九州大学 研究者情報
HALL ANDREW(ホール アンドリュー) データ更新日:2023.11.22

准教授 /  比較社会文化研究院 文化空間部門 地球社会統合科学府

総説, 論評, 解説, 書評, 報告書等
1. Andrew Hall, 満洲帝国教育会編『建国教育(日文)』誌・解説と目次集(2), 植民地教育史研究年報, 2022.03, [URL].
2. Andrew Hall, 満洲帝国教育会編『建国教育(日文)』誌・解説と目次集(1), 植民地教育史研究年報23, 2021.03, [URL], 『建国教育(日文)』は満洲帝国教育会が発行した月刊機関誌の一つである。本目次集は、1939年から1941年にかけて刊行された同誌の目次集であり、満洲帝国教育会の動向の解明に寄与するだろう。各号には民生部教育司長からの指示に加え、教科書の使い方、「建国精神」、言語教育、教員の責任、学校経営などの課題について指示と意見が掲載されている。また一般の教員が教育経験、地域の文化と歴史などの記事を投稿している。ゆえに、本誌の解説と目次集は、「満洲国」教育史研究を深めるために有益な基礎資料の一つとなろう。.
3. Andrew Reed Hall, “A Missionary Model Misapplied”: Review of Early Mormon Missionary Activities in Japan, 1901-1924, by Reid L. Nielson. , Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, 44:4, 2011.12, [URL].
4. Andrew Reed Hall, Review of Imperial Eclipse: Japan’s Strategic Thinking About Continental Asia Before August 1945, by Yukiko Koshiro, . International Journal of Asian Studies, 11:2, 2014.07, [URL].
5. Andrew Reed Hall, History of Education and Language in Late Choson and Colonial-era Korea: Guest Editors' Introduction, Acta Koreana, 2015.12, [URL], Studies of modern Korean history usually focus on the historical break of the Japanese annexation of 1910. But as we have seen from other discourses of dis- ruption, they often conceal trends and continuities that traverse the historical divide. This special journal issue seeks to elucidate the broader trends of the 1876 to 1945 period, when the desire for “modern” education and culture collided with concerns over ethnic authenticity and cultural identity. The authors approach these problems from a variety of perspectives by examining the public and private spheres, modernizing and traditional influences, and considering the interplay of Korean, Japanese, and Western contexts.
The authors of this issue’s special theme hope to contribute to the already existing body of research on modern education and language in early modern Korean history. Scholars in Korea, Japan, and English-speaking parts of the world have shown great interest in the establishment and development of modern education in late nineteenth-century, early twentieth-century Korea. Unfortunately, the diverse views produced from these different parts of the world often do not engage with each other. Ours is an attempt to promote scholarly exchange across borders and to create a broader dialogue amongst all historians of Korea..

