九州大学 研究者情報
石田 栄美(いした えみ) データ更新日:2023.11.28

教授 /  データ駆動イノベーション推進本部

1. Emi Ishita and Tetsuya Nakatoh, Differences Between the Structure of Research Projects in Computer Science Funded by Japanese and American Agencies, Tseng, YH., Katsurai, M., Nguyen, H.N. (eds) From Born-Physical to Born-Virtual: Augmenting Intelligence in Digital Libraries. ICADL 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13636. Springer, Cham., https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-21756-2_12, 13636, 144-152, 2022.12.
2. Widiatmoko Adi Putranto, Regina Dwi Shalsa Mayzana and Emi Ishita, Opening access for digital collections: the state of cultural materials in Indonesian Higher Education institutions, Tseng, YH., Katsurai, M., Nguyen, H.N. (eds) From Born-Physical to Born-Virtual: Augmenting Intelligence in Digital Libraries. ICADL 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13636. Springer, Cham., https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-21756-2_19, 13636, 231-240, 2022.12, This paper discusses the issue of opening access to digitized cultural heritage materials by examining the current state of their digital collections at the Indonesian higher education (HE) institutions in terms of their accessibility to the users. The accessibility is based on the online presence of the university libraries and the ability of the websites to provide sufficient information about the cultural heritage collections from the perspectives of the users. Eight Indonesian HE institutions with cultural heritage collections were identified. However, they have not been able to provide sufficient or explicit information on the cultural heritage collections online, including information on what collections are available, the basic descriptions of the items, and what users can do with the material. Therefore, raising awareness among Indonesian HE institutions, particularly the libraries, on the importance of opening access to cultural heritage collections is required..
3. Tokinori Suzuki, Emi Ishita, Xinyu Ma, Widiatmoko Adi Putranto and Yukiko Watanabe, Data Librarians: Changes in Role and Job Duties Over 25 Years, Tseng, YH., Katsurai, M., Nguyen, H.N. (eds) From Born-Physical to Born-Virtual: Augmenting Intelligence in Digital Libraries. ICADL 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13636. Springer, Cham., https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-21756-2_40, 13636, 485-491, 2022.12.
4. Yasuko Hagiwara, Emi Ishita, Yukiko Watanabe, and, Yoichi Tomiura., Identifying Scholarly Search Skills Based on Resource and Document Selection Behavior among Researchers and Master's Students in Engineering., College & Research Libraries., 2022.07.
5. 広江理紗子,岩瀬梓,吉田直輝,王雨晴,胡竜飛,宮田洋輔,石田栄美,倉田敬子., 所有とアクセスからみた情報メディアの利用., Library and Information Science., https://doi.org/10.46895/lis.86.1, 86, 1-18, 2021.12, 【目的】情報メディアは,従来所有して利用することが一般的であった。しかし近年,経済活動における多様なサービスの展開,デジタル環境が進む中,アクセスをベースとする利用行動が広まってきている。本研究では,小説,教養書や専門書,漫画,音楽という4種類の情報メディアに関して,先行研究における包括的所有概念の機能構成が断片化するという考え方に基づき,各情報メディアの購入,借出,サブスクリプションといった利用行動を「所有」「準所有」「アクセス1」「アクセス2」「アクセス3」の5類型に整理した上で,現在どの利用が中心になされているのかを明らかにし,利用傾向によって回答者を類型化し,各グループを特徴づけることを目的とする。【方法】日本国内の1,030名(男女,年齢均等割付)を対象にオンラインパネル調査を実施した。設問は情報メディアの利用に関する30項目,情報メディアの志向に関する5項目,情報メディアの利用頻度に関する3項目,機器の所持と利用に関する2項目,性格特性に関する10項目である。情報メディアの利用に関する30項目の回答結果に基づいた階層的クラスタリングによって得られた樹形図に基づき,7クラスタを同定した。【結果】情報メディアの利用に関する質問30項目のうち27項目で,「全くしない/知らない/わからない」という回答が50%以上を占めていた。一方,YouTubeなどの無料動画サイトでの音楽鑑賞を「非常によくする/よくする」と回答した者は41.9%だった。各メディアの利用状況に基づき,情報メディアの利用の少ない5クラスタに対して,それぞれ「YouTubeのみ利用」「非利用」「図書館利用」「音楽利用(定額)」「所有」と名付けた。情報メディアの利用の多い2クラスタに対して,「全メディア積極利用」「積極利用(アクセス3重視)」と名付けた。これらのクラスタに関して,情報メディアの利用頻度,性格傾向などの特徴を整理した。.
