九州大学 研究者情報
LAUWEREYNS JOHAN(ろーれんす よはん) データ更新日:2023.11.28

教授 /  基幹教育院 自然科学実験系部門 大学院システム生命科学府

1. Xu Ji, Jin Yimeng, Johan Lauwereyns, The framing of choice nudges prolonged processing in the evaluation of food images., Frontiers in Psychology, 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1039251, 2023.06.
2. Jin Yimeng, Ma Chunyu, Liu Danyang, Johan Lauwereyns, Liking, Semantic Inference and Effort through Cross-sentence Elaboration, 日本認知心理学会第20回大会, 2022.10.
3. Johan Lauwereyns, Tracking the validity of animal models for biomedical research, ALTEX Proceedings, 10, 2, 46, ISSN 2194-0479, 2022.09, In the more than six decades since Russell and Burch formulated the 3Rs, surprisingly little progress has been made in the scientific investigation of the validity of animal models for biomedical re- search. The issue of external validity (i.e., how relevant is the ani- mal model?) is often ignored altogether, with researchers choosing animal models out of habit or on the basis of unchecked assump- tions [1]. Worse, the issue of internal validity (i.e., how reliable or reproducible are the findings?) has placed animal-based biomedi- cal research in a negative spotlight with the general public [2].
While most animal researchers may personally be commit- ted to improving their research practices, the micro-motives of well-meaning individuals do not guarantee optimal macro-be- havior at the aggregate level [3]. As has been described in behav- ioral economics, a minority of defectors can disrupt the develop- ment of cooperative dynamics. In the present context, defectors would be researchers who persist in substandard research prac- tices, even if this is not out of malice or incompetence. All that is required for the “survival of the un-fittest,” or the continuation of substandard research practices, is a research culture with per- verse incentives (e.g., short-term gains in publications).
The issues can be vividly illustrated with the use of non-human primates during the COVID-19 pandemic. For instance, “[p] rimate researchers in the United States have banded together for an ambitious monkey study that would do head-to-head compar- isons of the leading COVID-19 vaccine candidates” [4], while researchers in China reported that “primary exposure to SARS- CoV-2 protects against reinfection in rhesus macaques” [5], ob- taining non-significant results from a complex study with a sam- ple of seven, which proved to be entirely irrelevant, if not plain wrong. The banding together of primate researchers in the United States and the non-significant data from China were both report- ed in Science, arguably the pinnacle of scientific publishing, al- though anyone with a modicum of scientific reasoning could eas- ily have shown that the primate researchers in the United States engaged in self-serving research bias that ignored the question of external validity, and that the sample of seven rhesus macaques in China did not approach anything like the sample size required for the given research design (as could have been assessed with readily available tools for power analysis, such as G*Power).
The solutions are technically not difficult, but they require a sea change in research culture. In this respect, animal research- ers can turn to the human behavioral sciences for a paradigm of a neighboring research field that is making great strides toward the required change in research culture. What is needed is a shift to open science, driven by leading journals and researchers, spread-
ing the guidelines and facilitating the implementation of good practices. These rest on the twin pillars of the pre-registration of experiments and the use of power analysis to compute sample size. These twin pillars can effectively redress the issue of internal validity.
For the external validity, the challenges for animal research are arguably unique. Previous efforts to compare the validity of animal models directly (e.g., [6]) have typically been limit- ed to qualitative, categorical assessment. Moreover, the most important type of replacement – as according to Alexander Pope’s verse, “The proper study of mankind is man” – is all too easi- ly forgotten. Here, I would propose that, before engaging in any animal research, researchers should establish the conditions under which it is impossible to work with human volunteers as the preferred animal model. Indeed, even for the most urgent issues or risky experiments, we may still find human volunteers. We just need proper guidelines and broad societal support (e.g., [7]). Then, to the extent that there are still types of research that re- quire the use of animals, it is imperative that we track their validity – this means openly sharing and compiling all the data, and regulating the protocols, not just in academia, but also in industry. Sharing the data, and following academia- and industry-wide protocols, should be the entry point for a license to use animals for research..
4. Zhang Xuelian, Johan Lauwereyns, The Mere Exposure Effect on the Evaluation of Foods versus Faces, 日本認知心理学会第19回大会, 2022.03.
