Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Papers
MOKUDAI Takefumi Last modified date:2024.06.03

Professor / Department of Business and Technology Management / Faculty of Economics

1. Martin Schröder, Takefumi Mokudai, Marvin Müller, Joachim Metternich, Varieties of digitalisation? Theoretical explanations of German and Japanese digitalisation approaches in the automotive industry, Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies,, 15, 1, 3-31, 2024.04, [URL], It has been observed that automotive firms in Japan follow a distinct approach of using digitalisation, especially in comparison to the German approach towards “Industry 4.0.” Theoretical explanations for the distinct way in which Japanese automotive firms deploy digital technologies in Japan will be explored and contrasted with the case of Germany. As firm strategy appears to differ between different locations, the Varieties of Capitalism (VoC) approach is one analytical lens that may help to understand different firm behaviour and different skill formation approaches towards the use of digital technologies in both countries. While VoC provides some insights, it is nevertheless concluded that more empirical research is needed to link theoretical constructs and actual use cases..
2. Shuji Madama and Takefumi Mokudai, Co-creation of digitalised aftermarket service model: A case of trucks tyres, Paper presented at 30th International Colloquium of Gerpisa, 2022.06.
3. Takefumi Mokudai, Innovation dynamics in car production technology: Network analysis of structural adhesives, Paper presented at 30th International Colloquium of Gerpisa, 2022.06.
4. Martin Schröder, Marvin Müller, Takefumi Mokudai, Joachim Metternich, Varieties of Digitalisation?, Paper presented at Digital Transformation in East Asia: Impacts on Economy and Society II “From Discourse to Praxis”, 2022.03.
5. Shuji Madama, Takefumi Mokudai, Toward connected aftermarket supply and service chain: A case of tire-related services for national truck fleet customers, Paper presented at 29th International Colloquium of Gerpisa, 2021.06.
6. Martin Schroeder; Marvin Müller; Takefumi Mokudai; Joachim Metternich, Varieties of Digitalisation?, Paper presented at 29th International Colloquium of Gerpisa, 2021.06.
7. Yukino Date and Takefumi Mokudai, Toward sustainable rural mobility by simple and low-cost solutions, Paper presented at 29th International Colloquium of Gerpisa, 2021.06.
8. Takefumi Mokudai, Martin Schröder, Marvin Müller, Carsten Schaede, Hajo Holst, Robert Sinopoli, Ulrich Jürgens, Gary Herrigel, and Katsuki Aoki, Digital technologies as lean augmentation: A preliminary study of Japanese automotive manufacturers, International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, 10.1504/IJATM.2021.116607, 21, 3, 228-249, 2021.07, [URL], characterised by the lean principle, address digital transformation. We conducted case studies of seven Japanese car makers and suppliers to investigate the interplay between lean production and digitalisation. We found that the firms selectively adopted digital technologies to enhance the existing lean production system. We labelled this type of digitalisation ‘lean augmentation’. Further, we developed theoretical hypotheses regarding the potential of digitalisation to limit kaizen, the roles of human involvement and organisational coordination in digitalised manufacturing, and the potential risk of lean augmentation being caught by what we term the ‘lean trap’..
9. MOKUDAI Takefumi, Strategic flexibility in shifting to electrification: A real options reasoning perspective on Toyota and Nissan, International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, 10.1504/IJATM.2020.108583, 20, 2, 137-155, 2020.07, [URL], This paper addresses commitment versus flexibility in the face of uncertainties about the electrification of vehicle powertrain technologies. A real options reasoning perspective is employed to analyse the potential option structures and underlying logic behind the strategies of Toyota and Nissan. The case analyses indicate that the Japanese carmakers have (compound) options to expand their electrified powertrain portfolios and switch battery sources. The findings also suggest that the stability of powertrain design rules serves as a foundation of real options and that carmakers' approaches to balancing the commitment to, and flexibility for, particular strategic actions are influenced by the nature of the uncertainties. Further, firms' perceptional and behavioural biases over uncertainties will affect the execution or abandonment of the options..
10. Mokudai, T., Schroeder M., Müller M. and Schaede C. , Digital technologies as lean augmentation: Preliminary study of Japanese Automotive manufacturers, Paper presented at 28th International Gerpisa Colloquium, 2020.06.
11. H. Boejang, M. Z Hassan, T. Mokudai, H. Ariff and S. Esa, Measuring effectiveness and efficiency of a new product development project using performance matrix: The PROTON case, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 10.1088/1757-899X/627/1/012001, 627, 1-7, 2019.07.
12. MOKUDAI Takefumi, In search of strategic flexibility in shifting toward electrification: A comparative analysis of Toyota and Nissan from a real options reasoning perspective, Paper presented at 2019 International Colloquium of Gerpisa, 2019.06.
