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基本情報 研究活動 教育活動 社会活動 病院臨床活動
二宮 利治(にのみやとしはる) データ更新日:2024.06.03

教授 /  医学研究院 基礎医学部門 九州大学大学院 医学研究院 衛生公衆衛生学分野

Global cardiovascular Risk Consortium
Asian Renal collaboration
2014.04~2019.03, 代表者:Vlado Perkovic, The George Insitutute for global health, Australia.
2016.04~2021.03, 代表者:二宮 利治, 九州大学.
2013.04~2021.03, 代表者:工藤 寿彦, マルマンコンピュータサービス, 弘前大学.
Honolulu-Hisayama Collaborative Dementia Study
Asia-Pacific Cohort Studies Collaboration(APCSC)
NCD Risk Factor Collaboration
COSMIC collaboration
FORCE collaboration
Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration
Japan Arteriosclerosis Longitudinal Study(JALS)
1. Perkovic V, Ninomiya T, MacMahon S, Chalmers J., Renal and microalbuminuria data from ADVANCE: Role of Macro and Microcirculation in Target Organ Damage in Diabetes and Hypertension. , Chapter 9 Editors: Lévy BI and Struijker-Houdier HAJ Publishers : Wiley-Blackwell, Wiley and Sons, Oxford, UK, 2009., 2009.01.
2. 二宮 利治, 清原 裕. , 冠動脈疾患の疫学 -久山町研究-. 冠動脈疾患の予防戦略. , 代田 浩之(編), 中山書店, 東京, 17-19, 2006, 2008.01.
1. Ninomiya T, Takimoto H, Matsuzaki G, Hamano S, Yoshida H, Yoshikai Y, Kimura G, Nomoto K., Vgamma1+ gammadelta T cells play protective roles at an early phase of murine cytomegalovirus infection through production of interferon-gamma., Immunology, 10.1046/j.1365-2567.2000.00938.x, 99, 2, 187-194, 2000.01.
2. Ninomiya T, Kanai H, Hirakawa M, Arimura Y, Masutani K, Kashiwagi M, Nakamura S, Koga Y, Fukuda K, Hirakata H., Myeloperoxidase-antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated glomerulonephritis superimposed on biopsy-proven diabetic nephrosclerosis., Am J Kidney Dis, 10.1053/ajkd.2002.29925, 39, 1, E4, 2002.01.
3. Tsuruya K, Tokumoto M, Ninomiya T, Hirakawa M, Masutani K, Taniguchi M, Fukuda K, Kanai H, Hirakata H, Iida M., Antioxidant ameliorates cisplatin-induced renal tubular cell death through inhibition of death receptor-mediated pathways., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol, 10.1152/ajprenal.00311.2002, 285, 2, F208-F218, 2003.01.
4. Ninomiya T, Kiyohara Y, Kubo M, Tanizaki Y, Tanaka K, Okubo K, Nakamura H, Hata J, Oishi Y, Kato I, Hirakata H, Iida M., Hyperhomocysteinemia and the development of chronic kidney disease in a general population: the Hisayama study., Am J Kidney Dis, 10.1053/j.ajkd.2004.05.024, 44, 3, 437-445, 2004.01.
5. Ninomiya T, Kiyohara Y, Kubo M, Tanizaki Y, Doi Y, Okubo K, Wakugawa Y, Hata J, Oishi Y, Shikata K, Yonemoto K, Hirakata H, Iida M., Chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular disease in a general Japanese population: the Hisayama Study., Kidney Int, 10.1111/j.1523-1755.2005.00397.x, 68, 1, 228-236, 2005.01.
6. Ninomiya T, Kiyohara Y, Kubo M, Yonemoto K, Tanizaki Y, Doi Y, Hirakata H, Iida M., Metabolic syndrome and CKD in a general Japanese population: the Hisayama Study., Am J Kidney Dis, 48, 383-391, 2006.01.
7. Kubo M, Kiyohara Y, Ninomiya T, Tanizaki Y, Yonemoto K, Doi Y, Hata J, Shikata K, Iida M., Decreasing incidence of lacunar vs other types of cerebral infarction in a Japanese population., Neurology, 66, 1539-1544, 2006.01.
