九州大学 研究者情報
宮脇 仁(みやわき じん) データ更新日:2024.04.08

准教授 /  先導物質化学研究所 先端素子材料部門

1. 宮脇 仁, NMRを用いた炭素材料の評価事例, 第29回 九州JAIAN ミーティング, 2024.03, [URL].
2. Jin Miyawaki, Toward further functional advancement of porous carbons, 2024 Nanospace Engineering Seminar, 2024.02.
3. 李 明昊, 出田 圭子, 中林 康治, 尹 聖昊, 宮脇 仁, 吸着量制御129XeーNMR 法による活性炭とXe 分子の吸着相互作用評価, 第36回日本吸着学会研究発表会, 2023.12, [URL].
4. 島ノ江 明⽣, 都丸 ⼤晟, 中林 康治, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, 炭素繊維⽤メソフェーズピッチの⾼収率調製⼿法の開発, 第50回炭素材料学会年会, 2023.12, [URL].
5. Zhai Xiazhe, 出⽥ 圭⼦, 服部 義之, 中林 康治, 尹 聖昊, 宮脇 仁, 多孔質炭素のフッ素化処理における含酸素表⾯官能基の影響, 第50回炭素材料学会年会, 2023.11, [URL].
6. Wang Zhangxiao, 李 炫錫, 中林 康治, 尹 聖昊, 宮脇 仁, 加圧物理賦活炭のリチウム硫⻩電池への応⽤, 第50回炭素材料学会年会, 2023.11, [URL].
7. 森永 健太, ⻄⽥ 早紀, 李 炫錫, 奥村 友輔, ⼩林 ひかる, 芳賀 隆太, 須藤 幹⼈, 中林 康治, 尹 聖昊, 宮脇 仁, 炭素被覆によるハードカーボンのリチウムイオン電池特性の改善, 第50回炭素材料学会年会, 2023.11, [URL].
8. 森永 健太, 中林 康治, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, 副⽣熱分解炭素を⽤いた天然⿊鉛系Li-ion 電池⽤負極材のパワー特性の改善, 第50回炭素材料学会年会, 2023.11, [URL].
9. 荒⽊ 玲⾳, 真塩 昂志, 中林 康治, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, ナノドリリング法によるチャンネル型メソポーラスカーボンの調製, 第50回炭素材料学会年会, 2023.11, [URL].
10. 出⽥ 圭⼦, 李 炫錫, ⾦ ⽃元, 中林 康治, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, 電気⼆重層キャパシタ⽤活性炭の⾼電位作動性能における細孔径影響に対する固体NMRを⽤いた定量的解析, 第50回炭素材料学会年会, 2023.11, [URL].
11. 三味 幸太郎, 徳丸 貴哉, 中林 康治, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, 二段階反応によるCO2/C3H8からの炭素ナノ繊維の高収率合成, 第60回炭素材料夏季セミナー, 2023.09, [URL].
12. 都丸 大晟, 島ノ江 明生, 中林 康治, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, カーボンニュートラル社会の構築を目指した残渣資源からの高性能炭素繊維の低コスト製造, 第60回炭素材料夏季セミナー, 2023.09, [URL].
13. Jin Miyawaki, New approaches to control porosity and surface property of porous carbons, 다공성 탄소 기술동향 및 응용 -한국탄소학회 하계 워크샵- (多孔質炭素技術の動向と応用 -韓国炭素学会夏季ワークショップ-), 2023.08.
14. Minghao Li, Keiko Ideta, Koji Nakabayashi, Seong-Ho Yoon, Jin Miyawaki, Evaluation of adsorption interaction between porous carbons and Xe molecules by adsorption amount-controlled 129Xe NMR technique, The 18th Korea-China-Japan Joint Symposium on Carbon Materials to Save the Earth: Carbon Materials to Achieve Carbon Neutrality, 2023.08.
15. Kotaro Sammi, Takaya Tokumaru, Koji Nakabayashi, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, High-yield preparation of carbon nanofiber from CO2/Propane mixed gases by using two-stage reactor, The 18th Korea-China-Japan Joint Symposium on Carbon Materials to Save the Earth: Carbon Materials to Achieve Carbon Neutrality, 2023.08.
16. Taisei Tomaru, Hiroki Shimanoe, Koji Nakabayashi, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, The effect of pressurized heat treatment on the preparation yield of spinnable mesophase pitch using ethylene bottom oil as a raw material, The 18th Korea-China-Japan Joint Symposium on Carbon Materials to Save the Earth: Carbon Materials to Achieve Carbon Neutrality, 2023.08.
17. Keiko Ideta, Hyeonseok Yi, Doo-Won Kim, Koji Nakabayashi, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Nuclear magnetic resonance analysis of influence of pore size of activated carbons on electrolyte ion strorage in electric double layer capacitors at high applied voltage, The 18th Korea-China-Japan Joint Symposium on Carbon Materials to Save the Earth: Carbon Materials to Achieve Carbon Neutrality, 2023.08.
18. Hiroki Shimanoe, Taisei Tomaru, Koji Nakabayashi, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Development of coal-tar and slurry oil derived mesophase pitches based on lyotropic liquid crystal property, The 18th Korea-China-Japan Joint Symposium on Carbon Materials to Save the Earth: Carbon Materials to Achieve Carbon Neutrality, 2023.08.
19. Jin Miyawaki, Toward further functionalization of porous carbons, The 18th Korea-China-Japan Joint Symposium on Carbon Materials to Save the Earth: Carbon Materials to Achieve Carbon Neutrality, 2023.08.
20. Koutarou Sammi, Seong-Ho Yoon, Jin Miyawaki, Koji Nakabayashi, Takaya Tokumaru, Preparation of carbon nanofibers by a two-step reaction from CO2/methane mixed gases, The World Conference on Carbon 2023, 2023.07, [URL].
22. Taisei Tomaru, Takashi Mashio, Hiroki Shimanoe, Koji Nakabayashi, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Preparation of spinnable mesophase pitch using pyrolyzed fuel oil as a raw material, The World Conference on Carbon 2023, 2023.07, [URL].
23. Koji Nakabayashi, Hiroki Shimanoe, Taisei Tomaru, Jianxiao Yang, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Carbon recycling society created with carbon materials, The World Conference on Carbon 2023, 2023.07, [URL].
24. Koutarou Sammi, Seong-Ho Yoon, Jin Miyawaki, Koji Nakabayashi, Takaya Tokumaru, Preparation of carbon nanofibers by a two-step reaction from CO2/propane mixed gases, The World Conference on Carbon 2023, 2023.07, [URL].
25. Taisei Tomaru, Takashi Mashio, Hiroki Shimanoe, Koji Nakabayashi, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Understanding spinnable mesophase pitch as lyotropic liquid crystalline solution, The World Conference on Carbon 2023, 2023.07, [URL].
26. Jin Miyawaki, Activated Carbons with Enhanced Effective Adsorption Amount: Deep Tech Solution in Effective Usage of Waste Heat Resources, NanoPol 2023 International Seminar, 2023.06, [URL].
27. 李 明昊, 出田 圭子, 中林 康治, 尹 聖昊, 宮脇 仁, 温度・圧力制御129Xe-NMR法による多孔質炭素材料の細孔構造とXe分子との相互作用の相関検討, 日本化学会 第103春季年会 (2023), 2023.03, [URL].
28. 徳丸 貴哉, 中林 康治, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, 二酸化炭素/プロパンガスを⽤いた炭素ナノ繊維合成における反応メカニズムに関する研究, 第49 回 炭素材料学会年会, 2022.12, [URL].
29. 都丸 ⼤晟, 真塩 昂志, 島ノ江 明⽣, 中林 康治, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, エチレンボトムオイルを⽤いた等⽅性ピッチの調製とそのリオトロピック液晶ピッチにおける溶媒機能, 第49 回 炭素材料学会年会, 2022.12, [URL].
30. 濱崎 美有, ⽥中 秀樹, ⼭根 康之, ⽯⽥ 俊, 宮脇 仁, 能登原 展穂, 森⼝ 勇, ⽠⽥ 幸幾, 電気化学的酸化による分⼦ふるい炭の創製, 第49 回 炭素材料学会年会, 2022.12, [URL].
31. 島ノ江 明⽣, 真塩 昂志, 都丸 ⼤晟, 中林 康治, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, ⾼機能メソフェーズピッチ系炭素繊維の低コスト化戦略, 第49 回 炭素材料学会年会, 2022.12, [URL].
32. 濱崎 美有, ⽥中 秀樹, ⼭根 康之, ⽯⽥ 俊, 宮脇 仁, 能登原 展穂, 森⼝ 勇, ⽠⽥ 幸幾, 電気化学的酸化による炭素材料への分子篩機能付加, 第49 回 炭素材料学会年会, 2022.11, [URL].
33. 賀 達, 酒井 遼, 出田 圭子, 李 炫錫, 齋藤 公児, 加藤 徹, 小杉 知佳, 中林 康治, 尹 聖昊, 宮脇 仁, マリンバイオマス由来炭素材創製に向けた熱分解挙動およびヘテロ元素除去法の検討(A study of pyrolysis characteristics and removal method of hetero-elements for production of marine biomass-based carbon materials), 第59回炭素材料夏季セミナー, 2022.10, [URL].
34. 都丸 大晟, 真塩 昂志, 島ノ江 明生, 中林 康治, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, 臭素化・脱臭化水素化反応によるエチレンボトムオイルを用いた熱可溶性液晶ピッチ溶媒成分の調製, 第59回炭素材料夏季セミナー, 2022.09, [URL].
35. 李 明昊, 出田 圭子, 中林 康治, 尹 聖昊, 宮脇 仁, 温度・圧力制御 129Xe-NMR 法による細孔構造評価法確立を目指して, 第59回炭素材料夏季セミナー, 2022.09, [URL].
36. Takashi Mashio, Taisei Tomaru, Hiroki Shimanoe, Koji Nakabayashi, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Preparation of solvent component of spinnable mesophase pitch using ethylene bottom oil as raw material , The World Conference on Carbon (Carbon2022), 2022.07, [URL].
37. Hyeonseok Yi, Koji Nakabayashi, Seong-Ho Yoon, Jin Miyawaki, Development of high-performance adsorption heat pump using pressurized physically activated carbon, The World Conference on Carbon (Carbon2022), 2022.07, [URL].
38. Takashi Mashio, Taisei Tomaru, Hiroki Shimanoe, Koji Nakabayashi, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Effect of heat treatment methods on the preparation of solvent component for the spinnable mesophase pitch, The World Conference on Carbon (Carbon2022), 2022.07, [URL].
39. Hiroki Shimanoe, Takashi Mashio, Young-Pyo Jeon, Koji Nakabayashi, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Correlation between the anisotropic texture and the molecular stacking property in spinnable mesophase pitch , The World Conference on Carbon (Carbon2022), 2022.07, [URL].
40. Hiroki Shimanoe, Takashi Mashio, Taisei Tomaru, Young-Pyo Jeon, Koji Nakabayashi, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Effect of solvent component on the anisotropic texture and mechanical properties of spinnable mesophase pitch, The World Conference on Carbon (Carbon2022), 2022.07, [URL].
41. Taisei Tomaru, Takashi Mashio, Hiroki Shimanoe, Seung-Jae Ha, Young-Pyo Jeon, Koji Nakabayashi, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Preparation of solvent component of spinnable mesophase pitch using ethylene bottom oil through the bromination-debromination reaction, The World Conference on Carbon (Carbon2022), 2022.07, [URL].
42. 古志 泰滉、島ノ江 明生、中林 康治、宮脇 仁、尹 聖昊, ハロゲンガスを用いたピッチ系炭素繊維の新規不融化工程の開発, 第48回炭素材料学会年会, 2021.12, [URL].
43. 田中 勇渡、下林 佑輝、下原 孝章、中林 康治、尹 聖昊、宮脇 仁, PAN系活性炭素繊維における水蒸気による吸着阻害メカニズムの解明, 第48回炭素材料学会年会, 2021.12, [URL].
44. 李 炫錫、中林 康治、尹 聖昊、宮脇 仁, 加圧物理賦活法で製造した活性炭の吸脱着式ヒートポンプへの応用, 第48回炭素材料学会年会, 2021.12, [URL].
45. 徳丸 貴哉、中林 康治、宮脇 仁、尹 聖昊, 二酸化炭素/プロパンガス共存下2段階反応による炭素ナノ繊維の高収率調製, 第48回炭素材料学会年会, 2021.12, [URL].
46. 小野 皓平、成 民基、中林 康治、宮脇 仁、尹 聖昊, 黒鉛電極用バインダーピッチのヘテロ化による電極の収率および強度への影響, 第48回炭素材料学会年会, 2021.12, [URL].
47. 真塩 昂志、都丸 大晟、島ノ江 明生、尹 聖昊、宮脇 仁, 溶媒成分の熱処理による熱可溶性液晶ピッチの諸物性への影響, 第48回炭素材料学会年会, 2021.12, [URL].
48. 曹 碩、彭 元碩、中林 康治、宮脇 仁、尹 聖昊, 黒鉛電極用高炭素化収率石油系ヘテロバインダーピッチの開発, 第48回炭素材料学会年会, 2021.12, [URL].
49. 島ノ江 明生、中林 康治、宮脇 仁、尹 聖昊, 紡糸用メソフェーズピッチの溶媒成分が異方性組織や黒鉛化性に及ぼす影響, 第48回炭素材料学会年会, 2021.12, [URL].
50. 宮脇 仁, 活性炭の細孔発達および表面制御手法の新提案, 2021年度第5回CPC研究会, 2021.10, [URL].
51. 出田 圭子, 賀 達, 酒井 遼, 李 炫錫, 齋藤 公児, 加藤 徹, 小杉 知佳, 中林 康治, 尹 聖昊, 宮脇 仁, マリンバイオマスの有効利用を目指した固体NMRによる成分分析, 第59回炭素材料夏季セミナー, 2021.10, [URL].
52. 徳丸 貴哉、中林 康治、宮脇 仁、尹 聖昊, 二酸化炭素と安価な炭化水素ガス共存下での2段階反応による炭素ナノ繊維の調製, 第58回炭素材料夏季セミナー, 2021.08, [URL].
53. 宮脇 仁, 吸着式ヒートポンプ用活性炭の開発, 活性炭技術研究会第169回講演会, 2021.03, [URL].
54. 鮎川 翔、中林 康治、宮脇 仁、尹 聖昊, Fe/Cu複合触媒を用いた二酸化炭素/エチレンガス共存下における炭素ナノ繊維の高収率合成, 第47回炭素材料学会年会, 2020.12, [URL].
55. 中林 康治、宮脇 仁、尹 聖昊, 炭素材料で炭素循環社会を創る, 第47回炭素材料学会年会, 2020.12, [URL].
56. 友田 達也、下原 孝章、中林 康治、尹 聖昊、宮脇 仁, 活性炭の細孔構造と高温脱硝性能の相関検討, 第47回炭素材料学会年会, 2020.12, [URL].
57. Jin Miyawaki, Yao Yu, Koji Nakabayashi, Seong-Ho Yoon, Pore-size-selective-control of surface hydrophilicity of porous carbons by molecular masking, OKINAWA COLLOIDS 2019, 2019.11, [URL].
58. Kohei Kuroda, Tatsuya Tomoda, Keiko Ideta, Koji Nakabayashi, Seng-Ho Yoon, Jin Miyawaki, Investigation of pore structure of activated carbon prepared by different activation methods using temperature variable 129Xe-NMR technique, OKINAWA COLLOIDS 2019, 2019.11, [URL].