6. 児玉芽生,石田栄美,渡邊由紀子, 冨浦洋一., COVID-19パンデミック下の大学図書館における電子書籍の利用状況 -九州大学の事例に基づく考察-., 大学図書館研究, https://doi.org/10.20722/jcul.2123, 119, 2123-1-2123-11, 2021.11.
7. Satoshi Fukuda, Emi Ishita, Yoichi Tomiura, and Douglas W. Oard., Automating the Choice Between Single or Dual Annotation for Classifier Training., Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL2021), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-91669-5_19, 233-248, 2021.11, Many emerging digital library applications rely on automated classifiers that are trained using manually assigned labels. Accurately labeling training data for text classification requires either highly trained coders or multiple annotations, either of which can be costly. Previous studies have shown that there is a quality-quantity trade-off for this labeling process, and the optimal balance between quality and quantity varies depending on the annotation task. In this paper, we present a method that learns to choose between higher-quality annotation that results from dual annotation and higher-quantity annotation that results from the use of a single annotator per item. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach through an experiment in which a binary classifier is constructed for assigning human value categories to sentences in newspaper editorials..
8. Tetsuya Nakatoh, Hironori Kodama, Yuko Hori, and Emi Ishita., Enriching the Metadata of a Digital Collection to Enhance Accessibility: A Case Study at Practice in Kyushu University Library, Japan., Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL2021), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-91669-5_32, 411-418, 2021.11.
9. 岩瀬梓,山岡加奈,王雨晴,広江理紗子,吉田直輝,宮田洋輔,石田栄美,倉田敬子., デジタルスキルに影響する要因:OECD国際成人力調査 (PIAAC)のオープンデータの分析., 日本図書館情報学会誌(研究ノート)., https://doi.org/10.20651/jslis.66.4_101, 66, 4, 101-112, 2020.12.
10. Yosuke Miyata, Emi Ishita, Fang Yang, Michimasa Yamamoto, Azusa Iwase, and Keiko Kurata., Knowledge structure transition in library and information science: topic modeling and visualization., Scientometrics,, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-020-03657-5, 125, 1, 665-687, 2020.08, The purpose of this research is to identify topics in library and information science (LIS) using latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) and to visualize the knowledge structure of the field as consisting of specific topics and its transition from 2000–2002 to 2015–2017. The full text of 1648 research articles from five peer-reviewed representative LIS journals in these two periods was analyzed by using LDA. A total of 30 topics in each period were labeled based on the frequency of terms and the contents of the articles. These topics were plotted on a two-dimensional map using LDAvis and categorized based on their location and characteristics in the plots. Although research areas in some forms were persistent with which discovered in previous studies, they were crucial to the transition of the knowledge structure in LIS and had the following three features: (1) The Internet became the premise of research in LIS in 2015–2017. (2) Theoretical approach or empirical work can be considered as a factor in the transition of the knowledge structure in some categories. (3) The topic diversity of the five core LIS journals decreased from the 2000–2002 to 2015–2017..
11. Mei Kodama, Emi Ishita, Yukiko Watanabe, Yoichi Tomiura., Usage of E-books During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of Kyushu University Library, Japan., Proceedings of 16th iConference 2021,, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-71305-8_40, 475-483, 2021.03.
12. Emi Ishita, Satoshi Fukuda, Yoichi Tomiura, Douglas W. Oard., Using Text Classification to Improve Annotation Quality by Improving Annotator Consistency., Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T), https://doi.org/10.1002/pra2.301, 57, 1, 6 pages, 2020.10.
13. Min Jiang, Xinyu Ma, Emi Ishita, Yukiko Watanabe., Staff Job Titles in Research Data Services in Academic Libraries in the USA., Proceedings of 16th iConference 2021, , 8 pages, 2021.03.
14. Emi Nishida, Emi Ishita, Yukiko Watanabe, Yoichi Tomiura., Description of Research Data in Laboratory Notebooks: Challenges and Opportunities., Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T), https://doi.org/10.1002/pra2.388, 57, 1, 3 pages, 2020.10.
15. Emi Ishita, Satoshi Fukuda, Toru Oga, Yoichi Tomiura, Douglas W. Oard, Kenneth R. Fleischmann., Cost-Effective Learning for Classifying Human Values., Proceedings of 15th iConference 2020, 9 pages, 2020.03.
16. Mei Kodama, Kaori Abe, Kana Fukushima, Eri Hayashi, Zhiyi Hua, Min Jiang, Ping Kang, Emi Nishida, Shinji Sakai, Yoichi Tomiura, Yukiko Watanabe, Emi Ishita., Content Analysis of Library Use on Microblog: Pre-coding Results., Proceedings of the 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Library & Library Education and Practice (A-LIEP 2019), 423-428, 2019.11.
