustness of adaptive intracavitary brachytherapy for uterine cervical cancer against interfractional location variations of organs and/or applicators (Poster), 第112回日本医学物理学会学術大会(沖縄), 2016.09.
242. Tran Thi Thao Nguyen, Hidetaka Arimura, Yoshifumi Oku, Takahiro Nakamoto, YusukeShibayama, Takashi Yoshiura, Three­Dimensional Dosimetric Gamma Analysis for Impacts of Tissue Inhomogeneity Using Monte Carlo Simulation in Intracavitary Brachytherapy for Cervix Carcinoma (Poster)
, The American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) 2016 (Washington, DC), 2016.07.
243. Yusuke Shibayama, Hidetaka Arimura, Taka-aki Hirose, Katsumasa Nakamura, Ohga Saiji, Tomonari Sasaki, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Yasuhiko Nakamura, Hiroshi Honda, A computational methodology for determination of CTV-to-PTV margins with inter fractional shape variations based on a statistical point distribution model for prostate cancer radiation therapy (Oral), The American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) 2016 (Washington, DC), 2016.07.
244. Mazen Soufi, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsumasa Nakamura, Taka-aki Hirose, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Fukai Toyofuku, Computerized Framework for Marker-less Localization of Anatomical Feature Points in Range Images Based on Differential Geometry Features for Image-Guided Radiation Therapy (Oral), The American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) 2016 (Washington, DC), 2016.07.
245. Ze Jin, Hidetaka Arimura, Shingo Kakeda, Fumio Yamashita, Makoto Sasaki, Yukunori Korogi, An ellipsoid convex enhancement filter based computer-aided diagnostic framework of intracranial aneurysms in MRA images (Oral), The American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) 2016 (Washington, DC), 2016.08.
246. Motoki Sasahara, Hidetaka Arimura, Yusuke Shibayama, Taka-aki Hirose, Saiji Ohga, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Hiroshi Honda, Tomonari Sasaki, Automatic target-based patient positioning framework for image-guided radiotherapy in prostate cancer treatment (Poster), The American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) 2016 (Washington, DC), 2016.07.
247. Taka-aki Hirose, Hidetaka Arimura, Yusuke Shibayama, Junich Fukunaga, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Saiji Oga, Tomonari Sasaki, Impact of PTV Margins With Taking Into Account Shape Variation On IMRT Plans For Prostate Cancer (Poster), The American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) 2016 (Washington, DC), 2016.07.
248. Koujiro Ikushima, Hidetaka Arimura, Ze Jin, Jyunpei Kuwazuru, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Tomonari Sasaki, Hiroshi Honda, Masayuki Sasaki, MachineLearningBased Delineation Framework of GTV Regions of Solid and Ground Glass Opacity Lung Tumors at Datasets of Planning CT and PET/CT Images (e-Poster), The American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) 2016 (Washington, DC), 2016.08.
249. 浅村 崚介, 有村 秀孝, Soufi Mazen, Ze Jin, 佐々木智成, 本田 浩, 前立腺癌に対する強度変調放射線治療における線量分布上のコールドスポット検出のための計算的手法(口頭), 第35回日本医用画像工学会大会(千葉), 2016.07.
250. 笹原基希, 有村 秀孝, 柴山祐亮, 廣瀬貴章, 大賀才路, 梅津芳幸, 本田 浩, 佐々木智成, 放射線治療における確率アトラスとベイズ推定を用いたコーンビームCT上の前立腺領域自動抽出(口頭), 第35回日本医用画像工学会大会(千葉), 2016.07.
251. Ryosuke Asamura, Hidetaka Arimura, Mazen Soufi, Ze Jin, Tomonari Sasaki, Hiroshi Honda, An approach for evaluation of dose distributions in intensity modulated radiotherapy planning for prostate cancer (Oral), 第111回日本医学物理学会学術大会 (横浜), 2016.04.
252. Kazuya Hirakawa, Hidetaka Arimura, Ze Jin, Shingo Kakeda, Fumio Yamashita, Makoto Sasaki, Yukunori Korogi, Development of an Ellipsoid Convex Enhancement Filter for Detection of Intracranial Aneurysms in CAD Frameworks, 第72回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会(横浜), 2016.04.
253. Takahiro Iwasaki, Hidetaka Arimura, Tran Thi Thao Nguyen, Yoshifumi Oku, Takashi Yoshiura, Hideki Hirata, Influence of Tissue Heterogeneity on Dose Distributions in Intracavitary Brachytherapy for Uterine Cervical Cancer with Monte Carlo Simulation(Oral), 第111回日本医学物理学会学術大会(横浜), 2016.04.
254. Chiaki Tokunaga, Hidetaka Arimura, Kazufumi Kikuchi, Takashi Yoshiura, Satoshi Yoshidome, Kouji Kobayashi, Akio Hiwatashi, Osamu Togao, Koji Yamashita, Yasuhiko Nakamura, Hiroshi Honda, Investigation of Useful Hyperintensity Enhanced MR Images for Detection of Brain Metastases (Oral), 第72回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会(横浜 4月14日~17日), 2016.04.
255. Satoshi Yoshidome, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsumasa Nakamura, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Kazushige Atsumi, Yasuhiko Nakamura, Hideki Yoshikawa, Kei Nishikawa, Masakazu Hirakawa, Automated framework for estimation of lung tumor locations in MV-CBCT images for target-based patient positioning in stereotactic body radiotherapy(Oral), 第111回日本医学物理学会学術大会(横浜), 2016.04.
256. Mazen Soufi, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsumasa Nakamura, Taka-aki Hirose, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Fukai Toyofuku, Automated localization of anatomical feature points in infrared ray-based range images of patient surfaces by using differential geometry (Oral), 第111回日本医学物理学会学術大会(横浜), 2016.04.
257. Mohammad Haekal, Freddy Haryanto, Zamzam Ibnu Sina, Hidetaka Arimura, Algorithm Performance Evaluation: Gradient-descent, Simulated Annealing, and Hybrid Method for Finding an Optimum of a Function (Oral), 第111回日本医学物理学会学術大会 (横浜), 2016.04.
258. Hidemi Kamezawa, Hidetaka Arimura, A comparison study of four patient dose indices for cone-beam computed tomography (Oral), 第111回日本医学物理学会学術大会 (横浜), 2016.04.
259. Takahiro Nakamoto, Hidetaka Arimura, Tomonari Sasaki, KEN'ICHI MOROOKA, Taka-aki Hirose, Yasuhiko Nakamura, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Hiroshi Honda, Hideki Hirata, Systematic Framework for Estimating In-vivo Four-Dimensional Dose Distributions during Treatment Delivery in Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy Based on a 2D/3D Registration with an Adaptive Transformation Parameters Approach (Oral), 第72回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会(横浜 4月14日~17日), 2016.04.
260. Hidetaka Arimura, 元第1段審査委員から見た申請書の書き方 -How to prepare the application form for KAKENHI- From the viewpoint of an ex-primary judge- (JSMP科研費セミナー), 第111回日本医学物理学会学術大会 (横浜), 2016.04.
261. 山之内 雅幸, 有村 秀孝, CGを用いた放射線治療で起こる衝突位置推定法の開発, 医用画像情報学会平成27年度春季(第174回)大会(広島), 2016.02.
262. 河田 康雄, 有村 秀孝, 幾嶋 宏二郎, Jin Ze, 藪内 英剛, 塩山 善之, 佐々木智成, 本田 浩, 佐々木 雅之, Fuzzy c-mean クラスタリングに基づいた放射線治療におけるGTV領域推定法の開発, 医用画像情報学会平成27年度春季(第174回)大会(広島), 2016.02.
263. Mazen Soufi, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsumasa Nakamura, Taka-aki Hirose, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Fukai Toyofuku, Differential geometry based localization of anatomical feature points in range images of patient surfaces acquired by time-of-flight camera, IEICE (MI2015-137) Technical Report, Vol.115, No.401, pp.315-319, 電子情報通信学会医用画像研究会MI (沖縄), 2016.01.
264. Ze Jin, Hidetaka Arimura, Shingo Kakeda, Fumio Yamashita, Makoto Sasaki, Yukunori Korogi, A novel ellipsoid convex enhancement filter for boosting the performance in detection of asymptomatic intracranial aneurysms at 3.0 T magnetic resonance angiography ( IEICE Tech. Rep.(信学技報), vol. 115, no. 401, MI2015-126, pp. 257-261), 電子情報通信学会医用画像研究会MI (沖縄), 2016.01.
265. Takahiro Nakamoto, Hidetaka Arimura, Tomonari Sasaki, KEN'ICHI MOROOKA, Taka-aki Hirose, Yasuhiko Nakamura, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Hiroshi Honda, Hideki Hirata, Development of a framework for estimating four-dimensional dose distributions during treatment time in stereotactic body radiation therapy for lung cancer based on therapeutic x-ray dynamic portal images (Poster) (IEICE Technical Report, vol.115, no.401, MI2015-86, pp.69-73, 2016.01.), 電子情報通信学会医用画像研究会MI (沖縄 1月19日~20日), 2016.01.
266. Chonnikan Jongkreangkrai, Y. Vichianin, C. Tocharoenchai, Hidetaka Arimura, Computer-aided Classification of Alzheimer’s Disease Based on Support Vector Machine with Combination of Cerebral Image Features in MRI, 13th South East Asia Congress of Medical Physics (SEACOMP 2015, Yogyakarta, Indonesia), 2015.12.
267. Hidetaka Arimura, Boosting of Radiation Therapy using High Dimensional Image Analysis (Keynote speech), 13th South East Asia Congress of Medical Physics (SEACOMP 2015, 10-12 December 2015, Yogyakarta, Indonesia), 2015.12.
268. Hidetaka Arimura, Medical image engineering approaches for computer-aided diagnosis and radiotherapy (Workshop), 13th South East Asia Congress of Medical Physics (SEACOMP 2015, 10-12 December 2015, Yogyakarta, Indonesia), 2015.12.
269. Yasuo Kawata, Hidetaka Arimura, Computer-aided Delineation of Gross Tumor Volume Regions of Lung Cancer in Treatment Planning CT with PET/CT Images Based on Fuzzy c-mean Clustering Method, 13th South East Asia Congress of Medical Physics (SEACOMP 2015, Yogyakarta, Indonesia), 2015.12.
270. Ze Jin, Hidetaka Arimura, Shingo Kakeda, Fumio Yamashita, Makoto Sasaki, Yukunori Korogi, Impact of a novel enhancement filter for various ellipsoid convex shapes on CAD frameworks of asymptomatic unruptured intracranial aneurysms, 13th South East Asia Congress of Medical Physics (SEACOMP 2015, Yogyakarta, Indonesia), 2015.12.
271. Satoshi Yoshidome, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsumasa Nakamura, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Kazushige Atsumi, Yasuhiko Nakamura, Hideki Yoshikawa, Kei Nishikawa, Hideki Hirata, Automated framework for estimation of lung tumor locations in MV-CBCT images for target-based patient positioning in stereotactic body radiotherapy(Oral), 日本放射線腫瘍学会(JASTRO)第28回学術大会 (群馬県前橋市, 11月19日~21日), 2015.11.
272. Hidemi Kamezawa, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsutoshi Shirieda, Noboru Kameda, Masafumi Ohki, A new approach for patient dose reduction using various noise suppression filters in CBCT-based patient positioning systems (Oral) , 日本放射線腫瘍学会(JASTRO)第28回学術大会 (群馬県前橋市,11月19日~ 21日), 2015.11.
273. Takahiro Nakamoto, Hidetaka Arimura, Tomonari Sasaki, KEN'ICHI MOROOKA, Taka-aki Hirose, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Yasuhiko Nakamura, Hiroshi Honda, Hideki Hirata, Automated monitoring system of four-dimensional dose distributions using a portal dose image-based 2D/3D registration with adaptive transformation parameters in stereotactic body radiation therapy (Oral), 日本放射線腫瘍学会(JASTRO)第28回学術大会 (群馬県前橋市, 11月19日~21日), 2015.11.
274. Hidetaka Arimura, "Niche researches between computational image analysis and radiotherapy physics" Invited speakers, (Nov.5-7, at the Yukawa Memorial Building, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University), YITP International Workshop: Biological & Medical Science based on Physics at Kyoto University, 2015.11.
275. 岩崎 貴大, 有村 秀孝, Tran Thi Thao Nguyen, 奥  好史, 吉浦 敬, 平田 秀紀, 子宮頸癌腔内照射の3次元治療計画におけるモンテカルロシミュレーションを用いた線量分布への組織不均一の影響の解析, 第10回九州医療技術学術大会(宮崎), 2015.11.
276. 松浦 渉, 有村 秀孝, 柴山祐亮, Mazen Soufi, 廣瀬貴章, 中村泰彦, 佐々木智成, 本田 浩, 平田 秀紀, 前立腺がんIMRTプランに影響を与える因子の基礎的検討, 第10回九州医療技術学術大会(宮崎), 2015.10.
277. 平川 和弥, 有村 秀孝, Ze Jin, 掛田 伸吾, 興梠 征典, MRA画像における脳動脈瘤のサイズ・発生部位の基礎的解析, 第10回九州医療技術学術大会(宮崎), 2015.11.
278. 浅村 崚介, 有村 秀孝, 柴山祐亮, Mazen Soufi, 仲本 宗泰, Ze Jin, 廣瀬貴章, 梅津芳幸, 中村泰彦, 本田 浩, 佐々木智成, 前立腺癌の強度変調放射線治療計画における線量分布解析, 第10回九州医療技術学術大会(宮崎), 2015.10.
279. 有村 秀孝, 画像ベース放射線治療における領域融合型研究 (教育委員会企画『最先端の放射線診断と放射線治療技術の融合』講演), 第43回日本放射線技術学会秋季学術大会(金沢), 2015.10.
280. 有村 秀孝, 多次元画像解析に基づく放射線治療の高精度化 (シンポジウム『診断と治療の融合技術』講演), 第110回日本医学物理学会学術大会(札幌), 2015.09.
281. Ze Jin, Hidetaka Arimura, Shingo Kakeda, Yukunori Korogi, Fumio Yamashita, Makoto Sasaki, 3.0 T MRA 画像における未破裂脳動脈瘤支援診断に対する選択的凸領域強調フィルタ, 第43回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会 (東京), 2015.09.
282. Yusuke Shibayama, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsumasa Nakamura, Norimasa Matsushita, Taka-aki Hirose, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Yasuhiko Nakamura, Hiroshi Honda, Hideki Hirata, A computational approach for determination of anisotropic PTV margins based on statistical shape analysis for prostate cancer radiotherapy (poster) , The American Association of Physicists in Medicine 57th Annual meeting (AAPM 2015 in Anaheim), 2015.07.
283. Misato Imai, Hidetaka Arimura, Ayumi Nonaka, Katsumasa Nakamura, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Hiroshi Honda, Hideki Hirata, Similar-case-based framework of beam angle configurations using treatment-plan-related features in lung stereotactic body radiation therapy (poster), The American Association of Physicists in Medicine 57th Annual meeting (AAPM 2015 in Anaheim), 2015.07.
284. Takahiro Nakamoto, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsumasa Nakamura, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Taka-aki Hirose, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Yasuhiko Nakamura, Hiroshi Honda, Hideki Hirata, Computational monitoring framework of four-dimensional dose distributions during treatment time based on a 2D/3D registration with adaptive transformation parameters in lung stereotactic body radiotherapy (Oral), The American Association of Physicists in Medicine 57th Annual meeting (AAPM 2015 in Anaheim), 2015.07.
285. Tran Thi Thao Nguyen, Hidetaka Arimura, Yoshifumi Oku, Fujibuchi Toshioh, Takahiro Nakamoto, Yusuke Shibayama, Hideki Hirata, Impact of tissue inhomogeneity on dose distributions in CT-image-based brachytherapy for cervical cancer using Monte Carlo simulation (Poster), The 15th International Congress of Radiation Research (ICRR 2015) in Kyoto, 2015.05.
286. Mazen Soufi, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsumasa Nakamura, Taka-aki Hirose, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Fukai Toyofuku, Development of Automated Framework for Detection of Intra-fractional Setup Errors in Radiation Therapy of Head and Neck Cancer Patients Based on Anatomical Feature Points on Range Images Acquired by a Time-of-Flight Camera (Poster) (Page number in proceedings: 862), The 15th International Congress of Radiation Research (ICRR 2015) in Kyoto, 2015.05.
287. 有村 秀孝, コンピュータ支援放射線治療法の研究開発と臨床応用 (JRC合同シンポジウム講演), 第109回日本医学物理学会学術大会(横浜), 2015.04.
288. Satoshi Yoshidome, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsumasa Nakamura, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Kazushige Atsumi, Yasuhiko Nakamura, Hideki Yoshikawa, kei Nishikawa, Hideki Hirata, Development of an automated estimation of lung tumor locations, 第109回日本医学物理学会学術大会 (横浜), 2015.04.
289. 廣瀬貴章, 有村 秀孝, 柴山祐亮, 福永淳一, 梅津芳幸, 大賀才路, 中村 和正, 前立腺IMRTにおける統計点分布モデルから求めたPTVマージンの検討, 第71回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会 (横浜), 2015.04.
290. 柴山祐亮, 有村 秀孝, 廣瀬貴章, 中村 和正, 梅津芳幸, 中村泰彦, 本田 浩, 豊福 不可依, A calculation framework of anisotropic PTV margins based on a statistical shape analysis of CTV regions for prostate cancer radiotherapy, 第109回日本医学物理学会学術大会 (横浜), 2015.04.
291. Takahiro Nakamoto, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsumasa Nakamura, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Taka-aki Hirose, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Yasuhiko Nakamura, Hiroshi Honda, Fukai Toyofuku, Improvement of automated monitoring approach of 4D dose distributions during SBRT based on 2D/3D registration with adaptive transformation parameters (Oral), 第109回日本医学物理学会学術大会 (横浜), 2015.04.
292. 幾嶋宏二郎, 有村 秀孝, Ze Jin, 塩山 善之, 中村 和正, 本田 浩, 平田 秀紀, 豊福 不可依, Automated delineation framework of GTV regions using a machine learning classifier based on datasets of planning CT and PET/CT images, 第71回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会 (横浜), 2015.04.
293. 笹原 基希, 有村 秀孝, 今井 美里, 柴山祐亮, 塩山 善之, 中村 和正, 本田 浩, 平田 秀紀, Investigation of feasibility of an automated approach for retrieval of similar images using PCA in a radiation treatment planning database, 第109回日本医学物理学会学術大会 (横浜), 2015.04.
294. Hidemi Kamezawa, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsutoshi Shirieda, Noboru Kameda, Masafumi Ohki, Patient dose reduction based on various noise suppression filters for cone-beam CT in IGRT (Oral) , 第71回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会(横浜), 2015.04.
295. 有村 秀孝, 放射線治療を支援する医用画像解析技術, 中国・四国高度がんプロ養成基盤プログラムSeminar on Medical Physics in Tokushima(徳島), 2015.02.
296. Misato Imai, Hidetaka Arimura, Ayumi Nonaka, Katsumasa Nakamura, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Hiroshi Honda, Hideki Hirata, Usefulness of a sparse coding with different image resolutions for retrieval of a similar image dataset in radiation treatment planning, International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia (IFMIA in Tainan, Taiwan), 2015.01.
297. Ze Jin, Hidetaka Arimura, Yukunori Korogi, Shingo Kakeda, Fumio Yamashita, Makoto Sasaki, Impact of inhomogeneity correction on a computer-aided diagnostic framework for asymptomatic unruptured intracranial aneurysms using magnetic resonance angiography, International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia (IFMIA in Tainan), 2015.01.