59. Tsubasa Ayukawa, Koji Nakabayashi, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Study on the CNF and reaction catalysts symthesis under the condition of carbon dioxide, The 21st Cross Straits Symposium on Energy and Environmental Science and Technology, 2019.11.
60. 李 炫錫, 中林 康治, 尹 聖昊, 宮脇 仁, 加圧物理賦活による 特異的な細孔構造を有する活性炭の高収率調製, 第46回炭素材料学会年会, 2019.11, [URL].
61. 黒田 航平, 友田 達也, 出田 圭子, 中林 康治, 尹 聖昊, 宮脇 仁, 温度可変129Xe-NMR法による活性炭の細孔発達機構の解明, 第46回炭素材料学会年会, 2019.11, [URL].
62. 中島 秀喜, 島ノ江 明生, Ko Seunghyun, Jeon Young-Pyo, 中林 康治, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, メソフェーズピッチの光学的異方性と分子積層との相関性の解明, 第46回炭素材料学会年会, 2019.11, [URL].
63. 島ノ江 明生, 井上 聡則, 濱口 眞基, 中林 康治, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, ハイパーコール原料調整によるメソフェーズピッチの紡糸性の改善, 第46回炭素材料学会年会, 2019.11, [URL].
64. 中林 康治, 鮎川 翔, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, 二酸化炭素を炭素源ガスとして利用したカーボンナノファイバーの合成に関する研究, 第46回炭素材料学会年会, 2019.11, [URL].
65. 島ノ江 明生, 中島 秀喜, Ko Seunghyun, Jeon Young-Pyo, 中林 康治, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, 原料のハイブリッド化によるピッチの光学的異方性の発現性改善, 第46回炭素材料学会年会, 2019.11, [URL].
66. 島ノ江 明生, 中島 秀喜, Ko Seunghyun, Jeon Young-Pyo, 中林 康治, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, メソフェーズピッチのリオトロピック特性に関する研究, 第46回炭素材料学会年会, 2019.11, [URL].
67. 出田 圭子, 呉 湘艶, 金 斗元, 吉 鉉植, 中林 康治, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, 19F-定量NMRを用いたEDLC電極用活性炭細孔径の最適化, 第46回炭素材料学会年会, 2019.11, [URL].
68. 李 炫錫, 伊藤 一希, 李 浩霖, 中林 康治, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, コールタールピッチ由来非晶質炭素コーティングによる黒鉛負極の低温LIB特性の向上, 第46回炭素材料学会年会, 2019.11, [URL].
69. 真塩 昂志, 中林 康治, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, 石油の水素化精製における新規炭素系触媒担体の開発, 第46回炭素材料学会年会, 2019.11, [URL].
70. 野村 啓太, 西原 洋知, 田中 秀樹, 宮脇 仁, 寺内 正己, 大友 季哉, 池田 一貴, 京谷 隆, 熱処理によるグラフェンナノスポンジ形成の機構解明, 第46回炭素材料学会年会, 2019.11, [URL].
71. Jin Miyawaki, Nor Azizi Bin Othman, Seong-Ho Yoon, Effective utilization of waste palm trunk, Workshop Exploration of Biomass Potential, 2019.10, [URL].
72. 黒田 航平, 中林 康治, 尹 聖昊, 宮脇 仁, 129Xe-NMR法による活性炭の細孔発達機構の解明, 第57回炭素材料夏季セミナー, 2019.09.
73. Hyeonseok Yi, 伊藤 一希, 中林 康治, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, 非晶質カーボン被覆によるLIB用黒鉛負極材の低温環境におけるレート特性改善に関する研究, 第57回炭素材料夏季セミナー, 2019.09.
74. 中島 秀喜, 中林 康治, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, 山本 誠一, 藤井 重孝, 川井 英司, 炭素材料の基となる重質油の分解プロセスにおけるドライスラッジ生成メカニズムの解明, 第57回炭素材料夏季セミナー, 2019.09.
75. Chairunnisa, Kyaw Thu, Takahiko Miyazaki, Jin Miyawaki, Koji Nakabayashi, The water sorption behavior on biomass based activated carbon, The 17th Japan-China-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Saves the Earth: Traditional Carbon Materials for High-efficiency Energy Utilization and Environmental Protection (CSE2019), 2019.09.
76. Kohei Kuroda, Tatsuya Tomoda, Keiko Ideta, Koji Nakabayashi, Seong-Ho Yoon, Jin Miyawaki, Pore structure analysis of activated carbon prepared by different activation methods using temperature variable 129Xe-NMR technique, The 17th Japan-China-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Saves the Earth: Traditional Carbon Materials for High-efficiency Energy Utilization and Environmental Protection (CSE2019), 2019.09.
77. Dong-Yeon Ryu, Jin Miyawaki, Koji Nakabayashi, Hyeonchul Lee, Sungwoo Kim, Jinsung Jang, Seonghwa Hong, Seong-Ho Yoon, Preparation of carbon nanofiber using chlorinated polyvinylchloride / isotropic pitch blended solutions by electrospinning, The 17th Japan-China-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Saves the Earth: Traditional Carbon Materials for High-efficiency Energy Utilization and Environmental Protection (CSE2019), 2019.09.
78. Hyeonseok Yi, Koji Nakabayashi, Seong-Ho Yoon, Jin Miyawaki, High efficiency production of physically activated carbon by pressurization, The 17th Japan-China-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Saves the Earth: Traditional Carbon Materials for High-efficiency Energy Utilization and Environmental Protection (CSE2019), 2019.09.
79. Hiroki Shimanoe, Toshinori Inoue, Maki Hamaguchi, Koji Nakabayashi, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Development of hyper coal derived mesophase pitch based carbon fiber, Carbon 2019, 2019.07, [URL].
80. Hiroki Shimanoe, Hideki Nakashima, Koji Nakabayashi, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Development of spinnable mesophase pitch using ethylene bottom oil without hydrogenation, Carbon 2019, 2019.07, [URL].
81. Hiroki Shimanoe, Hideki Nakashima, Kazuki Ito, Koji Nakabayashi, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Improvement of low temperature rate performance of graphite anode of lithium ion battery through the coal tar derived amorphous carbon coating, Carbon 2019, 2019.07, [URL].
82. Dong-Yeon Ryu, Koji Nakabayashi, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Preparation of carbon nanofiber using chlorinated PVC/Isotropic pitch mixed solutions by electrospinning, Carbon 2019, 2019.07, [URL].
83. Takashi Mashio, Takuya Ito, Koji Nakabayashi, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Development of carbon coated alumina support for hydrodemetallization, Carbon 2019, 2019.07, [URL].
84. 真塩 昂志, 渡辺 洸悟, 中林 康治, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, 持田 勲, 軽質ガスオイルの水素化脱硫反応における分子種解析, 日本化学会 第99春季年会 (2019), 2019.03.
85. Jin Miyawaki, Development of Activated Carbons with Enhanced Effective Adsorption Amount, - Thermal Issues for Hydrogen and New Refrigerants for Energy Systems - , Hydrogenius and I2CNER Joint Research Symposium, 2019.01.
86. 余 善善, 下原 孝章, 吉川 正晃, 中林 康治, 尹 聖昊, 宮脇 仁, アミン類添着による活性炭素繊維のCO2除去能の改善, 第45回 炭素材料学会年会, 2018.12, [URL].
87. 島ノ江 明生, 劉 金昌, 中林 康治, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, 塩素化塩化ビニル樹脂を前駆体とした炭素繊維の調製, 第45回 炭素材料学会年会, 2018.12, [URL].
88. 島ノ江 明生, 井上 聡則, 濱口 眞基, 中林 康治, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, ハイパーコール由来のメソフェーズピッチ系炭素繊維の調製および物性評価, 第45回 炭素材料学会年会, 2018.12, [URL].
89. 中林 康治, じょん だびん, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, バイオマス由来のマングローブを負極に用いたSIB電池への応用 (Study on the structural effects on the electrochemical performance of biomass-derived hard carbon as an anode material in sodium ion batteries), 28th Annual Meeting of MRS-Japan 2018, 2018.12, [URL].
90. 中林 康治, 磯本 和也, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, 二酸化炭素を利用したCNF合成に関する研究 (Study on the growth carbon nanofiber from carbon dioxide mixed gases), 28th Annual Meeting of MRS-Japan 2018, 2018.12, [URL].
91. イ ヒョンソク, 中林 康治, 尹 聖昊, 宮脇 仁, 加圧による高細孔発達度を有する物理賦活法活性炭の開発 (Development of physically activated carbon with great pore development by pressurization), 28th Annual Meeting of MRS-Japan 2018, 2018.12, [URL].
92. 島ノ江 明生, 井上 聡則, 濱口 眞基, 中林 康治, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, ハイパーコールを新規原料として用いたメソフェーズピッチの高収率調製 (High yield preparation of mesophase pitch precursor using Hyper-coal (HPC) as a novel effective raw material), 28th Annual Meeting of MRS-Japan 2018, 2018.12, [URL].
93. 兪 瑶, 中林 康治, 尹 聖昊, 宮脇 仁, 分子マスキングによる活性炭の細孔表面親水性の細孔径選択的制御 (Selective contraol of surface hydrophilicity of activated carbon depending on pore size by molecular masking), 28th Annual Meeting of MRS-Japan 2018, 2018.12, [URL].
94. Jin Miyawaki, Yao Yu, Hyun-Sig Kil, Animesh Pal, Bidyut Baran Saha, Koji Nakabayashi, Seong-Ho Yoon, Toward activated carbons with enhanced effective adsorption amount by control of activation process, International Conference on Industrial, Mechanical, Electrical and Chemical Engineering (ICIMECE 2018), 2018.10, [URL].
95. Dong-Yeon Ryu, Takaaki Shimohara, Koji Nakabayashi, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Evaluation and characterization of chitin derived activated carbons for formaldehyde (HCHO) removal, The 1st International Forum on Graphene in Ulanqab & the 16th China-Japan-Korea International Symposium on Carbon Saves the Earth (CSE2018), 2018.08, [URL].
96. Hiroki Shimanoe, Jinchang Liu, Hideki Nakashima, Seunghyun Ko, Jong-Eun Choi, Young-Pyo Jeon, Koji Nakabayashi, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Effect of oxidative stabilizaton under pressure on mechanical properties of isotropic pitch-based fiber, The 1st International Forum on Graphene in Ulanqab & the 16th China-Japan-Korea International Symposium on Carbon Saves the Earth (CSE2018), 2018.08, [URL].
97. Hiroki Shimanoe, Jinchang Liu, Hideki Nakashima, Toshinori Inoue, Maki Hamaguchi, Seunghyun Ko, Jong-Eun Choi, Young-Pyo Jeon, Koji Nakabayashi, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Amelioration in molten state of spinnable mesophase pitch derived from hyper-coal with high yield, The 1st International Forum on Graphene in Ulanqab & the 16th China-Japan-Korea International Symposium on Carbon Saves the Earth (CSE2018), 2018.08, [URL].
98. Hyeonseok Yi, Koji Nakabayashi, Seong-Ho Yoon, Jin Miyawaki, Preparation and evaluation of highly porous physically activated carbon by pressurization, The 1st International Forum on Graphene in Ulanqab & the 16th China-Japan-Korea International Symposium on Carbon Saves the Earth (CSE2018), 2018.08, [URL].
99. Hyun-Seok Kim, Jin Miyawaki, Keiko Ideta, Sang-Ho Kim, Seong-Ho Yoon, Analysis of water in low-rank coal using solid state 1H NMR, The 1st International Forum on Graphene in Ulanqab & the 16th China-Japan-Korea International Symposium on Carbon Saves the Earth (CSE2018), 2018.08, [URL].
100. Jinchang Liu, Hiroki Shimanoe, Koji Nakabayashi, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Preparation of isotropic pitch precursor for pitch-based carbon fiber through the co-carbonization of ethylene bottom oil and polyvinyl chloride, The 1st International Forum on Graphene in Ulanqab & the 16th China-Japan-Korea International Symposium on Carbon Saves the Earth (CSE2018), 2018.08, [URL].
101. Jinchang Liu, Hiroki Shimanoe, Koji Nakabayashi, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Enhancing the oxidative stabilization of isotropic pitch precursors prepared through the co-carbonization of ethylene bottom oil and polyvinyl chloride, The 1st International Forum on Graphene in Ulanqab & the 16th China-Japan-Korea International Symposium on Carbon Saves the Earth (CSE2018), 2018.08, [URL].
102. Hiroki Shimanoe, Jinchang Liu, Seonghwa Hong, Seunghyun Ko, Jong-Eun Choi, Young-Pyo Jeon, Koji Nakabayashi, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Pressurized stabilization in manufacturing mesophase pitch based carbon fibers, The 1st International Forum on Graphene in Ulanqab & the 16th China-Japan-Korea International Symposium on Carbon Saves the Earth (CSE2018), 2018.08, [URL].
103. Jin Miyawaki, Yao Yu, Doo-Won Kim, Koji Nakabayashi, Seong-Ho Yoon, Development of functional activated carbons, The 1st International Forum on Graphene in Ulanqab & the 16th China-Japan-Korea International Symposium on Carbon Saves the Earth (CSE2018), 2018.08, [URL].
104. Koji Nakabayashi, Jinchang Liu, Hiroki Shimanoe, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, The oxidative stabilization of isotropic pitch fiber under pressure, The World Conference on Carbon (Carbon2018), 2018.07, [URL].
105. Koji Nakabayashi, Toshinori Inoue, Maki Hamaguchi, Hiroki Shimanoe, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Preparation of mesophase pitch derived from hyper-coal with high yield, The World Conference on Carbon (Carbon2018), 2018.07, [URL].
106. Koji Nakabayashi, Sho Yoshida, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Preparation of tin oxide nanofibers using carbon nanofibers as a template and its application to secondary battery, The World Conference on Carbon (Carbon2018), 2018.07, [URL].
107. Koji Nakabayashi, Dabin Chung, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Developing enhanced anode materials for LIB with hyper coal coating on the graphite surface, The World Conference on Carbon (Carbon2018), 2018.07, [URL].
108. Dong-Yeon Ryu, Takaaki Shimohara, Koji Nakabayashi, Morio Ueda, Keiko Ideta, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Investigation of removal mechanisms of acetaldehyde by aniline supported cellulose-based activated carbon fiber, The World Conference on Carbon (Carbon2018), 2018.07, [URL].
109. Dong-Yeon Ryu, Takaaki Shimohara, Koji Nakabayashi, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Preparation of chitin derived activated carbon as an effective removal absorbent for formaldehyde sick house gas, The World Conference on Carbon (Carbon2018), 2018.07, [URL].
110. Hyeonseok Yi, Koji Nakabayashi, Seong-Ho Yoon, Jin Miyawaki, Pressurized physical activation: efficient and facile production method of highly porous activated carbons, The World Conference on Carbon (Carbon2018), 2018.07, [URL].
111. Yao Yu, Koji Nakabayashi, Seong-Ho Yoon, Jin Miyawaki, Selective control of surface hydrophilicity depending on pore size of porous carbon materials, The World Conference on Carbon (Carbon2018), 2018.07, [URL].
112. Gamzenur Özsin, Ayşe eren Pütün, Koji Nakabayashi, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Preparation of isotropic pitch-based carbon fiber from pyrolytic oils of biomass and polystyrene with ethylene bottom oil, The World Conference on Carbon (Carbon2018), 2018.07, [URL].
