Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Papers
SHUNTARO WASHIZAKI Last modified date:2024.06.26

Associate Professor / Fields in Industry / Department of Industrial and Business System / Faculty of Economics

1. This article examines the role of the land registers and the town headmen in land management in Edo. They recorded information on land ownership in land registers and publicly protected land ownership and mortgages.
When samurai families owned a land of town people in violation of shogunate's policies, the town headmen formally dealt with the magistrate's office in Edo in accordance with the law, and responded pragmatically to the land acquirer. In the case of land collateral financing, it is thought that the kinship between the town headmen and the financial merchant was also beneficial..
2. Purchase of land in Uchisaiwai-cho by Mitsubishi and land utilization by its tenants in late Meiji Era: Focusing on the case of the office lease business by a lawyer, Rokuichiro Masujima.
3. Land Market and Real Estate Mortgage Loan in Edo: A Case Study at Tsukiji and Teppozu Districts during the Tokugawa Period.
4. Real Estate Business of Mitsubishi Goshi Kaisha in Meiji Era.
5. The purpose of this report is to study the significance of interdisciplinary approach between socioeconomic history and historical geography in the case of Mataji Umemura's relationship with Chiharu Kurosaki (1923-2007). Umemura (1921-2006),a professor emeritus at Hitotsubashi University specialized in labor economics and compiled “Long-term Economic Statistics" (LTES) with Kazushi Okawa and Miyohei Shinohara for a long time. He was also interested in economic history during Tokugawa period (1603-1867),be cause he convinced that Japan's industrialization had steadily started before Matsukata Deflation (1881-1885). Therefore he formed the Quantitative Economic History Association (QEH) in 1971 with Akira Hayami,Shunsaku Nishikawa etc. and contributed to analyze Japanese history by the use of the empirical framework and method. On the other hand,K urosaki, a former professor emeritus at Tsukuba University,specialized in historical geography and contributed to find various data of Meiji period and brought ground a quantitative approach in modern historical geography. Umemura frequently read Kurosaki' s article and invited him to attend QEH 1st conference on August,1972. The result of this conference was published in the QEH annals vol.1. Furthermore Kurosaki submitted a review of LTES vol.13,which Umemura had supervised for years..
6. Bunzo Washizaki's Memoirs, 1876-1930: Half a Life of a Railway Engineer in Modern Japan.
7. Land Market and Real Estate Management in Japanese Cities, 1600-1900: Trends and Isuues.
8. Land Market and Real Estate Management in the Second Half of the Tokugawa Period: A Case Study of the Someno Family in Toride Town in a suburd of Edo.
9. Investment and management of real estate in Tokyo by Mitsubishi, 1870-1905.
10. The Real Estate Business and Investment in Edo: 1695-1754 -A Case Study of the Kando Family-.
11. Asset market and investment in real estate in the second half of the Tokugawa period: an analysis of rents and real estate values in Edo using an income capitalization approach.
12. Business Relationships between Japanese Merchants and Western Firms in the Treaty Port Trade of Yokohama: 1869-1874.
13. Business relationships between Japanese marchants and Western firms in the treaty port trade of Yokohama: 1869-1874.
14. A Population History of Family Migration in the Country Town "Hachioji" -The Case of Yokoyama-shuku 1833-1842-.
15. Migration patterns in silk textile prodution centers in the late Tokugawa period: a case study of the town of Hachioji.