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野村 久子(のむらひさこ) データ更新日:2024.06.03

 このような問題意識に立ち、公共政策の効果の科学的な根拠(エビデンス)に基づいて実際の政策を形成しようという試みが欧米で広がっており、近年、日本でも始まっている。これはエビデンスに基づく政策形成(Evidence-Based Policy Making: EBPM)のアプローチと呼ばれる。例えば、科学技術、教育、医療、経済産業政策の分野においてEBPMの試みが始まっている。
キーワード:エビデンスに基づく政策形成, 農業・環境・エネルギー分野における社会経済的ランダム化比較試験
“IoP (Internet of Plants)”が導く「Society5.0型農業」への進化
2023.04~2031.03, 代表者:櫻井 克年, 国立大学法人高知大学, 国立大学法人高知大学.
2020.10~2023.03, 代表者:矢部光保, 九州大学, 九州大学,日本
2022.06~2025.03, 代表者:矢部光保, 九州大学, 九州大学.
2022.06~2027.03, 代表者:伊藤香澄, 名古屋大学, 名古屋大学.
2022.06~2027.03, 代表者:伊藤香澄, 名古屋大学, 名古屋大学.
Ecosystem service trade-offs of irrigation ponds: sharing scientific knowledge
2019.04~2023.03, 代表者:Martin Dallimer, Leeds University, U.K..
2020.10~2024.03, 代表者:矢部光保, 大学院農学研究院.
“IoP (Internet of Plants)”が導く「Next次世代型施設園芸」への進化 以下関係する課題番号を提示 課題番号SP3:「IoPのもたらす社会経済的影響に関するフィールド実験評価」
2020.04~2023.03, 代表者:北野雅治教授, 高知大学, 国立大学法人高知大学
2018.11~2021.10, 代表者:野村久子, 九州大学
2018.04~2021.03, 代表者:矢部光保, 九州大学, 九州大学.
2017.07~2020.03, 代表者:野村久子, 九州大学大学院農学研究院
本研究では、農業・環境・エネルギー政策分野におけるRCTを用いたフィールド実験の手法の確立をめざす。ここで、「フィールド実験」とは、実験室や教室で行われる「ラボ実験」に対比して、実験室の外の現実社会で行われる実験を指す用語であり、主に経済学で用いられる。 そして、海外で行った当該手法による研究実践の知見に基づき、農業・環境・エネルギー政策分野におけるフィールドでRCTを用いた研究手法の実践の活用に向けたガイドラインの構築とそれを用いた実証型の政策研究を進化させることを研究目的とする。.
平成28年度国東半島宇佐地域世界の業遺産調査研究事業「農業遺産ロングトレイルを通じた農耕文化や歴史的ストーリーの掘り起こしとその多面的価値の評価研究 」
2016.07~2017.03, 代表者:野村 久子, 九州大学大学院農学研究院
JICA 草の根技協(パートナー型)カンボジアにおける農産物・加工品の安全性向上プロジェクト
2017.05~2019.07, 代表者:伊藤香澄, 名大, 名大
2016.04~2020.03, 代表者:高須 啓志, 九州大学 大学院農学研究院, 九州大学
2015.09~2018.03, 代表者:矢部光保, 九州大学 大学院農学研究院, 九州大学 大学院農学研究院
 また、国民の行政施策に対する目が厳しさを増している昨今、国民への説明責任(accountability)を果たすという意味からも、農業従事者やNPO等による取組み、あるいは行政支援がどれほどの効果・成果につながったのか明らかにしていく必要性も高まっています。それゆえ、生物多様性保全のための計画策定から実施後のチェック、計画の修正に至るPDCAサイクルの導入や、取組みの成否における不確実性を考慮した順応的管理(Adaptive Management)の適用が望ましいと考えます。これにより、目標達成に向けた継続的な管理手法の改善が期待できます。
2014.04~2017.03, 代表者:西尾 健, 法政大学, 法政大学、九州大学、JC総研
2014.04~2017.03, 代表者:野村久子, 九州大学, 九州大学
昨今わが国では,世界農業遺産(GIAHS : Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System)に対する関心が高まっている.世界農業遺産は,農を営む人と自然との調和が持続可能な形で継続されている農文化システムを,世界食糧機関(FAO)が認証する制度である.今後の課題としてGIAHS登録を農村振興につなげる試みが期待される.国内外からの訪問者に対して,彼らのニーズを把握しつつ,農業遺産の価値をインタラクティブに情報発信することが肝要となる.そこで本研究は,ICT(Information and Communication Technologies)を活用した「里山フットパス」の開発を試みることで,観光を通じた農村振興への寄与の可能性を探ることを研究目的とする..
2012.04~2015.03, 代表者:矢部光保, 九州大学, 九州大学
2010.04~2015.03, 代表者:吉田真一, 九州大学, 九州大学、フィリピン大学
2010.04~2014.03, 代表者:西尾 健, 法政大学, 法政大学、九州大学
2011.05~2012.03, 代表者:野村久子, 九州大学
2011.04~2014.03, 代表者:野村久子, 九州大学
2010.04~2011.03, 代表者:矢部光保, 九州大学, 農林水産技術会議、農業環境技術研究所、法政大学
The Study of Strategies of Social Change using the Method of Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)
2014.10~2014.10, 代表者:Wendy Olsen, Manchester University, UK, Japan
1. 矢部光保, 野村久子, 黒川哲治, 梶原宏之, 和泉真理, 稲垣栄洋, 楠戸建, 並木崇 , 自然再生による地域更新と限界地農業の支援 生物多様性保全施策の国際比較, 筑波書房, 207ページ, 2023.03.
