Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Presentations
Kagawa Shigemi Last modified date:2024.06.03

Professor / Economic Systems / Department of International Economy and Business / Faculty of Economics

1. Shoda, T., Kagawa, S., Maeno, K. and Shimotsuura, T., CO2 mitigation through global supply chain restructuring with consideration for the environmental efficiency of international shipping, 29th International Input-Output Conference, 2023.06.
2. Imada, S., Kagawa, S. and Maeno, K., CO2 Emission Hotspot Analysis in the Supply Chain Complexity for Wooden Houses in Japan, 29th International Input-Output Conference, 2023.06.
3. Tsukioka, A., Kagawa, S. and Matsushima, S., The Unit Structure Analysis of Energy Price Shock in Japan, 29th International Input-Output Conference, 2023.06.
4. Ogata, Y. and Kagawa, S., Economic, Social and Environmental Consequences of the Decline in Foreign Tourist Demand in Japan due to the COVID-19
Pandemic, 29th International Input-Output Conference, 2023.06.
5. Uehara, S., Kagawa, S. and Tsukioka, A., The Economic and Environmental Consequences of a Carbon Tax in Japan, 29th International Input-Output Conference, 2023.06.
6. Nishifuji, W., Mitoma, H., Shironitta, K. and Kagawa, S., Identifying Technology Clusters with Similar Production Technologies and Its Policy Implications, 29th International Input-Output Conference, 2023.06.
7. Nagata, A., Matsushima, S., Imada, S. and Kagawa, S., Impact of Promoting the Use of Wood in Buildings on CO2 Emissions in Japan, 29th International Input-Output Conference, 2023.06.
8. Toda, H., Faturay, F., Kagawa, S. and Nishifuji, W., The Carbon Footprint Effects of Bilateral International Migration Flow to the U.S.A., 29th International Input-Output Conference, 2023.06.
9. Ushijima, D., Mitoma, H., Nakaishi, T. and Kagawa, S., Life-cycle CO2 Reduction Potential through the Operational Efficiency Improvements in the Japan’s medical sector, 29th International Input-Output Conference, 2023.06.
10. Uematsu, M., Mitoma, H., Shoda, T. and Kagawa, S., Estimating the GHG emissions mitigation effects of “buying local food” through a life cycle analysis: the case study of
Japanese seven regions, 29th International Input-Output Conference, 2023.06.
11. Tsuru, J., Kagawa, S., Nakaishi, T. and Ushijima, D., Production efficiency of animal feed plants using food waste in Japan, 29th International Input-Output Conference, 2023.06.
12. Arce, G., Kagawa, S. and Steenge, A.E., Research challenges for the future: panel discussion about Environment, 29th International Input-Output Conference, 2023.06.
13. Kagawa, S., From the roots to the present: input-output contributions in Environment, 29th International Input-Output Conference, 2023.06.
14. Hososhima, C. and Kagawa, S., CO2 emissions reduction potential from passenger vehicles in road network complexity in Japan, 29th International Input-Output Conference, 2023.06.
15. Tsukioka, A., Matsushima, S. and Kagawa, S., Oil price pressure on the Japanese economy: An unit structure analysis, EcoBalance2022, 2022.10.
16. Shimotsuura, T., Nakaishi, T. and Kagawa, S., Factor decomposition analysis of changes in CO2 emissions from container operating companies, EcoBalance2022, 2022.10.
17. Oga, Y., Nakaishi, T. and Kagawa, S., Economic and environmental consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic through foreign tourists demand in Japan, EcoBalance2022, 2022.10.
18. Ushijima, D., Nakaishi, T., Mitoma, H. and Kagawa, S., Economic and environmental efficiency analysis of medical sector in Japan, EcoBalance2022, 2022.10.
19. Nishifuji, W., Shironitta, K., Mitoma, H. and Kagawa, S., Sectoral similarity analysis of production technologies and lifestyles of nations, EcoBalance2022, 2022.10.