8. Patel A, MacMahon S, Chalmers J, Neal B, Woodward M, Billot L, Harrap S, Poulter N, Marre M, Cooper M, Glasziou P, Grobbee DE, Hamet P, Heller S, Liu LS, Mancia G, Mogensen CE, Pan CY, Rodgers A, Williams B; ADVANCE Collaborative Group., Effects of a fixed combination of perindopril and indapamide on macrovascular and microvascular outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (the ADVANCE trial): a randomised controlled trial., Lancet, 370, 829-840, 2007.01.
9. Ninomiya T, Kubo M, Doi Y, Yonemoto K, Tanizaki Y, Tsuruya K, Sueishi K, Tsuneyoshi M, Iida M, Kiyohara Y., Prehypertension increases the risk for renal arteriosclerosis in autopsies: the Hisayama Study., J Am Soc Nephrol, 18, 2135-2142, 2007.01.
10. Ninomiya T, Kubo M, Doi Y, Yonemoto K, Tanizaki Y, Rahman M, Arima H, Tsuryuya K, Iida M, Kiyohara Y., Impact of metabolic syndrome on the development of cardiovascular disease in a general Japanese population: the Hisayama study., Stroke, 38, 2063-2069, 2007.01.
11. Kubo M, Hata J, Ninomiya T, Matsuda K, Yonemoto K, Nakano T, Matsushita T, Yamazaki K, Ohnishi Y, Saito S, Kitazono T, Ibayashi S, Sueishi K, Iida M, Nakamura Y, Kiyohara Y., A nonsynonymous SNP in PRKCH (protein kinase C eta) increases the risk of cerebral infarction., Nat Genet, 39, 212-217, 2007.01.
12. Turnbull F, Woodward M, Neal B, Barzi F, Ninomiya T, Chalmers J, Perkovic V, Li N, MacMahon S; Blood Pressure Lowering Treatment Trialists' Collaboration., Do men and women respond differently to blood pressure-lowering treatment? Results of prospectively designed overviews of randomized trials., Eur Heart J, 29, 2669-2680, 2008.01.
13. Turnbull F, Neal B, Ninomiya T, Algert C, Arima H, Barzi F, Bulpitt C, Chalmers J, Fagard R, Gleason A, Heritier S, Li N, Perkovic V, Woodward M, MacMahon S; Blood Pressure Lowering Treatment Trialists' Collaboration., Effects of different regimens to lower blood pressure on major cardiovascular events in older and younger adults: meta-analysis of randomised trials., BMJ, 336, 1121-1123, 2008.01.
14. Perkovic V, Verdon C, Ninomiya T, Barzi F, Cass A, Patel A, Jardine M, Gallagher M, Turnbull F, Chalmers J, Craig J, Huxley R., The relationship between proteinuria and coronary risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis., PLoS Med, 5, e207, 2008.01.
15. Patel A, MacMahon S, Chalmers J, Neal B, Billot L, Woodward M, Marre M, Cooper M, Glasziou P, Grobbee D, Hamet P, Harrap S, Heller S, Liu L, Mancia G, Mogensen CE, Pan C, Poulter N, Rodgers A, Williams B, Bompoint S, de Galan BE, Joshi R, Travert F; ADVANCE Collaborative Group., Intensive blood glucose control and vascular outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes., N Engl J Med, 358, 2560-2572, 2008.01.
16. Ninomiya T, Kiyohara Y, Tokuda Y, Doi Y, Arima H, Harada A, Ohashi Y, Ueshima H; Japan Arteriosclerosis Longitudinal Study Group., Impact of kidney disease and blood pressure on the development of cardiovascular disease: an overview from the Japan Arteriosclerosis Longitudinal Study., Circulation, 118, 2694-2701, 2008.01.
17. Katafuchi R, Ninomiya T, Mizumasa T, Ikeda K, Kumagai H, Nagata M, Hirakata H., The improvement of renal survival with steroid pulse therapy in IgA nephropathy., Nephrol Dial Transplant, 23, 3915-3920, 2008.01.
