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菅井 裕一(すがい ゆういち) データ更新日:2024.04.26

教授 /  工学研究院 地球資源システム工学部門 資源システム工学講座

キーワード:石油増進回収、Pseudomonas aeruginosa、ナノバブル、泡、タンパク質
有用微生物を利用した石油の増進回収法(Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery, MEOR)に関する研究
キーワード:微生物,石油,MEOR,PCR, DGGE, 粘度, Petrotoga属, 石油分解
2023.04~2029.03, 代表者:菅井裕一, 九州大学, 九州大学(日本)
2023.04~2025.03, 代表者:菅井裕一, 九州大学, INPEX株式会社
2023.04~2025.03, 代表者:菅井裕一, 九州大学, INPEX株式会社
① 土壌CO2フラックス観測によるベースライン手法のための閾値策定
② CO2と他のガス(O2、N2、CH4)の比による関係式をもとにしたプロセスベース手法の構築
観測データをもとにした上記両手法を同観測データに適用することで、CO2の地中貯留をしていない状況下で、CO2濃度の季節や天候、生物活動による変動によるFalse positive判定(偽の漏洩判定)率について評価・分析し、将来的なCCS/CCUS事業での適用可能性について検証する。.
2022.04~2023.03, 代表者:菅井裕一, 九州大学, JX石油開発株式会社
2019.08~2021.08, 代表者:菅井裕一, 九州大学, 独立行政法人国際協力機構(日本)
2015.04~2016.06, 代表者:菅井裕一, 九州大学, 石油資源開発株式会社
 本研究においては、石油資源開発株式会社が進めている申川油田(秋田県)における土着微生物を活性化させて石油の増進回収を図るバイオスティミュレーション型の微生物利用EOR(Microbial EOR, MEOR)について、同油田のコア(以降、申川コアと称する)を用いた申川コア掃攻実験を実施し、申川油田において栄養剤/活性剤を圧入した場合における土着微生物の活性化と、それに伴う石油増進回収効果について、定量的に評価する。また、申川コア掃攻実験を再現可能なシミュレーションモデルを構築し、これを基に仮想のフィールドにおける本MEORのシミュレーション研究を実施する。これにより、申川コア掃攻実験によって評価された置換効率に加えて掃攻効率の改善も考慮した場合における石油増進回収効果を評価する。.
2014.04~2015.02, 代表者:菅井裕一, 九州大学大学院工学研究院, 中外テクノス株式会社(日本)
本研究プロジェクトは、油層内に棲息している微生物の増殖や代謝活動の活性化に効果的な栄養剤ならびに促進剤を圧入し、これらの微生物の代謝を促進することによって油層内で油の粘度低下、ガス生成ならびに水-油界面張力の低下などを生じさせ、石油の増進回収を図る微生物利用石油増進回収法(Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery, MEOR)の確立を目的としている。国内の油田で採取された油ならびに油層水をベレア砂岩コアに含浸させて模擬油層を作製し、これまでの培養実験において油層水常在微生物の増殖、油の粘度低下、ガス生成ならびに油-水界面張力の低下が認められた栄養剤・促進剤を添加した油層水を同コア内に圧入して培養し、室内石油増進回収実験を行なって、有効な栄養剤ならびに促進剤をスクリーニングしている。.
Fundamental study on Microbial EOR using an oil-degrading and oil-viscosity-reducing microorganism – Consideration for suitable substrate conditions and effects of the reservoir conditions on the microorganism –
2013.04~2015.03, 代表者:菅井裕一, 九州大学, Maersk Oil Research and Technology Centre (Qatar)
2013.12~2014.03, 代表者:菅井裕一, 九州大学大学院工学研究院, 綜合開発株式会社(日本)
2012.10~2013.03, 代表者:菅井裕一, 九州大学大学院工学研究院, 日本海洋石油資源開発株式会社(日本)
石油の回収を目的として水を油層内に圧入する際に、圧入水中に棲息する硫酸塩還元菌(Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria, SRB)が油層内に流入し、油層内において硫酸塩を還元して硫化水素を生成する可能性が考えられる。SRBが油層内において生成する硫化水素の量によっては、生産設備において生産障害対策を必要としたり、産出油・ガスの脱硫設備の強化などを必要とするため、水圧入に伴うSRBによる硫化水素の生成がどの程度であるかなどについて、事前の調査が重要である。本研究においては、国内の油田を対象として、SRBの硫化水素生成可能性およびメカニズムを明らかにし、その結果をもとにSRBによる硫化水素の生成予測が可能な数値シミュレータを構築して、水圧入による硫化水素の発生可能性を検討することを目的とする。.
2010.08~2013.03, 代表者:藤原和弘, 中外テクノス株式会社, NEDO:独立行政法人 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構
2011.08~2012.07, 代表者:佐々木久郎, 九州大学大学院工学研究院, 独立行政法人石油天然ガス・金属鉱物資源機構(日本)
2010.04~2012.03, 代表者:佐々木久郎, 九州大学大学院工学研究院, 九州大学
2003.04~2013.03, 代表者:佐々木久郎, 九州大学大学院工学研究院, 経済産業省・資源エネルギー庁およびJOGMEC
2009.08~2010.03, 代表者:佐々木久郎, 九州大学大学院工学研究院, 韓国石油公社(KNOC、大韓民国)
1. 菅井裕一, 石油技術協会創立80周年記念出版石油鉱業便覧第6章第2節「7.火攻法」および「8.その他の攻法(微生物攻法、電気加熱法、地下改質法等)」, 石油技術協会, 725~731頁, 2014.08.
1. Theodora Noely Tambaria, Yuichi Sugai, The Effectiveness of the Continuous and Cyclic Method on CO2-ECBM, Natural Resources (Scientific Research), https://doi.org/10.4236/nr.2024.153006, 15, 3, 69-81, 2024.03, This study examines the impact of different CO2 injection methods on coalbed methane recovery. Specifically, this study investigated the effectiveness of continuously injecting CO2 versus injecting CO2 that had been soaked for two weeks. The objective was to ascertain which approach was more successful in enhancing CO2 Enhanced coalbed Methane (CO2-ECBM). The experiment involved injecting 3 MPa of CH4 into dry coal samples, allowing it to adsorb until reaching equilibrium, and then injecting 5 MPa of CO2 to recover adsorbed CH4. The continuous method recovered CH4 without detectable effluent concentration for 5 hours, but desorption efficiency was only 26% due to fast flow. On the other hand, the desorption efficiency of the cyclic method was only 12%, indicating trapped CH4. A comparison of desorption efficiency per unit of time shows the continuous method is more effective than the cyclic method. The results of this study demonstrate the continuous method is more effective for the desorption of CH4, and its efficiency can be improved by briefly soaking CO2 on coal and then reinjecting it to maximize CH4 recovery. It is advisable to limit the soaking time to prevent excessive swelling of the coal matrix, which can hinder seam flow and harm long-term gas production..
2. Junpei Kumasaka, Yuichi Sugai, Futo Ishibashi, Numerical Simulation Study on Enhanced Efficiency of Geological CO2 Storage with Nanoparticle, Proc. of International Petroleum Technology Conference 2024, https://doi.org/10.2523/IPTC-23852-MS, IPTC-23852-MS, 2024.02.
3. Futo Ishibashi, Junpei Kumasaka, Takehiro Esaki, Yuichi Sugai, Experimental Study on the Use of Nanoparticles to Improve the Efficiency of CO2 Geological Storage, Proc. of International Petroleum Technology Conference 2024, https://doi.org/10.2523/IPTC-23962-EA, IPTC-23962-EA, 2024.02, Supercritical CO2 injected into the aquifer in CCS may migrate upward in the aquifer because its density is lower than the density of formation water. As a result, CO2 cannot be stored widely throughout the aquifer, which may reduce CO2 storage efficiency. The objective of this study is to increase the apparent density of supercritical CO2 by dispersing nanoparticles in itself and to improve CO2 storage efficiency by injecting CO2 widely in the aquifers.
The n-hexane, which has a similar solubility parameter to supercritical CO2, was used as an alternative solvent to supercritical CO2 in this study. The nanoparticles such as SiO2, Al2O3, TiO2, and ZnO were added and stirred in n-hexane respectively, and their dispersibility was observed after stirring with a magnetic stirrer or ultrasonication for 30 minutes. The dispersibility of nanoparticles in n-hexane was qualitatively evaluated by irradiating the sample with green laser light after stirring and observing the scattered light. The effect of surfactants on improving the dispersibility of nanoparticles was also evaluated using nanoparticles modified with those surfactants.
All the nanoparticles were precipitated after 30 minutes of stopping stirring with a magnetic stirrer. The dispersibility of those nanoparticles was improved by ultrasonication and the dispersion was maintained up to about 3 hours. Similar experiments were conducted using nanoparticles modified with surfactants. As a result, improved dispersibility of Al2O3 and ZnO modified with anionic surfactants was obviously observed and laser light scattering was clearly observed for about 2 hours after the stirring was stopped. Finally, it was demonstrated that the dispersion of Al2O3 nanoparticles modified with anionic surfactant was maintained even after 48 hours in n-hexane by ultrasonication.
These results indicate that Al2O3 nanoparticles modified with anionic surfactant have high dispersibility in n-hexane, especially with ultrasonication. Anionic surfactants make the surface of nanoparticles hydrophobic, which enhances their dispersibility in nonpolar solvents such as supercritical CO2. Ultrasonication is effective for eliminating agglomeration among nanoparticles and improves their dispersibility in nonpolar solvents..
4. Alireza Safari, Hamid Esfandyari, Yuichi Sugai, Manouchehr Haghighi, Abbas Zeinijahromi, Mohammad Sarmadivaleh, Hossein Masoumi, Computational fluid dynamics modeling of rock–liquid–H2 contact angles: Implications for underground hydrogen storage, Journal of Energy Storage (Elsevier), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.est.2024.110475, 81, 15, 1-13, 110475, 2024.01, To achieve the net-zero target, hydrogen (H2) will emerge as an essential cornerstone within the energy supply chain of the future. To effectively attain such a target for an integrated and sustainable large-volume economy based on H2 on a global scale, proper H2 storage is imperative. This is where the significance of Underground H2 Storage comes to the fore. However, there are many concerns that should be addressed before using underground structures including the interactions between rock, H2, and liquid within the pore spaces.
In this study, we simulated the process of an H2 bubble hitting reservoir rock samples and measured the contact angles for rock–H2–distilled water systems using the Navier–Stokes equations for mass and momentum conservation. The phase-field method was utilized for tracking the free surface. Since the phase-field method is essentially a coupling set of equations, we used the commercial finite element software COMSOL, which excels at solving Multiphysics coupling problems, to solve the Navier–Stokes equations and the phase-field method. The predicted contact angles were validated with the experimental results of basalt, shale, and calcite substrates. The simulated and experimental contact angles differed by
5. Theodora Noely Tambaria, Yuichi Sugai, Ferian Anggara, Examination of the Factors Inhibiting CO2 Adsorption on Coal: A Case Study from Shallow-Depth Low-Rank Coal Seams, ACS Omega (ACS Publications), https://doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.3c04615, 8, 45, 42329-42339, 2023.10, Understanding the inhibitory factors affecting the adsorption of CO2 on low-rank coal from shallow-depth coal seams is essential to identify potential coal seams for CO2 sequestration. The CO2 adsorption capacity of shallow-depth coals was measured at a low pressure on raw and dry coals. The samples were also prepared for organic analyses, scanning electron microscopy analyses, and low-temperature nitrogen adsorption analyses to evaluate the CO2 adsorption and identify the inhibitory factors. An investigation was conducted to determine how CO2 adsorption occurs on coal by fitting experimental data to adsorption isotherm models, followed by analyzing the results based on the statistical analysis. In addition, this study used Henry's law, surface potential, and Gibbs free energy to identify the adsorption inhibitor between CO2 and coal. The CO2 adsorption experiment was conducted on raw coal with a moisture content of 15.18–20.11% and dry coal with no moisture. The experimental data showed that the CO2 adsorption capacity in dry coal was 1.6–1.8 times greater than that in raw coal. A fitting graph between the adsorption data and the isotherm model indicated that CO2 adsorption on coal occurred on monolayers and multilayers under raw and dry conditions. Statistical evaluation of the adsorption isotherm models showed that the Langmuir and Freundlich models aligned more closely to the experimental data. According to this result, low-pressure adsorption of CO2 on coal occurred in monolayers and multilayers under raw and dry conditions. Coal containing a high huminite content had a higher potential for CO2 adsorption, and the drying increased the positive relationship. On the other hand, coal containing high inertinite content inhibited CO2 adsorption onto the coal, but the drying process did not adversely affect CO2 adsorption. Furthermore, coal with high moisture and inertinite content inhibited the affinity, accommodation, and spontaneous CO2 adsorption onto the coal. CO2 adsorption could lead to swelling, but moisture loss opened more sites and micropores, resulting in the swelling effect not closing all micropores in dry coal. Based on these results, coal seams with low moisture and inertinite content are the most promising for CO2 adsorption. Altogether, this study provides an understanding of the percentage of inhibitor factors that affects CO2 adsorption on low-rank coal from shallow depths, which may lead to different CO2 adsorption capacities..
6. Alireza Safari, Yuichi Sugai, Mohammad Sarmadivaleh, Motonao Imai, Hamid Esfandyari, Manouchehr Haghighi, ‪Morteza Moradi‬, ‪Abbas ZeiniJahromi, Analysis of the Japanese Depleted Gas Fields’ Prospect for Underground Hydrogen Storage, Proc. of Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference 2023, https://doi.org/10.2118/216987-MS, SPE-216987-MS, 2023.10, A method for reducing power peak is to store hydrogen (H2) underground in depleted gas reservoirs (hereafter UHS). In contrast to alternative solutions, like salt caverns or aquifers, the availability of depleted gas reservoirs gives a greater storage capacity. But choosing the right gas field for the UHS and carrying it out are tricky. As a result, the goal of this work is to characterize the UHS in the chosen field and rank Japanese gas fields for it.
To begin with, we ranked and screened potential H2 storage locations in Japan using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). The best locations for UHS, according to our calculations using the AHP approach, are Sekihara, Kumoide, Katakai, Nakajo, Kubiki, Shiunji, Iwafune-oki (gas), and Minami-Nagaoka. These fields’ high flow capacity, depth, current reservoir pressure, and dip angle are the causes of their elevated position. Then, based on a volumetric reservoir, we studied the H2 injection, storage, and withdrawal capacity at the chosen site in the Niigata Prefecture using the CMG reservoir simulator.
For the first time in Japan, this work offers a framework for evaluating and ranking potential depleted gas reservoirs as a UHS option. It also includes a reservoir simulation study to comprehend the impact of various parameters such as hysteresis trapping, number of injection and withdrawal cycles, and type of cushion gas on the efficiency of H2 storage and withdrawal in a volumetric gas reservoir..
7. Alireza Safari, Yuichi Sugai, Mohammad Sarmadivaleh, Motonao Imai, Screening and ranking Japanese gas fields for underground H2 storage potential: Impact of the reservoir drive mechanism, Journal of Energy Storage (Elsevier), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.est.2023.107679, 70, 15, 1-16, 107679, 2023.10, To accomplish the net-zero goal, Japan intends to increase its reliance on renewable energies such as solar power (36–38 % in 2030). However, considering the intermittent nature of solar power, the resulting energy must be transformed to a secondary energy carrier such as H2. Japan, on the other hand, is expected to import 20 × 106 tons of H2 each year by 2050. Because of these large volumes, new H2 storage techniques must be developed, in particular underground hydrogen storage (UHS). This paper ranks eight gas reservoirs out of 106 oil and gas fields in four Japanese prefectures regarding their suitability for UHS, and then suggests a H2 injection and withdrawal scheme based on the history of electricity consumption and solar power curtailment. Then, a reservoir simulation study was performed to investigate the effects of factors such as hysteresis, repeated cycles and cushion gas on the performance of these fields. The outcomes for water-drive and volumetric gas reservoirs were compared to better understand the effects of an aquifer on the long-term performance of a gas reservoir when used for UHS. Finally, it was demonstrated that the technology sought for the conversion of H2 back to electricity after withdrawal from a UHS site governs the overall efficiency of a power-H2-power process..
8. Alireza Safari, Lingping Zeng, Ronald Nguele, Yuichi Sugai, Mohammad Sarmadivaleh, Review on using the depleted gas reservoirs for the underground H2 storage: A case study in Niigata prefecture, Japan, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (Elsevier), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.12.108, 48, 28, 10579-10602, 2023.04, Underground hydrogen storage (UHS) in depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs is a prospective choice to store enormous volumes of hydrogen (H2). However, these subsurface formations must be able not only to store H2 in an effective and secure manner, but also to produce the required volumes of H2 upon demand. This paper first reviews the critical parameters to be considered for geological analysis and reservoir engineering evaluation of UHS. The formation depth, the interactions of rock-brine-H2, the caprock (seal) and well integrity are the most prominent parameters as far as UHS is concerned. In respect of these critical parameters, tentative H2 storage is screened from the existing gas storage fields in the Niigata prefecture of Japan, and it was revealed that the Sekihara gas field is a suitable candidate for UHS with a storage capacity of 2.06 × 108 m3 and a depth of 1000 m. Then, a series of numerical simulations utilizing CMG software was conducted to find out the extent to which critical parameters alter H2 storage capacity. The results demonstrated that this field, with a recovery factor of 82.7% in the sixth cycle of production is a prospective site for H2 storage..
9. Danielle Poungui, Yuichi Sugai, Kyuro Sasaki, Ronald Nguele, Swelling Mechanisms Assessment of Water-based Drilling Mud by Polyvinyl Alcohol, Proceeding of Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition 2022, https://doi.org/10.2118/210694-MS, SPE-210694-MS, 2022.10, Swelling control is an elaborated balancing of solid-liquid ratios in the mud, influencing crucial physio-chemical features. Mechanical swelling control methods showing limitations drove recent researchers to consider chemical agents, including polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH). PVOH is known to have a swelling ability to improve mud rheology. The present study investigates the synergy of PVOH and Bentonite in an aqueous environment by analyzing the effluents samples. Three types of PVOH were selected: a standard PVOH and two modified PVOHs (a non-ionic group PVOH and a cationic group PVOH-3 attached to the carbon backbone. Except for the control sample (sample without polymer), PVOHs were added to different mud samples at ranging concentrations of 0.1 wt.% to 0.5 wt.%; each has a bulk volume of 400 ml. Each mud sample was filtrated at room temperature under an applied pressure of 1.28 MPa for 5 hours. The samples' effluents were then analyzed for polymer adsorption. Preliminary filtration tests revealed further effluent production reduction with increased PVOH concentration. Compared to the control sample, samples containing standards PVOH-1, Non-ionic PVOH-2, and Cationic PVOH-3, respectively, had their mud cake mass increase of 48%, 36%, and 38%, while respectively having filtrate recovery reduction of 21%, 19%, and 43%. Adsorption tests showed mud swelling owes primarily to hydrogen bonding which is counteracted by the presence of a charged group. Mud swelling is, therefore, dependent on the rate of hydrogen bounding in a system..
10. Miu Ito, Yuichi Sugai, Evaluation of the Potential of Foam Producing Microorganism Improving Heterogeneity of Permeability for Novel Microbial Foam EOR, Proceeding of Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition 2022, https://doi.org/10.2118/210696-MS, SPE-201696-MS, 2022.10, The foam improves heterogeneity of permeability in oil reservoir and contributes to enhancing oil recovery. Both surfactant and gas are alternatingly injected into oil reservoir in foam EOR, therefore, it has several challenges: high cost of surfactant, formation of precipitation with bivalent cations, adsorption of surfactant on reservoir rock, etc. This study proposes the microbial foam EOR which overcomes those challenges by having microorganism generate foam in-situ. We have found an ability of a microorganism belonging to Pseudomonas aeruginosa to generate foam under anaerobic conditions. This study investigated the source materials constructing the foam and capacity of the foam to improve the heterogeneity of the permeability.
The challenges of our study are the reproducibility of the foam generation and the foam stability. This study therefore examined the source materials of the foam to understand the mechanisms of the foam generation. We focused on protein, which has been suggested as a possible component of the foam in our previous studies, and examined the relationship between the amount of foam generated by P. aeruginosa and the concentration of protein in its culture solution. As a result, a positive correlation was found between them. This result indicates that the foam generated by P. aeruginosa is composed of the protein produced by the microorganism.
Next, the performance of the foam decreasing permeability of high permeability porous media was evaluated through sand pack flooding experiment. P. aeruginosa was injected into a sand pack and cultivated in-situ. The post-flush water was injected into the sand pack after three days’ in-situ cultivation to measure the permeability. As a result, the permeability of the sand pack was successfully decreased to half after the cultivation. The permeability of a sand pack in which P. aeruginosa was injected with culture medium and in-situ cultivated was successfully decreased to half of initial . The efflux of bacterial cells of P. aeruginosa was detected after injecting 1.3 pore volumes of postflush water, which shows that the postflush water flowed through areas other than the area where P. aeruginosa grew and produced the foam. These results indicate that the foam produced in-situ by P. aeruginosa is effective for improving the heterogeneity of permeability in oil reservoir.