5. Sudo, R., Nakashima, S. F., Ukezono, M., Takano, Y., & Lauwereyns, J. , The role of temperature in moral decision-making: Limited reproducibility, Frontiers in Psychology, 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.681527, 12, Article 681527, 2021.09.
6. 馬春宇, 宋 閻徳嘉, ローレンス・ヨハン, 道徳的意思決定における速度分極化仮説, 2021年度日本認知科学会第38回大会発表論文集, 38, 356-361, 2021.11.
7. Danilo V. Vargas, Johan Lauwereyns, Setting the space for deliberation in decision-making, Cognitive Neurodynamics, 10.1007/s11571-021-09681-2, 2021.04, Decision-making models in the behavioral, cognitive, and neural sciences typically consist of forced-choice paradigms with two alternatives. While theoretically it is feasible to translate any decision situation to a sequence of binary choices, real-life decision-making is typically more complex and nonlinear, involving choices among multiple items, graded judgments, and deferments of decision-making. Here, we discuss how the complexity of real-life decision-making can be addressed using conventional decision-making models by focusing on the interactive dynamics between criteria settings and the collection of evidence. Decision-makers can engage in multi-stage, parallel decision-making by exploiting the space for deliberation, with non-binary readings of evidence available at any point in time. The interactive dynamics principally adhere to the speed-accuracy tradeoff, such that increasing the space for deliberation enables extended data collection. The setting of space for deliberation reflects a form of meta-decision-making that can, and should be, studied empirically as a value-based exercise that weighs the prior propensities, the economics of information seeking, and the potential outcomes. Importantly, the control of the space for deliberation raises a question of agency. Decision-makers may actively and explicitly set their own decision parameters, but these parameters may also be set by environmental pressures. Thus, decision-makers may be influenced—or nudged in a particular direction—by how decision problems are framed, with a sense of urgency or a binary definition of choice options. We argue that a proper understanding of these mechanisms has important practical implications toward the optimal usage of space for deliberation..
8. Adam Clulow, Johan Lauwereyns, Animal Research, Safeguards, and Lessons from the Long History of Judicial Torture, Journal of Animal Ethics, 10.5406/janimalethics.10.2.0103, 10, 2, 103-114, 2020.09, For animal research, the precautionary principle was written into public policy through the so-called three R’s of replacement, reduction, and refinement. These guidelines, as developed by Russell and Burch six decades ago, aimed to establish safeguards against the abuse of animals in the pursuit of science. While these safeguards, which started from the basic premise that science itself would benefit from a reduction of animal suffering, seem compelling at first, the three R’s have in practice generated a degree of confusion while opening up loopholes that have enabled researchers to effectively dismiss some of the more inconvenient aspects of ethical concerns. Such problems have been discussed in detail by multiple authors. Here, we suggest a different approach by arguing that a clear parallel can be drawn between the shortcomings evident in the current three R’s model and the flawed practice of early modern judicial torture, in which a set of elabo- rate safeguards that were designed to prevent abuses served instead to create the same combination of confusion and easily exploited loopholes. In the case of judicial torture, attempts to refine the system from within produced limited results, and effective change only took place when individual legal systems succeeded in enforcing clear absolutes. We explore the implications of this for the regulation of animal research by pointing to the need for achievable absolutes, based on a clear, evidence-based, and publicly deliberated rationale, in order to facilitate and improve research ethics..
9. Kajornvut Ounjai, Lalida Suppaso, Jakob Hohwy, Johan Lauwereyns, Tracking the influence of predictive cues on the evaluation of food images: Volatility enables nudging, Frontiers in Psychology, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.569078, 2020.09, In previous research on the evaluation of food images, we found that appetitive food images were rated higher following a positive prediction than following a negative prediction, and vice versa for aversive food images. The findings suggested an active confirmation bias. Here, we examine whether this influence from prediction depends on the evaluative polarization of the food images. Specifically, we divided the set of food images into “strong” and “mild” images by how polarized (i.e., extreme) their average ratings were across all conditions. With respect to the influence from prediction, we raise two alternative hypotheses. According to a predictive dissonance hypothesis, the larger the discrepancy between prediction and outcome, the stronger the active inference toward accommodating the outcome with the prediction; thus, the confirmation bias should obtain particularly with strong images. Conversely, according to a nudging- in-volatility hypothesis, the active confirmation bias operates only on images within a dynamic range, where the values of images are volatile, and not on the evaluation of images that are too obviously appetitive or aversive; accordingly, the effects from prediction should occur predominately with mild images. Across the data from two experiments, we found that the evaluation of mild images tended to exhibit the confirmation bias, with ratings that followed the direction given by the prediction. For strong images, there was no confirmation bias. Our findings corroborate the nudging- in-volatility hypothesis, suggesting that predictive cues may be able to tip the balance of evaluation particularly for food images that do not have a strongly polarized value..
