Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Presentations
Fujita Masatoshi Last modified date:2024.06.03

Professor / Department of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences / Department of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences / Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

1. 杉本 のぞみ、前原 一満、大川 恭行、藤田 雅俊, Genome-wide analysis of the spatiotemporal regulation of firing and dormant replication origins in human cells, 第45回日本分子生物学会年会ワークショップ, 2022.12.
2. Hiroki Fujiyama, Takuya Takafuji, Tohru Kiyono, Kazumasa Yoshida, Nozomi Sugimoto, Masatoshi Fujita, Elucidation of tumor-suppressive mechanism of Ribosomal Protein S19 associated with Diamond-Blackfan anemia, 第79回日本癌学会学術総会 International Sessions, 2021.09.
3. 藤田雅俊, Ribosomal/nucleolar proteins that act as oncoproteins or antioncoproteins
, 熊本大学HIGOセミナー, 2020.11.
4. 杉本 のぞみ、藤田 成、辻田 沙伎、岩村 拓人、前原 一満、吉田 和真、大川 恭行、藤田 雅俊, Systematic elucidation of mechanisms underlying formation of licensed chromatin in human cells, 第42回日本分子生物学会年会ワークショップ, 2019.12.
5. 高藤拓哉、藤山拓己、筒井夏佳、森優希乃、清野透、吉田和真、杉本のぞみ、藤田雅俊, Comprehensive analysis for tumor suppressive activity of ribosomal proteins associated with cancer-prone ribosomopathies, 第78回日本癌学会学術総会, 2019.09.
6. Mitsunori Higa, Yukihiro Matsuda, Nozomi Sugimoto, Kazumasa Yoshida, Masatoshi Fujita, ORC recruitment by TRF2 contributes to telomere stability upon DNA replication stress, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meeting on "Eukaryotic DNA replication and genome maintenance", 2019.09.
7. Masatoshi Fujita, Ribosomal/nucleolar proteins that act as oncogenes or ationcogenes, The 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Symposium for Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2018.08.
8. Takashi Yugawa, Tomomi Nakahara, Masatoshi Fujita, Tohru Kiyono , Dual roles of p63 and NOTCH1 in the development and progression of squamous cell carcinoma, 第76回日本癌学会学術総会, 2017.09.
9. Masatoshi Fujita, Nozomi Sugimoto, Kota Kayama, Shinya Watanabe, Masahiro Aizawa, Kazumasa Yoshida, GRWD1 counteracts p53 via the RPL11-MDM2 pathway and promotes tumorigenesis, 10th 3R International Symposium, 2016.11.
10. Mitsunori Higa, Kazumasa Yoshida, Daisuke Kohmon, Nozomi Sugimoto, Masatoshi Fujita, TRF2 recruits ORC through the dimerized TRFH domain, 10th 3R International Symposium, 2016.11.
11. 藤田 雅俊, 杉本 のぞみ, 吉田和真, 中山敬一, 清野透, GRWD1はRPL11-MDM2経路を介してp53を制御し細胞がん化を促進する, 第75回日本癌学会学術総会, 2016.10.
12. 温川恭至, 中原知美, 藤田 雅俊, 清野透, 扁平上皮がん発生におけるp63の二面性, 第75回日本癌学会学術総会, 2016.10.
13. Takashi Yugawa, Tomomi Nakahara, Masatoshi Fujita, Tohru Kiyono, Loss of p63 in MYC-overexpressing cells can trigger malignant conversion through the NOTCH-ROCK pathway, 第74回日本癌学会学術総会, 2015.10.
14. Kota kayama, Nozomi Sugimoto, Kazumasa Yoshida, Keiichi Nakayama, Tohru Kiyono, Masatoshi Fujita, GRWD1 negatively regulates p53 via the RP (ribosomal protein)-MDM2 pathway and promotes anchorage-independent growth, 第74回日本癌学会学術総会, 2015.10.
15. Mitsunori Higa, Kazumasa Yoshida, Daisuke Koumon, Nozomi Sugimoto, Masatoshi Fujita, TRF2 recruits ORC through the dimerized TRFH domain, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meeting on "Eukaryotic DNA replication and genome maintenance", 2015.09.
16. Nozomi Sugimoto, Kazumasa Yoshida, Kazumitsu Maehara, Yasuyuki Ohkawa, Masatoshi Fujita, Genome-wide analysis for spatiotemporal regulation of the pre-RC formation and firing in human cells, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meeting on "Eukaryotic DNA replication and genome maintenance", 2015.09.
17. Nozomi Sugimoto, Masahiro Aizawa, Kazumasa Yoshida, Kazumitsu Maehara, Yasuyuki Ohkawa, Masatoshi Fujita, Genome-scale analysis for spatiotemporal regulation of the pre-RC formation and firing in human cells, International Symposium on Non-coding DNA and Chromosomal Integrity, 2015.08.
18. Nozomi Sugimoto, Kazumitsu Maehara, Kazumasa Yoshida, Shuhei Yasukouchi, Shinya Watanabe, Masahiro Aizawa, Tohru Kiyono, Hitoshi Kurumizaka, Yasuyuki Ohkawa, Masatoshi Fujita, Genome-wide relationship between pre-replication complex formation and chromatin status, The 9th 3R Symposium, 2014.11.
19. 温川 恭至, 西野 光一郎, 大野 真一, 中原 知美, 藤田 雅俊, 五島 直樹, 梅沢 明弘, 清野 透, 新規NOTCH-ROCK経路はヒト上皮細胞とiPS細胞の自己複製能を制限する, 第73回日本癌学会学術総会, 2014.09.
20. Nozomi Sugimoto, Kazumitsu Maehara, Shuhei Yasukouchi, Shinya Watanabe, Tohru Kiyono, Hitoshi Kurumizaka, Yasuyuki Ohkawa, Masatoshi Fujita, Cdt1-Binding Protein GRWD1 Is a Novel Histone Chaperone That Regulates Chromatin Structure and MCM Loading, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meeting on "Eukaryotic DNA replication and genome maintenance", 2013.09.
21. Nozomi Sugimoto, 安河内 周平, 前原 一満, 清野 透, 胡桃坂仁志, Yasuyuki Ohkawa, Masatoshi Fujita, The Cdt1-binding protein GRWD1 is a novel histone chaperon involved in replication licensing and cell growth, 第35回日本分子生物学会年会 ワークショップ, 2012.12.
22. Nozomi Sugimoto, 温川 恭至, 清野 透, 胡桃坂仁志, Yasuyuki Ohkawa, 藤田 雅俊, The Cdt1-binding protein GRWD1 is a novel histone chaperone involved in replication licensing and cell growth, 第71回日本癌学会学術総会, 2012.09.
23. 温川 恭至, 藤田 雅俊, 清野 透, Dysregulation of the p63-MYC pathway in the development of squamous cell carcinoma , 第71回日本癌学会学術総会, 2012.09.
24. Nozomi Sugimoto, 安河内 周平, Shinya Watanabe, 清野 透, 胡桃坂仁志, Masatoshi Fujita, The Cdt1-binding protein GRWD1 is a novel histone chaperon involved in replication licensing, 第34回日本分子生物学会年会 ワークショップ, 2011.12.