18. de Galan BE, Perkovic V, Ninomiya T, Pillai A, Patel A, Cass A, Neal B, Poulter N, Harrap S, Mogensen CE, Cooper M, Marre M, Williams B, Hamet P, Mancia G, Woodward M, Glasziou P, Grobbee DE, MacMahon S, Chalmers J; ADVANCE Collaborative Group., Lowering blood pressure reduces renal events in type 2 diabetes., J Am Soc Nephrol, 20, 883-892, 2009.01.
19. Zoungas S, de Galan BE, Ninomiya T, Grobbee D, Hamet P, Heller S, MacMahon S, Marre M, Neal B, Patel A, Woodward M, Chalmers J; ADVANCE Collaborative Group, Cass A, Glasziou P, Harrap S, Lisheng L, Mancia G, Pillai A, Poulter N, Perkovic V, Travert F., Combined effects of routine blood pressure lowering and intensive glucose control on macrovascular and microvascular outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes: New results from the ADVANCE trial., Diabetes Care, 32, 2068-2074, 2009.01.
20. Zoungas S, Ninomiya T, Huxley R, Cass A, Jardine M, Gallagher M, Patel A, Vasheghani-Farahani A, Sadigh G, Perkovic V., Systematic review: sodium bicarbonate treatment regimens for the prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy., Ann Intern Med, 151, 631-638, 2009.01.
21. Turnbull FM, Abraira C, Anderson RJ, Byington RP, Chalmers JP, Duckworth WC, Evans GW, Gerstein HC, Holman RR, Moritz TE, Neal BC, Ninomiya T, Patel AA, Paul SK, Travert F, Woodward M., Intensive glucose control and macrovascular outcomes in type 2 diabetes., Diabetologia, 52, 2288-2298, 2009.01.
22. Ninomiya T, Perkovic V, de Galan BE, Zoungas S, Pillai A, Jardine M, Patel A, Cass A, Neal B, Poulter N, Mogensen CE, Cooper M, Marre M, Williams B, Hamet P, Mancia G, Woodward M, Macmahon S, Chalmers J; ADVANCE Collaborative Group., Albuminuria and kidney function independently predict cardiovascular and renal outcomes in diabetes., J Am Soc Nephrol, 20, 1813-1821, 2009.01.
23. Ninomiya T, Perkovic V, Verdon C, Barzi F, Cass A, Gallagher M, Jardine M, Anderson C, Chalmers J, Craig JC, Huxley R., Proteinuria and stroke: a meta-analysis of cohort studies., Am J Kidney Dis, 53, 417-425, 2009.01.
24. Ninomiya T, Donnan G, Anderson N, Bladin C, Chambers B, Gordon G, Sharpe N, Chalmers J, Woodward M, Neal B; PROGRESS Collaborative Group., Effects of the end point adjudication process on the results of the Perindopril Protection Against Recurrent Stroke Study (PROGRESS)., Stroke, 40, 2111-2115, 2009.01.
25. Heerspink HJ, Ninomiya T, Zoungas S, de Zeeuw D, Grobbee DE, Jardine MJ, Gallagher M, Roberts MA, Cass A, Neal B, Perkovic V., Effect of lowering blood pressure on cardiovascular events and mortality in patients on dialysis: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials., Lancet, 373, 1009-1015, 2009.01.
26. Du X, Ninomiya T, de Galan B, Abadir E, Chalmers J, Pillai A, Woodward M, Cooper M, Harrap S, Hamet P, Poulter N, Lip GY, Patel A; ADVANCE Collaborative Group., Risks of cardiovascular events and effects of routine blood pressure lowering among patients with type 2 diabetes and atrial fibrillation: results of the ADVANCE study., Eur Heart J, 30, 1128-1135, 2009.01.
27. Doi Y, Ninomiya T, Hata J, Yonemoto K, Tanizaki Y, Arima H, Liu Y, Rahman M, Iida M, Kiyohara Y., Seroprevalence of herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 in a population-based cohort in Japan., J Epidemiol, 19, 56-62, 2009.01.
