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List of Reports
Yoshinori Fujimura Last modified date:2023.10.04

Associate Professor / Division of Applied Biological Chemistry, Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture / Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology / Faculty of Agriculture

1. Yoshinori Fujimura, Motofumi Kumazoe, Hirofumi Tachibana, 67-kDa Laminin Receptor-Mediated Cellular Sensing System of Green Tea Polyphenol EGCG and Functional Food Pairing., Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 10.3390/molecules27165130, Vol.27, No.16, p.5130, 2022.08, The body is equipped with a "food factor-sensing system" that senses food factors, such as polyphenols, sulfur-containing compounds, and vitamins, taken into the body, and plays an essential role in manifesting their physiological effects. For example, (-)-epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate (EGCG), the representative catechin in green tea (Camellia sinensi L.), exerts various effects, including anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and anti-allergic effects, when sensed by the cell surficial protein 67-kDa laminin receptor (67LR). Here, we focus on three representative effects of EGCG and provide their specific signaling mechanisms, the 67LR-mediated EGCG-sensing systems. Various components present in foods, such as eriodictyol, hesperetin, sulfide, vitamin A, and fatty acids, have been found to act on the food factor-sensing system and affect the functionality of other foods/food factors, such as green tea extract, EGCG, or its O-methylated derivative at different experimental levels, i.e., in vitro, animal models, and/or clinical trials. These phenomena are observed by increasing or decreasing the activity or expression of EGCG-sensing-related molecules. Such functional interaction between food factors is called "functional food pairing". In this review, we introduce examples of functional food pairings using EGCG..
2. 植物における質量分析イメージング法の最適化.
3. 要素還元的手法の限界とメタボロミクスの挑戦:食品機能性評価への応用.
4. 質量分析イメージング法を用いたトマト果実の生理応答に対する代謝動態解析.
5. Yoshinori Fujimura, Hirofumi Tachibana, Metabolomics of Green Tea, Genomics, Proteomics and Metabolomics in Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods: Second Edition, 10.1002/9781118930458.ch31, pp.397-406, 2015.10, Tea (Camellia sinensis L.) is a popular beverage worldwide, and because of its possible health effects, it has received considerable attention as a medicinal herb. Unfermented green tea constituents show various biological and pharmacological activities. Recently, metabolomic approaches to study the functionality and quality of tea are becoming more common place. One such metabolomic approach, metabolic profiling, can provide information on the relationships between the metabolome and factors such as phenotype or quality. Mass spectrometry (MS) and proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR) spectroscopy combined with multivariate statistical analyses are employed for tea metabolomic studies. The highlighted topics are divided into three sections: (1) tea chemical composition, (2) metabolic responses to tea consumption, and (3) biotransformation of dietary tea components. In this chapter, we describe the latest metabolomic techniques applicable to new avenues of tea research..
6. 1P-126 Development of a novel method based on MS/MS spectral network for database-assisted identification of metabolites.
7. MALDI mass spectrometry imagingによる凍結組織アレイ包埋乳がん組織の低分子代謝産物プロファイリング.
8. Sensomicsによるコーヒーの品質を決定する原料生豆中の成分指標の発見.
9. 要素還元的手法を補完するメタボロミクス:緑茶の機能性評価への応用.
10. MALDIマトリックスの構造機能相関と戦略的合成展開.
11. イメージング質量顕微鏡によるファイトケミカルの高感度分布解析.
12. Miura D, Fujimura Y, Unno Y, Yamaguchi R, Ogata K, Analysis of Lipids in a NAFLD Model Mouse,SHIMADZU Technical Reports, SHIMADZU Technical Reports, Vol.C146-E266, pp.1-4, 2014.04.
13. メトホルミンおよびリラグルチドはPKC‐NAD(P)Hオキシダーゼ系の抑制により高血糖誘導酸化ストレスを抑制する.
