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鈴木 隆子(すずき たかこ) データ更新日:2023.11.22

准教授 /  言語文化研究院 国際文化共生学部門 国際共生学講座


2013.04~2019.03, 代表者:鈴木隆子, 九州大学, 九州大学
2012.04~2015.03, 代表者:元兼正浩, 九州大学大学院人間環境学府, 九州大学
2011.04~2015.03, 代表者:鈴木隆子, 九州大学
1. 鈴木隆子(久保田賢一編著), 「理科研究授業支援プロジェクトが生まれるまで:ザンビア」久保田賢一編著『途上国の学びを拓く-対話で生み出す教育開発の可能性』, 明石書店, 2021.02, 国際協力を行うにあたって必要な開発コミュニケーションに関するザンビアにおける事例.
2. 鈴木隆子, 途上国における複式学級」解説及び翻訳(原題:‘Multigrade schools: improving access in rural Africa?’ Etienne Brunswic and Jean Valerien, Paris, 2004), 東信堂, 黒田一雄・廣里恭史編「ユネスコ国際教育計画研究所シリーズ」, 2015.02.
3. 鈴木隆子, 「ザンビアの複式学級ーアフリカにおける万人のための教育(EFA)達成を目指してー」, 花書院, 2012.03, 世界の複式学級やアフリカの複式学級という背景について言及した後、ザンビアの僻地においてよく見られる複式学級の小学校の現状について、調査結果を中心に述べている。.
4. 鈴木隆子(山内乾史編), 「先進国と開発途上国における複式学級の比較:日本・ネパール・ザンビア」『国際教育協力の社会学』, ミネルヴァ書房, 2010.11.
5. Suzuki Takako (Angela Little ed.), 'Multigrade Teachers and Thier Training in Rural Nepal' "Education for All and Multigrade Teaching: Challenges and Opportunities", Springer, 2006.01.
1. Takako Suzuki, Multigrade teaching before the modern school system in Japan: A case of Kangien in Edo period, 『言語文化論究』, vol. 47, 65-76, 2021.10.
2. 鈴木隆子, 多文化共生教育に関する事例研究-ニューカレドニアの小学校における地域学習の導入-, 『言語文化論究』九州大学大学院言語文化研究院, 43, 73-87, 2019.09, New Caledonia is currently one of French overseas territories since 1853. It promotes the multicultural immigrating policies and contains lots of ethnic groups including Kanak, French, other Europeans, Polynesian, Vietnamese and Indonesian. This study aims to observe how multicultural and local contents are adopted in the education curriculum in such a multicultural society. It starts with a theoretical framework and practices related to the multicultural education. Consequently, it introduces the cultural background of the indigenous society. Then it describes the current conditions and issues of the education through statistical documents followed by a case study held at a selected primary school. The case study includes school activities related to the local contents organized in the school such as field visits to an indigenous village, tasting of the local cuisine and PTA meetings. Analyzed along the theoretical framework of multicultural education, it is considered as the stage of multi-ethnic studies to gain the knowledge about the different culture. Parents and community members participated in the school activities and the contents were based in the local cultural practices. However, it remains in the stage to understand the culture and does not seem to develop self-esteem and self-identification..
3. 鈴木隆子, 教育とコロニアリティ―独立運動過渡期のニューカレドニア―, 言語文化論究, 第41号, 55-77, 2018.10, [URL].
4. Takako Suzuki, Data collection process for non-cognitive skills gained by Escuela Nueva primary schools in Colombia, Studies in Languages and Cultures, 38, 99-111, 2017.03, [URL].
5. 鈴木 隆子, ソーシャルビジネスをとりまく現状と大学に寄せる期待―コロンビアのグラミンカルダスを事例として―, 言語文化論究, 30, 109-117, 2013.03, [URL].
6. 鈴木隆子, A comparative analysis of multigrade teaching in Japanese, Nepalese and Zambian primary schools, 言語文化論究, 28, 37-50, 2012.03, [URL], 日本、ネパール、ザンビアの複式学級の現状を比較し、途上国における複式学級の課題を明確にしようとするものである。.
7. 鈴木隆子, Cascade model for teacher training in Nepal, 言語文化論究, 27, 31-42, 2011.10, [URL], ネパールの教員訓練において適用されているカスケードモデルの効果について検証したものである。.