113. 劉 金昌, 中林 康治, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, エチレンボトムオイルの加圧前処理による等方性高軟化点ピッチの紡糸性改善効果, 第44回炭素材料学会年会, 2017.12, [URL].
114. 島ノ江 明生, 井上 聡則, 濱口 眞基, 中林 康治, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, ハイパーコール由来の紡糸用メソフェーズピッチの調製, 第44回炭素材料学会年会, 2017.12, [URL].
115. 吉田 聖, 鄭 多彬, 井上 聡則, 濱口 眞基, 中林 康治, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, ハイパーコール由来アモルファス炭素の表面修飾によるリチウムイオン電池用黒鉛材料の出力特性の改善, 第44回炭素材料学会年会, 2017.12, [URL].
116. 兪 瑶, 中林 康治, 尹 聖昊, 宮脇 仁, ノナン前吸着および室温オゾン酸化処理による活性炭細孔表面親水性の選択的制御, 第44回炭素材料学会年会, 2017.12, [URL].
117. Ryu Dong-Yeon, 下原 孝章, 中林 康治, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, アニリン担持セルロース系活性炭素繊維によるアセトアルデヒド除去メカニズムの解明, 第44回炭素材料学会年会, 2017.12, [URL].
119. Jin Miyawaki, KIL HYUNSIG, Keiko Ideta, Tomonori Ohba, Hirofumi Kanoh, 中林 康治, 持田 勲, 尹 聖昊, Development of High-performance Activated Carbon for Adsorption Heat Pump, The 15th Korea-China-Japan Joint Symposium on Carbon Saves the Earth (CSE2017), 2017.09.
120. Jin Miyawaki, Doo-Won Kim, KIL HYUNSIG, 中林 康治, 尹 聖昊, Structural elucidation of physical and chemical activation mechanisms of activated carbons based on the microdomain structure model, 6th Symposium on Challenges for Carbon-based Nanoporous Materials, 2017.07, [URL].
121. Dong-Yeon Ryu, Takaaki Shimohara, 中林 康治, Jin Miyawaki, 尹 聖昊, Enormous removal of acetaldehyde using aniline supported cellulose-based ACF, The World Conference on Carbon 2017: Carbon for Grand Challenges (Carbon2017), 2017.07, [URL].
122. Hyeonseok Yi, Hiroki Shimanoe, Doowon Kim, Yao Yu, 中林 康治, 尹 聖昊, Jin Miyawaki, PREPARATION OF ACTIVATED CARBON BY PRESSURIZED PHYSICAL ACTIVATION, The World Conference on Carbon 2017: Carbon for Grand Challenges (Carbon2017), 2017.07, [URL].
123. Dabin Chung, 中林 康治, Jin Miyawaki, Maki Hamaguchi, Toshinori Inoue, 尹 聖昊, HIGH PERFORMANCE ANODIC GRAPHITE FOR LI-ION BATTERIES USING HYPER COAL, The World Conference on Carbon 2017: Carbon for Grand Challenges (Carbon2017), 2017.07, [URL].
124. Jinchang Liu, 中林 康治, Jin Miyawaki, 尹 聖昊, PVC addition effect on stabilization of EO-derived isotropic pitch fiber, The World Conference on Carbon 2017: Carbon for Grand Challenges (Carbon2017), 2017.07, [URL].
125. Hiroki Shimanoe, Shoki Tanaka, Osamu Kato, 中林 康治, Jin Miyawaki, 尹 聖昊, EFFECTIVE STABILIZATION OF ISOTROPIC PITCH FIBER UNDER PRESSURIZED ATMOSPHERE, The World Conference on Carbon 2017: Carbon for Grand Challenges (Carbon2017), 2017.07, [URL].
126. Jinchang Liu, 中林 康治, Jin Miyawaki, 尹 聖昊, Preparation of isotropic pitch through co-carbonization of EO and PVC, The World Conference on Carbon 2017: Carbon for Grand Challenges (Carbon2017), 2017.07, [URL].
127. Hiroki Shimanoe, Toshinori Inoue, Maki Hamaguchi, 中林 康治, Jin Miyawaki, 尹 聖昊, PREPARATION OF SPINNABLE MESOPHASE PITCH USING HYPER-COAL AS RAW MATERIAL, The World Conference on Carbon 2017: Carbon for Grand Challenges (Carbon2017), 2017.07, [URL].
128. 中林 康治, Sho Yoshida, Jin Miyawaki, 尹 聖昊, Preparation of SnOx nanofibers using carbon nanofibers as a template, The World Conference on Carbon 2017: Carbon for Grand Challenges (Carbon2017), 2017.07, [URL].
129. Dabin Chung, Yujin Han, 中林 康治, Jin Miyawaki, 尹 聖昊, ANODIC PERFORMANCE OF BIOMASS-DERIVED HARD CARBON STRUCTURE FOR Na-ION BATTERIES, The World Conference on Carbon 2017: Carbon for Grand Challenges (Carbon2017), 2017.07, [URL].
130. Dong-Yeon Ryu, Takaaki Shimohara, 中林 康治, Jin Miyawaki, 尹 聖昊, Improvement of De-NO2 performance of ACFs by deposition of potassium, The World Conference on Carbon 2017: Carbon for Grand Challenges (Carbon2017), 2017.07, [URL].
131. Masahiro Narasaki, Jin Miyawaki, Tatsuya Ikuta, Takashi Nishiyama, Koji Takahashi, Experimental study on diffusive phonon transport in multi-walled carbon nanotube, The 6th International Symposium on Micro and Nano Technology, 2017.03.
132. Jin Miyawaki, KIL HYUNSIG, Keiko Ideta, Tomonori Ohba, Hirofumi Kanoh, 中林 康治, 持田 勲, 尹 聖昊, Development of High-performance Activated Carbons for Adsorption Heat Pump, The 5th Symposium on Challenges for Carbon-based Nanoporous Materials (5th CBNM2016-NAGANO), 2017.02.
133. Jin Miyawaki, KIL HYUNSIG, Keiko Ideta, Tomonori Ohba, Hirofumi Kanoh, 中林 康治, 持田 勲, 尹 聖昊, Development of Innovative Activated Carbons for Adsorption Heat Pump Application, 第43回炭素材料学会年会, 2016.12, [URL].
134. Dabin Chung, Yujin Han, 中林 康治, Jin Miyawaki, 尹 聖昊, Structural Effect on the Electrochemical Performances of Biomass Derived Hard Carbons as an Effective Anode for Na-Ion Battery, 第43回炭素材料学会年会, 2016.12, [URL].
135. KIL HYUNSIG, 中林 康治, 尹 聖昊, Jin Miyawaki, Porosity Improvement of Activated Carbon by Multiple Chemical Activation, 第43回炭素材料学会年会, 2016.12, [URL].
136. Jinchang Liu, 中林 康治, Jin Miyawaki, 尹 聖昊, Preparation of Isotropic Pitch Precursor Using Ethylene Bottom Oil and Polyvinyl Chloride Mixtures, 第43回炭素材料学会年会, 2016.12, [URL].
137. Dong-Yeon Ryu, Takaaki Shimohara, 中林 康治, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, 尹 聖昊, Removal of Low-concentrated CH3CHO Through Aniline Supported Cellulose-based Activated Carbon Fiber, 第43回炭素材料学会年会, 2016.12, [URL].
138. Doo-Won Kim, KIL HYUNSIG, 中林 康治, 尹 聖昊, Jin Miyawaki, 交流周波数を用いた電気二重層キャパシタにおける異なる細孔分布を有する活性炭と電解質イオン間の界面解析, 第43回炭素材料学会年会, 2016.12, [URL].
139. Dabin Chung, 中林 康治, Jin Miyawaki, 尹 聖昊, Development of Graphite Anode for Li-ion Batteries Using Hyper Coal, 第43回炭素材料学会年会, 2016.12, [URL].
140. Jinchang Liu, 中林 康治, Jin Miyawaki, 尹 聖昊, PVC Addition Effect on the Stabilization Property of Ethylene Bottom Oil Derived Isotropic Pitch, 第43回炭素材料学会年会, 2016.12, [URL].
141. Dong-Yeon Ryu, Takaaki Shimohara, 中林 康治, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, 尹 聖昊, De-NO2 Performance of Potassium and Phosphorous Doped Pitch-Based ACFs, 第43回炭素材料学会年会, 2016.12, [URL].
142. 島ノ江 明生, 田中 翔己, 加藤 攻, 中林 康治, Jin Miyawaki, 尹 聖昊, 高圧不融化による低軟化点等方性ピッチ系炭素 繊維の製造, 第43回炭素材料学会年会, 2016.12, [URL].
143. 小手川 徹, 加藤 攻, 金 丙峻, 持田 勲, 中林 康治, Jin Miyawaki, 尹 聖昊, エチレンボトムオイルとコールタール混合原料 由来ピッチ繊維の不融化条件の最適化研究, 第43回炭素材料学会年会, 2016.12, [URL].
144. 齋藤 公児, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, 池田 基, 吉 鉉植, 出田 圭子, 藤原 英明, 木村 敦臣, 今井 宏彦, 金橋 康二, 超偏極キセノンガスを利用したNMRによるカーボンナノチューブの解析, 第43回炭素材料学会年会, 2016.12, [URL].
145. Doo-Won Kim, KIL HYUNSIG, 中林 康治, 尹 聖昊, Jin Miyawaki, マイクロドメイン構造モデル に基づく賦活メカニズムの解明, 第43回炭素材料学会年会, 2016.12, [URL].
146. 島ノ江 明生, 田中 翔己, 加藤 攻, 中林 康治, Jin Miyawaki, 尹 聖昊, 高圧不融化によるメソフェー ズピッチ系炭素繊維の物性改善, 第43回炭素材料学会年会, 2016.12, [URL].
147. Doo-Won Kim, 中林 康治, 尹 聖昊, Jin Miyawaki, 交流周波数を用いた電気二重層キャパシタにおける異なる細孔分布を有する活性炭と電解質イオン間の界面解析, 第57回 電池討論会, 2016.12, [URL].
148. Dabin Chung, Yujin Han, 中林 康治, Jin Miyawaki, 尹 聖昊, The effects of pre-heat treatment of biomass-derived hard carbon on the electrochemical properties in sodium-ion batteries, 第57回 電池討論会, 2016.12, [URL].
149. KIL HYUNSIG, Koichiro Hata, Keiko Ideta, Tomonori Ohba, Hirofumi Kanoh, 持田 勲, 中林 康治, 尹 聖昊, Jin Miyawaki, Development of Activated Carbons for Adsorption Heat Pumps, 2016 AIChE Annual Meeting, 2016.11, [URL].
150. 藤原 英明, 木村 敦臣, 今井 宏彦, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, 池田 基, 吉 鉉植, 出田 圭子, 齋藤 公児, 金橋 康二, 超偏極キセノンガスを用いた二次元NMRによるカーボンナノチューブの細孔解析 (Hyperpolarized 129Xe Aided 2D-NMR Study of Carbon Nanotube Pore Analysis), 第55回 NMR討論会(2016), 2016.11, [URL].
151. 出田 圭子, 秦 弘一郎, 吉 鉉植, 中林 康治, 持田 勲, 尹 聖昊, 宮脇 仁, 活性炭細孔径の129Xe-NMRによる検討 (Study of pore size distribution of Activated carbon using 129Xe-NMR), 第55回 NMR討論会(2016), 2016.11, [URL].
152. Jin Miyawaki, KIL HYUNSIG, Koichiro Hata, Keiko Ideta, Tomonori Ohba, Hirofumi Kanoh, 持田 勲, 中林 康治, 尹 聖昊, Development of innovative activated carbons for adsorption heat pumps, IVth International Symposium on Innovative Materials for Processes in Energy Systems 2016 (IMPRES 2016), 2016.10, [URL].
153. Hyun-Sig Kil, Animesh Pal, Bidyut Baran Saha, 持田 勲, 中林 康治, 尹 聖昊, Jin Miyawaki, Preparation and ethanol adsorption properties of activated carbons from biomass for adsorption heat pumps, IVth International Symposium on Innovative Materials for Processes in Energy Systems 2016 (IMPRES 2016), 2016.10, [URL].
154. Motoi Ikeda, 中林 康治, Jin Miyawaki, 尹 聖昊, The Electrochemical Properties of ZnO-loaded Carbon Nanotube Electrode for Zinc-Air Battery, IVth International Symposium on Innovative Materials for Processes in Energy Systems 2016 (IMPRES 2016), 2016.10, [URL].
155. Animesh Pal, Bidyut Baran Saha, Hyun-Sig Kil, Jin Miyawaki, 尹 聖昊, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama, Adsorption uptake of ethanol onto WPT and Mangrove‐derived ACs, IVth International Symposium on Innovative Materials for Processes in Energy Systems 2016 (IMPRES 2016), 2016.10, [URL].
156. Hiroki Shimanoe, Osamu Kato, 中林 康治, Jin Miyawaki, 尹 聖昊, Seonghwa Hong, Seongwu Kim, Hyunchul Lee, Stabilization of pitch based carbon fiber under pressure, The 14th Japan-China-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Saves the Earth (CSE2016) - New “Traditional” Carbon Materials for High-efficiency Energy Utilization and Environmental Protection –, 2016.09.
157. Doo-Won Kim, Hyun-Sig Kil, 中林 康治, 尹 聖昊, Jin Miyawaki, Elucidation of mechanism of steam and KOH activation processes by the microdomain model, The 14th Japan-China-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Saves the Earth (CSE2016) - New “Traditional” Carbon Materials for High-efficiency Energy Utilization and Environmental Protection –, 2016.09.
158. 尹 聖昊, Osamu Kato, 中林 康治, Jin Miyawaki, Byoung Chul Kim, Isao Mochida, Ethylene bottom oil based isotropic pitch precursors for carbon fiber, The 14th Japan-China-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Saves the Earth (CSE2016) - New “Traditional” Carbon Materials for High-efficiency Energy Utilization and Environmental Protection –, 2016.09.
159. Hyun-Sig Kil, Animesh Pal, Bidyut Baran Saha, 持田 勲, 中林 康治, 尹 聖昊, Jin Miyawaki, Preparation and ethanol adsorption properties of activated carbons from biomass for adsorption heat pumps, The 14th Japan-China-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Saves the Earth (CSE2016) - New “Traditional” Carbon Materials for High-efficiency Energy Utilization and Environmental Protection –, 2016.09.
160. Dong-Yeon Ryu, Takaaki Shimohara, 中林 康治, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, 尹 聖昊, Effective De-NO using urea/nitric acid co-impregnated ACF, The 14th Japan-China-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Saves the Earth (CSE2016) - New “Traditional” Carbon Materials for High-efficiency Energy Utilization and Environmental Protection –, 2016.09.
161. Keiko Ideta, Doo-Won Kim, Hyun-Sig Kil, 中林 康治, Jin Miyawaki, 尹 聖昊, Consideration of effective charge of activated carbon made by KOH and steam activation on EDLC electrodes, The 14th Japan-China-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Saves the Earth (CSE2016) - New “Traditional” Carbon Materials for High-efficiency Energy Utilization and Environmental Protection –, 2016.09.
162. Jin Miyawaki, Doo-Won Kim, 中林 康治, 尹 聖昊, マイクロドメイン構造モデルに基づく活性炭の賦活メカニズム解析, 人・環境と物質をつなぐイノベーション創出ダイナミック・アライアンス 平成28年度 環境エネルギー 物質・デバイス・プロセスグループ(G2)分科会, 2016.08.