This EOR can be operated at low cost without expensive chemicals. Because the foam produced by P. aeruginosa is induced by proteins, the precipitation will not be formed in oil reservoir. The stability of protein-induced foam is higher than that of surfactant-induced foam in the presence of oil or high saline conditions. The microbial foam EOR therefore has high potential improving the heterogeneity of permeability in oil reservoir more effectively than the conventional foam EOR..
11. Theodora Noely Tambaria, Yuichi Sugai, Ferian Anggara, Experimental Measurements of CO2 Adsorption on Indonesian Low-rank Coals under Various Conditions., Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (Springer), https://doi.org/10.1007/s13202-022-01569-z, 13, 813-826, 2022.09, In this study, the CO2 adsorption capacity was measured on Indonesian low-rank coals in the raw and dry conditions in powder and block states using different coal sample preparation to estimate CO2 sequestration and storage potential. Coal sample specimens were taken from three different areas in the South Sumatra Basin, Indonesia. The adsorption experiments were performed using the volumetric method at a temperature of 318.15 K and pressure up to 3 MPa. The CO2 excess adsorption capacity of powder coal is always higher than block coal. Moreover, decreasing moisture content by the drying process increases CO2 adsorption capacity on coal. Based on fitted CO2 adsorption experimental data with the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm model, the adsorption occurs on monolayer and multilayer at various conditions. Langmuir volume capacity and pressure show drying and crushing process increased adsorption capacity. However, the drying process affects more the capability of coal to adsorb CO2 than the powdered sample, especially in low-rank coal. It was also observed adsorption capacity is directly proportional to huminite content in the coal. Due to lower moisture and higher huminite contents, the dried WB coal powder had the highest CO2 adsorption capacity over the other coal samples in similar sample conditions. Altogether, this study may provide a better understanding in CO2 adsorption on low-rank coal with different coal sample preparation resulting in different CO2 adsorption capacity..
12. Nam Nguyen Hai Le, Yuichi Sugai, Ronald Nguele, Enhanced Oil Recovery in Heterogeneous Reservoir by CO2-Colloidal Gas Aphrons Fluid Injection., Proceeding of 83rd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition, https://doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609.202210546, 2022, 1-5, 2022.06, Carbon dioxide (CO2) gas injection into depleted oil reservoirs is a promising approach to achieve the goal of a neutral carbon society. However, the heterogeneity of formation generally challenges the oil recovery efficiency. The CO2 gas injection preferably flows in the high permeability zone and leaves behind the remaining oil in the lower permeability region. This study presented a new CO2-Colloidal Gas Aphrons fluid to restrict fluid flow in the high permeability zone, and increase swept volume in the low permeability zone. We conducted dual parallel sandpacks with different permeabilities models to evaluate the plugging ability and oil recovery improvement of CO2-CGAs injection in heterogeneous porous media. The results reveal that CO2-CGAs can block the pore throat in the high permeability sandpack and change the flow direction to the low permeability sandpack. Overall, the sweep efficiency in the low permeability region was increased significantly, which led to an improvement in the total oil recovery factor by 39 %..
13. Nam Nguyen Hai Le, Yuichi Sugai, Hung Vo-Thanh, Ronald Nguele, Ronald Ssebadduka, Ning Wei, Experimental investigation on plugging performance of CO2 microbubbles in porous media, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (Elsevier), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.petrol.2022.110187, 211, 110187, 2022.04, To further improve carbon dioxide enhanced oil recovery CO2-EOR efficiency in heterogeneous reservoirs, the use of CO2 microbubbles as a temporary blocking agent is attracting widespread interest due to their significant stability. This study aims to investigate the plugging performance of CO2 microbubbles in both homogeneous and heterogeneous porous media through a series of sandpack experiments. First of all, CO2 microbubble fluids were generated by stirring CO2 gas diffused into polymer (Xanthan gum (XG)) and surfactant (Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)) solution with different gas: liquid ratios. Then, CO2 microbubbles fluids were injected into single-core and dual-core sandpack systems. The results show that the rheological behaviors of CO2 microbubble fluids in this study were followed the Power-law model at room temperature. The apparent viscosity of CO2 microbubble fluid increased as the gas: liquid ratio increased. CO2 microbubbles could block pore throat due to the “Jamin effect” and increase the resistance in porous media. The blocking ability of CO2 microbubbles reached an optimal value at the gas:liquid ratio of 20% in the homogeneous porous media. Moreover, the selective pugging ability of CO2 microbubbles in dual-core sandpack tests was significant. CO2 microbubbles exhibited a good flow control profile in the high permeability region and flexibility to flow over the pore constrictions in the low permeability region, leading to an ultimate fractional flow proportion (50%:50%) in the dual-core sandpack model with a permeability differential of 1.0:2.0 darcy. The fractional flow ratio was considerable compared with a polymer injection. At the higher heterogeneity of porous media (0.5:2.0 darcy), CO2 microbubble fluid could still establish a good swept performance. This makes CO2 microbubble fluid injection a promising candidate for heterogeneous reservoirs where conventional CO2 flooding processes have limited ability. This finding would be helpful in developing the utilization of CO2 microbubbles in EOR operation by better understanding their plugging mechanism in porous media..
14. Miu Ito, Yuichi Sugai, Fundamental Investigation on a Foam-Generating Microorganism and Its Potential for Mobility Reduction in High-Permeability Flow Channels, Energies (MDPI), https://doi.org/10.3390/en15072344, 15, 7, 1-14, 2022.03, This study proposed a novel foam EOR technique using Pseudomonas aeruginosa to generate the foam and investigated the potential of the microbial foam EOR to modify the permeability of a high-permeability porous system. We investigated oxygen nanobubble, carbon dioxide nanobubble and ferrous sulfate concentrations to discover the optimal levels for activating the foam generation of the microorganism through cultivation experiments. We also clarified the behavior of the microbial foam generation and the bioproducts that contribute to the foam generation. The potential of the foam to decrease the permeability of high-permeability porous systems was evaluated through flooding experiments using sand pack cores. The foam generation became more active with the increase in the number of nanobubbles, while there was an optimal concentration of ferrous sulfate for foam generation. The foam was identified as being induced by the proteins produced by the microorganism, which can be expected to bring about several advantages over surfactant-induced foam. The foam successfully decreased the permeability of high-permeability sand pack cores to half of their initial levels. These results demonstrate that the microbial foam EOR has the potential to decrease the permeability of high-permeability porous systems and improve the permeability heterogeneity in oil reservoirs..
15. Theodora Noely Tambaria, Yuichi Sugai, Ronald Nguele, Adsorption Factors in Enhanced Coal Bed Methane Recovery: A Review, Gases (MDPI), https://doi.org/10.3390/gases2010001, 2, 1, 1-21, 2022.01, Enhanced coal bed methane recovery using gas injection can provide increased methane extraction depending on the characteristics of the coal and the gas that is used. Accurate prediction of the extent of gas adsorption by coal are therefore important. Both experimental methods and modeling have been used to assess gas adsorption and its effects, including volumetric and gravimetric techniques, as well as the Ono–Kondo model and other numerical simulations. Thermodynamic parameters may be used to model adsorption on coal surfaces while adsorption isotherms can be used to predict adsorption on coal pores. In addition, density functional theory and grand canonical Monte Carlo methods may be employed. Complementary analytical techniques include Fourier transform infrared, Raman spectroscopy, XR diffraction, and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. This review summarizes the cutting-edge research concerning the adsorption of CO2, N2, or mixture gas onto coal surfaces and into coal pores based on both experimental studies and simulations..
16. Muhammad Alfiza Farhan, Yuichi Sugai, Nuhindro Priagung Widodo, Syafrizal, The Development of a Low-Cost Method for Monitoring Methane Leakage from the Subsurface of Natural Gas Fields, Methane (MDPI), https://doi.org/10.3390/methane1010003, 1, 1, 24-37, 2021.12, The leakage of methane from the subsurface on the coalfield or natural gas field invariably becomes an important issue nowadays. In notable addition, materials such as activated carbon, zeolites, and Porapak have been successfully identified as adsorbents. Those adsorbents could adsorb methane at atmospheric pressure and room temperature. Therefore, in this scholarly study, a new method using adsorbents to detect points of methane leakage that can cover a wide-scale area was developed. In the beginning, the most capable adsorbent should be determined by quantifying adsorbed methane amount. Furthermore, checking the possibility of adsorption in the column diffusion and desorption method of adsorbents is equally necessary. The most capable adsorbent was activated carbon (AC), which can adsorb 1.187 × 10−3 mg-CH4/g-AC. Hereinafter, activated carbon successfully can adsorb methane through column diffusion, which simulates the situation of on-site measurement. The specific amount of adsorbed methane when the initial concentrations of CH4 in a bag were 200 ppm, 100 ppm, and 50 ppm was found to be 0.818 × 10−3 mg-CH4/g-AC, 0.397 × 10−3 mg-CH4/g-AC, 0.161 × 10−3 mg-CH4/g-AC, respectively. Desorption of activated carbon analysis shows that methane concentration increases during an hour in the temperature bath under 80 °C. In conclusion, soil methane leakage points can be detected using activated carbon by identifying the observed methane concentration increase..
17. Miu Ito, Yuichi Sugai, Study on Enhanced Oil Recovery Using Microorganism Generating Foam in Presence of Nanobubbles, Proceeding of Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition 2021, SPE-205671-MS, 2021.10, This study proposed a novel foam EOR technique using Pseudomonas aeruginosa to generate the foam and investigated the potential of the microbial foam EOR to modify the permeability of a high-permeability porous system. We investigated oxygen nanobubble, carbon dioxide nanobubble and ferrous sulfate concentrations to discover the optimal levels for activating the foam generation of the microorganism through cultivation experiments. We also clarified the behavior of the microbial foam generation and the bioproducts that contribute to the foam generation. The potential of the foam to decrease the permeability of high-permeability porous systems was evaluated through flooding experiments using sand pack cores. The foam generation became more active with the increase in the number of nanobubbles, while there was an optimal concentration of ferrous sulfate for foam generation. The foam was identified as being induced by the proteins produced by the microorganism, which can be expected to bring about several advantages over surfactant-induced foam. The foam successfully decreased the permeability of high-permeability sand pack cores to half of their initial levels. These results demonstrate that the microbial foam EOR has the potential to decrease the permeability of high-permeability porous systems and improve the permeability heterogeneity in oil reservoirs..
18. Nam Nguyen Hai Le, Yuichi Sugai, Ronald Nguele, Tola Sreu, Bubble size distribution and stability of CO2 microbubbles for enhanced oil recovery: effect of polymer, surfactant and salt concentrations, Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology (Taylor & Francis), https://doi.org/10.1080/01932691.2021.1974873, 2021.09, Fluids incorporating carbon dioxide (CO2) microbubbles have been utilized to promote enhanced oil recovery from hydrocarbon reservoirs. The performance of such fluids in porous media is greatly affected by both the bubble size and stability. On this basis, the present study evaluated the effects of varying the concentrations of a xanthan gum (XG) polymer, a surfactant (sodium dodecyl sulfate: SDS) and sodium chloride (NaCl) on both the stability and bubble size distribution (BSD) of CO2 microbubbles. CO2 microbubble dispersions were prepared using a high-speed homogenizer in conjunction with the diffusion of gaseous CO2 through aqueous solutions. The stability of each dispersion was ascertained using a drainage test, while the BSD was determined by optical microscopy and fitted to either normal, log-normal or Weibull functions. The results showed that a Weibull distribution gave the most accurate fit for all experimental data. Increases in either the SDS or XG polymer concentration were found to decrease the microbubble size. However, these same changes increased the microbubble stability as a consequence of structural enhancement. The addition of NaCl up to a concentration of 10 g/L (10 g/1000g) decreased the average bubble size by approximately 2.7%. Stability was also reduced as the NaCl concentration was increased because of the gravitational effect and coalescence.
19. Miu Ito, Yuichi Sugai, Nanobubbles activate anaerobic growth and metabolism of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Scientific Reports (Nature), https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-96503-4, 11, (2021) 11:16858, 1-12, 2021.08, The effect of nanobubbles on anaerobic growth and metabolism of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was investigated. P. aeruginosa grew earlier in the culture medium containing nanobubbles and the bacterial cell concentration in that culture medium was increased a few times higher compared to the medium without nanobubbles under anaerobic condition. Both gas and protein, which are the metabolites of P. aeruginosa, were remarkably produced in the culture medium containing nanobubbles whereas those metabolites were little detected in the medium without nanobubbles, indicating nanobubbles activated anaerobic growth and metabolism of P. aeruginosa. The carbon dioxide nanobubbles came to be positively charged by adsorbing cations and delivered ferrous ions, one of the trace essential elements for bacterial growth, to the microbial cells, which activated the growth and metabolism of P. aeruginosa. The oxygen nanobubbles activated the activities of P. aeruginosa as an oxygen source.
20. Hung Vo Thanh, Yuichi Sugai, Kyuro Sasaki, Application of artificial neural network for predicting the performance of CO2 enhanced oil recovery and storage in residual oil zones, Scientific Reports (Nature), https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-73931-2, 10, (2020) 10:18204, 1-16, 2020.10, Residual Oil Zones (ROZs) become potential formations for Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS). Although the growing attention in ROZs, there is a lack of studies to propose the fast tool for evaluating the performance of a CO2 injection process. In this paper, we introduce the application of artificial neural network (ANN) for predicting the oil recovery and CO2 storage capacity in ROZs. The uncertainties parameters, including the geological factors and well operations, were used for generating the training database. Then, a total of 351 numerical samples were simulated and created the Cumulative oil production, Cumulative CO2 storage, and Cumulative CO2 retained. The results indicated that the developed ANN model had an excellent prediction performance with a high correlation coefficient (R2) was over 0.98 on comparing with objective values, and the total root mean square error of less than 2%. Also, the accuracy and stability of ANN models were validated for five real ROZs in the Permian Basin. The predictive results were an excellent agreement between ANN predictions and field report data. These results indicated that the ANN model could predict the CO2 storage and oil recovery with high accuracy, and it can be applied as a robust tool to determine the feasibility in the early stage of CCUS in ROZs. Finally, the prospective application of the developed ANN model was assessed by optimization CO2-EOR and storage projects. The developed ANN models reduced the computational time for the optimization process in ROZs..
21. Nam Nguyen Hai Le, Yuichi Sugai, Kyuro Sasaki, Investigation of Stability of CO2 Microbubbles—Colloidal Gas Aphrons for Enhanced Oil Recovery Using Definitive Screening Design, Colloids and Interfaces (MDPI), https://doi.org/10.3390/colloids4020026, 4, 2, 1-15, 2020.06, CO2 microbubbles have recently been used in enhanced oil recovery for blocking the high permeability zone in heterogeneous reservoirs. Microbubbles are colloidal gas aphrons stabilized by thick shells of polymer and surfactant. The stability of CO2 microbubbles plays an important role in improving the performance of enhanced oil recovery. In this study, a new class of design of experiment (DOE)—definitive screening design (DSD) was employed to investigate the effect of five quantitative parameters: xanthan gum polymer concentration, sodium dodecyl sulfate surfactant concentration, salinity, stirring time, and stirring rate. This is a three-level design that required only 11 experimental runs. The results suggest that DSD successfully evaluated how various parameters contribute to CO2 microbubble stability. The definitive screening design revealed a polynomial regression model has ability to estimate the main effect factor, two-factor interactions and pure-quadratic effect of factors with high determination coefficients for its smaller number of experiments compared to traditional design of experiment approach. The experimental results showed that the stability depend primarily on xanthan gum polymer concentration. It was also found that the stability of CO2 microbubbles increases at a higher sodium dodecyl sulfate surfactant concentration and stirring rate, but decreases with increasing salinity. In addition, several interactions are presented to be significant including the polymer–salinity interaction, surfactant–salinity interaction and stirring rate–salinity interaction..
22. Yuichi Sugai, Yukihiro Owaki, Kyuro Sasaki, Simulation Study on Reservoir Souring Induced by Injection of Reservoir Brine Containing Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria, Sustainability (MDPI), https://doi.org/10.3390/su12114603, 12, 11, 1-17, 2020.06, This paper examined the reservoir souring induced by the sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) inhabiting the reservoir brine of an oilfield in Japan. Although the concentration of sulfate of the reservoir brine was lower than that of seawater, which often was injected into oil reservoir and induced the reservoir souring, the SRB inhabiting the reservoir brine generated hydrogen sulfide (H2S) by using sulfate and an electron donor in the reservoir brine. This paper therefore developed a numerical simulator predicting the reservoir souring in the reservoir into which the reservoir brine was injected. The results of the simulation suggested that severe reservoir souring was not induced by the brine injection; however, the SRB grew and generated H2S around the injection well where temperature was decreased by injected brine whose temperature was lower than that of formation water. In particular, H2S was actively generated in the mixing zone between the injection water and formation water, which contained a high level of the electron donor. Furthermore, the results of numerical simulation suggested that the reservoir souring could be prevented more surely by sterilizing the SRB in the injection brine, heating up the injection brine to 50 °C, or reducing sulfate in the injection brine..
23. Nao Miyazaki, Yuichi Sugai, Kyuro Sasaki, Yoshifumi Okamoto, Satohiro Yanagisawa, Screening of the Effective Additive to Inhibit Surfactin from Forming Precipitation with Divalent Cations for Surfactin Enhanced Oil Recovery, Energies (MDPI), https://doi.org/10.3390/en13102430, 13, 10, 2430-2445, 2020.05, Surfactin, which is an anionic bio-surfactant, can be effective for enhanced oil recovery because it decreases interfacial tension between oil and water. However, it forms precipitation by binding with divalent cations. This study examined the countermeasure to prevent surfactin from forming precipitation for applying it to enhanced oil recovery. Alcohols, chelating agents, a cationic surfactant and an ion capturing substance were selected as the candidates for inhibiting surfactin from forming precipitation. Citric acid and trisodium citrate were selected as promising candidates through the measurements of turbidity of the mixture of the candidate, surfactin and calcium ions. Those chemicals also had a function as a co-surfactant for surfactin. However, the permeability of the Berea sandstone core into which the solution containing surfactin and trisodium citrate was injected was decreased significantly, whereas citric acid could be injected into the core without significant permeability reduction. Citric acid was therefore selected as the best inhibitor and subjected to the core flooding experiments. High enhancement of oil recovery of 9.4% (vs. original oil in place (OOIP)) was obtained and pressure drop was not increased during the injection of surfactin and citric acid. Those results suggest that citric acid has a dual role as the binding inhibitor and co-surfactant for surfactin..
24. Hung Vo Thanh, Yuichi Sugai, Ronald Nguele, Kyuro Sasaki, Robust optimization of CO2 sequestration through a water alternating gas process under geological uncertainties in Cuu Long Basin, Vietnam, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering (Elsevier), 10.1016/j.jngse.2020.103208, 76, 1-15, 2020.04, [URL], This study presents a robust optimization workflow to determine the optimal water alternating gas (WAG) process for CO2 sequestration in a heterogeneous fluvial sandstone reservoir. As depicted in this study, WAG injection could enhance CO2 residual and solubility trapping based on an integrated modeling workflow. First, continuous CO2 injection and WAG were compared to demonstrate the efficiency of the WAG process for CO2 trapping enhancement. To achieve this while highlighting the impact of reservoir heterogeneity, 200 geological realizations were generated considering a wide range of plausible geological conditions. The ranking of these realizations was performed by quantifying the CO2 cumulative injection (P10, P50, and P90 realizations) that represent the overall geological uncertainties. Then, an innovative robust workflow was used Artificial Intelligence optimizer to determine the optimal solution for CO2 trapping. For comparison, a nominal optimization workflow of P50 realization was also conducted. The proposed robust optimization workflow resulted in higher CO2 trapping than the nominal optimization workflow. Thus, this study demonstrates a fast and reliable workflow that can accurately represent for optimization the cycle length injection in the WAG process under geological uncertainties..
25. Eric O. Ansah, Hung Vo Thanh, Yuichi Sugai, Ronald Nguele, Kyuro Sasaki, Microbe-induced fluid viscosity variation
field-scale simulation, sensitivity and geological uncertainty, Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (Springer), 10.1007/s13202-020-00852-1, 2020.01, [URL], This study is intended to expand the scope of microbial enhanced oil recovery (MEOR) simulation studies from 1D to field scale focussing on fluid viscosity variation and heterogeneity that lacks in most MEOR studies. Hence, we developed a model that incorporates: (1) reservoir simulation of microbe-induced oil viscosity reduction and (2) field-scale simulation and robust geological uncertainty workflow considering the influence of well placement. Sequential Gaussian simulation, co-kriging and artificial neural network were used for the petrophysical modelling prior to field-scale modelling. As per this study, the water viscosity increased from 0.5 to 1.72 cP after the microbe growth and increased biomass/biofilm. Also, we investigated the effect of the various component compositions and reaction frequencies on the oil viscosity and possibly oil recovery. For instance, the fraction of the initial CO2 in the oil phase (originally in the reservoir) was varied from 0.000148 to 0.005 to promote the reactions, and more light components were produced. It can be observed that the viscosity of oil reduced considerably after 90 days of MEOR operation from an initial 7.1–7.07 cP and 6.40 cP, respectively. Also, assessing the pre- and post-MEOR oil production rate, we witnessed two main typical MEOR field responses: sweeping effect and radial colonization occurring at the start and tail end of the MEOR process, respectively. MEOR oil recovery factors varied from 28.2 to 44.9% OOIP for the various 200 realizations. Since the well placement was the same for all realizations, the difference in the permeability distribution amongst the realizations affected the microbes’ transport and subsequent interaction with nutrient during injection and transport..