2. Hiroki Tokunaga,Tamon Baba,Manabu Ishitani,Kasumi Ito, Ok Kyung Kim, Le Huy Ham, Hoang Khac Le, Kensaku Maejima, Keiko T. Natsuaki, Nguyen Van Dong, Hy Huu Nguyen, Nien Chau Nguyen, Nguyen Anh Vu, Hisako Nomura, Motoaki Seki, Pao Srean, Hirotaka Tanaka, Bunna Touch, Hoat Xuan Trinh, Masashi Ugaki, Ayaka Uke, Yoshinori Utsumi, Prapit Wongtiem, Keiji Takasu, Sustainable management of invasive cassava pests in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand, Springer Singapore, 10.1007/978-981-10-7308-3_8, 2018.08, [URL], キャッサバは重要な作物で、そこでは根茎が熱帯地域の主食として知られている。最近、キャッサバ塊茎はさまざまな方法で数多くの製品に加工され、さまざまな方法で利用されている。キャッサバ栽培の面積は、特に東南アジアで増加しているが、このような状況はこの地域で新たなキャッサバ病や害虫の発生を引き起こしている。この章では、ベトナム、カンボジア、タイの現在のキャッサバの状況を概説し、次にキャッサバの主要な病気と害虫およびそれらの管理方法を説明した。さらに、これまでのキャッサバ農業を発展させる国際的な活動、既存の農業普及システム、そしてキャッサバ農家の社会経済的状況について概観し、 2016年以来、実地している侵襲性キャッサバ病と害虫の管理を確立するためにSATREPSプロジェクトの目的と達成目標を示した。最後の章では、キャッサバの持続可能な農業を確立するためのアプローチを示した。
Cassava is an important crop, in which root tubers have been known as a staple food in tropical area. Recently, cassava tubers are processed by various methods into numerous products and utilized in various ways. The land area of cassava cultivation has been increasing especially in Southeast Asia. Such a situation is causing an introduction of new cassava diseases and insect pests in the region. In the main part of this chapter, we reviewed the current cassava situation in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand and then illustrated the major cassava diseases and insect pests and their management methods. In addition, we described the international activities developing the cassava agriculture to date, the existing agricultural extension system, and the socioeconomic situation of cassava farmers. Since 2016, we have been conducting SATREPS project to establish a management of invasive cassava diseases and insect pests. At last part chapter, we showed our approach to establish the sustainable agriculture of cassava..
3. 横川 洋, 高橋 佳孝, 帆足 俊文, 瀬井 純雄, 三村 聡, 矢部 光保, 野村 久子, アンドレアス, ニーフ, 磯野 誠, 梶原宏之, 長野史尚, 阿蘇地域における農耕景観と生態系サービス 文化的景観論で地域価値を再発見し世界文化遺産登録を支援する, 2017.04, 文化庁「重要文化的景観」選定とユネスコ「世界文化遺産」登録をめざす、阿蘇地域の草原。その草原景観が有する価値を多様な側面から解明し、農の生態系サービスと地域活性化との結びつきを学術的に明らかにする。.
4. Mitsuyasu Yabe, Hisako Nomura, Joseph M. Arbiol, Maxima R. Quijano, Maridel P. Borja, Nina G. Gloriani, Shin-ichi Yoshida, Socioeconomic Study on the Burden of Leptospirosis, Kyushu University Press, 2014.12.
5. 矢部 光保, 出村克彦, 後藤 貴文, 伊藤 寛幸, KHOUSAKUNALATH Sithyphone, 三田村 強, 永木正和, 野村 久子, 佐藤 衆介, 藤 真人, 吉田謙太郎, 草地農業の多面的機能とアニマルウェルフェア, 筑波書房, 2014.03, 「草地農業の多面的機能と支援政策」をEUとの比較を念頭に、我が国の草地農業システムの現状とその多面的機能の発揮に向けた分析に焦点を当てる。具体的には、多面的機能の経済学的概念や評価手法、草地農業の歴史的生態学的展開やその支援制度について議論する。さらには、草地農業の展開には、政策的支援に加え、市場的支援も重要である。そこで、多面的機能の価値がどの程度畜産物価格に反映させされるかについても分析を加える。
6. 西尾健, 和泉真理, 野村 久子, 平井一男, 矢部 光保, 英国の農業環境政策と生物多様性, 筑波書房, 2013.01, 英国を中心にその基盤となる欧州共同体(EU)の生物多様性に関わる施策やさまざまな取り組みをまとめた。農水省の「農業に有用な生物多様性の指標及び評価手法の開発」の一つとして2008、2009年に愛国で実施した調査研究をそれぞれの研究者が書いた。
7. Peter John, Sarah Cotterill, Hanhua Liu, Liz Richardson, Alice Moseley, Hisako Nomura, Graham Smith, Gerry Stoker, Corinne Wales, Nudge, Nudge, Think, Think: Using Experiments to Change Civic Behavior, Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, 2011.12, [URL].
1. 野村久子, フィールドにおけるRCT実験研究の動向と国内農林業問題への応用, 農林業問題研究, https://doi.org/10.7310/arfe.55.13, 55, 1, 13-20, 2019.01, [URL].
2. Le Thi Thanh Loan, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Hisako Nomura, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Modeling home composting behavior toward sustainable municipal organic waste management at the source in developing countries, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 10.1016/j.resconrec.2018.08.016, 140, 65-71, 2019.01, Home composting (HC) has become an increasingly important consideration in the framework of sustainable municipal organic waste (MOW) management in developing countries. We develop, for the first time, two HC behavior models, which include households’ decisions to participate in a HC scheme and the level of HC participation. By applying Logit and Ordered logit models, a survey of 202 respondents in rural areas of Hoi An, Vietnam, indicates that households’ decisions to get involved in a HC scheme and the level of HC participation are affected by motivational factors such as knowledge about HC, attitude toward it, and owning a garden. We then explore the differences between the influencing factors for the two models. Interestingly, while participation in the HC training program influence the decision to participate in the HC scheme, the factor appears unimportant in increasing the level of HC practice. In addition, once the HC participation decision has been made, we find that pro-environmental behavior (such as habit of reusing plastic bags and reducing wastefulness) could promote a higher level of HC practice. These findings could help policy makers in promoting HC behavior to enhance a sustainable MOW management strategy at the household level..
