九州大学 研究者情報
水野 大介(みずの だいすけ) データ更新日:2023.11.22

教授 /  理学研究院 物理学部門 物性物理学

1. 松岡亮佑, 井口昇之, 江端宏之, 池田昌司, 原雄介, 水野大介, 濃厚コロイド懸濁液における混み合い由来のべき乗則緩和現象, 日本物理学会 第76回年次大会, 2023.03.
2. 原雄介, 松岡亮佑, 江端宏之, 水野大介, 池田昌司, 限界安定性が混み合い系のレオロジーに与える影響, 日本物理学会 第76回年次大会, 2023.03.
3. 吉良和真, 荊原佳祐, 柳島大輝, 水野大介, 局所的な外力印加下の濃厚コロイド懸濁液のマイクロレオロジー, 日本物理学会 第76回年次大会, 2023.03.
4. 濱田啓聖, 安部共法, 杉野裕次郎, 江端宏之, 曽和義幸, 水野大介, 細胞内力学の理解に向けた遊走微生物系の物理計測, 日本物理学会 第76回年次大会, 2023.03.
5. 江端宏之, 水野大介, 代謝依存的な細胞質の非平衡力学, 日本物理学会 第76回年次大会, 2023.03.
6. 杉野裕次郎, 江端宏之, 曽和義幸, 水野大介, 遊走大腸菌濃厚懸濁液の非平衡レオロジー, 日本物理学会 第76回年次大会, 2023.03.
7. 安部共法, 濱田啓聖, 杉野裕次郎, 江端宏之, 水野大介, 微生物が遊走する高分子・コロイド懸濁系の非平衡ダイナミクス, 第127回日本物理学会九州支部例会, 2022.12.
8. 田尾優樹, 江端宏之, 水野大介, 代謝抑制が誘導する細胞質粘弾性のエイジング現象, 第127回日本物理学会九州支部例会, 2022.12.
9. 杉野裕次郎, 江端宏之, 曽和義幸, 水野大介, 濃厚バクテリア懸濁液の非平衡レオロジー, 2022 ソフトマター研究会, 2022.11.
10. 江端宏之, 水野大介, 代謝依存点細胞骨格非依存の細胞質レオロジー特性, 2022 ソフトマター研究会, 2022.11.
11. 水野大介, Critical Jamming and gel rheology of droplet suspensions in living cells, 第60回 生物物理学会年会, 2022.10.
12. 杉野裕次郎, 江端宏之, 水野大介, 濃厚バクテリア懸濁液のアクティブレオロジー, 第70回レオロジー討論会, 2022.10.
13. 水野大介, Critical Jamming and gel rheology of droplet suspensions in living cells, 25 th Anniversary Symposium for German-Japanese Non-Equilibrium Statistical Physics, 2022.09.
14. 江端宏之, 水野大介, 基材弾性率により形態制御された細胞の細胞質流動特性, 日本物理学会 2022年秋季大会, 2022.09.
15. 松岡亮佑, 井口昇之, 江端宏之, 池田昌司, 水野大介, 濃厚エマルジョンにおけるこみあい由来の粘弾性緩和挙動, 日本物理学会 2022年秋季大会, 2022.09.
16. 水野大介, 松岡亮佑, 井口昇之, 杉野裕次郎, アクティブな濃厚懸濁系としての細胞質レオロジー, 日本物理学会 2022年秋季大会, 2022.09.
17. K. Nishizawa, D. Mizuno, Mechanical activity induces fragile to strong transition of glassy cytoplasm in living cells, 8th World Congress of Biomechanics, 2020.04.
18. F. Esterik, M. Ikenaga, H. Niwa, D. Mizuno, Enhanced Viscosity of the Cytoplasm at the Later Stage, 8th World Congress of Biomechanics, 2020.04.
19. T. Kurihara, Y. Ando, I. Zaid and D. Mizuno, Non-Gaussian limit fluctuations in active swimmer suspensions, American Physical Society, 2019.03.
20. Daisuke Mizuno, Umeda Katsuhiro, Sugino Yujiro, Kenji Nishizawa, Optical trap and laser interferometry in living cells, Biomedical Imaging and Sensing Conference 2019, BISC 2019, 2019.01, Mechanics of living cell interior are governed by cytoskeletons and cytosol. They are extraordinarily heterogeneous and their physical properties are strongly affected by the internally generated forces. In order to understand the out-ofequilibrium mechanics, we have developed a method of microrheology using laser interferometry and optical trapping technology. This method allowed us to probe mechanics and dynamics in living cells with a high spatio-temporal resolution. Microscopic probes in cells are stably trapped in the presence of vigorous cytoplasmic fluctuations, by employing smooth 3D feedback of a piezo-actuated sample stage. To interpret the data, we present a theory that adapts the fluctuation-dissipation theorem (FDT) to out-of-equilibrium systems. We discuss the interplay between material properties and non-thermal force fluctuations in the living cells that we quantify through the violations of the FDT..
