Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Reports
Nakamura Mako Last modified date:2024.06.03

Professor / Faculty of Agriculture, Center for Promotion of International Education and Research / Attached Promotive Center for International Education and Research of Agriculture / Faculty of Agriculture

1. s.
2. Sema3A依存的な遅筋型筋線維形成機構の食品機能学的制御:リンゴポリフェノールによる促進と活性成分の同定.
3. 筋幹細胞分泌因子Sema3Aによる遅筋型筋線維形成誘導:ヒラメ筋の損傷・再生実験による実証.
4. 筋成長・再生における筋幹細胞分泌因子Semaphorin 3Aの機能.
5. マウス骨格筋の再生に伴う筋線維タイプ組成の経時的解析.
6. 長期筋萎縮で発現変動する遺伝子の網羅的探索.
7. 4種類の新規ミオシン重鎖抗体を用いた筋線維タイプ同定法.
8. 澤野 祥子, 中村 真子, 辰巳 隆一, 池内 義秀, 水野谷 航, マウス遅筋及び速筋を用いた代謝物プロファイリング, 日本生化学会大会・日本分子生物学会年会合同大会講演要旨集, Vol.88回・38回, p.[2P0603], 2015.12.
9. 筋肥大・再生における異種細胞間コミュニケーションダイナミクス―筋幹細胞による運動神経支配の再構築制御(仮説)を話題にして―.
10. PPARδアゴニスト投与によってマウス骨格筋で発現変動する遺伝子の網羅的解析.
11. 遅筋は速筋に比べ脂肪酸取込および脂肪合成能に優れる.
12. Mulan, Nakamura, M, Suzuki, T, Mizunoya, W, Ojima, K, Tatsumi, R, Ikeuchi, Y, Functional interaction between Sema3A and Pax7 in proliferation and differentiation of myoblasts, International Symposium on Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Life Sciences in Asia, 2014 (AFELiSA'14) Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Gangwon, Korea, 2014.10, Poster presentation.
13. Ohtsubo, H, Sato, Y, Suzuki, T, Mizunoya, W, Nakamura, M, Tatsumi, R, Ikeuchi, Y, APOBEC2 deficiency up-regulates myoblast differentiation, 2014 FASEB Science Research Conference on “Skeletal Muscle Satellite and Stem Cells” Steamboat Springs, CO, USA, 2014.07, Poster Presentation.
14. Tatsumi, R, Sakaguchi, S, Shono, J, Suzuki, T, Sawano, S, Anderson, J.E, Do, M.-K.Q, Ohtsubo, H, Mizunoya, W, Nakamura, M, Furuse, M, Ikeuchi, Y, M2 macrophages may implicate in regenerative moto-neuritogenesis, by promoting myoblast migration and Sema3A expression, 2014 FASEB Science Research Conference on “Skeletal Muscle Satellite and Stem Cells” Steamboat Springs, CO, USA, 2014.07, Poster Presentation.
15. Suzuki, T, Ohya, Y, Ojima, K, Mizunoya, W, Sawano, S, Ohtsubo, H, Nishimatsu, S, Anderson, J. E, Do, M.-K. Q, Nakamura, M, Furuse, M, Ikeuchi, Y, Nohno, T, Tatsumi, R, Sema3A secreted from satellite cells promotes slow-twitch fiber generation, 2014 FASEB Science Research Conference on “Skeletal Muscle Satellite and Stem Cells” Steamboat Springs, CO, USA, 2014.07, Poster Presentation.
16. Suzuki, T, Ojima, K, Do, M.K.Q, Hara, M, Mizunoya, W, Nakamura, M, Ikeuchi, Y, Anderson, J.E, Tatsumi, R, Semaphorin 3A secreted from myogenic stem cells promotes slow-twitch muscle fiber generation, 2013 EMBO Workshop on “Semaphorin Function and Mechanism in Action”, Cemay-la-Ville, France, 2013.10, Poster Presentation.