20. Hososhima, C., Yoshizawa, D. and Kagawa, S., The role of urban structures on the CO2 emissions, EcoBalance2022, 2022.10.
21. Shoda, T., Maeno, K., Kagawa, S. and Shimotsuura, T., Global supply-chain network analysis for environmentally-important shipping routes and ports, EcoBalance2022, 2022.10.
22. Yoshizawa, D., Nakamoto, Y. and Kagawa, S., CO2 reduction potential of car sharing services considering used car market, EcoBalance2022, 2022.10.
23. Matsushima, S., Kagawa, S., Nansai, K. and Xue, J., Visualization of the uncertainty in CO2 emission intensity caused by the price homogeneity assumption in the input-output table, EcoBalance2022, 2022.10.
24. Imada, S., Maeno, K. and Kagawa, S., Carbon footprint analysis of construction technologies in Japan, EcoBalance2022, 2022.10.
25. Imada, S., Maeno, K. and Kagawa, S., Carbon footprint of residential construction technologies in Japan, 28th International Input-Output Conference, 2022.08.
26. Tsukioka, S., Kagawa, S. and Matsushima, S., Unit structure analysis of oil price pressure: the case of Japan, 28th International Input-Output Conference, 2022.08.
27. Oga, Y., Nakaishi, T. and Kagawa, S., Economic and environmental consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic through foreign tourists demand in Japan, 28th International Input-Output Conference, 2022.08.
28. Yoshizawa, D., Nakamoto, Y. and Kagawa, S., CO2 reduction potential of expanding car sharing services: the case of Japan, 28th International Input-Output Conference, 2022.08.
29. Matsushima, S., Kagawa, S., Nansai, K. and Xue, J., Time series datasets of the embodied energy and emission intensity data for Japan using input-output tables, 28th International Input-Output Conference, 2022.08.
30. Ushijima, D., Nakaishi, T., Mitoma, H. and Kagawa, S., CO2 mitigation through the efficiency improvements in the medical sector of Japan, 28th International Input-Output Conference, 2022.08.
31. Nishifuji, W., Kagawa, S., Mitoma, H. and Shironitta, K., CO2 mitigation through similarity analysis of production technologies and lifestyles of nations, 28th International Input-Output Conference, 2022.08.
32. Shoda, T., Maeno, K., Kagawa, S. and Shimotsuura, T., Identifying environmentally-important shipping routes and ports in the global supply-chain network, 28th International Input-Output Conference, 2022.08.
33. Chen, S., Kurita, K., Wakiyama, T., Managi, S. and Kagawa, S., Inclusive wealth footprint for cities of Japan: regional clusters for sustainable development, 28th International Input-Output Conference, 2022.08.
34. Shironitta, K., Kagawa, S. and Kondo, Y., The analysis of carbon dioxide emission structure based on the similarities of economic structure using IO analysis and clustering analysis, 28th International Input-Output Conference, 2022.08.
35. Shimotsuura, T., Nakaishi, T. and Kagawa, S., Factor decomposition analysis of changes in CO2 emissions from container shipping, 28th International Input-Output Conference, 2022.08.
36. Hososhima, C., Yoshizawa, D. and Kagawa, S., Investigating sustainable urban structures toward a decarbonized society, 28th International Input-Output Conference, 2022.08.
37. Takayabu, H. and Kagawa, S., Supply Chain Performance Measurement based on the MRIO Framework: A Case Study of the Two-stage Network in the Steel Industry, 27th International Input-Output Conference, 2019.07.
38. Kito, M., Nagashima, F., Shironitta, K. and Kagawa, S., Decomposition of Lifecycle CO2 Emissions Associated with International Flights of the Japanese Airline Industry, 27th International Input-Output Conference, 2019.07.
39. Uchida, I., Nakamoto, Y. and Kagawa, S., Estimation of Vehicle Lifetime in the Used Car Market, 27th International Input-Output Conference, 2019.07.