28. Doi Y, Ninomiya T, Hata J, Yonemoto K, Arima H, Kubo M, Tanizaki Y, Iwase M, Iida M, Kiyohara Y., Proposed criteria for metabolic syndrome in Japanese based on prospective evidence: the Hisayama study., Stroke, 40, 1187-1194, 2009.01.
29. Zoungas S, Patel A, Chalmers J, de Galan BE, Li Q, Billot L, Woodward M, Ninomiya T, Neal B, MacMahon S, Grobbee DE, Kengne AP, Marre M, Heller S; ADVANCE Collaborative Group., Severe hypoglycemia and risks of vascular events and death., N Engl J Med, 363, 1410-1418, 2010.01.
30. Sekita A, Ninomiya T, Tanizaki Y, Doi Y, Hata J, Yonemoto K, Arima H, Sasaki K, Iida M, Iwaki T, Kanba S, Kiyohara Y., Trends in prevalence of Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia in a Japanese community: the Hisayama Study., Acta Psychiatr Scand, 122, 319-325, 2010.01.
31. Ninomiya T, Zoungas S, Neal B, Woodward M, Patel A, Perkovic V, Cass A, Cooper M, Grobbee D, Hamet P, Harrap S, Liu L, Mancia G, Mogensen CE, Poulter N, Rodgers A, Williams B, MacMahon S, Chalmers J; ADVANCE Collaborative Group., Efficacy and safety of routine blood pressure lowering in older patients with diabetes: results from the ADVANCE trial., J Hypertens, 28, 1141-1149, 2010.01.
32. Nakano T, Ninomiya T, Sumiyoshi S, Fujii H, Doi Y, Hirakata H, Tsuruya K, Iida M, Kiyohara Y, Sueishi K., Association of kidney function with coronary atherosclerosis and calcification in autopsy samples from Japanese elders: the Hisayama study., Am J Kidney Dis, 55, 21-30, 2010.01.
33. Nagata M, Ninomiya T, Doi Y, Yonemoto K, Kubo M, Hata J, Tsuruya K, Iida M, Kiyohara Y., Trends in the prevalence of chronic kidney disease and its risk factors in a general Japanese population: the Hisayama Study., Nephrol Dial Transplant, 25, 2557-2564, 2010.01.
34. Jun M, Heerspink HJ, Ninomiya T, Gallagher M, Bellomo R, Myburgh J, Finfer S, Palevsky PM, Kellum JA, Perkovic V, Cass A., Intensities of renal replacement therapy in acute kidney injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis., Clin J Am Soc Nephrol, 5, 956-963, 2010.01.
35. Jardine MJ, Ninomiya T, Perkovic V, Cass A, Turnbull F, Gallagher MP, Zoungas S, Lambers Heerspink HJ, Chalmers J, Zanchetti A., Aspirin is beneficial in hypertensive patients with chronic kidney disease: a post-hoc subgroup analysis of a randomized controlled trial., J Am Coll Cardiol, 56, 956-965, 2010.01.
36. Heerspink HJ, Ninomiya T, Perkovic V, Woodward M, Zoungas S, Cass A, Cooper M, Grobbee DE, Mancia G, Mogensen CE, Neal B, Chalmers J; ADVANCE Collaborative Group., Effects of a fixed combination of perindopril and indapamide in patients with type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease., Eur Heart J, 31, 2888-2896, 2010.01.
37. Czernichow S, Ninomiya T, Huxley R, Kengne AP, Batty GD, Grobbee DE, Woodward M, Neal B, Chalmers J., Impact of blood pressure lowering on cardiovascular outcomes in normal weight, overweight, and obese individuals: the Perindopril Protection Against Recurrent Stroke Study trial., Hypertension, 55, 1193-1198, 2010.01.
38. Gansevoort RT, Matsushita K, van der Velde M, Astor BC, Woodward M, Levey AS, Jong PE, Coresh J; The Chronic Kidney Disease Prognosis Consortium, Gansevoort RT, Matsushita K, van der Velde M, Astor BC, Woodward M, Levey AS, de Jong PE, Coresh J, El-Nahas M, Eckardt KU, Kasiske BL, Ninomiya T, Chalmers J, et al., Lower estimated GFR and higher albuminuria are associated with adverse kidney outcomes in both general and high-risk populations. A collaborative meta-analysis of general and high-risk population cohorts., Kidney Int, (in press), 2011.01.