8. 鈴木隆子, 「コミュニティ参加と小学校改善ーミャンマーのマグウェイ郡を事例としてー」, 国際協力論集, 18, 1, 37-52, 2010.06, [URL].
9. 鈴木隆子, 「カスケード方式訓練の効果―ネパールの現職教員訓練の事例から―」 , 国際協力論集, 第17巻, 第3号, 49-65頁, 2010.02, [URL].
10. 鈴木隆子, 「サブサハラアフリカにおける日本の教育協力に関する一考察―ザンビア教育分野を事例としてー」, 国際協力論集, 第17巻, 第2号, 81-98頁, 2009.11, [URL].
11. 鈴木隆子, 「ネパールの小学校における複式学級の現状―万人のための教育(EFA)を目指して-」, 『アジア教育研究報告』, 9号, 36-50頁, 2009.09.
12. Takako Suzuki, “From Sector Wide Approach to General Budget Support: The Impact of Political Shift in the Education Sector in Zambia” , Journal of International Cooperation Studies , Vol.17, No.1, pp.79-99, 2009.06, [URL].
13. Takako Suzuki, “Multigrade teaching training in Nepal: The diversity of practice and the impact of training”, Journal of International Cooperation Studies , Vol.16, No.3, pp.123-141, 2009.02, [URL].
14. 鈴木隆子, 「日本とネパールの小学校における複式学級の現状比較」, 南山大学国際教育センター紀要, 9号, 50-70頁, 2008.12, [URL].
15. Takako Suzuki, “Multigrade teaching: Does it exist in Nepal? Abstract of a case study in Nuwakot District” , Education and Development 2000, Research Centre for Educational Innovation and development (CERID), pp.91-103, 2000.01.
主要総説, 論評, 解説, 書評, 報告書等
1. @鈴木 隆子, Improving education for all, Impact, 2021.04, [URL], • Evaluate the noncognitive skills of graduates from rural schools in developing countries
• Analyse field survey work in Escuela Nueva primary schools, Colombia
• Understand the impact of developing these skills for other education systems.
2. 鈴木 隆子, 『途上国における複式学級』, 『途上国における複式学級』黒田一雄・廣里恭史編「ユネスコ国際教育計画研究所シリーズ10」東信堂, 2015.02, エチエン・ブルンスウィック、ジャン・バレリアン(原題:‘Multigrade schools: improving access in rural Africa?’ Paris, 2004)の訳及び解説。全98頁。.
3. 鈴木 隆子, 『ザンビアの教育』『複式学級』, 「比較教育学事典」日本比較教育学会編、東信堂, 2012.06, 日本比較教育学会編「比較教育学事典」における『ザンビアの教育』『複式学級』の解説.
1. 鈴木隆子, Autonomous Learning gained by Escuela Nueva primary schools in Colombia: Comparison between Grades 6 and 9, Comparative and International Education Research Forum, 2019.09, 1 Title
Autonomous Learning gained by Escuela Nueva primary schools in Colombia: Comparison between Grades 6 and 9

2 Author
Dr. Takako Suzuki,
Associate professor, Faculty of Languages and Cultures, Graduate School of Human Environment Studies, Kyushu University

3 Summary
keywords: Autonomous learning, Colombia, primary education, Escuela Nueva
3.1.The research focus (i.e. statement of the problem(s)/research issue(s) addressed);
Escuela Nueva (EN) of Colombia is one of the well-known excellent education programmes for rural schools. It promotes high quality education not only for high academic scores but also non-cognitive skills and behavior including autonomous learning. These skills are especially recently highlighted and required for the next generations to survive in the highly globalized society and sustainable development. Thus we aim to prove the effects of EN implementation on autonomous learning.
3.2. The research methods used (experimental research, case studies, questionnaires, etc.);
This five-year international research tries to proof if this successful achievement is maintained years after graduation by longitudinal studies of its graduates. We evaluated the EN graduates’ attitude, when primary graduates became grades 6 and 9. We conducted the baseline survey in 2014 with 1,037 Grade 6 students at 19 secondary schools who have just graduated from primary schools (Gs 1-5) and now attending at conventional secondary schools in two rural departments. We constructed a questionnaire and measured their autonomous learning to understand how far graduates gained autonomous learning through primary schools. Then we distributed the same questionnaires to the same students when they became Grade 9 in 2017, and compared the results from 2014.