17. Hideaki Uchiyama, Emi Ishita, Yukiko Watanabe, Yoichi Tomiura, Atsushi Shimada, Masanori Yamada., A framework for sharing leaner generated contents in collaborative learning., Proceedings of the 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Library & Library Education and Practice (A-LIEP 2019), 477-479, 2019.11.
18. Kana Fukushima, Emi Ishita, Yoichi Tomiura, Yukiko Watanabe, Hideaki Uchiyama., Photovoice for Student Out-of-Class Learning., Proceedings of the 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Library & Library Education and Practice (A-LIEP 2019), 489-491, 2019.11.
19. Satoshi Fukuda, Yoichi Tomiura, Emi Ishita, Research Paper Search Using a Topic-Based Boolean Query Search and a General Query-Based Ranking Model, 30th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA 2019
Database and Expert Systems Applications - 30th International Conference, DEXA 2019, Proceedings
, 10.1007/978-3-030-27618-8_5, 65-75, 2019.08, [URL], When conducting a search for research papers, the search should return comprehensive results related to the user’s query. In general, a user inputs a Boolean query that reflects the information need, and the search engine ranks the research papers based on the query. However, it is difficult to anticipate all possible terms that authors of relevant papers might have used. Moreover, general query-based ranking methods emphasize how to rank the relevant documents at the top of the results, but require some means of guaranteeing the comprehensiveness of the results. Therefore, two ranking methods that consider the comprehensiveness of relevant papers are proposed. The first uses a topic-based Boolean query search. This search converts every word in the abstract set and query into a topic via topic analysis by Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) and conducts a search at the topic level. The topic assigned to synonyms of a search term is expected to be the same as that assigned to the search term. Each paper is ranked based on the number of times it is matched with each topic-based Boolean query search executed for various LDA parameter settings. The second is a hybrid method that emphasizes better results from our topic-based ranking result and a general query-based ranking result. This method is based on the observation that the paper sets retrieved by our method and by a general ranking method will be different. Through experiments using the NTCIR-1 and -2 datasets, the effectiveness of our topic-based and hybrid methods are demonstrated..
20. Keiya Maekawa, Yoichi Tomiura, Satoshi Fukuda, Emi Ishita, Hideaki Uchiyama, Improving OCR for Historical Documents by Modeling Image Distortion, 21st International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries, ICADL 2019
Digital Libraries at the Crossroads of Digital Information for the Future - 21st International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries, ICADL 2019, Proceedings
, 10.1007/978-3-030-34058-2_31, 312-316, 2019.11, [URL], Archives hold printed historical documents, many of which have deteriorated. It is difficult to extract text from such images without errors using optical character recognition (OCR). This problem reduces the accuracy of information retrieval. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the performance of OCR for images of deteriorated documents. One approach is to convert images of deteriorated documents to clear images, to make it easier for an OCR system to recognize text. To perform this conversion using a neural network, data is needed to train it. It is hard to prepare training data consisting of pairs of a deteriorated image and an image from which deterioration has been removed; however, it is easy to prepare training data consisting of pairs of a clear image and an image created by adding noise to it. In this study, PDFs of historical documents were collected and converted to text and JPEG images. Noise was added to the JPEG images to create a dataset in which the images had noise similar to that of the actual printed documents. U-Net, a type of neural network, was trained using this dataset. The performance of OCR for an image with noise in the test data was compared with the performance of OCR for an image generated from it by the trained U-Net. An improvement in the OCR recognition rate was confirmed..
21. Emi Ishita, Satoshi Fukuda, Toru Oga, Douglas W. Oard, Kenneth R. Fleischmann, Yoichi Tomiura, An Shou Cheng, Toward Three-Stage Automation of Annotation for Human Values, 14th International Conference on Information in Contemporary Society, iConference 2019
Information in Contemporary Society - 14th International Conference, iConference 2019, Proceedings
, 10.1007/978-3-030-15742-5_18, 188-199, 2019.01, [URL], Prior work on automated annotation of human values has sought to train text classification techniques to label text spans with labels that reflect specific human values such as freedom, justice, or safety. This confounds three tasks: (1) selecting the documents to be labeled, (2) selecting the text spans that express or reflect human values, and (3) assigning labels to those spans. This paper proposes a three-stage model in which separate systems can be optimally trained for each of the three stages. Experiments from the first stage, document selection, indicate that annotation diversity trumps annotation quality, suggesting that when multiple annotators are available, the traditional practice of adjudicating conflicting annotations of the same documents is not as cost effective as an alternative in which each annotator labels different documents. Preliminary results for the second stage, selecting value sentences, indicate that high recall (94%) can be achieved on that task with levels of precision (above 80%) that seem suitable for use as part of a multi-stage annotation pipeline. The annotations created for these experiments are being made freely available, and the content that was annotated is available from commercial sources at modest cost..