3. Hisako Nomura, Nguyen Bich Hong, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Effective use and management of Kunisaki Peninsula Usa GIAHS long trail-A sustainable tourism model leading to regional development, Sustainability, 10.3390/su10020497, 10, 2, 2018.02, [URL], Despite increasing recognition of the importance of maintaining environmental public goods such as rural landscapes and their ecological systems, it remains challenging to implement a management system where the value of maintaining such public goods is reflected by a means of a support payment. We proposed a tourism model for the regional promotion of footpaths as the main axis in the "Agri-culture System" designated as part of the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS). Applying a Contingent Valuation Method, we asked walkers how much they were willing to contribute to various GIAHS-related activities through volunteering in addition to the participation fee for the walk. We hypothesized that the diverse means and activities to support conservation would contribute to sustainable management of GIAHS. The research findings showed that walkers had options to choose which activity to support. For track maintenance, WTCL in volunteering is 4.23 days a year. In the case of walkers who had no options, their Willingness to Contribute in Labor (WTCL) by volunteering is 3.34 days a year. To link the regional resources used for tourism with GIAHS require their effective management and conservation. Thus, it is desirable to formulate a combined approach such as payments by users of the trails and contributions through volunteer activities..
4. Sein Mar, Hisako Nomura, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Kazuo Ogata, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Impact of erratic rainfall from climate change on pulse production efficiency in Lower Myanmar, Sustainability, 10.3390/su10020402, 10, 2, 2018.02, [URL], Erratic rainfall has a detrimental impact on crop productivity but rainfall during the specific growth stage is rarely used in efficiency analysis. This study focuses on this untapped point and examines the influence of rainfall specifically encountered during the sowing stage and early vegetative growth stage and the flowering stage of pulses on productivity and efficiency in Lower Myanmar using data from 182 sample farmers. The results of a stochastic frontier production function reveal that rainfall incidence during the flowering season of pulses has a negatively significant effect on yield while replanting crops after serious damage by rain increases productivity. Controlled rainfall variables, seed rate, human labor and land preparation cost are important parameters influencing pulses yield. In the efficiency model, levels of yield loss have a negative impact while being a male household head, access to government credit, access to training, locating farms in the Bago Region and possessing a large area of pulses have a positively significant effect on technical efficiency. Policy recommendations include the establishment of a safety network, such as crop insurance to protect farmers from losses due to unpredictable weather conditions, promoting training programs on cultural practices adapted to climate change, wide coverage of extension activities, giving priority to small-scale farmers and female farmer participation in training and extension activities and increasing the rate of credit availability to farmers..
5. Hisako Nomura, Nguyen Bich Hong, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Effective use and management of Kunisaki Peninsula Usa GIAHS long trail-A sustainable tourism model leading to regional development, Sustainability (Switzerland), 10.3390/su10020497, 10, 2, 2018.02, Despite increasing recognition of the importance of maintaining environmental public goods such as rural landscapes and their ecological systems, it remains challenging to implement a management system where the value of maintaining such public goods is reflected by a means of a support payment. We proposed a tourism model for the regional promotion of footpaths as the main axis in the "Agri-culture System" designated as part of the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS). Applying a Contingent Valuation Method, we asked walkers how much they were willing to contribute to various GIAHS-related activities through volunteering in addition to the participation fee for the walk. We hypothesized that the diverse means and activities to support conservation would contribute to sustainable management of GIAHS. The research findings showed that walkers had options to choose which activity to support. For track maintenance, WTC in volunteering is 4.23 days a year. In the case of walkers who had no options, their Willingness to Contribute in Labor (WTC ) by volunteering is 3.34 days a year. To link the regional resources used for tourism with GIAHS require their effective management and conservation. Thus, it is desirable to formulate a combined approach such as payments by users of the trails and contributions through volunteer activities. L L.
6. Le Thi Thanh Loan, Hisako Nomura, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Psychological driving forces behind households’ behaviors toward municipal organic waste separation at source in Vietnam: a structural equation modeling approach, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 10.1007/s10163-017-0587-3, 19, 3, 1052-1060, 2017.07, Most recent municipal organic waste-separation at source (MOW-SAS) programs that have been introduced in developing countries remain pilot programs, but have not fully developed into sustainable municipal solid-waste management strategies. The city of Hoi An, Vietnam, implemented a mandatory MOW-SAS program in 2012. Using Structural Equation Modeling, this study investigates the psychological driving forces behind households’ behaviors toward the MOW-SAS program. This study finds that moral norm (moral perception of what is good or bad), attitude toward sorted waste, and situational factors (issues concerning physically sorting garbage, such as time, space, and lack of family cooperation) can significantly affect household behaviors toward MOW-SAS. It confirms the need for supplying frequent environmental educational campaigns and highlighting the benefits of MOW-SAS programs. Moreover, the study finds that households’ system trust in local authority concerning the MOW-SAS program is an important driving force behind the behavior. Therefore, recommendation is also made on the need to develop strong leadership in local authorities through improving: (1) reliability (ability to effectively treat sorted waste), (2) legitimacy (punitive measures for non-participants), and (3) effectiveness (dissemination of information about the benefits of MOW-SAS programs) for promoting MOW-SAS..
