Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Reports
HORII Nobuhiro Last modified date:2024.06.03

Associate Professor / Fields in Industry / Department of Industrial and Business System / Faculty of Economics

1. 堀井 伸浩, “Choosing Energy: Market mechanism required to stimulate innovation that will reduce abatement costs of climate change”, USJI Voice Vol.21, U.S.-Japan Research Institute (USJI) Website,, 2017.03.
2. Nobuhiro Horii, “Bottlenecks in China’s Energy Supply: Policy Solutions or Market Solutions?”, The Present Situation and Problems of East Asian Economy., Conference Proceedings of 4th Joint Conference by Kyushu University, Renmin University of China and Nanjing University, November 19, 2009, pp. 135-166., 2009.11.
3. Nobuhiro Horii, China:Policy Advice on Implementation of Clean Coal Technology Project, prepared for the World Bank and China National Development and Reform Commission, Mitsubishi Research Institute, (as a contributor), 2003.12.
4. Nobuhiro Horii, Environmental Compliance in the Energy Sector: Methodological Approach and Least-cost Strategies Shanghai Municipality & Henan and Hunan Provinces, China, , UNDP/ World Bank Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme , (as a contributor), 2001.12.
5. Nobuhiro Horii, APEC Cooperation and Strategies for the Introduction of Renewable Energy into Developing Countries, IDE APEC STUDY CENTER Working Paper Series 97/98-No.5, 1998.03.