3.3.The results/findings of the research;
As conclusion, we see the correlation between autonomous learning and EN implementation levels when they were Grade 6. Students graduated from higher EN implementing primary schools indicated more positive behavior and attitude in autonomous learning, particularly with the following four components: initiative, motivation and heterogeneity. When they became Grade 9, however, we did not see the correlations except initiative.
3.4.The main conclusions and recommendations
In 2015, Sustainable Development Goals including education targets are declared and the entire world is now addressing these goals to sustain our planet. Non-cognitive skills and behavior are necessary to the next generations to sustain the global world. Thus investigating and identifying the good practice to acquire these skills contributes a lot to the education in this century and the future.

4. List of Author’ publications, articles in relation to the topic of the Forum
2017 Takako Suzuki, Chiaki Miwa, Mikiko Nishimura and Naoki Hatta “Non-Cognitive skills gained by Escuela Nueva primary schools” ‘Ruta Maestra’ Santillana, Bogota
2017 Data collection process for non-cognitive skills gained by Escuela Nueva primary schools in Colombia, Studies in Languages and Cultures, No. 38, Faculty of Languages and Cultures, Kyushu University, pp.99-111..
2. Suzuki Takako, Autonomous Learning gained by Escuela Nueva primary schools in Colombia: Comparison between Grades 6 and 9, The 62th Comparative and International Society of Education, 2019.04, 1.Objectives and purposes
Escuela Nueva (EN) of Colombia is one of the well-known excellent education programmes for rural schools. It promotes high quality education not only for high academic scores but also non-cognitive skills and behavior including autonomous learning. These skills are especially recently highlighted and required for the next generations to survive in the highly globalized society and sustainable development. Thus we aim to prove the effects of EN implementation on autonomous learning.

2.Main perspective or theoretical/conceptual framework
The theoretical framework used for this research is the effective school model including “education inputs,” “education process,” and “education outputs.” In this framework, appropriate school inputs and process lead effective school outputs and then school outcomes should be maintained. As Escuela Nueva is a famous programme, a number of researchers and practitioners have been investigating it. However, while extensive researches have been conducted on “education inputs,” “education process,” and “education outputs” of Escuela Nueva, its “education outcomes” is rather limited. In our literature reviewed, international researchers have been proving its successful school outputs. Therefore, this research investigates how Escuela Nueva benefits the society and individuals after the graduation.

3.Research design and modes of inquiry
This five-year international research tries to proof if this successful achievement is maintained years after graduation by longitudinal studies of its graduates. We evaluated the EN graduates’ attitude, when primary graduates became grades 6 and 9. We conducted the baseline survey in 2014 with 1,037 Grade 6 students at 19 secondary schools who have just graduated from primary schools (Gs 1-5) and now attending at conventional secondary schools in two rural departments. We constructed a questionnaire and measured their autonomous learning to understand how far graduates gained autonomous learning through primary schools. Then we distributed the same questionnaires to the same students when they became Grade 9 in 2017, and compared the results from 2014.

4.Analytical methods
This study reveals how EN graduates gained autonomous learning throughout their EN primary school experiences, and how they maintained it throughout the secondary education. Their primary schools are categorized into four levels according to the degrees of EN implementation. The answers related to autonomous learning are analyzed in the relation with the four EN implementation levels. The collected data was analyzed through factor analysis, analysis of variance, and correlation analysis.

5.Results and conclusions
As conclusion, we see the correlation between autonomous learning and EN implementation levels when they were Grade 6. Students graduated from higher EN implementing primary schools indicated more positive behavior and attitude in autonomous learning, particularly with the following four components: initiative, motivation and heterogeneity. When they became Grade 9, however, we did not see the correlations except initiative.

6.Significance of the study
In 2015, Sustainable Development Goals including education targets are declared and the entire world is now addressing these goals to sustain our planet. Non-cognitive skills and behavior are necessary to the next generations to sustain the global world. Thus investigating and identifying the good practice to acquire these skills contributes a lot to the education in this century and the future..
3. Suzuki Takako, Autonomous Learning gained by Escuela Nueva primary schools in Colombia: Comparison between Grade 6 and Grade 9’ School outputs of Escuela Nueva primary schools in Colombia: Autonomous Learning of fresh graduates, Multigrade teaching international symposium, 2018.11.