163. 中林 康治, Kazunari Teshima, Jin Miyawaki, 持田 勲, 尹 聖昊, Study on structure-selective production of carbon nanofibers, The World Conference on Carbon (Carbon2016), 2016.07.
164. KIL HYUNSIG, Doo-Won Kim, Isao Mochida, 中林 康治, Jin Miyawaki, 尹 聖昊, Preparation of highly graphitized carbon using non-graphitizable raw materials and its mechanism, The World Conference on Carbon (Carbon2016), 2016.07.
165. Doo-Won Kim, Chinami Morishima, Keiko Ideta, KIL HYUNSIG, 中林 康治, Jin Miyawaki, 尹 聖昊, The investigation of large pore-size effect on the high potential electrochemical performances of EDLCs using two kinds of electrolytes, The World Conference on Carbon (Carbon2016), 2016.07.
166. Keiko Ideta, Chinami Morishima, Doo-Won Kim, Takashi Utsunomiya, 中林 康治, Jin Miyawaki, 尹 聖昊, Pore size optimization of high voltage operating EDLC electrode based on quantitative solid-state NMR analysis, The World Conference on Carbon (Carbon2016), 2016.07.
167. 中林 康治, Yujin Han, Jin Miyawaki, 尹 聖昊, Effect of low temperature pre-heat treatment on the electrochemical anodic performances of biomass-derived hard carbons in sodium ion batteries, The World Conference on Carbon (Carbon2016), 2016.07.
168. Doo-Won Kim, KIL HYUNSIG, Keiko Ideta, 中林 康治, Jin Miyawaki, 尹 聖昊, Pore-size unbalanced EDLC electrodes for high potential electrochemical performance, The World Conference on Carbon (Carbon2016), 2016.07.
169. Hiroki Shimanoe, Shoki Tanaka, Toru Kotegawa, Osamu Kato, 中林 康治, Jin Miyawaki, 尹 聖昊, Effect of pressurized oxidative stabilization on the preparation of pitch-based carbon fiber, The World Conference on Carbon (Carbon2016), 2016.07.
170. Koichiro Hata, KIL HYUNSIG, Keiko Ideta, 中林 康治, Isao Mochida, 尹 聖昊, Jin Miyawaki, Correlation between pore size of activated carbons and chemical shift of 129Xe-NMR, The World Conference on Carbon (Carbon2016), 2016.07.
171. Dong-Yeon Ryu, Takaaki Shimohara, Min-Ki Sung, 中林 康治, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, 尹 聖昊, Efficient removal of low concentrated NOX over cellulose-based activated carbon fiber, The World Conference on Carbon (Carbon2016), 2016.07.
172. Dong-Yeon Ryu, Takaaki Shimohara, 中林 康治, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, 尹 聖昊, Removal of low-concentrated nitrogen monoxide by urea/nitric acid co-impregnated pitch-based activated carbon fiber, The World Conference on Carbon (Carbon2016), 2016.07.
173. KIL HYUNSIG, Animesh PAL, SAHA BIDYUT BARAN, 中林 康治, 持田 勲, 尹 聖昊, Jin Miyawaki, バイオマスからの吸着式ヒートポンプ用活性炭の製造とエタノール吸着特性, 第42回炭素材料学会年会, 2015.12.
174. 東 祐樹, 中林 康治, 尹 聖昊, Jin Miyawaki, ホルムアルデヒド無害化触媒担持活性炭素ナノ繊維の再生と機能向上, 第42回炭素材料学会年会, 2015.12.
175. Dong-Yeon RYU, 下原 孝章, Jin Miyawaki, 中林 康治, 持田 勲, 尹 聖昊, Comparative review of de-NOx properties over cellulose, PAN and pitch based activated carbon fibers calcinated at different temperatures, 第42回炭素材料学会年会, 2015.12.
176. 韓 有進, 中林 康治, Jin Miyawaki, 尹 聖昊, バイオマス由来ハードカーボンのNaイオン電池用黒鉛負極材への応用, 第42回炭素材料学会年会, 2015.12.
177. 森島 千菜美, 金 斗元, KIL HYUNSIG, 宇都宮 隆, 中林 康治, Jin Miyawaki, 尹 聖昊, 電気二重層キャパシタの高電圧作動時における活性炭の細孔径と静電容量の相関性検討, 第42回炭素材料学会年会, 2015.12.
178. 秦 弘一郎, KIL HYUNSIG, 出田 圭子, 中林 康治, 持田 勲, 尹 聖昊, Jin Miyawaki, 活性炭における129Xe-NMR化学シフトと細孔径の相関, 第42回炭素材料学会年会, 2015.12.
179. 池田 基, 中林 康治, Jin Miyawaki, 尹 聖昊, 金属酸化物内包カーボンナノファイバーを用いた空気二次電池用負極におけるデンドライト形成の検証, 第42回炭素材料学会年会, 2015.12.
180. 楊 建校, 中林 康治, Jin Miyawaki, 尹 聖昊, Preparation of spinnable isotropic pitch based carbon fiber using 1-methylnaphthalene soluble fraction of Hyper-coal without further polycondensation reaction, 第42回炭素材料学会年会, 2015.12.
181. 田中 翔己, 島ノ江 明生, 小手川 徹, 加藤 攻, 中林 康治, Jin Miyawaki, 持田 勲, 尹 聖昊, ピッチ系炭素繊維製造における高圧不融化効果の検証, 第42回炭素材料学会年会, 2015.12.
182. 下原 孝章, Dong-Yeon RYU, 前田 牧子, Jin Miyawaki, 尹 聖昊, 還元剤担持した高活性炭素繊維による低濃度NOの効率削減, 第42回炭素材料学会年会, 2015.12.
183. 出田 圭子, 金 斗元, KIL HYUNSIG, 中林 康治, Jin Miyawaki, 尹 聖昊, 19F-定量固体NMRを用いたEDLC用活性炭の細孔径による電荷貯蔵効率の評価 Evaluation of charge storage efficiency of EDLC electrode made of activated carbon with different pore size using 19F quantitative solid-state NMR, 第54回 NMR討論会(2015), 2015.11.
184. 森島 千菜美, 金 斗元, 宇都宮 隆, KIL HYUNSIG, 中林 康治, Jin Miyawaki, 尹 聖昊, 電気二重層キャパシタの高電圧作動化に向けた活性炭の細孔径と静電容量の相関性の検討, 第56回 電池討論会, 2015.11.
185. 苫居 高明, 本間 格, Jin Miyawaki, ミクロ状態制御を基盤とした有機活物質電極の設計指針構築, 附置研究所間アラインス 第三回若手研究交流会 ~顔の見える共同研究~, 2015.11.
186. 中林 康治, 松尾 賢典, 磯本 和也, 持田 勲, Jin Miyawaki, 尹 聖昊, CO2混合ガスを用いたCNFの調製と成長機構に解明に関する研究, 附置研究所間アラインス 第三回若手研究交流会 ~顔の見える共同研究~, 2015.11.
187. 苫居 高明, 本間 格, Jin Miyawaki, ミクロ状態制御を基盤とした有機活物質電極の設計指針構築, ナノマクロ物質・デバイス・システム創成アライアンスの平成27年度 新エネルギー材料・デバイスプロジェクトグループ(G2)研究会, 2015.10.
188. Jin Miyawaki, KIL HYUNSIG, 出田 圭子, 大場 友則, 加納 博文, 中林 康治, 持田 勲, 尹 聖昊, 吸着式ヒートポンプ用活性炭の設計開発, ナノマクロ物質・デバイス・システム創成アライアンスの平成27年度 新エネルギー材料・デバイスプロジェクトグループ(G2)研究会, 2015.10.
189. 中林 康治, 松尾 賢典, 磯本 和也, 持田 勲, Jin Miyawaki, 尹 聖昊, CO2混合ガスを用いたCNFの調製と成長機構に解明に関する研究, ナノマクロ物質・デバイス・システム創成アライアンスの平成27年度 新エネルギー材料・デバイスプロジェクトグループ(G2)研究会, 2015.10.
190. Takaaki Shimohara, Makiko Maeda, Jin Miyawaki, Masaaki Yoshikawa, 尹 聖昊, 持田 勲, Study of environmental air purification with the use of activated carbon resources with minimized loss of chemical energy, The 13th China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Materials to Save the Earth (CSE2015), 2015.08.
191. Keiko Ideta, Yusuke Shingai, Masanori Shingai, 中林 康治, Jin Miyawaki, 持田 勲, 尹 聖昊, Quantitative NMR study of electrolyte ion behaviors in micropores for EDLC: KOH-activated carbon vs. steam-activated carbon, The 13th China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Materials to Save the Earth (CSE2015), 2015.08.
192. Jin Miyawaki, Keiko Ideta, Yusuke Shingai, Masanori Shingai, 中林 康治, 持田 勲, 尹 聖昊, Influence of activation methods on quantities of electrolyte ions stored in pores of activated carbons, The 13th China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Materials to Save the Earth (CSE2015), 2015.08.
193. 中林 康治, Kazunari Teshima, Jin Miyawaki, 持田 勲, 尹 聖昊, Study on the selective preparation of tubular carbon nanofibers using CO2-mixed gas, The 13th China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Materials to Save the Earth (CSE2015), 2015.08.
194. Yu-Jin Han, Jian-Xiao Yang, 中林 康治, Jin Miyawaki, 尹 聖昊, Biomass-derived hard carbon as an effective anode for sodium ion batteries, The 13th China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Materials to Save the Earth (CSE2015), 2015.08.
195. KIL HYUNSIG, Koichiro Hata, Tomonori Ohba, Hirofumi Kanoh, 持田 勲, 中林 康治, 尹 聖昊, Jin Miyawaki, Influence of pore structures on ethanol adsorption characteristics of activated carbons for adsorption heat pumps, The Annual World Conference on Carbon (CARBON 2015), 2015.07.
196. Koichiro Hata, Keiko Ideta, 中林 康治, Shigemi Toda, Ryusuke Harada, 持田 勲, 尹 聖昊, 宮脇 仁, Elucidation of temperature rising of carbon material during MAS-NMR measurement, The Annual World Conference on Carbon (CARBON 2015), 2015.07.
197. Yu-Jin Han, 中林 康治, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, Investigation of electrochemical performance for Li-ion battery depending on coating pitch compositions, The Annual World Conference on Carbon (CARBON 2015), 2015.07.
198. Byung-Jun Kim, Toru Kotegawa, Youngho Eom, 中林 康治, Osamu Kato, Jin Miyawaki, Byoung Chul Kim, 持田 勲, 尹 聖昊, Study on the preparation of carbon fibers with upgraded mechanical properties from naphtha cracked oil hybridized with coal tar, The Annual World Conference on Carbon (CARBON 2015), 2015.07.
199. Seongho YOON, 手島一成, 松尾賢典, 磯本和也, 池田基, 中林 康治, Jin Miyawaki, CO2混合炭素源ガスからの炭素ナノ繊維の構造選択的調製, 附置研究所間アライアンスによるナノとマクロをつなぐ物質・デバイス・シス テム創製戦略プロジェクト 平成26年度成果報告会, 2015.04.
200. Jin Miyawaki, Quantitative analysis of electrolyte ions in pores of activated carbons using solid-state NMR, 2015 Kyushu-Tsinghua Universities Joint Seminar on Environmental Protection, 2015.03.
201. 宮脇 仁, 固体NMRを用いたEDLC炭素電極材細孔内へ吸着した電解質イオンの定量解析, 岡山大学異分野融合研究育成支援事業シンポジウム 固体NMRの利用促進と異分野連携研究の展開, 2015.02.
202. Koichiro Hata, Keiko Ideta, Shigemi Toda, Ryusuke Harada, 持田 勲, 尹 聖昊, 宮脇 仁, Effect of carbon material properties on temperature rising during MAS-NMR measurements, 2015 IMCE International Symposium jointed with the 4th International Symposium of Nano-Macro Materials, Devices, and System Research Alliance Project, 2015.01.
203. 池田 基, 宮前 亮平, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, チタン酸化物-カーボンナノファイバー複合体のLiイオン二次電池用負極材への応用, 第41回炭素材料学会年会, 2014.12.
204. 韓 有進, KIM JANDEE, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, 李 忠炫, 張 正植, CFx官能基の導入によるLi-ion電池用黒鉛負極材のレート特性の改善, 第41回炭素材料学会年会, 2014.12.
205. 吉 鉉植, 秦 弘一郎, 出田 圭子, 大場 友則, 加納 博文, 持田 勲, 尹 聖昊, 宮脇 仁, 吸着式ヒートポンプ用活性炭のエタノール吸着特性への細孔構造の影響, 第41回炭素材料学会年会, 2014.12.
206. 金 丙峻, 小手川 徹, 加藤 攻, 巌 英浩, 宮脇 仁, 金 柄哲, 持田 勲, 尹 聖昊, 縮合環の構造が異なる原料を用いた線形高分子量等方性ピッチの合成およびその溶融特性の比較, 第41回炭素材料学会年会, 2014.12.
207. Jian-Xiao Yang, Osamu Kato, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Development of the spinnable pitch and carbon fiber using the hyper coals from different rank coals, 第41回炭素材料学会年会, 2014.12.
208. 手島 一成, 磯本 和也, 宮脇 仁, 持田 勲, 尹 聖昊, CNFの構造選択的成長における触媒担体の添加効果, 第41回炭素材料学会年会, 2014.12.
209. Byung-Jun Kim, Toru Kotegawa, Youngho Eom, Osamu Kato, 宮脇 仁, Byoung Chul Kim, 持田 勲, 尹 聖昊, Rheological interpretations of spinnable isotropic pitches with a high softening point, 12th Korea-China-Japan joint symposium on Carbon Materials to Save the Earth, 2014.12.
210. Hyun-Sig Kil, Koichiro Hata, Keiko Ideta, Tomonori Ohba, Hirofumi Kanoh, 持田 勲, 尹 聖昊, 宮脇 仁, Influence of pore structures on ethanol adsorption characteristics of activated carbons for adsorption heat pumps, 12th Korea-China-Japan joint symposium on Carbon Materials to Save the Earth, 2014.12.
211. Koichiro Hata, Keiko Ideta, Shigemi Toda, Ryusuke Harada, 持田 勲, 尹 聖昊, 宮脇 仁, Elucidation of temperature rising of carbon material during MAS-NMR measurement, 12th Korea-China-Japan joint symposium on Carbon Materials to Save the Earth, 2014.12.
212. Jian-Xiao Yang, Osamu Kato, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, Preparation of isotropic pitch based carbon fiber from the cocarbonation of the soluble fraction of hyper coal and EBO, 12th Korea-China-Japan joint symposium on Carbon Materials to Save the Earth, 2014.12.
213. Yu-Jin Han, Choonghyeon LeeOsamu Kato, 宮脇 仁, Jyongsik Jang, 尹 聖昊, Improvement of rate performance of natural graphite in Li ion batteries by introducing CFx functionalities on the surface, 12th Korea-China-Japan joint symposium on Carbon Materials to Save the Earth, 2014.12.
214. Shinnosuke Ikeyama, 宮脇 仁, 持田 勲, 尹 聖昊, Preparation of high strength activated coke, 12th Korea-China-Japan joint symposium on Carbon Materials to Save the Earth, 2014.12.
215. Takaaki Shimohara, Masaaki Yoshikawa, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, 持田 勲, Field demonstration of high de-NOx perfomrance of ACF fence-relation between the NOx captured amounts in ACF and the NO3- eluted amounts by sprinkling water, 12th Korea-China-Japan joint symposium on Carbon Materials to Save the Earth, 2014.12.