21. 西澤賢治, 水野大介, Glassy cytoplasm driven by non-thermal forces, Soft Matter Physics: from the perspective of the essential heterogeneity, 2018.12.
22. D. Mizuno, Non-Gaussian limit fluctuations in active swimmer suspensions, Soft Matter Physics: from the perspective of the essential heterogeneity, 2018.12.
23. D. Mizuno, Universal glass-forming behavior of in vitro and living cytoplasm ~its similarity to droplet suspensions?~, EMBO | EMBL Symposium: Cellular Mechanisms Driven by Liquid Phase Separation, 2018.05.
24. 水野 大介, 揺動散逸定理を破る生き物の非平衡揺らぎの統計分布, 第69回日本物理学会年次大会シンポジウム「動的ゆらぎの普遍法則」, 2014.03.
25. 水野 大介, 有留真人, 栗原喬, Heev Ayade, Irwin zaid, Non-Gauss athermal fluctuations in Bacterial bath, 58th annual meeting of Biophysical Society, 2014.02.
26. Daisuke Mizuno, Masato Aridome, takasi kurihara, Heev Ayade, Irwin Zaid, Non-Gauss athermal fluctuations in Bacterial bath, KITP conference "Active Processes in Living and Nonliving Matter", 2014.02.
27. Daisuke Mizuno, Heev Ayade, Irwin Zaid, Athermal Fluctuations of Probe Particles in Active Cytoskeletal Network, 58th annual meeting of Biophysical Society, 2014.02.
28. Daisuke Mizuno, Irwin Zaid, Athermal Fluctuations of Probe Particles in Active Cytoskeletal Network, KITP conference "Active Processes in Living and Nonliving Matter", 2014.02.
29. Daisuke Mizuno, Levy statistics and dynamics in active cytoskeletons, 15th SPVM National Physics Conference in Davao, 2013.10.
30. Daisuke Mizuno, Levy statistics and dynamics in active cytoskeletons, 2013 SPP Physics Congress, 2013.10.
31. Daisuke Mizuno, Kenji Nishizawa, Miho Yanagisawa, Kei Fujiwara, Microrheology study of crowding effects on cell mechanics, International Soft Matter Conference, 2013.09.
32. Daisuke Mizuno, Heev Ayade, Irwin Zaid, Levy statistics and dynamics in active cytoskeletons, International Soft Matter Conference, 2013.09.
33. Daisuke Mizuno, Levy statistics and dynamics in active cytoskeletons, Taiwan International Workshop on Biological Physics and Complex Systems (BioComplex-Taiwan-2013), 2013.07.
34. 水野 大介, 揺動散逸定理を破る非平衡揺らぎの時空間構造, 第 17 回久保記念シンポジウム「ゆらぎのなかの構造」, 2012.10.
35. 水野 大介, 力生成する細胞(骨格)が示す非平衡揺らぎの統計分布, 第2回ソフトマター研究会, 2012.09.
36. Daisuke Mizuno, Non-Gauss athermal fluctuations in active cytoskeletons, The 50th Annual Meeting of the BSJ,Symposium “Living matter far from equilibrium: from DNA to cytoskeletons and cells”, 2012.09.
37. Daisuke Mizuno, Heev Ayade, Non-Gauss a-thermal fluctuations in active cytoskeletons, Biological & Pharmaceutical Complex Fluids: New Trends in Characterizing Microstructure, Interactions & Properties An ECI Conference, 2012.08.
38. Daisuke Mizuno, R. G. Bacabac, D.A. Head and Christoph Schmidt, Mechano-sensing and Active Cytoskeleton, inernational symposium on emchanobiology, 2011.11.
39. 豊田 聖啓, 木下 英, 山本 直樹, 坂本 隼人, 木村 康之, Schmidt C. F., 水野 大介, 26pPSA-42 生きた細胞骨格の非平衡揺らぎ(領域12ポスターセッション,領域12,ソフトマター物理,化学物理,生物物理), 日本物理学会講演概要集, 2009.08.
40. 豊田 聖啓, 木下 英, 坂本 隼人, 木村 康之, Scmidt C. F., 水野 大介, 28pVC-16 生きた細胞骨格の非平衡揺らぎ(28pVC 生物物理,領域12(ソフトマター物理,化学物理,生物物理)), 日本物理学会講演概要集, 2009.03.
