Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Reports
Hayashi Jun-ichiro Last modified date:2024.05.06

Professor / Science and Engineering of Materials and Devices, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences / Department of Advanced Device Materials / Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering

1. Jun-ichiro Hayashi, Biomass boost: driving down the cost of glucose, 2021.02, By using agricultural waste and co-producing other bio-based chemicals, JAPAN IS REDUCING THE COST OF GLUCOSE, one of the global bioeconomy’s greatest hopes..
2. Kudo Shinji, Koyo Norinaga, Hayashi Jun-ichiro, Applications of Catalysis in the Selective Conversion of Lignocellulosic Biomass by Pyrolysis, Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences, 8, 1-8, 2013.03.
3. Hayashi Jun-ichiro, Collaborative Research with the Indonesian Institute of Sciences: Establishing a Scientific Base for Innovative Lignite and Biomass Reforming, Novel Carbon Resource Sciences New Letter, 8, 19-23, 2013.03.