26. Hung Vo Thanh, Yuichi Sugai, Ronald Nguele, Kyuro Sasaki, Integrated workflow in 3D geological model construction for evaluation of CO2  storage capacity of a fractured basement reservoir in Cuu Long Basin, Vietnam, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control (Elsevier), 10.1016/j.ijggc.2019.102826, 90, 2019.11, [URL], Carbon dioxide (CO2) capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) have been proposed as a possible technique to mitigate climate change. In this vein, CO2 storage through enhanced oil recovery (EOR) in depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs is touted as a most effective approach because it synergistically increases oil production and enables permanent sequestration into the reservoirs. However, the construction of a reasonable 3D geological model for this storage reservoir is a major challenge. Thus, this study presents an efficient workflow for constructing an accurate geological model for the evaluation of CO2 storage capacity in a fractured basement reservoir in the Cuu Long Basin, Vietnam. Artificial neural network (ANN) has been used to predict porosity and permeability values through seismic attributes and well log data. The predicted values were selected using high correlation factors with well log data. Subsequently, the Sequential Gaussian Simulation and co-kriging methods were applied to generate a 3D static geological model by using azimuth and dip parameters. Finally, drill stem test matching was performed to validate the accuracy of the porosity and permeability models through dynamic simulation. A validation 3D reservoir model, which integrates geophysical, geological, and engineering data from fractured basement formation in Cuu Long Basin, was further constructed to calculate theoretical CO2 storage capacity. As a result, the calculated storage capacity for the fractured basement reservoir ranged from 7.02 to 99.5 million metric tons. These estimated results demonstrate that fractured basement reservoir has a combined potential for CO2 storage and EOR in the Cuu Long Basin..
27. Mochammad Andy Natawijaya, Yuichi Sugai, Ferian Anggara, CO2 microbubble colloidal gas aphrons for EOR application: the generation using porous filter, diameter size analysis and gas blocking impact on sweep efficiency, Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (Springer), https://doi.org/10.1007/s13202-019-0680-3, 2019.05, The CO2 is regarded to be an excellent solvent for miscible flooding. However, it is still facing a main problem which is the high mobility. Microbubbles with their unique characters offer some advantages for CO2 EOR application. Different pore throat size filters were used to generate different dominant sizes of microbubbles that were injected into sandpacks under tertiary condition. Microscopic analysis was carried out to visualize the presence, stability and behavior of microbubbles inside the solution and porous media. The microbubbles with a dominant size of 10–50 µm showed additional 26.38% of oil recovery, showing their advantages over a larger dominant size of microbubbles up to 5.28% of oil recovery. The injection with larger microbubbles with a dominant size of 70–150 µm showed 27.5% of higher injection pressure than with a smaller dominant size of microbubbles, showing their advantage in gas blocking ability. In the heterogeneous porous media experiment, the recovery volume ratio between low- and high-permeability sandpacks was increased from 1:57 during water flooding to 1:4 during the CO2 microbubble injection with 74.65% of additional recovery from a low-permeability zone, showing the microbubble gas blocking capability to change the flow pattern inside heterogeneous porous media..
28. San Yee Khaing, Yuichi Sugai, Kyuro Sasaki, Myo Min Tun, Consideration of Influential Factors on Bioleaching of Gold Ore Using Iodide-Oxidizing Bacteria, Minerals (MDPI), https://doi.org/10.3390/min9050274, 9, 5, 274-285, 2019.05, Iodide-oxidizing bacteria (IOB) oxidize iodide into iodine and triiodide which can be utilized for gold dissolution. IOB can be therefore useful for gold leaching. This study examined the impact of incubation conditions such as concentration of the nutrient and iodide, initial bacterial cell number, incubation temperature, and shaking condition on the performance of the gold dissolution through the experiments incubating IOB in the culture medium containing the marine broth, potassium iodide and gold ore. The minimum necessary concentration of marine broth and potassium iodide for the complete gold dissolution were determined to be 18.7 g/L and 10.9 g/L respectively. The initial bacterial cell number had no effect on gold dissolution when it was 1×104 cells/mL or higher. Gold leaching with IOB should be operated under a temperature range of 30–35 °C, which was the optimal temperature range for IOB. The bacterial growth rate under shaking conditions was three times faster than that under static conditions. Shaking incubation effectively shortened the contact time compared to the static incubation. According to the pH and redox potential of the culture solution, the stable gold complex in the culture solution of this study could be designated as gold (I) diiodide..
29. Hung Vo Thanh, Yuichi Sugai, Kyuro Sasaki, Impact of a new geological modelling method on the enhancement of the CO2 storage assessment of E sequence of Nam Vang field, offshore Vietnam, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects (Taylor & Francis), https://doi.org/10.1080/15567036.2019.1604865, 1-15, 2019.04, This study proposed a new geological modelling procedure for CO2 storage assessment in offshore Vietnam by integrating artificial neural networks, cokriging and object-based methods. These methods could solve the limitations of well data that have not been addressed by conventional modelling. Petrel software was used to build a geological model for comparing conventional and new modelling workflows. Moreover, the Eclipse simulator was used for CO2 injection scenarios on the geological model of two workflows. The simulation results of CO2 flow response corroborated that the new modelling workflow by showing better performance than the traditional modelling workflow. Thus, in the selected CO2 storage sites, the new modelling workflow is preferred because it strongly enhances the CO2 storage evaluation..
30. San Yee Khaing, Yuichi Sugai, Kyuro Sasaki, Gold Dissolution from ore with Iodide-oxidising Bacteria, Scientific Reports (Nature), https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-41004-8, 9, (2019) 9:4178, 1-11, 2019.03, Gold leaching from ore using iodide-iodine mixtures is an alternative to gold cyanidation. this study evaluated the ability of iodide-oxidising bacteria to solubilise gold from ore that was mainly composed of gold, pyrite, galena, and chalcopyrite. eight bacterial strains were successfully isolated from brine. Those strains were incubated in a liquid culture medium containing ore with a gold content of 0.26 wt.% and pulp density of 3.3 w/v% to evaluate their abilities to mediate the dissolution of gold. The gold was solubilised completely within 30 days of incubation in the iodine-iodide lixiviant solution generated by three bacterial strains. One strain, in particular, completed the dissolution of gold within 5 days of incubation and was identified as a member of the genus Roseovarius. thus, the possibility of bacterial gold leaching using iodide-oxidising bacteria was successfully demonstrated. Bioleaching gold with iodide would likely be more environmentally sustainable than traditional cyanide leaching. Further research is required to evaluate the techno-economic feasibility of this approach..
31. Eric O. Ansah,Yuichi Sugai,Pierre Ronald Nguele Odou,Kyuro Sasaki, Integrated microbial enhanced oil recovery (MEOR) simulation: Main influencing parameters and uncertainty assessment, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (Elsevier), 10.1016/j.petrol.2018.08.005, 171, 784-793, 2018.12, [URL], The present study investigated the ability of a thermophilic anaerobic microbe (herein coded as AR80) for MEOR with the further objective to quantify the uncertainty of production forecast in terms of the cumulative probability distribution. A series of core flood experiments conducted in water-flooded Berea sandstone showed that up to 51% of initial oil-in-place was recovered when the plugs were treated with AR80 and shut-in for 14 days. Mainly, the oil recovery mechanisms were attributed to viscosity enhancement, wettability changes, permeability and flow effects. Matching the laboratory data using artificial intelligence: the optimized cumulative oil recovery could be achieved at an enthalpy of 894.2 J/gmol, Arrhenius frequency of 8.3, residual oil saturation of 20%, log of capillary number at microbe flooding stage of −1.26, and also depicted a history match error less than 3%. Therefrom, a sensitivity analysis conducted on reservoir shut-in period effect on oil recovery revealed that a relatively shorter shut-in period is recommended to warrant early incremental oil recovery effect for economical purposes. In addition, MEOR could enhance the oil recovery significantly if a larger capillary number (between 10−5 and 10−3.5) is attained. Per probabilistic estimation, MEOR could sustain already water-flooded well for a set period of time. This study showed that there is a 20% frequency of increasing the oil recovery by above 20% when a mature water-flooded reservoir is further flooded with AR80 for 2 additional years. Lastly, it was demonstrated herein that increasing the nutrient (yeast extract) concentration (from 0.1 to 1% weight) had less or no significant effect on the oil viscosity and subsequent recovery..
32. Yuichi Sugai,Yukihiro Owaki,Kyuro Sasaki,Fuminori Kaneko,Takuma Sakai, Numerical modelling of the growth of sulfate-reducing bacteria indigenous to an oilfield in Japan, Petroleum Science and Technology (Taylor & Francis), https://doi.org/10.1080/10916466.2018.1496102, 36, 19, 1597-1604, 2018.09, We performed kinetic studies of the growth of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) indigenous to the water in an oilfield in Japan. The SRB growth was most active in injection water supplemented with ethanol; therefore, the SRB inhabiting the injection water of the reservoir were assumed to grow predominantly by assimilating sulfate and ethanol and generating H2S. Based on this mechanism and the results of incubation experiments in the injection water, we derived numerical models that calculate the growth rate and H2S generation of the SRB under three variables (temperature, sulfate concentration, and ethanol concentration)..
33. Eric O. Ansah,Yuichi Sugai,Kyuro Sasaki, Geological tectonics and physio-chemical metrics as screening criteria for MEOR applicability in West Africa transform regional oil wells - a review, International Journal of Petroleum Engineering, http://dx.doi.org/10.1504/IJPE.2018.093164, 3, 2, 116-137, 2018.07, Primarily, most oil wells in the West Africa transform region are produced using water or water alternating gas. This is believed to be unsustainable going forward. Also, though the region contributes less to global greenhouse emission, global warming effects in the region cannot be undermined. Microbial enhanced oil recovery (MEOR) has been proven worldwide to be environmentally friendly as well as less costly to develop. Despite the advantages of MEOR over other oil recovery methods, operating companies in the region are yet to apply this bespoke technology. Therefore, this study reviews the potential applicability of MEOR process to West African oil fields comparing the geology and physiochemical properties to major oil fields in South America (where MEOR has been previously applied). Applying MEOR in the region could be a major step towards improving production of new oil wells and enhancing sustainability of old oil wells..
34. Eric O. Ansah,Yuichi Sugai,Kyuro Sasaki, Modeling microbial-induced oil viscosity reduction: Effect of temperature, salinity and nutrient concentration, Petroleum Science and Technology (Taylor & Francis), 10.1080/10916466.2018.1463253, 1-7, 2018.05, [URL], This research simulated oil recovery with emphasis on oil viscosity reduction by direct microbe action and metabolites; predicted hydrogeochemical reactions involved with nutrient – brine interaction in reservoirs. PHREEQC was used to simulate reactions between the reservoir brine and nutrient minus microbe. Hitherto, UTCHEM was employed for the enhancement of oil viscosity by assuming production of gases and by the direct microbe action. The model depicted the precipitation of calcite plus dissolution of k-feldspar combined with the evolution of CO2 and CH4 influenced by temperature and pH. Oil recovery was directly proportional to salinity reduction and increasing nutrient concentration..
35. Isty Adhitya Purwasena,Yuichi Sugai, The analysis of bacterial diversity in high thermic-low salinity Oil Reservoirs prior to Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery field test, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 10.3923/jeasci.2018.4104.4112, 13, 11, 4104-4112, 2018.01, [URL], Nutrition injection in Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery (MEOR) process might stimulate not only desirable microorganisms but also the undesirable ones. Therefore, studying the properties of bacterial community in reservoir prior to field test is a critical step in MEOR process. In this study, bacterial communities from high thermic and low salinity reservoirs located in Japan, China and Indonesia were characterized by 16S rDNA sequence analysis. Bacterial genomic DNAs were extracted from produced water samples and their sequences were evaluated by genetic fingerprinting based approach. PCR-DGGE analyses showed multiple bands in all produced water samples which indicated high bacterial diversities. Sequences identified in this study were mainly related to only five phyla, i.e., Bacteroidetes, Thermotogae, Defferibacteres, Firmicutes and Proteobacteria, suggesting that phylotype richness is low in oil reservoirs. One sequence of Bacteriodetes-affiliated bacteria which showed 99% similarity with Bacteriodales bacterium 5bM was retrieved from DGGE results of all oilfields. This result showed that, Bacteriodetes can grow well in Indonesia, Japan and China oilfield, making it the best bacterial candidate for MEOR field test. Results showed in this study revealed that finger printing is a considerable technique for microbial screening prior to MEOR field test application..
36. Evan Rosyadi Ogara, Yuichi Sugai, Kyuro Sasaki, Ferian Anggara, The Effect of Coal Characteristics on Adsorption and Desorption Gas at Indonesia Low Rank Coal, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2017, 472-477, 2017.11.
37. Yuichi Sugai, Junpei Mikumo, Keita Komatsu, Kyuro Sasaki, Experimental Investigation on the Availability of Yeast Cell Wall as an Interfacial Tension Reducer for Enhanced Oil Recovery, Journal of Petroleum & Environmental Biotechnology, 10.4172/2157-7463.1000329, 8, 3, 1-6, 2017.06, We studied on the availability of residue of squeezed beer yeast whose principal component is yeast cell wall for enhanced oil recovery as an interfacial tension reducer. The cell wall solution was hydrothermally treated in order to elute amphiphilic substances such as phospholipids, proteins, and fatty acids from the cell wall to the solution under different conditions such as concentration of the cell wall, temperature and time of the hydrothermal treatment, and salinity. The cell wall solution which was hydrothermally treated with crude oil was also applied to the measurement of interfacial tension between the solution and crude oil. The interfacial tension was reduced with decrease in salinity and increase in concentration of the cell wall and temperature of the hydrothermal treatment. The time of hydrothermal treatment didn't have much influence on the interfacial tension reduction. The capability of the cell wall solution which had been hydrothermally treated with crude oil to reduce the interfacial tension became larger than that of the cell wall solution which had been hydrothermally treated without crude oil. It was suggested that those interfacial tension reductions were brought by phospholipids and proteins eluted from the cell wall. Core flooding experiments were carried out by injecting the cell wall solution which had been hydrothermally treated with and without crude oil after the water flooding as the primary oil recovery. 2.0% and 1.2% of original oil in place was additionally recovered by injecting the cell wall solution which had been hydrothermally treated with and without crude oil respectively. These results support an advantage of process injecting the cell wall solution without hydrothermal treatment into high temperature oil reservoir. The injection of the cell wall solution can be a promising EOR which has both high cost performance and low environmental load..
38. San Yee Khaing, Sugeng Sapto Surjono, Jarot Setyowiyoto, Yuichi Sugai, Facies and Reservoir Characteristics of the Ngrayong Sandstone in the Rembang Area, Northeast Java (Indonesia), Open Journal of Geology, 10.4236/ojg.2017.75042, 7, 5, 608-620, 2017.05, The Rembang area is a well-known prospective region for oil and gas exploration in Northeast Java, Indonesia. In this study, the reservoir characteristics of the Ngrayong Sandstone were investigated based on outcrops in the Rembang area. Petrological, mineralogical, petrophysical and sedimentological facies analyses were conducted. These sandstones are grain- and matrix supported, and composed of very fine to medium, sub-angular to poorly-rounded, moderately to very well-sorted sand grains. These sandstones are mainly composed of quartz, orthoclase, plagioclase, and micas with minor amounts of clay minerals, and therefore are predominantly classified as sub-lithic arenite and sub-felds pathicarenite. Petrographic observations and grain size data indicate that these sandstones are texturally quite mature, based on their good -sorting and the occurrence of minor amounts of matrix clays. Common clays in the samples include illite, smectite, kaolinite, and gibbsite. The porosity of the Ngrayong sandstones ranges from 25.97% to 40.21%, and the permeability ranges from 94.6 to 3385 millidarcies. Thus, these sandstones exhibit well to excellent reservoir qualities. Eight lithofacies were identified from five measured stratigraphic sections, and are dominated by foreshore and tide-dominated shoreface facies. The Ngrayong sequence shows a single transgressiveregressive cycle. Cross-bedded sandstone and massive sandstone are identified as the most promising potential reservoir facies based on their characteristics in outcrops, their lateral and vertical distributions, their sedimentological characteristics and their petrophysical properties..
39. Minoru Saito,Yuichi Sugai,Kyuro Sasaki,Yoshifumi Okamoto,Chencan Ouyang, Experimental and Numerical Studies on EOR Using a Biosurfactant, the Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference 2016, SPE-183496-MS, 2016.11, The EOR potential of a biosurfactant was evaluated through core flooding experiments and numerical simulation in this study. The biosurfactant which was called surfactin was generated by a microorganism belonging to Bacillus species. The EOR potential of surfactins has been already reported by previous papers, however, that of surfactins can be different depending on their making process such as the conditions of incubation, extraction, purification, etc. This study used a surfactin which was made by Kaneka corporation's original techniques.
Core flooding experiments were carried out under ambient temperature and pressure to evaluate the EOR potential of the surfactin. Berea sandstone cores whose permeability was 50 md were used in this study. The surfactin solution was injected into cores after water flooding. 3 experiments were carried out by injecting surfactin solution whose surfactin concentration was 0.3 %, 0.03 % and 0.003 % respectively. An experiments were carried out by injecting the culture solution which had been diluted so that the surfactin concentration was 0.3 %. 4 experiments were carried out by injecting sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) solution which had been supplemented with a slight amount of surfactin or the culture solution. An injection was continued until oil was not produced completely.
Higher oil recovery was obtained by injecting higher concentration of surfactin. 13.6 % of original oil in place (OOIP) was recovered by injecting 0.3 % of pure surfactin solution, whereas 6.3 % of OOIP was recovered by injecting 0.3 % of pure SDS solution. 0.27 % of SDS solution which was supplemented with surfactin whose concentration was 0.03 % could recover 14.7 % of OOIP. 23.9 % of OOIP could be recovered by injecting the culture solution which was diluted by 16 times so that the surfactin concentration was 0.3 %. Enhancement of oil recovery which was obtained by injecting SDS solution supplemented with the culture solution was a little lower than that with pure surfactin.
The EOR potential of surfactin is quite higher than that of SDS. It was shown that the surfactin can be useful as a cosurfactant for SDS. Culture solution of the microorganism demonstrated much higher EOR potential than pure surfactin, therefore, it may include effective components other than the surfactin. Utilization of the culture solution is economically advantageous..
40. Yuichi Sugai, Keita Komatsu, Kyuro Sasaki, Estimation of IFT Reduction by a Biomass Material and Potential of Its Utilization for EOR, Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, SPE-176490-MS, 2015.10, Surfactant injection is one of the most effective EOR techniques. Chemical surfactants however pose a few problems such as their high cost and low-degradability. We study on the utilization of biomass such as agricultural fertilizer mainly comprising the residue of squeezed beer yeast for EOR as an alternative of chemical surfactants because crude oil can be completely miscible with the fertilizer solution. The fertilizer can be stably supplied at a low cost because it is a waste of beer brewing industry and is only used for an animal feed additive so far. Its retail price is approximately 1 USD/kg in Japan.
We semi-quantitatively estimated the interfacial tension (IFT) between the fertilizer solution and crude oil by the oil displacement test. Concentration of the fertilizer was varied between 10 to 50 g/L. The fertilizer solution to which sodium chloride was added at a concentration of 10 to 40 g/L was hydrothermally treated at 60, 80, 100 or 120 ºC for 10, 20, 30, 45 or 60 minutes respectively before the tests. The fertilizer solution to which crude oil was added at a ratio of 1 % was also hydrothermally treated at 120 ºC for 20 minutes. Solution of surfactin which was a commercial biosurfactant was used as a
standard of the IFT.
The IFT was reduced with the decrease in salinity and increase in concentration of the fertilizer and temperature of the hydrothermal treatment. Time of the hydrothermal treatment was preferably 30 minutes or less for the IFT reduction. The capability of 50 g/L of fertilizer solution to reduce the IFT was almost same as the capability of 0.2 g/L of the surfactin solution. Because the fertilizer solution comes into contact with residual oil under high temperature in oil reservoir, IFT between the solution and crude oil can be expected to be reduced in-situ.
Core flooding experiments were carried out by injecting the fertilizer solution after the water flooding as the primary oil recovery. 1.2 % of original oil in place was additionally recovered by injecting 50 g/L of the fertilizer solution after the water flooding. The fertilizer should be biodegradable because it is a microbially-derived substance. In addition, because the IFT reduction was observed after the hydrothermal treatment of the fertilizer solution, the fertilizer should be effective even in the reservoir whose temperature is high such as 120 ºC at which chemical surfactants may be deactivated. From those results, the injection of the fertilizer solution can be a promising EOR which has both high cost performance, low environmental load and high versatility..