7. Le Thi Thanh Loan, Hisako Nomura, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Psychological driving forces behind households’ behaviors toward municipal organic waste separation at source in Vietnam: a structural equation modeling approach, SPECIAL FEATURE: ORIGINAL ARTICLE 3rd 3R International Scientific Conference (3rd 3RINCs 2016), 10.1007/s10163-017-0587-3, 1-9, 2017.02, Most recent municipal organic waste separation at source (MOW-SAS) programs introduced in developing countries remain pilot programs, and do not develop fully into sustainable municipal solid waste (MSW) management strategies. Hoi An city, Quang Nam Province, Vietnam, implemented a mandatory MOW-SAS program in 2012. Using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), this study investigates the psychological driving forces behind households’ behaviors toward the MOW-SAS program. This study find that attitude towards sorted waste, moral norm (moral perception about what is good or bad), and situational factors (the issues of physically sorting garbage such as time, space, and lack of cooperation from family members) can affect significantly the households’ behaviors toward MOW-SAS. Moreover, we find that the households’ system trust in the local authority towards the MOW-SAS program is a driving force behind the behavior. The lessons learnt from the local authority in Hoi An city that it concentrates on 1) supplying frequent environmental education and campaign to improve the residents’ knowledge and skills of MOW-SAS program, and 2) developing strong leadership of the local authority through enhancing: (i) reliability (ability to treat sorted waste), (ii) legitimacy (punishment methods for non-participants), and (iii) effectiveness (dissemination of information about the benefits of MOW-SAS program)..
8. Yalin Yuan, Hisako Nomura, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Model of Chinese household kitchen waste separation behavior: A case study in Beijing City, Sustainability (Switzerland), 10.3390/su8101083, 8, 10, 2016.10, High participation rates by the public in authority projects are key in increasing resident recycling levels. Understanding waste separation behavior is crucial to achieving sustainable waste management within such household-based schemes. To identify the driving forces behind the seldom-discussed kitchen garbage separation behavior, five psychological factors, namely, attitude, perceived behavior control, subjective norms, moral norms, and responsibility denial, are established. Our data originate from a social study of Beijing citizens conducted in July 2013 (n = 362). Through structural equation modeling, we find that moral norms are consistently the most important predictor of household kitchen waste (KW) separation behavior. Subjective norms have a larger effect on such behavior than responsibility denial. Data analysis shows that perceived behavior control contributes significantly and independently to the explanation of such behavior. By contrast, attitude towards KW separation is found to be significantly negatively correlated with separation behavior. In conclusion, the model with direct and indirect effects of psychological factors explains 50.3% of the variance in household KW source separation behavior. Implications of the results for the promotion of household KW separation programs are discussed..
9. Makoto Ehara, Kimihiko Hyakumura, Hisako Nomura, Toshiya Matsuura, Heng Sokh, Chivin Leng, Identifying characteristics of households affected by deforestation in their fuelwood and non-timber forest product collections: Case study in Kampong Thom Province, Cambodia, Land Use Policy, 10.1016/j.landusepol.2015.12.006, 52, 92-102, 2016.03, This study explored characteristics of households affected by deforestation in their fuelwood and non-timber forest product (NTFP) collections in Kampong Thom Province, Kingdom of Cambodia, where tropical lowland forests are decreasing in size owing mainly to agribusiness development and farming. Deforested areas were delineated by satellite image interpretation of forest cover change. A questionnaire survey was conducted for 161 households in six villages within three districts having varying degrees of forest cover changes per capita over a period of 5 years. Generalized linear mixed models were used to analyze characteristics of households affected by deforestation in their fuelwood and NTFP collections. The characteristics vary with the collection activity examined, either fuelwood or NTFP collection. We revealed that deforestation notably affects villagers whose non-forest fuelwood sources are scarce. People who collected fuelwood in forests after deforestation are more likely to be affected if the remaining forest area per capita near their village is less. In contrast, for NTFP collection, the size of the deforested area per capita near villages is more important than that of the remaining forest area, particularly to those who depend on NTFP collection as one of their main livelihood activities before deforestation. In contrast with much of the literature that has stated that the poor depend more on NTFPs, our results show that the relationship between household wealth and NTFP dependence was more than a simple negative correlation; i.e., the local people's material wealth was not a strong determinant in our NTFP model. The importance of stakeholder analysis and consultation with local residents in impact assessments and natural resource management involving land-use changes has been progressively acknowledged in the academic literature. In this context, we argue that it is essential to identify potentially affected groups among local residents in terms of their fuelwood and NTFP collections in a short-term period widely distributed at the provincial level. The combination of our findings, method applied and existing demographic survey networks in Cambodia provides an approach of identifying the affected residents in a transparent manner..
10. Hisako Nomura, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Private Provision of Environmental Public Goods: A Pilot Program for Agricultural Heritage Conservation, Journal of Resources and Ecology, 5, 4, 341-347, 2014.12, Abstract
While the true value of environmental goods may be captured in a one-off payment, it may be easier to add a smaller amount to a private good by means of donation and collect the total environmental value over time. For that, however we need to ensure the smaller amount of a heritage conservation donation added to a private good is adequate so that we can find retailers to participate in such fund-raising activities. We test the contingent valuation method’s criterion validity by comparing their stated purchasing behavior with their actual behavior. The price increase from the addition of the donation did not affect total sales of the commodity. Adding a donation to specialized private goods may be an effective way to collect landscape and agricultural heritage conservation donations. Furthermore, our findings suggest that funds can be collected without affecting commodity sales. This approach is effective in other environmental protection activities.

11. Arbiol Joseph, Maridel Borja, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Hisako Nomura, Shin-ichi Yoshida, Nina Gloriani, Valuing Human Leptospirosis Prevention Using the Opportunity Cost of Labor, 2013.10, 5, 1845-1860, 2013.10, Arbiol, Joseph, Maridel Borja, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Hisako Nomura, Nina Gloriani, Shin-ichi Yoshida.
12. Hisako Nomura, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Nishio Takeshi, Mari Izumi, Kazuo Hirai, Tetsuji Kurokawa, Framework for improvement of farmland biodiversity in Japan, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT, 10.1080/09640568.2012.702100, 56, 5, 743-758, 2013.06.
