九州大学 研究者情報
鷲崎 俊太郎(わしざき しゅんたろう) データ更新日:2023.11.22

准教授 /  経済学研究院 産業・企業システム部門 産業システム

1. 鷲崎俊太郎, 明治期東京市内における弁護士事務所の立地状況, 第65回歴史地理学会大会, 2022.05.
2. 鷲崎俊太郎, なぜ明治期の東京市京橋区に弁護士事務所が多かったのか? ―歴史地理学の視点から―, 社会経済史学会九州部会, 2022.04.
3. 鷲崎俊太郎, 日清・日露戦後期における三菱東京所有地の意義 -麹町区内幸町の事例研究-, 政治経済学・経済史学会, 2021.10,  この研究の目的は,三菱合資会社が1895(明治28)年から1929(昭和4)年頃まで所有した東京市麹町区内幸町1丁目3番地(現・東京都千代田区内幸町1丁目2~3番地)の地所を事例として,日清・日露戦後期――から,その後史料収集が進んだために1920年代まで――における東京の土地利用の社会経済史的意義を探ることにある。
4. 鷲崎俊太郎, 村落社会の市場経済化と共同性の諸相 ―近世における上塩尻村(長野県上田市)の事例分析から― コメント:近世都市経済史との比較の立場から
, 社会経済史学会, 2021.05.
5. Shuntaro WASHIZAKI, An Analysis of the Interest Rate for Loans to Direct Retainers of the Shogun in Early Modern Japan, 44th Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, 2019.11, The purpose of this report is to analyze the transition of the interest rate for loans to direct retainers of the Shogun in early modern Japan, taking the case of Edo from the first half of the 19th century to the Meiji Restoration in 1868.
I compared the time series transition of the interest rate of real estate mortgages in Edo with that for loans to Domain Lords in Osaka in previous studies. As a result, both interest rates showed a significant positive correlation with prices. However, the former increased, while the latter continued to decrease during the hyperinflation from the opening of the port in 1859 to the Meiji Restoration. From these fact findings, I concluded that financial markets were not yet unified nationally and were not arbitrated between East and West in modern Japan. On the other hand, there is also a problem that the two interest rates cannot be compared directly because the borrower's class and the financial market location were different. In order to solve this problem, I will analyze the transition of the interest rate for loans to direct retainers of the Shogun in Edo in this report. Therefore, I will clarify the difference of samurai finance in the money market between Edo and Osaka.
A financial institution that provided loans to him during the Tokugawa period was called the Fudasashi. He was supposed to be paid by the generals with rice produced at his place of control. However, even if he received all of his salary in rice, he did not consume it entirely as food. He would rather need cash to purchase the necessary goods for life. Furthermore, since rice was transported to Edo after autumn, he had to have cash from the Fudasashi when he needed funding in spring and summer. Most of Fudasashi set up stores in Asakusa where rice warehouses were accumulated in Edo City at that time. Then, Fudasashi received rice from the warehouse as a representative of the direct retainer, and paid a part of it to him. In addition, Fudasashi played the role of a financial institution that converted remaining rice into cash and passed it to the direct retainer, or lent cash to him using rice as a reserve.
There were about 100 Fudasashi in Edo from the first half of the 18th century to the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate in 1867. However, the Meiji new government stopped paying salaries for a samurai class and dismantled its status. Due to the effect, all Fudasashi closed without collecting the huge amount of debt they had been lending to direct retainers. Therefore, almost no historical material related to the management of Fudasashi remains today.
There are analysis by Kouda and Kitahara as prior researches on Fudasashi. Those studies include the background of the appearance of Fudasashi, the fund transfer system between Fudasashi and warriors, and the market intervention of the Shogunate for financial transactions of Fudasashi based on the historical materials of the Shogunate's legal system. However, there is no research that analyzed financial transactions quantitatively based on the books or borrowing documents of Fudasashi at that time. At present, these Fudasashi documents are only left in the Aochi family materials at Hitotsubashi University Library and in the Sumitomo Family documents. In this report, I will use the latter document recently published as historical material.
