Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Books
MATSUMOTO HIROSHIGE Last modified date:2024.06.03

Professor / Advanced Energy Conversion Systems Thrust / International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research

1. HIROSHIGE MATSUMOTO, KWATI LEONARD, Hydrogen Energy Engineering: A Japanese Perspective, Springer, 2016.08.
2. HIROSHIGE MATSUMOTO, Energy Technology Roadmaps of Japan Future Energy Systems Based on Feasible Technologies Beyond 2030, Springer, "Hydrogen Production" Pages 147-165
"Infrastructure for Next-Generation Vehicles" Pages 217-235, 2016.06.
3. Yoshio Matsuzaki, Yuya Tachikawa, Toru Hatae, Hiroshige Matsumoto, Shunsuke Taniguchi, Kazunari Sasaki, Symbolic Analysis of Multi-Stage Electrochemical Oxidation for Enhancement of Electric Efficiency of SOFCs, Wiley Blackwell, 10.1002/9781119234531.ch4, Volume 255, 31 May 2016, Pages 41-46, 2016.05, SOFCs have the solid-state ceramic construction and operate at high-temperatures, with flexibility in fuel choice, high efficiency, stability, and reliability. The most attractive characteristics of SOFCs should be high fuel-to-electricity conversion efficiencies of as high as 50 to 60 percent LHV. For further improving the electrical efficiencies, preceding studies on multi-stage electrochemical oxidation with SOFCs have been reported. However, there are many parameters for the multi-stage oxidation, and effects of the parameters on the efficiency remains to be identified. We have investigated the multi-stage oxidation by using a symbolic analysis method. In the case of n-stage electrochemical oxidation, the fuel utilization ratio in the individual stage was found to decrease with increasing the n value at a fixed fuel utilization ratio of an entire system, resulting in the enhancement of robustness against the operation at a high fuel utilization ratio of the entire system as well as against a gas-leakage. © 2016 The American Ceramic Society. All rights reserved..
4. Kimura Seiichiro, HIROSHIGE MATSUMOTO, Infrastructure for next-generation vehicles
, Springer Japan , Pages 217-235, 2016.01, During and after the intense growth period of the economy in Japan around the 1960s, the number of fuel filling stations increased with the rapid spread of automobiles. However, two oil crises in the 1970s triggered the introduction of “next-generation vehicles.” Examples include battery electric vehicles (BEVs), compressed natural gas vehicles (CNGVs), and hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs). After the 1990s, CNGVs began to be introduced, and the development of BEVs and FCEVs accelerated. However, penetration of these next-generation vehicles was not fully successful, owing to their inferior performance (range, acceleration, durability, economic efficiency, and other factors) compared with conventional internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs) and a lack of infrastructure, e.g., insufficient CNG stations for CNGVs. Since around 2010, the introduction of next-generation vehicles has progressed gradually. The higher price and shorter cruising range relative to ICEVs has been improved, and their infrastructure has expanded. FCEVs are scheduled to be on the market in 2015, and their hydrogen infrastructure is also being developed. This study discusses next-generation vehicles’ fuel supply infrastructure, particularly its technical goals, challenges, and risks, and surveys Japan’s past approaches and efforts and future prospects. © Springer Japan 2016..
5. HIROSHIGE MATSUMOTO, Kimura Seiichiro, Itaoka Kenshi, Inoue Gen, Hydrogen production
, Springer Japan, Pages 147-165, 2016.01, Hydrogen production methods to meet hydrogen demand as a future fuel are considered. Current hydrogen production methods are described, and energy efficiency, CO2 emissions, and cost are discussed. After estimating possible future hydrogen use and demand, various hydrogen production methods meeting future hydrogen demand are addressed and their prospects considered. A brief conclusion is that future demand for hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles can be met by conventional fossil fuel-based hydrogen production methods, but novel low-carbon techniques for this production using biomass, renewable energybased electrolysis, thermochemical methods, and photoelectrochemical water splitting are important to reduce CO2 emissions. The introduction of hydrogen energy provides benefits of energy saving, renewable energy use, and stabilization of energy security. © Springer Japan 2016..