Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Presentations
Ayami Matsushima Last modified date:2023.12.06

Associate Professor / Organic and Biological Chemistry / Department of Chemistry / Faculty of Sciences

1. 例枡屋宇洋、例伊藤琴音、例石橋知佳、例岩本雅輝、例田川幸樹、松島綾美, Development of a new clipping method for ab initio calculation to evaluate halogen bonds in ligand/receptor protein crystal structures, 2021International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Soieties(Pacifichem2021), 2021.12.
2. 細瀬摩利、白根共太 、石橋知佳、伊藤琴音、田川幸樹、松島綾美, Neuropeptide gene expression in the fetal mouse brain exposed to an endocrine-disrupting chemical(内分泌かく乱物質暴露マウスの脳内ペプチド発現), 第58回ペプチド討論会, 2021.10.
3. @Ayami Matsushima, Halogen-containing Environmental Chemicals Bind to Nuclear Receptors, he 19th Malaysian International Chemistry Congress & International Congress on Pure & Applied Chemistry Langkawi 2018, 2018.10, Environmental chemicals, such as pesticides and raw materials of resins, have the potential to induce adverse effects to wildlife and humans. Most of unfavorable effects derive from signal transduction via activated receptors, which is transmitted by simple ligand-receptor interactions. These receptor-mediated adverse effects are recognized as signal tocxicity, and the chemicals are called endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs). Ligand-receptor interactions are constructed by weak interactions such as electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions, however, the detail mechanism of hydrophobic interactions in biomolecules is still obscure. There are many kinds of receptors, for instance, nuclear receptors in nuclei and membrane receptors on the cell membrane. In this paper, we present structure-activity studies on nuclear receptors and EDCs which are released into the environment. We have a strong interest in -interactions composed of aromatic amino acid residues. The crystal structures of ligands bound to nuclear receptors are also illustrated. We also evaluated the stability of ligand/receptor complexes using some computer calculations. Halogen-containing ligands will also be a useful tool to control receptor-ligand interactions by constructing halogen bonds between receptors and their ligands..
4. 松島綾美, Evaluation of Halogen Interaction between Nuclear Receptors and Halogen-Containing Environmental Chemicals, 第1回 九州大学女性研究者ダイバーシティシンポジウム―理工系分野―, 2018.03.
5. 松島綾美, Risk Science of Halogen-containing Environmental Chemicals, エネルギー・環境・資源問題の解決に繋がる革新的材料創出に向けた光・量子ビーム応用技術調査専門委員会第2回研究会, 2017.12.
6. 劉 暁輝、西元敦也、松山祐昂、松島綾美, エストロゲン活性を増強するERα-ERRα協働作用においてレポーターシステムに必須な構造要因(P2-B-4), 第19回環境ホルモン学会研究発表会, 2016.12.
7. 杉山真季子、斎藤辰弥、亀田朋典、松山祐昂、劉 暁輝、松島綾美、下東美樹、下東康幸, 仔マウスにビスフェノールA暴露が誘起する低活動性症状の原因遺伝子探索(P2-D-7), 第19回環境ホルモン学会研究発表会, 2016.12.
8. 松山祐昂、劉 暁輝、松島綾美、下東康幸, ヒト甲状腺ホルモン受容体TRの活性増強因子として働く構成的に自発活性な核内受容体(P1-B-2), 第19回環境ホルモン学会研究発表会, 2016.12.
9. 劉 暁輝、松山祐昂、下東美樹、下東康幸, 核内受容体ERRsは不活性ERαーAF1ドメイン欠損体とも協働してビスフェノールA低用量効果を示す(P1-B-1), 第19回環境ホルモン学会研究発表会, 2016.12.
10. 松島綾美, 環境ホルモン学会に参加して10年:10年間の核内受容体とリガンドの構造活性相関解析研究, 第19回環境ホルモン学会研究発表会, 2016.12.
11. 松島綾美, 核内受容体とハロゲン含有環境化学物質の精緻な構造活性相関, DV-Xα研究協会, 2016.12.
12. 松島綾美, 日中女性研究者の更なる飛躍に向けて, 日中女性科学者シンポジウム 2016 in Japan , 2016.08.
13. 松島 綾美, 西村裕一, 劉 暁輝, 武末祐貴, 松山祐昂, 下東 康幸, Comprehensive structural analysis of the nociceptin ORL1 receptor by means of virtual and experimental Ala-scanning combined methods, 第52回ペプチド討論会, 2015.11.
14. 劉 暁輝, 下東美樹, 松島 綾美, 下東 康幸, Protein constitutive peptide fragments to inhibit protein-protein interaction: Inhibitory peptides as molecular probe for clarification of human nuclear receptor activation mechanism, 第52回ペプチド討論会, 2015.11.
15. 松山祐昂, 西村裕一, 劉 暁輝, 松島 綾美, 下東 康幸, Comparative analyses of the ligand binding domain secondary structures of human nuclear receptors, 第52回ペプチド討論会, 2015.11.