40. Kaneko, M. and Kagawa, S., A Lifecycle Analysis of the Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards in Japan, 27th International Input-Output Conference, 2019.07.
41. Hanaka, T., Kanemoto, K. and Kagawa, S., Structural Similarity Analysis based on the Network Characteristics of Sectors, 27th International Input-Output Conference, 2019.07.
42. Mitoma, H., Nagashima, F., Kagawa, S. and Nansai, K., Identifying Critical Supply Chain Paths and Key Sectors for Mitigating PM2.5 Mortality in India, 27th International Input-Output Conference, 2019.07.
43. Han, Y., Kagawa, S., Coal Footprint of the 30 Chinese Provinces/Cities: A Hybrid Multi-Regional Input-Output Approach, World Social Science Forum 2018, 2018.09.
44. Nakamoto, Y., Kagawa, S., Economic Lifetime, Hazard Functions, and Car Inspection System, SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting, 2018.05.
45. Shironitta, K., Kagawa, S., Kondo, Y., A Cross-country Analysis of Relationship Between Economic Structural Change and CO2 Emissions, SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting, 2018.05.
46. Nagashima, F., Nansai, K., Chatani, S., Kagawa, S., Analyzing the Asian supply chain structure of health impacts with PM2.5 including secondary particle, SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting, 2018.05.
47. Nakamoto, Y., Kagawa, S., Analyzing Life-Cycle CO2 Reduction Potentials of Motor Vehicle Inspection Policy, 25th International Input-Output Conference, 2017.06.
48. Shigetomi, Y., Nansai, K., Kagawa, S., Tohno, S., Carbon Footprint Mitigation of Japanese Households for Achieving the Paris Agreement under the Demographic and Income Scenarios, 25th International Input-Output Conference, 2017.06.
49. Takayabu, H., Kagawa, S., Managi, S., Fujii, H., The Effects of Productivity Improvement on Global CO2 Emissions, 25th International Input-Output Conference, 2017.06.
50. Nansai, K., Suh, S., Nakajima, K., Kagawa, S., Kondo, Y., Tohno, S., Hybrid LCA with MRIO for Supply Risk Comparison among Low-carbon Energy Technologies, 25th International Input-Output Conference, 2017.06.
51. Shironitta, K., Suh, S., Okamoto, S., Kagawa, S., Role of World Structural Change in CO2 Emissions, 25th International Input-Output Conference, 2017.06.
52. Nishijima, D., Kagawa, S., Oguchi, M., Effects of Economic Replacement Incentives for Consumers on Life-cycle CO2 Emissions, 25th International Input-Output Conference, 2017.06.
53. Kaneko, M., Kagawa, S., Effects of the CAFE Standards on CO2 Emissions in Japan, 25th International Input-Output Conference, 2017.06.
54. Kondo, Y., Itsubo, N., Kagawa, S., Detecting What Drives a Social Issue: Forward Structural Path Analysis with an Integrated Multiregional Input-Output Framework, 25th International Input-Output Conference, 2017.06.
55. Takayabu, H., Kagawa, S., Fujii, H., Managi, S., The Effects of Optimal Production Resource Reallocation on Carbon Footprint of Nations, 24th International Input-Output Conference, 2016.07.
56. Eguchi, S., Kagawa, S., Productivity Growth of Resource Accumulation in the Cities of Japan, 24th International Input-Output Conference, 2016.07.
57. Hashimoto, R., Kagawa, S., Intra- and Inter-regional Economic Effects of the Population Flow after the Great East Japan Earthquake, 24th International Input-Output Conference, 2016.07.
58. Nagashima, F., Kagawa, S., Nansai, K., Identifying Air Pollution Clusters within Asian Supply Chain Networks, 24th International Input-Output Conference, 2016.07.