41. Yuichi Sugai, Very Susant, Kyuro Sasaki, Ryo Mori, Spectrophotometric determination of pH change of formation water under high CO2 pressure using a mixed pH indicator, Journal of MMIJ(資源・素材学会), 131, 8,9, 518-523, 2015.08, In geologic CO2 sequestration, the pH of formation water may be decreased due to CO2 dissolution, which may cause the change of porosity and permeability of reservoir rock. The pH changes of formation water are widely varied depending on CO2 pressure and the content of substances having pH buffering action, therefore, it is important to determine the wide range of pH change of various types of formation water under the various CO2 pressure conditions.
We considered a determination method of pH change of various types of formation water under the various CO2 pressure conditions based on the spectrophotometry using a windowed high-pressure cell and a mixed pH indicator consisting of 4 single pH indicators. The well-defined absorption peaks were found at the wavelength of 614 nm or 444 nm when the pH of the solution was ≥5.6 or We carried out experiments on this method using the real formation water samples which contained bicarbonate ion having pH buffering action with different concentration under various CO2 pressure. The results of the experiments demonstrated that this method is capable of determining the pH change of various types of formation water under various CO2 pressure conditions.
42. Yuichi Sugai, Keita Komatsu, Kyuro Sasaki, Kristian Mogensen, Martin Vad Bennetzen, Microbial-Induced Oil Viscosity Reduction by Selective Degradation of Long-Chain Alkanes, Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference, SPE-171850-MS, 2014.11.
43. Isty Adhitya Purwasena, Yuichi Sugai, Kyuro Sasaki, Estimation of the potential of an anaerobic thermophilic oil-degrading bacterium as a candidate for MEOR, Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (Springer), 10.1007/s13202-013-0095-5, 4, 2, 189-200, 2014.06, We investigated the decrease in oil viscosity caused by the biodegradation of crude oil by a bacterium (AR80) isolated from an oil reservoir, and estimated the potential for this bacterium for use in microbial enhanced oil recovery (MEOR). AR80 degraded long-chain n-alkanes preferentially, and anaerobically increased the ratio between the short-chain and long-chain n-alkane concentrations in the crude oil. The long-chain n-alkane metabolism by AR80 decreased the oil viscosity. AR80 grew well in a reservoir of brine supplemented with yeast extract, and decreased the oil viscosity to approximately 60% of its original value. Adding a small amount of yeast extract (0.05 g/L) was necessary to stimulate the AR80 activity. MEOR can, therefore, be achieved using AR80 without incurring excessive costs. AR80 can grow at temperatures up to 80 °C, and it grows well at between 50 °C and 70 °C. AR80 can grow at a salinity of up to 90 g/L, and it grows well at a salinity of less than 30 g/L. The AR80 activity was not affected very much by high pressures (such as 6.0 MPa). Core flooding experiments were performed by injecting AR80 (in brine supplemented with yeast extract) into Berea sandstone cores. Gas chromatography analysis of the effluent oil suggested that long-chain n-alkanes in the residual oil were preferentially degraded by the AR80 in the porous rocks. The core flooding experiments showed that the AR80 activity in the porous rocks caused the oil recovery to be enhanced, so AR80 could be a suitable candidate for MEOR..
44. Yuichi Sugai, Yukihiro Owaki, Kyuro Sasaki, Fuminori Kaneko, Takuma Sakai, Numerical Prediction of Reservoir Souring Based on the Growth Kinetics of Sulfate-reducing Bacteria Indigenous to an Oilfield, Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) International Oilfield Corrosion Conference and Exhibition, 10.2118/169629-MS, SPE-169629-MS, 2014.05.
45. Isty Adhitya Purwasena, Yuichi Sugai, Kyuro Sasaki, Petrotoga japonica sp. nov., a thermophilic, fermentative bacterium isolated from Yabase Oilfield in Japan, Archives of Microbiology (Springer), 10.1007/s00203-014-0972-4, 196, 5, 313-321, 2014.05.
46. Yuichi Sugai, Tayfun Babadagli, Kyuro Sasaki, Consideration of an effect of interfacial area between oil and CO2 on oil swelling, Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (Springer), 10.1007/s13202-013-0085-7, 4, 105-112, 2014.03, Oil swelling is an important phenomenon in CO2–EOR. According to various studies in the past, the degree of oil swelling depends on the partial pressure of CO2, temperature, and oil composition. However, we expect that other factors, such as oil saturation, capillary pressure, and grain size of reservoir rock must be also considered in evaluating oil swelling because they may influence the interfacial area between oil and CO2, which affects the dissolubility of CO2 in oil. Therefore, we had made clear the effect of the interfacial area on oil swelling in this study.
Oil and CO2 were injected into a small see–through windowed high–pressure cell and oil swelling was observed under a microscope. The swelling factor increased with the increase of the specific interfacial area between oil and CO2. Moreover, oil swelling in porous media was observed by using micro–models which had been made of 2 different diameter glass beads. Swelling factor in fine beads micro–model became larger than that in coarse beads micro–model whose interfacial area between oil and CO2 was smaller than that of fine beads micro–model. Therefore, the swelling factor is expected to be larger with an increase in the interfacial area in porous media. These results suggest that the oil swelling should be expressed as a function of oil saturation, capillary pressure, and grain size of reservoir rock which are related to the interfacial area as well as the partial pressure of CO2, temperature, and oil composition.
47. Isty A. Purwasena, Yuichi Sugai, Kyuro Sasaki, Utilization of Natural Reservoir Brine in Enrichment Culture Medium: An Alternative Approach for Isolation of Anaerobic Bacteria from an Oil Reservoir, Petroleum Science and Technology (Taylor & Francis), 10.1080/10916466.2011.615365, 32, 7, 783-789, 2014.02, The successful enrichment, isolation, and cultivation of prokaryotes are considerably dictated by the selection of appropriate growth media and incubation conditions. In this study, the utilization of natural reservoir brine to enrich and isolate anaerobic thermophilic bacteria from an oil reservoir was observed. The genetic diversity of the bacterial population present in the brine water was subsequently evaluated using polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). In addition, indigenous bacteria that grew in high CO2 concentrations were isolated for examination. We compared the effects of two sterilization methods (filtration and autoclaving) and three gas combinations (pure N2, CO2/N2 (1:9), and pure CO2) injected into the headspace of the medium solution on the cultures. The result demonstrated that the diverse gas composition of the headspace of enrichment culture medium consisting of filtered brine could be one approach to stimulating the growth of physiologically distinct types of microorganisms..
48. 藤井 孝志, 菅井 裕一, 佐々木 久郎, 橋田 俊之, 當舎 利行, 中尾 信典, 超臨界CO2注入に伴う来待砂岩および飯館花崗岩の浸透率の変化, Journal of MMIJ(資源・素材学会), 129, 12, 701-706, 2013.12.
49. Yuichi Sugai, Kyuro Sasaki, Ryo Wakizono, Yasunori Higuchi, Noriyuki Muraoka, Considerations on the possibility of microbial clogging of re-injection wells of the wastewater generated in a water-dissolved natural gas field, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation (Elsevier), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ibiod.2012.10.003, 81, 35-41, 2013.07, Brine produced from water-dissolved natural gas reservoirs should be returned to the reservoirs after the resources are recovered to prevent land subsidence. However, the ability to re-inject the brine gradually decreases and is only rectified by carrying out backwashing treatment of re-injection wells. Because the brine contains high levels of iodine also, it is also recovered from the brine using sulfuric acid and oxidizing agents. These chemicals may stimulate the growth of microorganisms that may cause the clogging. In this study, we used column experiments to investigate the possibility of the microbial clogging.
Significant clogging was observed on the columns that were treated by the brine containing both indigenous microorganisms and dissolved oxygen. In particular, iodide-oxidizing bacteria were detected from the columns and original brine dominantly; therefore, it was assumed to have an important influence on the clogging. Iodine that was produced by iodide-oxidizing bacteria corroded iron in the sand under the presence of dissolved oxygen. Eluted Iron formed ferric hydroxide colloid in the brine and it caused the clogging of the pore spaces.
We also demonstrated that deoxidized brine inhibited the iodide-oxidizing bacteria from becoming dominant and the column from the clogging through the column experiments. From these results, we can suggest removing dissolved oxygen as the most feasible countermeasures for the clogging..
50. Yuichi Sugai, Kyuro Sasaki, Keigo Yoshimura, Toshinori Yukitake, Shigenori Muta, Pilot study on the construction of several temperature-controlled multi-purpose rooms in a disused tunnel, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology (Elsevier), 10.1016/j.tust.2012.06.009, 32, 180-189, 2012.11, Throughout the world, schemes for putting to use abandoned underground spaces are being pursued. We describe one such pilot scheme involving the utilization of a disused tunnel of an uncompleted railway line that has been revamped as a facility housing temperature-controlled multi-purpose rooms. In all, four rooms were constructed and installed with both indoor and outdoor air conditioning units. Testing of the facility was conducted over a 1-year period to establish operating criteria and to monitor for operating stability. The four rooms were finally maintained at different constant-temperature regimes: cold (5ºC), cool (13ºC), mild (21ºC), and warm (32ºC) with such low power consumption of 0.80 kW because of the nature of the subterranean site. Compared with typical surface facilities, this facility offers an obvious advantage in lower energy consumption. Monitoring of the humidity in the rooms revealed that preventing evaporation from the bare soil surface in the tunnel was the more important factor in controlling humidity in this facility.
The heat transfer analysis of this facility was carried out through the computational analysis using a computational model constructed in this study. Computational analysis showed that the heat insulation property of the tunnel wall was reinforced by prolonged operation and the cost of operating facility became lower with the operation time. In addition, we demonstrated the procedure to estimate the overall heat transmission coefficients of the tunnel wall which was a great help in the design of similar facilities in underground spaces.
The different rooms in the facility are expected to be used for manufacturing fermented foods and drinks depending on temperature and humidity requirements. Not only running costs but also initial costs are expected to be lower than those for surface facilities; for this reason, our system has been demonstrated to be economically viable as well as environment friendly..
51. Ryo Mori, Yuichi Sugai, Kyuro Sasaki, Kazuhiro Fujiwara, Takamichi Nakamura, Experimental and Numerical Studies on the Microbial Restoration of Natural Gas Deposits in Depleted Oil Reservoirs Storing CO2, Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, SPE-158875-MS, 2012.10, We investigated the microbial conversion of CO2 into CH4 in depleted oil reservoirs by the interaction between indigenous oil-degrading hydrogen-producing bacteria and indigenous hydrogenotrophic methanogens that have been found in oil reservoirs universally. In this study, we investigated the influence of crude oil, yeast extract, bicarbonate and CO2 on the growth and gas production of those bacteria through the incubation experiments of isolated strains under reservoir conditions. The yeast extract was estimated to be the most influential factor on the growth and gas production of oil-degrading hydrogen-producing bacteria. Methanogen was unaffected by the crude oil, the yeast extract and bicarbonate, however, both CO2 and H2 are assumed to be the influential factors on it because they are the energy sources of methanogen.
In addition, we also investigated their growth kinetics that were needed to construct a numerical simulator of the microbial conversion of CO2 into CH4 in depleted oil reservoirs. The specific growth rate of oil-degrading hydrogen-producing bacteria was increased as the yeast extract concentration increased while that of the methanogen was constant regardless of the yeast extract concentration. These results indicate that the growth of methanogens is unaffected by the yeast extract that is injected into reservoirs to stimulate the growth of ODHPB. The growth yield of HYH-8 and HYH-10 was 5.5x1010 cells/g-(yeast extract) and 3.5x1011 cells/g-(yeast extract) respectively..
52. 菅井裕一,佐々木久郎,山野上淳一, ガス-水相対浸透率の高精度測定のための気液混合微少流量計の開発, Journal of MMIJ(資源・素材学会), 128, 4,5, 198-208, 2012.03.
53. Yuichi Sugai, Isty A. Purwasena, Kyuro Sasaki, Kazuhiro Fujiwara, Yoshiyuki Hattori, Komei Okatsu, Experimental studies on indigenous hydrocarbon-degrading and hydrogen-producing bacteria in an oilfield for microbial restoration of natural gas deposits with CO2 sequestration, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering (Elsevier), 10.1016/j.jngse.2012.01.011, 5, 31-41, 2012.03, Sequestration of carbon dioxide (CO2) into depleted oil reservoirs may be a method of reducing CO2 emissions. We focus on microbial restoration of natural gas deposits with CO2 sequestration via in situ microbial conversion of CO2 into methane (CH4) by hydrogenotrophic methanogens (HM) that universally inhabit oil reservoirs. The means of supplying HM with H2 for their CH4 production is central to this process. This study considers the potential of this process by evaluating the H2 productivity of hydrocarbon-degrading and hydrogen-producing bacteria (HD–HPB) that inhabit oil reservoirs.
Reservoir brine was extracted from 10 producing wellheads in the Yabase Oilfield of Japan. Indigenous bacteria in the brine samples were incubated with sterile oil under anaerobic conditions with 10%-CO2 (N2 balanced) at 50 °C and 75 °C. Production of H2 and CH4 and consumption of CO2 were observed in almost all the brine at both temperature, especially, larger amount of gases were produced at 50 °C. Those gases production was significantly stimulated with the additional yeast extract, on the other hand, it became lower under high pressure condition.
Nutrient agar inoculated with raw brine was incubated under anaerobic conditions at 50 °C and 75 °C. Microbial single colonies formed in the nutrient agar media after 2 weeks were selected and inoculated into sterile brine including sterile oil. More than 20 isolates were isolated and incubated in the brine media and 14 strains were observed to produce H2 after 3 months incubation. The maximum rate of H2 production by HD–HPB was 0.38 NmL/L-medium/day.
These results suggest that in situ microbial conversion of sequestrated CO2 and H2 generated by HD–HPB into CH4 using HM can be expected in many oilfields universally. Moreover, the most capable HD–HPB isolated in this study can be injected into reservoirs to stimulate the restoration of natural gas deposits with CO2 sequestration..
54. Ryo Wakizono, Yuichi Sugai, Kyuro Sasaki, Yasunori Higuchi, Noriyuki Muraoka, Investigation of Indigenous Bacteria in Water-dissolved Natural Gas Fields for Preventing Microbial Clogging of Injection Wells, Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, SPE-145990-MS, 2011.09, The brine that has been produced from water-dissolved natural gas reservoirs should be returned into reservoirs after the resources have been extracted to prevent the subsidence. However, the re-injectivity of the brine declines gradually; therefore, re-injection wells should be maintained by backwashing treatments. Colloidal materials like biofilms can be observed in solid materials that have been produced by the backwashing from the re-injection wells.
Because the brine contains not only dissolved natural gas but also high levels of iodine, the iodine is also extracted from the brine chemically using sulfuric acid and oxidizing agent; therefore, re-injected brine contains sulfate and dissolved oxygen abundantly. These chemicals may stimulate the metabolites of microorganisms that have influences on the clogging; therefore, we considered the influences of these materials on microorganisms that may cause the clogging in this study.
Column experiments were carried out using sand and brine that were collected in the gas field. The columns that the brine including indigenous microorganisms, dissolved oxygen and sulfate was injected into were clogged significantly. Iodide-oxidizing bacteria, iron-oxidizing bacteria and sulfate-reducing bacteria were found specifically in clogged columns, suggesting these microorganisms had influences on the clogging. In particular, Iodide-oxidizing bacteria were also found in original brine; therefore, it was assumed to have an important influence on the clogging.
Iodide-oxidizing bacteria convert iodide into iodine that corrodes iron in the sand under the presence of dissolved oxygen. Iron (II) ion that has been eluted from the sand is oxidized to iron (III) ion by iron-oxidizing bacteria under the presence of dissolved oxygen. Iron (III) ion forms ferric hydroxide colloid in the brine and it causes the clogging of the porous media.
From these mechanisms of the clogging, we can suggest removing dissolved oxygen as the most feasible countermeasures for the clogging..
55. Ryo Mori, Yuichi Sugai, Kyuro Sasaki, Kazuhiro Fujiwara, Evaluation of the Potential of Microbial Restoration of Natural Gas Deposit with CO2 Sequestration by Investigating Indigenous Bacteria in a High CO2 Content Oilfield, Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, SPE-145898-MS, 2011.09, We investigated the in situ microbial conversion of CO2 into CH4 by oil-degrading and H2-producing bacteria and hydrogenotrophic methanogens. CO2 is injected into depleted oil reservoirs as a method of carbon capture and storage (CCS). The bacteria involved in CO2 conversions are affected by high CO2 conditions, which cause a reduction in the pH level of the reservoir brine. Therefore, we assessed the efficacy of this microbial conversion process under high partial CO2 pressure by investigating the microbial communities present in high/low CO2 content reservoirs, the pH reduction of brine under high partial pressure of CO2, and the production of H2 and CH4 by indigenous bacteria in high CO2 content reservoirs. Thermotoga sp. and Thermoanaerobacter sp., which have previously been shown to produce hydrogen from crude oil by Fujiwara et al.1), were found to be the dominant species in the high CO2 content reservoir. Moreover, Methanobacterium sp. and Methanothermobacter sp., which are well-known hydrogenotrophic methanogens, were also detected in the reservoir. These results indicate that the microorganisms needed for this microbial conversion process can inhabit reservoirs where CO2 has been injected for CCS.
The pH of brine with bicarbonate levels > 0.1 mol/L was found to be maintained at pH 7.0–8.0, which is a favorable pH for the growth of a variety of microorganisms. Neutral pH levels were maintained even under CO2 partial pressure as high as 5.0 MPa, suggesting that the microbial conversion process could easily be applied in reservoirs whose brine is abundant in bicarbonate.
Enrichment culture experiments in brine were carried out under high CO2 partial pressure (3.0 MPa) at 75°C. Production of both H2 and CH4 was detected in brine with pH buffering action, as well as in brine with significantly reduced pH levels due to high CO2 partial pressure. Therefore, the microbial conversion process may also be expected to occur in normal reservoirs with poor acid neutralizing capacity..
56. Isty A. Purwasena, Yuichi Sugai, Kyuro Sasaki, Estimation of the Potential of an Oil-Viscosity-Reducing Bacterium Petrotoga sp. Isolated from an Oil Field for MEOR, Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, SPE-137568-MS, 2010.09.
57. 菅井裕一、佐々木久郎、新見敏也、藤原和弘、向谷司、鹿野早苗、服部嘉行、岡津弘明, 枯渇油ガス田におけるCO2のメタン変換を目的とした地下微生物に関する基礎的検討, Journal of MMIJ(資源・素材学会), 125, 12, 595-604, 2009.12.
58. Isty Adhitya Purwasena, Yuichi Sugai, Kyuro Sasaki, Estimation of the Potential of an Oil-Viscosity-Reducing Bacteria, Petrotoga sp., Isolated from an Oilfield for MEOR, Proceedings of International Petroleum Technology Conference 2009 (IPTC2009), IPTC-13861-MS, 2009.12.
59. Yuichi Sugai, Toshiya Niimi, Kyuro Sasaki, Yoshiyuki Hattori, Sanae Kano, Tsukasa Mukaidani, Kazuhiro Fujiwara and Komei Okatsu, Screening of Oil-Degrading and Hydrogen-Producing Microorganisms for Microbial Conversion of CO2 into CH4 in Oil Reservoir, Proceedings of CIPC/SPE GTS 2008 Joint Conference, SPE-115009-MS, 2008.06.
60. Yuichi Sugai, Hong Chengxie, Tadashi Chida, Heiji Enomoto, Simulation Studies on the Mechanisms and Performances of MEOR using Polymer Producing Microorganism Clostridium sp. TU-15A, Proc. of Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, SPE-110173-MS, 2007.10.
61. 菅井裕一, 佐々木 久郎, 高畑重幸, 中秀男, 緑色凝灰岩を利用した機能性塗り壁材の特性, 空気調和・衛生工学会論文集, 123, 1-10, 2007.06.
62. 菅井裕一、佐々木久郎、高畑重幸、中秀男, 十和田石砕石の臭気緩和資材ならびに堆肥化促進資材としての可能性, 骨材資源, 第147号、153-161, 2005.12.
63. 菅井裕一、木下睦、湯本徹也、榎本兵治、洪承燮、藤原和弘、大野健二, 非水溶性ポリマー生産微生物CJF-002による油層内流体のプロファイル・モディフィケーションに関する室内実験研究, 石油技術協会誌, 第70巻、第4号、315-327, 2005.07.
64. 菅井裕一、佐々木久郎、松葉谷治、中秀男、田中富士夫, 比内緑色凝灰岩のpH調整作用と微生物活性化効果に関する検討, 資源と素材, 第121巻、第10,11合併号、513-520, 2005.11.
65. 菅井裕一、洪承燮、千田佶、榎本兵治, 水溶性ポリマー生産微生物を用いたMEORの数値実験, 石油技術協会誌, 第69巻、第5号、563-573, 2004.09.