16. 杉山真季子, 元松雄大, 松山祐昂, 梶山祥太, 亀田朋典, 斉藤辰哉, 内村恵梨子, 劉 暁輝, 松島 綾美, 下東 康幸, SCN circadian rhythm signal transduction neuropeptides evoke hypoactive phenotype differently in male and female mice, 第52回ペプチド討論会, 2015.11.
17. 崎戸沙耶, 劉 暁輝, 藤山明菜, 松島 綾美, 下東 康幸, Do the Estrogen Receptors Function as a Homodimer? Experimental Validation of Homodimerization by Inhibitory Peptides, 第52回ペプチド討論会, 2015.11.
18. 武末祐貴, 西村裕一, 劉 暁輝, 松島 綾美, 下東 康幸, Functional Role of the Phe-Phe Stacking Microswich in the ORL1 nociceptin receptor activation, 第52回ペプチド討論会, 2015.11.
19. 徳丸飛鳥, 松尾文香, 梅野翔太郎, 松山祐昂, 中村将行, 住吉美保, 下東美樹, 劉 暁輝, 松島 綾美, 下東 康幸, Expression analysis of neuropeptide PDF mRNA in the hypoactive and hyperactive fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, 第52回ペプチド討論会, 2015.11.
20. 元松雄大, 西村裕一, 松山祐昂, 劉 暁輝, 松島 綾美, 下東 康幸, ORL1 nociceptin receptor response of opioid peptides derived from proenkephalin precursor protein, 第52回ペプチド討論会, 2015.11.
21. H. Nishimura, J. Li, K. Isozaki, Y. Abe, S. Inamine, 松島 綾美, T. Costa, 下東 康幸, Functionally Essential Amino Acid Residues in ORL1 Nociceptin Receptor for Ligand-stimulated Receptor Activation., The 4th Asia-Pacific International Peptide Symposium / The 50th Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2013.11.
22. A. Matsuo, S. Umeno, Y. Matsuyama, M. Nakamura, Y. Takeda, M. Sumiyoshi, 松島 綾美, M. Shimohigashi, 下東 康幸, Bisphenol A-induced Epigenetic Mutations in Circadian Pacemaker Neuropeptide mRNAs of Hyperactive Drosophila Fruit Flies., The 4th Asia-Pacific International Peptide Symposium / The 50th Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2013.11.
23. Ayami Matsushima, H. Nishimura, S. Inamine, 下東 康幸, Multiple and Simultaneous Cys→Ala Mutations of ORL1 Nociceptin Receptor to Identify the Affinity Binding site of Cys(Npys)-Elongated RYYRIK Peptide Antagonist., The 4th Asia-Pacific International Peptide Symposium / The 50th Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2013.11.
24. LIU XIAOHUI, A. Fujiyama, H. Nishimura, Ayami Matsushima, 下東 康幸, Constitutive α-Helix-peptides Required for Functional Dimerization of Estrogen-related Receptor γ (ERRγ), The 4th Asia-Pacific International Peptide Symposium / The 50th Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2013.11.
25. M. Sugiyama, A. Matsuo, T. Saito, E. Uchimura, LIU XIAOHUI, Ayami Matsushima, Yasuyuki Shimohigashi, Expression and Mutation Analyses of Brain Neuropeptide Genes of Rndocrine-disrupting Bisphenol A-exposed Hypoactive Mouse. , The 4th Asia-Pacific International Peptide Symposium / The 50th Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2013.11.
26. Y. Kuramitsu, H. Nishimura, R. Nakamura, Keitaro Suyama, Ayami Matsushima, Takeru Nose, Yasuyuki Shimohigashi, Structure-activity Studies on the Halogenated Phe-containing Neuropeptide Substance P Analogs. , The 4th Asia-Pacific International Peptide Symposium / The 50th Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2013.11.
27. S. Umeno, A. Matsuo, Y. Matsuyama, M. Nakamura, Y. Takeda, M. Sumiyoshi, LIU XIAOHUI, Ayami Matsushima, Yasuyuki Shimohigashi, M. Shimohigashi,, Influence Analysis of the Circadian Evening Pacemaker Neuropeptide hug Gene in the Bisphenol A-exposed Fruit Fly Drosophila Brain., The 4th Asia-Pacific International Peptide Symposium / The 50th Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2013.11.
28. Y. Motomatsu, H. Nishimura, Y. Matsumoto, S. Inamine, Y. Kuramitsu, Ayami Matsushima, Yasuyuki Shimohigashi, Specific Role of Phe Residues in Opioid Peptide Met-enkephalin- Arg-Phe in Binding to All Three Opioid Receptors. , The 4th Asia-Pacific International Peptide Symposium / The 50th Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2013.11.
29. Y. Matsuyama,, LIU XIAOHUI, H. Nishimura, Ayami Matsushima, Yasuyuki Shimohigashi, Three-dimensional Docking Modeling to Human Nuclear Receptors for Exploration of Bisphenol-A Targeting Receptors. , The 4th Asia-Pacific International Peptide Symposium / The 50th Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2013.11.