The Sumitomo family is one that has developed copper mining and refining industries as the core of family business since the early modern Japan. The Sumitomo family opened its first store in Edo in 1678, and advanced to Asakusa in 1702. They started to transfer funds to direct retainers as Fudasashi at the latest in 1755, and also made loans to domain lords and Edo townspeople. However, due to the influence of the Meiji Restoration, they decided to close two stores in Edo in 1868.
There are 267 borrowing certificates in the Sumitomo family documents. In other words, the Sumitomo family established business relationships as a Fudasashi with at least 267 direct retainers of the Shogun in Edo. Of these, the certificates that described the interest rate clearly are 73, which were prepared in 1825-66. All 73 borrowing certificates contain information such as the amount of rice received as salary, principal for borrowing, repayment and interest per year, etc.
Based on this information, analyzing the nominal interest rate reveals two features. As the first feature, the direct retainers who received the funds transfer from the Sumitomo family were classified into the following two groups based on the loan interest rate. The first group was the ones who were in debt at an annual interest rate of 10-12%. Since the amount of rice as their salary and the principal for borrowing were relatively large, it is presumed that the annual interest rate on lending was high. The second group was the others who were in debt at an interest rate of 1-3% a year. Because the amount of rice as their salary was relatively small compared to that of the first group, they were judged to be minor retainers. In this way, the interest rates were divided into two groups, probably because there was a risk of being loaned off when the interest rate of the same rate as the market interest rate in Edo was imposed on a tiny retainers’ group. The land mortgage interest rate in Edo was 6-8% a year at that time. It is speculated that the Sumitomo family was forced to lend funds to the small retainers class with low interest, but that they were lending with a slightly higher interest rate to the relatively high paid retainers class. .
The second feature is that the interest rate on loans by Sumitomo family did not change for 40 years. Meanwhile, the Shogunate issued a decree to reduce the annual interest rate of general public loans from 15% to 12% in 1842. However, the Sumitomo family did not reduce the interest rate on loans. In other words, the government's policy of intervention in the financial markets did not affect the Fudasashi loan for direct retainers. Since this fact has already been confirmed from the land mortgage interest rate in Edo, it can be said that this law did not lower the interest rate regardless of the lender's class.
On the other hand, despite the rise in prices triggered by the opening of the port in 1859, the nominal interest rate on the Sumitomo family remained unchanged. This trend was contrary to that of the land mortgage interest rate in Edo, but it was in common with that of the daimyo loan interest rate in Osaka. The reason is probably due to the pressure to maintain the nominal interest rate for funding for direct retainers. With the opening of the ports, trading in import and export goods and the development of new businesses benefiting from the trade could be expected to increase profits for the townspeople. However, a drop in disposable income due to price increases was expected for retainers. Therefore, Fudasashi were not able to raise the loan interest for retainers. However, it is not known at present whether it was decided by the market intervention of the Shogunate or by the demand-supply relationship of the financial market. We would like to consider further proving this question in terms of historical sources.
It is thought that the profit of Fudasashi fell considerably at the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate. The reason is that the real loan interest rate was lowered by the sustained inflation rather than the legal pressure of the Shogunate that ordered the interest rate reduction. Furthermore, in the early modern Japanese financial markets, no arbitrage relationships were seen between regions or between lenders. The fact seems to be a great motivation to establish banking business nationwide after the Meiji Restoration. This is because the development of correspondent contracts was essential in order to carry out lending and remittance operations at the national level..
6. Shuntaro WASHIZAKI, An Analysis of Estimated Interest Rates in Early Modern Japan: Loans to Domain Lords in Osaka and Land Mortgage Finance in Edo, 43rd Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, 2018.11.
7. Shuntaro WASHIZAKI, A Reanalysis of Estimated Interest Rate in Early Modern Japan: Loans for Domain Lords in Osaka, The 6th Asian Historical Economics Conference, 2018.09.
8. 鷲崎 俊太郎, 江戸と大阪の推計利子率分析 ―土地抵当金融と大名貸金融―, 社会経済史学会東北部会・第17回経営史学会東北ワークショップ(共催), 2017.11.
9. 鷲崎 俊太郎, 江戸の土地不動産における収益率と利回りの時系列分析 ―賃貸・売買・抵当市場において―, 第60回歴史地理学会大会, 2017.06.