66. Y.SUGAI, J.FANGMING, H.ENOMOTO and T.MORIYA, Application of Membrane Separation Method to Concentrate Products on the Process Producing Environmentally Adaptable Deicer by means of Wet Oxidation of Organic Wastes, RESOURCES PROCESSING, Vol.51、No.3、148-157, 2004.09.
67. 菅井裕一、洪承燮、千田佶、榎本兵治, 水溶性ポリマー生産微生物を用いたMEORにおける油層内挙動と石油増進回収機構に関するシミュレーション研究, 石油技術協会誌, 第69巻、第4号、335-347, 2004.07.
68. 菅井裕一、洪承燮、千田佶、榎本兵治, 水溶性ポリマー生産微生物を用いたMEORのための数学モデルの構築, 石油技術協会誌, 第69巻、第3号、261-271, 2004.05.
69. 菅井裕一、洪承燮、池田修一郎、千田佶、榎本兵治、矢澤仁徳, MEORを目的とした水溶性ポリマー生産微生物のスクリーニング, 石油技術協会誌, 第67巻、第3号、277-286, 2002.05.
70. 菅井裕一、洪承燮、千田佶、榎本兵治、矢澤仁徳, 水溶性ポリマー生産微生物TU-15Aによる石油の増進回収に関する室内実験研究, 石油技術協会誌, 第67巻、第5号、491-500, 2002.09.
71. Yuichi Sugai, Atsushi Kishita, Hong Chengxie, Heiji Enomoto, Tadashi Chida, S.C.ZHOU, Laboratory Investigation of Polymer Producer TU-15A for MEOR Field Tests, Proc. of Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, SPE-54381-MS, 1999.04.
主要総説, 論評, 解説, 書評, 報告書等
1. JOGMEC,北海道大学,九州大学,幌延地圏環境研究所, 令和4年度共同研究調査「石炭炭種毎のCO2固定化量に関する研究調査」
, 2024.03.
2. Theodora Noely Tambaria, Yuichi Sugai, Ronald Nguele, Adsorption Factors in Enhanced Coal Bed Methane Recovery: A Review, Gases (MDPI), https://doi.org/10.3390/gases2010001, 2022.01, Enhanced coal bed methane recovery using gas injection can provide increased methane extraction depending on the characteristics of the coal and the gas that is used. Accurate prediction of the extent of gas adsorption by coal are therefore important. Both experimental methods and modeling have been used to assess gas adsorption and its effects, including volumetric and gravimetric techniques, as well as the Ono–Kondo model and other numerical simulations. Thermodynamic parameters may be used to model adsorption on coal surfaces while adsorption isotherms can be used to predict adsorption on coal pores. In addition, density functional theory and grand canonical Monte Carlo methods may be employed. Complementary analytical techniques include Fourier transform infrared, Raman spectroscopy, XR diffraction, and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. This review summarizes the cutting-edge research concerning the adsorption of CO2, N2, or mixture gas onto coal surfaces and into coal pores based on both experimental studies and simulations..
3. 菅井裕一, Very Susant, 佐々木 久郎, 水素製造施設から排出されるCO2の地中貯留を想定した漏洩モニタリング, ペトロテック(石油学会), 2015.06.
4. 菅井裕一, 微生物EOR~「その他のEOR」からの脱却を目指して~, 石油技術協会誌, 2013.11.
5. 菅井 裕一, 平成24年度日本海洋石油資源開発株式会社受託研究「硫酸還元菌の増殖および硫化水素生成挙動の数値モデル化とシミュレーション研究」成果報告書, 2013.03.
6. 佐々木 久郎, 菅井 裕一, 産学連携研究 九州大学地球資源システム工学部門 資源開発工学研究室とJAPEXとの共同研究 -原油のガス溶解度およびガス拡散係数の測定と排油挙動解析-, 石油技術協会誌, 2012.05.
7. 藤原和弘,菅井裕一, 石油・天然ガス開発技術に関する委託研究「地中メタン再生技術の実用化研究」-地中メタン再生技術の実用化に不可欠な各種の室内実験データの収集-平成21年度成果報告書, 独立行政法人 石油天然ガス・金属鉱物資源機構, 2010.03.
8. Isty A. Purwasena, Yuichi Sugai, Kyuro Sasaki, Evaluation of Reservoir Condition Effects on the Reduction of Oil Viscosity by a Petrotoga strain Isolated from an Oilfield for MEOR
, 石油技術協会誌, 2010.09.
9. 菅井裕一, 微生物を利用した石油の増進回収技術, バイオインダストリー, 2009.05.
10. 藤原和弘、菅井裕一, 石油・天然ガス開発技術に関する委託研究「地中メタン再生技術の実用化研究」-地中メタン再生技術の実用化に不可欠な各種の室内実験データの収集-平成20年度成果報告書, 独立行政法人 石油天然ガス・金属鉱物資源機構, 2009.03.
11. 藤原和弘、菅井裕一、榎本兵治, 微生物攻法(MEOR)研究の現状と展望-技術開発の将来展望と課題-, 石油技術協会誌, 2008.11.
12. 藤原和弘、菅井裕一、崔吉、榎本兵治, 微生物攻法(MEOR)研究の現状と展望-実用技術化に向けての取り組み-, 石油技術協会誌, 2008.07.
13. 藤原和弘、菅井裕一、榎本兵治, 微生物攻法(MEOR)研究の現状と展望-その概要と有用微生物について-, 石油技術協会誌, 2008.05.
14. 藤原和弘、菅井裕一, 石油・天然ガス開発技術に関する委託研究「地中メタン再生を担う原油分解水素・メタン生成菌群の探索」平成19年度成果報告書, 独立行政法人 石油天然ガス・金属鉱物資源機構, 2008.03.
15. 菅井裕一、佐々木久郎, 平成19年度石油・天然ガス基礎研究「有機質栄養源を必要としない独立栄養細菌を用いたMEORの可能性評価」, 独立行政法人 石油天然ガス・金属鉱物資源機構, 2007.12.
16. 中秀雄,高畑重幸,佐々木久郎,菅井裕一, 十和田石の石粉および粉砕粒を利用した機能性壁材の開発, 平成17年度中野産業株式会社・九州大学大学院工学研究院共同研究報告書, 2006.03.
17. 中秀男,高畑重幸,佐々木久郎,菅井裕一, 十和田石採石廃材と微生物を複合した環境浄化資材の開発
, 経済産業省 平成16年鉱山探鉱等促進事業費補助金 副産物用途開発等調査・開発事業, 2005.03.
1. Futo Ishibashi, Junpei Kumasaka, Takehiro Esaki, Yuichi Sugai, , Experimental Study on the Use of Nanoparticles to Improve the Efficiency of CO2 Geological Storage, International Petroleum Technology Conference 2024, 2024.02.
2. Junpei Kumasaka, Yuichi Sugai, Futo Ishibashi, Numerical Simulation Study on Enhanced Efficiency of Geological CO2 Storage with Nanoparticle, International Petroleum Technology Conference 2024, 2024.02.
3. Yuichi Sugai, Experimental Study on the Use of Nanoparticles to Improve the Efficiency of CO2 Geological Storage, Uzbekistan-Japan International Conference «Energy- Earth-Environment-Engineering», 2023.12.
4. Taishiro Haraguchi, Takehiro Esaki, Yuichi Sugai, Development of phase-separation CO2 absorbents, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2023, 2023.11.
5. Komei Asano, Takehiro Esaki, Yuichi Sugai, In-situ H2 gasification of oil in underground, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2023, 2023.11.
6. Raden Maria Ulfa, Yuichi Sugai, Theodora Noely Tambaria, Effect of Low-Temperature Pyrolysis on Gas Content from Various Coal Ranks, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2023, 2023.11.
7. Yongjun Wang, Hemeng Zhang, Qian Zheng, Wei Dong, Xiaoming Zhang, Yuichi Sugai, Kyuro Sasaki, Study on the Underground Coal Fire — Surface Carbon Flux Response Mechanism under Complex Conditions, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2023, 2023.11.
8. Yuto Komatsu, Yuichi Sugai, Takehiro Esaki, Study on soil CO2 flux for monitoring of stored CO2 leakage from subsurface , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2023, 2023.11.
9. Alireza Safari, Yuichi Sugai, Mohammad Sarmadivaleh, Motonao Imai, Hamid Esfandyari, Manouchehr Haghighi, ‪Morteza Moradi‬, ‪Abbas ZeiniJahromi, Analysis of the Japanese Depleted Gas Fields’ Prospect for Underground Hydrogen Storage, Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference 2023, 2023.10.
10. 菅井裕一、江﨑丈裕、井上裕斗, 地下微生物を利用したCO2の原位置メタン変換技術の検討, 資源・素材2023(松山), 2023.09, CCSにおいて地下に貯留されたCO2を、地下に生息する微生物によってメタンに変換し、将来的に天然ガス資源として再利用することが検討されている。CO2をメタンに変換する微生物はメタン菌と呼ばれており、偏性嫌気性菌であるメタン菌は、一般にCCSの対象となるような地下深部に普遍的に生息している。メタン菌によるCO2のメタン変換のためには水素が必須であり、地下においてメタン菌に水素を供給する必要がある。発表者らは、枯渇油田に貯留したCO2のメタン変換を想定し、取れ残し石油の一部を分解して水素を生成する石油資化性水素生成菌を用いて水素を生成させる検討を行った。同研究によれば、メタン菌と水素生成菌が共存する培養系に、CO2と石油を供給することによりメタンの生成が確認されている。しかしながら、その生成速度が極めて遅く、とりわけ水素生成速度が反応の律速になっていることが明らかになった。そこで、石油からの水素生成ではない、別の水素源を検討しており、地下に存在する鉱物であるかんらん石に着目した。かんらん石が蛇紋岩化する際に水素が発生する反応に着目して検討を行ったところ、メタン菌が生息可能な温度(70℃)においても水素の発生が認められた。さらに、メタン菌をかんらん石とCO2とともに培養した結果、メタンの生成が確認された。これらの結果から、かんらん石を含むような地下貯留層ならびに帯水層におけるCCSにおいて、メタン菌によるCO2のメタン変換の可能性が示唆された。.
11. 石橋風都、菅井裕一、江﨑丈裕、熊坂純平, CO2地中貯留効率の向上を目的としたナノ粒子の利用に関する検討, 資源・素材2023(松山), 2023.09, CCSにおいて地下に圧入された超臨界CO2は、比重が地層水の比重より小さいため、帯水層の上部へと移動し、遮蔽能力が十分でない帯水層においては漏洩のリスクが懸念される。本研究においては、超臨界CO2にナノ粒子を分散させることによって超臨界CO2のみかけの比重を高め、帯水層に広くCO2を行き渡らせることによって、CO2の貯留効率を向上させることを目的としている。超臨界CO2中での分散性が高いナノ粒子の選定、ナノ粒子の分散性および分散安定性を向上させるためのナノ粒子表面の修飾および攪拌方法などを検討した。なお、本研究では、様々に実験条件を変化させて最適条件をスクリーニングするため、超臨界CO2と同様に非極性有機溶媒であり、常温常圧下で実験に供することができるn-ヘキサンを超臨界CO2の代替溶媒として実験に用いた。まず、SiO2、Al2O3、TiO2ならびにZnOのナノ粒子をそれぞれn-ヘキサンに投入し、マグネティックスターラーで30分間攪拌した後の分散性を観察した結果、TiO2およびZnOのナノ粒子は比較的分散性が高かったものの、攪拌停止1時間後にはすべて沈殿した。これらのナノ粒子にアニオン性およびカチオン性の界面活性剤を付着させ、それをn-ヘキサンに投入して同様の実験を行なった結果、Al2O3ナノ粒子およびZnOナノ粒子にアニオン性界面活性剤を吸着させることによる分散性の向上が観察された。さらに、アニオン性界面活性剤を吸着させたAl2O3ナノ粒子をn-ヘキサン中で超音波照射して攪拌することにより、48時間経過後も分散が維持されていることが確認された。これらの結果から、本研究でスクリーニングを行ったナノ粒子の中では、酸化アルミニウムナノ粒子の分散性が高く、それにアニオン性の界面活性剤を付着させることでさらに分散性が向上し、超音波処理によるナノ粒子同士の凝集体を解消させることにより、さらに分散性の向上が期待できることが明らかになった。.
12. 井上裕斗、菅井裕一、江﨑丈裕, CO2の地下バイオメタネーションを目的とした水素源の検討, 資源・素材2023(松山), 2023.09, 持続型炭素循環システムの確立を目的とし、地下に貯留したCO2を地下に生息する微生物によって、その場でメタンに変換し、再びエネルギー資源として利用できるようにする地下メタネーションが注目されている。CO2をメタンに変換するためには、その反応を担うCO2資化メタン生成菌(以降、単にメタン菌と称する)に水素を供給する必要がある。本研究では、その水素源としてかんらん石および水素化マグネシウムに着目し、様々な条件下において、各試料から発生する水素量を評価し、最適な水素発生条件を検討した。また、有望な水素発生条件において、メタン菌を水素源とともに培養し、CO2からのメタン生成量を評価した。その結果、メタン菌をCO2ならびにかんらん石と共存させて培養することによりメタンの生成が確認された。一方、かんらん石よりも多量の水素を発生する水素化マグネシウムとの共存下においてはメタンが生成しなかった。水素化マグネシウムは水素の発生とともに水酸化マグネシウムが生成し、培地がアルカリ性となるため、メタン菌の増殖・代謝が妨げられたものと考えられる。このように、本研究では、地下にも存在することが期待できるかんらん石が地下バイオメタネーションの水素源として可能性があることが示唆されたが、本研究で確認されたメタン生成量は少なく、その生成量を増加させるための各種条件の検討が今後の課題である。.
13. Yuichi Sugai, Evaluation of the Possibility of Gold Leaching from Gold Ore using Iodide-Oxidizing Bacteria, International Symposium in Biotechnology (ISBIO): Biotechnology Applications for Nutraceuticals, Environment, and Energy, 2023.08.
14. 井上裕斗,菅井裕一,江﨑丈裕, CO2の地下メタネーションを目的とした水素供給源の検討, 令和5年度石油技術協会春季講演会, 2023.06.
15. 石橋風都,菅井裕一,江﨑丈裕,熊坂純平, CCSを目的とした超臨界CO2中のナノ粒子の分散性に関する研究, 令和5年度石油技術協会春季講演会, 2023.06.
16. 佐藤迅,菅井裕一,江﨑丈裕, ナノ粒子の直接観察によるナノ粒子EORの石油増進回収メカニズムの検討, 令和5年度石油技術協会春季講演会, 2023.06.
17. 佐藤迅、菅井裕一、江﨑丈裕, ナノ粒子による石油増進回収メカニズムの検討, 資源・素材学会九州支部令和5年度若手研究者および技術者の研究発表会, 2023.05.
18. 井上裕斗、菅井裕一、江﨑丈裕, CO2の地下バイオメタネーションのための水素源の検討, 資源・素材学会九州支部令和5年度若手研究者および技術者の研究発表会, 2023.05.
19. 石橋風都、菅井裕一、江﨑丈裕、熊坂純平, CCSにおけるCO2貯留量向上のためのナノ粒子の利用に関する検討, 資源・素材学会九州支部令和5年度若手研究者および技術者の研究発表会, 2023.05.
20. Meakh Sovanborey, Yuichi Sugai, Preliminary Investigation on Impacts of Temperature, Pressure, Viscosity, and Solubility on Expansion of CO2-based Foamy Bitumen, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2022, 2022.12.
21. 菅井裕一, 脱炭素社会における石炭や石油の新たな役割〜炭田や油田を活用した脱炭素技術〜, H-RISE 幌延地圏環境研究所 特別講演会, 2022.10.
22. 岡本隆,菅井裕一,Ronald Nguele,江﨑丈裕, ケミカルによるシェールの浸透性改善に関する検討, 第52回石油・石油化学討論会, 2022.10.
23. Miu Ito,Yuichi Sugai, Evaluation of the Potential of Foam Producing Microorganism Improving Heterogeneity of Permeability for Novel Microbial Foam EOR, SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition 2022, 2022.10.
24. 菅井裕一、小松祐斗、江﨑丈裕、Nguele Ronald、佐々木久郎, 土壌CO2フラックスのベースライン策定を目的とした土壌特性の検討, 資源・素材2022(福岡), 2022.09.
25. 菅井裕一, 微生物を利用した石油の増進回収法と地中貯留したCO2の地下バイオメタネーション, 「微生物の有効活用技術とその未来」セミナー, 2022.08.
26. 坪川大志,Nguele Ronald,江﨑丈裕,菅井裕一, ナノ粒子を用いた二酸化炭素吸着剤としての性能評価, 令和4年度石油技術協会春季講演会, 2022.06.
27. 植田涼介,菅井裕一,Nguele Ronald,江﨑丈裕, 炭酸塩岩貯留層における低塩分濃度水攻法に影響を及ぼすイオン種の考察, 令和4年度石油技術協会春季講演会, 2022.06.
28. 秋山尚大,菅井裕一,江﨑丈裕,Nguele Ronald, 炭酸ナトリウムを用いたアルカリEORにおけるキレート剤の利用に関する検討, 令和4年度石油技術協会春季講演会, 2022.06.
29. 小松祐斗,菅井裕一,佐々木久郎,Nguele Ronald,江﨑丈裕, CCSにおける地下からのCO2漏洩モニタリングを目的とした土壌CO2フラックスに関する研究, 令和4年度石油技術協会春季講演会, 2022.06.
30. 植田涼介、菅井裕一、Ronald Nguele、江﨑丈裕, 炭酸塩岩貯留層における低塩分濃度水攻法のメカニズムの推定, 資源・素材学会九州支部令和4年度若手研究者および技術者の研究発表会, 2022.05.
31. 小松祐斗、菅井裕一、佐々木久郎、Ronald Nguele、江﨑丈裕, 土壌CO2フラックスに及ぼす土壌特性の影響に関する検討, 資源・素材学会九州支部令和4年度若手研究者および技術者の研究発表会, 2022.05.
32. 秋山尚大、菅井裕一、江﨑丈裕、Ronald Nguele, 炭酸ナトリウムを用いた石油増進回収法におけるキレート剤の検討, 資源・素材学会九州支部令和4年度若手研究者および技術者の研究発表会, 2022.05.
33. 菅井裕一, 「地下資源×微生物」革命(後編)〜微生物と作る、新しい「都市鉱山開発」の可能性〜, BIO & Ecology School, 2022.04.
34. 菅井裕一, 「地下資源×微生物」革命(前編)〜持続的炭素循環に向けた「石油・ガス×微生物」技術〜, BIO & Ecology School, 2022.03.
35. 伊藤美羽,菅井裕一, 微生物による泡の生成作用を利用した石油増進回収法に関する研究, 第51回石油・石油化学討論会, 2021.11.
36. 菅井裕一, 石油の増進回収を目的とした地下環境微生物の利用とその社会実装について, 微生物生態学会34回大会シンポジウム「微生物生態学を社会実装する」, 2021.11.
37. Miu Ito,Yuichi Sugai, Study on Enhanced Oil Recovery Using Microorganism Generating Foam in Presence of Nanobubbles, SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition 2021, 2021.10.
38. 菅井裕一、西田悠太、ロナウド ンゲレ、佐々木久郎, 地下からの漏洩メタンの検出方法に関する検討, 資源・素材2021(札幌), 2021.09.
39. Theodora Noely Tambaria、Yuichi Sugai, コールベットメタンの増進回収を目的とした石炭へのガス吸着に関する研究, 資源・素材2021(札幌), 2021.09.
40. 菅井裕一、相原亮馬、ロナウド ンゲレ、佐々木久郎, メタケイ酸ナトリウムを用いたCO2回収およびその反応生成ゲルの石油増進回収への適用について, 資源・素材2021(札幌), 2021.09.
41. Nam Nguyen Hai Le,Yuichi Sugai, マイクロバブル化したCO2を用いた石油増進回収技術の検討, 資源・素材2021(札幌), 2021.09.
42. Miu Ito,Yuichi Sugai, Study on Foam Enhanced Oil Recovery Technique Using Foam Generating Microorganism Activated by Nanobubbles, 2021 2nd International Conference on Oil, Gas and Coal Technology, 2021.07.
43. Margret Khaloian,Yuichi Sugai, A Study of Carbon Dioxide Removal from Flue Gas by Sodium Metasilicate Solution Using Shallow Formations, International Conference on Petroleum, Oil and Gas Exploration Research (ICPOGER 2021), 2021.06.
44. 岡本隆,菅井裕一,佐々木久郎,Nguele Ronald, ケミカルによるシェールの溶解に関する検討, 令和3年度石油技術協会春季講演会, 2021.06.
45. 相原亮馬,菅井裕一,佐々木久郎,Nguele Ronald, メタケイ酸ナトリウムを用いたCO2の回収と生成ゲル溶液のEORの適用に関する検討, 令和3年度石油技術協会春季講演会, 2021.06.