39. Czernichow S, Zanchetti A, Turnbull F, Barzi F, Ninomiya T, Kengne AP, Lambers Heerspink HJ, Perkovic V, Huxley R, Arima H, Patel A, Chalmers J, Woodward M, Macmahon S, Neal B; on behalf of the Blood Pressure Lowering Treatment Trialists? Collaboration., The effects of blood pressure reduction and of different blood pressure-lowering regimens on major cardiovascular events according to baseline blood pressure: meta-analysis of randomized trials., J Hypertens, 29, 40649, 2011.01.
40. Usui T, Ninomiya T, Nagata M, Doi Y, Hata J, Fukuhara M, Kiyohara Y., Albuminuria as a Risk Factor for Peripheral Arterial Disease in a General Population., J Atheroscler Thromb, 18, 705-712, 2011.05.
41. van der Velde M, Matsushita K, Coresh J, Astor BC, Woodward M, Levey A, de Jong P, Gansevoort RT; the Chronic Kidney Disease Prognosis Consortium, van der Velde M, Matsushita K, Coresh J, Astor BC, Woodward M, Levey AS, de Jong PE, Gansevoort RT, Levey A, El-Nahas M, Eckardt KU, Kasiske BL, Ninomiya T, et al., Lower estimated glomerular filtration rate and higher albuminuria are associated with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality. A collaborative meta-analysis of high-risk population cohorts., Kidney Int, 79, 1341-1352, 2011.06.
42. Ohara T, Ninomiya T, Kubo M, Hirakawa Y, Doi Y, Hata J, Iwaki T, Kanba S, Kiyohara Y., Apolipoprotein Genotype for Prediction of Alzheimer’s Disease in Older Japanese: The Hisayama Study., J Am Geriatr Soc, 59, 1074-1079, 2011.06.
43. Ninomiya T, Ohara T, Hirakawa Y, Yoshida D, Doi Y, Hata J, Kanba S, Iwaki T, Kiyohara Y., Midlife and Late-Life Blood Pressure and Dementia in Japanese Elderly: The Hisayama Study., Hypertension, 58, 22-28, 2011.07.
主要総説, 論評, 解説, 書評, 報告書等
1. Ninomiya T, Risk of stroke in kidney disease, Contrib Nephrol 179: 58-66, 2013, 2013.05.
2. 二宮 利治, 清原 裕. , 特集:認知症の予防と進行抑制 -生活習慣を中心に- 1. 生活習慣病と認知症 1) 高血圧と認知症との関係および降圧薬による認知症の予防. , Geriatric Medicine 48: 595-599, 2010., 2010.05.
3. 二宮 利治, 清原 裕. , 脳卒中の危険因子. , medicina 46 1743-1746, 2009, 2009.11.
4. 二宮 利治, 清原 裕. , 特集 血栓症をめぐるわが国の疫学研究. Ⅱ.心疾患 3.JALS(Japan Arteriosclerosis Longitudinal Study)[2]:一般住民における慢性腎臓病と血圧が心血管病発症に及ぼす影響(メタアナリシス). , 血栓と循環 17 65-67, 2009, 2009.06.
5. 二宮 利治, 清原 裕. , 慢性腎臓病:診断と治療の進歩. 慢性腎臓病と各種疾患. 心血管疾患., 日本内科学会雑誌 96: 887-893, 2007 , 2007.06.
6. Ninomiya T, Kiyohara Y., Albuminuria and chronic kidney disease in association with the metabolic syndrome., J Cardiometab Syndr 2: 104-107, 2007, 2007.02.
7. 二宮 利治, 清原 裕., 久山町研究からみた慢性腎臓病. , 綜合臨牀 55: 1248-1254, 2006, 2006.04.
8. 二宮 利治, 清原 裕. , 久山町スタデイにおけるCKD. , 腎臓 29: 99-103, 2006, 2006.02.