298. 野中歩美, 有村秀孝, 中村和正, 塩山善之, 吉武忠正, Mazen Soufi, 馬込大貴, 本田浩, 平田秀紀, 肺定位放射線治療計画支援のための肺形状の類似度を利用した類似症例検索法の開発, 日本放射線腫瘍学会第27回学術大会 (横浜), 2014.12.
299. 柴山祐亮, 有村 秀孝, 中村 和正, 松下矩正, 廣瀬貴章, 梅津芳幸, 中村泰彦, 本田 浩, 平田 秀紀, 前立腺癌放射線治療計画のための点分布モデルに基づくPTVマージン算出方法の提案, 日本放射線腫瘍学会第27回学術大会 (横浜), 2014.12.
300. Hidemi Kamezawa, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsutoshi Shirieda, Noboru Kameda, Masafumi Ohki, An approach of exposure dose reduction of cone-beam computed tomography in an image guided patient positioning system by using various noise suppression filters (Oral) , 7th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 15th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS&ISIS2014 in Kitakyusyu), 2014.12.
301. 幾嶋宏二郎, 有村 秀孝, Ze Jin, 中村 和正, 塩山 善之, 本田 浩, 平田 秀紀, 放射線治療における異なるモダリティ画像間のレジストレーション技術の検討, 九州放射線医療技術学術大会(北九州), 2014.11.
302. 笹原 基希, 有村 秀孝, 今井 美里, 柴山祐亮, 塩山 善之, 中村 和正, 本田 浩, 平田 秀紀, 放射線治療における基底変換を用いた類似画像検索法の基礎的検討, 九州放射線医療技術学術大会(北九州), 2014.11.
303. Hidetaka Arimura, Hidemi Kamezawa, Ze Jin, Takahiro Nakamoto, Mazen Soufi, Good Relationships between Computational Image Analysis and Radiological Physics (Invited speaker), The 5th International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS 2014 in Bandung, Indonesia), 2014.11.
304. Tran Thi Thao Nguyen, Hidetaka Arimura, Fujibuchi Toshioh, Hideki Hirata, Investigation of dosimetric impacts of tissue heterogeneities in intracavitary brachytherapy for cervical cancer, 14th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics (AOCMP) & 12th South East Asia Congress of Medical Physics (SEACOMP),in Ho Chi Monh City, Vietnam, 2014.10.
305. Hidetaka Arimura, Computational Medical Image Analysis for Improvement of Quality of Radiation Therapy (Invited speaker), 14th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics (AOCMP) & 12th South East Asia Congress of Medical Physics (SEACOMP),in Ho Chi Monh City, Vietnam, 2014.10.
306. Takahiro Nakamoto, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsumasa Nakamura, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Asumi Mizoguchi, Hiroshi Honda, HIdeki Hirata, Computerized framework for monitoring four-dimensional tumor dose distributions during stereotactic body radiation therapy (Oral), The 2nd International Conference on Radiological Science and Technology 2014, (in Sapporo), 2014.10.
307. Yoshifumi Oku, Hidetaka Arimura, Yoshiyuki Hiraki, Masahiko Toyota, Yasumasa Saigo, Mutsumi Ikeda, Takashi Yoshiura, Hideki Hirata, Comparison between 2D and 3D treatment planning with interfractional anatomical variations in intracavitary brachytherapy for cervical cancer, the 7th Korea-Japan Joint Meeting on Medical Physics 2014 (Busan, Korea) , 2014.09.
308. Hidetaka Arimura, Ze Jin, Yukunori Korogi, Shingo Kakeda, Fumio Yamashita, Makoto Sasaki, Computer aided diagnosis system of intracranial aneurysms at MRA images with intensity inhomogeneity correction, 第42回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会(京都), 2014.09.
309. Masayuki Yamanouchi, Hidetaka Arimura, Itsuo Yuda, CG-based Radiation Therapy Simulator with Physical Modeling for Avoidance of Collisions between Gantry and Couch or Patient (Poster) , The American Association of Physicists in Medicine 56th Annual meeting (AAPM2014 in Austin, TX), 2014.07.
310. Hidemi Kamezawa, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsutoshi Shirieda, Noboru Kameda, 大喜雅文, Possibility of exposure dose reduction of cone-beam computed tomography in an image guided patient positioning system by using various noise suppression filters (Poster) , The American Association of Physicists in Medicine 56th Annual meeting (AAPM2014 in Austin, TX), 2014.07.
311. Hidetaka Arimura, Prospects of Computational Medical Image Analysis in High Precision Radiation Therapy (Special Lecture) , 電子情報通信学会IEICE 医用画像研究会MI (九州大学) , 2014.06.
312. Mazen Soufi, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsumasa Nakamura, Taka-aki Hirose, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Fukai Toyofuku, Range-Image Guided System for Monitoring Intra-Fractional Setup Errors of Head and Neck Cancer Patients by Using an Infrared Ray Based Time-of-Flight Camera (oral) , 電子情報通信学会IEICE 医用画像研究会MI (九州大学), 2014.06.
313. Misato Imai, Hidetaka Arimura, Ayumi Nonaka, Katsumasa Nakamura, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Hiroshi Honda, Hideki Hirata, Investigation of feasibility of a sparse-coding-based image similarity for retrieval of similar cases in radiation treatment planning database (oral) , Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS2014 in Fukuoka), 2014.06.
314. Nguyen Tran Thi Thao, Hidetaka Arimura, Fujibuchi Toshioh, Hideki Hirata, Evaluation of dose distributions in inhomogeneous phantom for intracavitary brachytherapy with high-dose rate 192Ir source using Monte Carlo simulation.(poster) , Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS2014 in Fukuoka), 2014.06.
315. Yusuke Shibayama, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsumasa Nakamura, Norimasa Matsushita, Taka-aki Hirose, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Yasuhiko Nakamura, Hiroshi Honda, Hideki Hirata, Statistical representations of clinical target volume models based on distance images for prostate cancer radiation therapy (oral) , Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS2014 in Fukuoka), 2014.06.
316. Takahiro Nakamoto, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsumasa Nakamura, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Asumi Mizoguchi, Taka-aki Hirose, Hiroshi Honda, Yoshiyuki Umedu, Yasuhiko Nakamura, HIdeki Hirata, Automated estimation of four-dimensional dose distributions in stereotactic body radiotherapy based on a 2D/3D registration between EPID dynamic images and planning CT images.(oral), Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS2014 in Fukuoka), 2014.06.
317. Taka-aki Hirose, Hidetaka Arimura, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Norimasa Matshishita, Yoshitaka Noguchi, Junichi Fukunaga, Tomoko Kimura, Naomi Hirano, Yoshitsugu Matsumoto, Saiji Ooga, Katsumasa Nakamura, Evaluation of a framework for determination of PTV margins based on a statistical point distribution model for CTVs in intensity modulated radiation therapy for prostate cancer (poster) , Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS2014 in Fukuoka), 2014.06.
318. 亀澤秀美, 有村秀孝, 尻枝勝敏, 亀田登, 大喜雅文, 画像誘導患者位置合わせシステムにおけるノイズ低減フィルタを用いたCBCT撮影線量低減方法の提案 (口頭) , 医用画像情報学会(MII)平成26年度年次(第169回)大会(熊本), 2014.05.
319. Hidetaka Arimura, 放射線治療のための基本的な放射線物理 Basics of Radiation Physics for Radiation Therapy (教育講演) , 第73回日本医学放射線学会 (JRS 2014 in Yokohama), 2014.04.
320. Ayumi Nonaka, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsumasa Nakamura, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Mazen Soufi, Taiki Magome, Hiroshi Honda, Hideki Hirata, Development of a computer-assisted method of searching for similar cases using local gradient distribution feature for stereotactic lung (oral) , 第70回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会(JSRT 2014 in Yokohama), 2014.04.
321. Taka-aki Hirose, Hidetaka Arimura, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Yoshitaka Noguchi, Junichi Fukunaga, Tomoko Kimura, Naomi Hirano, Yoshitsugu Matsumoto, Saiji Ooga, Katsumasa Nakamura, 毎回の治療時の線量評価指標に対する二つの系統位置誤差モデルの影響 Impact of two systematic position error models on dose evaluation indices at each treatment fraction(oral) , 第107回日本医学物理学会学術大会(JSMP2014 横浜)  , 2014.04.
322. Yusuke Shibayama, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsumasa Nakamura, Norimasa Matsushita, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Taka-aki Hirose, Yasuhiko Nakamura, Hiroshi Honda, Hideki Hirata, Statistical CTV model based on distance images for prostate cancer radiation therapy (oral) , The 107th Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics (JSMP2014 in Yokohama)  , 2014.04.
323. Tran Thi Thao Nguyen, Hidetaka Arimura, Fujibuchi Toshioh, Hideki Hirata, Investigation of variation of dose distribution in inhomogeneous phantom for intracavitary brachytherapy with HDR 192Ir using Monte Carlo simulation (oral) , The 107th Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics (JSMP 2014 in Yokohama), 2014.04.
324. Hidemi Kamezawa, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsutoshi Shirieda, Noboru Kameda, Masafumi Ohki, Possibility of exposure dose reduction of CBCT in an image guided patient setup system by using various noise reduction filters (oral) , The 107th Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics (JSMP 2014 in Yokohama), 2014.04.
325. Misato Imai, Hidetaka Arimura, Ayumi Nonaka, Katsumasa Nakamura, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Hiroshi Honda, Hideki Hirata, Investigation of feasibility of sparse coding to search for similar cases in radiation treatment planning(oral) , The 107th Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics (JSMP 2014 in Yokohama), 2014.04.
326. Mazen Soufi, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsumasa Nakamura, Taka-aki Hirose, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Fukai Toyofuku, Computerized monitoring method of intra-fractional patient setup errors by using an infrared ray based time-of-flight camera (oral), The 107th Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics (JSMP2014 in Yokohama)  , 2014.04.
327. Hidetaka Arimura, Computer-Assisted Particle Therapy System Based on Computational Anatomy Models for Treatment Planning (pp.93-96), The Fifth International Symposium on the Project Computational Anatomy (Tokyo), 2014.03.
328. Ayumi Nonaka, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsumasa Nakamura, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Mazen Soufi, Taiki Magome, Hiroshi Honda, Hideki Hirata, Local image descriptor-based searching framework of usable similar cases in a radiation treatment planning database for stereotactic body (Paper 9039-18), SPIE Medical Imaging 2014 (San Diego), 2014.02.
329. Ze Jin, Hidetaka Arimura, Yukunori Korogi, Fumio Yamashita, Makoto Sasaki, Evaluation of an automated identification system of unruptured intracranial aneurysm candidates based on a blob structure enhancement filter at 3.0 T magnetic resonance angiography (MI2013-102,pp.249-253), 電子情報通信学会医用画像研究会MI (沖縄), 2014.01.
330. Ayumi Nonaka, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsumasa Nakamura, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Mazen Soufi, Taiki Magome, Hiroshi Honda, Hideki Hirata, 類似治療計画症例検索法のための局所勾配分布特徴量の基礎的検討 (MI2013-103,pp.255-258), 電子情報通信学会医用画像研究会MI (沖縄), 2014.01.
331. 小田丈史, Hidetaka Arimura, Jin Ze, Katsumasa Nakamura, 塩山善之, 佐々木 雅之, 最適輪郭選択法を用いた治療計画CT画像における肺腫瘍輪郭抽出方法とユーザーインターフェースの開発, 九州放射線医療技術学術大会(佐賀), 2013.11.
332. 今井美里, Hidetaka Arimura, 野中歩美, Katsumasa Nakamura, 塩山善之, Hiroshi Honda, HIdeki Hirata, スパースコーディングを用いた類似画像検索のための基礎的検討, 九州放射線医療技術学術大会(佐賀), 2013.11.
333. 柴山祐亮, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsumasa Nakamura, 松下矩正, 廣瀬貴章, 梅津芳幸, 中村泰彦, Hiroshi Honda, HIdeki Hirata, 前立腺癌放射線治療計画支援のための距離画像を用いた統計的CTVモデルの開発, 九州放射線医療技術学術大会(佐賀), 2013.11.
334. Mazen Soufi, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsumasa Nakamura, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Taka-aki Hirose, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Fukai Toyofuku, Hideki Hirata, Automated estimation of intra-fractional patient setup errors by using range images obtained via time-of-flight camera (oral presentation), 14th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (ISIS2013 in Daejeon)  , 2013.11.
335. Takahiro Nakamoto, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsumasa Nakamura, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Asumi Mizoguchi, Taka-aki Hirose, Hiroshi Honda, Yoshiyuki Umedu, Yasuhiko Nakamura, HIdeki Hirata, 高精度放射線治療時における2D/3Dレジストレーションに基づく患者体内4次元線量分布自動推定システムの開発, 電子情報通信学会医用画像研究会 (広島), 2013.11.
336. Hidetaka Arimura, Computer-aided Neuroradiology Based on Magnetic Resonance Image Analysis and Biomathematics, The International Symposium on BioMathematics (Symomath 2013, Bandung)(Invited Speaker), 2013.10, The author describes recent researches and developments of computer-aided neuroradiology systems for brain disorders based on magnetic resonance image analysis and biomathematics, which could assist radiologists in the detection of the brain diseases such as asymptomatic unruptured aneurysms, Alzheimer's disease (AD), vascular dementia, and multiple sclerosis (MS). In particular, the computer-aided diagnostic framework for unruptured aneurysms has been being developed by our laboratory based on novel image processing and computational modeling technologies, and the system can be utilized by many general radiologists on a cloud platform..
337. Norimasa Matsushita, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsumasa Nakamura, Kagami Yoshikazu, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Yasuhiko Nakamura, Hiroshi Honda, Hideki Hirata, 前立腺癌放射線治療計画支援のための計画者間変動を考慮した統計的CTVモデルの開発, 日本放射線腫瘍学会第26回学術大会(青森), 2013.10.
338. Mazen Soufi, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsumasa Nakamura, Taka-aki Hirose, Yoshiyuki Umezu, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Fukai Toyofuku, Real-time monitoring of intra-fractional patient setup errors using range images, 日本放射線腫瘍学会第26回学術大会(青森), 2013.10.
339. 福永淳一, 有村 秀孝, 梅津芳幸, 廣瀬貴章, 異なる二つの線量計算アルゴリズムを用いた前立腺IMRTの治療計画における金マーカの影響, 第41回日本放射線技術学会秋季学術大会, 2013.10.
340. 福永淳一, 有村 秀孝, 梅津芳幸, 廣瀬貴章, 前立腺IMRTの治療計画における金マーカの影響, 第69回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会, 2013.04.
341. Hidetaka Arimura, Optimization of robust beam direction against patient setup errors in charged particle therapy, 第106回日本医学物理学会学術大会(大阪) Medical Physics International-School&the 11Th Medical Physics Seminar, Invited Speaker , 2013.09.
342. Takahiro Nakamoto, Hidetaka Arimura, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Asumi Mizoguchi, Katsumasa Nakamura, Satoshi Yoshidome, Taka-aki Hirose, Hiroshi Honda, Yoshiyuki Umedu, Yasuhiko Nakamura, Hideki Hirata, Automated estimation of four-dimensional dose distribution based on high energy X-ray dynamic image during stereotactic body radiotherapy, 第106回日本医学物理学会学術大会(大阪), 2013.09.
343. Ayumi Nonaka, Hidetaka Arimura, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Katsumasa Nakamura, Taiki Magome, Hiroshi Honda, Hideki Hirata, Investigation of searching method of similar cases based on local features for assisting stereotactic body radiation therapy planning, 第106回日本医学物理学会学術大会(大阪), 2013.09.
344. Norimasa Matsushita, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsumasa Nakamura, Kagami Yoshikazu, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Yasuhiko Nakamura, Hiroshi Honda, Hideki Hirata, Computerized Production of Statistical Clinical Target Volume Models in Prostate Cancer Radiation Treatment Planning, AAPM 55th Annual Meeting 2013 (Indianapolis) , 2013.08.
345. Yoshifumi Oku, Hidetaka Arimura, Yoshiyuki Hiraki, Masahiko Toyota, Yasumasa Saigo, Mutsumi Ikeda, Souichirou Itou, Masayuki Nakajo, Hideki Hirata, Prospective investigation of feasibility of three-dimensional treatment planning of intracavitary brachytherapy for cervical cancer based on computed tomography images, AAPM 55th Annual Meeting 2013 (Indianapolis) , 2013.08.
346. Satoshi Yoshidome, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsumasa Nakamura, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Kazushige Atsumi, Hideki Yoshikawa, Kei Nishikawa, Hideki Hirata, Automated estimation of lung tumor locations for tumor-based patient setup using MV-CBCT images in stereotactic body radiotherapy, AAPM 55th Annual Meeting 2013 (Indianapolis) , 2013.08.
347. Hidetaka Arimura, Chiaki Tokunaga, Takashi Yoshiura, Tomoyuki Ohara, Yasuo Yamashita, Fukai Toyofuku, Automated Measurement of Cerebral Cortical Thickness Based on Fuzzy Membership Map Derived from MR images for Evaluation of Alzheimer's Disease, 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'13, in Osaka), (Invited Speaker), 2013.07, We have proposed an automated method for three-dimensional (3D) measurement of cerebral cortical thicknesses based on fuzzy membership maps derived from magnetic resonance (MR) images for evaluation of Alzheimer's disease (AD). The cerebral cortical thickness was three-dimensionally measured on each cortical surface voxel by using a localized gradient vector trajectory in a fuzzy membership map. The proposed method could be useful for the 3D measurement of the cerebral cortical thickness on individual cortical surface voxels as an atrophy feature in AD..
348. Hidetaka Arimura, Ze Jin, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Katsumasa Nakamura, Taiki Magome, Masayuki Sasaki, Automated Method for Extraction of Lung Tumors Using a Machine Learning Classifier with Knowledge of Radiation Oncologists on Data Sets of Planning CT and FDG-PET/CT images, 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'13, in Osaka),(Invited Speaker), 2013.07, We have developed an automated method for extraction of lung tumors using a machine learning classifier with knowledge of radiation oncologists on data sets of treatment planning computed tomography (CT) and 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)-positron emission tomography (PET)/CT images. First, the PET images were registered with the treatment planning CT images through the diagnostic CT images of PET/CT. Second, six voxel-based features including voxel values and magnitudes of image gradient vectors were derived from each voxel in the planning CT and PET /CT image data sets. Finally, lung tumors were extracted by using a support vector machine (SVM), which learned 6 voxel-based features inside and outside each true tumor region determined by radiation oncologists. The results showed that the average DSCs for 3 and 6 features for three cases were 0.744 and 0.899, and thus the SVM may need 6 features to learn the distinguishable characteristics. The proposed method may be useful for assisting treatment planners in delineation of the tumor region..
349. Ze Jin, Hidetaka Arimura, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Jumpei Kuwazuru, Taiki Magome, Takahiro Nakamoto, Katsumasa Nakamura, Hidetake Yabuuchi, Hiroshi Honda, Fukai Toyofuku, Hideki Hirata, Masayuki Sasaki, Automated Segmentation of GTV in Treatment Planning CT Images for Lung Cancer Radiotherapy, 学会名:医用画像情報学会(MII)平成25年度年次(第166回)大会(福岡), 2013.06.
350. Takahiro Nakamoto, Hidetaka Arimura, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Asumi Mizoguchi, Katsumasa Nakamura, Jin Ze, Taka-aki Hirose, Hiroshi Honda, Yoshiyuki Umedu, Yasuhiko Nakamura, Hideki Hirata, 肺定位放射線治療時における2D/3Dレジストレーションを用いた4次元線量分布推定法の開発, 医用画像情報学会(MII)平成25年度次(第166回)大会,(福岡), 2013.06.