13. Hisako Nomura, Peter C. John & Sarah Cotterill, The use of feedback to enhance environmental outcomes: a randomised controlled trial of a food waste scheme, Local Environment, http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13549839.2011.586026, 16, 7, 637-653, 2011.08.
14. Sarah Cotterill, Peter John, Hanhua Liu, Hisako Nomura, Mobilizing citizen effort to enhance environmental outcomes: A randomized controlled trial of a door-to-door recycling campaign, Journal of Environmental Management, 10.1016/j.jenvman.2009.09.010, 91, 2, 403-410, 2009.11, This paper uses a randomized controlled trial to test whether doorstep canvassing can raise participation in kerbside recycling. Existing research shows that canvassing can confront negative attitudes, increase understanding and resolve structural obstacles, but there is less known about the longitudinal effects of such interventions, which may fall away over time. 194 streets in Trafford, in the North West of England, UK were randomly assigned into a treatment and a control group. All households in the treatment group were visited by canvassers who were trained to promote and encourage recycling. Recycling participation rates for all households were measured by observing bin set out rates over a three-week period. Measurement was done before and after the canvassing campaign and then again three months later to see if the intervention had been effective in raising participation rates. Random-effects multilevel regression models, controlling for baseline recycling, street size, deprivation and size of ethnic minority population, show that the canvassing raised recycling participation rates for the treatment group compared to the control group, but there was a decline in the impact of the intervention over time. The intervention was more effective on streets with low levels of recycling at baseline. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved..
15. Sarah Cotterill, Peter John, Hanhua Liu and Hisako Nomura, Mobilizing citizen effort to enhance environmental outcomes: A randomized controlled trial of a door-to-door recycling campaign, Environmental Management, 91, 2, 403-410, 2009.10.
16. Wendy Olsen, Hisako Nomura, Poverty Reduction: Fuzzy Sets vs. Crisp Sets Compared, SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY AND METHODS, 24, 2, 219-246, 2009.09, This paper examines the results of economic poverty reduction modelling in selected countries 1992-2002 using the fuzzy set method (fsQCA) and the crisp set method (csQCA). The fsQCA and csQCA are the two main configurational comparative methods (CCM). This paper primarily focuses on making sensitivity assessments of the fsQCA and csQCA results. The outcomes of CCM based on the truth table algorithm are determined by the calibration of the set-relation membership score as well as the outcome variable of the interim truth table (called the consistency cutoff). Calibration of the raw data into crisp- and fuzzy-set membership scores based on theoretically and empirically grounded establishment of thresholds has been emphasised as it shapes the truth table algorithm. Thus, like previous studies of sensitivity assessment we focus on calibration. However this paper shows how to determine the balance of consistency and coverage outcomes based on various cutoff points as being highly important for a sensitivity assessment. We argue that the optimal consistency cutoff point helps us optimally determine the configurational multiple causality. The outcomes of fsQCA and csQCA are considered in relation to the balance of consistency and coverage. The robustness of the results of the truth table algorithm depends on the balance of consistency and coverage. Using poverty reduction as a dependent variate, we compare the two methods which are both useful..
17. Wendy Olsen and Hisako Nomura, Poverty Reduction – fuzzy sets and crisp set compared, Journal of Sociological Theory and Methods, 24, 2, 219-246, 2009.04.
18. 野村久子・矢部光保, 日本型環境支払に対する農家の受容行動―環境保全型農法に対する参加意向と参加面積率の決定要因の分析―, 農業経営研究, 45, 1, 1-11, 2007.09.
主要総説, 論評, 解説, 書評, 報告書等
1. 野村久子, 馬場多聞, 高須啓志, 伊藤香純, 夏秋啓子, 鵜家綾香, 関原明, 徳永浩樹, 石谷学, ベトナム、カンボジア、タイにおけるキャッサバの侵入病害虫対策に基づく持続的生産システムの開発と普及(2016-2021年)について, 砂糖類・でん粉情報, 2018.05, [URL], 2016年度に始まった独立行政法人国際協力機構(JICA)/国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構(JST)地球規模課題対応国際科学技術協力事業(SATREPS)「ベトナム、カンボジア、タイにおけるキャッサバの侵入病害虫対策に基づく持続的生産システムの開発と普及(2016-2021年)」プロジェクト(研究代表者:九州大学 大学院農学研究院 高須啓志)は、大メコン圏における戦略作物であるキャッサバの持続的生産のために、持続的害虫管理技術に基づいた健全種苗の普及モデルを構築することを目標としている。これまで、キャッサバの病気や害虫、種苗生産、普及について、ベトナムやカンボジア、タイにおいてさまざまな研究活動を続けてきており、2018年度には折り返し地点を迎える。残された時間の中で最大限の成果を挙げることができるよう、国内外の機関の連携を深めていきたい。.
2. 野村 久子, 矢部 光保, 梶原 宏之, 陳 怡靜, 野村久子『農業遺産ロングトレイルを通じた農耕文化や歴史的ストーリーの掘り起こしとその多面的価値の評価研究』平成28年度 国東半島宇佐地域世界農業遺産調査研究事業 研究成果報告書, 2017.03, [URL], 本研究では、国東半島・宇佐地域世界農業遺産における「農文化システム」の中に息づいているトレイルを歩き,魅力的な農文化と農業の関わりを知り,体験するというツーリズムを展開することで,地域振興へつながる新たな観光モデルを提唱し,そのための基礎研究を行った。

阿蘇たにびと博物館 梶原宏之

九州大学農学研究院 講師 野村 久子
教授 矢部 光保

小課題2-2では、世界農業遺産の要素である生物多様性や農文化の保全活動支援として、「世界農業遺産 生物多様性・農文化保全基金」(仮称)を設定し、世界遺産認定地域を生息地とする生物多様性保全活動や農伝統・農文化保全活動等に対する非補助金型の支援策の検討を行う。これは、費用の一部を基金から支出することで、行政と市民が共同して保全活動を支援する新しい形での、市民参加型保全活動に資する。今回の調査から、ウォーキングイベントの際に、参加する人に、展示会のイベント手伝いなどを呼びかけるなどをしていくことで潜在的な協力が得られる人たちがおり、支援が可能ということが分かった。このことは、資金ではなく人を巻き込んでいくことで生み出されていく活力の方が有り難いという七島イ振興協会の事務局の方の話にもつながる。今回の調査で明らかになったボランティアの潜在的存在を今後世界農業遺産の維持・継承活動とマッチングさせていくことで、地域の活動に内外の人々を巻き込んでいけるだろう。今後、国東市がともに各団体との話合いを設け、世界農業遺産の維持・継承のために検討が行われることが期待される。.