14. メトホルミンとリラグルチドはPKC‐NAD(P)Hオキシダーゼの経路を介して酸化ストレスを減少させる.
15. 凍結組織アレイおよび質量分析イメージングをもちいた乳癌における癌関連代謝産物の高効率マッピング実証.
16. 質量分析イメージングによる傷害ストレス条件下でのトマト果実代謝物分布の可視化.
17. 緑茶カテキンEGC代謝の可視化に向けた質量分析イメージング法の開発.
18. 質量分析イメージング法を用いた緑茶カテキンならびにその代謝産物の生体組織内分布の非標識可視化.
19. 質量分析イメージングを用いた植物代謝物分布の可視化.
20. 2P-187 Metabolite Network Structure of Metabolic System in Escherichia coli for Sensing the Nutritional Environment.
21. 3P-031 Metabolic Variance in Mouse Kidney upon Cisplatin-Induced Acute Kidney Injury.
22. メトホルミンとリラグルチドの添加効果:PKC‐NAD(P)Hオキシダーゼの経路を介して酸化ストレスを減少させる。.
23. 質量分析イメージングによる熟度に応じたトマト果実代謝物分布の比較.
24. 低分子食品成分の組織内空間分布の非標識可視化戦略.
25. 組織内微小領域における機能性食品因子の時空間分解可視化.
26. 質量分析イメージング法による緑茶カテキンおよびその代謝物の生体組織内分布情報の非標識可視化.
27. 質量分析イメージングを用いたトマト果実における代謝物分布の可視化.
28. Daiki Setoyama, Yoshinori Fujimura, Daisuke Miura, Metabolome Early Response to Hydrogen Peroxide-Induced Oxidative Stress in Mamalinan Cell, FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE, 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2012.10.325, Vol.53, p.S130, 2012.11.
29. 3Ga14 Analysis of Comprehensive and Spatiotemporal Metabolic Dynamics by Integrated MS Technique.
30. 3Ga15 Development of Metabolite/Protein Imaging Technique using MALDI-MS in a Single Tissue Section.
31. IgE産生阻害緑茶成分ストリクチニンのin situ質量分析イメージング法の開発.
32. 緑茶カテキンEGCのin situ質量分析イメージング法の開発.
33. 超高分解能質量分析を用いた組成式決定法の理論的検証.
34. レドックス関連疾患の理解とニュートリメタボロミクス.
35. 組織内微小領域における緑茶カテキンの二次元可視化に向けた質量分析イメージング法の開発.
36. 緑茶カテキンのin situ質量分析イメージング.
37. 質量分析によるmulti‐omicsイメージング.
38. 超高分解能質量分析による組成式決定アルゴリズムの開発.
39. 緑茶カテキンEGCGの抗腫瘍効果に対する酸素応答性の理解に向けた細胞内代謝物プロファイリング.
40. メタボロミクスを駆動力とする緑茶品種の新たな機能性評価.
41. 酸化ストレス疾患のためのOMRI/MSI法の開発.
42. メタボリック・プロファイリングによる血管内皮障害抑制作用を有する茶葉成分の探索.
43. メタボリック・プロファイリングによる新規高アントシアニン系の活性成分の探索.
44. NMRと質量分析を用いた高精度メタボリック・プロファイリング法.
45. OMRI/MSIによるレドックスプローブのin vivo/in situ解析.
46. MALDI‐MSを用いたメタボロミクスイメージング.
47. 新規高アントシアニン茶のメタボリック・プロファイリング.
48. 緑茶カテキン投与マウス尿のメタボリック・プロファイリング.
49. メタボリック・プロファイリング法によるシスプラチン誘導性酸化ストレスに対する緑茶ポリフェノールの活性評価.
50. Fujimura, Y. and Tachibana, H., Molecular basis for anti-cancer activity of EGCG in vivo: Molecular-targeting prevention of cancer by green tea catechin, 2009.05.
51. 緑茶ポリフェノールEGCGのニュートリメタボロミクス.