351. 奥好史, 有村 秀孝, 平木嘉幸, 豊田雅彦, 西郷康正, 池田睦, 中條政敬, 平田 秀紀, CT画像に基づく子宮頸癌腔内照射治療における3次元治療計画の有効性の前向き研究(p32), 日本放射線腫瘍学会第15回小線源治療部会(福岡), 2013.05.
352. Takahiro Nakamoto, Hidetaka Arimura, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Asumi Mizoguchi, Katsumasa Nakamura, Taka-aki Hirose, Hiroshi Honda, Yoshiyuki Umedu, Yasuhiko Nakamura, Fukai Toyofuku, Hideki Hirata, Automated estimation of four-dimensional dose distribution using electronic portal imaging device in stereotactic body radiotherapy, International Conference on the Use of Computers in Radiation Therapy(ICCR2013 Melbourne), 2013.05.
353. Ze Jin, Hidetaka Arimura, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Jumpei Kuwazuru, Taiki Magome, Katsumasa Nakamura, Hidetake Yabuuchi, Hiroshi Honda, Fukai Toyofuku, Hideki Hirata, Masayuki Sasaki, Computer-aided Delineation of Tumour Regions for Lung Cancer in Multimodality Images by Localized Level Set Method, International Conference on the Use of Computers in Radiation Therapy(ICCR2013 Melbourne), 2013.05.
354. Hidetaka Arimura, 領域抽出の基本 -物理と画像処理の良い関係- Basics of Image Segmentation -Good Relationship between Physics and Image Processing-, 第105回日本医学物理学会学術大会(横浜)(教育講演), 2013.04.
355. 松木孝臣, Hidetaka Arimura, Takashi Yoshiura, Chiaki Tokunaga, Hiroshi Honda, MSDE法を併用した3D TSE T1強調画像を用いた転移性脳腫瘍自動検出法の検討, 第68回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会(横浜), 2013.04.
356. 松木孝臣, Hidetaka Arimura, Kazushige Atsumi, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Katsumasa Nakamura, Hiroshi Honda, 人工ニューラルネットワークを用いた放射線治療後の食道狭窄予測, 第68回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会(横浜), 2013.04.
357. Mazen Soufi, Hidetaka Arimura, Katsumasa Nakamura, Ayumi Iwasaki, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Fukai Toyofuku, Hideki Hirata, Automated method for monitoring of patient positioning during treatment time based on range images, 第105回日本医学物理学会学術大会(横浜), 2013.04.
358. Ze Jin, Hidetaka Arimura, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Katsumasa Nakamura, Hidetake Yabuuchi, Hiroshi Honda, Fukai Toyofuku, Hideki Hirata, Masayuki Sasaki, Computer-Aided Delineation of Lung Tumor Regions in Treatment Planning CT Images by Localized Level Set Method Combined with PET/CT Images, 第105回日本医学物理学会学術大会(横浜), 2013.04.
359. Taka-aki Hirose, Hidetaka Arimura, Yoshiyuki Umedu, Yoshitaka Noguchi, Junichi Fukunaga, Naomi Hirano, Ryoji Matsumoto, Yoshitsugu Matsumoto, Saiji Ooga, 中村 和正, 前立腺IMRTにおけるCBCTを用いた線量評価指標の測定, 第105回日本医学物理学会学術大会(横浜), 2013.04.
360. Chiaki Tokunaga, Hidetaka Arimura, Takashi Yoshiura, Tomoyuki Ohara, Yasuo Yamashita, Syouichi Koga, Kouji Kobayashi, Taiki Magome, Yasuhiko Nakamura, Hiroshi Honda, アルツハイマー病診断のための3次元大脳皮質厚のヒストグラム解析方法の検討
, 第105回日本医学物理学会学術大会(横浜), 2013.04.
361. Taiki Magome, Hidetaka Arimura, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Asumi Mizoguchi, Katsumasa Nakamura, Yasuhiko Nakamura, Hiroshi Honda, Masafumi Ohki, Fukai Toyofuku, Hideki Hirata, Optimization method of beam directions based on similar cases in stereotactic body radiotherapy for lung cancers
, 第105回日本医学物理学会学術大会(横浜), 2013.04.
362. Arimura Hidetaka, Computer-Assisted Particle Therapy System Based on Computational Anatomy Models for Treatment Planning, Computational Anatomy for Computer-aided Diagnosis and Therapy (Osaka University), 2013.02.
363. 垣内玄雄,有村秀孝,塩山善之,蓑原伸一,溝口明日実,中村和正,本田 浩,豊福不可依,大喜雅文,平田秀紀, 粒子線治療における電子密度投影画像のパワースペクトルを用いたビーム方向最適化法の開発, 医用画像情報学会(MII)平成24年度春季(第165回)大会 (北九州), 2013.02.
364. Jin Z, Arimura H, Shioyama Y, Kuwazuru J, Magome T, Nakamura K, Honda H, Toyofuku F, Hirata H, Sasaki M., Computer-aided Delineation of Lung Tumor Regions in Treatment Planning CT Images and PET/CT Images Using Localized Level Set Approach, 電子情報通信学会 研究会(沖縄), 2013.01.
365. 有村秀孝,徳永千晶 ,吉浦敬,山下泰生,小林幸次,馬込大貴,本田浩,平田秀紀., ファジィメンバシップ画像における局所勾配ベクトル軌道を用いた三次元大脳皮質厚自動測定方法の開発, 平成24年度日本生体医工学会九州支部学術講演会(鹿児島), 2012.12.
366. Aoki M, Kozono K, Ohno M, Kamikawa Y, Arimura H, Toyofuku F., Evaluation of a Kinect-based Patient Positioning Assistance System for Temporal Subtraction, Radiological Society of North America 2012 (RSNA), CHICAGO, 2012.11.
367. 岩﨑あゆみ, 有村秀孝, 中村和正, Mazen Soofi, 塩山善之, 本田浩, 平田秀紀, 高精度放射線治療におけるTOF距離画像センサーを用いた患者セットアップエラーの検出方法の開発, 第7回九州放射線医療技術学術大会(長崎), 2012.11.
368. 長瀬圭将,有村秀孝,塩山善之,中村和正,垣内玄雄,神沢聡,本田浩,平田秀紀, 陽子線治療計画におけるGPU を用いた線量計算高速化, 第7回九州放射線医療技術学術大会(長崎), 2012.11.
369. 野中歩美, 有村秀孝, 馬込大貴, 塩山善之,中村和正, 本田浩, 平田秀紀, 肺定位放射線治療計画支援のためのSIFT(scale-invariant feature transform)特徴量を用いた類似画像の検索法の開発, 第7回九州放射線医療技術学術大会(長崎), 2012.11.
370. 仲本宗泰,有村秀孝,塩山善之,溝口明日実,中村和正,吉留郷志,廣瀬貴章,穴井重男,本田浩,梅津芳幸,中村泰彦,豊福不可依,大喜雅文,平田秀紀, EPIDに基づいた肺定位放射線治療における4次元線量分布自動推定法の開発, 日本放射線腫瘍学会第25回学術大会(東京), 2012.11.
371. 馬込大貴,有村秀孝,塩山善之,溝口明日実,徳永千晶,中村和正,本田浩,中村泰彦,豊福不可依,平田秀紀, 類似症例に基づくビームアングルの最適化方法の開発, 日本放射線腫瘍学会第25回学術大会(東京), 2012.11.
372. Nakamoto T, Arimura H, Shioyama Y, Mizoguchi A, Nakamura K, Yoshidome Y, Hirose T, Anai S, Honda H, Umezu Y, Nakamura Y, Toyofuku F, Ohki M, Hirata H., Computerized monitoring of a lung tumor motion in four-dimensional dose distribution in stereotactic body radiation therapy., International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia (IFMIA2012), (Korea) , 2012.11.
373. Arimura H., Computer-aided Neuroradiology Based on Magnetic Resonance Image Analysis, Machine Perception and Robotics (MPR2012) (Fukuoka) , 2012.10.
374. 溝口明日実,有村秀孝,塩山善之,仲本宗泰,吉留郷志,廣瀬貴章,穴井重男,本田浩,梅津芳幸,平田秀紀,大喜雅文,中村和正,豊福不可依, 放射線治療におけるEPIDに基づいた4次元線量分布自動推定法の開発, 医用画像情報学会(MII)平成24年度秋季第164回大会(仙台), 2012.10.
375. Arimura H, Kakiuchi G, Shioyama Y, Minohara S, Mizoguchi A, Nakamura K, Nakamura Y, Honda H, Toyofuku F, Ohki M, Hirata H., Computerized determination of robust beam directions against patient setup errors in hadron particle therapy (p.82-87), Workshop of Image-Guidance and Multimodal Dose Planning in Radiation Therapy, MICCAI 2012 (Nice) , 2012.10.
376. Magome T, Arimura H, Shioyama Y, Mizoguchi A, Tokunaga C, Nakamura K, Nakamura Y, Honda H, Ohki, Toyofuku F, Hirata H., Computer-assisted determination of the usable beam arrangement from similar treatment plans in stereotactic body radiotherapy (p.101-107), Workshop of Image-Guidance and Multimodal Dose Planning in Radiation Therapy, MICCAI 2012 (Nice) , 2012.10.
377. Jin Z, Arimura H, Kuwazuru J, Shioyama Y, Magome T, Nakamura K, Honda H, Toyofuku F, Sasaki, M Hirata H., Automated Contouring of Tumor Regions in Treatment Planning CT Images Using PET/CT Images Based on a Localized Level Set Method (p133-134), 第104回医学物理学会JSMP(つくば), 2012.09.
378. 奥好史, 有村秀孝, 平木嘉幸, 馬込大貴, 吉留郷志,西郷康正, 池田睦, 福島昇, 伊藤宗一郎, 中條政敬,平田秀紀, 子宮頸がん腔内照射治療における 2 次元と 3 次元治療計画の比較(p184-185), 第104回医学物理学会JSMP(つくば), 2012.09.
379. Arimura H, Jin Z, Kakiuchi G, Magome T, ShioyamaY, Nakamura K., Computational Image-Assisted Radiation Treatment Planning, Progress in Radiology 2012 (Tokyo) , 2012.09.
380. 徳永千晶、有村秀孝、吉浦敬、山下泰生、小林幸次、馬込大貴、本田浩、平田秀紀、豊福不可依、大喜雅文, ファジィマンバシップマップの局所勾配ベクトル軌道を用いたアルツハイマー病患者の大脳皮質厚自動測定方法の開発,(p.22), 第31回日本医用画像工学会大会JAMIT2012, (札幌), 2012.08.
381. Matsushita N, Arimura H, Shioyama Y, Magome T, Nakamura K, Umezu Y, Yoshitake T, Anai S, Yoshidome S, Honda H, Ohki M, Toyofuku F, Hirata H., Automated Estimation Method of Patient Setup Errors Using Simulated Portal Images for Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy (p3658), AAPM2012 (Charlott) , 2012.07.
382. Kakiuchi G, Arimura H, Shioyama Y, Minohara S, Mizoguchi A, Nakamura K, Honda H, Toyofuku F, Ohki M, Hirata H., Development of automated determination method of robust beam directions against patient setup errors based on spatial distribution of electron density in particle therapy (p3965), AAPM2012 (Charlott) , 2012.08.
383. Magome T, Arimura H, Shioyama Y, Mizoguchi A, Tokunaga C, Nakamura K, Honda H, Ohki, Toyofuku F, Hirata H., Similar-case-based optimization of beam arrangements in stereotactic body radiation therapy (p.3908), AAPM2012 (Charlott) , 2012.07.
384. Shioyama Y, Magome T, Nakamura K, Arimura H, Yoshitake T, Sasaki T, Ohga S, Shinoto M, Asai K, Honda H., Predictive Role of Mean Electron Density in Gross Tumor Volume for Local Control in Stage I Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Treated with Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy, The S. Takahashi Memorial Symposium (Hiroshima) , 2012.07.
385. 仲本宗泰,有村秀孝,塩山善之,溝口明日実,中村和正,吉留聡,廣瀬貴章,穴井重男,本田浩,梅津芳幸,中村泰彦,豊福不可依,大喜雅文,平田秀紀, 放射線治療におけるEPIDを用いた4次元線量分布自動推定法の開発, 第25回日本高精度放射線外部照射研究会(広島), 2012.07.
386. Kakiuchi G, Arimura H, Shioyama Y, Minohara S, MIzoguchi A, Nakamura K, Honda H, Toyofuku F, Ohki M, Hirata H., Computerized decision making method of robust beam directions against patient displacements in particle therapy based on power spectral analysis, The 6th S. Takahashi Memorial Symposium (Hiroshima), 2012.07.
387. 山下泰生, 有村秀孝, 吉浦 敬, 徳永千晶, 桑水流純平, 馬込大貴, 門司 晃, 小林幸次, 古閑省一, 中村泰彦, 大屋信義, 本田 浩, 大喜 雅文, 豊福不可依, MR脳血流マップ画像を用いたアルツハイマー病の鑑別支援システムの開発, 医用画像情報学会MII平成24年度年次(第163回)大会, (金沢), 2012.06.
388. Kakiuchi G, Arimura H, Shioyama Y, Minohara S, MIzoguchi A, Honda H, Toyofuku F, Ohki M, Hirata H., Automated determination of robust beam directions against patient setup errors based on electron density spatial distribution in hadron particle therapy, World Congress Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (WC2012), (Beijing), IFMBE Proceedings Vol.39, 1772-1775, 2012.05.
389. Jin Ze, Arimura H, Shioyama Y, Fukuta M, Magome T, Kakiuchi G, Nakamura K, Honda H, Hirata H, Toyofuku F., Computer-aided radiotherapy: extraction of bronchial regions in treatment planning CT images, World Congress Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (WC2012), (Beijing), 2012.05.
390. 有村秀孝, MR画像解析に基づく脳疾患のためのコンピュータ支援診断システムの研究開発, 第51回日本生体医工学会大会(福岡), 2012.05.
391. 有村秀孝, 画像工学から見た放射線治療における画像融合と検証の可能性(p.82), 第103回日本医学物理学会学術大会(横浜), 2012.04.
392. Jin Ze, Arimura H, Shioyama Y, Fukuta M, Magome T, Kakiuchi G, Nakamura K, Honda H, Hirata H, Toyofuku F., Development of an automated method for segmentation of bronchial regions in planning CT images (p.237), 第103回日本医学物理学会学術大会(横浜), 2012.04.
393. 馬込大貴,有村秀孝,塩山善之,溝口明日実,徳永千晶,中村和正,本田 浩,大喜雅文,豊福不可依,平田秀紀, 肺定位放射線治療計画支援のための類似症例に基づくビーム方向自動決定法の開発(p.183), 第103回日本医学物理学会学術大会(横浜), 2012.04.
394. 垣内玄雄,有村秀孝,塩山善之,蓑原伸一,溝口明日実,中村和正,本田 浩,豊福不可依,大喜雅文,平田秀紀, 粒子線治療計画における電子密度分布に基づいたビーム方向自動決定法の開発(p.258), 第103回日本医学物理学会学術大会(横浜), 2012.04.
395. 松下矩正,有村秀孝,塩山善之,廣瀬貴章,梅津芳幸,中村和正,馬込大貴,吉留郷志,本田浩,豊福不可依,平田秀紀, 前立腺癌放射線治療のための患者セットアップエラーの自動測定法の開発 (p.105), 第103回日本医学物理学会学術大会(横浜), 2012.04.
396. 仲本宗泰,有村秀孝,徳永千晶,荒木翔,小坂克子,栂尾理,高橋昌哉, UTEシーケンスで撮像されたマウスのMR画像における肺の3次元T2*マッピング方法の開発(p.235), 第103回日本医学物理学会学術大会(横浜), 2012.04.
397. 垣内玄雄,有村秀孝,塩山善之,蓑原伸一,溝口明日実,中村和正,本田 浩,豊福不可依,大喜雅文,平田秀紀, 粒子線治療における患者セットアップエラーにロバストなビーム方向自動決定法の開発, 2012年春季 第59回 応用物理学関係連合講演会, 2012.03.
398. 神沢 聡,有村秀孝,垣内玄雄,納冨昭弘,塩山善之,中村和正,豊福不可依, ペンシルビーム法を用いた陽子線線量分布計算アルゴリズムの開発と治療計画への適用と応用, 2012年春季 第59回 応用物理学関係連合講演会, 2012.03.
399. Magome T, Arimura H, Shioyama Y, Mizoguchi A, Tokunaga C, Nakamura K, Honda H, Ohki M, Toyofuku F, Hirata H., Computer-assisted radiation treatment planning system for determination of beam directions based on similar cases in a database for stereotactic body radiotherapy, SPIE Medical Imaging 2012, San Diego, 2012.02, The purpose of this study was to investigate the feasibility of beam arrangements determined using similar planning cases in a radiotherapy treatment planning (RTP) database of the results from experienced treatment planners.
The proposed method suggested usable beam arrangements with little difference from cases in the RTP database, and thus it could be employed as an educational tool for less experienced treatment planners..
400. 荒木翔,有村秀孝,吉浦敬,徳永千晶,山下泰生,本田浩,平田秀紀,豊福不可依,大喜雅文, アルツハイマー型認知症のコンピュータ支援診断のための海馬領域自動抽出方法の開発, メディカルイメージング連合フォーラム(沖縄), 2012.01.
401. 馬込大貴,有村秀孝,塩山善之,徳永千晶,中村和正,本田 浩,大喜雅文,豊福不可依,平田秀紀, 放射線治療計画支援のための類似症例を用いたビーム方向決定法の開発, メディカルイメージング連合フォーラム(沖縄), 2012.01.
402. Arimura H, Kuwazuru J, Shioyama Y, Taniyama E, Magome T, Nakamura K, Honda H, Hirata H, Sasaki M, Toyofuku F., Automated Contouring of Tumor Regions in CT Images Using an Adaptive Level Set Method(P.46-49), IWAIT2012, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 2012.01.
403. Araki S, Arimura H, Yoshiura T, Tokunaga C, Yamashita Y, Ohki M, Honda H, Hirata H, Toyofuku F., A Novel Segmentation Method for Three-Dimensional Hippocampal Regions based on Bayes’ Theorem and Probabilistic Atlases: Development and Application to Alzheimer’s Disease, Radiological Society of North America 2011 (RSNA), CHICAGO, 2011.12.
404. Yamashita Y, Arimura H, Yoshiura T, Tokunaga C, Monji A, Toyofuku F, Kuwazuru J, Magome T, Kobayashi K, Nakamura Y, Ohya N, Honda H, Ohki M., Computer-aided Classification System for Alzheimer's Disease Based on Functional Image Features of Arterial Spin Labeling Cerebral Blood Flow, Radiological Society of North America 2011 (RSNA), CHICAGO, 2011.12.
405. 岡田昌洋,中村和正,穴井重男,吉留郷志,平田秀紀,有村秀孝,永田弘典, IMRT治療における吸引式固定具のセットアップエラーの検討, 第24回日本放射線腫瘍学会(JASTRO)神戸, 2011.11.
406. 馬込大貴,有村秀孝,塩山善之,徳永千晶,中村和正,穴井重男,本田 浩,大喜雅文,豊福不可依,平田秀紀, 肺定位放射線治療における類似症例を用いたビームアングルの自動決定法, 第24回日本放射線腫瘍学会(JASTRO)神戸, 2011.11.
407. 桑水流純平、有村秀孝、塩山善之、谷山恵里奈、馬込大貴、中村和正、本田浩、豊福不可依、平田秀紀、佐々木雅之, 治療計画CTとPET-CT画像を利用した肺腫瘍領域自動抽出方法の開発, 第24回日本放射線腫瘍学会(JASTRO)神戸, 2011.11, 本研究の目的はCT(computed tomography)画像やPET(positron emission tomography)画像等のマルチモダリティー画像を利用して,GTV(gross tumor volume) を自動抽出することである.