13. Zuhara Chavez, Takefumi Mokudai, Divergence between Value Stream Mapping Western Understanding and Material and Information Flow Chart Principles: A Japanese Automotive Supplier’s Perspective, Journal of Service Science and Management, 10.4236/jssm.2018.112016, 11, 2, 219-241, 2018.04, Through visualization, mapping techniques help manufacturing organizations prioritize and guide improvement strategies. For this reason, mapping of the value chain is applied as a method of progress toward lean manufacturing. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the essence of the material and information flow chart (MIFC) approach, known as value stream mapping (VSM) in the West, to provide a different perspective and understanding and to identify its manner of integration with measurement systems. Metrics complement mapping tools allow the tracking of various stages of an organization’s lean journey and continuous improvement (CI). While the time dimension is predominant in performance metrics in lean environments, these metrics do not link the economic factor directly to improvements. The research comprises a case study in which lessons are learned from tool placing and metric determination. Empirical research included critical case sampling and semi-structured interviews, and data were analyzed to compare the conventional Western understanding of VSM with that of a Japanese supplier that learned the principles directly from the source and applied their own version of MIFC. An understanding of the tool based on core knowledge will enable organizations to reevaluate their current measurement systems and choose more suitable ones..
14. Selection of Electrification Technologies of Automotive Powertrains and Uncertainty Management Strategy.
15. Zuhara Chavez, 目代 武史, Mapping tools selection towards lean transformation in manufacturing environments, The Proceedings of 23rd EurOMA Conference, 91-91, 2016.06, As markets continue changing, companies going for lean manufacturing are presenting a need for further detailed output and a more problem orientated tool. This paper aims to expose existing mapping tools beyond value stream mapping (VSM). Lacks and constrains of existing mapping tools applied in manufacturing environments are analysed through practical testing and real case studies evaluation. An academic contribution to current literature is provided through the presented non existing comparison, which can be a useful guide for practitioners in different stages of a lean transformation but also for academics interested in improvement or application of these tools..
16. Design Principles of Renault-Nissan’s Common Module Family and Mazda’s Common Architecture.
17. 目代 武史, Will Cars Be Modularized? New Vehicle Development Approaches of Renault-Nissan and Mazda, Proceedings of Scientific Forum for Mobility 2015, 2015.06, This study illustrates Renault-Nissan’s Common Module Family (CMF) and Mazda’s Common Architecture (CA), and discusses their differences and implications for modular product development.
Global carmakers face a dilemma of emergent markets. Growing demands in emergent markets have put pressures to develop wider variety of models at lower costs, while tightening requirements on vehicle safety and fuel economy have increased complexity of vehicle engineering. Realization of modularity is one of solutions for the dilemma between cost reduction via commonality and enhancement of vehicle performance and variety.
Renault-Nissan’s CMF is an approach that creates various models by changing combinations of four physical modules and a set of electric/electronic units. The four modules include engine compartment, cockpit, front and rear under bodies. Each has two to three variations, e.g. light, middle, and heavy under bodies. Majority of engineering works will complete by selecting modules from the matrix of the modules and their pre-developed variants.
Mazda takes a different approach. Although it retains traditional platform structure, CA creates various models flexibly by copying the common design rules, e.g. engineering principles and standard structures, to successive models in the same shape but in different size.
The study discusses why the two Japanese carmakers take different approaches to meet the same challenge. With larger product variety, sales volume and more production plants Renault-Nissan can justify heavier investments in its advanced development to build finer matrix of the technological platform, i.e. CMF, while Mazda, with annual sales of only 1.3 million units, prefers a less modularized approach. .
18. Chavez Lopez, Zuhara Ivette, 目代 武史, Putting numbers to value: Going simplistic for reaching lean manufacturing, International Association of Engineers, 11, 1042-1045, 2015.03, An explanation about the relevance of Lean Accounting, Lean production and Lean thinking working as a whole is provided. A case of study is analyzed showing the problems that organizations nowadays face when Lean alignment is nonexistence. The findings will be useful for organizations experiencing drawbacks in their Lean transformation..
19. Localization of parts supply toward strengthening competitiveness of Automotive industry in Kyushu.
20. Current conditions of auto parts manufacturers in Tohoku region.
21. A study of the module strategies of European automotive makers: VW, Smart, Daimler, BMW, and Audi.
22. Current conditions of automobile industry in Tohoku district: Based on field study.
23. Symposium--Automobile industry in Tohoku region: How to promote automobile industry as well as its supporting industries.
24. A research on module production system of Volvo Car Corporation.
25. Achievements and challengs of module strategy in automotive industry: A comparative study of European and Japanese automakers.
26. The development and transition of modular production system.
27. Transformation in product architecture and dynamics of product development organizations: A case study on product development of an automotive center panel module.
28. A review on the design structure matrix as an analytical tool for product development management.
29. Automotive parts modularization and its challenges for local suppliers in Hiroshima region.
30. Norlia AHMAD, Takefumi MOKUDAI, Task environments and performance: The case of telecommunication industry in Asia Pacific countries, 『地域経済研究』, 14, 67-87, 2003.03.
31. Restructurng value chains in automotive parts industry: Adaptation to changes in product architecture.
32. Product architecture and technological capability building in the automobile parts industry.
33. The industrial cluster and its challenges in Hiroshima prefecture.
34. The estimation of experience curves in the auto parts industry in Japan.
35. Resource accumulation and diversification of parts suppliers in the auto industry.