59. Tokito, S., Kagawa, S., Analyzing Structural Changes in the CO2 Emission Clusters within Global Supply Chain Networks, 24th International Input-Output Conference, 2016.07.
60. Nakamoto, Y., Nishijima, D., Kagawa, S., The Environmental Consequences of Lifetime Extension of New and Used Cars: Japan's Case, 24th International Input-Output Conference, 2016.07.
61. Shironitta, K., Kagawa, S., Nansai, K., Suh, S., A Cross-country Analysis of Material and Energy Implications of Structural Change, 24th International Input-Output Conference, 2016.07.
62. Fujii, H., Okamoto, S., Kagawa, S., Suh, S., Managi, S., Net emission transfer of toxic chemical substances: Empirical study for U.S. manufacturing industries, 24th International Input-Output Conference, 2016.07.
63. Nishijima, D., Kagawa, S., Product Lifetime, Energy Efficiency and The Environment: A Case Study of Air Conditioner in Japan, 24th International Input-Output Conference, 2016.07.
64. Tsukui, M., Kagawa, S., Kondo, Y., Hasegawa, R., The Economic and Environmental Effects of Consumption by East-Asian Tourists in Kyoto: a Multi-regional Waste Input-Output Approach, International Conference on Ecobalance 2016, 2016.10.
65. Nansai, K., Suh, S., Nakajima, K., Kagawa, S., Kondo, Y., Shigetomi, Y., Supply risk assessments of low-carbon energy technologies with Hybrid LCA, International Conference on Ecobalance 2016, 2016.10.
66. Shironitta, K., Kagawa, S., Nansai, K., Analyzing Effects of Structural Change on Material and Energy Dependence, International Conference on Ecobalance 2016, 2016.10.
67. Tokito, S., Kagawa, S., Nansai, K., Analyzing Economic and Environmental Connectivity in the Mega-Regional Free Trade, International Conference on Ecobalance 2016, 2016.10.
68. Nakamoto, Y., Kagawa, S., Analyzing CO2 Reduction Potentials through the Market Expansion and Lifetime Extension of Used Cars, International Conference on Ecobalance 2016, 2016.10.
69. Hata, S., Nansai, K., Kagawa, S., Tohno, S., Development of an input-output model integrating disaster-damage forecast data: The case of the Nankai Trough earthquake, International Conference on Ecobalance 2016, 2016.10.
70. Nagashima, F., Kagawa, S., Nansai, K., Suh S., Analyzing Air Pollution Hotspots within Asian Supply Chain Networks, International Conference on Ecobalance 2016, 2016.10.
71. Nishijima, D., Kagawa, S., Oguchi, M., Contribution of Changes in Product Lifetime and Energy Efficiency to Life-Cycle CO2 Emissions: A Case Study of Air Conditioner in Japan, International Conference on Ecobalance 2016, 2016.10.
72. Takayabu, H., Kagawa, S., Managi, S., Fujii, H., Optimal Production Resource Reallocation and it's Implication to Carbon Footprint of Nations, International Conference on Ecobalance 2016, 2016.10.
73. Nishijima, D., Kagawa, S., Oguchi, M., Environmental Impacts of Changes in Product Lifetime and Energy Efficiency: A Case Study of Life-Cycle of Air Conditioner in Japan, The International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) joint 12th socio-Economic Metabolism section conference and 5th Asia-Pacific conference, 2016.09.
74. Takayabu, H., Kagawa, S., Fujii, H., Managi, S., The Effects of Optimal Production Resource Reallocation on Carbon Footprint of Nations, The International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) joint 12th socio-Economic Metabolism section conference and 5th Asia-Pacific conference, 2016.09.
75. Shironitta, K., Kagawa, S., Nansai, K., Suh, S., Analyzing Material and Energy Implications of Structural Changes, The International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) joint 12th socio-Economic Metabolism section conference and 5th Asia-Pacific conference, 2016.09.