408. 溝口明日実,有村秀孝,吉留郷志,廣瀬貴章,塩山善之,穴井重男,中村和正,梅津芳幸,本田浩,平田秀紀, 肺定位放射線治療におけるガンマ解析に基づいた肺腫瘍領域線量分布のモニタリング法の開発, 第24回日本放射線腫瘍学会(JASTRO)神戸, 2011.11.
409. 山下泰生,有村秀孝,吉浦 敬,徳永千晶,桑水流純平,馬込大貴,門司晃,小林幸次,古閑省一,中村泰彦,大屋信義,本田 浩,大喜雅文,豊福不可依, ASLの脳血流マップを用いたアルツハイマー型認知症の鑑別支援診断システムの開発, 医用画像情報学会,徳島, 2011.10.
410. 松木孝臣・有村秀孝・渥美和重・塩山善之・中村和正・本田浩, 人工ニューラルネットワークを用いた放射線治療後の食道狭窄率予測, 第6回九州医療技術学術大会,鹿児島, 2011.11.
411. 仲本宗泰,有村秀孝,徳永千晶,荒木翔,小坂克子,栂尾理,高橋昌哉, マウスのMR画像における肺の3次元T2*マッピング方法の開発, 第6回九州医療技術学術大会,鹿児島, 2011.11.
412. 神沢聡、有村秀孝、納冨昭弘、塩山善之、豊福不可依, 陽子線治療におけるペンシルビーム法の線量分布計算アルゴリズムの検討, 第6回九州医療技術学術大会,鹿児島, 2011.11.
413. 松下矩正,有村秀孝,塩山善之,馬込大貴,吉留郷志,本田浩,中村和正,梅津芳幸,豊福不可依,平田秀紀, 放射線治療のための患者セットアップエラー自動検出方法の開発, 第6回九州医療技術学術大会,鹿児島, 2011.11.
414. 吉田千晃、有村秀孝、徳永千晶、馬込大貴、山下泰生, 高速医用画像レジストレーションアルゴリズムの検討, 第6回九州医療技術学術大会,鹿児島, 2011.11.
415. Kakiuchi G, Arimura H, Shioyama Y, Nagano A, Minohara S, Mizoguchi A, Honda H, Toyofuku F, Ohki M, Hirata H., Optimization Of Robust Beam Angles To Patient Setup Errors For Head and Neck Cancer In Hadron Particle Therapy, ASTRO 2011, Miami Beach , 2011.10.
416. Mizoguchi A, Arimura H, Yoshidome S, Hirose T, Shioyama Y, Anai S, Nakamura K, Honda H, Toyofuku F, Hirata H., Real-time monitoring of a lung tumor region based on gamma evaluation using portal dose cine images during stereotactic body radiotherapy, ASTRO 2011, Miami Beach , 2011.10.
417. Magome T, Arimura H, Shioyama Y, Tokunaga C, Nakamura K, Anai S, Honda H, Ohki M, Toyofuku F, Hirata H., Automated Determination of Beam Arrangement Based on Similar Cases in Radiotherapy Treatment Planning Database for Lung Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy, ASTRO 2011, Miami Beach, 2011.10.
418. Kuwazuru J, Arimura H, Shioyama Y, Taniyama E, Sasaki M, Magome T, Nakamura K, Honda H, Toyofuku F, Hirata H., Computerized Contouring of Gross Tumor Volume Based On Multimodality Images Using an an Adaptive Level Set Method, ASTRO2011, Miami Beach, 2011.10.
419. Mizoguchi A, Arimura H, Yoshidome S, Hirose T, Shioyama Y, Anai S, Nakamura K, Honda H, Umezu Y, Hirata H, Ohki M, Toyofuku F., Real-time monitoring of a lung tumor region based on gamma evaluation during stereotactic body radiotherapy, 6th Japan-Korea Joint Meeting on Medical Physics (JKMP), 11th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics(AOCMP), Fukuoka, 2011.09.
420. Tokunaga C, Arimura H, Yoshiura T, Yamashita Y, Kobayashi K, Magome T, Honda H, Hirata H, Toyofuku F, Ohki M., Automated measurement of three-dimensional cortical thicknesses in ten cerebral lobar regions for patients with Alzheimer's disease, 6th Japan-Korea Joint Meeting on Medical Physics (JKMP), 11th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics(AOCMP), Fukuoka, 2011.09.
421. Magome T, Arimura H, Shioyama Y, Tokunaga C, Nakamura K, Honda H, Ohki M, Hirata H, Toyofuku F., Automated method for determination of beam directions based on similar cases for lung stereotactic body radiotherapy. , 6th Japan-Korea Joint Meeting on Medical Physics (JKMP), 11th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics(AOCMP), Fukuoka, 2011.10, The aim of this study was to develop an automated method for determination of beam directions based on
similar cases in a radiotherapy treatment planning (RTP) database.
The proposed system could be used as an educational tool for less experienced treatment planners with
the RTP database of the senior experienced planners..
422. Kuwazuru J, Arimura H, Shioyama Y, Taniyama E, Magome T, Nakamura K, Honda H, Toyofuku F, Hirata H, Sasaki M., Computerized Delineation of Gross Tumor Volumes in Treatment Planning CT Images Using an Adaptive Level Set Method, 6th Japan-Korea Joint Meeting on Medical Physics (JKMP), 11th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics(AOCMP), Fukuoka, 2011.09.
423. 有村秀孝、溝口明日実、吉留郷志、廣瀬貴章、塩山善之、穴井重男、中村和正、本田浩、梅津芳幸、豊福不可依、平田秀紀、大喜雅文, 肺定位放射線治療における肺腫瘍領域線量分布のモニタリング法の開発, 2011年度電子情報通信学会医用画像研究会、つくば, 2011.09.
424. 溝口明日実,有村秀孝,吉留郷志,廣瀬貴章,塩山善之,穴井重男,中村和正,本田浩,梅津芳幸,豊福不可依,平田秀紀,大喜雅文, 肺定位放射線治療におけるシネ画像とガンマ解析に基づいた腫瘍領域の線量分布モニタリング法の開発, 2011年秋季第72回 応用物理学会学術講演会,山形, 2011.08.
425. 垣内玄雄,有村秀孝,塩山善之,永野あい,蓑原伸一, 溝口明日実,本田浩,豊福不可衣,大喜雅文,平田秀紀, モンテカルロシミュレーションを用いた粒子線治療における頭頸部領域の患者位置ずれの線量分布への影響, 2011年秋季第72回 応用物理学会学術講演会,山形, 2011.08.
426. 荒木翔,有村秀孝,吉浦敬,徳永千晶,山下泰生,本田浩,平田秀紀,豊福不可依,大喜雅文, 海馬領域の統計的アトラスに基づく自動抽出方法の開発, 第30回日本医用画像工学会学術大会(JAMIT),栃木, 2011.08.
427. 徳永千晶,有村秀孝,吉浦敬,山下泰生,小林幸次,馬込大貴,本田浩,平田秀紀,豊福不可依,大喜雅文, 3次元T1強調画像を用いたアルツハイマー病の鑑別支援システムの開発, 第30回日本医用画像工学会学術大会(JAMIT),栃木, 2011.08.
428. 溝口明日実,有村秀孝,吉留郷志,橘昌幸,廣瀬貴章,穴井重男,塩山善之, EPIDを用いた線量分布画像自動取得方法の開発, 第67回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会(Web開催), 2011.05.
429. 徳永千晶,有村秀孝,吉浦敬,山下泰生,馬込大貴,本田浩,平田秀紀,豊福不可依,大喜雅文, アルツハイマー病診断のためのファジィc平均法を用いた大脳皮質抽出法の開発, 第67回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会(Web開催), 2011.05.
430. 垣内玄雄,有村秀孝,塩山善之,溝口明日実,永野あい,蓑原伸一,馬込大貴,本田浩,平田秀紀, 粒子線治療における患者位置ずれによる線量分布変化のモンテカルロシミュレーション, 第101回日本医学物理学会学術大会(Web開催), 2011.05.
431. 荒木翔,有村秀孝,吉浦敬,徳永千晶,山下泰生,本田浩,平田秀紀,豊福不可依,大喜雅文, アルツハイマー型認知症における海馬領域の自動抽出方法の開発, 第101回日本医学物理学会学術大会(Web開催), 2011.05.
432. 吉留郷志, 有村秀孝, 塩山善之, 中村和正, 穴井重男, 中村浩太 ,野元諭, 本田浩, 豊福不可依, 平田秀紀, EPIDシネ画像におけるガウシアン像強調フィルタを用いた腫瘍位置のずれ量自動推定方法の開発, 第101回日本医学物理学会学術大会(Web開催), 2011.05.
433. 山下泰生、有村秀孝、吉浦 敬、徳永千晶、馬込大貴、中村泰彦、 大屋信義、本田 浩、大喜雅文、豊福不可依, ASLによる機能的特徴量に基づいたアルツハイマー病鑑別支援システムの構築, 第67回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会(Web開催), 2011.05.
434. 溝口明日実,有村秀孝,吉留郷志,橘昌幸,廣瀬貴章,塩山善之,穴井重男,中村和正,板野航,本田浩,豊福不可依,大喜雅文,平田秀紀, EPIDを用いた線量分布画像自動取得方法の評価, 医用画像情報学会(MII)春季大会、九州大学, 2011.02.
435. 吉留郷志, 有村秀孝, 塩山善之, 中村和正, 穴井重男, 中村浩太, 野元諭 , 本田浩, 豊福不可依, 寺嶋廣美, 平田秀紀, 肺定位放射線治療のEPID画像におけるガウシアン像強調フィルタを用いた腫瘍位置自動推定方法の開発, 医用画像情報学会(MII)春季大会,九州大学, 2011.02.
436. Itano W, Arimura H, Shioyama Y, Magome T, Yoshitake T, Anai S, Nakamura K, Yoshidome S, Tachibana M, Nomoto S, Honda H, Ohki M, Toyofuku F, Hirata H., Computerized verification method for patient setup using portal images during radiation treatment of prostate cancer (P.227-230), International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia (IFMIA)2011, Okinnawa , 2011.01.
437. Kuwazuru J, Arimura H, Kakeda S, Yamamoto D, Magome T, Yamashita Y, Ohki M, Toyofuku F, Korogi Y., Automated Detection of Multiple Sclerosis Lesions: False Positive Removal Method Using an ANN-controlled Speed Function in a Level Set Method, International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia (IFMIA)2011, Okinnawa, 2011.01.
438. Tokunaga C, Arimura H, Yoshiura T, Yamashita Y, Magome T, Honda H, Hirata H, Toyofuku F, Ohki M., Automated Fuzzy-based Segmentation of Brain Parenchymal Regions into Gray Matter and White Matter with Alzheimer’s Disease in 3.0 T Magnetic Resonance Images, Radiological Society of North America 2010 (RSNA), CHICAGO, 2010.12.
439. 垣内玄雄,有村秀孝,馬込大貴,溝口明日実,本田浩,塩山善之, 粒子線治療計画におけるビームアングル最適化方法の開発, 第5回九州放射線医療技術学会学術大会(JSRT), 2010.11.
440. 山根ひろ美,有村秀孝、板野航、穴井重男、中村和正、吉留郷志,塩山善之、豊福不可依,平田秀紀, 放射線治療におけるinterfractionalセットアップエラーの自動検出法の開発, 第5回九州放射線医療技術学会学術大会(JSRT), 2010.11.
441. 福田麻里子,有村秀孝,塩山善之,桑水流純平,馬込大貴,中村和正,豊福不可依,平田秀紀, 放射線治療のための肺区域自動抽出方法の開発, 第5回九州放射線医療技術学会学術大会(JSRT), 2010.11.
442. 荒木翔,有村秀孝,吉浦敬,徳永千晶,山下泰生,本田浩,平田秀紀,豊福不可依,大喜雅文, アルツハイマー型認知症おける海馬領域の自動領域抽出方法の開発, 第5回九州放射線医療技術学会学術大会(JSRT), 2010.11.
443. 谷山恵里奈,有村秀孝,馬込大貴,塩山善之,中村和正,豊福不可依,平田秀紀, 放射線治療計画におけるマルチモダリティ画像情報を用いた肺腫瘍領域の自動抽出, 第5回九州放射線医療技術学会学術大会(JSRT)、熊本, 2010.11.
444. 山神昭彦,有村秀孝,塩山善之,宮本浩仁,楠原和朗, OBI画像とDRR画像を用いた位置照合方法の基礎的検討, 第5回九州放射線医療技術学会学術大会(JSRT)、熊本, 2010.11.
445. 溝口明日実,有村秀孝,吉留郷志,橘昌幸,塩山善之,穴井重男,中村和正,本田浩,豊福不可依,平田秀紀, 放射線治療におけるEPIDに基づいた線量分布画像取得方法の検討, 第23回日本放射線腫瘍学会学術大会(JASTRO)、東京, 2010.11.
446. 板野航、有村秀孝、塩山善之、吉武忠正、穴井重男、中村和正、吉留郷志、橘昌幸、本田浩、平田秀紀, 高精度放射線治療における患者セットアップエラーの自動推定法の開発, 第23回日本放射線腫瘍学会学術大会(JASTRO)、東京, 2010.11.
447. 岡田昌洋,平田秀紀,大浦弘樹,有村秀孝,深堀麻衣,佐々木智成,上原智, X線全身照射における吸収線量実測値の検討, 第23回日本放射線腫瘍学会学術大会(JASTRO)、東京, 2010.11.
448. Itano W, Arimura H, Shioyama Y, Magome T, Yoshitake T, Anai S, Nakamura K, Yoshidome S, Tachibana M, Honda H, Hirata H., Automated Verification Method for Patient Setup Based on Digitally Reconstructed Radiography and Portal Image for Prostate Cancer Treatment, 10th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics 2010(AOCMP), Taipei, p89-90, 2010.10, 外部照射による放射線治療において,多くの施設では医師が治療計画画像とポータル画像における患者位置を目視比較して,セットアップエラーを主観的に評価している.そこで,本研究の目的は放射線治療時の患者セットアップエラーの自動検出法を開発することである.本手法では,治療計画画像をポータル画像にレジストレーションして治療時の患者の体位に合わせた照射部位テンプレートを作成し,テンプレートマッチングに基づきセットアップエラーを計算した.本手法の評価は,医師が決定したゴールドスタンダードとの残余誤差を計算することで行った.本手法による放射線治療時のセットアップエラーの自動検出法は有用である可能性を示した..
449. Kuwazuru J, Arimura H, Kakeda S, Yamamoto D, Magome T,Yamashita Y, Ohki M, Toyofuku F, Korogi Y., Automated Segmentation of Multiple Selerosis Candidate Regions using a Level Set Method based on an Aritificial Neural Network., 10th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics 2010(AOCMP), Taipei, p91, 2010.10.
450. 有村秀孝, 医学物理における医用画像処理の役割, 第100回日本医学物理学会学術大会(JSMP), 東京, Vol.30, Sup.5, Sep.2010, pp56, 2010.09.
451. 溝口明日実,有村秀孝,吉留郷志,橘昌幸,廣瀬貴章,塩山善之,穴井重男,中村和正,板野航,本田浩,豊福不可依,大喜雅文,平田秀紀, EPIDに基づく線量分布画像の取得方法の検討, 第100回日本医学物理学会学術大会(JSMP), 東京, Vol.30, Sup.5, Sep.2010, pp122-123, 2010.09.
452. 桑水流純平,有村秀孝,掛田伸吾,山本大輔,馬込大貴,山下泰生,大喜雅文,豊福不可依,興梠征典, ANNを用いたレベルセット法に基づく多発性硬化症病変部候補領域の検出の試み, 第100回日本医学物理学会学術大会(JSMP), 東京, Vol.30, Sup.5, Sep.2010, p96-97, 2010.09.
453. 有村秀孝, 画像誘導放射線治療を支える医用画像処理技術, 第100回日本医学物理学会学術大会(JSMP), 東京, Vol.30, Sup.4, Sep.2010, pp25-42, 2010.09.
454. Yamashita Y, Arimura H, Yoshiura T, Tokunaga C, Magome T, Monji A, NakamuraY, Ohya N, Honda H, Higashida Y, Ohki M, Toyofuku F., Computerized Classification of Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease Based on Arterial Spin-Labeled perfusion MRI. , World Automation Congress 2010 (WAC),Kobe, 2010.09.
455. Tokunaga C, Arimura H, Yoshiura T, Yamashita Y, Magome T, Honda H, Hirata H, Toyofuku F, Ohki M., Fuzzy-Based Segmentation of Brain Parenchymal Regions with Alzheimer's Disease into Cerebral Cortex and with Matter in 3.0-T Magnetic Resonance Images, World Automation Congress 2010 (WAC), Kobe, 2010.09, アルツハイマー病 (Alzheimer’s disease: AD)の画像診断では,皮質の体積などの評価が行われているが,定量化が困難で,時間がかかる診断である.そこで本研究では,ファジィc平均クラスタリング(fuzzy c-means clustering: FCM) を用いて脳実質領域から大脳皮質を抽出する方法の開発を試みる.開発した手法を4名のAD患者と4名の健常者の3.0T脳MR (magnetic resonance)画像に適用した.本研究で,開発した手法がADのコンピュータ支援診断に利用できる可能性を示した.
456. Itano W, Arimura H, Shioyama Y, Magome T, Yoshitake T, Anai S, Nakamura K, Yoshidome S, Tachibana M, Nomoto S, Honda H, Ohki M, Toyofuku F, Hirata H., Automated Verification Method for Patient Setup Based on Digitally Reconstructed Radiography and Portal Image for Prostate Cancer Treatment, World Automation Congress 2010 (WAC), Kobe, 2010.09.
457. 有村秀孝, 高精度放射線治療を支える医用画像処理, 第71回応用物理学会学術講演会,長崎, 2010.09.
458. 徳永千晶,有村秀孝,吉浦敬,山下泰生,馬込大貴,本田浩,豊福不可依,大喜雅文, アルツハイマー病における脳実質の自動領域分割法の開発, 第29回日本医用画像工学会(JAMIT),伊勢原, 2010.07.
459. 山下泰生, 有村秀孝, 吉浦 敬, 徳永千晶,馬込大貴,門司晃,小林幸次, 古閑省一,中村泰彦, 大屋信義, 本田 浩, 大喜雅文,豊福不可依, ASLのCBFマップ画像を用いたアルツハイマー病の鑑別支援システムの開発, 第29回日本医用画像工学会(JAMIT),伊勢原, 2010.07.
460. 桑水流純平,有村秀孝,掛田伸吾,山本大輔,馬込大貴,山下泰生,大喜雅文,豊福不可依,興梠征典, ANNを利用したレベルセット法に基づく多発性硬化症病変部検出方法の開発, 第29回日本医用画像工学会,伊勢原, 2010.07.
461. 板野航、有村秀孝、塩山善之、馬込大貴、吉武忠正、穴井重男、中村和正、吉留郷志、橘昌幸、野本諭、本田浩、大喜雅文、豊福不可依、平田秀紀, ポータル画像と治療計画DRR画像に基づく患者セットアップエラーの自動推定法の開発, 第29回日本医用画像工学会(JAMIT),伊勢原, 2010.07.
462. Mizoguchi A, Arimura H, Yoshidome S, Tachibana M, Shioyama Y, Anai S, Nakamura K, Honda H, Higashida Y, Toyofuku F, Ohki M, Hirata H., Estimation of Lateral Scatter Kernels in EPID and Water Equivalent Phantom for Dose Verification in Stereotactic Lung Radiotherapy, American Association of Physicists in Medicine(AAPM),Philadelphia, 2010.07.