46. 黒田悠介,菅井裕一,佐々木久郎,Nguele Ronald, 多孔質体マイクロモデルの作製とそれを用いた低塩分濃度水攻法の回収挙動の観察, 令和3年度石油技術協会春季講演会, 2021.06.
47. 伊藤美羽,菅井裕一,Nguele Ronald,佐々木久郎, 泡生成微生物を利用したEORの検討, 令和3年度石油技術協会春季講演会, 2021.06.
48. Le Nguyen Hai Nam,菅井裕一,Nguele Ronald,佐々木久郎, CO2マイクロバブルの気泡径と安定性に及ぼすポリマーおよび界面活性剤濃度の影響, 令和3年度石油技術協会春季講演会, 2021.06.
49. 岡本隆、菅井裕一、Ronald Nguele、佐々木久郎, シェールガスの増進回収を目的とした頁岩の化学溶解に関する検討, 資源・素材学会九州支部令和3年度若手研究者および技術者の研究発表会, 2021.05.
50. 伊藤美羽、菅井裕一、Ronald Nguele、佐々木久郎, Pseudomonas aeruginosaの嫌気的増殖・代謝促進におよぼすナノバブルの効果について, 資源・素材学会九州支部令和3年度若手研究者および技術者の研究発表会, 2021.05.
51. 相原亮馬、菅井裕一、Ronald Nguele、佐々木久郎, メタケイ酸ナトリウムを用いた CO2のゲル化回収とその有効利用について, 資源・素材学会九州支部令和3年度若手研究者および技術者の研究発表会, 2021.05.
52. 黒田悠介、菅井裕一、Ronald Nguele、佐々木久郎, 多孔質体マイクロモデルを用いた低塩濃度水による石油増進回収メカニズムの検討, 資源・素材学会九州支部令和3年度若手研究者および技術者の研究発表会, 2021.05.
53. Muhammad Alfiza Farhan, Sugai Yuichi, Sasaki Kyuro, Ronald Nguele, Study on Soil Methane Gas Emissions Monitoring Using Adsorbent in a Wide-Scale Area, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2020, 2020.11.
54. Yuta Suzuki,Sugai Yuichi,Sasaki Kyuro, Ronald Nguele, Fundamental study on the enhanced oil recovery technique using CO2 microbubble solution, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2020, 2020.11.
55. 菅井裕一,木村 晃久,佐々木 久郎, 石油増進回収におけるCO2-ウルトラファインバブルの利用に関する検討, 資源・素材2020(仙台), 2020.09.
56. 権藤圭祐,菅井裕一,Nguele Ronald,佐々木久郎, ケミカルによるCO2と原油の最小ミシビリティ圧力低下効果に関する検討, 令和2年度石油技術協会学術大会, 2020.10.
57. 木村晃久,菅井裕一,Nguele Ronald,佐々木久郎, ナノバブルを用いた石油増進回収技術の基礎的検討, 令和2年度石油技術協会学術大会, 2020.10.
58. 木村晃久、菅井裕一、Ronald Nguele、佐々木久郎, 石油増進回収におけるナノバブルの利用に関する検討, 資源・素材学会九州支部令和2年度若手研究者および技術者の研究概要集, 2020.05.
59. 権藤圭祐、菅井裕一、Ronald Nguele、佐々木久郎, CO2と石油のミシビリティ圧力を低下させる添加剤の検討, 資源・素材学会九州支部令和2年度若手研究者および技術者の研究概要集, 2020.05.
60. Hung Vo Thanh,Yuichi Sugai,Ronald Nguele,Kyuro Sasaki, Optimization CO2 sequestration through water alternating gas process under geological uncertainties, 8th World Conference on Applied Sciences, Engineering and Management, 2019.12.
61. Hiroki Morifuji,Yuichi Sugai,Kyuro Sasaki, Investigation of gas adsorption on coal in CO2-CH4 mixed system for enhanced coalbed methane recovery, 8th World Conference on Applied Sciences, Engineering and Management, 2019.12.
62. Nao Miyazaki,Yuichi Sugai,Kyuro Sasaki,Yoshifumi Okamoto,Satohiro Yanagisawa, Consideration of effective binding inhibitor between an anionic bio-surfactant and calcium ion for the bio-surfactant enhanced oil recovery, 8th World Conference on Applied Sciences, Engineering and Management, 2019.12.
63. Yuichi Sugai, Challenges to Advance Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery Technique to a Practical Technique, 8th World Conference on Applied Sciences, Engineering and Management, 2019.12.
64. Minato Ito,Yuichi Sugai,Kyuro Sasaki,Ronald Nguele , Study on a technique counting bacterial population of target microorganisms in reservoir using flow cytometry, The International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium 2019, 2019.10.
65. Sugai Yuichi, Study on Microbial Conversion of CO2 into CH4 in Oil Reservoir using Oil-degrading-hydrogen-producing Bacteria and Methanogens, The International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium 2019, 2019.10.
66. San Yee Khaing,Yuichi Sugai,Kyuro Sasaki, Study on iodide-oxidising bacteria generating potential lixiviant solution for gold leaching
, The International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium 2019, 2019.10.
67. Hung Vo Thanh, Yuichi Sugai, Ronald Nguele, Kyuro Sasaki, Integrated Artificial Neural Network and Object-based Modelling for Enhancement History Matching in a Fluvial Channel Sandstone Reservoir, SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, 2019.10, Modelling accurately lithofacies and petrophysical properties is an important yet challenging process especially at the beginning of exploration and production from hydrocarbon reservoirs. However, the limited amount of well data and core data are the main issues facing conventional modelling processes. In this paper, Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Sequential Gaussian Simulation (SGS), Co-kriging and object-based modelling (OBM) were integrated as the enhancement framework for lithofacies and petrophysical properties modelling in the fluvial channel sandstone reservoir.
In the OBM, multiple fluvial channels were generated in the lithofacies model. The result of this model represented all the characteristic of the fluvial channel reservoir. The model was then distributed with channels, crevasse, and leeves depositional facies with background shale. Multiple geological realizations were made and cross-validation to select the most suitable lithofacies distribution. This model was cross-validated by modelling the porosity and permeability properties using Sequential Gaussian Simulation.
Thereafter, the modelling process continued with Artificial Neural Network. Petrophysical properties (mainly porosity and permeability) were predicted by training various seismic attributes and well log data using the ANN. Applying the co-kriging algorithm, the predicted ANN model was integrated with OBM simulated lithofacies model to preserve the fluvial features of the geological system. To achieve full field history matching, the final geological model was upscaled to serve as input data in dynamic history matching.
An excellent and nearly perfect history matching with a least mismatch was obtained between the measurement and simulated bottom hole pressure from well test and production history. The results indicated that an efficient integrated workflow of ANN and other geostatistical approaches are imperative to attaining an excellent history matching..
68. 菅井裕一,森藤弘貴,佐々木 久郎, CO2-CH4混合ガスを用いたコールベッドメタンの増進回収に関する研究, 資源・素材2019(京都), 2019.09.
69. Yuichi Sugai, Increase oil reserves!, The Second International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology, 2019.09.
70. 宮崎菜央,菅井裕一,佐々木久郎,Nguele Ronald,岡本圭史,欧陽琛璨, 二価陽イオンを考慮したバイオサーファクタントのEORへの適用に関する検討, 令和元年度石油技術協会春季講演会, 2019.06.
71. 伊藤皆人,菅井裕一,佐々木久郎,Nguele Ronald, 貯留層に生息する微生物のフローサイトメトリーを用いた選択的計数手法の検討, 令和元年度石油技術協会春季講演会, 2019.06.
72. 玉田智紀,菅井裕一,佐々木久郎,Nguele Ronald,樋口康則,村岡典幸, 茂原型水溶性天然ガス田の泥岩層における減圧速度とメタン遊離に関する検討, 令和元年度石油技術協会春季講演会, 2019.06.
73. 鈴木優太,佐々木久郎,菅井裕一,Nguele Ronald, ポリビニルアルコールの添加による掘削泥水特性の改良, 令和元年度石油技術協会春季講演会, 2019.06.
74. 伊藤皆人、菅井裕一、佐々木久郎、Ronald Nguele, フローサイトメトリーを用いた地下微生物の選択的計数手法の検討, 資源・素材学会九州支部令和元年度若手研究者および技術者の研究発表会, 2019.05.
75. 玉田智紀、菅井裕一、佐々木久郎、Ronald Nguele、樋口康則、村岡典幸, 茂原型水溶性天然ガス田の泥岩層におけるメタンの遊離挙動の検討, 資源・素材学会九州支部令和元年度若手研究者および技術者の研究発表会, 2019.05.
76. San Yee Khaing, Yuichi Sugai, Kyuro Sasaki, Novel Hydrometallurgical Method for Gold Leaching from Ore Using Iodide-Oxidising Bacteria, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2018, 2018.11.
77. Jumpei Mikumo, Yuichi Sugai, Kyuro Sasaki, Investigation of a novel enhanced oil recovery technique using yeast residue, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2018, 2018.11.
78. Nao Miyazaki, Yuichi Sugai, Kyuro Sasaki, Yoshifumi Okamoto, Chencan Ouyang, Dual role of citric acid as a binding inhibitor of anionic surfactant with bivalent cations and co-surfactant on bio-surfactant EOR, Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference 2018, 2018.11.
79. Masaki Uematsu, Yuichi Sugai, Kyuro Sasaki, Ronald Nguele, Investigation of the potential of polyvinyl alcohol as an inhibitor of spontaneous combustion of low rank coal, 7th World Conference on Applied Sciences, Engineering & Management, 2018.10.
80. Vo Thanh Hung, Yuichi Sugai, Kyuro Sasaki, An Object-Based Modeling and Simulation of CO2 Plume Dynamic in Saline Formation in Nam Vang Field, Cuu Long Basin, Vietnam, The 24th Formation Evaluation Symposium of Japan, 2018.10.
81. Yuichi Sugai, Challenges to Advance Microbial EOR Technique to a Practical Technique, Rundown Seminar International on "Maximizing More Barrels in Brownfield Rejunevation Through Enhanced Oil Recovery", 2018.08.
82. Masaki Uematsu, Yuichi Sugai, Kyuro Sasaki, The Developing Equipment for Evaluation to Coal Spontaneous Combustion
, Mining in Asia International Symposium, 2018.07.
83. San Yee Khaing, Yuichi Sugai, Kyuro Sasaki, Isolation and Culturing of Iodide-Oxidising Bacteria(IOB) from Brine, Mining in Asia International Symposium, 2018.07.
84. Eric Owusu Ansah, Yuichi Sugai, Kyuro Sasaki, Numerical Simulation of an Oil Viscosity Reduction Microbe for Enhanced Oil Recovery, 80th EAGE Conference & Exhibition 2018, 2018.06.
85. 田原史康、菅井裕一、佐々木久郎, 表層型メタンハイドレート層からのメタンガス回収手法の検討, 平成30年度石油技術協会春季講演会, 2018.06.
86. 宮崎菜央、菅井裕一、佐々木久郎、岡本圭史、欧陽琛璨, バイオサーファクタントの石油増進回収法への適用に関する検討, 平成30年度石油技術協会春季講演会, 2018.06.
87. 森藤弘貴,菅井裕一,佐々木久郎, コールベッドメタンの増進回収を目的としたCO2-CH4混合系における石炭のガス吸着挙動の検討, 平成30年度石油技術協会春季講演会, 2018.06.
88. 森藤弘貴、菅井裕一、佐々木久郎, 石炭に対するCO2およびCH4の動的吸脱着測定, 資源・素材学会九州支部平成30年度若手研究者および技術者の研究発表会, 2018.06.
89. 田原史康、菅井裕一、佐々木久郎, 表層型メタンハイドレート開発手法の検討, 資源・素材学会九州支部平成30年度若手研究者および技術者の研究発表会, 2018.06.
90. 宮崎菜央、菅井裕一、佐々木久郎、岡本圭史、欧陽チェンツァン, 石油増進回収を目的としたバイオサーファクタントの適用条件の検討, 資源・素材学会九州支部平成30年度若手研究者および技術者の研究発表会, 2018.06.
91. Evan Rosyadi Ogara, Yuichi Sugai, Kyuro Sasaki, Ferian Anggara, The Effect of Coal Characteristics on Adsorption and Desorption Gas at Indonesia Low Rank Coal, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2017, 2017.12.
92. Gen Murakami,Yuichi Sugai,Kyuro Sasaki, Preliminary Study on In-situ Realtime Quantitation of Target Bacteria on the Principle of Flow Cytometry, 22th International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium, 2017.09.
93. 植松雅貴, 菅井裕一, 佐々木 久郎, 熱流束測定による石炭の自然発火性の評価方法に関する検討, 資源・素材&EARTH2017(札幌), 2017.09.
94. 嶋谷典高, 菅井裕一, 佐々木 久郎, コールベッドメタンの増進回収を目的としたCO2およびCH4の吸脱着挙動の検討, 資源・素材&EARTH2017(札幌), 2017.09.
95. Jumpei Tamai,Yuichi Sugai,Kyuro Sasaki, Measurement of the IFT between Oil and Water in which CO2 is dissolved, 6th World Conference on Applied Sciences, Engineering & Technology, 2017.08.
96. Noritaka Shimatani,Yuichi Sugai,Kyuro Sasaki, Basic Research of Enhanced Coalbed Methane Recovery by Injecting Air, 6th World Conference on Applied Sciences, Engineering & Technology, 2017.08.
97. 三雲惇平,菅井裕一,佐々木久郎, 酵母残渣の加熱溶出液による水–油界面張力低下とそのEOR効果の検討, 平成29年度石油技術協会春季講演会, 2017.06.
98. 三雲惇平,菅井裕一,佐々木 久郎, 酵母残渣の加熱溶出液を用いた石油増進回収技術に関する基礎的検討, 資源・素材学会九州支部平成29年度若手研究者および技術者の研究発表会, 2017.06.
99. 植松雅貴, 菅井裕一, 佐々木 久郎, 熱流束測定による石炭の酸化反応の評価手法に関する検討, 資源・素材学会九州支部平成29年度若手研究者および技術者の研究発表会, 2017.06.
100. 菅井裕一, 佐々木 久郎, 飯野宏高, コールベッドメタンの増進回収におけるCO2利用の優位性に関する一考察, 平成29年度資源・素材学会春季大会, 2017.03.
101. Minoru Saito, Yuichi Sugai, Kyuro Sasaki, Yoshifumi Okamoto, Chencan Ouyang, Experimental and Numerical Studies on EOR Using a Biosurfactant, The Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference 2016, 2016.11.
102. 菅井裕一, 嶋谷典高, 佐々木 久郎, 低温条件下における石炭の酸化に関する検討, 資源・素材2016(盛岡), 2016.09.
103. エバン ロシャディ オガラ, 菅井裕一, フェリアン アンガラ, 佐々木 久郎, 石炭へのCO2およびCH4の吸脱着の測定, 資源・素材2016(盛岡), 2016.09.
104. Yuichi Sugai, Challenges to Advance Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery Technique to a Practical Technique, ASEAN MICROBIAL BIOTECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE 2016, 2016.08.
105. 齋藤稔, 菅井裕一, 佐々木 久郎, 岡本圭史, 欧陽琛璨, サーファクチンの石油増進回収効果の検討, 平成28年度石油技術協会春季講演会, 2016.06.
106. 嶋谷典高, 菅井裕一, 佐々木 久郎, 空気圧入によるコールベッドメタンの増進回収を目的とした石炭の低温酸化反応に関する検討, 平成28年度石油技術協会春季講演会, 2016.06.
107. 村上源, 菅井裕一, 佐々木 久郎, 地下微生物の原位置リアルタイムモニタリングを目的とした基礎的研究, 平成28年度石油技術協会春季講演会, 2016.06.
108. 玉井惇平, 菅井裕一, 佐々木 久郎, ガスの溶解が水-油界面張力に及ぼす影響の検討, 平成28年度石油技術協会春季講演会, 2016.06.
109. 村上源, 菅井裕一, 佐々木 久郎, 地下微生物のin-situモニタリング手法に関する基礎的検討, 資源・素材学会九州支部平成28年度若手研究者および技術者の研究発表会, 2016.06.
110. 嶋谷典高, 菅井裕一, 佐々木 久郎, 石炭の低温酸化反応に及ぼす諸条件の検討, 資源・素材学会九州支部平成28年度若手研究者および技術者の研究発表会, 2016.06.
111. 玉井惇平, 菅井裕一, 佐々木 久郎, ガス溶解下における水-油界面張力の測定, 資源・素材学会九州支部平成28年度若手研究者および技術者の研究発表会, 2016.06.
112. 菅井裕一, CO2を利用したEORおよびECBMRを目的とした高圧CO2雰囲気下における水・石油・石炭のその場観察, 日本地球惑星科学連合2016年大会, 2016.05.
113. 菅井裕一, 玉井惇平, 佐々木 久郎, 二酸化炭素の溶解による水-油界面張力の変化の測定, 資源・素材学会平成28年度春季大会, 2016.03.
114. 嶋谷典高, 菅井裕一, 佐々木 久郎, 炭層への空気圧入による低温酸化反応に関する検討, 資源・素材学会平成28年度春季大会, 2016.03.
115. 村上源, 菅井裕一, 佐々木 久郎, 地下微生物のin-situモニタリングに関する基礎的検討, 資源・素材学会平成28年度春季大会, 2016.03.
116. Yuichi Sugai, Keita Komatsu, Kyuro Sasaki, Estimation of IFT Reduction by a Biomass Material and Potential of Its Utilization for EOR, SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, 2015.10, Surfactant injection is one of the most effective EOR techniques. Chemical surfactants however pose a few problems such as their high cost and low-degradability. We study on the utilization of biomass such as agricultural fertilizer mainly comprising the residue of squeezed beer yeast for EOR as an alternative of chemical surfactants because crude oil can be completely miscible with the fertilizer solution. The fertilizer can be stably supplied at a low cost because it is a waste of beer brewing industry and is only used for an animal feed additive so far. Its retail price is approximately 1 USD/kg in Japan.
We semi-quantitatively estimated the interfacial tension (IFT) between the fertilizer solution and crude oil by the oil displacement test. Concentration of the fertilizer was varied between 10 to 50 g/L. The fertilizer solution to which sodium chloride was added at a concentration of 10 to 40 g/L was hydrothermally treated at 60, 80, 100 or 120 ºC for 10, 20, 30, 45 or 60 minutes respectively before the tests. The fertilizer solution to which crude oil was added at a ratio of 1 % was also hydrothermally treated at 120 ºC for 20 minutes. Solution of surfactin which was a commercial biosurfactant was used as a standard of the IFT.
The IFT was reduced with the decrease in salinity and increase in concentration of the fertilizer and temperature of the hydrothermal treatment. Time of the hydrothermal treatment was preferably 30 minutes or less for the IFT reduction. The capability of 50 g/L of fertilizer solution to reduce the IFT was almost same as the capability of 0.2 g/L of the surfactin solution. Because the fertilizer solution comes into contact with residual oil under high temperature in oil reservoir, IFT between the solution and crude oil can be expected to be reduced in-situ.
Core flooding experiments were carried out by injecting the fertilizer solution after the water flooding as the primary oil recovery. 1.2 % of original oil in place was additionally recovered by injecting 50 g/L of the fertilizer solution after the water flooding.
The fertilizer should be biodegradable because it is a microbially-derived substance. In addition, because the IFT reduction was observed after the hydrothermal treatment of the fertilizer solution, the fertilizer should be effective even in the reservoir whose temperature is high such as 120 ºC at which chemical surfactants may be deactivated. From those results, the injection of the fertilizer solution can be a promising EOR which has both high cost performance, low environmental load and high versatility..
117. 飯野宏高, 菅井裕一, 佐々木久郎, CO2の炭層圧入における石炭の膨潤に関する検討, 資源・素材2015(松山), 2015.09.
118. 菅井裕一, Susanto Very, 佐々木久郎, Tayfun Babadagli, 高圧CO2雰囲気下における水および油の性状変化に関する検討, 資源・素材2015(松山), 2015.09.
119. 齋藤稔, 菅井裕一, 佐々木 久郎, 山口裕之, 川村太郎, 佐藤朋之, 山下信彦, 田丸温, 田中勝哉, バイオスティミュレーション型微生物EORに関するコア掃攻実験, 平成27年度資源・素材学会九州支部春季講演会, 2015.06.
120. 飯野宏高, 菅井裕一, 佐々木 久郎, CO2炭層圧入を目的とした石炭の膨潤特性の検討, 平成27年度資源・素材学会九州支部春季講演会, 2015.06.
121. 菅井裕一, 小松圭太, Kyuro Sasaki, Kristian Mogensen, Martin Vad Bennetzen, 北海油田における MEORの適用に関する基礎的研究, 平成27年度石油技術協会春季講演会開発・生産部門シンポジウム, 2015.06.
122. 齋藤稔, 菅井裕一, 佐々木久郎, バイオスティミュレーション型微生物EORに関するコア掃攻実験, 平成27年度石油技術協会春季講演会, 2015.06.