3. 野村 久子, 野村久子「英国のマーケットチェーンによる生物多様性保全活動促進と多様な主体の参画・連携」研究代表者・矢部光保『PDCAサイクルと多様な主体の参画・連携による生物多様性保全活動促進のための政策的支援に関する研究』平成27年度 農林水産政策科学委託事業 研究成果報告書, 2017.02, 本調査では、海外の事例について、多様な主体の参画・連携による生物多様性保全活動促進のための政策的支援を市場的支援、非市場的支援、融合的支援に類型化し、また、それぞれの取り組みについてPDCAサイクルに当てはめて、その全体像を把握することを調査の目的とした。
4. 野村 久子, 「レプトスピラ感染症による経済負担経済的負担要因分析-負担緩和のための政策提言-」研究グループB報告書,JICA/JST 地球規模課題対応 国際科学技術協力事業 (SATREPS)「レプトスピラ症の予防対策と診断技術の開発プロジェクト」, 2013.03.
5. 野村 久子, 「堀川・三連水車保全基金創設のための仕組みづくり」平成23年度河川整備基金助成事業, 『地域への経済的便益還元の仕組みづくり研究』報告書, 2012.03.
6. Colin Kirkpatrick, Norman Lee, Julian Curren, James Franklin, Hisako Nomura, Further Development of the Methodology for a Sustainability Impact Assessment of Proposed WTO Negotiations –Final Report to the European Commission-,’ Institute for Development Policy and Management, Manchester, UK.
1. Hisako Nomura, Gan Lin, Hamed Arif, and Suguru Osaki , Smart agriculture - its profit efficiency and optimal farm size: The case of eggplant production in Japan, The 11th Asian Society for Agricultural Economics, 2023.03.
2. Truc Nguyen Nguy XUAN, Hisako NOMURA, Nien Chau NGUYEN, Tamon BABA, Kasumi ITO, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Improvements may help Prevent Cassava Mosaic Disease and affect Farmers Willingness to pay for Healthy Seedlings in Dong Nai, Vietnam, The 11th International Conference on Environmental and Rural Development, 2020.03, [URL], In recent years, Vietnam has continued to increase production of cassava, a cash crop, and has become the world's seventh largest cassava exporter in 2017. In addition, cassava is the third most important staple food after rice and corn in Vietnam. However, cassava is facing a serious problem with Witches’ broom as well as SLCMD (Sri Lankan cassava mosaic disease) in which the starch content of cassava decreases due to atrophy of the strain upon onset of disease. As of May 2019, damage to the cassava planted area has been confirmed in a wide range of 39,000 ha in 13 provinces in Vietnam and the disease continues spreading in surrounding countries. To prevent further spread of the disease, SLCMD has no clear prescription, and so far there is no remedy other than pulling out and incinerating the infected strain. Therefore, it is urgent to disseminate SLCMD infection prevention measures. In addition, as the damage is widespread, it is necessary to find efficient and effective measures to prevent the spread of SLCMD infection.
Although in case of urgent information dissemination to prevent further infection in the region, there was no evidence on which media is more effective on the change of people’s knowledge, attitude and practice (1KAP). This is to examine for the first time extension impact on farmers’ KAP. The first KAP survey was conducted from July to August 2018, targeting 312 producers who grew cassava from 2016/2017 to 2018, in two districts in Dong Nai Province, Vietnam. Experimental units are allocated into three groups by the random sampling method so that there is no significant difference in the variables of gender, age, years of education, and years of cassava cultivation experience, knowledge, and willingness to pay for certified healthy seedlings for these subjects. The intervention was performed from December 2018 to January 2019. For the 1st treatment group, the investigators distributed posters for each household. A workshop was held and posters were distributed to the 2nd treatment groups. In the posters and slides of the workshop, in addition to pest control based on the viewpoints of pathology and biological control, knowledge, awareness and practices that farmers lacked revealed in the first KAP survey. Finally, from February to March 2019, a second KAP survey was conducted on these surveyed persons to investigate changes in knowledge and awareness regarding pest control, practices, and willingness to pay for healthy seedlings. In the analysis, t test was being conducted.
The results show that the dissemination of information by poster is an effective way to improve farmers' knowledge, improve their attitudes to prevent the spread of pests and diseases, and promote sustainable practices. Policy implication is that we could maneuver distribution of posters effectively to save cost of information dissemination as information dissemination by poster is being proven to be more effective than that by workshop..
3. 野村 久子, Sarah Cotterill, Peter John, 有機性廃棄物のリサイクル普及効果分析-ランダム化対照試行を用いたバイオマス循環システム支援方策の政策的含意-, 環境経済政策学会, 2015.09, 近年ごみ軽減ならびに資源の有効再利用の対象として注目される食品由来の有機性廃棄物のリサイクルを普及を促すための施策効果をランダム化対照試行を用いた実証実験を行った。道レベルの有機性廃棄物リサイクル普及率を各世帯へのフィードバックとしてポストカードで世帯に送付することで、同じ「道」に住む世帯で、規範が活性化して帰属意識を刺激し、集団間の対抗意識ならびに集団内のリサイクリング協同意識が高まることが制度普及へ与える効果検証を行った。.