463. Yoshidome Y, Arimura H, Tachibana M, Shioyama Y, Nomoto S, Fukunaga J, Hirano N, Noguchi Y, Toyofuku F, Honda H, Hirata H., Automated Measurement of Water Equivalent Path Length of a Patient Based On a Computed Radiography in Total Body Irradiation, American Association of Physicists in Medicine(AAPM),Philadelphia, 2010.07.
464. Arimura H, Shioyama Y, Nakamura K, Yoshitake T, Anai S, Nomoto S, Honda H, Toyofuku F, Higashida Y, Onizuka Y, Terashima H, Hirata H., Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy : Computer-Assisted Verification of a Lung Tumor Region Using EPID Without Implanted Markers, American Association of Physicists in Medicine(AAPM),Philadelphia, 2010.07.
465. Arimura H., State-of-the-art CAD - Brain MR Images, International Conference Medical Biometrics (ICMB),Hong Kong, 2010.06.
466. Arimura H, Shioyama Y, Nakamura K, Yoshitake T, Anai S, Nomoto S, Honda H, Toyofuku F, Higashida Y, Onizuka Y, Terashima H, Hirata H., Computer-aided verification of a lung tumor location using EPID without implanted markers in stereotactic body radiotherapy, Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS),Geneva, 2010.06.
467. Yamashita Y, Arimura H, Yoshiura T, Tokunaga C, Magome T, Monji A, NakamuraY, Ohya N, Honda H, Ohki M, Higashida Y, Toyofuku F., Computer-aided Classification of Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease Based on Cerebral Blood Flow Map measured by Arterial Spin Labeling MRI, Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS),Geneva, 2010.06.
468. Magome T, Arimura H, Shioyama Y, Nakamura K, Yoshitake T, Nomoto S, Anai S, Honda H, Ohki M, Toyofuku F, Onizuka Y, Higashida Y, Hirata H., Automated selection of similar cases with brain tumors using MR images for assisting radiation treatment planning, Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS),Geneva, 2010.06.
469. 吉留郷志,有村秀孝, 橘昌幸, 塩山善之, 野元諭 , 福永淳, 平野奈緒美, 野口佳孝, 豊福不可依, 本田浩, 平田秀紀, CR撮影に基づく全身照射用 水補償フィルタ作成方法の開発, 第99回日本医学物理学会学術大会, 2010.04.
470. 溝口明日実,有村秀孝,吉留郷志,橘昌幸,塩山善之,穴井重男,中村和正,本田浩,東田善治,豊福不可依,大喜雅文,平田秀紀, EPIDと水等価ファントムの側方散乱カーネルの測定, 第99回日本医学物理学会学術大会(JRC), 2010.04.
471. 川田秀道,有村秀孝,大倉順,梨子木一高,林田和也,才田義文,早渕尚文, 骨盤部X線画像における前立腺癌永久挿入密封小線源治療用ヨウ素125シード線源数の自動推定方法の開発, 第66回日本放射線技術学会, 2010.04.
472. 山下泰生, 有村秀孝, 吉浦 敬, 小林幸次, 豊福不可依, 大喜雅文, 中村泰彦, 本田 浩, ASLによるCBFマップに基づいたアルツハイマー病の鑑別支援システムの開発, 第66回日本放射線技術学会, 2010.04.
473. 桑水流純平,有村秀孝,掛田伸吾,山本大輔,馬込大貴,山下泰生,大喜雅文,豊福不可依,東田善治,興梠征典, レベルセット法に基づく多発性硬化症病変部候補領域検出方法の開発, 第99回日本医学物理学会学術大会, 2010.04.
474. 板野航、有村秀孝、塩山善之、馬込大貴、吉武忠正、穴井重男、中村和正、橘昌幸、吉留郷志、野本諭、本田浩、大喜雅文、豊福不可依、平田秀紀, 放射線治療におけるポータル画像と治療計画DRR画像に基づく照射位置の自動照合法の開発, 第66回日本放射線技術学会(JSRT),横浜, 2010.04.
475. 徳永千晶,有村秀孝,吉浦敬,山下泰生,本田浩,東田善治,豊福不可依,大喜雅文, T1強調MR画像における脳実質の自動領域分割法の開発, 第99回日本医学物理学会学術大会(JRC),横浜, 2010.04.
476. 馬込大貴,有村秀孝,塩山善之,中村和正,穴井重男,本田浩,平田秀紀., 放射線治療計画支援のための類似症例提示システムの開発, 第66回日本放射線技術学会, 2010.04.
477. Yamashita Y, Arimura H, Yoshiura T, Monji A, Noguchi T, Toyofuku F, Oki M, Nakamura Y, Honda H., Computer-aided classification of patients with dementia of Alzheimer's type based on cerebral blood flow determined with arterial spin labeling technique., SPIE International Symposium Medical Imaging,San Diego, 2010.02.
478. Arimura H, Kawata Y, Yamashita Y, Magome T, Ohki M, Toyofuku F, Higashida Y, Tsuchiya K., Computerized evaluation method of white matter hyperintensities related to subcortical vascular dementia in brain MR images., SPIE International Symposium Medical Imaging, 2010.02.
479. 馬込大貴,有村秀孝,塩山善之,中村和正,野元諭,大西かよ子,穴井重男,本田浩,大喜雅文,豊福不可依,鬼塚昌彦,平田秀紀, 高精度放射線治療計画支援のための類似症例検索システムの開発, 第21回日本高精度放射線外部照射研究会, 2010.01.
480. 山下泰生,有村秀孝,吉浦敬,馬込大貴,小林幸次,門司晃,豊福不可依,大喜雅文,中村泰彦,本田浩, ASLによる脳血流マップに基づいたアルツハイマー型認知症の鑑別支援診断システムの開発, 電子情報通信学会(IEICE), 2010.01.
481. 馬込大貴,有村秀孝,塩山善之,中村和正,野元諭,大西かよ子,穴井重男,本田浩,大喜雅文,豊福不可依,鬼塚昌彦,平田秀紀, 放射線治療のための類似症例検索方法の開発, 電子情報通信学会(IEICE), 2010.01.
482. 板野航,有村秀孝,塩山善之,馬込大貴,吉武忠正,穴井重男,中村和正,吉留郷志,橘昌幸,野元諭,本田浩,大喜雅文,豊福不可依,平田秀紀, 放射線治療におけるポータル画像とDRR画像に基づいたセットアップエラーの推定方法の開発, 電子情報通信学会(IEICE), 2010.01.
483. 山下泰生、有村秀孝、吉浦 敬、小林幸次、豊福不可依、大喜雅文、中村泰彦、本田 浩, Arterial Spin Labelingによる脳機能画像に基づくアルツハイマー病のコンピューター支援診断システムの開発 , 第4回九州放射線医療技術学術大会, 2009.11.
484. 桑水流純平,有村秀孝,掛田伸吾,山本大輔,馬込大貴,山下泰生,大喜雅文,豊福不可依,東田善治,興梠征典, 3TMR画像を用いた多発性硬化症候補領域検出方法の開発 , 第4回九州放射線医療技術学術大会, 2009.11.
485. 徳永千晶、有村秀孝、吉浦敬、山下泰生、本田浩、東田善治、豊福不可依、大喜雅文, T1強調MR画像における脳実質の自動領域分割, 第4回九州放射線医療技術学術大会, 2009.11.
486. 溝口明日実,有村秀孝,吉留郷志,橘昌幸,塩山善之,本田浩,東田善治,豊福不可依,大喜雅文,平田秀紀, ポータル画像を用いたEPIDの側方散乱カーネルの測定, 第4回九州放射線医療技術学術大会, 2009.11.
487. 有村秀孝, 研究デザインと論文化, 第4回九州放射線医療技術学術大会, 2009.11.
488. Arimura H, Shioyama Y, Nakamura K, Anai S, Nomoto S, Hirata H, Honda H, Toyofuku F, Onizuka Y, Terashima H., Automated Localization Method for a Lung Tumor on EPID Images without Implanted Markers in Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy, The American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ASTRO), 2009.11.
489. Kawata H, Arimura H, Suefuji H, Ohkura S, Ono H, Saida H, Hayabuchi N., Automated Identification of Radioactive Iodine-125 Seed Locations using Pelvic Radiography in Prostate Brachytherapy, The American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ASTRO), 2009.11.
490. Magome T, Arimura H, Shioyama Y, Nomoto S, Ohnishi K, Honda H, Ohki M, Toyofuku F, Onizuka Y, Hirata H., Automated Selection Method for Similar MR Images with Brain Tumors for Assisting Radiation Treatment Planning, The American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ASTRO), 2009.11.
491. 有村秀孝, 放射線治療における画像処理解析技術とその評価法, 第37回日本放射線技術学会(JSRT), 2009.10.
492. 山下泰生,有村秀孝,吉浦敬,小林幸次,豊福不可依,大喜雅文,中村泰彦,本田浩, ASLによるCBFマップに基づいたアルツハイマー病の鑑別支援システムの開発, 第37回日本放射線技術学会(JSRT), 2009.10.
493. 板野航,有村秀孝,塩山善之,馬込大貴,穴井重男,中村和正,橘昌幸,吉留郷志,野元諭,本田浩,大喜雅文,豊福不可依,平田秀紀, ポータル画像とDRR画像に基づいた患者セットアップの自動照合法, 第155回医用画像情報学会(MII), 2009.10.
494. 川田秀道,有村秀孝,大倉順,梨子木一高,才田義文, 骨盤部X線画像を用いた前立腺癌永久挿入密封小線源位置の推定方法の開発, 第155回医用画像情報学会(MII), 2009.10.
495. 馬込大貴,有村秀孝,塩山善之,野元諭,大西かよ子,本田浩,大喜雅文,豊福不可依,鬼塚昌彦,平田秀紀, 膠芽腫における類似症例提示システムの開発, 第22回日本放射線腫瘍学会(JASTRO), 2009.09.
496. 板野航,有村秀孝,塩山善之,馬込大貴,穴井重男,中村和正,橘昌幸,吉留郷志,野元諭,本田浩,大喜雅文,豊福不可依,平田秀紀, 患者セットアップのためのポータル画像とDRR画像を用いた自動照合法の開発, 第98回日本医学物理学会(JSMP), 2009.09.
497. 吉留郷志,有村秀孝,橘昌幸, 塩山善之,野元諭,福永淳一,平野奈緒美,野口佳孝,廣瀬貴章,豊福不可依,平田秀紀, CR撮影に基づくTBI用水補償フィルタのための体厚自動推定方法の開発, 第22回日本放射線腫瘍学会(JASTRO), 2009.09.
498. Yamaguchi Y, Kawaguchi S, Arimura H, Morishita J, Ohki M, Uno Y, Ideguchi T, Tokumori K, Higashida Y, Toyofuku F., Rayleigh and Compton scattering analysis for PMMA in the mammography energy range, World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2009, 2009.09.
499. Kawaguchi S, Yamaguchi Y, Arimura H, Morishita J, Ohki M, Uno Y, Ideguchi T, Higashida Y, Toyofuku F., Reconstruction of Mammography X-ray Spectrum by Using Rayleigh and Compton Scattering Corrections, World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2009, 2009.09.
500. 有村秀孝,山本大輔,掛田伸吾,桑水流純平,馬込大貴,山下泰生,大喜雅文,豊福不可依,東田善治,興梠征典, 3.0T脳MR画像に基づいた多発性硬化症病変部の検出方法の開発, 第28回日本医用画像工学会大会(JAMIT), 2009.08.
501. Kawaguchi S, Yamaguchi Y, Arimura H, Morishita J, Ohki M, Uno Y, Ideguchi T, Higashida Y, Toyofuku F., Reconstruction of Mammography X-ray Spectrum by UsingRayleigh and Compton Scattering Corrections, AAPM, 2009.07.
502. Yamaguchi Y, Kawaguchi S, Arimura H, Morishita J, Ohki M, Uno Y, Ideguchi T, Tokumori K, Higashida Y, Toyofuku F., Relative Contributions of Rayleigh Scattering for PMMA in the Mammography Energy Range, AAPM, 2009.07.
503. Jingu R, Ohki M, Arimura H, Morishita J, Toyofuku F, Higashida Y., An Automated Analysis of Contrast Detail Phantom Images for Quality Control, AAPM, 2009.07.
504. 有村秀孝,山本大輔,掛田伸吾,馬込大貴,山下泰生,大喜雅文,豊福不可依,東田善治,興梠征典, 3.0T MR画像を用いた多発性硬化症病変部の検出方法の開発, 第97回日本医学物理学会(JSMP), 2009.04.
505. 馬込大貴,有村秀孝,掛田伸吾,山本大輔,河田康雄,山下泰生,大喜雅文,豊福不可依,東田善治,興梠征典, 多発性硬化症における脳領域の自動抽出, 第97回日本医学物理学会(JSMP), 2009.04.
506. 穴井重男、有村秀孝、荒木不次男, 橘昌幸,福永淳一,平野奈緒美, 吉留郷志, 塩山善之, 野元諭, 本田浩, 放射線治療用直線加速器の焦点像の線量プロファイルのガウス関数近似, 第97回日本医学物理学会(JSMP), 2009.04.
507. 板野航,有村秀孝,馬込大貴,塩山善之,野元諭,本田浩,穴井重男,吉留郷志,具嶋優和,鬼塚昌彦,豊福不可依,東田善治,平田秀紀, ポータル画像における治療計画の照射野中心の推定方法の開発, 第97回日本医学物理学会(JSMP), 2009.04.
508. 吉留郷志,有村秀孝,橘昌幸, 塩山善之,野元諭,福永淳一,平野奈緒美,野口佳孝,廣瀬貴章,豊福不可依,平田秀紀, CR撮影に基づく全身照射用水補償フィルタ作成方法の開発, 第97回日本医学物理学会(JSMP), 2009.04.
509. 山口義樹,川口聡一郎,宇野善徳,山城紘介,坪田恵理,井手口忠光,有村秀孝,東田善治,豊福不可依, 放射光励起によるモリブデン蛍光X線の散乱線スペクトルの解析, 第97回日本医学物理学会(JSMP), 2009.04.
510. 川口聡一郎,山口義樹,宇野善徳,山城紘介,坪田恵理,井手口忠光,有村秀孝,東田善治,豊福不可依, マンモグラフィX線スペクトルのレイリー・コンプトン散乱補正による再構築, 第97回日本医学物理学会(JSMP), 2009.04.
511. 川田秀道,有村秀孝,大倉順,小野博志,才田義文,福留良文, 骨盤部X線画像を用いた前立腺癌永久挿入密封小線源治療用ヨウ素125シード線源位置の推定方法の開発, 日本放射線技術学会(JSRT),予稿集,p141, 2009.04.
512. Kawata Y, Arimura H, Yamashita Y, Magome T, Toyofuku F, Higashida H, Ohki M, Tsuchiya K., Computerized Detection of White Matter Hyperintensity Related to Subcortical Vascular Dementia Based on Automated and Semiautomated Segmentation., International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia (IFMIA), 2009.01.
513. Yamamoto D., Arimura H., Kakeda S., Magome T., Yamashita Y., Ohki M., Toyofuku F., Higashida Y., Korogi Y., Computerized detection of multiple sclerosis lesions based on 3.0T two-dimensional magnetic resonance images., International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia (IFMIA), 2009.01.
514. Magome T, Arimura H, Kakeda S, Yamamoto D, Kawata Y, Yamashita Y, Ohki M, Toyofuku F, Higashida Y, Korogi Y., Automated method for segmentation of white matter and gray matter regions with multiple sclerosis in 3T MR images., International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia (IFMIA) , 2009.01.
515. Arimura H, Yoshiura T, Uesugi M, Monji A, Mihara F, Honda H, Sakai S, Toyofuku F, Higashida Y., Development of Computer-aided Classification System for Patients with Dementia of Alzheimer Type Based on 3-D MR Atrophic image Features., Radiological Society of North America(RSNA), 2008.11.
516. Kawata Y, Arimura H, Yamashita Y, Magome T, Toyofuku F, Higashida H, Ohki M, Tsuchiya K., Computerized Evaluation for White-matter Hyperintensities Related to Cognitive Dysfunction Based on Automated Detection and Semi-Automated Resegmentation., Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), 2008.11.
517. 久野浩平、有村秀孝、塩山善之、穴井重男、吉留郷志、野元諭、本田浩、豊福不可依、鬼塚昌彦、平田秀紀, 肺定位放射線治療における腫瘍領域と位置の推定方法の開発, 日本放射線腫瘍学会(JASTRO), 2008.10.
518. 馬込大貴,有村秀孝,掛田伸吾,山本大輔,河田康雄,大喜雅文,豊福不可依,東田善治,興梠征典, 多発性硬化症における大脳白質・灰白質領域の自動抽出方法の開発, 医用画像情報学会, 2008.10.
519. H. Arimura, Y. Egashira, Y. Shioyama, K. Nakamura, S. Yoshidome, A. Shigeo, S. Nomoto, H. Honda, Y. Higashida, Y. Onizuka, H. Terashima., Automated Estimation of a Tumor Region and Its Displacement On EPID Cine Images Without Implanted Markers in Lung Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy., AAPM, 2008.07.
520. S. Anai, H. Arimura, F. Araki, M. Tachibana, Y. Shioyama, K. Nakamura, Y. Onizuka, H. Terashima., Modeling of Beam Profiles Based On Three Gaussian Functions in Lung Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Acceptance Test of Radiotherapy Planning System., AAPM, 2008.07.
521. T. Magome, H. Arimura, S. Kakeda, D. Yamamoto, Y. Kawata, M. Ohki, F. Toyofuku, Y. Higashida, Y. Korogi., Automated Extraction of White Matter Regions in Multiple Sclerosis Based On High Resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging., AAPM, 2008.07.
522. Arimura H., Yoshiura T., Kumazawa S., Mihara F., Honda H., TanakaK., Koga H., Sakai S., Toyofuku F., and Higashida Y., Computerized method for classification of patients with Alzheimer's disease based on segmentation of serebral cortical regions including hippocampal regions. , CARS, 2008.06.
523. Yamamoto D., Arimura H., Kakeda S., Magome T., Yamashita Y., Ohki M., Toyofuku F., Higashida Y., Korogi Y., Computer-aided detection of multiple sclerosis lesions based on three types of blain MR images., CARS, 2008.06.
524. Yoshidome S., Arimura H., Kakeda S., Korogi Y., Tsuchiiya K., Katsuragawa S., Doi K., Performance evaluation of a CAD scheme for detection of intracranial aneurysms in MRA images based on a cross-validation test with four different databases. , CARS, 2008.06.
525. 河田康雄、有村秀孝、山下泰生、馬込大貴、豊福不可依、東田善治、大喜 雅文、土屋一洋, MR画像における脳血管性認知症の虚血病変領域の検出法の開発, 日本医学物理学会(JSMP), 2008.04.
526. 吉留郷志、有村秀孝、掛田伸吾、興梠征典、桂川茂彦、土井邦雄, 頭部MRA画像における脳動脈瘤検出のためのCADシステムの開発, 日本医学物理学会(JSMP), 2008.04.
527. 江頭祐亮、有村秀孝、塩山善之、穴井重男、吉留郷志、中村和正, 本田浩、東田善治, 鬼塚昌彦,寺島廣美, 肺定位放射線治療における標的位置と位置ずれ量の推定方法の開発, 日本医学物理学会(JSMP), 2008.04.
528. 馬込大貴、有村秀孝、掛田伸吾、山本大輔、豊福不可依、東田善治、興梠征典, 多発性硬化症における脳領域抽出方法の開発, 日本放射線技術学会(JRC), 2008.04.
