Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Presentations
SHU AKIYOSHI Last modified date:2023.11.15

Professor / Intercultural Studies / Department of Multicultural Society / Faculty of Languages and Cultures

1. 秋吉 收, 「Translation as a Media in Shaping Modern Chinese Literature: On Lu Xun and Zhou Zuoren’s Anthology of Modern Japanese Novels」, the 8th Asian Translation Traditions Conference (ATT8), 2017.07.
2. SHU AKIYOSHI, Lu Xun in the World,Lu Xun's World, The Second Academic Forum of the International Society of Lu Xun Studies, 2012.11, 歴史における近代中国と日本の特殊な関係のもと、日本の中国研究はその複雑な過去の歴史を透過することで、日本独自の深化した研究を成就してきた。日本に7年間留学した魯迅を対象とする場合その意義は一層強くなろう。.
3. SHU AKIYOSHI, A Study of Lu Xun's "wild Grass" from the Perspective of Comparative Literature, INSTITUTE OF CHINESE STUDIES,DELHI, 2012.11.