4. Hisako Nomura, Masuda Begum Sampa, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Latent preferences and valuation of health walk on footpath in UK,' , Taipei, Taiwan, 2015.08.07, East Asian Environmental Resource Economics Association, 2015.08, Footpath has been recognized as an important element to promote healthy green tourism in the rural areas. We estimated the value of footpath according to attributes of footpath determined by people's latent preferences using the Choice Modeling..
5. Hisako Nomura, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Private Provision of Environmental Public Goods: A Pilot Program for Agricultural Heritage Conservation, The 1st Conference of East Asia Research Association for Agricultural Heritage Systems (ERAHS), 2014.04, While the true value of environmental goods may be captured in a one-off payment, it may be easier to add a smaller amount to a private good by means of donation and collect the total environmental value over time. For that, however we need to ensure the smaller amount of a heritage conservation donation added to a private good is adequate so that we can find retailers to participate in such fund-raising activities. We test the contingent valuation method’s criterion validity by comparing their stated purchasing behavior with their actual behavior. The price increase from the addition of the donation did not affect total sales of the commodity. Adding a donation to specialized private goods may be an effective way to collect landscape and agricultural heritage conservation donations. Furthermore, our findings suggest that funds can be collected without affecting commodity sales. This approach is effective in other environmental protection activities..
6. Hisako Nomura, Sarah Cotterill, The Use of Feed back to Promote Food Waste Collections, York RCT Conference, 2009.09.
7. Hisako Nomura, Can Online Deliberation Transform Citizens? – Preliminary findings from an internet field experiment in the UK, Conference on Informing Public Policy, 2009.04.
8. Hisako Nomura, Wendy Olsen, The Causes of Women's Educational and Labour Market Achievement in a Cross-National Context, Conference on Comparative Social Science, 2006.07.
9. Hisako Nomura, Agricultural Trade and the Environment –Appraisal of Mitigation Measure as part of the Sustainability Impact Assessment for Trade Liberalisation, Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 2003.09.
Development Studies Association
2024.04~2026.03, 環境経済政策学会, 理事.
2023.04~2024.03, 環境経済・政策学会, 2023年度大会プログラム委員長.
2018.04~2020.03, 編集委員, 編集委員.
2023.03.24~2023.03.24, ダイバーシティ研究環境実現イニシアティブ(調査分析)報告シンポジウム「女性活躍指標に基づく女性研究者活躍促進に関する国際調査」, 総合司会.
2024.04.01~2026.03.31, 環境経済政策学会, 常務理事(大会担当).
2023.09.30~2023.10.01, 農業経済学会年次大会, プログラム委員長.
2023.03.17~2022.03.19, 農業経済学会年次大会, プログラム委員.
2023.03.17~2022.03.19, 農業経済学会年次大会, 座長.
2021.02.18~2021.02.20, 環境経済政策学会, Youth camp-online workshop 実行委員.
2022.03.26~2022.03.27, 農業経済学会年次大会, 座長.
2021.03.27~2021.03.28, 農業経済学会年次大会, 座長.
2022.10.01~2022.10.02, 環境経済政策学会, プログラム委員.
2019.12.01~2020.12.05, UK-JAPAN RENKEI, Other.
2019.10.13~2019.10.13, 地域農林経済学会, その他.
2017.11.08~2017.11.09, AFELISA, その他.
2017.11~2017.11.09, The International Joint Symposium between Japan and Korea (AFELiSA), Other.
2017.09.09~2016.09.10, 環境経済政策学会, 企画セッション 発表.
2016.11.30~2016.12.01, The Kyushu Univ. - OIST Networking WS, Other.
2016.09.19~2016.09.20, 環境経済政策学会, その他.
2016.08.08~2016.08.10, East Asian Environmental Resource Economics Association, Other.
2015.09.18~2015.09.20, Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, その他.
2015.06.19~2015.06.19, The 8th ADB–JSP Scholars’ Research Forum, その他.
2014.06.20~2014.06.20, The 7th ADB–JSP Scholars’ Research Forum, その他.
2012.09.14~2012.09.15, Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, その他.
年度 外国語雑誌査読論文数 日本語雑誌査読論文数 国際会議録査読論文数 国内会議録査読論文数 合計
2017年度 10 
海外渡航状況, 海外での教育研究歴
Hawassa University, Ethiopia, 2024.01~2024.01.
Hawassa University, Ethiopia, 2023.12~2023.12.
Hawassa University, Ethiopia, 2022.12~2022.12.
VNUA, National University of Battambang (NUBB), Cambodia, York University, Japan, 2021.11~2022.02.
National University of Battambang (NUBB), Cambodia, JICA, Vietnam, Japan, 2020.02~2020.03.
英国リーズ大学, UnitedKingdom, 2020.02~2020.02.
Newcastle University, UK, UnitedKingdom, 2020.12~2019.12.
イエジン農業大学, 農業畜産灌漑省 (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation: MOALI), 農業研究局 (Department of Agricultural Research: DAR), Myanmar, 2019.12~2019.12.
ラヨーンキャッサバ研究所, UBB, Thailand, Cambodia, 2019.03~2019.03.
Nong Lam University, Hung Loc Center, Vietnam, 2019.07~2019.08.
チェンマイ大学, JICAバンコクオフィス, チュラロンコン大学, キングモンクット工科大学, Thailand, 2018.02~2018.02.
イエジン農業大学, 農業畜産灌漑省 (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation: MOALI), 農業研究局 (Department of Agricultural Research: DAR), Myanmar, 2018.02~2018.02.
Thuy Loi大学, VNUA大学, タイグエン大学, Vietnam, 2018.01~2018.01.