529. 山本大輔、有村秀孝、掛田伸吾、山下泰生、大喜雅文、豊福不可依、東田善治、興梠征典, 多発性硬化症病変部の検出方法の開発, 日本放射線技術学会(JRC), 2008.04.
530. 有村秀孝, 神経放射線領域におけるコンピューター支援診断システムの研究開発, 日本医学物理学会(JSMP), 2008.04.
531. 有村秀孝、江頭祐亮、塩山善之、穴井重男、吉留郷志、中村和正、本田浩、東田善治、鬼塚昌彦、寺島廣美, 肺定位放射線治療におけるターゲット領域とずれ量の推定方法の開発, 日本高精度放射線外部照射研究会, 2008.03.
532. 山本大輔、有村秀孝、掛田伸吾、馬込大貴、山下泰生、大喜 雅文、豊福不可依、東田善治、興梠征典, 多発性硬化症のMR画像における病変部領域の検出法の開発, 電子情報通信学会(IEICE), 2008.01.
533. 河田康雄、有村秀孝、山下泰生、馬込大貴、大喜 雅文、東田善治、豊福不可依、土屋一洋, 脳血管性認知症のMR画像における脳皮質下虚血病変領域の検出法の開発, 電子情報通信学会(IEICE), 2008.01.
534. 江頭祐亮,有村秀孝,穴井重男, 吉留郷志, 塩山善之,中村和正, 野元諭, 東田善治, 鬼塚昌彦,寺島廣美, 体幹部定位放射線治療における肺腫瘍位置のずれ量自動推定方法の開発, 日本放射線腫瘍学会第20回学術大会(JASTRO), 2007.12.
535. 具嶋優和,有村秀孝,塩山善之, 穴井重男, 本田浩, 東田善治, 鬼塚昌彦,寺島廣美, EPIDを用いたポータル画像のアイソセンター位置の自動推定方法の開発, 日本放射線腫瘍学会第20回学術大会(JASTRO), 2007.12.
536. Arimura H, Yoshiura T, Kumazawa S, Koga H, Mihara F, Sakai S, Honda H, Toyofuku F, Higashida Y., Automated Classification of Patients at Early Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease based on Segmentation of Cerebral Cortical Regions including Hippocampus and its Surroundings., Radiological Society of North America 2007(RSNA), 2007.11.
537. Kumazawa S, Yoshiura T, Arimura H, Mihara F, Honda H, Toyofuku F, et al., Visualization of Pyramidal Tracts: Theory and Clinical Application of DDF-based Tractography in DT-MRI., Radiological Society of North America 2007(RSNA), 2007.11.
538. 有村秀孝,吉浦敬,熊澤誠志,三原太,田中和宏,古賀寛,坂井修二,本田浩,豊福不可依,東田喜治, 3次元T1強調画像に基づくアルツハイマー型認知症検出のためのCADシステムの開発, 医用画像情報学会149回秋季大会(MII), 2007.10.
539. Arimura H, Yoshidome S, Anai S, Shioyama Y, Nakamura K, Nomoto S, Honda H, Onizuka Y, Terashima H., Automated Method for Recognition of a Tumor Displacement on EPID Without Implanted Markers in Stereotactic Radiotherapy, AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR THERAPEUTIC RADIOLOGY AND ONCOLOGY 49TH ANNUAL MEETING, 2007.10.
540. Hidetaka ARIMURA, Yasuo YAMASHITA, Kazuhiro TSUCHIYA , Computerized Detection of Ischemic Lesions related to Subcortical Vascular Dementia on Magnetic Resonance Images , Proceedings of ISICE 2007: The First International Symposium on Information and Computer Elements 2007 , 2007.09.
541. Hidetaka Arimura, Takashi Yoshiura, Seiji Kumazawa, Tanaka Kazuhiro, Hiroshi Koga, Shuji Sakai, Futoshi Mihara, Hiroshi Honda, Fukai Toyofuku, Yoshiharu Higashida , SVM-based Method for Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease with Atrophic Image Features on MR images , Proceedings of ISICE 2007: The First International Symposium on Information and Computer Elements 2007 , 2007.09.
542. 馬込大貴、有村秀孝、掛田伸吾、山本大輔、熊澤誠志、豊福不可依、東田善治、興梠征典, 多発性硬化症におけるレベルセット法を用いた脳白質領域の抽出, 電子情報通信学会(IEICE), 2007.09.
543. 山本大輔、有村秀孝、掛田伸吾、山下泰生、熊澤誠志、豊福不可依、東田善治、興梠征典, 脳MR画像に基づいた多発性硬化症病変部の検出法の開発, 電子情報通信学会(IEICE), 2007.09.
544. 有村秀孝, 吉浦敬, 熊澤誠志, 三原太, 田中和宏, 古賀寛, 坂井修二, 本田浩, 豊福不可依, 東田善治, 三次元MR画像を用いたアルツハイマー病検出のためのコンピュータ支援診断システムの開発, 第94回日本医学物理学会学術大会, 2007.09.
545. 豊福不可依, 徳森謙二, 東田善治, 有村秀孝, 杜下淳次, 大喜雅文, 吉田彰, 松本政雄, 兵頭一行, 安藤正海, 八尾隆史, 恒吉正澄, 2焦点蛍光X線による微小石灰化のステレオ撮影, 第94回日本医学物理学会学術大会, 2007.09.
546. 有村秀孝, 吉浦敬, 熊澤誠志, 田中和宏, 古賀寛, 坂井修二, 三原太, 本田浩, 豊福不可依, 東田善治, MR画像を用いたアルツハイマー病検出のためのCADシステムの開発, 第26回医用画像工学会大会, 2007.07.
547. 山下泰生,有村秀孝,土屋一洋, 脳血管性認知障害患者のMR画像における虚血病変領域の自動検出方法の開発, 第26回医用画像工学会大会, 2007.07.
548. S. Kakeda, Y. Korogi, H. Arimura, J. Moriya, T. Hirai, S. Katsuragawa, and K. Doi, Effect of computer-aided diagnosis system on diagnostic accuracy and reading time in detection of intracranial aneurysms on MR angiography, ISMRM, 2007.05.
549. H. Arimura, T. Yoshiura, S. Kumazawa, F. Mihara, H. Koga, S. Sakai, H. Honda, F. Toyofuku, and Y. Higashida, Automated Identification of Alzheimer's Patients based on Support Vector Machine Learned by Image Features Related to Cerebral Atrophy determined in 3-D MR images, ISMRM, 2007.05.
550. 吉留郷志,有村秀孝,穴井重男,山本大輔,中村和正,塩山善之,本田浩,鬼塚昌彦,寺島廣美, 肺定位放射線治療におけるターゲットの位置ずれ推定方法の開発, 日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会(JSRT), 2007.04.
551. 掛田伸吾、興梠征典、有村秀孝, 平井俊範, 桂川茂彦、土井邦雄, 頭部3D TOF MRAにおける脳動脈瘤検出CADシステムの有用性;診断精度と読影時間における検討, 日本医学放射線学会学術集会(JRS), 2007.04.
552. 豊福不可依、木村智恵、磯見裕子、新本望美、東田善治、有村秀孝、徳森謙二 , デジタルマンモグラフィ装置による骨塩定量画像化の基礎的検討, 日本医学物理学会学術大会(JSMP), 2007.04.
553. 有村秀孝、吉浦敬、熊澤誠志、三原太 、古賀寛、坂井修二、本田浩、豊福不可依、東田善治, MR画像を用いた脳脊髄液の体積推定アルゴリズムの開発, 日本医学物理学会学術大会(JSMP), 2007.04.
554. 山下泰生、有村秀孝、土屋一洋, MR画像に基づいた脳血管性認知症の虚血領域の検出方法の開発, 日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会(JSRT), 2007.04.
555. 有村秀孝、穴井重男、吉留郷志、中村和正、塩山善之、野元諭、鬼塚昌彦、寺島廣美, 肺定位放射線治療におけるEPIDを用いた腫瘍位置のずれ量推定方法の開発, 日本高精度放射線外部照射研究会, 2007.03.
556. Arimura H, Anai S, Yoshidome S, Nakamura K, Shioyama Y, Nomoto S, Honda H, Onizuka Y, Terashima H., Computerized method for measurement of displacement vectors of target positions on EPID cine images in stereotactic radiotherapy, SPIE International Symposium Medical Imaging, 2007.02.
557. 山下泰生、有村秀孝、土屋一洋, MR画像に基づいた脳血管性認知障害の虚血病変領域の自動検出法の開発, Asian Forum on Medical Imaging 2007, 2007.01.
558. Anai S, Arimura H, Yoshidome S, Nakamura K, Shioyama Y, Onizuka Y, Terashima H., Automated method for monitoring of displacement of target position on EPID cine images without implanted markers in stereotactic radiotherapy., ASTRO 48TH ANNUAL MEETING, 2006.11.
559. 穴井重男,有村秀孝,吉留郷志, 中村和正,塩山善之,野元諭, 鬼塚昌彦,寺島廣美, 肺定位放射線治療における肺腫瘍位置のずれ量の推定方法の開発, 日本放射線腫瘍学会第19回学術大会, 2006.11.
560. Arimura H, Anai S, Yoshidome S, Nakamura K, Shioyama Y, Onizuka Y, Terashima H., Automated Method for Measurement of Displacement Vectors of Lung Tumor Position on EPID Portal Cine Images without Implanted Markers in Stereotactic Radiotherapy, Radiological Society of North America 2006(RSNA), 2006.11.
561. Arimura H, Yoshiura T, Kumazawa S, Koga H, Sakai S, Mihara F, Honda H, Toyofuku F, Higashida Y., Automated Identification of Patients with Cerebral Atrophy due to Alzheimer’s Disease Based on 3-D MR images, Radiological Society of North America 2006(RSNA), 2006.11.
562. Arimura H, Hirai T, Korogi Y, Yamashita Y, Tsuchiya K, Doi K., Performance Evaluation of a Computer-aided Diagnostic System for Detection of Intracranial Aneurysms in MR Angiography with Different Databases, Radiological Society of North America 2006(RSNA), 2006.11.
563. 吉留郷志,有村秀孝,穴井重男,中村和正,塩山善之,鬼塚昌彦,寺島廣美, 肺定位放射線治療におけるターゲットの位置ずれベクトルの評価方法の開発, 日本放射線技術学会第34回秋季学術大会, 2006.10.
564. 吉留郷志,有村秀孝,穴井重男,中村和正,塩山善之,鬼塚昌彦,寺島廣美, 肺定位放射線治療におけるターゲットの位置ずれベクトルの評価方法の開発, 日本放射線技術学会第34回秋季学術大会, 2006.10.
565. 有村秀孝、熊澤誠志、坂井修二、豊福不可依、東田善治、吉浦敬、三原太、本田浩、古賀寛, MR画像を用いた大脳皮質厚の自動計測方法の開発, 日本放射線技術学会第34回秋季学術大会, 2006.10.
566. 熊澤誠志、吉浦敬、有村秀孝、三原太、本田浩、豊福不可依、東田善治, DT-MRIにおける錐体路の描出—DDF based tractography法と従来手法の比較—, 日本放射線技術学会第34回秋季学術大会, 2006.10.
567. 山下泰生、有村秀孝、土屋一洋, 脳血管性認知障害における虚血病変の高信号領域検出法の開発, 日本放射線技術学会第34回秋季学術大会, 2006.10.
568. 有村秀孝、吉浦敬、熊澤誠志、古賀寛、坂井修二、三原太、本田浩、豊福不可依、東田善治, MR画像を用いた脳脊髄液の体積推定方法の開発, 第16回コンピュータ支援画像診断学会大会, 2006.10.
569. 有村秀孝、熊澤誠志、坂井修二、豊福不可依、東田善治、吉浦敬、三原太、本田浩、古賀寛, 大脳皮質厚の自動計測システムの開発, 第34回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会, 2006.09.
570. 熊澤誠志、吉浦敬、有村秀孝、三原太、本田浩、豊福不可依、東田善治, DT-MRIにおける方向拡散関数に基づいたtractography法の開発−DDFT法とtensorline法による錐体路描出の比較, 第34回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会, 2006.09.
571. 吉留郷志、有村秀孝、穴井重男、中村和正、塩山善之、野本諭、鬼塚昌彦、寺嶋廣美, 肺定位放射線治療におけるターゲット位置のずれ量の推定方法の開発, 第92回日本医学物理学会学術大会報文集, 2006.09.
572. 熊澤誠志、吉浦敬、有村秀孝、三原太、本田浩、 豊福不可依、東田善治, DT−MRIにおけるDDF-based tractography法による錐体路の描出
−DDF-based tractography法と従来手法との比較−, 第92回日本医学物理学会学術大会報文集, 2006.09.
573. 有村秀孝、吉浦敬、熊澤誠志、古賀寛、三原太、坂井修二、本田浩、 大喜雅文、豊福不可依、東田善治, MR画像を用いた大脳皮質厚の計測アルゴリズムの開発, 第92回日本医学物理学会学術大会報文集, 2006.09.
574. 松井さくら、川原智美、樋口小也夏、東田善治、豊福不可依、井手口忠光、田中勇、大原弘、本田凡、有村秀孝、熊澤誠志, X線ディジタル位相イメージングシステムの画像特性(1報), 第92回日本医学物理学会学術大会報文集, 2006.09.
575. T. Ideguchi, F. Toyofuku, K Tokumori, H, Arimura, S, Kumazawa, I. Tanaka, Y. Higashida, Evaluation of physical image quality of a digital phase contrast mammography system, World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, 2006.08.
576. Shigeo Anai, Hidetaka Arimura, Satoshi Yoshidome, Katsumasa Nakamura, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Yoshihiko Onizuka, Hiromi Terashima, Computerized method for estimation of displacement vectors of target position on portal cine images without implanted markers, World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, 2006.08.
577. S. Kumazawa, T. Yoshiura, H. Arimura, F. Mihara, H. Honda, Y. Higashida and F. Toyofuku, Estimation of white matter tracts based on a directional diffusion function in DT-MRI, World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, 2006.08.
578. H. Arimura, T. Yoshiura, S. Kumazawa, H. Koga, S. Sakai, F. Mihara H. Honda, F. Toyofuku, Y. Higashida, Automated Volumetric Measurement of Cerebrospinal Fluid in Sulci and Lateral Ventricles Based on 3-D MR images, World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, 2006.08.
579. 有村秀孝, 吉浦敬, 熊澤誠志, 古賀寛, 坂井修二, 三原太 本田浩, 豊福不可依, 東田善治, 3次元MR画像を用いた脳脊髄液の体積測定方法の開発, 第25回日本医用画像工学会大会, 2006.07.
580. 山下 泰生,有村 秀孝,土屋 一洋, MRIを用いた脳血管性認知障害の虚血病変領域の検出方法の開発, 第25回日本医用画像工学会大会, 2006.07.
581. Hidetaka Arimura, Takashi Yoshiura, Seiji Kumazawa, Hiroshi Koga, Shuji Sakai, Futoshi Mihara, Hiroshi Honda, Masafumi Ohki, Fukai Toyofuku, Yoshiharu Higashida, Automated method for measurement of cerebral cortical thickness for 3-D MR Images, 20th International Congress of CARS - Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 2006.06.
582. Hidetaka Arimura, Qiang Li, Yukunori Korogi, Toshinori Hirai, Shigehiko Katsuragawa, Yasuyuki Yamashita, Kazuhiro Tsuchiya, Kunio Doi, Improvement and evaluation of computerized method for detection of intracranial aneurysms for 3-D MR angiography, 20th International Congress of CARS - Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 2006.06.
583. S. Kumazawa, T. Yoshiura, H. Arimura, F. Mihara, H. Honda, Y. Higashida, F. Toyofuku, Visualization of white matter tracts using a directional diffusion function based tractography in DT-MRI, 20th International Congress of CARS - Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 2006.06.
American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM)
American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ASTRO)
日本医学物理学会 (JSMP)
医用画像情報学会 (MII)
日本放射線技術学会 (JSRT)
日本医用画像工学会 (JAMIT)
日本磁気共鳴医学会 (JSMRM)
応用物理学会 (~2016年12月)
2023.06, 医用画像情報学会(MII), 会長.
2022.04, 日本医用画像工学会(JAMIT) (代議員).
2020.04, 日本医学物理学会(JSMP) (国際委員、大会支援委員).
2012.04, 日本医学物理学会(JSMP) (代議員、教育委員、用語委員).
2016.04~2020.03, 日本医学物理学会(JSMP)(用語委員長).
2016.04~2020.03, 日本医学物理学会(JSMP), 理事.
2021.04, 医学物理士認定機構(JBMP)(教育委員).
2017.04~2021.03, 医学物理士認定機構(JBMP), 理事.
2018.04~2021.03, 医学物理士認定機構(JBMP)(広報委員長).
2015.05, 電子情報通信学会(IEICE)(医用画像研究会(MI) 専門委員).
2015.06~2023.06, 医用画像情報学会(MII), 理事.
2015.05~2021.06, 医用画像情報学会(MII), 編集委員長.
2015.04~2017.03, 日本放射線技術学会(JSRT)(学会事業評価委員,国際戦略委員).
2007.04~2012.03, 日本医学物理学会(JSMP)(編集委員).
2011.05~2013.05, 医用画像情報学会(MII)(庶務理事).
2014.06~2015.06, 医用画像情報学会(MII)(副編集委員長).
2011.04~2013.03, 応用物理学会放射線分科会, 幹事.
2024.03.03~2024.03.04, 電子情報通信学会医用画像研究会(MI)(沖縄), 世話人.
2022.01.01~2022.10.01, 第124回日本医学物理学会学術大会(2022年9月), 実行委員.
2021.04.01~2022.04.30, 第123回日本医学物理学会学術大会ハイブリット開催(2022年4月), 実行委員.
2020.04.01~2021.04.30, 第121回日本医学物理学会学術大会ハイブリット開催(2021年4月), 実行委員.
2019.05.01~2020.06.05, 第119回日本医学物理学会学術大会WEB開催(2020年5月15日~6月14日), 大会長.
2018.05.01~2019.04.30, 第117回日本医学物理学会学術大会(2019年4月), 副実行委員長.
2017.07.27~2017.07.29, 第36回日本医用画像工学会大会(JAMIT オーガナイズドセッション7/28, 岐阜), 座長(Chairmanship).
2017.05.25~2017.05.26, 電子情報通信学会医用画像研究会(MI)(名古屋), 座長(Chairmanship).
2017.04.13~2017.04.16, 第113回日本医学物理学会学術大会(ランチタイムレクチャー教育講演4/15), 座長(Chairmanship).
2017.04.13~2017.04.16, The 113th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics JSMP2017, Moderator of JSRT-JSMP Joint Session Plenary Lecture: Issam El Naqa (April 15, 2017, Yokohama), 座長(Chairmanship).
2017.01.19~2017.01.20, The International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia (IFMIA) 2017 (Okinawa, Jan. 19: Image processing for CAD and CAS), 座長(Chairmanship).
2017.01.28~2017.01.28, 医用画像情報学会(MII)平成28年度春季(第177回)大会 (福岡, Jan. 28, 2017), 座長(Chairmanship).
2016.11.05~2016.11.06, 第11回九州放射線医療技術学術大会(Nov. 6, 2016, 別府), 座長(Chairmanship).
2016.10.01~2016.10.01, 医用画像情報学会(MII)平成28年度秋季(第176回)大会 (高松, Oct. 1, 2016), 座長(Chairmanship).
2016.09.08~2016.09.10, 第112回日本医学物理学会学術大会(Sep. 9, 2016, 沖縄), 座長(Chairmanship).