52. Yasutaka Ikeda, Akira Murakami, Yoshinori Fujimura, Hirofumi Tachibana, Koji Yamada, Daisaku Masuda, Ken Ichi Hirano, Shizuya Yamashita, Hajime Ohigashi, Hajime Ohigashi, Aggregated ursolic acid, a natural triterpenoid, induces IL-1β release from murine peritoneal macrophages: Role of CD36, Journal of Immunology, Vol.178, No.8, pp.4854-4864, 2007.04, IL-1β has been shown to play a pivotal role in the development of inflammatory disorders. We recently found that a natural triterpene, ursolic acid (UA), enhanced MIF release from nonstimulated macrophages. In this study, we examined the effects of UA on the production of several cytokines in resident marine peritoneal macrophages (pMφ). UA increased the protein release of IL-1β, IL-6, and MIF, but not of TNF-α, in dose- and time-dependent manners. This triterpene also strikingly induced the activation of p38 MAPK and ERK1/2 together with that of upstream kinases. The release of UA-induced IL-1β was significantly inhibited by the inhibitors of p38 MAPK, MEK1/2, ATP-binding cassette transporter, and caspase-1. Furthermore, UA induced intracellular ROS generation for IL-1β production, which was suppressed by an antioxidant. Pretreatment with an anti-CD36 Ab significantly suppressed IL-1β release, and surface plasmon resonance assay results showed that UA bound to CD36 on macrophages. In addition, the amount of IL-1β released from UA-treated pMφ of CD36-deficient mice was markedly lower than that from those of wild-type mice. Interestingly, UA was found to aggregate in culture medium, and the aggregates were suggested to be responsible for IL-1β production. In addition, i.p. administration of UA increased the levels of IL-1β secretion and MPO activity in colonic mucosa of ICR mice. Taken together, our results indicate that aggregated UA is recognized, in part, by CD36 on macrophages for generating ROS, thereby activating p38 MAPK, ERK1/2, and caspase-1, as well as releasing IL-1β protein via the ATP-binding cassette transporter. Copyright © 2007 by The American Association of Immunologists, Inc..
53. Fujimura Y, Tachibana H, Yamada K, Negative regulation of the basophil activa- tion by natural ligands for Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors., Animal Cell Technology, Vol.13, pp.369-374, 2004.05.
54. H Tachibana, K Koga, Y Fujimura, K Yamada, A receptor for green tea polyphenol EGCG, NATURE STRUCTURAL & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 10.1038/nsmb743, Vol.11, No.4, pp.380-381, 2004.04, The major polyphenol in green tea, (-) - epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), has been shown to prevent carcinogenesis. We have identified a receptor that mediates the anticancer activity of EGCG. Expression of the metastasis-associated 67-kDa laminin receptor confers EGCG responsiveness to cancer cells at physiologically relevant concentrations. Experiments using surface plasmon resonance demonstrate binding of EGCG to the 67-kDa laminin receptor with a nanomolar K-d value..
55. Y Fujimura, H Tachibana, M Maeda-Yamamoto, T Miyase, M Sano, K Yamada, Antiallergic tea catechin, (-)-epigallocatechin-3-O-(3-O-methyl)-gallate, suppresses Fc epsilon RI expression in human basophilic KU812 cells, JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY, 10.1021/jf025680z, Vol.50, No.20, pp.5729-5734, 2002.09, We previously found that the O-methylated derivative of (-) epigallocatechin 3 O-gallate (EGCg), (-)-epigallocatechin 3 O-(3-O-methyl)-gallate (EGCG"3Me) has potent antiallergic activity The high-affinity IgE receptor, FcepsilonRI, is found at high levels on basophils and mast cells and plays a key role in a series of acute and chronic human allergic reactions To understand the mechanism of action for the antiallergic EGCG"3Me, the effect of EGCG"3Me on the cell surface expression of FcepsilonRI in human basophilic KU812 cells was examined Flow cytometric analysis showed that EGCG"3Me was able to decrease the cell surface expression of FcepsilonRI Moreover, immunoblot analysis revealed that total cellular expression of the FcepsilonRI alpha chain decreased upon treatment with EGCG"3Me FcepsilonRI is a tetrameric structure comprising one alpha chain, one beta chain, and two gamma chains The level of mRNA production of each subunit in KU812 cells was investigated EGCG"3Me reduced FcepsilonRI alpha and gamma mRNA levels The cross-linkage of FcepsilonRI causes the activation of basophils which leads to the secretion of inflammatory mediators including histamine EGCG"3Me treatment inhibited the FcepsilonRI cross-linking induced histamine release These results suggested that EGCG"3Me can negatively regulate basophil activation through the suppression of FcepsilonRI expression..