17. 頭脳循環を加速する若手研究者戦略的海外派遣プログラムー(3)ドイツライプニッツ家畜生物学研究所およびミュンヘン工科大学を訪問して.
18. Mizunoya, W, Komiya, Y, Anderson, J.E, Go, T, Takahashi, N, Kawada, T, Nakamura, M, Tatsumi, R, Ikeuchi, Y, Eicosapentaenoic acid affects skeletal muscle fiber types relating factors via PPARδ pathway in isolated fibers of rats, Keystone Symposia, Nuclear Receptors and Friends: Roles in Energy Homeostasis and Metabolic Dysfunction, Alpbach Congress Centrum, Alpbach, Austria, 2013.04, Poster presentation.
19. マウス骨格筋線維を用いた筋内脂肪量評価系の構築.
20. Sato, Y, Ohtsubo, H, Kaneko, T, Mizunoya, W, Nakamura, M, Tatsumi, R, Iida, H, Ikeuchi, Y, Yoshizawa, F, Sugahara, K, Neuberger, M.S, Rada, C, APOBEC2 deficiency causes increased autophagy and abnormal mitochondria in skeletal muscle, 2012 FASEB Science Research Conference on “Skeletal Muscle Satellite & Stem Cells”, Renaissance Tuscany Il Ciocco Resort & Spa, Barga, Lucca, Italy, 2012.08, Poster presentation.
21. Komiya, Y, Mizunoya, W, Anderson, J.E, Goto, T, Takahashi, N, Kawada, T, Sato, Y, Nakamura, M, Tatsumi, R, Ikeuchi, Y, Change of skeletal muscle fiber types by n-3 poly unsaturated fatty acid, 2012 FASEB Science Research Conference on “Skeletal Muscle Satellite & Stem Cells”, Renaissance Tuscany Il Ciocco Resort & Spa, Barga, Lucca, Italy, 2012.08, Poster presentation.
22. Do, M.Q, Shimizu, N, Suzuki, T, Mizunoya, W, Nakamura, M, Ikeuchi, Y, Anderson, J.E, Tatsumi, R, Heparan/chondroitin sulfate chains may mediate HGF/FGF2-induced up-regulation of neural chemorepellent Sema3A in satellite cell cultures, 2012 FASEB Science Research Conference on “Skeletal Muscle Satellite & Stem Cells”, Renaissance Tuscany Il Ciocco Resort & Spa, Barga, Lucca, Italy, 2012.08, Poster presentation.
23. Tatsumi, R, Hara, M, Tabata, K, Suzuki, T, Do, M.-K. Q, Mizunoya, W, Nakamura, M, Ikeuchi, Y, Anderson, J. E, Allen, R. E, Mechano-Sensing Calcium-Influx Machinery that Instigates Skeletal Muscle Satellite Cell Activation, 2012 FASEB Science Research Conference on “Skeletal Muscle Satellite & Stem Cells”, Renaissance Tuscany Il Ciocco Resort & Spa, Barga, Lucca, Italy, 2012.08, Selected for Oral presentation.
24. Suzuki, T, Ojima, K, Do, M.Q, Hara, M, Mizunoya, W, Nakamura, M, Ikeuchi, Y, Anderson, J.E, Tatsumi, R, Semaphorin 3A regulates the early differentiation of satellite cells, Semaphorin 3A regulates the early differentiation of satellite cells. 2012 FASEB Science Research Conference on “Skeletal Muscle Satellite & Stem Cells”, Renaissance Tuscany Il Ciocco Resort & Spa, Barga, Lucca, Italy, 2012.08, Poster presentation.
25. 頭脳循環を加速する若手研究者戦略的海外派遣プログラムー(1)ドイツライプニッツ家畜生物学研究所を訪問して.
26. A homeodomain protein, Barx and serum response factor (SRF) regulate transcription of β-tropomyosin gene in the smooth muscle cells..
27. Cloning and claracterization of Zip 45, a novel PSD protein containing leucine zipper motifs.
28. Transcriptional regulation of α1 integrin gene in the smooth muscle cells.