九州大学 研究者情報
末次 美子(すえつぐ よしこ) データ更新日:2023.11.22

講師 /  医学研究院 保健学部門 広域生涯看護学講座

総説, 論評, 解説, 書評, 報告書等
1. 末次 美子, 新小田 春美, お母さんに教えてあげたい 眠育ですくすく子育て(第6回) 親子で取り組む眠育活動, ペリネイタルケア, 2012.01.
2. 末次美子, 出産体験とボンディング(情緒的絆) 出産が心的外傷後ストレス障害となるとき, 教育と医学, 2016.01.
3. Yumi Nishikii, Yoshiko Suetsugu, Hiroshi Yamashita, Keiko Yoshida, Use of the Stafford Interview for assessing perinatal bonding disorders, BMJ Case Report, 10.1136/bcr-2018-228696, 2019.12, Perinatal bonding disorders have been advocated by Brockington and he developed the semistructured Stafford Interview which contains a specific section to assess these disorders. To our knowledge, this is the first report on a fully described clinical case by using the interview. A 29-year-old primiparous mother gave birth to a healthy girl, but visited our clinic because of depression at one month postnatally and received pharmacotherapy. Despite improvement of her depression, at around 7 months postnatally, she felt distressed by childcare. The Stafford Interview was conducted and it manifested evidences of anger and rejection to her infant: she screamed at her infant because of anger towards her infant, and had desire to escape from the baby care and then temporally transferred the care to her mother (grandmother of the baby). The evidence of maternal feelings by using the Stafford Interview is practically useful for treating
mothers with bonding disorders..