123. 飯野宏高, 菅井裕一, 佐々木久郎, CO2の炭層圧入を目的とした石炭の膨潤特性の検討, 平成27年度石油技術協会春季講演会, 2015.06.
124. 菅井裕一, 佐々木 久郎, SALMAWATI, CCSにおけるCO2の漏洩モニタリングを目的とした地表CO2濃度の深度分布の調査, 資源・素材学会平成27年度春季大会, 2015.03.
125. Yuichi Sugai, Keita Komatsu, Kyuro Sasaki, Kristian Mogensen, Martin Vad Bennetzen, Microbial-Induced Oil Viscosity Reduction by Selective Degradation of Long-Chain Alkanes, Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference 2014, 2014.11, Application of a thermophilic anaerobic bacterium which degrades long-chain alkanes of crude oil preferentially and induces oil viscosity reduction to MEOR in our target oilfield was evaluated in this study. Although the salinity of formation-water in our target reservoir is approximately 10 % which is considerably higher than the optimum salinity for the bacterium, the bacterium can grow well and induce oil viscosity reduction in the formation-water which was diluted with sea-water whose salinity was approximately 4 % and contained yeast extract as a nitrogen source. Oil viscosity was reduced to 70 percent of its original viscosity after two-week incubation of the bacterium in the culture medium consisting of sea-water supplemented with 1.0 g/L of yeast extract.
The performance of MEOR using this bacterium was evaluated by numerical simulation using two dimensional oil-water two-phase flow model. This model consists of 6 compositions: degraded oil, undegraded oil, brine, bacterium, sodium chloride and yeast extract. Undegraded oil and yeast extract are carbon source and nitrogen source for the bacterial growth respectively. Growth rate of the bacterium is calculated by Monod equation depending on the variables of the concentration of yeast extract and sodium chloride. Conversion of undegraded oil into degraded oil is depended on the proliferation of the bacterium. Growth of the bacterium is stopped by deficiency of either yeast extract or undegraded oil. Oil viscosity is reduced as the percentage of degraded oil in oil phase increases. Residual oil saturation is improved by oil viscosity reduction and enhancement of oil recovery can be obtained.
According to the numerical experiments, growth of the bacterium and oil viscosity reduction were found only around the injection well because the bacterium consumed whole yeast extract around there. Recovery factor therefore can be increased by increase of injection volume of yeast extract. As a result, enhancement of oil recovery reached to 5 % by 1.0 pore volume injection of sea-water containing the bacterium and 1.0 g/L of yeast extract. 100 bbl of oil was recovered additionally by using 1.0 tons of yeast extract in that case..
126. 菅井裕一, 佐々木久郎, 川崎航, 内藤由和, 川村太郎, 福馬聡之, 土壌CO2フラックスの長期連続測定法の開発, 資源・素材2014(熊本), 2014.09.
127. 大脇幸博, 菅井裕一, 佐々木久郎, 琉球列島に分布する水溶性天然ガスかん水中の微生物調査, 資源・素材2014(熊本), 2014.09.
128. 小松圭太, 菅井裕一, 佐々木久郎, 石油分解菌を用いたMEORにおける油層内塩分濃度の影響に関する考察, 平成26年度石油技術協会春季講演会, 2014.06.
129. 小松圭太, 菅井裕一, 佐々木 久郎, 高塩濃度油層における微生物利用石油増回収法の検討, 平成26年度資源・素材学会九州支部春季講演会, 2014.05.
130. Yuichi Sugai, Yukihiro Owaki, Kyuro Sasaki, Fuminori Kaneko, Takuma Sakai, Numerical Prediction of Reservoir Souring Based on the Growth Kinetics of Sulfate-reducing Bacteria Indigenous to an Oilfield, SPE International Oilfield Corrosion Conference and Exhibition, 2014.05.
131. 菅井裕一, 佐々木久郎, 山城輝久, Very Susanto, CCSにおける水素を指標とした二酸化炭素漏洩予測法の検討, 平成26年度資源・素材学会春季大会, 2014.03.
132. 菅井裕一, 地下微生物群によるCO2のCH4変換に関する数値モデルの構築, 海底下の炭化水素資源・炭素循環と地球生命工学シンポジウム, 2014.01.
133. 菅井裕一, 佐々木 久郎, 山城輝久, Very Susanto, 水素製造施設から排出されるCO2の地中貯留を想定した漏洩モニタリング手法, 第43回石油・石油化学討論会, 2013.11.
134. 菅井裕一, 佐々木 久郎, 森亮, 藤原和弘, 中村孝道, 地下微生物群によるCO2のCH4変換の数式化, 資源・素材2013(札幌), 2013.09.
135. 菅井裕一, 佐々木 久郎, Very Susanto, 山城輝久, 渕上雄貴, 福馬聡之, 内藤由和, 川村太郎, CO2の漏洩モニタリング手法に関するパイロット試験, 資源・素材2013(札幌), 2013.09.
136. 菅井裕一, 微生物EOR~「その他のEOR」からの脱却を目指して~, 平成25年度石油技術協会春季講演会開発・生産部門シンポジウム, 2013.06.
137. 菅井 裕一, 渕上 雄貴, 佐々木 久郎, 福馬 聡之, 内藤 由和, 九大ナチュラルアナログテストフィールドにおけるトレーサー試験, 平成25年度資源・素材学会春季大会, 2013.03.
138. 菅井 裕一, 若手研究者は我が国の資源戦略にどう寄与できるのか?, 「我が国の資源戦略に寄与する資源開発技術の調査研究会」講演会, 2012.10.
139. Yuichi Sugai, Ryo Mori, Kyuro Sasaki, Kazuhiro Fujiwara, Estimation of the Potential of Microbial Restoration of Natural Gas Deposit with CO2 Sequestration, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2012, 2012.09.
140. 菅井 裕一, 佐々木 久郎, Very Susanto, 山城 輝久, CO2を主成分とする混合ガスの地中における流動と分離について, 資源・素材2012(秋田), 2012.09.
141. 菅井 裕一, Isty Adhitya Purwasena, 佐々木 久郎, 石油資化性微生物を用いたMEORの数値シミュレーション研究, 平成24年度石油技術協会春季講演会, 2012.06.
142. 菅井 裕一, 脇園 遼, 佐々木 久郎, 樋口 康則, 村岡 典幸, 水溶性天然ガスかん水の還元性に及ぼす微生物の影響, 平成24年度石油技術協会春季講演会, 2012.06.
143. 菅井 裕一, 佐々木 久郎, Very Susanto, 山城 輝久, CO2地下貯留を想定した浅層花崗岩層におけるCO2 ガス拡散挙動のモニタリング, 平成24年度資源・素材学会春季大会, 2012.03.
144. 菅井裕一、佐々木久郎、吉村啓吾、雪竹俊範、牟田茂典, 未利用トンネルを利用したエコ貯蔵設備の温度分布について, 資源・素材2011(堺), 2011.09.
145. 菅井裕一,佐々木久郎, 石油資源の新たな生産手法に関する研究について, 資源・素材2010(福岡), 2010.09.
146. 菅井裕一,佐々木久郎,藤原和弘,服部嘉行,太田垣寛,岡津弘明, 枯渇油ガス田に貯留したCO2 の微生物によるCH4 変換に関する研究, 資源・素材2010(福岡), 2010.09.
147. Yuichi SUGAI, Experimental and Numerical Evaluation of MEOR Using a Talented Water-soluble Polymer Producing Microorganism, Clostridium sp. TU-15A, BIT's 1st Annual World Congress of Petroleum Microbiology, 2010.07.
148. 菅井裕一,佐々木久郎,新見敏也,藤原和弘,服部嘉行,太田垣寛,岡津弘明, 地下貯留層におけるCO2のCH4変換に有効な微生物の棲息挙動に関する検討, 平成22年度石油技術協会春季講演会, 2010.06.
149. 菅井裕一、佐々木久郎、吉村啓吾、井上和彦, 未利用トンネルの食品貯蔵庫としての利用可能性評価, 資源・素材学会春季講演会, 2010.03.
150. 菅井裕一、脇園遼、佐々木久郎、樋口康則, 水溶性天然ガスかん水の還元性に及ぼす微生物の影響, 資源・素材学会春季講演会, 2010.03.
151. 菅井裕一、佐々木久郎、吉村啓吾、井上和彦, 未利用地下トンネル空間の貯蔵への活用, 資源・素材2009(札幌), 2009.09.
152. 菅井裕一、岡麻知子、佐々木久郎, 微生物EOR に有用な独立栄養細菌および原油資化性細菌のスクリーニング, 石油技術協会春季講演会, 2009.06.
153. Yuichi Sugai, Toshiya Niimi, Kyuro Sasaki, Yoshiyuki Hattori, Tsukasa Mukaidani, Kazuhiro Fujiwara, Komei Okatsu, Basic Studies on Oil-Degrading and Hydrogen-Producing microorganisms for Microbial Conversion of CO2 into CH4 in Oil Reservoir, The 2nd International Symposium of Novel Carbone Resource Science, 2009.03.
154. Yuichi SUGAI, Tayfun BABADAGLI and Kyuro SASAKI, Measurement of Swelling of Crude Oil due to Carbon Dioxide, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2008, 2008.12.
155. 菅井裕一,佐々木久郎,新見敏也,服部嘉行,鹿野早苗,向谷 司,藤原和弘,岡津弘明, 地下におけるCO2のメタン変換を目的とした地下微生物に関する研究, 資源・素材2008(仙台), 2008.10.
156. Yuichi Sugai, Toshiya Niimi, Kyuro Sasaki, Yoshiyuki Hattori, Sanae Kano, Tsukasa Mukaidani, Kazuhiro Fujiwara, Komei Okatsu, Screening of oil-degrading and hydrogen-producing microorganisms for microbial conversion of CO2 into CH4 in oil reservoir, CIPC/SPE GTS 2008 Joint Conference , 2008.06.
157. 菅井裕一,佐々木久郎,水谷隆也, PVT試験装置を用いた油含浸コアへの溶媒ガス溶解度の測定, 石油技術協会, 2008.06.
158. Yuichi SUGAI, Machiko OKA and Kyuro SASAKI, Screening of Effective Thermophilic Microorganisms for Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery, 2nd International Conference and Workshop on Earth Resources Technology, 2008.04.
159. Yuichi Sugai, Hong Chengxie, Tadashi Chida and Heiji Enomoto, Simulation Studies on the Mechanisms and Performances of MEOR using Polymer Producing Microorganism Clostridium sp. TU-15A, 2007 SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition, 2007.10.
160. 菅井裕一、佐々木久郎, 環境にやさしい炭化水素エネルギー資源の開発法について, 資源・素材学会, 2007.09.
161. 菅井裕一、有浦智紘、佐々木久郎, PVT試験装置を用いたプロパンの原油への溶解度測定, 石油技術協会, 2007.05.
162. Yuichi Sugai, Laboratory Experiments and Field Tests of Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery by using Polymer Producing Microorganisms, MEOR seminar in SQU, 2007.01.
163. 菅井裕一,岡麻知子,佐々木久郎, 微生物EORの適用範囲拡大を目的とした有用高温微生物の探索, 石油学会, 2006.11.
164. 菅井裕一、谷谷良平、佐々木久郎、中秀夫、高畑重幸, 比内緑色凝灰岩を担持体とした微生物資材の有用性評価, 資源・素材学会, 2006.03.
165. Yuichi SUGAI, Kyuro SASAKI, EFFECTS OF A GREEN TUFF ON ACTIVATING MICROORGANISMS, 3rd International Workshop on Earth Science and Technology, 2005.12.
166. 菅井裕一、佐々木久郎、中秀夫、高畑重幸, 比内緑色凝灰岩を散布した鶏舎内の環境測定, 資源・素材学会, 2005.09.
167. 菅井裕一、佐々木久郎、高畑重幸、中秀夫、田中富士夫, 比内緑色凝灰岩と有用微生物とを複合した堆肥化促進資材の開発, 資源・素材学会, 2005.03.
168. Yuichi SUGAI, Introduction of Enhanced Oil Recovery Technique by using Microorganisms, 2nd International Workshop on Earth Science and Technology, 2004.12.
169. 菅井裕一、佐々木久郎、中秀夫、田中富士夫, 緑色凝灰岩の特性と有効活用法の開発, 資源・素材学会, 2004.09.
170. 菅井裕一、佐々木久郎, 十和田石の製品廃石材の有効活用法の開発, 環境資源工学会, 2004.06.
171. 菅井裕一、湯本徹也、木下睦、榎本兵治、永瀬圭司, ネットワークモデルによる非水溶性ポリマー生産細菌CJF-002の評価, 石油技術協会, 2002.05.
1. 佐々木久郎、菅井裕一、SALMAWATI、川崎航、栗山毅士, 表層土壌CO2ガスフラックスモニタリングポスト, 2016.10
特許出願件数  5件
特許登録件数  2件
Society of Petroleum Engineers, SPE
社団法人 資源・素材学会
社団法人 石油学会
2021.04~2025.03, 資源・素材学会地球環境工学部門委員会, 副委員長.
2021.04~2025.03, 資源・素材学会石炭等エネルギー開発利用部門委員会, 委員長.
2020.04~2025.06, 石油技術協会, 理事.
2019.04~2022.06, 一般社団法人資源・素材学会, 運営委員.
2017.03~2019.03, 資源・素材学会石炭等エネルギー開発利用部門委員会, 副委員長.
2016.03~2020.03, Journal of MMIJ論文誌委員会, 委員.
2015.05~2015.09, 公益社団法人日本工学教育協会九州工学教育協会, 第63回年次大会実行委員.
2014.04~2015.03, 海洋資源開発・利用創出研究会, メンバー.
2014.03~2015.12, 資源・素材学会編集委員会, 委員.
2014.03~2018.03, 資源・素材学会地球環境工学部門委員会, 幹事.
2013.04, 石油技術協会, 生産技術委員.
2010.03~2012.03, 資源・素材学会石炭等エネルギー開発利用部門委員会, 幹事.
2008.04, Cooperative International-Network for Earth Science and Technology, CINEST, 運営委員.
2007.04~2021.03, 資源・素材学会九州支部, 幹事.
2007.04~2016.03, 環境資源工学会, 評議員.
2006.04~2015.03, 資源・素材学会九州支部, 常議員.
2023.09.12~2023.09.14, 資源・素材2023(松山), 司会.
2023.11.30~2023.12.01, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2022, 事務局(Secretariat).
2022.12.01~2022.12.02, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2022, 事務局(Secretariat).
2022.09.06~2022.09.08, 資源・素材2022(福岡), 実行委員.
2022.06.08~2022.06.09, 令和4年度石油技術協会春季講演会, 司会.
2022.05.27~2022.05.27, 資源・素材学会九州支部令和4年度若手研究者および技術者の研究発表会, 司会.
2021.11.25~2021.11.26, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2021, 事務局(Secretariat).
2021.11.11~2021.11.12, 第51回石油・石油化学討論会, 司会(Moderator).
2021.09.14~2021.09.16, 資源・素材2021(札幌), 司会(Moderator).
2020.11.26~2020.11.27, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2020, 事務局(Secretariat).
2020.11.12~2020.11.13, 第50回石油・石油化学討論会, 司会(Moderator).
2020.09.08~2020.09.10, 資源・素材2020(仙台), 司会(Moderator).
2019.12.05~2019.12.06, 8th International World Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Management, Secretary Chair of Fukuoka Organizing Committee.
2019.12.05~2019.12.06, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2019, 事務局(Secretariat).
2019.10.20~2019.10.23, The International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium 2019, 事務局(Secretariat).
2019.09.24~2019.09.26, 資源・素材2019(京都), 司会(Moderator).
2019.06.12~2019.06.13, 令和元年度石油技術協会春季講演会, 司会(Moderator).
2018.11.29~2018.11.30, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2018, 事務局(Secretariat).
2018.09.10~2018.09.12, 資源・素材2018(福岡), 実行委員.
2018.06.13~2018.06.14, 平成30年度石油技術協会春季講演会, 司会(Moderator).
2018.06.01~2018.06.01, 資源・素材学会九州支部平成30年度若手研究者および技術者の研究発表会, 司会.
2018.03.27~2018.03.29, 平成30年度資源・素材学会春季講演会, 司会(Moderator).
2017.11.30~2017.12.01, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2017, 事務局(Secretariat).
2017.09.26~2017.09.28, 資源・素材&EARTH2017(札幌), 司会(Moderator).
2017.06.14~2017.06.15, 平成29年度石油技術協会春季講演会, 司会(Moderator).
2016.12.08~2016.12.09, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2016, 事務局(Secretariat).
2016.09.13~2016.09.15, 資源・素材2016(盛岡), 司会(Moderator).
2016.06.08~2016.06.09, 平成28年度石油技術協会春季講演会, 司会(Moderator).
2016.03.28~2016.03.30, 平成28年度資源・素材学会春季講演会, 司会(Moderator).
2015.12.03~2015.12.04, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2015, 事務局(Secretariat).
2015.09.08~2015.09.10, 資源・素材2015(松山), 司会(Moderator).
2015.06.10~2015.06.11, 平成27年度石油技術協会春季講演会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2015.06.12~2015.06.12, 資源・素材学会九州支部春季講演会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2015.03.27~2015.03.29, 平成27年度資源・素材学会春季講演会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2014.12.04~2014.12.05, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2014, 座長(Chairmanship).
2014.09.15~2014.09.17, 資源・素材2014(熊本), 座長(Chairmanship).
2014.06.04~2014.06.05, 平成26年度石油技術協会春季講演会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2014.05.30~2014.05.30, 資源・素材学会九州支部春季講演会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2013.12.03~2013.12.03, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2013, 座長(Chairmanship).
2013.11.15~2013.11.15, 第43回石油・石油化学討論会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2013.09.03~2013.09.03, 資源・素材2013(札幌), 座長(Chairmanship).
2013.06.28~2013.06.28, 平成25年度石油技術協会春季講演会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2013.05.31~2013.05.31, 資源・素材学会九州支部春季講演会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2013.01.11~2013.01.11, Kick-off Seminar on ASEAN-Japan Build-up Cooperative Education Program for Global Human Resource Development in Earth Resources Engineering, 座長(Chairmanship).
2012.09.18~2012.09.19, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2012, 座長(Chairmanship).
2012.09.11~2012.09.13, 資源・素材2012(秋田), 座長(Chairmanship).
2012.05.25~2012.05.25, 資源・素材学会九州支部春季講演会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2011.12.06~2011.12.07, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2011, 座長(Chairmanship).
2011.09.26~2011.09.29, 資源・素材2011(堺), 座長(Chairmanship).
2011.06.03~2011.06.03, 資源・素材学会九州支部春季講演会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2010.12.07~2010.12.08, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2010, 座長(Chairmanship).
2010.12.02~2010.12.02, 第2回メタンハイドレート総合シンポジウム(CSMH-2), 座長(Chairmanship).
2010.09.13~2010.09.15, 資源・素材2010(福岡), 座長(Chairmanship).
2010.07.28~2010.07.30, BIT's 1st Annual World Congress of Petroleum Microbiology, 座長(Chairmanship).
2010.06.11~2010.06.11, 資源・素材学会九州支部春季講演会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2010.01.30~2010.01.30, Global COE: Novel Carbon Resource Sciences Forum I, アドバイザー.
2009.12.08~2009.12.09, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2009, 座長(Chairmanship).
2009.12.05~2009.12.05, Global COE: Novel Carbon Resource Sciences Forum I and III, アドバイザー.
2009.09.08~2009.09.10, 資源・素材学会2009(札幌), 座長(Chairmanship).
2009.08.22~2009.08.22, Global COE: Novel Carbon Resource Sciences Forum I, アドバイザー.
2009.05.29~2009.05.29, 資源・素材学会九州支部春季講演会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2009.03.25~2009.03.28, 資源・素材学会春季講演会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2009.03.10~2009.03.11, The 2nd International Symposium od Novel Carbon Resources Science, 座長(Chairmanship).
2008.10.07~2008.10.09, 資源・素材2008(仙台), 座長(Chairmanship).
2007.09.25~2007.09.27, 資源・素材2007(名古屋), 座長(Chairmanship).
2007.03.29~2007.03.31, 資源・素材学会春季講演会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2006.12.01~2006.12.02, 4th International Workshop on Earth Science and Technology, 座長(Chairmanship).
2006.06.02~2006.06.02, 資源・素材学会九州支部春季講演会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2006.03.27~2006.03.29, 資源・素材学会春季講演会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2005.12.01~2005.12.02, 3rd International Workshop on Earth Science and Technology, 座長(Chairmanship).
2004.12.01~2004.12.02, 2nd International Workshop on Earth Science and Technology, 座長(Chairmanship).
2017.03.27~2017.03.29, 平成29年度資源・素材学会春季大会, 企画セッション「低炭素社会構築のためのCCS」の企画・運営.
2016.12.08~2016.12.09, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2016, Secretariat.
2016.09.13~2016.09.15, 資源・素材2016(盛岡), 企画セッション「低炭素社会構築のためのCCS」の企画・運営.
2016.06.08~2016.06.09, 平成28年度石油技術協会春季講演会, 採点委員.