22. Emi Ishita, Yasuko Hagiwara, Yoichi Tomiura, Users' Searching Behavior for Academic Papers, Proceedings of Toward Effective Support for Academic Information Search Workshop, 27-30, 2018.11.
23. Keiko Kurata, Yosuke Miyata, Emi Ishita, Michimasa Yamamoto, Fang Yang, Azusa Iwase, Analyzing Library and Information Science Full-Text Articles using a Topic Modeling Approach, Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T Annual Meeting, 2018), https://doi.org/10.1002/pra2.2018.14505501143, 55, 1, 847-848, 2018.11.
24. Tang Yiping, Kohei Hatano, Emi Ishita, Tetsuya Nakatoh, Toshifumi Kawahira, Construction of Japanese Historical Hand-Written Characters Segmentation Data from the CODH Data Sets, Proceedings of the Eighth Conference of Japanese Association for Digital Humanities (JADH2018), 183-185, 2018.09.
25. Emi Ishita, Yasuko Hagiwara, Yukiko Watanabe, Yoichi Tomiura, Which Parts of Search Results do Researchers Check when Selecting Academic Documents?, Proceedings of the 18th ACM/IEEE on Joint Conference on Digital Libraries(JCDL'18), 10.1145/3197026.3203867, 345-346, 2018.06, Our goal is to propose an alternative retrieval system of academic documents based on researcher's behavior in practice. In this study, a questionnaire survey was conducted. Question items were developed from findings in the previous observational study for researcher's behavior. From the results of 46 respondents, the top three elements checked in the search results were title, abstract, and the full-text version. They also checked structure "Introduction" in the full-text rather than other structures when they found previous research in an unfamiliar field. These results indicate that researchers use different ways for selecting documents based on the type of documents they look for..
26. Emi Ishita, Toru Oga, Yasuhiro Takayama, An-Shou Cheng, Douglas W. Oard, Kenneth Fleischmann, Yoichi Tomiura., Toward automating detection of human values in the nuclear power debate, Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 10.1002/pra2.2017.14505401127, 54, 1, 714-715, 2017.11, [URL], This paper describes the creation of a corpus of newspaper articles about the Fukushima nuclear disaster, a coding frame for content analysis of human values expressed or reflected in that corpus and preliminary results for automation of the content analysis. Understanding the human values that motivate sentiment towards an idea can help to characterize the basis for that sentiment, and this work is a first step toward applying that approach to positions on controversial events reported in the news.
27. Kana Fukushima, Emi Ishita, Yukiko Watanabe, Exploring Issues and Challenges in Writing Support in Japanese Universities, Proceedings of The 8th Asia-Pacific Conference of Library & Information Education and Practice (A-LIEP2017), 98-107, 2017.11.
28. Emi Ishita, Yukiko Watanabe, Yasuko Hagiwara, Kana Fukushima, Emiko Mizutani, Xi Li, Christopher S.G. Khoo, Use of Social Network Services and Information Sharing : Comparison of Japan and Singapore, Proceedings of The 8th Asia-Pacific Conference of Library & Information Education and Practice (A-LIEP2017), 15-25, 2017.11.
29. 宮田洋輔, 上田修一, 若宮俊, 石田栄美, 倉田敬子., 研究集会における学会発表の形式とアクセス., 日本図書館情報学会誌(研究ノート), 63, 2, 109-118, 2017.06.
30. Yasuko Hagiwara, Emi Ishita, Emiko Mizutani, Kana Fukushima, Yukiko Watanabe, Yoichi Tomiura, Identifying key elements of search results for document selection in the digital age
An observational study, Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL2017), 10.1007/978-3-319-70232-2_20, 237-242, 2017.11, [URL], Academic database systems are vitally important tools for enabling researchers to find relevant, useful articles. Identifying how researchers select documents from search results is an extremely useful measure for improving the functions or interfaces of academic retrieval systems. This study aims to reveal which elements are checked, and in what order, when researchers select from among search results. It consists of two steps: an observational study of search sessions performed by researchers who volunteered, and a questionnaire to confirm whether extracted elements and patterns are used. This article reports findings from the observational study and introduces questions we developed based on the study. In the observational study we obtained data on nine participants who were asked to search for documents using information retrieval systems. The search sessions were recorded using a voice recorder and by capturing screen images. The participants were also asked to state which elements they checked in selecting documents, along with the reasons for their selections. Three patterns of order of checking were found. In pattern 1, seven researchers used titles and abstracts as the primary elements. In pattern 2, the others used titles and then accessed the full text before making a decision on their selection. In pattern 3, one participant searched for images and accessed the full text from the link in those pictures. We also found participants used novel elements for selecting. We subsequently developed items for a questionnaire reflecting the findings.