1. Ninomiya T, Ohara T, Sekita A, Doi Y, Kanba S, Kiyohara Y. , Impact of midlife and late-life blood pressure on the development of dementia in Japanese elderly: the Hisayama Study., The 23rd Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension., 2010.09.
2. Ninomiya T, Kiyohara Y, Tokuda Y, Doi Y, Arima H, Harada A, Ohashi Y, Ueshima H., Impact of kidney disease and blood pressure on the development of cardiovascular disease: Results from the Japan Arteriosclerosis Longitudinal Study. , The 15th World Congress of Heart Disease, 2010.07.
3. Ninomiya T, Heerspink HJL, Perkovic V, Zoungas S, Patel A, Grobbee D, Harrap S, Heller S, Cooper M, MacMahon S, Mancia G, Marre M, Neal B, Woodward M, Chalmers J. , The fixed combination of perindopril and indapamide has a greater effect on cardiovascular outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes and albuminuria. , ISN Nexus Symposium Kyoto 2010, 2010.04.
4. 二宮 利治, 清原 裕. , 日本におけるCKDの疫学. 慢性腎臓病と心血管病:久山町研究及びJALS統合研究., 第52回日本腎臓学会学術総会. , 2009.06.
5. Ninomiya T, Perkovic V, de Galan BE, Patel A, Cass A, Neal B, Cooper M, Mogensen CE, Williams B, MacMahon S, Chalmers J. , Independent Impact of Albuminuria and Kidney Function on Cardiovascular Risk in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: Results from the ADVANCE Trial., American Society of Nephrology Renal Week 2008. , 2008.11.
6. Ninomiya T, Perkovic V, Gallagher M, Jardine M, Cass A, Neal B, Macmahon S, Chalmers J. , The efficacy of lower blood pressure goals on the prevention of stroke in chronic kidney disease: data from the PROGRESS study. , American Society of Nephrology Renal Week 2007. , 2007.11.
7. Ninomiya T, Kiyohara Y. , Secular Trends of Chronic Kidney Disease and its Prognosis in a Japanese Community: The Hisayama Study. , The 1st Research Forum on Chronic Kidney Disease. , 2007.02.
特許出願件数  1件
特許登録件数  1件
一般社団法人 社会医学系専門医協会
American Society of Nephrology
High Blood Pressure Research Council of Australia
International Society of Hypertension
2023.04, 日本未病学会, 理事.
2021.07~2023.06, ふくおか公衆衛生推進機構, 理事.
2021.06, 日本循環器予防学会, 理事.
2017.10, 日本臨床疫学会, 理事.
海外渡航状況, 海外での教育研究歴
The George institute for global health, Australia, 2013.08~2014.04.
Dept. Clinical Pharmacology, University Medical Center Groningen, Netherlands, 2013.03~2013.03.
The George Institute for International Health, University of Sydney , Australia, 2006.10~2009.09.
井村臨床研究奨励賞(第7回), 財団法人 成人血管病研究振興財団, 2010.09.
Young Investigator Award 2010 for ISN Nexus Symposium Kyoto 2010., International society of nephrology, 2010.04.
ISH Visiting Postdoctoral Award 2007-2008, Foundation for High Blood Pressure Research, 2008.01.
ISH Visiting Postdoctoral Award 2007, Foundation for High Blood Pressure Research, 2007.01.
Over Sea Presentation Course of Japan Society of Nephrology and Baxter Joint Scholarship Program, 日本腎臓学会, 2004.05.
2016年度~2018年度, 基盤研究(C), 分担, 一般住民における心理社会的因子・家族機能・社会脳と認知症の関連:久山町研究.
2016年度~2020年度, 基盤研究(B), 分担, 8020から8028へのパラダイムシフトを目指す日韓国際比較研究.
2016年度~2020年度, 基盤研究(A), 分担, 宿主応答を累加した分子疫学的アプローチによる口腔マイクロバイオームの病原性解明.
2016年度~2018年度, 基盤研究(A), 代表, 久山町高齢者におけるMRIを基盤とした認知症・うつ病発症の前向きコホート研究.