216. Keiko Ideta, TAEGON KIM, Doohwan Jung, Koji Saito, Choong Kyun Rhee, 宮脇 仁, 持田 勲, 尹 聖昊, Quantitative analysis of electrolyte ion in carbon micropores of EDLC electrode, 12th Korea-China-Japan joint symposium on Carbon Materials to Save the Earth, 2014.12.
217. 宮脇 仁, 秦 弘一郎, 出田 圭子, 戸田 繁美, 原田 竜介, 持田 勲, 尹 聖昊, 炭素系電極材料の固体NMR測定時の温度上昇度の予測, ナノマクロ物質・デバイス・システム創製アライアンス 平成26年度 新エネルギー材料・デバイス プロジェクト研究会, 2014.11.
218. 宮脇 仁, 多孔性炭素材料の開発 -吸着式ヒートポンプ用高性能活性炭製造を例として‐, 日本機械学会環境工学部門「吸収・吸着を用いた環境制御技術の高度化に関する研究会」第一回研究交流会, 2014.10.
219. 宮脇 仁, TAEGON KIM, Masanori Saito, Yusuke Shingai, Koji Saito, Choong Kyun Rhee, 持田 勲, 尹 聖昊, Quantitative analysis of electrolyte ions in EDLC electrode using solid-state NMR, 2nd Spain-Japan Joint Symposium for Advanced Supercapcitors, 2014.09, [URL].
220. JOO-IL PARK, Wei Wei Pang, Luyang Yuan, Masashi Yasudome, CUI QINGYAN, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, 持田 勲, Heavy oil upgrading, JPIJS九州地区討論会 ~石油産業の役割と若手エンジニアの未来像~, 2014.09.
221. 宮脇 仁, Hyun-Sig Kil, Ryohei Miyamae, Koichiro Hata, Keiko Ideta, Tomonori Ohba, Hirofumi Kanoh, 持田 勲, 尹 聖昊, Improvement of ethanol adsorptivity of activated carbons for adsorption heat pump, Carbon2014, World Conference on Carbon, 2014.07, [URL].
222. Kazunari Teshima, Seongyong Eom, 宮脇 仁, 持田 勲, 尹 聖昊, Structure-selective production of carbon nanofibers in high yield under coexistence of CO2, Carbon2014, World Conference on Carbon, 2014.07, [URL].
223. 尹 聖昊, Byung-Jun Kim, Youngho Eom, Osamu Kato, 宮脇 仁, Byoung Chul Kim, 持田 勲, Development of pitch based isotropic carbon fiber for car body application, Carbon2014, World Conference on Carbon, 2014.07, [URL].
224. Byung-Jun Kim, Youngho Eom, Osamu Kato, 宮脇 仁, Byoung Chul Kim, Ik-Pyo Hong, 尹 聖昊, Rheological behaviors of isotropic pitches prepared from coal tar and ethylene bottom oil, Carbon2014, World Conference on Carbon, 2014.07, [URL].
225. Jian-Xiao Yang, Byung-Jun Kim, Osamu Kato, 宮脇 仁, 持田 勲, 尹 聖昊, Preparation of carbon fiber using biotar as an effective precursor, Carbon2014, World Conference on Carbon, 2014.07, [URL].
226. FAN LEQING, 宮脇 仁, 持田 勲, 尹 聖昊, 機械的水熱還元法による窒素ドープナノグラフェンの調製, アライアンス平成25年度成果報告会, 2014.05.
227. Jiang-Xiao Yang, Byung-Jun Kim, Osamu Kato, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seongho YOON, Development of novel preparation method for spinnable pitch through the halogenation-dehydrohalogenation of biotar and ethylene bottom oil micture, 第40回 炭素材料学会年会, 2013.12.
228. Jiang-Xiao Yang, FAN LEQING, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seongho YOON, Preparation of homogeneous nano-graphene through the mechanical hydrothermal reduction, 第40回 炭素材料学会年会, 2013.12.
229. Jian-Xiao Yang, Byung-Jun Kim, Osamu Kato, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seongho YOON, Preparation of spinnable isotropic pitch from biotar through the co-carbonization of ethylene bottomm oil, 第40回 炭素材料学会年会, 2013.12.
230. 嚴 英浩, Byung-Jun Kim, Jianxun Zhang, Osamu Kato, 金 炳哲, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seongho YOON, Rheological analysis of two commercial mesophase pitches, 第40回 炭素材料学会年会, 2013.12.
231. 秦 弘一郎, 出田 圭子, 吉 鉉植, 大畠 雄三, 戸田 繁美, 原田 竜介, 持田 勲, 尹 聖昊, 宮脇 仁, 水分子をプローブとして用いた固体NMR法による活性炭の表面・細孔特性評価, 第40回 炭素材料学会年会, 2013.12.
232. 吉 鉉植, 秦 弘一郎, 出田 圭子, 持田 勲, 尹 聖昊, 宮脇 仁, 固体NMRによる吸着式ヒートポンプ用活性炭細孔内におけるエタノール吸着挙動解析, 第40回 炭素材料学会年会, 2013.12.
233. 金 丙峻, 嚴 英浩, 加藤 攻, 金 炳哲, 宮脇 仁, 持田 勲, 尹 聖昊, Rheologicl characteristics of novel isotropic pitches with a high softening point, 第40回 炭素材料学会年会, 2013.12.
234. 手島 一成, 磯本 和也, 宮脇 仁, 持田 勲, 尹 聖昊, CO2共存下でのチューブラー炭素ナノ繊維の選択的調製, 第40回 炭素材料学会年会, 2013.12.
235. 大畠 雄三, 森島 千菜美, 金 丙峻, 宮脇 仁, 持田 勲, 尹 聖昊, 原料の選択的混合による炭素材の閉細孔量とサイズの調整, 第40回 炭素材料学会年会, 2013.12.
236. 宮前 亮平, KIM JANDEE, 喜多條 鮎子, 宮脇 仁, 岡田 重人, 持田 勲, 尹 聖昊, TiO2を充填したチューブラー型炭素ナノ繊維の調製とその電池特性, 第40回 炭素材料学会年会, 2013.12.
237. Yu-Jin Han, Seongho YOON, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, フッ素官能基を導入した炭素ナノ繊維のLi-ion電池用負極材としての電気学的特性, 第40回 炭素材料学会年会, 2013.12.
238. TAEGON KIM, SEO MINHYUN, Ryohei Miyamae, KIM JANDEE, YUN JUMI, JOO-IL PARK, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seongho YOON, Introduction to nano-gate of TCNF as a structural defect for metal-air battery application, The 11th Japan-China-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Saves the Earth (CSE2013) & The 3rd KU-KIER Joint Symposium on Green Energy Processes and Materials, 2013.11.
239. TAEGON KIM, Khalid Alhooshani, Syed Ahmed Ali, Mohammed Al-Yami, JOO-IL PARK, Jin Miyawaki, Seongho YOON, Isao Mochida, GC-AED analysis on (alkyl)benzenes in hydrocracked LCO, The 11th Japan-China-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Saves the Earth (CSE2013) & The 3rd KU-KIER Joint Symposium on Green Energy Processes and Materials, 2013.11.
240. TAEGON KIM, Adel Al-Mutairi, Abdulazeem M. J. Marafi, JOO-IL PARK, Jin Miyawaki, Seongho YOON, Isao Mochida, Analysis on metal species of Kuwait atmospheric residues, The 11th Japan-China-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Saves the Earth (CSE2013) & The 3rd KU-KIER Joint Symposium on Green Energy Processes and Materials, 2013.11.
241. Jiang-Xiao Yang, Byung-Jun Kim, Jian-Xun Zhang, Osamu Kato, Jin Miyawaki, Seongho YOON, Preparation of spinnable isotropic pitch through the co-carbonization of bio-residue with ethylene bottom oil, The 11th Japan-China-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Saves the Earth (CSE2013) & The 3rd KU-KIER Joint Symposium on Green Energy Processes and Materials, 2013.11.
242. Jiang-Xiao Yang, Byung-Jun Kim, Jian-Xun Zhang, Osamu Kato, Jin Miyawaki, Seongho YOON, Preparation of spinnable isotropic pitch through the co-carbonization of bio-residue with ethylene bottom oil, The 11th Japan-China-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Saves the Earth (CSE2013) & The 3rd KU-KIER Joint Symposium on Green Energy Processes and Materials, 2013.11.
243. Hyun-Sig Kil, TAEGON KIM, Koichiro Hata, Keiko Ideta, Tomonori Ohba, Hirofumi Kanoh, Isao Mochida, Seongho YOON, Jin Miyawaki, Influence of surface functional groups on ethanol adsorption behavior in activated carbons for adsorption heat pump application, The 11th Japan-China-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Saves the Earth (CSE2013) & The 3rd KU-KIER Joint Symposium on Green Energy Processes and Materials, 2013.11.
244. Yuzo Ohata, TAEGON KIM, Chinami Morishima, Byung-Jun Kim, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seongho YOON, Control of closed pore structurein carbon materials derived from different pitch precursors, The 11th Japan-China-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Saves the Earth (CSE2013) & The 3rd KU-KIER Joint Symposium on Green Energy Processes and Materials, 2013.11.
245. Koichiro Hata, Yuzo Ohata, Keiko Ideta, Shigemi Toda, Ryusuke Harada, Isao Mochida, Seongho YOON, Jin Miyawaki, Elucidation of surface properties of carbon blacks by solid-state NMR using water molecule as a surface probe, The 11th Japan-China-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Saves the Earth (CSE2013) & The 3rd KU-KIER Joint Symposium on Green Energy Processes and Materials, 2013.11.
246. Yu-Jin Han, TAEGON KIM, Jae-Seong Yeo, Jin Miyawaki, Seongho YOON, Electrochemical properties of coal tar pitch-coated graphites as anode materials for Li-ion batteries, The 11th Japan-China-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Saves the Earth (CSE2013) & The 3rd KU-KIER Joint Symposium on Green Energy Processes and Materials, 2013.11.
247. Kutub Uddin, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama, Hyun Sig Kil, Jin Miyawaki, Seongho YOON, Adsorption of ethanol onto carbon based adsorbents, The 11th Japan-China-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Saves the Earth (CSE2013) & The 3rd KU-KIER Joint Symposium on Green Energy Processes and Materials, 2013.11.
248. FAN LEQING, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seongho YOON, 機械的水熱還元法による窒素ドープナノグラフェンの調製, ナノマイクロ物質・デバイス・システム創製アライアンス 平成25年度 新エネルギー材料・デバイス プロジェクトグループ研究会, 2013.11.
249. Hyun-Sig Kil, Keiko Ideta, Koichiro Hata, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seongho YOON, 固体NMRによる吸着式ヒートポンプ用活性炭細孔内での分子吸着状態解析, 第1回アライアンス若手研究交流会 ~計算・計測・合成の融合~, 2013.11.
250. 宮脇 仁, 持田 勲, 尹 聖昊, 機能性炭素材の創製, 第68回コークス部会, 2013.10.
251. Yu-Jin Han, Jae-Seong Yeo, SEO MINHYUN, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seongho YOON, Influence of preparation conditions of biochar from raw biomass on initial Coulombic efficiency of biomass derived hard carbon in Li-ion batteries, Innovative Materials for Processes in Energy Systems, 2013.09.
252. Hyun Sig Kil, Koichiro Hata, Keiko Ideta, Isao Mochida, Seongho YOON, Jin Miyawaki, Influence of surface functionality on ethanol adsorption behavior in activated carbons analyzed by solid-state NMR, Innovative Materials for Processes in Energy Systems, 2013.09.
253. Kutub Uddin, Lbrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama, Bidyut Baran Saha, Hyun Sig Kil, Jin Miyawaki, Seongho YOON, Adsorption kinetics of ethanol onto funtional activated carbons with controlled oxygen content, Innovative Materials for Processes in Energy Systems, 2013.09.
254. Kutub Uddin, Lbrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama, Bidyut Baran Saha, Hyun Sig Kil, Jin Miyawaki, Seongho YOON, Adsorption kinetics of ethanol onto funtional activated carbons with controlled oxygen content, Innovative Materials for Processes in Energy Systems, 2013.09.
255. Hyun Sig Kil, Koichiro Hata, Keiko Ideta, Isao Mochida, Seongho YOON, Jin Miyawaki, Influence of surface functionality on ethanol adsorption behavior in activated carbons analyzed by solid-state NMR, Innovative Materials for Processes in Energy Systems, 2013.09.
256. Ryohei Miyamae, SEO MINHYUN, Kuniko Chihara, TAEGON KIM, Jin Miyawaki, Shigeto Okada, Isao Mochida, Seongho YOON, Preparation of TiO2 entrained CNT's and its lectrochemical properties on the Li-ion and Na-ion mattery systems, Innovative Materials for Processes in Energy Systems, 2013.09.
257. Koichiro Hata, Keiko Ideta, Ryohei Miyamae, Yuzo Ohata, Hyunsig Kil, Shigemi Toda, Ryusuke Harada, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seongho YOON, NMR analysis of water adsorption behavior in carbon micropores, The Annual World Conference on Carbon (Carbon 2013), 2013.07.
258. FAN LEQING, Jian-Xiao Yang, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seongho YOON, Mechanical hydrothermal reduction for nano-graphene synthesis, The Annual World Conference on Carbon (Carbon 2013), 2013.07.
259. Kazuya Isomoto, Akinobu Imamura, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seongho YOON, Preparation of carbon nanofiber using various hydrocarbons under the coexistence of CO2, The Annual World Conference on Carbon (Carbon 2013), 2013.07.
260. Koichiro Hata, Yuzo Ohata, Keiko Ideta, Shigemi Toda, Ryusuke Harada, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seongho YOON, Elucidation of surface properties of carbon blacks by solid-state NMR using waer molecule as a surface probe, The Annual World Conference on Carbon (Carbon 2013), 2013.07.
261. Yu-Jin Han, Jae-Seong Yeo, Jin Miyawaki, Seongho YOON, Enhancing the rate performance of graphite anode in Li-ion battery by coal tar derived pitch coating, The Annual World Conference on Carbon (Carbon 2013), 2013.07.
262. Yu-Jin Han, Jae-Seong Yeo, Jin Miyawaki, Seongho YOON, Improving anodic performances of biomass derived hard carbon, The Annual World Conference on Carbon (Carbon 2013), 2013.07.
263. Tae-Hwan Park, Yu-Jin Han, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seongho YOON, Enhancing the electrochemical performance of graphite anodes through addition of natural graphite/carbon nanofibers in lithium-ion batteries, The Annual World Conference on Carbon (Carbon 2013), 2013.07.
264. Ryohei Miyamae, SEO MINHYUN, Kuniko Chihara, TAEGON KIM, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seongho YOON, Prepration of titanium oxide entrained CNTs and its electrochemical properties, The Annual World Conference on Carbon (Carbon 2013), 2013.07.
265. Byung-Jun Kim, Yuzo Ohata, Jianxiao Yang, Osamu Kato, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seongho YOON, Characterization of naptha cracked oil derived spinnable isotropic pitches prepared by different synthetic routes, The Annual World Conference on Carbon (Carbon 2013), 2013.07.
266. Ryohei Miyamae, SEO MINHYUN, Kuniko Chihara, TAEGON KIM, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seongho YOON, Prepration of titanium oxide entrained CNTs and its electrochemical properties, The Annual World Conference on Carbon (Carbon 2013), 2013.07.