31. Tetsuya Nakatoh, Satoru Uchida, Emi Ishita, Toru Oga, Performance Comparison on Automated Generation of Coding Rules: ACase Study on ISO 26000, International Journal of Service and Knowledge Management, 1, 1, 19-30, 2017.06.
32. 大賀 哲, 山腰修三, 三谷文栄, 石田 栄美, 冨浦 洋一, 福島原発事故をめぐるメディア言説の変容 -毎日新聞社説(2011-2013年)を対象として-, メディア・コミュニケーション, 67, 119-148, 2017.03.
33. Emi Ishita, Yosuke Miyata, Shuichi Ueda, Keiko Kurata, A Structural Equation Model of Information Retrieval Skills, Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Conference Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR'2017), 317-320, 2017.03.
34. Emi Ishita, Tetsuya Nakatoh, Kohei Hatano, Michiaki TAKAYAMA, An Attempt to Promote Open Data for Digital Humanities in Japanese University Libraries, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2016), 10.1007/978-3-319-49304-6_32, LNCS 10075, 269-274, 2016.12, Many universities have declared open access policies in response to increasing interest in open access in the academic world. The next developments will be focused on open data. Huge data repositories are already used in specific fields. However, the discussion regarding open data in universities has just begun. We attempted to promote open data for digital humanities in a university library. University libraries hold rare collections, which are generally highly valued research resources. We selected a rare collection in a library, and then digitized and published it. We investigated additional data that aids a reader’s understanding of the material. To promote the open data, we produced images of the resources and multiple types of interpretation texts. We displayed the digital images in an exhibition and obtained an evaluation using a survey of visitors.
35. 南友紀子, 岩瀬梓, 宮田洋輔, 上田修一, 倉田敬子, ウェブ環境における情報検索スキル, 日本図書館情報学会誌, 62, 3, 163-180, 2016.12.
36. Tetsuya Nakatoh, Satoru Uchida, Emi Ishita, Toru OGA, Automated Generation of Coding Rules: Text-Mining Approach to ISO 26000, Proc. of 7th International Conference on E-Service and Knowledge Management (ESKM 2016), 10.1109/IIAI-AAI.2016.210, 154-158, 2016.07.
37. Keiko Kurata, Emi Ishita, Yosuke Miyata, Yukiko Minami, Print or Digital? Reading Behavior and Preferences in Japan, Journal of the association for information science and technology, 10.1002/asi.23712, 68, 4, 884-894, 2016.06, In today's digital age, daily reading may be becoming digital reading. To understand this possible shift from reading print media to reading digital media, we investigated reading behavior for 11 media and reading preferences between print and digital in different circumstances. In August 2012, an online survey was used to inquire about the reading behavior and preference of 1,755 participants, ranging in age from 18 to 69 years. The participants contained equal numbers of men and women from five age brackets. Our main finding was that approximately 70% of total reading time was spent on digital media and that preferences favored print media. Cluster analysis of reading time by media was used to categorize respondents into eight clusters, and a second cluster analysis on stated preference (digital or print) yielded six clusters. The correspondence analysis between reading behavior clusters and preference clusters revealed that there is a mismatch between reading behavior and stated preference for either print or digital media.
38. Kosuke Furusawa, Hongjun Fan, Yoichi Tomiura, Emi Ishita, Encompassing Retrieval of Academic Papers for User's Information Need, Proceedings of the 17th international conference on Asia-pacific digital libraries(ICADL'15), 300-301, 2015.12.
39. Yasuhiro Takayama, Yoichi Tomiura, Kenneth R. Fleischmann, An-Shou Cheng, Douglas W. Oard, Emi Ishita, Automatic Dictionary Extraction and Content Analysis Associated with Human Values, Information Engineering Express, 1, 4, 107-118, 2015.12.