10. 鷲崎 俊太郎, 近世・近代都市の土地市場分析 ―江戸・東京の不動産経営史―, 国土交通政策研究所第176回政策課題勉強会, 2015.06.
11. 鷲崎 俊太郎, 近世・近代都市の土地市場分析 ―江戸・東京の不動産経営史―, 第188回住宅経済研究会, 2014.10.
12. 鷲崎 俊太郎, 近世・近代都市の土地市場分析 ―江戸・東京の不動産経営史―, 第4回都市土地研究会, 2014.07.
13. 鷲崎 俊太郎, 20世紀初頭における三菱合資会社の不動産経営と地所課の役割 ―「収支証書」を事例に―, 社会経済史学会第83回全国大会, 2014.05,  本報告は,20世紀初頭における三菱合資会社地所課(1893年12月合資会社設立時に会計課が地所・家屋を分掌,99年庶務部が分掌,1906年地所用度課の設置を経て08年地所課と改称)の史料を利用して不動産収支を分析するとともに,地所課が合資会社全体において果たした役割について検討していくことを目的とする。
 昨今の近世・近代日本における都市の土地市場と不動産経営の研究によって,以下の2点が明らかとなった。江戸・東京の不動産投資は2~8%という低年利で推移した長期金融資産であり,短期金融資産かつ消費金融の要素を含む大名貸や農村証文貸と性格を異にしていたが,両者の変化のトレンドは18~19世紀転換期から幕末期に低下傾向を示した点で共通していた。その後,不動産収益率は1860年代後半期から上昇し,70年代後半~90年代前半には7~9%台まで回復した。この推移を明治前期における他の金融商品と比較すると,不動産収益率は80年代中頃~90年代初頭には日本銀行本店の公定歩合や東京市中の貸付金利とパラレルに変動していたことから,明治前期の金融商品は裁定関係にあったといえる(鷲崎[2012, 2013])。しかし,明治前期における都市の不動産経営は,外観・収支構造とも近世の町屋敷経営を継続したままだった。こうした「在来型不動産経営」に変化し始めたのは,1880~90年代である。鷲崎[2009]はそれを投資パフォーマンスという立場から分析した結果,ある程度まとまった土地に欧米の建築技術や住宅供給システム(電灯・電話・火災保険など)を取り入れて容積率を向上させ,市街地の高度利用を図る「近代型不動産経営」の必要性が明らかとなった。その手法・手段こそが丸の内オフィス街の建築であり,その不動産収益率は20世紀初頭に10%へ到達しようとしていたのである。

・――「江戸の町屋敷経営と不動産収益率の長期分析:1775~1872 ―三井家両替店請40か所のケーススタディ―」,『経済学研究』第79巻第4号(2012年12月)
14. 鷲崎 俊太郎, 島津 忠裕, 世界文化遺産登録と観光まちづくり(鹿児島), 第57回歴史地理学会大会, 2014.05,  「明治日本の産業革命遺産 九州・山口と関連地域」は、平成21年に世界文化遺産暫定一覧表に記載された遺跡・遺産群であり、平成26年に国際記念物遺跡会議による現地調査、平成27年にユネスコ世界遺産委員会による採択が予定されている。
15. 鷲崎 俊太郎, 近世・近代都市の土地市場分析 —江戸・東京の不動産経営史―, 社会経済史学会近畿部会4月例会, 2014.04.
16. 鷲崎俊太郎, 歴史地理学-日本経済史間の学際的研究史:趨勢と課題, 第54回歴史地理学会大会, 2011.06.
17. Shuntaro WASHIZAKI and his Seminar Class Students (Ryoji Kido, Kazuhei Saito, Mari Nakamura, Yuki Hiraoka, Ko Yo Han), Information Asymmetry and the Role of Dutch Interpreters in Nagasaki, Workshop: Institutions and Merchant Communities in Asia from the 18th to the 20th Centuries -Analyses of Global Trade Expansion from Local Perspectives-, 2011.03.
18. 鷲崎俊太郎, 江戸土地市場のファンダメンタルズとバブル, 数量経済史研究会, 2010.03.
19. 鷲崎俊太郎, 近世都市の土地市場と不動産投資分析―江戸のファンダメンタルズとバブル―, 社会経済史学会九州部会・経営史学会西日本部会学会(共催), 2010.01.