4. Suzuki Takako, Autonomous Learning gained by Escuela Nueva primary schools in Colombia: Comparison between Grade 6 and Grade 9’ School outputs of Escuela Nueva primary schools in Colombia: Autonomous Learning of fresh graduates, International Conference on New Horizons in Education (INTE2018) , 2018.07.
5. Takako Suzuki, Chiaki Miwa, Mikiko Nishimura and Naoki Hatta, Non-cognitive skills and future expectations: From the tracer study of Escuela Nueva in Colombia, 第53回日本比較教育学会, 2017.06.
6. Takako Suzuki, Non-Cognitive skills gained by Escuela Nueva primary schools in Colombia:
Autonomous learning, self-esteem and democratic behavior of fresh graduates
, The Third International Congress of Escuelas Nuevas (III CIEN), 2016.11.
7. Takako Suzuki, Non-Cognitive skills gained by Escuela Nueva primary schools in Colombia: Autonomous Learning of fresh graduates , 16th World Congress of Comparative Education Society, 2016.08.
8. 鈴木 隆子, 三輪千明, 西村幹子, 非認知的能力におけるエスクエラ・ヌエバの効果―卒業生の追跡調査結果からー, 第52回日本比較教育学会 , 2016.06.
9. Takako Suzuki, Non-Cognitive skills gained by Escuela Nueva primary schools in Colombia: Autonomous Learning of fresh graduates, 60th Comparative and International Society of Education, 2016.03.
11. 鈴木 隆子, ALTERNATIVE WAY TO SUPPORT SUSTAINABLE QUALITY EDUCATION FOR ALL: A CASE OF COLOMBIA, 58th Comparative and International Society of Education, 2014.03.
12. 鈴木 隆子, コロンビアのエスクエラヌエバの長期的な活動維持に関する展望, 国際開発学会第26回大会, 2013.11.
13. 鈴木 隆子, 農村における質の高い教育を持続的に提供するための手法の模索
, 日本比較教育学会第49回大会, 2013.07, 開発途上国に関する課題は半世紀以上前からの国際的問題であったが、グローバル化の進む今日、貧困問題は地球課題として我々地球に住むすべての人間の取り組むべき課題の一つとして捉えられている。そのための開発援助は、伝統的に外交や政治、人道支援を目的として行われるものであり、そもそも営利を目的とする活動ではないと考えられてきたため、その担い手は国際機関や各国政府が主であった(吉田、2012)。
しかし昨今、持続性のある発展が重要視され、その手段として、従来の海外開発援助(ODA)を中心とした国際協力に代わり、民間などとのパートナーシップを中心とした新たな手法が注目されている。1970年代には開発途上国に流れるキャピタルフローの約70パーセントは国連機関や各国政府からのODAによるもので、民間資本はわずか30パーセント程度に過ぎなかった。つまり途上国における資本の大半は、市場経済に基づくものではなく、外交的なグラントやローンによる開発援助として国外から一方通行で流れてくる資金であった。ところが、2003年にはODAはわずか20パーセントほどにとどまり、80パーセントは民間資本という大逆転現象が起こっている(Deiglmier, 2011)。
このような困難な環境にもかかわらず、コロンビアにおいて教育支援ビジネスを展開しようとする新しい取り組みがある。ひとつは革新的な教育手法を取り入れた、主に農村を対象とした「エスクエラ・ヌエバ(ニュースクール)モデル」を展開するNGO「Escuela Nueva Fundation」で、大手出版社と連携して教材開発のソーシャルビジネスを行うことにより、NGOによる慈善モデルからビジネスモデルへの脱却を試みている。もうひとつはソーシャルビジネス支援コンサルタント「グラミン・カルダス」が支援している「LET’S GO プログラム」で、貧困層への質の高い英語教育および低価格教材の開発販売のソーシャルビジネスを行っている。当発表では、2012年にコロンビアで行った現地調査の結果に基づき、この二つの組織の教育支援ビジネスに関する取り組みの現状を紹介する。その上で現在直面している課題について考察し、持続可能な教育開発のためにどのような民間資本と連携していける可能性があるのか、将来的な方向性について言及する。.
