Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Books
HORII Nobuhiro Last modified date:2024.06.03

Associate Professor / Fields in Industry / Department of Industrial and Business System / Faculty of Economics

1. 堀井 伸浩, 島岡 隆行, 久場 隆広, 中山 裕文, 藤田 敏之, Basic Studies in Environmental Knowledge, Technology, Evaluation, and Strategy: Introduction to East Asia Environmental Studies, Springer, 2016.01.
2. International Energy Agency, Cleaner Coal in China, IEA-OECD, 2009.02.
3. Nobuhiro Horii and Shuhua Gu, Transformation of China’s Energy Industries in Market Transition and its Prospects, IDE-JETRO, 232頁, 2001.03.
4. Nobuhiro Horii and Xiliang Zhang, Environmental Problems in China’s Market Transition and the Diffusion of Cleaner Technologies, IDE-JETRO, 280頁, 2002.03.