41. 水野 大介, Bacabac R. G., Tardin C., Head D. A., Schmidt C. F., 30pVC-1 細胞牽引力の力学変換過程(30pVC 生物物理,領域12(ソフトマター物理,化学物理,生物物理)), 日本物理学会講演概要集, 2009.03.
42. 水野 大介, 21pVA-4 生きた細胞(骨格)の非平衡動力学(21pVA 領域11シンポジウム:非平衡ゆらぎ,領域11(統計力学,物性基礎論,応用数学,力学,流体物理)), 日本物理学会講演概要集, 2008.08.
43. Daisuke Mizuno, M. Atakhorrami, K. M. Addas, J. X. Tang, G. H. Koenderink, F. C. MacKintosh, C. F. Schmidt, Laser trapping and laser interferometry for high-bandwidth micromechanical probing of biomaterials, Asia Optical Fiber Communication and Optoelectronic Exposition and Conference, AOE 2008, 2008.01, We present techniques based on optical trapping of micron-sized particles as probes and detecting their motion with sub-nanometer accuracy at 100 kHz bandwidth that can measure viscoelastic properties of biomaterials and cells on micrometer scales..
44. C. F. Schmidt, D. Mizuno, Linear and nonlinear laser-trapping microrheology, Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation IV, 2007.12, [URL], We have developed a high-bandwidth technique for active 2-particle microrheology (AMR) with which we can probe linear and nonlinear responses of soft materials. Micron-sized colloidal probe particles are driven by an oscillating optical trap, and the resulting correlated motions of neighboring particles are detected by laser interferometry. Lock-in detection at the driving frequency and at its second harmonic makes it possible to measure the linear and the non-linear response of the embedding medium at the same time. We demonstrate the sensitivity of the method by detecting a second-harmonic response in water which is of purely geometric origin and which can be fully understood within linear hydrodynamics..
45. Yasuyuki Kimura, Daisuke Mizuno, Dynamics of nano-sized colloidal particles in a lyotropic lamellar phase, 3rd International Symposium on Slow Dynamics in Complex Systems, 2004.04, [URL], Transport of nano-sized colloidal particles in a dilute lyotropic lamellar phase of a nonionic surfactant has been studied by AC electrophoretic light scattering. The frequency dispersion of complex electrophoretic mobility shows two relaxation processes at about 1kHz (HF relaxation) and a few Hz (LF relaxation). These relaxations are originated from the hindrance of diffusion of particles in characteristic local structures of lamellar phase. The HF relaxation is found to relate the local deformation of membranes induced by particles. The LF one relates the confinement of a particle within persistence length of lamellar orientation..
46. 水野 大介, 木村 康之, 早川 禮之助, 25aXA-11 複素電気泳動易動度スペクトロスコピーを用いたコロイド分散系のキャラクタリゼーション, 日本物理学会講演概要集, 2000.09.
47. 磯野 洋, 小俣 一由, 水野 大介, 木村 康之, 早川 禮之助, 24aZD-1 コロイド結晶の揺らぎのダイナミックス, 日本物理学会講演概要集, 2000.03.
48. 水野 大介, 木村 康之, 早川 禮之助, 24aZD-2 交流電場下での荷電コロイド粒子のダイナミックス, 日本物理学会講演概要集, 2000.03.
49. D. Mizuno, K. Hattori, K. Sakai, K. Takagi, Dynamic measurement of surface properties with Ripplon spectroscopy, Proceedings of the 1998 International Ultrasonics Symposium, 1998.12, Ripplon light scattering technique was applied for the investigation of the mechanical properties of the surface of surfactant solution. The velocity and damping constant of the ripplon were measured for decyl-alcohol solution under periodical modulation of the surface area and the dynamic surface tension was obtained in the frequency range of 10-3-10-1 Hz. The relaxation of surface elasticity due to the adsorption and desorption of the surfactant molecules was successfully observed..
50. 木村 康之, 水野 大介, 大泉 淳一, 早川 禮之助, 1AD09 非イオン性界面活性剤スポンジ相における2分子膜のダイナミックス, 液晶討論会講演予稿集, 1997.09, We have studied the sponge phase (L_3) of binary mixture of C_E_5 and water by the dynamic light scattering technique. At the concentration above 2w%, an almost single relaxation related with the cooparative diffusion of membranes is detected. The dynamic correlation lengh is evaluated from the diffusion constant to be a little larger than that obtained for the L_α phase. At the concentration below 2w%, we can find the crossover behavior Γ∝q^2 to Γ∝q^3 in the dispersion relation between the inverse correlation time Γ and the scattering wavenumber q..