2016.07.21~2016.07.23, 第35回日本医用画像工学会大会(7月22日, 2016, 千葉), 座長(Chairmanship).
2016.04.14~2016.04.17, 第111回日本医学物理学会学術大会(April 16, 2016, 横浜), 座長(Chairmanship).
2015.09.18~2015.09.20, 第110回日本医学物理学会,国際セッション「世界で活躍する診断系医学物理士」 (札幌,Sep.20), 座長(Chairmanship).
2015.07.30~2015.08.01, 第34回日本医用画像工学会大会 JAMIT2015 (金沢, July 30), 座長(Chairmanship).
2015.04.16~2015.04.19, 第109回日本医学物理学会,特別講演 Prof. Mohan Doss (横浜,April 17), 座長(Chairmanship).
2014.12.11~2014.12.13, 日本放射線腫瘍学会第27回学術大会(Dec.11, 横浜), 座長(Chairmanship).
2014.12.03~2014.12.06, 7th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 15th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (Dec. 6, in Kitakyusyu, Fukuoka), 座長(Chairmanship).
2014.09.25~2014.09.27, the 7th Korea-Japan Joint Meeting on Medical Physics (Sep.27, in Busan, Korea), 座長(Chairmanship).
2014.06.25~2014.06.28, Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS 2014), Poster Session chair (in Fukuoka), 座長(Chairmanship).
2014.05.31~2014.05.31, 医用画像情報学会(MII)平成26年度年次(第169回)大会(熊本), 座長(Chairmanship).
2014.04.10~2014.04.13, 第70回日本放射線技術学会(横浜), 座長(Chairmanship).
2014.04.10~2014.04.13, 第107回日本医学物理学会(横浜),教育講演, 座長(Chairmanship).
2014.01.26~2014.01.27, 電子情報通信学会医用画像研究会(MI)(沖縄), 座長(Chairmanship).
2013.11.13~2013.11.16, The 14th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (ISIS2013), Session chair of No.: F5c (Nov.15, in Daejeon, Korea), 座長(Chairmanship).
2013.10.17~2013.10.17, 第41回日本放射線技術学会秋季学術大会(福岡), 座長(Chairmanship).
2013.09.16~2013.09.18, 第106回日本医学物理学会(大阪),教育講演, 座長(Chairmanship).
2013.07.03~2013.07.07, The 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC in Osaka) Image segmentation I session (July 5), 座長(Chairmanship).
2013.07.03~2013.07.07, The 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC in Osaka), Comp Anatom CAD and Therapy session (July 5), 座長(Chairmanship).
2013.05.17~2013.05.18, 日本放射線腫瘍学会第15回小線源治療部会(福岡), 座長(Chairmanship).
2013.04.11~2013.04.14, 第105回日本医学物理学会(横浜),特別講演, 座長(Chairmanship).
2012.11.23~2012.11.23, 日本放射線腫瘍学会第25回学術大会(東京), 座長(Chairmanship).
2012.05.12~2012.05.12, 第51回日本生体医工学会大会(福岡), 座長(Chairmanship).
2011.09.30~2011.10.01, 6th Japan-Korea Joint Meeting on Medical Physics 11th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics of Medical Physics (JKMP-AOCMP)2011, Fukuoka, Banquet, 司会(Moderator).
2011.09.30~2011.10.01, 6th Japan-Korea Joint Meeting on Medical Physics 11th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics of Medical Physics (JKMP-AOCMP)2011, (Fukuoka), Plenary lecture, Lunch Semina, Oral presentation, 座長(Chairmanship).
2011.02.05~2011.02.05, 医用画像情報学会(MII)春季大会(九大), 座長(Chairmanship).
2011.01.19~2011.01.21, International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia (IFMIA) 2011, 座長(Chairmanship).
2010.09.25~2010.09.25, 第100回日本医学物理学会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2010.09.22~2010.09.25, World Automation Congress 2010 (WAC), 座長(Chairmanship).
2009.04.18~2009.04.18, 第65回日本放射線技術学会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2009.04.19~2009.04.19, 第97回日本医学物理学会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2008.10.01~2008.10.01, 医用画像情報学会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2008.04.01~2008.04.01, 日本放射線技術学会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2007.09.20~2007.09.20, 電子情報通信学会(IEICE), 座長(Chairmanship).
2007.04.01~2007.04.01, 日本医学物理学会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2006.04.01~2006.04.01, 日本放射線技術学会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2005.04.01~2005.04.01, 日本放射線技術学会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2017.04.13~2017.04.16, 第113回医学物理学会学術大会, プログラム委員.
2017.01.28~2017.01.28, 医用画像情報学会(MII)平成28年度春季(第177回)大会, 大会長.
2016.09.08~2016.08.10, 第112回医学物理学会学術大会, プログラム委員.
2016.04.14~2016.04.17, 第111回医学物理学会学術大会, 実行委員.
2015.09.18~2015.09.20, 第110回医学物理学会学術大会, プログラム委員.
2015.07.29~2015.08.01, 第34回日本医用画像工学会大会 (JAMIT 2015), プログラム委員.
2015.04.16~2015.04.19, 第109回医学物理学会学術大会, プログラム委員.
2014.06.24~2014.06.24, 電子情報通信学会IEICE 医用画像研究会MI, 会場世話人.
2013.09.22~2013.09.22, 4th International Workshop on Machine Learning in Medical Imaging (MLMI 2013), Program committee member.
2014.04.10~2014.04.13, 第107回医学物理学会学術大会, プログラム委員.
2013.11.13~2013.11.16, The 14th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (ISIS2013), Program committee member, Session Chair of No.: F5c (Intelligent visualization I).
2013.10.27~2013.10.30, The International Symposium on BioMathematics (Symomath 2013), Scientific Committee.
2013.10.13~2013.10.16, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Special Sessions' Committee Members.
2013.09.16~2013.09.18, 第106回日本医学物理学会, プログラム委員.
2013.07.03~2013.07.07, The 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC’13), Track chair, 2-10, in the EMBC 2013..
2013.04.11~2013.04.14, 第105回日本医学物​理学会学術大会(JSMP), 実行委員長.
2012.06.24~2012.06.28, World Automation Congress(WAC), International Forum on Multimedia and Image Processing (IFMIP)2012, International program committee(プログラム委員).
2011.09.29~2011.10.01, 6th Japan-Korea Joint Meeting on Medical Physics(JKMP), 11th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics (AOCMP)2011, Secretary General.
2011.04~2011.04, 第101回日本医学物理学会, プログラム委員.
2011.02.05~2011.02.05, 医用画像情報学会(MII) 第159回学術大会, 実行委員長.
2010.11.18~2010.11.20, 日本放射線腫瘍学会(JASTRO)第23回学術大会, プログラム委員.
2010.09.23~2010.09.25, 第100回日本医学物理学会学術大会(JSMP), 医療画像情報セッションオーガナイザー.
2010.09.19~2010.09.23, World Automation Congress(WAC), International Forum on Multimedia and Image Processing (IFMIP)2010, International program committee(プログラム委員).
2009.04~2009.04, 第97回日本医学物理学会, プログラム委員.
2008.04~2008.04, 第95回日本医学物理学会, プログラム委員.
2007.09~2007.09, 第94回日本医学物理学会, プログラム委員.
2018.04, Journal of Radiation Research (Associate Editor), 国際, 編集委員.
2018.04, Radiological Physics and Technology (Associate Editor), 国際, 編集委員.
2015.06~2021.06, 医用画像情報学会MII 編集委員長, 国内, 編集委員.
2014.06~2015.05, 医用画像情報学会MII 副編集委員長, 国内, 編集委員.
2013.10, Symposium on Biomathematics 2013 (Symomath2013), Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, 27-29 October 2013, AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS, (Editor), 国際, 編集委員.
2013.03, BioMed Research Internatio​nal (Editorial Board), 国際, 編集委員.
2012.11, ISRN Biomedical Engineering (Editorial Member), 国際, 編集委員.
2012.04~2014.03, 電子情報通信学会 和英医用画像特集号, 国内, 編集委員.
2010.07, Radiological Physics and Technology , 国際, Guest Associate Editor.
2008.04~2011.03, 医用画像情報学会MII, 国内, 編集委員.
2008.04, Computerized Medical Imaing and Graphics(Executive Editor, Reviewing Editor), 国際, 編集委員.
2004.04, 医学物理(日本医学物理学会), 国内, 編集委員.
年度 外国語雑誌査読論文数 日本語雑誌査読論文数 国際会議録査読論文数 国内会議録査読論文数 合計
2021年度     10 
2020年度 12      18 
2019年度 10      16 
2018年度 10      16 
2017年度   16 
2016年度   14 
2015年度   14 
2014年度 11  18    33 
2013年度 15    24 
2012年度 10    16 
2011年度 11      13 
2010年度 13    19 
2009年度 11      14 
2008年度 13      19 
海外渡航状況, 海外での教育研究歴
WORKSHOP ON MATHEMATICS FOR INDUSTRY@Warsaw University of Technology(Sep.26-Oct.1,2023), Poland, 2023.09~2023.09.
The 4th SNU-KYUSHU JOINT SYMPOSIUM@Seoul National University(Sep.14-15,2023), Korea, 2023.09~2023.09.
21th SEACOMP& 6th PIT-FMB, Lombok, Indonesia, 2023.08~2023.08.
University of Malaya, 5-8 March 2023, Malaysia, 2023.03~2023.03.
SPIE Medical Imaging, San Diego, CA, 19-23 Feb.2023, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2023.02~2023.02.
Symposium on Intelligent Data Science for Radiological Imaging (iDSRI) between Universiti Malaya & Kyushu University, Online, September 20, 2022, Participants79, Malaysia, 2022.09~2022.09.
Symposium on Intelligent Data Science for Radiological Imaging (iDSRI) between Universiti Malaya & Kyushu University, Online, September 13,2021, Malaysia, 2021.09~2021.09.
SPIE Medical Imaging, Houston, Texas, Feb 15-20, 2020, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2020.02~2020.02.
17th SEACOMP& the 3rd PIT-FMB, at Bintang Bali Resort, Indonesia, 2019.08~2019.08.
AAPM2019 at San Antonio, Texas, July14-18, 2019, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2019.07~2019.08.
College of Health Sciences, Korea University, Korea, 2019.03~2019.03.
Joint International Workshop IWAIT-IFMIA, Nanyang Executive Centre, 6-9 January 2019., Singapore, 2019.01~2019.01.
University of Malaya, Malaysia, 2018.12~2018.12.
RSNA, Mc Cormick Place, Chicago, Nov-25-30, 2018, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2018.11~2018.11.
18th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics and 16th South-East Asia Congress of Medical Physics (AOCMP), Connexion Conference and Event Centre, Kuala Lumpur, 11-14-Nov-2018, Malaysia, 2018.11~2018.11.
Annual Scientific Meeting on Medical Physics and Biophysics, MG Setos Hotel Semarang, Indonesia, 2018.08~2018.08.
The 6th Taiwan-Japan Radiation Oncology Symposium, May 19, 2018, Taiwan, 2018.05~2018.05.
Institute of Technology Bandung, Diponegoro University, Satya Wacana Christian University, Indonesia, 2018.02~2018.03.
SPIE Medical Imaging at Marriott Marquis Houston, Houston, 10 - 15 February 2018, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2018.02~2018.02.
AAPM2017 at Colorado Convention Center, Denver, July30-Aug.3, 2017, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2017.07~2017.08.
University of Malaya, "Introduction of Kyushu University for Recruiting International Students", "My Niche Research based on Medical Physics", University Kebangsaan Malaysiato, Malaysia, 2017.03~2017.03.
International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology (IWAIT 2017), Equatorial Hotel, Penang, 8-9, January 2017, Malaysia, 2017.01~2017.01.
University of Science HoChiMin, "An Introduction to the Kyushu University, Japan", "Prof. Arimura’s research activities", Vietnam, 2016.12~2016.12.
International Conference On Medical Physics 2016 (ICMP2016), Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok, Dec. 9, 2016~Dec. 12, 2016, Thailand, 2016.12~2016.12.
RSNA2016 at McCormick Place Convention Center (Chicago), Nov.27-Dec.2, 2016, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2016.11~2016.12.
Chulalongkorn University, "1.Least square method based on linear algebra ", "2.Fourier series, Fourier transform", "3.Sampling theory (including DFT, CT and MR reconstructions)", "4.Principal axis transformation and principal component analysis", "5.Estimation theory" "6.Optimization mathematics" (Oct.27-28, 2016), Thailand, 2016.10~2016.10.
AAPM2016 at Washington Convention Center, July31-Aug.4, 2016, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2016.07~2016.08.
Chulalongkorn University, "Basics of image segmentation", "Computational anatomy for radiotherapy", "Basics of Computer-aided Diagnosis Approaches", "Computer-aided Diagnosis for Cerebral Diseases Based on Computational Image Analysis", "High Precision Radiation Therapy Using Multidimensional Image Analysis" (Mar.14-15, 2016), Mahidol University."Basics of image processing""Basics of computer-aided diagnosis""Computer-aided Diagnosis for Brain Disorders Based on Computational Image Analysis"(Mar.16, 2016), Thailand, 2016.03~2016.03.
SPIE at Town & Country Resort and Convention Center, Feb.28-Mar.4,2016, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2016.02~2016.03.
13th South East Asia Congress of Medical Physics (SEACOMP, 10-12 December 2015, Yogyakarta, Indonesia). Invited Speaker "Medical image engineering approaches for computer-aided diagnosis and radiotherapy", Dec.10, 12 2015, Indonesia, 2015.12~2015.12.
AAPM2015 at Anaheim Convention Center, July 11-16, 2015, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2015.07~2015.07.
National Cancer Centre Singapore, " Computational Frameworks of Image Analysis for High Precision Radiation Therapy"  Mar. 12, 2015, Singapore, 2015.03~2015.03.
Nanyang Technological University(Singapore), " Introduction of Kyushu University and Computational Frameworks of Image Analysis for High Precision Radiation Therapy" Mar. 11, 2015, Singapore, 2015.03~2015.03.
National Cheng Kung University in Tainan, Taiwan, Jan10-13, 2015, Taiwan, 2015.01~2015.01.
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Institute of Technology Bandung(ITB), University of Indonesia, "Prospects of Computational Image Processing in High Precision Radiation Therapy" Nov.3, 2014, Indonesia, 2014.11~2014.11.
The 5th International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS 2014 in Bandung, Indonesia) Invited Speaker "Good Relationships between Computational Image Analysis and Radiological Physics", Nov.2, 2014, Indonesia, 2014.11~2014.11.
Department of Nuclear Physics - Nuclear Engineering Faculty of Physics and Engineeing Physics University of Science Ho Chi Minh city "Prospects of Computational Medical Image Analysis in High Precision Radiation Therapy", "Introduction of Kyushu Universit, Vietnam, 2014.10~2014.10.
14th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics (AOCMP) & 12th South East Asia Congress of Medical Physics (SEACOMP), Invited Speaker "Computational Medical Image Analysis for Improvement of Quality of Radiation Therapy", Oct.25, 2014, Vietnam, 2014.10~2014.10.
BEXCO in Busan, Sep.25-27,2013, Korea, 2014.09~2014.09.
Austin Convention Center, July 20-24, 2014, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2014.07~2014.07.
Dept. Medical Imaging and Radiological Sciences Kaohsiung Medical University (in Taiwan), 訪問, Mar.17-19,2014, Taiwan, 2014.03~2014.03.
Town & Country Resort and Convention Center, Feb.15-21,2014, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2014.02~2014.02.
PaiChai University in Daejeon, Nov.14-16,2013, Korea, 2013.11~2013.11.
The International Symposium on BioMathematics (Symomath) Invited Speaker "Computer-aided Neuroradiology Based on Magnetic Resonance Image Analysis and Biomathematics", Oct.28, 2013, Indonesia, 2013.10~2013.10.
Institute of Technology Bandung(ITB), University of Indonesia, 講演,訪問, Oct.27-28,2013, "Computational Image Analysis Methods for Assisting Radiation Oncology Practitioners in High Precision Radiation Therapy" "Introduction of Division of Medical Qauantum Science, Kyusyu University", Indonesia, 2013.10~2013.10.
Indiana Convention Center, Aug.3-9,2013, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2013.08~2013.08.
Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, May 6-9, 2013, Australia, 2013.05~2013.05.
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea, 2012.11~2012.11.
the Acropolis Convention and Exhibition Centre, France, 2012.10~2012.10.
Charlotte Convention Center, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2012.07~2012.08.
Beijing International Convention Center , China, 2012.05~2012.05.
Majestic Hotel Saigon, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 2012.01~2012.01.
Department of Nuclear Physics, University of Science - HCMC Vietnam National University ("Researches and Development of Computer-Aided Radiotherapy in My Laboratory" 講演及び施設訪問), Cho Ray Hospital, Vietnam, 2012.01~2012.01.
Mc Cormick Place, Chicago, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2011.11~2011.12.
Miami Beach Convention Center, Miami Beach, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2011.10~2011.10.
Mc Cormick Place, Chicago, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2010.11~2010.12.
The University of Calgary (Computer-Aided Diagnosis for Brain Diseases 講演及び施設訪問), Canada, 2010.08~2010.08.
The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center(Computer-Aided Radiation therapy 講演及び施設訪問), UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2010.08~2010.08.
Pennsylvania Convention Center, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2010.07~2010.07.
Duke University (Computer-Aided Diagnosis for Brain Diseases, Computer-Aided Radiation therapy 講演及び施設訪問), UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2010.07~2010.07.
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong , 2010.06~2010.07.
Geneva, University Medical Center, Switzerland, 2010.06~2010.06.
SanDiego, Town and Country Convention Center, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2010.02~2010.02.
シカゴ マコーミックプレイス, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2009.10~2009.11.
National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 2009.01~2009.01.
シカゴ マコーミックプレイス, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2008.11~2008.12.
テキサス大学MDアンダーソンがんセンター(施設見学・研修), UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2008.08~2008.08.
ヒューストン(ジョージブラウンコンベンションセンター), UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2008.07~2008.07.
バルセロナ NHコンスタンザ, Spain, 2008.06~2008.06.
サンディエゴ タウンアンドカントリ, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2008.02~2008.02.
シカゴ マコーミックプレイス, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2007.11~2007.11.
ロサンゼルスコンベンションセンター, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2007.10~2007.11.
ベルリン・ICCベルリン, Germany, 2007.05~2007.05.
サンディエゴ タウンアンドカントリ, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2007.02~2007.02.
シカゴ マコーミックプレイス, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2006.11~2006.12.
ボストン・マサチューセッツゼネラルホスピタル(講演・及び施設訪問), UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2006.11~2006.11.
フィラデルフィア・ペンシルベニアコンベンションセンター, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2006.11~2006.11.
ソウル COEX, Korea, 2006.08~2006.09.
サンディエゴ タウンアンドカントリ, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2006.02~2006.02.
サンディエゴ タウンアンドカントリ, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2005.02~2005.02.
シカゴ マコーミックプレイス, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2005.11~2005.12.
シカゴ マコーミックプレイス, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2004.11~2004.12.
シカゴ ヒルトン, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2004.06~2004.06.
シカゴ大学放射線科, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2002.09~2004.03.
2024.01~2024.07, 1ヶ月以上, Dr. YEDEKÇİ FAZLI YAĞIZ from Hacettepe University in Turkey (January/15-July16/2024), Turkey.
2023.11~2023.11, 2週間未満, Dr. Freddy Haryanto from Institute of Technology Bandun (Nov. 22-26, 2023), Indonesia.
2023.04~2023.06, 1ヶ月以上, Prof. Ronnie Wirestam from Lund University in Sweden (April/17-June17/2023), Sweden.