40. Yasuhiro Takayama, Yoichi Tomiura, Kenneth R. Fleischmann, An-Shou Cheng, Douglas W. Oard, Emi Ishita, An Automatic Dictionary Extraction and Annotation Method Using Simulated Annealing for Detecting Human Values, Proceedings - 2015 IIAI 4th International Conference on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI 2015), DOI:10.1109/IIAI-AAI.2015.268, 177-182, 2015.07.
41. Emi Ishita, Douglas W. Oard, Kenneth R. Fleischmann, Yoichi Tomiura, Yasuhiro Takayama, An-Shou Cheng, Learning Curves for Automating Content Analysis: How Much Human Annotation is Needed?, Proceedings - 2015 IIAI 4th International Conference on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI 2015), 12-16, 2015.07.
42. Shinji Sato, Yukiko Watanabe, Emi Ishita, Evaluating Individual Artists' Use of SNS as a Method for Providing Information, Proceedings - 2015 IIAI 4th International Conference on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI 2015), DOI: 10.1109/IIAI-AAI.2015.211, 160-165, 2015.07.
43. Yasuko Hagiwara, Meizhi Wu, Emiko Mizutani, Yukiko Watanabe, Emi Ishita, Yoichi Tomiura, An Experiment to Identify How Researchers Select Documents from Search Results, Proceedings of CiSAP Workshop (The annual meeting of the Consortium of iSchools Asia-Pacific), 8-11, 2015.12.
44. Emiko Mizutani, Emi Ishita, Yukiko Watanabe, Motofumi Yoshida, The Supporting Role of College and University Libraries in Student Success, Proceedings of CiSAP Workshop (The annual meeting of the Consortium of iSchools Asia-Pacific), 12-16, 2015.12.
45. Emi Ishita, Yukiko Watanabe, Naoya Mitani, Miki Horiuchi, Yuiko Higa, Takako Oda, Ai Yamaguchi, Citation Analysis of the Availability of Conference Proceedings Cited in Doctoral Dissertations, The 5th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Library and Information Education and Practice (A-LIEP2013), 272-282, 2013.07.
46. Kenneth R. Fleischmann, Yasuhiro Takayama, An-Shou Cheng, Yoichi Tomiura, Douglas W. Oard, Emi Ishita, Thematic Analysis of Words that Invoke Values in the Net Neutrality Debate, Proceedings of iConference 2015, 6 pages, 2015.03.
47. Shinji Okaku, Yoichi Tomiura, Emi Ishita, Towards Generating Multiple-Choice Tests for Supporting Extensive Reading, Proceedings of The Seventh International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid, and On-line Learning (eLmL 2015), pp.14-19, 2015.02.
48. Sachio Hirokawa, Emi Ishita, Non-Topical Classification of Healthcare Information on the Web, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 262, p.383-393, 2014.07.
49. Yasuhiro Takayama, Yoichi Tomiura, Emi Ishita, Douglas W. Oard, Kenneth R. Fleischmann, An-Shou Cheng, A Word-Scale Probabilistic Latent Variable Model for Detecting Human Values, ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2014), DOI 10.1145/2661829.2661966, p.1489-1498, 2014.11.
50. Shinji Sato, Yukiko Watanabe, Emi Ishita, Preliminary Survey on the Information-Providing Method in the Music Industry According to the Levels of SNS Media, Proceedings - 2014 IIAI 3rd International Conference on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI 2014), DOI 10.1109/IIAI-AAI.2014.44, p.173-176, 2014.09.
51. Teru Agata, Yosuke Miyata, Emi Ishita, Astushi Ikeuchi, Shuichi Ueda, Life span of web pages: A survey of 10 million pages collected in 2001, Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2014 (DL 2014) (jointly with TPDL 2014) , September 8-12, London, UK,, DOI 10.1109/JCDL.2014.6970226, pp.463-464, 2014.09.
52. Toshiaki Funatsu, Yoichi Tomiura, Emi Ishita, Kosuke Furusawa, Extracting Representative Words of a Topic Determined by Latent Dirichlet Allocation, he Sixth International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management (eKNOW2014), 112-117, 2014.03.
53. 石田 栄美, 安形 輝, 宮田 洋輔, 池内 淳, 上田 修一, 構造と構成要素に基づく学術論文の自動判定, 日本図書館情報学会誌, 60, 1, 18-34, 2014.04.
54. Naoya Mitani, Emi Ishita, Yukiko Watanabe, The Viewpoint of Library Directors on the Introduction of E-book Services in Japanese Public Libraries., Proceedings of iConference 2014, 860-863, 2014.03.
55. Yasuhiro Takayama, Yoichi Tomiura, Emi Ishita, Zheng Wang, Douglas W. Oard, Kenneth R. Fleischmann, An-Shou Cheng, Improving Automatic Sentence-Level Annotation of Human Values Using Augmented Feature Vectors., 2013, 6p., 2013.09.