56. Yoshinori Fujimura, Hirofumi Tachibana, Mari Maeda-Yamamoto, Toshio Miyase, Mitsuaki Sano, Koji Yamada, Antiallergic tea catechin, (-)-epigallocatechin-3-O-(3-O-methyl)-gallate, suppresses FcεRl expression in human basophilic KU812 cells, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 10.1021/jf025680z, Vol.50, No.20, pp.5729-5734, 2002.09, We previously found that the O-methylated derivative of (-)-epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate (EGCg), (-)-epigallocatechin-3-O-(3-O-methyl)-gallate (EGCG″3Me), has potent antiallergic activity. The high-affinity IgE receptor, FcεRI, is found at high levels on basophils and mast cells and plays a key role in a series of acute and chronic human allergic reactions. To understand the mechanism of action for the antiallergic EGCG″3Me, the effect of EGCG″3Me on the cell surface expression of FcεRI in human basophilic KU812 cells was examined. Flow cytometric analysis showed that EGCG″3Me was able to decrease the cell surface expression of FcεRI. Moreover, immunoblot analysis revealed that total cellular expression of the FcεRI α chain decreased upon treatment with EGCG″3Me. FcεRI is a tetrameric structure comprising one α chain, one β chain, and two γ chains. The level of mRNA production of each subunit in KU812 cells was investigated. EGCG″3Me reduced FcεRI α and γ mRNA levels. The cross-linkage of FcεRI causes the activation of basophils, which leads to the secretion of inflammatory mediators including histamine. EGCG″3Me treatment inhibited the FcεRI cross-linking-induced histamine release. These results suggested that EGCGε3Me can negatively regulate basophil activation through the suppression of FcεRI expression..
57. Y Fujimura, H Tachibana, N Eto, K Yamada, Antigen binding of an ovomucoid-specific antibody is affected by a carbohydrate chain located on the light chain variable region, BIOSCIENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY, 10.1271/bbb.64.2298, Vol.64, No.11, pp.2298-2305, 2000.11, We cloned the variable regions of heavy and light chain genes of an anti-ovomucoid monoclonal antibody (MAb-OM21) produced by the mouse hybridoma cell line OM21. DNA sequence analysis showed that the light chain of the MAb-OM21 has only one potential N-glycosylation consensus sequence in the complementarity determining region 2 of the light chain. To find whether carbohydrate chains are located on the light chain, we assayed for the size of the light chain, after treatment with N-glycosidase, by western blotting, and also detection of the carbohydrate chains on the light chain was done using the lectin blot assay. A N-linked carbohydrate chain has been shown to bind to the light chain. To clarify the role of this carbohydrate chain in the light chain, we produced carbohydrate variant antibodies by N-deglycosylation using glycosidase or by expressing the antibody from different host cells. The N-deglycosylated variant antibody has greater antigen binding, and the antibody produced from the different host cells showed a reduced antigen binding activity and acquired the ability to react to ovalbumin. These results suggest that antigen binding of the ovomucoid specific antibody MAb-OM21 can be affected by the carbohydrate chain on the light chain variable region..