76. Nansai, K., Nakajima, K., Kagawa, S., Kondo, Y., Supply risk footprints of critical metals focusing on mining and trade risks: the case of Japan, 8th International Conference on Industrial Ecology, 2015.07.
77. Nansai, K., Nakajima, K., Kagawa, S., Kondo, Y., Mining risk footprints of critical metals; integration of political risks for mining countries and material footprints, LCM2015, 2015.09.
78. Nishijima, D., Kagawa, S., Nansai,K., An analysis of lifeCycle CO2 emission at regional level with survival function: a case study of automobiles in Japan, LCM2015, 2015.09.
79. Nagashima, F., Shironitta, S., Kagawa, S., Nansai, K., Structural path analysis of air pollutants generated in Asian countries, LCM2015, 2015.09.
80. Tokito, S., Okamoto, S., Kagawa, S., Nansai, S., Spatial cluster analysis of global metal flows, LCM2015, 2015.09.
81. Eguchi, S., Kagawa, S., Okuoka, K., A Production Efficiency Analysis of Material Stock in the Japanese Prefectures, LCM2015, 2015.09.
82. Kagawa, S., Nansai,K., Kondo, Y., Spatial Cluster Analysis of Global Metal Flows, International Conference on Ecobalance 2014, 2014.10.
83. Eguchi, S., Kagawa, S. and Suh, S., Environmental Efficiency Analysis of Biodiesel from Waste Cooking Oil, 22nd International Input-output Conference, 2014.07.
84. Shironitta, K., Kagawa, S., Nansai, K., Okamoto, S. and Suh, S., Global Structural Change and Its Implication for CO2 Emissions, 22nd International Input-output Conference, 2014.07.
85. Tsukui, M., Hasegawa, R., Kagawa, S. and Kondo, Y, Repercussion of Effects of Final Consumption on Production and Environmental Loads: Detailed Multi-regional Waste Input–Output Approach in the 47 Prefectures of Japan, 22nd International Input-output Conference, 2014.07.
86. Okamoto, S., Kagawa, S. and Nansai, K., Analyzing Instability of Industrial Clustering Techniques, 22nd International Input-output Conference, 2014.07.
87. Nansai, K., Kagawa, S., Kondo, Y., Nakajima, K., Shigetomi, Y. and Suh, S., Supply Security Footprints on Critical Metals with a Global Link Input-Output Model, 22nd International Input-output Conference, 2014.07.
88. Hasegawa, R., Kagawa, S., Kondo, Y. and Tsukui, M., A Spatial Structural Decomposition Analysis of Carbon Footprint of Household Consumptions for Japanese Regions, 22nd International Input-output Conference, 2014.07.
89. Kagawa, S., Okamoto, S., Suh, S., Kondo, Y. and Nansai, K., Identifying Environmentally Important Clusters in the Global Supply Chain Network, 21st International Input-output Conference, 2013.07.
90. Oshita, Y., Kagawa, S., Hasegawa, R. and Suh, S., Identifying Economic Impacts on Japanese Supply Chains Caused by the Tohoku Earthquake: Using a Structural Path Decomposition Technique and Japanese 47 Region Multiregional Input-Output Table, 21st International Input-output Conference, 2013.07.
91. Tsukui, M., Kagawa, S., Hasegawa, R. and Kondo, Y, Repercussion Effects of Final Consumption on Production and Environmental Loads in the 47 Prefectures of Japan:Multi-regional Waste Input–Output Approach, 21st International Input-output Conference, 2013.07.
92. Nansai, K., Nakajima, K., Kagawa, S., Kondo, Y. and Suh, S., Characterization of Global Flows of Rare Metals and Their Relation to Japan’s Economy, 21st International Input-output Conference, 2013.07.
93. Okamoto, S., Kagawa, S. and Nansai, K., Industry Cluster Analysis of Life-Cycle CO2 Emissions from Service Industries, 21st International Input-output Conference, 2013.07.