10. Ji Xu, Noha Mohsen Zommara, Kajornvut Ounjai, Muneyoshi Takahashi, Shunsuke Kobayashi, Tetsuya Matsuda, Johan Lauwereyns, Urgency promotes affective disengagement: Effects from bivalent cues on preference formation for abstract images, Frontiers in Psychology, 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01404, 2020.06.
11. ローレンス ヤン, 意思決定における思想と感情の役割., 九州大学基幹教育院、次世代型大学教育開発センター, 2020.03.
12. Kajornvut Ounjai, Shunsuke Kobayashi, Johan Lauwereyns, Effects of predictive information on pupil dilation during the evaluation of food images, IEEE Explore, 10.1109/BMEiCON47515.2019.8990234, 2019.12.
13. Y. Wang, G. Han, C.V. Pham, K. Koyanagi, Y. Song, R. Sudo, Johan Lauwereyns, John Cockrem, M. Furuse, V.S. Chowdhury, An acute increase in water temperature can increase free amino acid concentrations in the blood, brain, liver, and muscle in goldfish (Carassius auratus), Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 10.1007/s10695-019-00642-5, 2019.04.
14. Alexandra Wolf, Kajornvut Ounjai, Muneyoshi Takahashi, Shunsuke Kobayashi, Tetsuya Matsuda, Johan Lauwereyns, Evaluative processing of food images: Longer viewing for indecisive preference formation, Frontiers in Psychology, 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00608, 2019.03, The well-known gaze cascade hypothesis proposes that as people look longer at an item, they tend to show an increased preference for it. However, using single food images as stimuli, we recently obtained results that clearly deviated from the general proposal that the gaze both expresses and influences preference formation. Instead, the pattern of data depended on the self-determination of exposure duration as well as the type of evaluation task. In order to disambiguate how the type of evaluation determines the relationship between viewing and liking we conducted the present follow-up study, with a fixed response set size as opposed to the varying set sizes in our previous study. In non-exclusive evaluation tasks, subjects were asked how much they liked individual food images. The recorded response was a number from 1 to 3. In exclusive evaluation tasks, subjects were asked for each individual food image to give one of three response options toward a limited selection: include it, exclude it, or defer the judgment. When subjects were able to determine the exposure duration, both the non-exclusive and exclusive evaluations produced inverted U-shaped trends such that the polar ends of the evaluation (the positive and negative extremes) were associated with relatively short viewing times, whereas the middle category had the longest viewing times. Thus, the data once again provided firm evidence against the notion that longer viewing facilitates preference formation. Moreover, the fact that non-exclusive and exclusive evaluation produced similar inverted U-shaped patterns suggests that the response set size is the critical factor that accounts for the observations here versus in our previous study. When keeping the response set size constant, with an equal opportunity to observe inverted U-shaped patterns, the findings are suggestive of a role for the level of decisiveness in determining the length of viewing time. For items that can be categorically identified as positive or negative, the evaluations are soon completed, with relatively brief viewing times. The prolonged visual inspection for the middle category may reflect doubt or uncertainty during the evaluative processing, possibly with an increased effort of information integration before reaching a conclusion..