14. 鈴木 隆子, Alternative way to support sustainable quality education for all: a case of Colombia, XV WCCES congress (世界比較教育学会), 2013.06, Education for all is one of our global issues and we have been working on it for decades. As international assistance has been traditionally considered as one of the international and political affairs, multinational organisations and bilateral governments have taken initiatives, but recently the role of private sector is getting significant. More than 70% of the capital flow into developing countries in 1970s was made by public sectors. In 2003, however, it remained only 20% and the rest of 80% was from private market including BOP and social business, according to Deiglmier (2011). Compared with particular short term projects conducted by governments or public institutions, the money flow along the market may have some potential to bring sustainable development of a whole area, because the money flows into a whole society and its effects sprinkle down to the bottom. In Colombia, some of recent activities for promoting quality education for all have been shifting from charity to business models. In this study, taking examples of two institutions, Escuela Nueva and Grameen Caldas, their latest business activities to improve rural education are described and the current issues and further directions are discussed based on a field study conducted in 2012..
15. 松原憲治、小林英里子、喜多雅一、作原逸朗、小澤大成、小野由美子、近森憲助、勝亦菜穂子、鈴木隆子, 国際教育協力と大学における理数科教員研修(研究生を送り出す現地の立場から見た理数科教員研修への期待ーザンビアにおける事例よりー), 日本理科教育学会第62回全国大会, 2012.08, 日本の大学等で実施されている理数科教員研修について、研修生を送り出す立場からみた考察を行った。.
16. 鈴木隆子, 持続可能な教育開発モデルの模索ーコロンビアにおける現地調査2012に向けてー, 国際教育研究フォーラム, 2012.06, 2012年8月に実施予定のコロンビアにおける現地調査計画について発表.
17. 鈴木隆子, 持続可能な教育開発モデルの模索:ソーシャルビジネスの潜在的可能性と課題, 日本比較教育学会第48回大会, 2012.06, 国際循環モデルの候補として、ソーシャルビジネスの現状と課題について検証する.
18. 鈴木隆子, アフリカにおける持続可能な教育開発モデルの模索ーソーシャルビジネスの潜在的可能性と課題ー, アフリカ教育研究フォーラム, 2012.04, アフリカの教育開発のための手法としてのソーシャルビジネスの現状と課題を探る.
19. 鈴木隆子, コロンビアのエスクエラヌエバの長期的な活動維持に関する展望, 第22回国際開発学会, 2011.11.
20. 鈴木隆子, 農村部における教育開発のための国際共生循環モデルの模索, 第46回日本比較教育学会, 2010.06, [URL].
21. Takako Suzuki, Comparative Analysis of Multigrade Teaching in Japanese, Nepalese and Zambian Primary Schools, 14th World Congress of Comparative Educaiton Societies, 2010.06.
22. Takako Suzuki, “Comparative Analysis of Multigrade Teaching in Japanese, Nepalese and Zambian Primary Schools” , The 10th International Conference on Education and Development, 2009.09.
23. 鈴木隆子, “ザンビアの複式学級:日本・ネパールとの比較における考察(調査結果)” , 第45回日本比較教育学会, 2009.06.
24. Takako Suzuki, “The effectiveness of the cascade model for in-service teacher training in Nepal”, The 6th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications, 2008.06.
25. Takako Suzuki, “The effectiveness of the cascade model for in-service teacher training in Nepal” , The 52nd Annual Conference for Comparative and International Education Society, 2008.03.
26. 鈴木隆子, 『カスケード方式現職教員訓練の効率に関する考察―ネパールの複式学級用教員訓練の事例から―』 , 第43回日本比較教育学会, 2007.06.
27. Takako Suzuki, “Multigrade teaching in primary schools in Nepal” , The 51st Annual Conference for Comparative and International Education Society, 2007.02.
28. 鈴木隆子, 『サブサハラアフリカのMDG達成に向けてーザンビアのコミュニティスクールの挑戦―』 , 第42回日本比較教育学会, 2006.06.
29. 鈴木隆子, 『ネパールにおけるマルチグレード教員訓練の評価』 , 第40回日本比較教育学会, 2004.06.
30. Takako Suzuki, “Multigrade teaching in primary schools in Nepal: Practice”, The 7th International Conference on Education and Development, 2003.09.
31. 鈴木隆子, 『コミュニティ参加と小学校改善』 , 第36回日本比較教育学会, 2000.07.
2019.04.14~2019.04.18, The 62th Comparative and International Society of Education, 司会.
2018.11.24~2018.11.24, Multigrade teaching international symposium, 座長、司会.
2012.06.15~2012.05.17, 第48回日本比較教育学会, 司会(Moderator).