267. Nor'Azizi Bin Othman, YUN JUMI, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seongho YOON, H2S removal using activated carbon from waste palm tree trunk, The Annual World Conference on Carbon (Carbon 2013), 2013.07.
268. FAN LEQING, Sa-Hoon Min, Jin Miyawaki, Jyongsik Jang, Seongho YOON, Preparation of uniform-sized graphene and nanofluid by mechanical hydrothermal reduction, 附置研究所間アライアンスによるナノとマクロをつなぐ物質・デバイス・シス テム創製戦略プロジェクト 平成24年度成果報告会, 2013.04.
269. Byung-Jun Kim, Osamu Kato, Joo-Il Park, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Analytical and synthetic characteristics on spinnable isotropic pitch using naphtha cracked oil, 10th China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Materials to Save the Earth (CSE2012), 2012.11.
270. Jaesong Yeo, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Hard carbon derived from mangrove tree and its electrochemical properties in lithium ion batteries, 10th China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Materials to Save the Earth (CSE2012), 2012.11.
271. Byung-Jun Kim, Osamu Kato, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Preparation of pitch based novel carbon fiber for CFRP, 10th China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Materials to Save the Earth (CSE2012), 2012.11.
272. Le-Qing Fan, Min-Hyun Seo, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Preparation of uniform-shaped nano-graphene and N-doped nano-graphene by mechanical hydrothermal reduction and application of graphene to nanofluid, 10th China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Materials to Save the Earth (CSE2012), 2012.11.
273. 秦弘一郎, 出田圭子, 大畠雄三, 宮前亮平, 吉鉉植, 戸田繁美, 原田竜介, 宮脇仁, 持田勲, 尹聖昊, 水分子をプローブとして用いた固体NMR法による炭素材の表面構造特性評価, 第39回 炭素材料学会年会, 2012.11.
274. 朴泰煥, 余在晟, 宮脇仁, 持田勲, 尹聖昊, Enhancing the rate performance of graphite anodes through addition of natural graphite/carbon nanofibers in the lithium-ion batteries, 第39回 炭素材料学会年会, 2012.11.
275. 磯本和也, 宮脇仁, 持田勲, 尹聖昊, CO2共存下における炭素ナノ繊維成長反応とガス種の関係, 第39回 炭素材料学会年会, 2012.11.
276. 金丙峻, 加藤攻, 朴柱日, 宮脇仁, 持田勲, 尹聖昊, NCO derived spinnable isotropic pitches by different synthetic routes, 第39回 炭素材料学会年会, 2012.11.
277. Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Carbon Materials for Li-ion Battery from Lignite and Biomass, 2nd International Workshop of Kyushu University – LIPI Joint Research Results on “Novel Upgrading of Low Rank Fuels”, 2012.10.
278. 荒牧寿弘, 杉本義一, 岡田清史, 小野崎 正樹, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, 上田 成, 持 田 勲, 褐炭の熱分解水素化処理による代替強粘結炭(SCC)のコークス化性, 第49回石炭科学会議, 2012.10.
279. Byung-Jun Kim, Osamu Kato, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, High utilization of nahtha cracking residue as an effective raw material for pitch based carbon fiber, 2nd KIER-Kyushu U. Joint Symposium on Green System and Materials, 2012.09.
280. Taegon Kim, Luyang Yuan, Joo-Il Park, Seong-Ho Yoon, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Light cycle oil upgrading to (alkyl)benzenes, 2nd KIER-Kyushu U. Joint Symposium on Green System and Materials, 2012.09.
281. Koichiro Hata, Yuzo Ohata, Keiko Ideta, Shigemi Toda, Ryusuke Harada, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Solid-state NMR analysis of carbon blacks with different surface functinalities using water as a surface probe, 2nd KIER-Kyushu U. Joint Symposium on Green System and Materials, 2012.09.
282. Kasuya Isomoto, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Mechanism of carbon nanofiber growth using carbon dioxide mixed ethylene gases, 2nd KIER-Kyushu U. Joint Symposium on Green System and Materials, 2012.09.
283. Byung-Jun Kim, Osamu Kato, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Analysis of spinnable isotropic pitch using napththa tar oil, 2nd KIER-Kyushu U. Joint Symposium on Green System and Materials, 2012.09.
284. Jin Miyawaki, Yusuke Shingai, Keiko Ideta, Masanori Saito, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Solid-state NMR study on electolyte ion behavior in EDLC electrode, Japan-China Joint Symposium on Green Materials, 2012.07.
285. T. Shimohara, M. Yoshikawa, J. Miyawaki, S.-H. Yoon, I. Mochida, Relation between the trapped amounts of NOx in ACF fence and the eluted amounts of NO3- by water washing in outdoor demonstration, Japan-China Joint Symposium on Green Materials, 2012.07.
286. Kazuya Isomoto, Yuzo Ohata, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Preparation and application of nano-graphene using CNF as an effective precursor, Japan-China Joint Symposium on Green Materials, 2012.07.
287. K. Hata, H.-S. Kil, K. Ideta, J. Miyawaki, I. Mochida, S.-H. Yoon, Porosity and surface evaluations of carbon materials using 129Xe-NMR method, The annual world conference on carbon, Carbon2012, 2012.06, [URL].
288. Y. Ohata, J.S. Yeo, J. Miyawaki, I. Mochida, S.H. Yoon, Control of closed pore amount of the hard carbons and its relation to the anodic capacity in Li ion battery, The annual world conference on carbon, Carbon2012, 2012.06, [URL].
289. T. Shimohara, M. Yoshikawa, J. Miyawaki, S.-H. Yoon, I. Mochida, Outdoor demonstration of high NOx-purifying performance of ACF fence - Relation between the trapped amounts of NOx in ACF and the eluted amounts of NO3- by water washing, The annual world conference on carbon, Carbon2012, 2012.06, [URL].
290. T. Shimohara, M. Yoshikawa, J. Miyawaki, S.-H. Yoon, I. Mochida, Outdoor demonstration of high NOx-purifying performance of ACF fence - Relation between the trapped amounts of NOx in ACF and the eluted amounts of NO3- by water washing, The annual world conference on carbon, Carbon2012, 2012.06, [URL].
291. K. Hata, Y. Ohata, K. Ideta, S. Toda, R. Harada, J. Miyawaki, I. Mochida, S.H. Yoon, NMR analysis of surface functionalities on carbon blacks, The annual world conference on carbon, Carbon2012, 2012.06, [URL].
292. K. Isomoto, J. Miyawaki, I. Mochida, S.-H. Yoon, Growth carbon nanofiber from carbon dioxide mixed gases, The annual world conference on carbon, Carbon2012, 2012.06, [URL].
293. Tae-Hwan Park, Jae-Seong Yeo, Min-Hyun Seo, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Enhancing rate performance of anodic graphite through the addition of NG-CNF composites in the Li-ion battery, The 16th International Meeting on Lithium Batteries(IMLB2012), 2012.06.
294. Jin Miyawaki, Quantitative Analyses of Adsorption Characteristics of Ions in EDLC System by Solid-state NMR, The Third Symposium on Future Challenges for Carbon-based Nanoporous Materials:Adsorption and Energy 3rd CBNM2012-NAGANO, 2012.05, [URL].
295. 松尾 賢典, 田中 雅人, 吉富 丈記, 尹 聖昊, 宮脇 仁, MgO-Cれんがの特性へのカーボンナノファイバー添加の影響, 平成23年度九州支部秋季合同研究発表会, 2011.12, [URL].
296. Yoshinori Matsuo, Masato Tanaka, Jouki Yoshitomi, Seong-Ho Yoon and Jin Miyawaki, Effect of the Carbon Nanofiber Addition on the Mechanical Properties of MgO-C Brick, UNITECR2011, 2011.11.
297. Byung-Jun Kim, Wei Li, Donghui Long, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Development of Pt catalyst for PEMFC using structure controlled CNF as a catalyst support, International conference on clean coal technology and fuel cells, 2011.11.
298. Xiongchao Lin, Keiko Ideta, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Effects of fluxing agent addition on structural transition and flow behavior of coal ashes, International conference on clean coal technology and fuel cells, 2011.11.
299. Young-Kwang Kim, Joo-Il Park, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Catalytic recovery and re-use of potassium carbonate on supported which have the selectivity of size and magnetism in steam gasification of lignite, International conference on clean coal technology and fuel cells, 2011.11.
300. Young-Kwang Kim, Lifang Hao, Joo-Il Park, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Low temperature catalytic steam gasification of lignite by using potassium carbonate supported on perovskite oxide, International conference on clean coal technology and fuel cells, 2011.11.
301. Young-Kwang Kim, Lifang Hao, Joo-Il Park, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Low Temperature Catalytic Steam Gasification of Lignite by using Potassium Carbonate Supported on Perovskite Oxide, International Conference on Clean Coal Technology and Fuel Cells, 2011.11.
302. Byung-Jun Kim, Wei Li, Donghui Long, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Isao Mochida, Development of Pt catalyst for PEMFC using structure contolled CNF as a catalyst support, International Conference on Clean Coal Technology and Fuel Cells, 2011.11.
303. Xiongchao Lin, Keiko Ideta, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Effects of Fluxing Agent Addition on Structural Transition and Flow Behavior of Coal Ashes, International Conference on Clean Coal Technology and Fuel Cells, 2011.11.
304. Young-Kwang Kim, Joo-Il Park, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Catalytic Recovery and Re-use of Pottassium Carbonate on Supports which Have the Selectivity of Size and Magnetism in Steam Gasification of Lignite, International Conference on Clean Coal Technology and Fuel Cells, 2011.11.
305. Xiongchao Lin, Keiko Ideta, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Investigation of Effects of Fluxing Agent Addition on Structural Transition of Coal Ashes by Solid-State NMR, 第50回NMR討論会 記念国際シンポジウム, 2011.11.
306. Keiko Ideta, Yusuke Shingai, Masaki Saito, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Quantitative tracing of electrolyte ions in the EDLC system using solid-state NMR, 第50回NMR討論会 記念国際シンポジウム, 2011.11.
307. 大川慎一郎, 野相詠史, 宮脇仁, 持田勲, 尹聖昊, Semin Park, Seong-Yung Lee, コールタール及びコールタールピッチのQI除去研究, 第38回 炭素材料学会年会, 2011.11, [URL].
308. 余在晟, 朴泰煥, 出田圭子, 宮脇仁, 尹聖昊, 持田勲, 天然黒鉛材料を用いたホウ素添加とLi-ionの出力特性に関する研究, 第38回 炭素材料学会年会, 2011.11, [URL].
309. 朴泰煥, 余在晟, 大畠雄三, 宮脇仁, 尹聖昊, 持田勲, Hybridization effect of Si-CNF composite with hard carbon on the electrochemical performance of the anode materials for Li-ion battery, 第38回 炭素材料学会年会, 2011.11, [URL].
310. 磯本和也, 宮脇仁, 持田勲, 尹聖昊, CO2共存化におけるカーボンナノファイバーの成長メカニズムの解明, 第38回 炭素材料学会年会, 2011.11, [URL].
311. 新海裕介, 出田圭子, 宮脇仁, 尹聖昊, 持田勲, 1M-LiPF6/PC電解液を用いたEDLCの固体NMRにょる誘起電解質イオンの細孔内吸着特性の解析, 第38回 炭素材料学会年会, 2011.11, [URL].
312. 野相詠史, 大川慎一郎, Park Joo-Il, 宮脇仁, 持田勲, 尹聖昊, Ick-Pyo Hong, Seong-Yung Lee, コールタールとコールタールピッチ可溶分の分子構造の解析と制御, 第38回 炭素材料学会年会, 2011.11, [URL].
313. 大畠雄三, 余在晟, 出田圭子, 宮脇仁, 尹聖昊, 持田勲, ハードカーボンの閉孔とそのLiイオン電池用負極材特性との相関性, 第38回 炭素材料学会年会, 2011.11, [URL].
314. 秦弘一郎, 出田圭子, 宮脇仁, 持田勲, 尹聖昊, 炭素材料の細孔解析に関する超偏極129Xe-NMR法とガス吸着法の比較, 第38回 炭素材料学会年会, 2011.11, [URL].
315. Donghui Long, 宮脇 仁, 持田 勲, 尹 聖昊, エネルギーデバイス応用に向けた均一なグラフェンディスクの製造, ナノマクロ物質・デバイス・システム創製アライアンス 平成23年度 新エネルギー材料・デバイス プロジェクト研究会, 2011.10.
316. 岡田清史, 上田 成, 小野崎正樹, 野相詠史, 宮脇 仁, 荒牧寿弘, 尹 聖昊, 持田 勲, 低石炭化度炭を熱分解水素化処理した超粘結炭の光学顕微鏡的形態, 第48回石炭科学会議, 2011.10.
317. Hyun-Seok Kim, Noriko Matsuhara, Yohsuke Matsushita, Motohira Oomori, Tasturo Harada, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Isao Mochida, 様々の湿度条件におけるLoy Yang炭の空気流動層乾燥特性, 第20回日本エネルギー学会大会, 2011.08, [URL].
318. Yuzo Ohata, Jae-Seong Yeo, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Elucidation of the relationship between the closed pore and discharge capacity of hard carbon, 9th Korea-China-Japan Joint Symposium of Carbon Saves to the Earth (CSE2011), 2011.08.
319. Joo-Il Park, Ruitao Lu, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Characterization and analysis on metallic species in the atmosphere residues, 9th Korea-China-Japan Joint Symposium of Carbon Saves to the Earth (CSE2011), 2011.08.
320. Jin Miyawaki, Gang-Ho Lee, Joonyoung Yeh, Nanako Shiratori, Takaaki Shimohara, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Hybrid catalyst using PAN-based activated carbon nanofiber for clean removal of formaldehyde indoors, 9th Korea-China-Japan Joint Symposium of Carbon Saves to the Earth (CSE2011), 2011.08.
321. Takaaki Shimohara, Satoko Mitoma, Masaaki Yoshikawa, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Isao Mochida, Studies on high-performance NOx purifying system using units combining "ACF and photocatalyst" through the natural ventilation system, 9th Korea-China-Japan Joint Symposium of Carbon Saves to the Earth (CSE2011), 2011.08.
322. Naoki Watanabe, Eiji Noai, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Synthesis and application of isotropic pitches with high solvent solubility and high softening points using naphtha cracked residue, Carbon2011, The Annual World Conference on Carbon, 2011.07, [URL].
323. Wei Li, Donghui Long, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Improvement of mechanical properties carbon nanotubes using combinatory methods of epitaxial vapor coating and heat treatment, Carbon2011, The Annual World Conference on Carbon, 2011.07, [URL].
324. Yuzo Ohata, Jae-Seong Yeo, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Relationship between carbon structure and discharge capacity in hard carbon for the anodic material of Li-ion battery, Carbon2011, The Annual World Conference on Carbon, 2011.07, [URL].
325. Yuzo Ohata, Watanabe Naoki, Jae- Seong Yeo, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Structural effect of precursors in the discharge capacity of hard carbon for Li-ion battery, Carbon2011, The Annual World Conference on Carbon, 2011.07, [URL].
326. Young-Kwang Kim, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Catalytic tar reforming of palm tree trunk and brown coal at low temperature, Carbon2011, The Annual World Conference on Carbon, 2011.07, [URL].
327. Tae-Hwan Park, Jae-Seong Yeo, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Development of Si mixed hard carbon for improving anodic performance of Li-ion battery, Carbon2011, The Annual World Conference on Carbon, 2011.07, [URL].