15. Kajornvut Ounjai, Shunsuke Kobayashi, Muneyoshi Takahashi, Tetsuya Matsuda, Johan Lauwereyns, Active confirmation bias in the evaluative processing of food images, Scientific Reports, 10.1038/s41598-018-35179-9, 2018.11, Predictive processing is fundamental to many aspects of the human mind, including perception and decision-making. It remains to be elucidated, however, in which way predictive information impacts on evaluative processing, particularly in tasks that employ bivalent stimulus sets. Various accounts, including framing, proactive interference, and cognitive control, appear to imply contradictory proposals on the relation between prediction and preference formation. To disambiguate whether predictive cues produce congruent biases versus opponent mechanisms in evaluative processing, we conducted two experiments in which participants were asked to rate individual food images. The image database included appetitive and aversive items. In each trial, a cue predicted, with varying degrees of reliability, the valence of the impending food image. In both experiments, we found that the ratings exhibited congruent biases as a function of the reliability of the predictive cue, with the highest evaluations following the most reliable positive-valence predictions. Eye prepositioning further showed a selective spatial bias suggestive of response preparation in line with the predictions. The response times also exhibited a pattern of results consistent with selective preparation, producing slow responses following invalid predictions. The data suggested an active form of evaluative processing, implementing a confirmation bias that aims to accommodate the prediction..
16. Alexandra Wolf, Kajornvut Ounjai, Muneyoshi Takahashi, Shunsuke Kobayashi, Tetsuya Matsuda, Johan Lauwereyns, Evaluative processing of food images: A conditional role for viewing in preference formation, Frontiers in Psychology, 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00936, 2018.06.
17. Johan Lauwereyns, Bias versus sensitivity in cognitive processing: A critical, but often overlooked, issue for data analysis, Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics VI, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-8854-4_50, 2018.06.
18. Johan Lauwereyns, Beyond prediction: Self-organization of meaning with the world as constraint, Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics VI, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10- 8854-4_49, 2018.06.
19. Noha Zommara, Muneyoshi Takahashi, Johan Lauwereyns, Influence of multiple action-outcome associations on the transition dynamics toward an optimal choice in rats. , Cognitive Neurodynamics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11571-017-9458-9, 2018.01, When faced with familiar versus novel options, animals may exploit the acquired action–outcome associ- ations or attempt to form new associations. Little is known about which factors determine the strategy of choice behavior in partially comprehended environments. Here we examine the influence of multiple action–outcome associ- ations on choice behavior in the context of rewarding outcomes (food) and aversive outcomes (electric foot- shock). We used a nose-poke paradigm with rats, incor- porating a dilemma between a familiar option and a novel, higher-value option. In Experiment 1, two groups of rats were trained with different outcome schedules: either a single action–outcome association (‘‘Reward-Only’’) or dual action–outcome associations (‘‘Reward-Shock’’; with the added opportunity to avoid an electric foot-shock). In Experiment 2, we employed the same paradigm with two groups of rats performing the task under dual action–out- come associations, with different levels of threat (a low- or high-amplitude electric foot-shock). The choice behavior was clearly influenced by the action–outcome associations, with more efficient transition dynamics to the optimal choice with dual rather than single action–outcome asso- ciations. The level of threat did not affect the transition dynamics. Taken together, the data suggested that the strategy of choice behavior was modulated by the infor- mation complexity of the environment..
20. Noha Zommara, Muneyoshi Takahashi, Kajornvut Ounjai, Johan Lauwereyns, A gaze bias with coarse spatial indexing during a gambling task, Cognitive Neurodynamics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11571-017-9463-z, 2018.02, Researchers have used eye-tracking methods to infer cognitive processes during decision making in choice tasks involving visual materials. Gaze likelihood analysis has shown a cascading effect, suggestive of a causal role for the gaze in preference formation during evaluative decision making. According to the gaze bias hypothesis, the gaze serves to build commitment gradually towards a choice. Here, we applied gaze likelihood analysis in a two-choice version of the well- known Iowa Gambling Task. This task requires active learning of the value of different choice options. As such, it does not involve visual preference formation, but choice optimization through learning. In Experiment 1 we asked subjects to choose between two decks with different payoff structures, and to give their responses using mouse clicks. Two groups of subjects were exposed to stable versus varying outcome contingencies. The analysis revealed a pronounced gaze bias towards the chosen stimuli in both groups of subjects, plateauing at more than 400 ms before the choice. The early plateauing suggested that the gaze effect partially reflected eye-hand coordination. In Experiment 2 we asked subjects to give responses using a key press. The results again showed a clear gaze bias towards the chosen deck, this time without any influence from eye-hand coordination. In both experiments, there was a clear gaze bias towards the choice even though the gaze fixations did not narrowly focus on the spatial positions of choice options. Taken together, the data suggested a role for gaze in coarse spatial indexing during non-perceptual decision making..
21. Ji Xu, Noha Zommara, Johan Lauwereyns, The role of visual attention in preference formation for food, The International Academic Forum, 209-220, 2016.07.
22. Johan Lauwereyns, Drie gedichten, Terras, 10, 159-161, 2016.05.
23. Johan Lauwereyns, Selected Poems, Struga Poetry Evenings, 95-105, 2016.08.
24. LAUWEREYNS JOHAN, De zon ging neer zoals ze opkwam, Het Liegend Konijn, 14, 2, 50-59, 2016.10.
25. Johan Lauwereyns, De dageraadplaats, Dietsche Warande & Belfort, 161, 4, 14-23, 2016.09.
26. Johan Lauwereyns, Nergens anders, Dietsche Warande & Belfort, 161, 1, 48-54, 2016.02.
27. Johan Lauwereyns, Om de golem te deactiveren, Dietsche Warande & Belfort, 161, 2, 48-54, 2016.04.
28. Johan Lauwereyns, Shizuka Sakurai Lauwereyns, On the role of intrinsic rewards in communication, Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics V, 10.1007/978-981-10-0207-6_33, V, 233-237, 2016.02, Though there exists a multitude of theories on communication, it has been proved difficult to capture the notion of sharing information and meaning in a systematic framework. Here, we explore to what extent the field of cognitive neurodynamics can contribute to the understanding of human communication by focusing on the reward structure in order to differentiate different types of com- munication and their associated neural and behavioral mechanisms. We argue that particularly the concept of intrinsic rewards provides a promising, but challenging avenue for communication research..
29. Hiroshi Nishida, Muneyoshi Takahashi, Johan Lauwereyns, Dynamic information routing in the hippocampus, Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics V, 10.1007/978-981-10-0207-6_38, V, 275-281, 2016.02.
30. Johan Lauwereyns, Arnoud van Adrichem, Fagocytose, Dietsche Warande & Belfort, 3, 30-33, 2015.06.
31. Yoshinori Ide, Muneyoshi Takahashi, Johan Lauwereyns, Minoru Tsukada, Takeshi Aihara, Optical imaging of plastic changes induced by fear conditioning in auditory, visual, and somatosensory cortices, Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics IV; Springer, 453-457, 2015.01.
32. Hiroshi Nishida, Muneyoshi Takahashi, A. David Redish, Johan Lauwereyns, High frequency oscillations for behavioral stabilization during spatial alternation, Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics IV; Springer, 531-535, 2015.01.
33. Noha Zommara, Hiroshi Nishida, Muneyoshi Takahashi, Johan Lauwereyns, Gamma-band shift in the activity of rat hippocampal CA1: A comparison of memory-guided and visually-cued spatial choice, Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics IV; Springer, 609-613, 2015.01.
34. Hiroshi Nishida, Muneyoshi Takahashi, Johan Lauwereyns, Within-session dynamics of theta-gamma coupling and high-frequency oscillations during spatial alternation in rat hippocampal area CA1, COGNITIVE NEURODYNAMICS, 10.1007/s11571-014-9289-x, 8, 5, 363-372, 2014.10.
35. Muneyoshi Takahashi, Hiroshi Nishida, A. David Redish, Johan Lauwereyns, Theta phase shift in spike timing and modulation of gamma oscillation: A dynamic code for spatial alternation during fixation in rat hippocampal area CA1., Journal of Neurophysiology, 10.1152/jn.00395.2013, 111, 8, 1601-1614, 2014.04, Although hippocampus is thought to perform various memory-related functions, little is known about the underlying dynamics of neural activity during a preparatory stage before a spatial choice. Here we focus on neural activity that reflects a memory-based code for spatial alternation, independent of current sensory and motor parameters. We recorded multiple single units and local field potentials in the stratum pyramidale of dorsal hippocampal area CA1 while rats performed a delayed spatial-alternation task. This task includes a 1-s fixation in a nose-poke port between selecting alternating reward sites and so provides time-locked enter-and-leave events. At the single-unit level, we concentrated on neurons that were specifically active during the 1-s fixation period, when the rat was ready and waiting for a cue to pursue the task. These neurons showed selective activity as a function of the alternation sequence. We observed a marked shift in the phase timing of the neuronal spikes relative to the theta oscillation, from the theta peak at the beginning of fixation to the theta trough at the end of fixation. The gamma-band local field potential also changed during the fixation period: the high-gamma power (60-90 Hz) decreased and the low-gamma power (30-45 Hz) increased toward the end. These two gamma components were observed at different phases of the ongoing theta oscillation. Taken together, our data suggest a switch in the type of information processing through the fixation period, from externally cued to internally generated..
36. Muneyoshi Takahashi, Yoshikazu Isomura, Yoshio Sakurai, Minoru Tsukada, Johan Lauwereyns, The theta cycle and spike timing during fixation in rat hippocampal CA1, Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics III; Springer, 2013.05.
37. Yoshinori Ide, Muneyoshi Takahashi, Johan Lauwereyns, Minoru Tsukada, Takeshi Aihara, Integration of hetero inputs to guinea pig auditory cortex established by fear conditioning, Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics III; Springer, III, 765-771, 2013.05.
38. Hiroshi Nishida, Muneyoshi Takahashi, Jin Kinoshita, Johan Lauwereyns, Transition dynamics in spatial choice, Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics III; Springer, III, 393-399, 2013.05.
39. Ide, Y., Takahashi, M., Lauwereyns, J., Sandner, G., Tsukada, M., & Aihara, T., Fear conditioning induces guinea pig auditory cortex activation by footshock alone, Cognitive Neurodynamics, 10.1007/s11571-012-9224-y, 2013.01, [URL].
40. Lauwereyns, J., On the other side of consciousness., American Journal of Psychology, 124, 4, 491-493, 2012.12.
41. Fujiwara, H., Sawa, K., Takahashi, M., Lauwereyns, J., Tsukada, M., & Aihara, T., Context and the renewal of conditioned taste aversion: The role of rat dorsal hippocampus examined by electrolytic lesion, Cognitive Neurodynamics, 10.1007/s11571-012-9208-y, 6, 5, 399-407, 2012.10, [URL].
42. Bird, G.D., Lauwereyns, J., & Crawford, M.T., The role of eye movements in decision making and the prospect of exposure effects., Vision Research, 60, 16-21, 2012.05.
43. Weaver, M.D., Aronsen, D., & Lauwereyns, J., A short-lived face alert during inhibition of return., Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 74, 3, 510-520, 2012.04.
44. Xu, M., Lauwereyns, J., & Iramina, K., Dissociation of category versus item priming in face processing: An event-related potentials study., Cognitive Neurodynamics, 6, 2, 155-167, 2012.04.
45. Ide, Y., Miyazaki, T., Lauwereyns, J., Sandner, G., Tsukada, M., & Aihara, T., Optical imaging of plastic changes induced by fear conditioning in the auditory cortex., Cognitive Neurodynamics, 6, 1-10, 1月10日, 2012.02.
46. Weaver, M.D., Lauwereyns, J, & Theeuwes, J., The effect of semantic information on saccade trajectory deviations., Vision Research, 51, 10, 1124-1128, 2011.05.
47. Weaver, M.D., & Lauwereyns, J., Attentional capture and hold: The oculomotor correlates of the change detection advantage for faces., Psychological Research, 75, 1, 10-23, 10月23日, 2011.01.
48. Weaver, M.D., Phillips, J., & Lauwereyns, J., Semantic influences from a brief peripheral cue depend on task set., Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63, 7, 1249-1255, 2010.07.
49. Takahashi, M., Lauwereyns, J., Sakurai, Y., & Tsukada, M., A code for spatial alternation during fixation in rat hippocampal CA1 neurons., Journal of Neurophysiology, 102, 1, 556-567, 2009.07.
50. Takahashi, M., Lauwereyns, J., Sakurai, Y., & Tsukada, M., Behavioral state-dependent episodic representations in hippocampal CA1 neuronal activity during spatial alternation., Cognitive Neurodynamics, 3, 2, 165-175, 2009.06.
51. Ide, Y., Lauwereyns, J., & Tsukada, M. , Optical imaging of plastic changes induced by fear conditioning in the auditory cortex of guinea pig. , In: M. Koppen, N. Kasabov, & G. Coghill (Eds.), Advances in Neuro-Information Processing, 416-422, 2009.01.
52. Lauwereyns, J., The contribution of dopamine to the implementation of reward value during the control of action., Central Nervous System Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 8, 2, 72-84, 2008.06.