2016.06.03~2016.06.03, 資源・素材学会九州支部平成28年度若手研究者および技術者の研究発表会, 評価委員.
2015.04.01~2015.12.27, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2015, Secretariat.
2014.04.01~2014.12.27, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2014, Secretariat.
2013.04.01~2013.12.27, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2013, Secretariat.
2012.12.01~2013.01.12, Kick-off Seminar on ASEAN-Japan Build-up Cooperative Education Program for Global Human Resource Development in Earth Resources Engineering, Organizing Committee.
2012.09.18~2012.09.19, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2012, Secretariat.
2011.12.06~2011.12.07, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2011, Secretariat.
2010.12.07~2010.12.08, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2010, Secretariat.
2010.06.08~2010.06.10, 石油技術協会定時総会, 準備委員会委員.
2010.09.13~2010.09.15, 資源・素材2010(福岡), 実行委員.
2009.12.08~2009.12.09, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2009, Secretariat.
2008.12.01~2008.12.02, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2008, Secretariat.
2007.12.01~2007.12.02, 5th International Symposium on Earth Science and technology, Secretariat.
2006.12.01~2006.12.02, 4th International Workshop on Earth Science and Technology , Secretariat.
2006.09.11~2006.09.13, 資源・素材2006(福岡), 実行委員会事務局.
2019.04~2019.10, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2019, 国際, 編集委員.
2018.04~2018.10, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2018, 国際, 編集委員.
2017.04~2017.10, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2017, 国際, 編集委員.
2017.03~2020.03, Journal of MMIJ, 国内, 編集委員.
2016.04~2016.10, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2016, 国際, 編集委員.
2015.04~2015.10, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2015, 国際, 編集委員.
2014.04~2014.10, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2014, 国際, 編集委員.
2013.04~2013.10, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2013, 国際, 編集委員.
2012.04~2012.10, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2012, 国際, 編集委員.
2011.08~2011.12, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2011, 国際, 編集委員.
2010.08~2010.12, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2010, 国際, 編集委員.
2009.08~2009.12, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2009, 国際, 編集委員.
2008.08~2008.12, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2008, 国際, 編集委員.
2007.08~2007.12, 5th International Workshop on Earth Science and Technology, 国際, 編集委員.
2006.08~2006.12, 4th International Workshop on Earth Science and Technology, 国際, 編集委員.
年度 外国語雑誌査読論文数 日本語雑誌査読論文数 国際会議録査読論文数 国内会議録査読論文数 合計
2021年度 12 
2020年度 16 
2019年度 13 
2018年度 11 
2014年度 10 
海外渡航状況, 海外での教育研究歴
ウズベキスタン・日本青年技術革新センター, Uzbekistan, 2023.12~2023.12.
ウズベキスタン・日本青年技術革新センター, Uzbekistan, 2023.09~2023.09.
バンドン工科大学および鉱物・石炭・地熱センター, Indonesia, 2023.08~2023.08.
アデレードコンベンションセンター, Australia, 2022.10~2022.10.
ウズベキスタン・日本青年技術革新センター, Uzbekistan, 2021.11~2021.12.
Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center, Indonesia, 2019.10~2019.10.
Universitas Islam Riau, Indonesia, 2019.09~2019.09.
Denver, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2019.09~2019.09.
東ティモール国立大学, The Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, 2019.08~2019.08.
Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, UnitedArabEmirates, 2018.11~2018.11.
Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, UnitedArabEmirates, 2018.10~2018.11.
Universitas Islam Riau, Indonesia, 2018.08~2018.08.
Dagon University, Phayaungtaung Gold Mine, Myanmar, 2018.04~2018.04.
TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany, 2017.09~2017.09.
Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo, Indonesia, 2017.08~2017.08.
Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, UnitedArabEmirates, 2016.11~2016.11.
The Sanur Paradise Plaza Hotel, Indonesia, 2016.08~2016.08.
Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, 2016.07~2016.07.
the Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center (SPE 2015 Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition), Indonesia, 2015.10~2015.10.
Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Centre, UnitedArabEmirates, 2014.11~2014.11.
遼寧工程技術大学, China, 2014.07~2014.07.
Sultan Qaboos University, Petroleum Development of Oman, Oman, 2014.06~2014.06.
Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre, UnitedKingdom, 2014.05~2014.05.
Maersk Oil Research & Technology Centre, カタール石油開発株式会社, Qatar, 2014.04~2014.04.
University of Leeds, UnitedKingdom, 2014.03~2014.03.
PT. BUKIT ASAM Coal Mine, Indonesia, 2013.10~2013.10.
University of Regina, SaskPower, Canada, 2013.09~2013.09.
Chulalongkorn University (世界展開力キックオフセミナー), Thailand, 2013.01~2013.01.
Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre (SPE 2012 Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition), Australia, 2012.10~2012.10.
Institute Teknologi Bandung (International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2012), Indonesia, 2012.09~2012.09.
BMO Centre at Stampede Park (SPE Heavy Oil Conference), Canada, 2012.06~2012.06.
Sejong University, Korea, 2011.08~2011.08.
BMO Centre at Stampede Park (Canadian Unconventional Resources and International Petroleum Conference 2010), University of Calgary, Canada, 2010.10~2010.10.
中国石油天然气股份有限公司吉林油田分公司, China, 2010.08~2010.08.
Dalian Municipal Party Committee Hotel (BIT's 1st Annual World Congress of Petroleum Microbiology 2010), China, 2010.07~2010.07.
Sejong University, Korea, 2010.04~2010.04.
Korea National Oil Corporation Ltd., Korea, 2010.04~2010.04.
Sultan Quaboos University, Oman, 2009.12~2009.12.
Japan Canada Oil Sands Limited, Syncrude Canada Ltd., Sherritt Coal, Teck Coal Limited, Canada, 2009.09~2009.09.
中国石油天然气股份有限公司吉林油田分公司, China, 2009.08~2009.08.
Datong Coal Mine, China, 2009.03~2009.03.
Institute Technologi Bandung (The 2nd International Symposium of Novel Carbon Resource Science), Indonesia, 2009.03~2009.03.
Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology, Korea, 2008.10~2008.10.
University of Calgary, Canada, 2008.09~2008.09.
University of Alberta, Canada, 2008.07~2008.09.
University of Alberta, Canada, 2008.06~2008.06.
TELUS Convention Centre (CIPC/SPE GTS Joint Conference), Canada, 2008.06~2008.06.
Sejong University, Korea, 2008.05~2008.05.
Korea National Oil Corporation Ltd., Korea, 2008.05~2008.05.
Chulalongkorn University (2nd International Conference and Workshop on Earth Resources Technology), Thailand, 2008.03~2008.04.
Petroleum Development of Oman (PDO), Oman, 2008.02~2008.02.
Sultane Quaboos University (SQU), Oman, 2008.02~2008.02.
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia, 2007.11~2007.11.
PT Antam Tbk., Indonesia, 2007.10~2007.11.
Jakarta Convention Center (SPE 2007 Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition), Indonesia, 2007.10~2007.11.
Sultan Quaboos University, Oman, 2007.09~2007.09.
中国石油天然气股份有限公司吉林油田分公司, China, 2007.08~2007.08.
TELUS Convention Centre (Canadian International Petroleum Conference 2007), Canada, 2007.06~2007.06.
Muswellbrook Coal Company Limited, Liddell Coal Operations, Australia, 2007.03~2007.03.
Sultan Quaboos University, Oman, 2007.01~2007.01.
University of Zambia, Zambia, 2006.08~2006.08.
Abu Dhabi Oil Co. Ltd., Kuwait University, UnitedArabEmirates, Kuwait, 2006.03~2006.03.
University of Alberta, University of Calgary, Canada, 2005.03~2005.03.
Sfax University, Tunisia, 2004.05~2004.05.
Bio Furture Ltd., SEER Centre, Ireland, Scotland, 2004.08~2004.08.
Jakarta Convention Centre (SPE 1999 Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition), Indonesia, 1999.04~1999.04.
中国石油天然気股分有限公司吉林油田分公司, China, 1998.07~2001.03.
2023.06~2023.07, 2週間以上1ヶ月未満, バンドン工科大学, Indonesia, 外国政府・外国研究機関・国際機関.
2023.02~2023.03, 2週間以上1ヶ月未満, 東ティモール国立大学工学部地質・石油工学科, The Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, 独立行政法人国際協力機構(JICA).
2023.02~2023.03, 2週間以上1ヶ月未満, 東ティモール国立大学工学部地質・石油工学科, The Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, 独立行政法人国際協力機構(JICA).
2022.07~2022.08, 2週間以上1ヶ月未満, ウズベキスタン・日本青年技術革新センター, Uzbekistan, 独立行政法人国際協力機構(JICA).
2019.11~2019.12, 2週間以上1ヶ月未満, 東ティモール国立大学工学部地質・石油工学科, The Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, 独立行政法人国際協力機構(JICA).
2019.11~2019.12, 2週間以上1ヶ月未満, 東ティモール国立大学工学部地質・石油工学科, The Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, 独立行政法人国際協力機構(JICA).
2018.07~2018.08, 2週間以上1ヶ月未満, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, .
2017.07~2017.08, 2週間以上1ヶ月未満, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, .
2015.02~2015.02, 2週間未満, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman, 民間・財団.
2015.02~2015.02, 2週間未満, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman, 民間・財団.
2014.07~2014.08, 2週間以上1ヶ月未満, Institute Technology of Bandung, Indonesia, .
2013.05~2013.06, 2週間以上1ヶ月未満, Institute Technology of Bandung, Indonesia, .
2010.07~2010.08, 2週間以上1ヶ月未満, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman, 外国政府・外国研究機関・国際機関.
2006.12~2006.12, 2週間未満, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman, 石油天然ガス・金属鉱物資源機構(JOGMEC).
Top 100 Scientific Reports microbiology papers in 2019, Nature Research, 2020.03.
第36回論文賞, 社団法人資源・素材学会, 2011.03.
第36回奨励賞, 社団法人資源・素材学会, 2011.03.
平成22年度春季講演会優秀発表賞, 石油技術協会, 2010.06.
2023年度~2025年度, 基盤研究(C), 代表, 地下における好気性菌の呼吸様式の解明とその原位置培養による地下資源開発技術の確立.
2020年度~2023年度, 基盤研究(A), 分担, ゼロエミッション付加価値創製型:都市鉱山オーガニックハイドロプロセシングの開発.
2019年度~2021年度, 基盤研究(C), 代表, ヨウ化物酸化微生物を用いた金の原位置バイオリーチングの開発.
2016年度~2017年度, 挑戦的萌芽研究, 代表, 酵母細胞壁を用いた石油増進回収技術の創出.
2015年度~2018年度, 基盤研究(B), 代表, 地下微生物の定量的in-situリアルタイムモニタリング技術の開発.
2013年度~2015年度, 基盤研究(B), 分担, 低品位炭の自然発火防止に関わる海外オンサイト試験.
2013年度~2015年度, 挑戦的萌芽研究, 代表, 熱攻法シミュレータを用いた地下微生物利用技術の汎用シミュレータの開発.
2012年度~2013年度, 挑戦的萌芽研究, 分担, ホール素子を用いた高温・高圧流体の粘度測定センサーの開発.
2012年度~2014年度, 基盤研究(B), 分担, CO2地中貯留リスク評価のための花崗岩層のガス移流拡散フィールド試験.
2009年度~2011年度, 若手研究(B), 代表, CO2とCO2資化菌を併用した新規EORの開発―CO2-MEORのフィールド試験.
2007年度~2007年度, 萌芽研究, 分担, フラクチャー型コアの相対浸透率測定を目的とした水-ガス混合微小流量計の開発.
2006年度~2007年度, 若手研究(B), 代表, 温度圧力可変培養器を用いた資源開発に有用な耐熱性・耐圧性微生物のスクリーニング.
2006年度~2006年度, 基盤研究(C), 分担, アフリカ・ザンビアにおける資源生産と環境保全に関する技術動向調査.
2004年度~2006年度, 基盤研究(B), 分担, デュアル水平坑井を用いたメタンハイドレート層からのメタン生産プロセスの開発.
2002年度~2003年度, 基盤研究(B), 分担, 有機廃棄物の水熱反応資源化で生成した有用物質の超臨界二酸化炭素による分離に関する研究.
2023年度~2028年度, 地球規模課題対応国際科学技術協力プログラム, 代表, ウズベキスタンの地域特性に配慮したカーボンニュートラル社会実現のための効率的・革新的グリーン/ブルー水素製造技術開発プロジェクト.
2011年度~2011年度, 平成23年度メタンハイドレート開発促進事業, 分担, 東部南海トラフ濃集帯の複数水平坑井熱水圧入法の生産性評価.
2011年度~2012年度, 平成23年度 石油・天然ガス基礎研究委託事業, 分担, CO2溶解・溶出による重質油フォーミィーオイル生成と排油機構の解明.
2008年度~2008年度, 財団法人新井科学技術振興財団助成金, 代表, 独立栄養細菌および石油資化性細菌を用いた微生物EOR有用微生物のスクリーニング .
2007年度~2007年度, 財団法人日本鉱業振興会少壮研究者海外科学技術調査助成, 代表, バイオマイニングに有用な微生物探索研究のための鉱物試料採取.
2007年度~2007年度, 平成19年度 石油・天然ガス基礎研究委託事業, 分担, 水蒸気圧入などの熱攻法と溶媒ガス圧入の併用による重質油の採油増進挙動予測のためのPVT試験および数値シミュレーション.
2007年度~2007年度, 平成19年度 石油・天然ガス基礎研究委託事業, 代表, 有機質栄養源を必要としない独立栄養細菌を用いたMEORの可能性評価.
2003年度~2003年度, 新井科学技術振興財団研究助成金, 代表, 緑色凝灰岩の微生物活性化効果に着目した有効利用法の開発.
2002年度~2003年度, 石油・天然ガス開発・利用促進型大型研究(石油公団), 分担, 非在来型炭化水素資源の高品質化を目的とした水熱反応プロセスへのソノケミストリの適用に関する研究.
2023.04~2025.03, 代表, 新潟県柏崎市平井地域を対象としたCO2地上漏出モニタリング観測に関する検討.
2023.04~2024.03, 代表, CCSにおける地表漏出二酸化炭素の環境モニタリングに関する研究(水素をトレーサーとして利用した二酸化炭素漏出の早期検知・予測手法に関する検討).
2023.04~2024.03, 代表, 石油貯留層を水素製造のリアクターとして用いた、地下原位置水素製造技術の開発.
2022.04~2023.03, 代表, 石油貯留層を水素製造のリアクターとして用いた、地下原位置水素製造技術の開発.
2015.04~2020.03, 代表, サーファクチンを用いた石油増進回収技術に関する研究.
2015.04~2019.03, 代表, サーファクチンを用いた石油増進回収技術に関するコア試験.
2015.04~2017.07, 代表, 申川コアを用いたバイオスティミュレーション型微生物EORに関するコア掃攻実験およびシミュレーション研究.
2014.04~2016.03, 連携, シラスバルーンによる鶏糞の発酵促進メカニズムの検討.
2014.04~2015.03, 代表, 微生物利用EOR(MEOR)促進技術の開発.
2014.02~2014.03, 代表, 琉球列島に分布する島尻層群のかん水中の微生物種の分析及びかん水成分の分析.
2012.04~2013.03, 分担, 高圧下でのCO2溶解量の推算精度の向上(フェーズ2).
2012.11~2013.03, 代表, 硫酸還元菌の増殖および硫化水素生成挙動の数値モデル化とシミュレーション研究.
2010.08~2013.03, 代表, 中国での石炭起源のCO2のCCS-EOR適応に関する調査研究の一部.
2010.06~2011.03, 代表, 枯渇油田を利用した地中メタン再生技術に関する研究の一部.
2009.06~2011.03, 分担, 東部南海トラフ濃集帯の複数水平坑井熱水圧入法 の生産性評価.
2008.11~2010.03, 代表, 地中メタン再生技術の実用化研究の一部.
2008.07~2011.03, 分担, 唐津市未利用トンネルにおける恒温空間の構築と評価および実用化.
2008.05~2009.03, 分担, 熱併給発電設備と放射状複数水平坑井群の組み合わせによる生産システムの開発.
2007.07~2008.06, 分担, メタンハイドレート層への複数水平坑井群による熱水圧入による生産システム構築と評価.
2007.12~2008.03, 分担, SO2などが混合されたCO2の炭層内吸着挙動に関する基礎データの取得.
2007.08~2008.03, 代表, 地中メタン再生を担う原油分解水素・メタン生成菌群の探索.
2006.09~2007.03, 分担, 熱電併給装置を組み合わせた水平坑井群からの熱水圧入によるガス生産システムの評価.
2005.04~2006.03, 分担, 十和田石の石粉および粉砕粒を利用した機能性壁材の開発.
2005.01~2005.03, 代表, 十和田石採石廃材と微生物を複合した環境浄化資材に用いる微生物の安全性評価
2004.04~2005.03, 分担, 十和田石採石廃材と微生物を複合した環境浄化資材の開発
2003.04~2004.03, 分担, 重質油生産性向上と微生物による臭気減少効果向上に関する研究.
2003.04~2004.03, 分担, 十和田石の地域内循環を考慮した有効利用に関する研究.
2002.10~2003.03, 代表, MEORに有用な高温微生物の探索に関する研究.
2023年度, 石油資源開発株式会社, CO2地中貯留等の脱炭素技術開発に関する研究.
2022年度, 石油資源開発株式会社, CO2地中貯留等の脱炭素技術開発に関する研究.
2021年度, 株式会社合同資源, 次世代シーケンス解析による水溶性天然ガス田棲息微生物の網羅的解析.
2020年度, 株式会社合同資源, 水溶性天然ガス貯留層内の泥岩層におけるメタンの吸脱着挙動に関するシミュレーション研究.
2019年度, 株式会社バイオEOR, 微生物を用いた石油増進回収コア試験.
2019年度, 株式会社合同資源, 水溶性天然ガス貯留層内の泥岩層におけるメタンの吸脱着挙動に関するシミュレーション研究.
2019年度, 株式会社東邦アーステック, 水溶性天然ガス貯留層内の微生物調査.
2018年度, 株式会社合同資源, 水溶性天然ガス貯留層内の泥岩層におけるメタンの吸脱着挙動に関する研究.
2016年度, 株式会社合同資源, 水溶性天然ガス貯留層内の各種微生物調査.
2014年度, 公益財団法人新井科学技術振興財団, 公益財団法人新井科学技術振興財団国際交流等助成.
2013年度, Maersk Oil Research & Technology Centre, Fundamental study on Microbial EOR using an oil-degrading and oil-viscosity-reducing microorganism
– Consideration for suitable substrate conditions and effects of the reservoir conditions on the microorganism –
2013年度, 合同資源産業株式会社, 水溶性天然ガス貯留層内の硫酸還元菌の棲息状況調査と排かん水の還元に伴う硫化水素の生成予測シミュレーション
2012年度, 株式会社APS, 十和田石とその土着微生物によるホルムアルデヒドの吸着・分解効果の検討.
2012年度, 合同資源産業株式会社, 微生物が関わる排かん水還元井の還元能力低下メカニズムに関する現場試験ならびにヨウ素含有廃液からのヨウ素の回収に有用な微生物の検討.
2011年度, 株式会社APS, Collimonas sp. のIn Situ Bioleachingへの適用可能性に関する基礎的研究.
2011年度, 合同資源産業株式会社, ヨウ素抽出かん水の還元に及ぼす脱溶存酸素の影響評価ならびにヨウ素含有廃液からの揮発性有機ヨウ素化合物の選択的回収を目的とした有用微生物のスクリーニング.
2010年度, 株式会社APS, 養鶏敷料堆肥中の窒素分析および有用微生物の分析と分離研究.
2010年度, 合同資源産業株式会社, ヨウ素抽出かん水の効率的な還元を目的とした微生物の利用と制御に関する研究.
2009年度, 合同資源産業株式会社, ヨウ素生産プロセスにおけるかん水の還元能力に関わるかん水棲息微生物に関する基礎的研究.
2022年度~2024年度, エネルギー研究教育機構令和5年度モジュール研究にかかる加速化予算, 分担, 未利用地下資源の地下CO2フリー水素化システム構築モジュール.
2023年度~2027年度, 令和5年度大学改革活性化制度(全学枠), 代表, 資源の総合知で挑む地下脱炭素イノベーションの拠点形成
2012年度~2012年度, 社会連携事業経費, 分担, 地域環境を考慮した高効率養鶏システムの構築.
2010年度~2011年度, 九州大学教育研究プログラム・研究拠点形成プロジェクト(P&P), 分担, 地球温暖化防止CO2地中貯留ナチュラルアナログテストフィールドプロジェクト.
2010年度~2010年度, 社会連携事業経費, 分担, 唐津市におけるハム製造と熟成に関わる地下トンネル利用の実用化.
2009年度~2009年度, 社会連携事業経費, 分担, 唐津市未利用トンネルに構築した貯蔵空間の経済性と衛生環境の向上.
2008年度~2008年度, 社会連携事業経費, 分担, 唐津市未利用トンネルにおける恒温空間の構築.