328. Joonyoung Yeh, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Size and surface effects of activated carbons on the adsorption behaviors of indole and amylase, Carbon2011, The Annual World Conference on Carbon, 2011.07, [URL].
329. Naoki Watanabe, Eiji Noai, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Preparation of anthracene derived isotropic pitch, Carbon2011, The Annual World Conference on Carbon, 2011.07, [URL].
330. Yusuke Shingai, Keiko Ideta, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Quantitative analysis of adsorption characteristics of anions in EDLC system using 19F solid state NMR, Carbon2011, The Annual World Conference on Carbon, 2011.07, [URL].
331. Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Carbon Nanofiber as a Green Material for Energy and Environmental Devices, The 7th International Symposium on "Novel Carbon Resource Sciences", 2011.06.
332. Yuzo Ohata, Keiko Ideta, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Improvement of Discharge Capacity of Hard Carbon for Li-Ion Battery through Increase of Closed Pore Amount, The 7th International Symposium on "Novel Carbon Resource Sciences", 2011.06.
333. Hyun-Seok Kim, Noriko Matsuhara, Yohsuke Matsushita, Motohira Oomori, Tasturo Harada, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Isao Mochida, Effect of Fluidization Flow Rate on Drying Behavior of Loy Yang Brown Coal, The 7th International Symposium on "Novel Carbon Resource Sciences", 2011.06.
334. Jin Miyawaki, Gang-Ho Lee, Joonyoung Yeh, Nanako Shiratori, Takaaki Shimohara, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Development of Carbon-Supported Hybrid Catalyst for Effective Formaldehyde Removal Indoors, The 13th Korea-Japan Symposium on Catalysis, 2011.05.
335. 尹聖昊, 宮脇仁, 三苫智子, 宮脇仁, Long Donghui, 炭素ナノ繊維を用いたナノグラフェンの調製と応用, 文部科学省特別経費 「大学の特性を生かした多様な学術研究機能の充実」附置研究所間アライアンスによるナノとマクロをつなぐ物質・デバイス・システム創製戦略プロジェクト平成22年度(2010年度)成果報告会, 2011.03.
336. 大畠雄三、宮脇仁、尹聖昊、持田勲, Li-ion電池負極用ハードカーボン構造と出力特性の関連性に関する研究, 第37回 炭素材料学会年会, 2010.12, [URL].
337. 余在晟、朴泰煥、宮脇仁、尹聖昊、持田勲, 表面特定炭素ナノ繊維を用いたSEI生成挙動とLi-ionの出力特性に関する研究, 第37回 炭素材料学会年会, 2010.12, [URL].
338. 朴泰煥、余在晟、張相敏、宮脇仁、尹聖昊、持田勲, リチウム電池用負極炭素材料の放電容量およびサイクル特性に与えるSi-CNF複合体の混合効果, 第37回 炭素材料学会年会, 2010.12, [URL].
339. 新海裕介、宮脇仁、尹聖昊、持田勲, 19F固体NMRによる有機電解質イオンの細孔内吸着特性の解明, 第37回 炭素材料学会年会, 2010.12, [URL].
340. 渡辺直樹、宮脇仁、持田勲、尹聖昊, ナフサ分解残渣を用いた高溶解性・高軟化点ピッチの合成と応用, 第37回 炭素材料学会年会, 2010.12, [URL].
341. 渡辺直樹、三苫智子、宮脇仁、持田勲、尹聖昊, 脱水素ハロゲン反応を用いた芳香族炭化水素類の高軟化点ピッチ化, 第37回 炭素材料学会年会, 2010.12, [URL].
342. Joo-Il Park, Ruitao Lu, Motoko Fukunaga, Min-Hyun Seo, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Characteristics of Staged HDM of AR, 8th Japan-China-Korea Joint symposium -Carbon Materials for Energy Devices&Environmental Protection- Carbon Saves the Earth 2010 (CSE2010), 2010.11, [URL].
343. Masashi Yasudome, Joo-Il Park, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Selective Hydrogenation of 1-Methyl Naphthalene Using NiMo and CoMo / Alumina Catalysts, 8th Japan-China-Korea Joint symposium -Carbon Materials for Energy Devices&Environmental Protection- Carbon Saves the Earth 2010 (CSE2010), 2010.11, [URL].
344. Weiwei Pang, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Analysis and HDS Reactivity of Kuwait Gas Oils, 8th Japan-China-Korea Joint symposium -Carbon Materials for Energy Devices&Environmental Protection- Carbon Saves the Earth 2010 (CSE2010), 2010.11, [URL].
345. Naoki Watanabe, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Preparation of Isotropic Pitch Using Naphtha Cracked Residue through Dehydrobromination Reaction, 8th Japan-China-Korea Joint symposium -Carbon Materials for Energy Devices&Environmental Protection- Carbon Saves the Earth 2010 (CSE2010), 2010.11, [URL].
346. Hyun-Seok Kim, Zhongxin Tan, Yohsuke Matsushita, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Study of Drying Characteristics of Loy Yang Coal, 8th Japan-China-Korea Joint symposium -Carbon Materials for Energy Devices&Environmental Protection- Carbon Saves the Earth 2010 (CSE2010), 2010.11, [URL].
347. Young-Kwang Kim, LiFang Hao, Nor’Azizi Bin Othman, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Low Temperature Catalytic Steam Gasification of Lignite by Potassium Carbonate Supported on Perovskite Oxide Catalyst, 8th Japan-China-Korea Joint symposium -Carbon Materials for Energy Devices&Environmental Protection- Carbon Saves the Earth 2010 (CSE2010), 2010.11, [URL].
348. Xiongchao Lin, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Study on the Structure Transition and Fluidity Properties of Several Coal Ashes, 8th Japan-China-Korea Joint symposium -Carbon Materials for Energy Devices&Environmental Protection- Carbon Saves the Earth 2010 (CSE2010), 2010.11, [URL].
349. Joonyoung Yeh, Sang-Min Jang, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Size and Surface Effects of Activated Carbons on Adsorption Behaviors of Indole and Amylase, 8th Japan-China-Korea Joint symposium -Carbon Materials for Energy Devices&Environmental Protection- Carbon Saves the Earth 2010 (CSE2010), 2010.11, [URL].
350. Yuzo Ohata, Jae-Seong Yeo, Sang-Min Jang, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Relationships between Hard Carbon Structure and Discharge Property of Li-Ion Battery, 8th Japan-China-Korea Joint symposium -Carbon Materials for Energy Devices&Environmental Protection- Carbon Saves the Earth 2010 (CSE2010), 2010.11, [URL].
351. Tae-Hwan Park, Sang-Min Jang, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Hybridized Si-CNF and Graphite as a High Performance Anode for Li-Ion Battery, 8th Japan-China-Korea Joint symposium -Carbon Materials for Energy Devices&Environmental Protection- Carbon Saves the Earth 2010 (CSE2010), 2010.11, [URL].
352. Wei Li, Donghui Long, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Additional Effect of Secondary Metal into Fe-Alloy Catalyst on Preparation of Platelet Carbon Nanofiber, 8th Japan-China-Korea Joint symposium -Carbon Materials for Energy Devices&Environmental Protection- Carbon Saves the Earth 2010 (CSE2010), 2010.11, [URL].
353. Donghui Long, Wei Li, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Uniform Graphene Discs from Carbon Nanofibers, 8th Japan-China-Korea Joint symposium -Carbon Materials for Energy Devices&Environmental Protection- Carbon Saves the Earth 2010 (CSE2010), 2010.11, [URL].
354. Jae-Seong Yeo, Min-Hyun Seo, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, SEI Formation on Well-Defined Carbon Surfaces in the Lithium-Ion Battery Systems, 8th Japan-China-Korea Joint symposium -Carbon Materials for Energy Devices&Environmental Protection- Carbon Saves the Earth 2010 (CSE2010), 2010.11, [URL].
355. Young-Kwang KIM, Li-Fang HAO, Jin MIYAWAKI, Isao MOCHIDA, Seong-Ho YOON, Development of novel catalyst of potassium carbonate supported on perovskite oxide for coal char combustion at low temperature, The 12th Cross Straits Symposium on Materials, Energy and Environmental Engineering (CSS12), 2010.11, [URL].
356. Xiangchao LIN, Jin MIYAWAKI, Isao MOCHIDA, Seong-Ho YOON, 29Si and 27Al solid-state NMR analyses of structure transition behaviors of minerals in coal ash, The 6th International Symposium on "Novel Carbon Resource Scineces", 2010.11.
357. Hyun-seok KIM, Nozomi WADA, Yohsuke MATSUSHITA, Jin MIYAWAKI, Seong-Ho YOON, Isao MOCHIDA, Pyrolysis characteristics of Victroian lo-rank coal under various heating rate conditions, The 6th International Symposium on "Novel Carbon Resource Scineces", 2010.11.
358. Wei-Wei PANG, Jin MIYAWAKI, Seong-Ho YOON, Isao MOCHIDA, Catalyst support effect on HDS of light cycle oil, The 6th International Symposium on "Novel Carbon Resource Scineces", 2010.11.
359. Joo-Il PARK, Jin MIYAWAKI, Seong-Ho YOON, Isao MOCHIDA, Catalytic oxidation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) over SBA-15 supported metal catalysts, The 6th International Symposium on "Novel Carbon Resource Scineces", 2010.11.
360. Naoki WATANABE, Jin MIYAWAKI, Isao MOCHIDA, Seong-Ho YOON, Synthesis of isotropic pitch with high solvent solubility and high softening point using halogen, The 6th International Symposium on "Novel Carbon Resource Scineces", 2010.11.
361. Tae-Hwan PARK, Sang-Min JANG, Jin MIYAWAKI, Isao MOCHIDA, Seong-Ho YOON, Hybridization effect of Si-CNF composites on the discharge capacity and cycle-ability of the anode carbons for Li-ion battery, The 6th International Symposium on "Novel Carbon Resource Scineces", 2010.11.
362. Donghui LONG, Wei LI, Jin MIYAWAKI, Isao MOCHIDA, Seong-Ho YOON, Mesoporous graphitic carbon nanofibers with various pore alignments, The 6th International Symposium on "Novel Carbon Resource Scineces", 2010.11.
363. 林 雄超, 出田 圭子, 宮脇 仁, 持田 勲, 尹 聖昊, 固体NMR を用いた石炭灰粘度に与える構造および組成因子の解析 Solid-state NMR analyses of structure and composition of coal ash, 第49回NMR討論会, 2010.11, [URL].
364. Young-Kwang Kim, Li-Fang Hao, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Isao Mochida , 褐炭の触媒水蒸気ガス化 - 炭酸カリウムの活性に対するサポータの役割とタール生成の低減, 第47回石炭科学会議, 2010.09, [URL].
365. Jin MIYAWAKI, Taegon KIM, Masanori SAITO, Keiko IDETA, Koji SAITO, Isao MOCHIDA, Seong-Ho YOON, Solid-state NMR study on electolyte ion behavior in EDLC electrode, The 2nd symposium on future challenges for carbon-based nanoporous materials, 2010.09, [URL].
366. Joonyoung YEH, Hyun-Seok KIM, Jin MIYAWAKI, Isao MOCHIDA, Seong-Ho YOON, Size and surface effects of activated carbons on the adsorption behaviors of indole and amylase, The Annual World Conference on Carbon (Carbon 2010), 2010.07, [URL].
367. Jae-Seong YEO, Tae-Hwan PARK, Jin MIYAWAKI, Isao MOCHIDA, Seong-Ho YOON, SEI formation behaviors on well defined carbon surfaces for the Li-ion battery system, The Annual World Conference on Carbon (Carbon 2010), 2010.07, [URL].
368. Yoshinori MATSUO, Li WEI, Jin MIYAWAKI, Isao MOCHIDA, Seong-Ho YOON, CO2 mixing effect on preparation of Fe-catalyzed carbon nanofibers, The Annual World Conference on Carbon (Carbon 2010), 2010.07, [URL].
369. Yoshinori MATSUO, Keiko IDETA, Li WEI, Kouji SAITO, Jin MIYAWAKI, Isao MOCHIDA, Seong-Ho YOON, Characterization of adsorption behaviors of molecules to well-defined carbon surfaces using solid state NMR, The Annual World Conference on Carbon (Carbon 2010), 2010.07, [URL].
370. Masanori SAITO, Young-Kwang KIM, Taegon KIM, Sang-Min JANG, Keiko IDETA, Jin MIYAWAKI, Koji SAITO, Seong-Ho YOON, Isao MOCHIDA, Analysis of the influence of pore structure on electrolyte ion behavior in EDLC by 11B solid state NMR, The Annual World Conference on Carbon (Carbon 2010), 2010.07, [URL].
371. Young-Kwang KIM, LiFang Hao, Jin MIYAWAKI, Isao MOCHIDA, Seong-Ho YOON, Catalytic activities of K2CO3 supported perovskites for combustion of coals and chars, The Annual World Conference on Carbon (Carbon 2010), 2010.07, [URL].
372. Tae-Hwan PARK, Sang-Min JANG, Jin MIYAWAKI, Isao MOCHIDA, Seong-Ho YOON, Addition of specially designed SiO-CNF and Si-CNF composites to improve of capacity and rate performances of anodic graphite for lithium-ion batteries, The Annual World Conference on Carbon (Carbon 2010), 2010.07, [URL].
373. Yoshinori MATSUO, Li WEI, Masato TANAKA, Jin MIYAWAKI, Isao MOCHIDA, Seong-Ho YOON, Improvement of strength of refractory bricks by CNF compositeness, The Annual World Conference on Carbon (Carbon 2010), 2010.07, [URL].
374. Wei LI, Donghui LONG, Jin MIYAWAKI, Isao MOCHIDA, Seong-Ho YOON, Synthesis and structural analyses of platelet carbon nanofibers composed of twin-flat fibrils, The Annual World Conference on Carbon (Carbon 2010), 2010.07, [URL].
375. Masanori SAITO, Young-Kwang KIM, Jin MIYAWAKI, Isao MOCHIDA, Seong-Ho YOON, Control of pore structure of activated carbons for capacitor through the two step activation, The Annual World Conference on Carbon (Carbon 2010), 2010.07, [URL].
376. Yuzo OHATA, Jin MIYAWAKI, Isao MOCHIDA, Seong-Ho YOON, Preparation of anodic graphite with high rate property for Li-ion batteries using hyper coal, The Annual World Conference on Carbon (Carbon 2010), 2010.07, [URL].
377. Gang-Ho LEE, Jin MIYAWAKI, Isao MOCHIDA, Seong-Ho YOON, The investigation on the catalytic effect of manganese dioxide in combination with activated carbon fiber on the removal of nitrogen monoxide, The Annual World Conference on Carbon (Carbon 2010), 2010.07, [URL].
378. Naoki WATANABE, Jin MIYAWAKI, Isao MOCHIDA, Seong-Ho YOON, Synthesis of isotropic pitch with high solvent solubitiliy using halogen, The Annual World Conference on Carbon (Carbon 2010), 2010.07, [URL].
379. Donghui LONG, Wei LI, Jin MIYAWAKI, Seong-Ho YOON, Isao MOCHIDA, Transversal cutting of platelet carbon nanofibers to isolate uniform graphene discs, The Annual World Conference on Carbon (Carbon 2010), 2010.07, [URL].
380. Gang-Ho LEE, Naoki WATANABE, Joon-Young YEH, Jin MIYAWAKI, Seong-Ho YOON, Isao MOCHIDA, The manganese oxide phase study on the decomposition mechanism of formaldehyde and longevity (The investigation on the reaction mechanism of MnOx deposited PAN-based activated carbon nanofiber in formaldehyde decomposition), The Annual World Conference on Carbon (Carbon 2010), 2010.07, [URL].