56. 石田 栄美, ウェブ上で提供される医療・健康情報の実態と非主題カテゴリへの分類のための考察, 2012/2013, 29-34, 2013.09.
57. Emi Ishita, Yukiko Watanabe, Ai Yamaguchi, Takako Oda, Yuiko Higa, Miki Horiuchi, Naoya Mitani, The Ratio of Conference Papers in Citations of Engineering Dissertations at Kyushu University, Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Asia-pacific digital libraries(ICADL'12), 59-62, 2012.11.
58. 小泉 公乃, 國本 千裕, 石田 栄美, 杉内 真理恵, 羽生 笑子, 楊 雯欣, 上田 修一, 日本において電子書籍はどのように論じられてきたか: 雑誌記事と新聞記事の内容分析による論点の整理, Library and Information Science, 68, 1-22, 2012.12.
59. Emi Ishita, Non-topical Classification for Healthcare Information, Bulletin of IEEE Technical Committee on Digital Libraries, 5, 3, http://www.ieee-tcdl.org/Bulletin/current/Ishita/ishita.html, 2009.12.
60. Koji Eguchi, Keizo Oyama, Emi Ishida, Kazuko Kuriyama, and Noriko Kando, Evaluation Design of Web Retrieval Task in the Third NTCIR Workshop, The 11th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2002), poster-22, 2002.05.
61. Koji Eguchi, Keizo Oyama, Emi Ishida, Kazuko Kuriyama, and Noriko Kando, The Web Retrieval Task and its Evaluation in the Third NTCIR Workshop, Proceedings of the 25th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2002), 375-376, 2002.08.
62. Koji Eguchi, Keizo Oyama, Emi Ishida, Noriko Kando, and Kazuko Kuriyama, System Evaluation Methods for Web Retrieval Tasks Considering Hyperlink Structure, The 12th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2003), poster-344, 2003.05.
63. Kenneth R. Fleischmann, Douglas W. Oard, An-Shou Cheng, Ping Wang, and Emi Ishita, Automatic Classification of Human Values: Applying Computational Thinking to Information Ethics, Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIST2009), 1-4, 2009.11.
64. Emi Ishita, Shinji Mine, Masanori Koizumi, Yosuke Miyata, Chihiro Kunimoto, Junko Shiozaki, Keiko Kurata and Shuichi Ueda, Analyzing OPAC use with screen views and eye tracking, ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL09), 405, 2009.06.
65. Emi Ishita, Teru Agata, Atsushi Ikeuchi, Nozue Michiko, Yosuke Miyata and Shuichi Ueda, A search engine for Japanese academic papers, Proceedings of Joint JCDL/ICADL International Digital Libraries Conference (JCDL'10), 379, 2010.06.
66. Emi Ishita, Shinji Mine, Chihiro Kunimoto, Junko Shiozaki, Keiko Kurata and Shuichi Ueda, Analyzing viewing patterns while reading picture books, Proceedings of Joint JCDL/ICADL International Digital Libraries Conference (JCDL'10), 381, 2010.06.
67. 上田修一, 吉野貴庸, 石田栄美, 倉田敬子, WWW上のOPACにおける既知事項検索の諸問題, Library and Information Science, 41, 1-15, 1999.12, WWW OPAC has become one of standard services at university libraries in Japan. A large number of studies have been carried out for the evaluation of OPACs. What seem to be lacking, however, are those from the actual users’ point of view. In this research, we examine major 15 WWW OPAC systems from such search terms as supposed likely to be used by novice users. Three cases are analyzed, each searching a specific book or author from terms extracted from it and their variants. The first case is to search a Japanese book translated from English from 9 terms (ex. full Japanese title, one keyword from title, ‘kanji’ of Japanese translator, English spell of author, and so on). The second case is to search a book with long title from 5 terms (full title including subtitle, main title only, and the variants). The third case is to search all books by an author, whose ‘yomi’ is the same with more than 9 persons.
The major results are as follows:
(1) Only three systems are successful in searching from all the terms in the first case.
(2) Some systems are very ineffective, can be searched only from few terms.
(3) The same outcomes cannot be got even from the same search terms.
These problems seem to occur under such situations as:
(1) A standard architecture and indexing system of OPAC database have not yet been established.
(2) Standard OPAC searching procedure has not been developed.
(3) Current OPAC is a mixture of traditional cataloguing rules and online retrieval system.
It is necessary to develop an original architecture and standard searching procedure for OPAC based on a new user model..