2011.11.26~2011.11.27, 国際開発学会第23回全国大会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2011.06.24~2011.06.26, 第47回日本比較教育学会, 司会(Moderator).
2010.06.26~2010.06.27, 第46回日本比較教育学会, 司会(Moderator).
2012.12.01~2012.12.02, 国際開発学会, パネリスト.
2012.04.13~2012.04.14, アフリカ教育研究フォーラム, 司会.
2010.12.04~2010.12.05, 国際開発学会第21回全国大会, パネリスト.
2010.10.23~2010.10.23, 国際協力キャリアセミナー, パネリスト.
2010.06.26~2010.06.27, 第46回日本比較教育学会, 大会実行委員.
2016.04~2018.03, 言語文化論究 , 国内, 編集委員.
2010.04~2012.03, 言語文化論究, 国内, 編集委員.
年度 外国語雑誌査読論文数 日本語雑誌査読論文数 国際会議録査読論文数 国内会議録査読論文数 合計
海外渡航状況, 海外での教育研究歴
National University of Mongolia, Mongolia, 2019.09~2019.09.
San Francisco, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2019.04~2019.04.
INTE, France, 2018.07~2018.07.
モナシュ大学, Australia, 2017.10~2018.04.
アンテオキア州中学校11校, キンディオ州中学校8校, JICAエクアドル事務所, Colombia, Ecuador, 2017.08~2017.09.
ロンドン大学, UnitedKingdom, 2017.03~2017.03.
Fundación Escuela Nueva Volvamos a la Gente (FEN), secondary schools, Colombia, 2016.11~2016.11.
北京師範大学, China, 2016.08~2016.08.
University of British Colombia, Canada, 2016.03~2016.03.
National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico, 2015.11~2015.12.
エスクエラヌエバ基金, 2州の小中学校, Colombia, 2015.09~2015.09.
バルセロナ自治大学, International Conference on New Horizons in Education, Spain, 2015.06~2015.06.
バルセロナ自治大学, Spain, 2015.03~2015.03.
ロスアンデス大学, エスクエラヌエバ基金, Colombia, 2014.09~2014.10.
Pearson International, ロスアンデス大学, エスクエラヌエバ基金, UnitedStatesofAmerica, Colombia, 2014.09~2014.10.
杭州師範大学, China, 2014.05~2014.05.
Tronto University, Canada, 2014.03~2014.03.
University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2013.06~2013.07.
Austria Centre, Austria, 2012.11~2012.11.
Fundacion Escuela Nueva Volvamos a la Gente, Grameen Social Business, Colombia, 2012.08~2012.09.
The Grameen Creative Lab, Germany, 2012.03~2012.03.
JICA Bangladesh office, JETRO, BRAC, Bangladesh, 2012.02~2012.02.
Fundacion Escuela Nueva Volvamos a la Gente, Colombia, 2011.10~2011.11.
McGill University, Canada, 2011.04~2011.05.
Boğaziçi University Faculty of Education, Turkey, 2010.06~2010.06.
2018.11~2018.11, 2週間未満, コロンボ大学, SriLanka, 日本学術振興会.
2018.11~2018.11, 2週間未満, ロンドン大学, UnitedKingdom, 日本学術振興会.
2014.02~2014.02, 2週間未満, ロスアンデス大学, Colombia, 日本学術振興会.
2014.02~2014.02, 2週間未満, Fundacion Escuela Nueva, Colombia, 日本学術振興会.
2014.02~2014.02, 2週間未満, ロンドン大学, UnitedKingdom, 日本学術振興会.
2013年度~2018年度, 基盤研究(B), 代表, 途上国農村地域における初等教育の教育成果に関する調査ーコロンビアでの追跡調査.
2011年度~2013年度, 基盤研究(C), 代表, アメリカとコロンビアの連携事例による国際教育協力循環モデルの模索.
2021年度~2021年度, 令和3年度「外国語校閲経費支援」, 代表, Autonomous Learning gained by Escuela Nueva primary schools in Colombia: Comparison between Grades 6 and 9.
2012年度~2012年度, 全学教育改善・実施経費, 代表, Teacher Workshop for TOEIC Spreaking and Writing Tests.
2010年度~2010年度, 九州大学女性研究者キャリア開発センター英文校閲経費支援, 代表, Comparative Analysis of Multigrade Teaching in Japanese, Nepalese and Zambian Primary Schools.