53. Ide, Y., Lauwereyns, J., Sandner, G., & Tsukada, M., Optical imaging of plastic changes induced by fear conditioning in the auditory cortex of guinea pig. , In: R. Wang, E. Shen, & F. Gu (Eds.), Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics, 369-373, 2008.01.
54. Wisnewski, R.G., & Lauwereyns, J., Systemic dizocilpine (MK-801) facilitates performance in opposition to response bias., Behavioral and Brain Functions, 3, 48, 1-4, 1月4日, 2007.09.
55. Lucas, C. & Lauwereyns, J., Selective working memory disables inhibition of visual features., Experimental Psychology, 54, 256-263, 2007.01.
56. Lauwereyns, J. & Wisnewski, R. G., A reaction-time paradigm to measure reward-oriented bias in rats., Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 32, 467-473, 2006.10.
57. Lauwereyns, J., Wisnewski, R. G., Keown, K., & Govan, S., Crosstalk between on- and off-line processing of visual features., Psychological Research, 70, 170-179, 2006.05.
58. Lauwereyns, J., Voluntary control of unavoidable action., Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 10, 47-49, 2006.02.
59. Watanabe, K., Lauwereyns, J., & Hikosaka, O., Neural correlates of rewarded and unrewarded eye movements in primate caudate nucleus., Journal of Neuroscience, 23, 10052-10057, 2003.11.
60. Watanabe, K., Lauwereyns, J., & Hikosaka, O. , Effects of motivational conflicts on visually elicited saccades in monkeys. , Experimental Brain Research, 152, 361-367, 2003.10.
61. Lauwereyns, J., Watanabe, K., Coe, B., & Hikosaka, O., A neural correlate of response bias in monkey caudate nucleus. , Nature, 418, 413-417, 2002.07.
62. Kobayashi, S., Lauwereyns, J., Koizumi, M., Sakagami, M., & Hikosaka, O., Influence of reward expectation on visuospatial processing in macaque lateral prefrontal cortex. , Journal of Neurophysiology, 87, 1488-1498, 2002.03.
63. Lammertyn, J., Fias, W., & Lauwereyns, J., Semantic influences on feature-based attention due to the overlap of neural circuits. , Cortex, 38, 878-882, 2002.01.
64. Lauwereyns, J., Takikawa, Y., Kawagoe, R., Kobayashi, S., Koizumi, M., Coe, B., Sakagami, M., & Hikosaka, O., Feature-based anticipation of cues that predict reward in monkey caudate nucleus. , Neuron, 33, 463-473, 2002.01.
65. Fias, W., Lauwereyns, J, & Lammertyn, J., Irrelevant digits affect feature-based attention depending on the overlap of neural circuits. , Brain Research: Cognitive Brain Research, 12, 415-423, 2001.12.
66. Lauwereyns, J., Sakagami, M., Tsutsui, K., Kobayashi, S., Koizumi, M., & Hikosaka, O. , Responses to task-irrelevant visual features by primate prefrontal neurons., Journal of Neurophysiology, 86, 2001-2010, 2001.10.
67. Sakagami, M., Tsutsui, K., Lauwereyns, J., Kobayashi, S., Koizumi, M., & Hikosaka, O. , A code for behavioral inhibition on the basis of color, but not motion, in ventrolateral prefrontal cortex of macaque monkey. , Journal of Neuroscience, 21, 4801-4808, 2001.07.
68. Lauwereyns, J., Koizumi, M., Sakagami, M., Hikosaka, O., Kobayashi, S., & Tsutsui, K. , Interference from irrelevant features on visual discrimination by macaques (Macaca fuscata): A behavioral analogue of the human Stroop effect., Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 26, 352-357, 2000.07.
69. Lauwereyns, J., Knowledge acquisition in poetry criticism: The expert’s eye movements as an information tool., In: D. Aerts, E. Mathijs, & B. Mosselmans (Eds.), Science and art: The red book of ‘Einstein meets Magritte’, 249-257, 1999.01.
70. Lauwereyns, J., Exogenous/endogenous control of space-based/ object-based attention: Four types of visual selection? , European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 10, 41-74, 1998.01.
71. Lauwereyns, J., & d’Ydewalle, G. , Global orientation disrupts the detection of a similar local orientation. , Perception, 26, 1259-1270, 1997.01.
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