30. 杉山真季子, 斎藤辰弥, 内村恵梨子, 松島 綾美, 下東美樹, 下東 康幸, Exposure to bisphenol A during gestation had effects the brain genes and locomotor activity in child mice, 日本比較生理生化学会 第35回大会, 2013.07.
31. 下東美樹, Daishi Yamazaki, 松尾綾香, 松島 綾美, 中川裕之, 下東 康幸, Effects of exposure to bisphenol A and its homologues bisphenol E and F on the axonal development of Drosophila culture neuron BG2-c6, 日本比較生理生化学会 第35回大会, 2013.07.
32. Ayami Matsushima, Structure activity relationships between nuclear receptors and newly developed bisphenol A derivatives, NIEHS Seminar, 2013.07.
33. Ayami Matsushima, Structure activity relationships between nuclear receptors and novel Bisphenol A derivative, "Crossing Boundaries with Informatics -from Basic Science to Social Infrastructure": US-Japan "Connections" Symposium for Women Leaders in Science, Technology and Engineering and Mathematics, 2013.07.
34. Exploration of high-affinity chemicals for nuclear receptors and their possible endocrine-disrupting effects as “inverse antagonists” .
35. Exploration of high-affinity chemicals for nuclear receptors and their possible endocrine-disrupting effects as “inverse antagonists” .
36. Exploration of high-affinity chemicals for nuclear receptors and their possible endocrine-disrupting effects as “inverse antagonists” .
37. Exploration of high-affinity chemicals for nuclear receptors and their possible endocrine-disrupting effects as “inverse antagonists” .
38. Exploration of high-affinity chemicals for nuclear receptors and their possible endocrine-disrupting effects as “inverse antagonists” .
39. Exploration of high-affinity chemicals for nuclear receptors and their possible endocrine-disrupting effects as “inverse antagonists” .
40. 松島 綾美, 下東 康幸, Extraordinary Strong Binding of Human Nuclear Receptor ERRγ with Endocrine-Disrupting Chemical BisphenolA, 第16回韓国ペプチド・タンパク質シンポジウム, 2012.11.
41. 西村裕一, 稲嶺翔吾, 李 京蘭, 松島 綾美, 下東 康幸, Pharmacological Chaperone for Fine Protein Expression of ORL1 Nociceptin Receptor in the Cell Membrane, 第16回韓国ペプチド・タンパク質シンポジウム, 2012.11.
42. Kanako Nishio, Hirokazu Nishimura, Keitaro Suyama, Ayami Matsushima, Takeru Nose, Yasuyuki Shimohigashi, Halogenation of Phe-phenyl in Opioid Peptide Engdomorphin-2 for Invention of Antagonist, 第16回韓国ペプチド・タンパク質シンポジウム, 2012.11.
43. Ayaka Matsuo, Masayuki Nakamura, Yukimasa Takeda, Yutaka Matsuyama, Miho Sumiyoshi, LIU XIAOHUI, Ayami Matsushima, Miki Shimohigashi, Yasuyuki Shimohigashi, Exposure of the Fruit Fly Drosophila to Bisphenol A Affects Alternative Polyadenylation of Neuropeptide PDF mRNA Gene, 第16回韓国ペプチド・タンパク質シンポジウム, 2012.11.
44. Exploration of high-affinity chemicals for nuclear receptors and their possible endocrine-disrupting effects as “inverse antagonists” .
45. Exploration of high-affinity chemicals for nuclear receptors and their possible endocrine-disrupting effects as “inverse antagonists” .
46. Exploration of high-affinity chemicals for nuclear receptors and their possible endocrine-disrupting effects as “inverse antagonists” .
47. Exploration of high-affinity chemicals for nuclear receptors and their possible endocrine-disrupting effects as “inverse antagonists” .
48. Exploration of high-affinity chemicals for nuclear receptors and their possible endocrine-disrupting effects as “inverse antagonists” .
49. Exploration of high-affinity chemicals for nuclear receptors and their possible endocrine-disrupting effects as “inverse antagonists” .
50. 松島 綾美, 伊藤夏希, 西村裕一, 下東 康幸, δ-オピオイド受容体リガンド・デルトルフィンIIのダイマーによる受容体二価性構造の解析, 第48回ペプチド討論会, 2011.09.
51. Multiple Post-transcriptional Regulations in Circadian Pacemaker Neuropeptide pdf Gene.
52. Conformation Change of α-Helix Peptide for Sensing of Deactivation of Nuclear Receptor: Immunoassay Using Polyclonal Antibody Specific for the C-terminal -Helix 12 of Estrogen-related Receptor γ (ERRγ).
53. Immunological Confirmation of Circadian-related Neuropeptide PDF-Isoform Peptide in the Cricket Gryllus bimaculatus.
54. Molecular Cloning and in situ Hybridization of Circadian Neuropeptide PDF Receptor in the Fruit Fly Drosophila melanogaster.
55. Structure-Activity Studies of FMRFamide-Related Peptides in Activating the Specific Receptor Present in the Housefly Musca domestica.