九州大学 研究者情報
廣島 文生(ひろしま ふみお) データ更新日:2024.04.04

教授 /  数理学研究院 解析部門

1. Fumio Hiroshima , Renormalization and localization by path measures

, Open Japanese-German conference on stochastic analysis and applications, 2022.09.
2. Fumio Hiroshima, Asymmetry of non-local discrete Schroedinger operators on a lattice, Mathematical Analysis and its Applications in Modern Mathematical Physics, 2022.09.
3. Fumio Hiroshima, Semi-classical analysis in quantum field theory, The 43-rd International Conference on Quantum Probability and Infinite Dimensional Analysis, 2023.01.
4. Fumio Hiroshima, Angle operators and phase operators associated with 1D-harmonic oscillator
, A quantum two-day meeting with Green talks, Green functions, and threshold behavior, 2022.04.
5. 廣島文生, Semi-classical analysis between Newton-Maxwell equation and non-relativistic QED

, 解析から設計に向けたオフシェル数理科学, IMI共同利用, 2022.02.
6. 廣島文生, Newton Maxwell equation through semi-classical analysis

, RIMS研究会,量子場の数理とその周辺, 2021.12.
7. 廣島文生, Localization of the ground state of the Nelson model, Himeji conference on PDE, 2021.03.
8. 廣島文生, 汎関数積分によるくりこみ理論と基底状態の非摂動的解析について, 日本数学会, 2021.06.
9. Fumio Hiroshima, Localizations of bound states of a renormalized Hamiltonian, Scattering, microlocal analysis and renormalisation,Mittag-Leffler Institute, Stockholm, 2020.06.
10. Fumio Hiroshima, Semi-classical analysis and Wigner measure for non-relativistic QED, NAKAMURA60, Gakushuin univ. , 2020.01.
11. 廣島 文生, 確率解析的くりこみ理論, 日本数学会秋季総合分科会 函数解析学分科会 特別講演, 2019.09.
12. Fumio Hiroshima, Hierarchy of CCR representations, Aarhus university, seminar, Denmark, 2018.10.
13. Fumio Hiroshima, Integral kernels of semigroup generated by a model in quantum field theory, 18th Workshop: Noncommutative Probability, Operator Algebras, Random Matrices and Related Topics, with Applications,Bedlewo, Poland, 2018.07.
14. Fumio Hiroshima, Ground state of renormalized Nelson model, Aarhus university, Math. Phys. seminar, Denmark, 2017.12.
15. Fumio Hiroshima, Schroedinger operators on lattice, Second Summer School: Various aspects of mathematical physics,St Petersburg,Russia, 2017.07, [URL].
16. Fumio Hiroshima, Feynman-Kac formula and its application to quantum physics, Mathematical Analysis of Interacting Quantum Systems, Rennes univ., France, 2017.03.
17. Fumio Hiroshima, Analysis of time operators, La Sapienza univ. Math. Phys. seminar, Rome, 2017.02.
18. Fumio Hiroshima, Time operator associated with Schroedinger operators, QUTIS, Bilbao, Spain, 2016.09.
19. Fumio Hiroshima, Threshold ground state of the semi-relativistic Pauli-Fierz Hamiltonian,Aarhus university, Aarhus univ. Seminar, Denmark, 2016.02.
20. 廣島 文生, 確率解析的場の量子論, 日本数学会秋季総合分科会 確率統計学分科会 特別講演, 2015.09.
21. Fumio Hiroshima, Analysis of ground state of quantum field theory by Gibbs measures, International Congress of Mathematical Physics(ICMP) 2015,Chile, 2015.08.
22. Fumio Hiroshima, Spectrum of semi-relativistic QED by a Gibbs measure, The 51 winter school of theoretical physics (Karpacz Winter Schools in Theoretical Physics), Poland, 2015.02.
23. Fumio Hiroshima, Functional integral approach to mathematically rigorous quantum field theory, TJASSST2013, Tunisia, 2013.11.
24. Fumio Hiroshima, Gibbs measure approach to spin-boson model, International conference on stochastic analysis and applications, Tunisia, 2013.10.
25. 廣島 文生, 非相対論的場の量子論とギブス測度, 2013数理物理サマースクール講師, 2013.09.
26. Fumio Hiroshima, Spectrum of non-commutative harmonic oscillator and related models, Bologna univ. seminar, Italy, 2013.09.
27. Fumio Hiroshima, Enhanced binding for quantum field models, Universite de Rennes 1 seminar, France, 2013.03.
28. Fumio Hiroshima, Gibbs measure approach to properties of ground state in QFT, Laboratoire d’Analyse,Topologie,Probabilités seminar, Universite d'Aix Marseilles,Luminy, France, 2013.03.
29. Fumio Hiroshima, Removal of UV cutoff of the Nelson model by stochastic analysis, 量子場の数理とその周辺, 2012.11.
30. 廣島文生, Feynman-Kac type formula with cadlag path and generalized Schroedinger operator with spin, 量子科学における双対性とスケール, 2011.06.
31. Fumio Hiroshima, Spectral analysis of QFT by functional integrals with jump processes, SPA,Osaka, 2010.09.
32. Fumio Hiroshima, Relativistic Pauli-Fierz model in QED by path measures, 数学的場の量子論とくりこみ理論, 2009.11, [URL].
33. Fumio Hiroshima, Functional integrations in quantum field theory, The 24th Max Born symposium, Wroclaw Univ., 2008.09.
34. Fumio Hiroshima, Spectral analysis of QFT by functional integrations, Stochastic analysis and applications, 2008 (福岡) , 2008.09.
35. Fumio Hiroshima, Feynman-Kac formula, Mini-course on Feynman-Kac formulas and their applications, Wien University, WPI, 2006.03, [URL].
36. Fumio Hiroshima, Asymptotic fields and ground states of quantum field models, Open Quantum System, E.Schrodinger Inst. Wien., 2005.03.
37. 廣島 文生, Spectral analysis of Schrodinger operators coupled to a quantum field, 日本数学会秋季総合分科会 函数解析学分科会 特別講演, 2004.09.
38. 廣島文生, Spectral analysis of partcles interacting through quantum fields, 微分方程式の総合的研究, 東京大学, 2003.12.
39. 廣島文生, Enhanced binding and mass renormalization of QED, 散乱理論とその周辺, RIMS, 2003.10.
40. 廣島文生, Effective mass and its mass renormalization of nonrelativistic QED, 繰り込み群の数理物理学への応用, RIMS, 2003.09.
41. Fumio Hiroshima, Self-adjointness of the Pauli-Fierz model for arbitrary coupling constants, Relativistic quantum system and quantum electrodynamics, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2001.08.
42. Fumio Hiroshima, Degenerate ground states of QED, Frontier of noncommutative analysis and mathematical quantum theory(福岡), 2002.08.
43. Fumio Hiroshima, Self-adjointness of the Pauli-Fierz Hamiltonian for arbitrary values of coupling constants, Munchen大学 (LMU) 談話会, 2001.03.
44. 廣島 文生, Spectral analysis of atoms interacting with a quantized radiation field, 2000数理物理サマースクール講師, 2000.09.
45. Fumio Hiroshima, Ground states of a system interacting with a radiation field: existence, uniqueness and expression, UAB Mathematical Physics Congress 99, Alabama univ. USA, 1999.03.
46. Fumio Hiroshima, Analysis of the Pauli-Fierz model for arbitrary coupling constant, Workshop on Open Classical and Quantum Field Theory, Lille univ. ,France, 1999.06.