381. Isao MOCHIDA, Seong-Ho YOON, Noriaki SHIRAHAMA, Jin MIYAWAKI, Toru KOSO, Kenichi FUJITA, Takaaki SHIMOHARA, Akinori YASUTAKE, Masaaki YOSHIKAWA, Tae HIRAJIMA, Urgent Application and Successive Back-up of the Activated Carbon Fibers and Nano Fibers for the Conservation of Atmospheric Environment in Japan and China, The MOST-JST Joint WORKSHOP - Science and Technology for Environment Conservation and Construction of a Society with Less Environmental Burden, 2010.06.
382. Sangmin JANG, Mun-Suk JUN, Taegon KIM, Masanori SAITO, Keiko IDETA, Jin MIYAWAKI, Koji SAITO, Choong Kyun RHEE, Masaharu TSUJI, Isao MOCHIDA, Seong-Ho YOON, Advanced Carbons for Electrochemical Applications, 1st Japan-Korea Joint Symposium - Recent Progress of Carbon Technology for Energy Devices and Environmental Protections-, 2010.04.
383. 福原 知里, 田中 雅人, 吉富 丈記, 尹 聖昊, 宮脇 仁, 松尾 賢典, カーボン ナノ ファイバーを添加したMgO-Cれんがの特性, 耐火物技術協会 第23回 年次学術講演会, 2010.04.
384. Jin MIYAWAKI, Katsumi KANEKO, Adsorption Properties of Porous Carbons: Influence of Preadsorbed Water on Gas Adsorption Behavior, Carbon Materials for Today and Future Turkish-Japanese Joint Carbon Symposium, 2010.03.
385. 渡辺 直樹, 宮脇 仁, 持田 勲, 尹 聖昊, ハロゲンを用いた高溶媒溶解性等方性ピッチの合成, 日本化学会第90春季年会(2010), 2010.03, [URL].
386. 松尾 賢典, 出田 圭子, 齋藤 公児, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, 持田 勲, NMRを用いた特定カーボン表面に対する分子の吸着挙動解析, 第36回 炭素材料学会年会, 2009.12.
387. 齋藤 正規, 金 泰坤, 張 相敏, 出田 圭子, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, 持田 勲, 11B固体NMRによる活性炭を用いた電気二重層キャパシタにおける表面積および細孔構造の影響の解析, 第36回 炭素材料学会年会, 2009.12.
388. イェ ジュンヨン, 金 ヒョンソク, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, 持田 勲, 経口用活性炭のインドールとアミラーゼの吸着挙動, 第36回 炭素材料学会年会, 2009.12.
389. 齋藤 正規, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, 持田 勲, 後賦活による活性炭の細孔構造および表面組成の制御, 第36回 炭素材料学会年会, 2009.12.
390. 李 康皓, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, 持田 勲, The effects of MnOx compounds supported PAN-based ACNF on the clean removal of HCHO, 第36回 炭素材料学会年会, 2009.12.
391. 松尾 賢典, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, 持田 勲, Fe系触媒を用いたカーボンナノファイバー(CNF)調製におけるCO2の影響, 第36回 炭素材料学会年会, 2009.12.
392. 大畠 雄三, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, 持田 勲, ハイパーコールとソフトピッチの共炭化による高容量黒鉛系リチウムイオン2次電池用負極材の調製, 第36回 炭素材料学会年会, 2009.12.
393. 宮脇 仁, サイズの揃った炭素ナノ粒子の開発と生体応用に向けた毒性試験, 平成21年度九州大学総理工セミナーin大阪, 2009.12.
394. Lee Gang-Ho, Miyawaki Jin, Yoon Seong-Ho, and Mochida Isao, The effect of micropore inside pitch-base activated carbon fibers on the removal of NO2 under low to high flow rate ranges, The 3rd international symposium on the East Asian environmental problems, 2009.12, [URL].
395. Young-Kwang Kim, LiFang Hao, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, CATALYTIC COMBUSTION OF CARBON BY K2CO3 SUPPORTED PEROVSKITE TYPE OXIDE – PORE SIZE EFFECT AND REACTION MECHANISM, The Third International Symposium on Novel Carbon Resource Sciences: Advanced Materials, Processes and Systems toward CO2 Mitigation, 2009.11.
396. Lin Xiongchao, Hao Lifang, Miyawaki Jin, Yoon Seong-Ho, Mochida Isao, Fluidity Study of Various Asian Coal Ashes and Slags for Coal Gasification in the IGCC, The Third International Symposium on Novel Carbon Resource Sciences: Advanced Materials, Processes and Systems toward CO2 Mitigation, 2009.11.
397. 金 榮光, 郝 丽芳, 宮脇 仁, 持田 勲, 尹 聖昊, ペロブスカイト担持炭酸カリウムの炭素燃焼における触媒活性―細孔径の効果と反応メカニズム, 日本エネルギー学会 第46回石炭科学会議, 2009.11, [URL].
398. 林 雄超, 郝 丽芳, 宮脇 仁, 尹 聖昊, 持田 勲, 石炭灰およびスラグの粘度の決定因子の解明, 日本エネルギー学会 第46回石炭科学会議, 2009.11, [URL].
399. Jin Miyawaki, Sachiko Matsumura, Minfang Zhang, Ryota Yuge, Tatsuya Murakami, Shigeo Sato, Akihiro Tomida, Takashi Tsuruo, Toshinai Ichihashi, Takako Fujinami, Hiryoshi Irie, Kunihiro Tsuchida, Sumio Iijima, Kiyotaka Shiba, Masako Yudasaka, Biodistribution of Single-walled Carbon Nanohorns, The 6th Korea-Japan Symposium on Carbon Nanotube, 2009.10, [URL].
400. Taegon Kim, Sangmin Jang, Masanori Saito, Keiko Ideta, Jin Miyawaki, Koji Saito, Choong Kyun Rhee, Masaharu Tsuji, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Evaluation of determining factors of capacitive characteristics using well-controlled carbon materials, 7th China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Materials to Save the Earth (CSE 7th), 2009.09.
401. 宮脇仁, ガス吸着による炭素材料の細孔構造解析, 第47回炭素材料夏季セミナー, 2009.09.
402. Sangmin Jang, Jin Miyawaki, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, CNF-composite as an effective route for novel functional materials, 7th China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Materials to Save the Earth (CSE 7th), 2009.08.
403. Li-Fang Hao, Young-Kwang Kim, Xiong-Chao Lin, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Isao Mochida, Novel K/Perovskite catalyst for low temperature coal gasification, 7th China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Materials to Save the Earth (CSE 7th), 2009.08.
404. Yoshinori Matsuo, Keiko Ideta, Taegon Kim, Jin Miyawaki, Koji Saito, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Analysis on the molecular adsorption property in well-defined carbon surfaces using solid state NMR, 7th China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Materials to Save the Earth (CSE 7th), 2009.08.
405. Masanori Saito, Taegon Kim, Sang-Min Jang, Keiko Ideta, Jin Miyawaki, Koji Saito, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Behavior Analysis of Electrolyte Ions in Electric Double layer Capacitor by 11B solid state NMR, 7th China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Materials to Save the Earth (CSE 7th), 2009.08.
406. Takaaki Shimohara, Shunji Niiya, Masaaki Yoshikawa, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Isao Mochida, A wide-area scavenging technology of air pollutants using activated carbon fiber -Improvement of ACF's oxidizability by using photocatalyst and design of ACF unit, 7th China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Carbon Materials to Save the Earth (CSE 7th), 2009.08.
407. Sachiko Matsumura, Jin Miyawaki, Ryota Yuge, Shigeo Sato, Akihiro Tomida, Takashi Tsuruo, Masako Yudasaka, Sumio Iijima, Kiyotaka Shiba, Bioapplication of the Surface Modified Carbon Nanohorns for Drug Delivery Systems, 14th International Conference on Biological Inorganic Chemistry (ICBIC14), 2009.07.
408. Taegon Kim, Sangmin Jang, Masanori Saito, Jin Miyawaki, Masaharu Tsuji, Isao Mochida, Seong-Ho Yoon, Novel concept of pore strurectures of activated carbons with view to the revelation of capacitance, Carbon'09 The annual world conference on carbon, 2009.06.
409. Taegon Kim, Sangmin Jang, Masanori Saito, Koji Saito, Jin Miyawaki, Choong Kyun Rhee, Masaharu Tsuji, Seong-Ho Yoon, Isao Mochida, MAS solid-state NMR study on behaviour of electrolyte ion in the micropores of ACFs, Carbon'09 The annual world conference on carbon, 2009.06.
410. Taegon Kim, Yoshinori Matuso, Seongyop Lim, Chulho Ham, Jin Miyawaki, Choong Kyun Rhee, Masaharu Tsuji, Seong-Ho Yoon, Isao Mochida, Electrochemical capacitance of nitrogne doped CNFs, Carbon'09 The annual world conference on carbon, 2009.06.
411. Lee, G.H., Miyawaki, J., Yoon, S.-H., Mochida, I., Removal of formaldehyde using MnOx supported PAN-based activated carbon nanofiber under humid atmosphere, Carbon'09 The annual world conference on carbon, 2009.06.
412. Lee, G.H., Miyawaki, J., Yoon, S.-H., Mochida, I., The effect of pore diffusivity inside pitch-base activated carbon fibers, Carbon'09 The annual world conference on carbon, 2009.06.
413. Gang Ho LEE, Nanako SHIRATORI, Jin MIYAWAKI, Seong-Ho YOON, and Isao MOCHIDA, Development of Carbon-Supported Catalyst for Effective Formaldehyde Removalat Room Temperature in Humid Condition, The 2nd joint academic conference of Kyushu univ. and Tsinghua univ. on environmental protection, 2009.05.
414. 張 相敏, 辻 正治, 宮脇 仁, 持田 勲, 尹 聖昊, リチウムイオン電池用負極材における炭素ナノ繊維の複合効果, 第289回 炭素材料第117委員会, 2009.04.
415. 金泰坤、出田 圭子、張相敏、齋藤 正規、齋藤 公児、李忠均、宮脇 仁、尹聖昊、 辻 正治、持田 勲 , 多核固体NMRによる電解イオンの活性炭細孔内の挙動解析, 第35回炭素材料学会年会, 2008.12.
416. 全文錫、宮脇仁、辻正治、持田勲、尹聖昊, 電解酸化による炭素ナノ繊維の含酸素官能基化と燃料電池触媒担体としての影響, 第35回炭素材料学会年会, 2008.12.
417. 咸哲皓、金泰坤、李忠均、宮脇 仁、尹聖昊、持田 勲, 耐酸化性を持つPEMFC正極触媒担体用炭素ナノ繊維の開発 , 第35回炭素材料学会年会, 2008.12.
418. 全文錫、宮脇仁、辻正治、持田勲、尹聖昊, カーボンブラック-炭素ナノ繊維複合体を用いたDMFC燃料電池負極用高活性
, 第35回炭素材料学会年会, 2008.12.
419. 齋藤 正規, 金泰坤, 張相敏, 出田 圭子, 宮脇 仁, 尹聖昊, 持田 勲, 活性炭を用いた電気二重層キャパシタにおける電解質イオンの挙動, 第35回炭素材料学会年会, 2008.12.
420. 張相敏, 出田圭子, 辻正治, 宮脇仁, 持田勲, 尹聖昊, バイオマス由来電池負極用ハードカーボンの調製と初期効率改善研究, 第35回炭素材料学会年会, 2008.12.
421. 張相敏, 辻正治, 宮脇仁, 持田勲, 尹聖昊, リチウム電池用超高容量Si-CNF複合負極材の初期効率改善研究, 第35回炭素材料学会年会, 2008.12.
422. 齋藤正規, 張相敏, 出田圭子, 宮脇仁, 尹聖昊, 持田勲, 中表面積・高密度活性炭の表面積および細孔構造がキャパシタンスへ及ぼす影響, 第35回炭素材料学会年会, 2008.12.
423. G. Lee, J. Miyawaki, S. Yoon, I. Mochida, The Morphological and Elemental Effects of Pitch-Based Activated Carbon Fibers on the Removal of Low Concentrated Nitrogen Dioxide under High Flow Rate, 佐賀国際化学学会, 2008.12.
424. 松尾賢典、出田圭子、宮脇仁、齋藤公児、持田勲、尹聖昊, 各種カーボンナノファイバーの分子吸着特性の解析, 第47回NMR討論会, 2008.11.
425. 齋藤 正規、金泰坤、張相敏、出田 圭子、宮脇 仁、斎藤 公児、尹聖昊、持田 勲, 多核固体NMRを用いた電気二重層キャパシタにおける電解質イオン挙動の解析, 第47回NMR討論会, 2008.11.
426. S. Jang, M. Tsuji, J. Miyawaki, I. Mochida, S. Yoon, S. Kim, H. Jung, J. Lee, J. Kim, CNF-Activated Composite as an Electrode Material for Aqueous Super Capacitor, The 3rd International Carbon Festival & the 6th Asian Forum on Carbon to Save the Earth, 2008.11.
427. M. Jun, J. Miyawaki, S. Yoon, M. Tsuji, I. Mochida, Preparation CNF-Carbon Black (CB) Composite as a Support for DMFC Anodic Catalyst, The 3rd International Carbon Festival & the 6th Asian Forum on Carbon to Save the Earth, 2008.11.
428. Jin Miyawaki, Sumio Iijima, Masako Yudasaka, Biomedical applications and toxicity assessments of single-walled carbon nanohorns, The 3rd International Carbon Festival & the 6th Asian Forum on Carbon to Save the Earth, 2008.11.
429. Jin Miyawaki, Applications of Single-Walled Carbon Nanohorns, 2008.10.
430. S. Jang, M. Tsuji, J. Miyawaki, I. Mochida, S. Yoon, Decrease of Irreversible Capacity of Si-CNF Composites in Li-ion Battery, Carbon 2008, 2008.07.
431. S. Jang, M. Tsuji, J. Miyawaki, I. Mochida, S. Yoon, Decrease of Irreversible Capacity of Si-CNF Composites in Li-ion Battery, Carbon 2008, 2008.07.
432. J. Lee, G. Lee, N. Shimohara, J. Miyawaki, S. Yoon, I. Mochida, Activated Carbon Adsorptivity of NO2 and SO2 with Moisture and NH3 at High Flow Rate, International congress on catalysis, 14th Pre-symposium, 2008.07.
433. 宮脇仁, 湯田坂雅子, 張民芳, 飯島澄男, カーボンナノホーンの静脈内投与毒性, 第34回フラーレン・ナノチューブ総合シンポジウム, 2008.03, [URL].
434. ファン ジン, 湯田坂雅子, 宮脇仁, 弓削亮太, 河合孝純, 飯島澄男, 加熱によるナノホーンの孔の開閉, 第34回フラーレン・ナノチューブ総合シンポジウム, 2008.03, [URL].
435. 弓削亮太, 湯田坂雅子, 市橋鋭也, 宮脇仁, 吉武務, 飯島澄男, カーボンナノホーンの内部に閉じ込められた酸化ガドリニウム, 第34回フラーレン・ナノチューブ総合シンポジウム, 2008.03, [URL].
436. Jin Miyawaki, Adsorption of Supercritical Methane on Microporous Carbons, The 1st joint academic conference of Kyushu univ. and Tsinghua univ. on environmental protection, 2008.03.