2016年度~2018年度, 基盤研究(C), 分担, 一般住民における心理社会的因子・家族機能・社会脳と認知症の関連:久山町研究.
2015年度~2017年度, 基盤研究(C), 分担, 久山町一般住民におけるむずむず脚症候群と脳心血管病についての検討.
2015年度~2015年度, 基盤研究(C), 分担, 地域一般住民において慢性腎臓病と脂質異常症が心血管病発症に及ぼす影響:久山町研究.
2015年度~2015年度, 基盤研究(C), 分担, 地域住民における血糖関連バイオマーカーと糖尿病合併症に関する追跡研究.
2015年度~2015年度, 基盤研究(C), 分担, 久山町高齢住民における認知症の実態とその危険因子・防御因子の解明に関する縦断研究.
2015年度~2017年度, 基盤研究(B), 分担, 睡眠を核とする生活習慣病の予防と改善に向けたヘルスプロモーションの為の基盤構築.
2012年度~2012年度, 新学術領域研究, 分担, 脂質メディエーター関連遺伝子のSNPと疾患.
2010年度~2012年度, 基盤研究(C), 代表, 一般住民における血清シスタチンC値と心血管病の関係:久山町研究.
2016年度~2017年度, , 分担, 組織修復に基づく恒常性維持機構の変容による生活習慣病の病態解明と制御.
2016年度~2016年度, 厚生労働科学研究費補助金 (厚生労働省), 分担, 循環器疾患における集団間の健康格差の実態把握とその対策を目的とした大規模コホート共同研究.
2016年度~2018年度, 厚生労働科学研究費補助金 (厚生労働省), 分担, 社会的要因を含む生活習慣病リスク要因の解明を目指した国民代表集団の大規模コホート研究:NIPPON DATA80/90/2010.
2016年度~2020年度, 長寿・障害総合研究事業 認知症研究開発事業, 代表, 健康長寿社会の実現を目指した大規模認知症コホート研究.
2016年度~2021年度, センター・オブ・イノベーション(COI)プログラム, 分担, 認知症・生活習慣病研究とビッグデータ解析の融合による画期的な疾患予兆発見の仕組み構築と予防法の開発.
2015年度~2017年度, 厚生労働科学研究費補助金 (厚生労働省), 分担, 食品を介したダイオキシン類等の人体への影響の把握とその治療法の開発等に関する研究.
2014年度~2014年度, 厚生労働科学研究費補助金 (厚生労働省), 分担, 食品を介したダイオキシン類等の人体への影響の把握とその治療法の開発等に関する研究.
2014年度~2014年度, 厚生労働科学研究費補助金 (厚生労働省), 代表, 日本における認知症の高齢者人口の将来推計に関する研究.
2010年度~2011年度, 厚生労働科学研究費補助金 (厚生労働省), 分担, 糖尿病性腎症の病態解明と新規治療法確立のための評価法の開発.
2011年度~2011年度, 厚生労働科学研究費補助金 (厚生労働省), 分担, 糖尿病性腎症の治療薬に関する臨床的評価方法確立に関する研究.
2012年度~2012年度, 厚生労働科学研究費補助金 (厚生労働省), 分担, アルツハイマー病の危険因子の解明と予防に関する大規模ゲノム疫学研究.
2010年度, 財団法人西日本奨学会. 西日本奨学会振興助成金. , 地域住民における高齢者認知症に関する研究.
2006年度, 万有生命科学振興国際交流財団, Banyu Fellowship Program -疫学・生物統計学領域- “慢性腎臓病患者の治療対象血圧値および降圧目標の検討”
2007年度, Foundation for High Blood Pressure Research., ISH Visiting Postdoctoral Award 2007 “Blood pressure and chronic kidney disease”. .
2008年度, Foundation for High Blood Pressure Research, ISH Visiting Postdoctoral Award 2008  “Blood pressure and chronic kidney disease”. .
2010年度, 日本腎臓財団、腎不全病態研究助成, 一般住民における活性型ビタミンD低下が心血管病発症・死亡に与える影響.