2018.04~2018.04, 2週間未満, Dr. Samuel G. Armato III from The University of Chicago (April 16, 2018), UnitedStatesofAmerica.
2017.10~2017.10, 2週間未満, Dr. Yeong Chai Hong from University of Malaya (October 4-6, 2017), Malaysia.
2017.06~2017.06, 2週間未満, Dr. Kenji Suzuki from Illinois Institute of Technology (June 30, 2017), Japan.
2017.03~2017.03, 2週間未満, Dr. Chary Rangacharyulu from University of Saskatchewan (March 6, 2017), Canada.
2016.11~2016.11, 2週間未満, Dr. Anchali Krisanachinda from Chulalongkorn University (November 18, 2016), Thailand.
2015.03~2015.03, 2週間未満, Dr. Vichianin Yudthaphon from Mahidol University.(March 18-20, 2015), Thailand.
2015.02~2015.02, 2週間未満, Dr. Freddy Haryanto from Institute of Technology Bandun(Feb. 26, 2015), Indonesia.
2013.05~2013.05, 2週間未満, Dr. Kenji Suzuki from the University of Chicago (May.27, 2013), Japan.
2012.02~2012.02, 2週間未満, Prof. Ritsuko Komaki from the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center (Feb. 20-24, 2012), Japan.
2011.10~2011.10, 2週間未満, Prof. Rangayyan from University of Calgary (Oct.11-17, 2011), Canada.
Certificate of Merit Award (Kamezawa H., Arimura H.) "Novel radiomics/dosiomics-based treatment failure prediction for pharyngeal cancer patients", The 3rd International Conference on Radiological Physics and Technology(ICRPT, Yokohama), 2024.04.
SAMITフロンティア賞 (兒玉拓巳、有村秀孝他) "体幹部定位放射線治療前のベッチ数特徴量を用いた非小細胞肺がん患者における局所領域再発予測", JAMIT若手医用画像工学シンポジウム: SAMIT2023、2023/9/30-10/1, 2023.10.
Outstanding Presentation Award (Jin Yu, Arimura H, et al.) "Prognoses Prediction of NSCLC Patients with CT Image Feature Linked with Gene Expression", The 2nd International Conference on Radiological Physics and Technology(ICRPT, Yokohama), 2023.04.
AOCMP 2022, Best Student Award, Hamasaki H. Arimura, et al."Noninvasive Prediction of Myocardial Ischemia Based on Fractional Flow Reserve Derived from Coronary Computed Tomography", AOCMP 2022, Taipei, Dec.10-12, 2022, 2022.12.
日本放射線腫瘍学会第35回学術大会Highly Cited Award, Arimura H."Radiomics with artificial intelligence for precision medicine in radiation therapy", 日本放射線腫瘍学会第35回学術大会、広島、2022/11/10, 2022.11.
第40回日本医用画像工学会大会奨励賞 (兒玉拓巳、有村秀孝他) "体幹部定位放射線治療を受けた非小細胞肺癌患者における癌の進行予測のためのレディオミクス解析", 第40回日本医用画像工学会大会, オンライン開催、2021/10/13, 2021.10.
Young Investigator Award (Taka-aki Hirose, Hidetaka Arimura, et al.) Pretreatment Prediction of Radiation Pneumonitis Based on Deep Transfer Learning after Lung Cancer Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy, 2021.09.
医用画像情報学会令和2年度内田論文賞 (亀澤秀美、有村秀孝他) "Preoperative and Non-Invasive Approach for Radiomic Biomarker-Based Prediction of Malignancy Grades in Patients with Parotid Gland Cancer in Magnetic Resonance Images", 医用画像情報学会(オンライン広島), 20210605, 2021.06.
President's Award Gold (Kenta Ninomiya, Hidetaka Arimura, et al.) Radiogenomic imaging biopsy for EGFR-Mutated patients with non-small cell lung cancer based on contrast CT images using invariant Betti numbers, The 121st Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics (JSMP, Yokohama), 2021.04.
Bronze Award (Taka-aki Hirose, Hidetaka Arimura, et al.) "Deep Learning-Based Prediction of Radiation Pneumonitis after Lung Cancer Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy", The 77th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Radiological Technology (JSRT, Yokohama), 2021.04.
Best Paper Award (Ninomiya K, Arimura H.et al.) "Novel recognition approach of TKI-sensitizing EGFR mutations in non-small cell lung cancer patients using topologically invariant Betti numbers", International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia (IFMIA) 2021, Hybrid conference, Jan.24-27, 2021,Taipei, 2021.01.
Best Oral Presentation Award (LE Cuong Quoc, Arimura H.et al.) "Prediction of Five-year Survival Probabilities of Head-and-neck Cancer Patients Based on Radiomic Signatures Selected by Coxnet", 17th SEACOMP & the 3rd PIT-FMB (Bali, Indonesia, 8-10, Aug 2019), 2019.08.
Best Oral Presentation Award (Tran Thi Thao Nguyen, Arimura H.et al.) "Computationally analysis of cold spots in dose distributions of VMAT plans for prostate cancer", 18th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics and 16th South-East Asia Congress of Medical Physics (AOCMP, Kuala Lumpur, 13-Nov-2018), 2018.11.
第37回日本医用画像工学会大会 奨励賞 (二宮 健太、有村秀孝他) "前立腺癌放射線治療におけるベイズ領域推定法のための解剖学的特徴点に基づいた前立腺位置推定法", 第37回日本医用画像工学会大会 (筑波), 20180725, 2018.09.
第115回日本医学物理学会学術大会英語プレゼンテーション賞 (亀澤秀美, 有村秀孝, 他) "Survival prediction of head and neck cancer patients based on image features selected by using artificial neural network", 第115回日本医学物理学会学術大会(横浜), 2018.04.
平成29年度内田論文賞 (Nakamoto T, Arimura H.et al.) "A framework for estimating four-dimensional dose distributions during stereotactic body radiation therapy based on a 2D/3D registration technique with an adaptive transformation parameter approach", 医用画像情報学会(MII) 平成29年度年次(第178回)大会 (大阪), 2017.6.3, 2017.06.
第113回日本医学物理学会学術大会英語プレゼンテーション賞 (浅村 崚介, 有村秀孝, 他) "Quantitative analysis for coldspots in dose distributions of IMRT for prostate cancer", 第113回日本医学物理学会学術大会(横浜), 2017.04.
ICMP2016 Anchali Krisanachinda Award (Sasahara M, Arimura H.et al.) "Investigation of a target-based patient positioning framework for image-guided radiotherapy in prostate cancer treatment", The 22nd International conference on Medical Physics (ICMP2016, Bangkok, Thailand) 2016.12.11, 2016.12.
Best Presentation Silver Award of IOMP (Nakamoto T, Arimura H.et al.) "2D/3D registration-based framework for estimating 4D dose distributions according to dynamic images of an EPID during SBRT for lung cancer", The 22nd International conference on Medical Physics (ICMP2016, Bangkok, Thailand) 2016.12.10, 2016.12.
Best Presentation Award (Tran Thi Thao Nguyen, Arimura H.et al.) Brachytherapy for Treatment of Cervical Cancer, Vietnamese-Japanese Students' Scientific Exchange Meeting(VJSE 2016) Fukuoka, Sep. 17, 2016, 2016.09.
第111回日本医学物理学会学術大会大会長賞(Mazen Soufi, 有村秀孝, 他) Automated localization of anatomical feature points in infrared ray-based range images of patient surfaces by using differential geometry, 第111回日本医学物理学会学術大会(横浜), 2016.04.
Best Oral Presentation Award (Chonnikan Jongkreangkrai, Y. Vichianin, C. Tocharoenchai, Hidetaka Arimura) "Computer-aided Classification of Alzheimer’s Disease Based on Support Vector Machine with Combination of Cerebral Image Features in MRI", 13th South-East Asian Congress of Medical Physics (SEACOMP2015, Dec.10 - 12, 2015 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia), 2015.12.
第109回日本医学物理学会学術大会大会長賞(仲本宗泰, 有村秀孝, 他) Improvement of automated monitoring approach of 4D dose distributions during SBRT based on 2D/3D registration with adaptive transformation parameters, 第109回日本医学物理学会学術大会(横浜), 2015.04.
第71回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会CyPos賞(亀澤秀美, 有村秀孝, 他) Patient Dose Reduction Based on Various Noise Suppression Filters for Cone-beam CT in IGRT, 第71回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会(横浜), 2015.04.
Best Oral Presentation Award (Tran Thi Thao Nguyen, Arimura H.et al.) Investigation of dosimetric impacts of tissue heterogeneities in intracavitary brachytherapy for cervical cancer, 14th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics (AOCMP) & 12th South East Asia Congress of Medical Physics (SEACOMP 2014 in Ho Chi Monh City, Vietnam), 2014.10.
第107回日本医学物理学会大会長賞(亀澤秀美, 有村秀孝, 他) Possibility of exposure dose reduction of CBCT in an image guided patient setup system by using various noise reduction filters, 第107回日本医学物理学会学術大会(横浜), 2014.04.
Robert F. Wagner Student Paper Award, PACS and Imaging Informatics: Next Generation and Innovations Conference Finalist (Nonaka A, Arimura H, et al.) Local image descriptor-based searching framework of usable similar cases in a radiation treatment plannin, International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE Medical Imaging), San Diego, 2014.02.
Best Session Paper Award (Soufi M, Arimura H.et al.) Automated estimation of intra-fractional patient setup errors by using range images obtained via time-of-flight camera, 14th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (ISIS2013 in Daejeon, Korea), 2013.11.
第106回日本医学物理学会大会長賞(仲本宗泰, 有村秀孝, 他) 肺定位放射線治療時に取得した高エネルギーX線動画像に基づく4次元線量分布自動推定法の開発, 第106回日本医学物理学会学術大会(大阪), 2013.09.
英語プレゼンテーション賞(Ze Jin, Arimura H.et al.) Computer-Aided Delineation of Lung Tumor Regions in Treatment Planning CT Images by Localized Level Set Method Combined with PET/CT Images, 第105回日本医学物理学会学術大会(横浜), 2013.04.
平成23年度内田論文賞(山下泰生, 有村秀孝他) MR脳血流マップ画像を用いたアルツハイマー病の鑑別支援システムの開発, 医用画像情報学会(MII)平成24年度年次(第163回)大会 ,金沢, 2012.06.
Radiological Physics and Technology 2011年度土井賞(核医学/MR/Informatics分野)(Magome T, Arimura H, et al.) "Automated segmentation method of white matter and gray matter regions with multiple sclerosis lesions in MR images", Radiolol Phys Technol 4 (1), 61-72, 2011, Radiological Physics and Technology, 2012.04.
Conference Finalist of the Best Student Paper Award (Magome T, Arimura H, et al.) Computer-assisted radiation treatment planning system for determination of beam directions based on similar cases in a database for stereotactic body radiotherapy, International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE Medical Imaging), San Diego, 2012.02.
Finalist in Young investigator Symposium (Magome T, Arimura H, et al.) Automated method for determination of beam directions based on similar cases for lung stereotactic body radiotherapy, 6th Japan-Korea Joint Meeting on Medical Physics (JKMP) 11th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics (AOCMP) , Fukuoka, 2011.10.
優秀演題賞(桑水流純平, 有村秀孝他) 治療計画CTとPET-CT画像を利用した肺腫瘍領域自動抽出方法の開発, 第24回日本放射線腫瘍学会(JASTRO) ,神戸, 2011.11.
Second Place in Young investigator Symposium (Magome T, Arimura H, et al.) Automated method for determination of beam directions based on similar cases for lung stereotactic body radiotherapy, 6th Japan-Korea Joint Meeting on Medical Physics (JKMP) 11th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics (AOCMP) , Fukuoka, 2011.10.
Finalist in Young investigator Symposium (Kuwazuru J, Arimura H, et al.) Automated Segmentation of Multiple Sclerosis Candidate Regions using a Level Set Method based on an Artificial Neural Network, 10th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics (AOCMP) Oct.17, Taipei , 2010.10.
First Place in Young investigator Symposium (Itano W, Arimura H, et al.) Automated verification method for patient setup based on digitally reconstructed radiography and portal image for prostate cancer treatment , 10th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics(AOCMP) Oct.17 ,Taipei , 2010.10.
大会長賞(溝口明日実, 有村秀孝他) EPIDに基づく線量分布画像の取得方法の検討 , 第100回日本医学物理学会学術大会(JSMP) 9月25日,東京, 2010.09.
ポスター賞(桑水流純平, 有村秀孝他) ANNを用いたレベルセット法に基づく多発性硬化症病変部候補領域の検出の試み , 第100回日本医学物理学会学術大会(JSMP) 9月25日,東京, 2010.09.
Semi Final Student Paper Award (Tokunaga C, Arimura H, et al.) Fuzzy-Based Segmentation of Brain Parenchymal Regions with Alzheimer's Disease into Cerebral Cortex and with Matter in 3.0-T Magnetic Resonance Images , World Automation Congress (WAC) Sep.21, Kobe , 2010.09.
学生賞(馬込大貴, 有村秀孝他) 放射線治療計画支援のための類似症例提示システムの開発 , 第66回日本放射線技術学会(JSRT)4月11日,横浜, 2010.04.
Cypos賞(川田秀道, 有村秀孝他) 骨盤部X線画像における前立腺癌永久挿入密封小線源治療用ヨウ素125シード線源数の自動推定方法の開発, 日本放射線技術学会(JSRT) 4月11日,横浜, 2010.04.
優秀ポスター賞(有村秀孝他) 肺定位放射線治療におけるEPIDを用いた腫瘍位置のずれ量推定方法の開発, 日本高精度放射線外部照射研究会, 2007.03.
Certificate of Merit (Arimura H. et al.) Performance Evaluation of a Computer-aided Diagnostic System for Detection of Intracranial Aneurysms in MR Angiography with Different Databases , Radiological Society of North America, 2006.11.
奨励賞 有村秀孝他,3次元MRA画像における脳動脈瘤のコンピュータ支援検出スキームの開発, 日本医用画像工学会, 2006.07.
進歩賞 有村秀孝他, 医療用X線写真の粒状のウィナースペクトルの濃度と管電圧に対する依存性の研究 , 社団法人日本写真学会, 1997.05.
2024年度~2026年度, 基盤研究(C), 代表, 臨床支援のためのT病期自動分類システムの開発.
2023年度~2025年度, 特別研究員奨励費, 代表, 「早期肺癌治療選択に向けた治療効果の経時的予測法の開発」(日本学術振興会特別研究員DC1 兒玉拓巳).
2020年度~2023年度, 基盤研究(C), 代表, 遺伝子変異検出から予後予測へつなぐ画像生検の開発.
2020年度~2022年度, 基盤研究(C), 分担, 鼻副鼻腔乳頭腫由来癌の癌化予測法確立と予測因子の網羅的解析(代表:安松 隆治, 九州大学医学研究院→近畿大学).
2021年度~2021年度, 特別研究員奨励費, 代表, 「画像不変量を用いたEGFR変異サブタイプ別TKI治療予後シミュレータの開発」(日本学術振興会特別研究員DC2二宮 健太).
2020年度~2023年度, 基盤研究(C), 分担, 深層学習を応用した肺癌放射線治療後の肺臓炎重症度予測と治療法最適化システムの開発(代表:塩山 善之, 九州大学, 医学研究院).
2019年度~2021年度, 基盤研究(C), 分担, 膵癌克服に向けた重粒子線治療と深層学習の融合による集学的治療アルゴリズムの開発(代表:篠藤 誠、国立研究開発法人量子科学技術研究開発機構).
2016年度~2018年度, 特別研究員奨励費, 代表, 「ピクセル型放射線検出器を用いた動的適応小線源治療システムの開発」(日本学術振興会特別研究員DC1 Tran Thi Thao Nguyen ).
2016年度~2017年度, 特別研究員奨励費, 代表, 「多値画像関数に基づく生物学的原体放射線治療最適計画システムの提案 」(日本学術振興会特別研究員DC2 Mazen Soufi ).
2015年度~2016年度, 特別研究員奨励費, 代表, 「統計的治療計画法に基づくプロスペクティブ適応放射線治療システムの開発」(日本学術振興会特別研究員DC2仲本 宗泰).
2015年度~2016年度, 特別研究員奨励費, 代表, 「統計的生物数理モデルを用いた脳動脈瘤ロバスト検出システム」(日本学術振興会特別研究員DC2靳 泽Ze Jin ).
2014年度~2016年度, 挑戦的萌芽研究, 代表, モバイルガンマカメラを用いて腔内照射中の形態画像上4次元線量分布の可視化に挑む.
2012年度~2013年度, 新学術領域研究, 代表, 治療計画計算解剖モデルに基づく粒子線治療支援システムの開発.
2011年度~2013年度, 基盤研究(B), 分担, 拡張現実感技術を用いた新しい放射線治療のセットアップ手法の開発 (代表中村和正).
2010年度~2012年度, 特別研究員奨励費, 代表, 放射線治療計画データベースに基づく高精度治療計画支援システムの開発(日本学術振興会DC1馬込大貴).
2010年度~2012年度, 基盤研究(C), 分担, TOF方式PET装置を用いた分子イメージングの放射線治療計画への応用(代表 佐々木 雅之).
2011年度~2013年度, 挑戦的萌芽研究, 分担, サイバーナイフ治療におけるマシンビジョンシステムを用いた位置認識システムの開発(代表中村和正).
2010年度~2012年度, 基盤研究(C), 代表, 類似症例検索に基づく高精度3次元放射線治療計画支援システムの開発.
2010年度~2012年度, 基盤研究(C), 分担, 3次元形状計測を利用した定量的X線撮影法の開発(代表豊福不可依).
2010年度~2013年度, 基盤研究(C), 分担, 機能画像を用いた低リスク肺癌高精度放射線治療法の開発(代表塩山善之).
2010年度~2012年度, 基盤研究(C), 分担, アルツハイマー病発症前診断のためのマルチパラメトリックMRIの開発(代表吉浦敬).
2007年度~2009年度, 基盤研究(C), 代表, 脳機能形態MR画像に基づくアルツハイマー型認知症の高精度検出システムの開発.
2006年度~2009年度, 基盤研究(C), 分担, 拡散テンソルMRIを用いた脳内ネットワークイメージング法の開発とその臨床応用.
2001年度~2002年度, 若手研究(B), 代表, 脳動脈瘤スクリーニング検査のための診断支援システムの開発.
1998年度~2000年度, 基盤研究(B), 分担, 医療用X線被曝低減のための半導体センサー式撮像装置の開発.
1998年度~1999年度, 奨励研究, 代表, 医療用X線撮像システムの総合評価関数ソフトウエアの開発.
1996年度~1997年度, 基盤研究(A), 分担, 被曝線量低減のための半導体アレイ式医療用X線撮像装置の開発.
2012.11~2014.02, 分担, 次世代医用クラウドシステムによる脳卒中に関する統合診断支援プラットフォームの構築.
2021年度, 公財)中部科学技術センター, 第34回令和3年度「人工知能研究助成」/「COVID-19肺炎予後予測と重症化患者同定を可能にする画像生検AIの開発」.
2012年度, 公益財団法人大川情報通信基金, 研究助成・応用分野(B)/ 「高次元画像情報に基づく次世代型コンピュータ支援放射線治療システムの開発」.
2018年度~2018年度, 数理・データサイエンスに関する教育・研究支援プログラム, 代表, 臨床画像データサイエンティストの育成を目指した画像情報演習の開発.
2017年度~2017年度, 数理・データサイエンスに関する教育・研究支援プログラム, 代表, レディオミクスデータサイエンスに基づくがん至適治療法決定支援システム.