20. 鷲崎俊太郎, 江戸土地市場の家質利子率と売買地価―築地町屋敷の事例―, 社会経済史学会第77回全国大会, 2008.09.
21. 鷲崎俊太郎, 徳川前期の不動産投資と町屋敷経営――江戸小舟町・神戸家のケーススタディ, 人文地理学会2007年度大会, 2007.11.
22. 鷲崎俊太郎, 徳川前期における江戸の土地市場と町屋敷経営, 社会経済史学会関東部会2007年度第1回部会, 2007.09.
23. 鷲崎俊太郎, 徳川後期の「地方町場」と土地不動産市場―取手宿本陣染野家の地貸・店貸経営―,シンポジウム「地方都市の形成と展開――その多様性」第1報告, 首都圏形成史研究会第66回例会, 2007.04.
24. 鷲崎俊太郎, 徳川後期の地方町場と土地不動産市場―取手宿本陣染野家の地貸・店貸経営―, 地方都市・町場史研究会第18回研究会, 2007.03.
25. 鷲崎俊太郎, 江戸の土地市場:表店と裏店の比較史, 歴史地理学会第208回例会, 2006.07.
26. 鷲崎俊太郎, 近世町場の土地賃貸借市場分析―下総国相馬郡取手町の事例―, 地方都市・町場史研究会第12回研究会, 2006.06.
27. 鷲崎俊太郎, 徳川時代の土地市場と都市の衰退, 日本地理学会2006年度春季学術大会, 2006.03.
28. 鷲崎俊太郎, 徳川後期宿場町の人口移動と借地借家料, 日本人口学会第57回大会, 2005.06.
29. 鷲崎俊太郎, 徳川後期宿場町の人口移動と借地借家料, 地方都市・町場史研究会第4回研究会, 2005.06.
30. 鷲崎俊太郎, 徳川後期宿場町の人口移動と借地借家料―下総国相馬郡取手宿において―, 日本地理学会2005年度春季学術大会, 2005.03.
31. 鷲崎俊太郎, 幕末・明治期の製茶輸出と国内海上交通, 鉄道史学会, 2003.12.
32. 鷲崎俊太郎, 横浜居留地貿易の製茶輸出と国内海上交通・1859~1889年―徳川・明治期「海の東海道」構想の再検討―, 人文地理学会2003年度大会, 2003.11.
33. 鷲崎俊太郎, 幕末・明治前期の製茶輸出と国内流通ネットワーク―居留地貿易と地方海運業―, 首都圏流通史研究会10月例会, 2003.10.
34. 鷲崎俊太郎, 明治初期の居留地貿易と内外商間の経済的結合性:『横浜毎日新聞』からみた売込商・引取商の流通ネットワーク, 社会経済史学会第72回全国大会, 2003.06.
35. 鷲崎俊太郎, 歴史地理学的視点からみた幕末開港都市・横浜の人口移動―「五丁目人別帳」を題材とした階層と出身地との関係―, 第45回(平成14年度)歴史地理学会大会, 2002.05.
36. Shuntaro WASHIZAKI, Migration and Gendered Networks -A Case Study of the Shimoda Merchants in Yokohama 1854-1867, Paper Sessions in SSHA Meeting, 2001.11.
37. 鷲崎俊太郎, 開国と開港を結ぶ商人―豆州下田商人の横浜進出と撤退―, 第44回(平成13年度)歴史地理学会大会, 2001.06.
38. 鷲崎俊太郎, 幕末期豆州下田商人の欠乏品売込活動と横浜移住, 社会経済史学会第70回全国大会, 2001.05.
39. 鷲崎俊太郎, 幕末・維新期開港居留地における人口集積-横浜本町五丁目のケーススタディ-, 人文地理学会2000年度大会, 2000.11.
40. 鷲崎俊太郎, 天保期・開港前後の八王子横山宿における人口移動と地域間ネットワークの形成, 社会経済史学会第68回全国大会, 1999.05.
41. 鷲崎俊太郎, 開港以前八王子横山宿における人口移動, 経済史シンポジウム, 1999.02.
42. 鷲崎俊太郎, 天保期八王子横山宿の人口移動, 社会経済史学会関東部会1998年度第5回部会, 1998.12.