AGI, Vietnam, 2018.01~2018.01.
ノンラム大学, Vietnam, 2017.05~2018.05.
UBB, Cambodia, 2018.03~2018.03.
Agricultural Genetics Institute, Vietnam, 2017.05~2017.05.
カンボジア王立農業大学, Cambodia, 2017.02~2017.02.
HLARC, Nong Lam University, Vietnam, 2016.11~2016.11.
ベトナム国立農業大学, Vietnam, 2016.10~2016.10.
バッタンバン大学(UBB), Cambodia, 2016.07~2016.07.
Agricultural Genetics Institute, Vietnam, 2016.05~2016.05.
Agricultural Genetics Institute, Nong Lam University, International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Vietnam, 2015.12~2015.12.
バッタンバン大学(UBB), Cambodia, 2015.12~2015.12.
JICA, Lao People's Democratic Republic, 2015.12~2015.12.
University of Indonesia, Indonesia, 2015.09~2015.09.
Yezin Agricultural University, Myanmar, 2014.12~2014.12.
バッタンバン大学(UBB), Cambodia, 2014.11~2014.11.
温州青田県行政機関, 福州行政機関, China, 2014.10~2014.10.
Rural Payment Agency, Natural England, The University of Manchester, UnitedKingdom, 2014.09~2014.09.
PhilRice, Philippines, 2014.07~2014.07.
The University of Leeds, UnitedKingdom, 2014.03~2014.03.
ホーエンハイム大学, ワーゲニンゲン大学, FAO, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, 2013.09~2013.09.
サウスダウンズ国立公園, UnitedKingdom, 2013.02~2013.02.
University of Indonesia, Indonesia, 2012.11~2012.11.
ソウル国立大学, SouthKorea, 2012.10~2012.10.
英国環境・食料・農村地域省,サウス・ダウンズ国立公園管理局,ノース・エイボン野生生物トラスト, UnitedKingdom, 2012.09~2012.09.
Natural England, UnitedKingdom, 2012.02~2012.02.
フィリピン大学マニラ校, Philippines, 2012.01~2012.01.
UC Davis, USDA, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2011.09~2011.09.
フィリピン大学マニラ校, Philippines, 2011.08~2011.08.
フィリピン大学マニラ校, Philippines, 2010.07~2010.07.
2023.01~2023.06, 元国連開発計画アフガニスタン・タジキスタン国境地域事業計画, Afghanistan.
2022.10~2022.10, Leeds University, UnitedKingdom.
2019.11~2019.11, 2週間以上1ヶ月未満, Leeds University, UnitedKingdom, 外国政府・外国研究機関・国際機関.
2018.11~2018.12, 2週間以上1ヶ月未満, Nong Lam University, Vietnam, 科学技術振興機構.
2019.11~2019.11, 2週間以上1ヶ月未満, Leeds University, UnitedKingdom, 外国政府・外国研究機関・国際機関.
2017.07~2017.07, 2週間未満, CLA, UnitedKingdom.
2022年度~2024年度, 基盤研究(B), 分担, 新たな有機農業の展開に向けた有機水耕認証の創出―社会経済効果の解明と技術開発―.
2022年度~2026年度, 基盤研究(B), 分担, SDGs時代の農業・農村開発アプローチの探求:栄養配慮型農業の有効性の実証研究.
2021年度~2026年度, 国際共同研究強化(B), 分担, カンボジアにおける伝統食品の「発掘」とその維持・継承モデルの構築.
2011年度~2013年度, 若手研究(B), 代表, 資本支援プログラム—歴史的農業構築物の保全と企業的支援の日英比較研究.
2011年度~2013年度, 基盤研究(B), 分担, バイオバンキングを利用した市場メカニズム導入のための実証研究.
2014年度~2016年度, 基盤研究(C), 代表, ICT活用による里山フットパスの開発と農村振興への仕組みづくり.
2014年度~2016年度, 基盤研究(B), 分担, エシカル消費による環境保全型農業飛躍のための社会的支援と制度構築に関する実証研究.
2017年度~2019年度, 挑戦的研究(萌芽), 代表, ランダム化比較試験を用いた環境・エネルギー政策研究の手法確立.
2018年度~2021年度, 基盤研究(B), 分担, 耕作放棄地の自然再生と地域振興に向けた合意形成ー経済実験による価値観転換の検証ー.
2020年度~2022年度, , 分担, “IoP (Internet of Plants)”が導く「Next次世代型施設園芸」への進化 以下関係する課題番号を提示 課題番号SP3:「IoPのもたらす社会経済的影響に関するフィールド実験評価」.
2010年度~2010年度, , 分担, EU諸国ならびに米国における指標開発,政策への反映状況調査・分析および生物多様性と保護政策の経済評価に関する研究.
2023年度~2027年度, 高知県ネクスト次世代型施設園芸農業推進事業, 分担, “IoP (Internet of Plants)”が導く「Society5.0型農業」への進化.
2019年度~2029年度, , 分担, IoP(Internet of Plants)が導く「Next次世代型施設園芸」への進化.
2018年度~2020年度, 平成30年度住友財団環境研究助成, 代表, 生ごみ分別導入による一般ごみ減量効果の回帰不連続デザイン分析と自然実験評価.
2011年度~2011年度, 河川整備基金助成事業, 代表, 地域への経済的便益還元の仕組みづくり研究.
2016年度~2016年度, 平成28年度 国東半島宇佐地域世界農業遺産調査研究事業, 代表, 農業遺産ロングトレイルを通じた農耕文化や歴史的ストーリーの掘り起こしとその多面的価値の評価研究.
2021.05~2026.03, 代表, An empirical research on the impact of the SHEP approach o small-scale farmers.
2024年度~2026年度, アジア・オセアニア研究教育機構(Q-AOS)モジュール, 分担, シュレッダー古紙の農業リサイクル資源活用.