68. Koji Eguchi, Keizo Oyama, Emi Ishida, Noriko Kando, and Kazuko Kuriyama, Overview of the Web Retrieval Task at the Third NTCIR Workshop, NII Technical Report, NII-2003-002E, 2003.01.
69. 江口浩二, 大山敬三, 石田栄美, 神門典子, 栗山和子, Web検索のための評価ワークショップに適したシステム評価手法, 日本データベース学会Letters, 1, 2, 40-43, 2003.03.
70. 石田栄美, 日本十進分類法と基本件名標目の相互マッピング, 文化情報学: 駿河台大学文化情報学部紀要, 12, 1, 1-11, 2005.06.
71. 三根慎二,汐﨑順子,國本千裕,石田栄美,倉田敬子,上田修一, 眼球運動から見た子どもの絵本の読み方, Library and Information Science, 58, 69-90, 2007.12, 【目的】目的は,絵と文章から構成される絵本を子どもが読む間の目の運動を調べることにある。
【結果】既往研究に基づいて,1) 絵と文字が混在している場合絵よりも文字により長く停留する,2) 絵本は左から右に向かって読まれることが想定されているため,視線も左から右へと動く,3) 視線パターンは個人の属性やペジの構成に影響される,という三つの仮説のもとに測定結果を分析した。絵と文字への停留時間は個人差が大きいものの,全体としてみれば,ほぼ同じだった。左から右へという視線移動を共通して見いだすことはできなかった。絵と文字のブロック間の視線移動は,「循環型」と「往復型」に分けることができた。視線パターンに,個人の属性との関係は見いだせなかった。また,ページの構成が単純な場合には共通した傾向もあったが,どのページにもどの被験者の間にも共通するパターンはなかった。.
72. Emi Ishita and Yukiko Watanabe, The Department of Library Science at Kyushu University and Our Collaboration with Librarians, The proceedings of 4th Workshop of the Asia Library and Information Research Group, 145, 2012.03.
73. Kensuke Baba, Toshie Tanaka, Emi Ishita, Masao Mori, Eisuke Ito, and Sachio Hirokawa, Evaluation of link system between repository and researcher database, Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Asia-pacific digital libraries(ICADL'11), 381-382, 2011.10.
74. Emi Ishita, Teru Agata, Atsushi Ikeuchi, Yosuke Miyata, Shuichi Ueda, Detecting academic papers on the web, Proceedings of Joint 11th annual international ACM/IEEE joint conference on Digital Libraries(JCDL’11), 413-414, 2011.06.
75. 安形輝,池内淳,石田栄美,野末道子,久野高志,上田修一, 日本語学術論文PDFファイルの自動判定, Library and Information Science, 56, 43-63, 2007.01, オープンアクセス環境が進展するにつれ、セルフアーカイビングの形式で自らの研究成果を公開する研究者が増加している。そのような成果は、従来のすべてのウェブを対象とする検索エンジンからもアクセスが可能ではあるが、検索結果中の他のものに埋没してしまうことが多い。そこで、本研究ではウェブコンテンツ中からの学術論文、あるいは論文に準ずるコンテンツを判定するシステム構築を目指し、SVM など、多くの手法を用いて自動判定実験を行った。自動判定の手がかりとなる属性群としてはファイル中に出現する語と経験的なルール群を用いた。実験結果からは、段階的な論文判定を行うことで、学術情報専門の検索システム構築が実現可能であることが示唆された。.
76. Koji Eguchi, Keizo Oyama, Emi Ishida, Noriko Kando, and Kazuko Kuriyama, Evaluation Methods for Web Retrieval Tasks, Proceedings of DBWeb2002, 415-422, 2002.12.
77. An-Shou Cheng, Kenneth R. Fleischmann, Ping Wang, Emi Ishita, and Douglas W. Oard, Values of Stakeholders in the Net Neutrality Debate: Applying Content Analysis to Telecommunications Policy, HICSS '10 Proceedings of the 2010 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences , 1-10, 2010.01.
78. Emi Ishita, Douglas W. Oard, Kenneth R. Fleischmann, An-Shou Cheng and Thomas Clay Templeton, Investigating Multi-Label Classification for Human Values, Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology(ASIST2010), 47, 1, 1-4, 2010.10.
79. 江口浩二, 大山敬三, 石田栄美, 神門典子, 栗山和子, NTCIR-3 WEB: Web検索のための評価ワークショップ, NII Journal, 6, 31-56, 2003.03.
80. 石田栄美, An-Shou Cheng, Douglas W. Oard, and Kenneth R. