九州大学 研究者情報
熱田 生(あつた いきる) データ更新日:2022.06.27

准教授 /  歯学研究院 歯学部門 歯科先端医療評価・開発学講座

総説, 論評, 解説, 書評, 報告書等
1. 熱田生, 秋山謙太郎, 加来賢, 間葉系幹細胞の研究から考える生物科学としての補綴歯科治療, 日本補綴歯科学会誌(Web), Vol.13, 2021.02.
2. T Yamaza, Atsuta, I, Y Tsuji, T Goto, T Tanaka, Phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase plays a role in vesicle transport in the secretory pathway of cathepsin K and cystatin C in osteoclasts, BONE, Vol.32, No.5, p.S148, 2003.05.
3. Atsuta, I, T Yamaza, M Yoshinari, T Goto, MA Kido, T Kagiya, S Mino, M Shimono, T Tanaka, Ultrastructural localization of laminin-5 (gamma 2 chain) in the rat peri-implant oral mucosa around a titanium-dental implant by immuno-electron microscopy, BIOMATERIALS, 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2005.03.046, Vol.26, No.32, pp.6280-6287, 2005.11, Laminin-5 (Ln-5) is an important molecule associated with epithelial cell adhesion and migration. In the gingiva around the tooth. Ln-5 localizes within basement membranes between the junctional epithelium (JE), and the tooth or connective tissue. Recently, we reported that in the oral mucosa around a dental implant, Ln-5 is expressed within the basement membranes at the implant-peri-implant epithelium (PIE) interface, and at the PIE-connective tissue interface. However, the ultrastructural localization of Ln-5 within or along the PIE has not yet been reported. Therefore, peri-implant oral mucosa was treated with anti-Ln-5 ((7)2 chain) antibody and examined using immuno-electron microscopy. Ln-5 was localized in the cells of the innermost-third layer and basal layer of the PIE. A 100-nm-wide Ln-5-positive internal basal lamina (basement membrane) and hemidesmosomes as adhesion structures were formed at the apical portion of the implant-PIE interface. However, at the upper-middle portion of the interface, these adhesion structures were not observed. Furthermore. at the PIE connective tissue interface. the Ln-5-positive external basal lamina (basement membrane) and hemidesmosomes were partially deficient. Judging from these findings. we concluded that Ln-5 contributes to the attachment of the PIE to the titanium surface, and that PIE attached to titanium at the apical portion of the dental implant-PIE interfaced (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved..
4. H Kajiwara, T Yamaza, M Yoshinari, T Goto, S Iyama, Atsuta, I, MA Kido, T Tanaka, The bisphosphonate pamidronate on the surface of titanium stimulates bone formation around tibial implants in rats, BIOMATERIALS, 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2004.02.072, Vol.26, No.6, pp.581-587, 2005.02, Many materials with differing surfaces have been developed for clinical implant therapy in dentistry and orthopedics. We analyzed the quantity of new bone formed in vivo around caleium-immobilized titanium implants with surfaces modified using pamidronate (PAM), a nitrogen-containing bisphosphonate (N-BP), implants of pure titanium, and titanium implants immobilized with calcium ions. New bone formation was visualized using fluorescent labeling (calcein blue and alizarin complexone) with intravenous injection at 1 and 3 weeks after implantation. After 4 weeks, undecalcified sections were prepared, and new bone formation around the implants was examined by morphometry using confocal laser scanning microscopy images. After 1 week, more new bone formed around the PAM-immobilized implant than around the calcium-immobilized and pure titanium implants. This was also seen with the new bone formation after 3 weeks. After 4 weeks, significantly more new bones were formed around the BP-immobilized implant than around the calcium ion-implanted and pure titanium implants. The new N-BP-modified titanium surface stimulates new bone formation around the implant, which might contribute to the success of implant therapy. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved..
5. Atsuta, I, T Yamaza, M Yoshinari, S Mino, T Goto, MA Kido, Y Terada, T Tanaka, Changes in the distribution of laminin-5 during peri-implant epithelium formation after immediate titanium implantation in rats, BIOMATERIALS, 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2004.05.033, Vol.26, No.14, pp.1751-1760, 2005.05, Laminin-5 (Ln-5), a component of the basement membrane (BM), regulates epithetial cell migration and adhesion. This study used anti-Ln-5 (gamma2chain) antibody to investigate the distribution of Ln-5 during the formation of peri-implant epithelium (PIE) in rats, and compared it to the distribution of Ln-5 during oral mucosa formation after tooth extraction. One day after extraction. the junctional epithelium (JE) had disappeared. After 3 days, new epithelium formed from the oral sulcular epithelium (OSE) and extended horizontally over the wound with Ln-5-positive cells at the leading edge. After 5 days, the epithelium exiending from the OSE on each side of the wound joined and formed additional new epithelium. The new epithelium expressed Ln-5 in the BM - After 1-2 weeks, the oral epithelium (OE) extending from the sides of the wound joined in the center. Thereafter. OSE and new epithelium disappeared, and only OE remained covering the wound. Three days after implantation (titanium), no JE remained. New epithehium formed from the keratinized OSE extending apically with Ln-5-positive cells. After 1-2 weeks. the new epithelium became the PIE and spread further apically facing the implant surface. Ln-5 was expressed at the PIE-connective tissue interface. but no( at the implant-PIE interface. Finally, after 4 weeks, Ln-5 was expressed at the implant-PIE interface. and the PIE was non-keratinized epithelium. These findings suggest that Ln-5 induces cell migration clurinq PIE formation. and that PIE originates from OSE. Furthermore, they support the hypothesis that Ln-5 contributes to the attachment of PIE 10 titanium. regardless of the delay in the synthesis and deposition of Ln-5 at the titanium-PIE interface. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved..
6. 森山 泰子, 鮎川 保則, 荻野 洋一郎, 熱田 生, 古谷野 潔, Statin 局所投与がインプラント周囲骨形成に及ぼす効果, 日本補綴歯科学会雑誌. 特別号, 日本補綴歯科学会学術大会抄録集 = Proceedings of the ... conference, the Japan Prosthodontic Society, Vol.50, No.115, p.171, 2006.07.
7. 熱田 生, 佐藤 佑介, 松丸 悠一, 質の高い全部床義歯の印象を目指して 印象法の考察と重要なポイント, 日本補綴歯科学会誌, Vol.6, No.特別号, p.94, 2014.05.
8. 熱田 生, 【若手補綴医に訊く 総義歯印象が上手くなる~知識と臨床のポイント】総義歯における概形印象の重要性, 歯界展望, Vol.128, No.6, pp.1123-1130, 2016.12.
9. 成松 生枝, 鮎川 保則, 熱田 生, 大城 和可奈, 安波 礼之, 古橋 明大, 古谷野 潔, インプラント周囲組織における生物学的幅径および軟組織封鎖性の検討, 日本補綴歯科学会誌, Vol.9, No.特別号, p.213, 2017.06.
10. 鮎川 保則, 熱田 生, 古谷野 潔, 組織再生と細胞・足場・生理活性物質, 顎顔面補綴, Vol.41, No.2, pp.46-50, 2018.12.
11. 熱田 生, インプラント臨床を発展させる日本のバイオマテリアル 間葉系幹細胞によるインプラント周囲軟組織封鎖性の改善, Journal of Oral Biosciences Supplement, Vol.2018, p.113, 2018.09.
12. 熱田 生, 鮎川 保則, 近藤 綾介, 松浦 由梨, 古橋 明大, 成松 生枝, 上田 将之, 古谷野 潔, アスピリンを用いたインプラント周囲上皮封鎖性に対する間葉系幹細胞効果の増強, 日本口腔インプラント学会誌, Vol.31, No.3, pp.E181-E182, 2018.09.
13. 熱田 生, 鮎川 保則, 森本 太一朗, 古橋 明大, 成松 生枝, 古谷野 潔, 口腔粘膜上皮はブリッジのポンティック底部に対して接着性を有するか?, 日本補綴歯科学会誌, Vol.11, No.特別号, p.252, 2019.05.
14. 今井 実喜生, 鮎川 保則, 安波 礼之, 古橋 明大, 冨田 陽子, 足立 奈織美, 森山 泰子, 熱田 生, 古谷野 潔, ベニジピン含有マイクロスフィア単回投与が抜歯窩の骨および歯肉の治癒におよぼす影響, 日本補綴歯科学会誌, Vol.11, No.特別号, p.268, 2019.05.
15. 熱田 生, 鬼原 英道, 森本 太一朗, 【インプラント周囲軟組織は現在どこまで解明されているのか?-臨床家が気になる疑問にエビデンスで迫る-】, Quintessence DENTAL Implantology, Vol.26, No.3, pp.0358-0374, 2019.05.
16. 大木 郷資, 熱田 生, 【はじめての全部床義歯】(Chapter 6)診療2日目 最終印象/ろう堤付きトレーを用いた方法, 歯界展望, Vol.別冊, No.はじめての全部床義歯, pp.58-63, 2019.11.
17. 今井 実喜生, 熱田 生, 【はじめての全部床義歯】(Chapter 3)診療1日目 概形印象, 歯界展望, Vol.別冊, No.はじめての全部床義歯, pp.26-33, 2019.11.
18. 古橋 明大, 熱田 生, 【はじめての全部床義歯】(Chapter 15)診療6日目 義歯装着, 歯界展望, Vol.別冊, No.はじめての全部床義歯, pp.124-130, 2019.11.
19. 近藤 綾介, 熱田 生, 【はじめての全部床義歯】(Chapter 9)診療3日目 咬合採得 水平的顎間関係, 歯界展望, Vol.別冊, No.はじめての全部床義歯, pp.82-88, 2019.11.
20. 熱田 生, 江頭 優希, 鮎川 保則, 成松 生枝, 張 暁旭, 杉 友貴, 高橋 良輔, 古谷野 潔, 炭酸アパタイト製骨補填材が口腔粘膜の治癒に及ぼす影響について, 日本口腔インプラント学会誌, Vol.33, No.特別号, p.307, 2020.09.
21. 張 暁旭, 熱田 生, 鮎川 保則, 成松 生枝, 上田 将之, 高橋 良輔, 江頭 優希, 張 旌旗, 顧 炯炎, 古谷野 潔, ラット抜歯窩の治癒過程から見る炭酸アパタイト製骨補填材の有効性, 日本歯科理工学会誌, Vol.39, No.Special Issue76, p.38, 2020.12.
22. 張 暁旭, 熱田 生, 鮎川 保則, 成松 生枝, 上田 将之, 張 旌旗, 顧 炯炎, 古谷野 潔, ラット抜歯モデルを用いた炭酸アパタイト製骨補填材の有用性の検討, 日本口腔インプラント学会誌, Vol.33, No.特別号, p.331, 2020.09.

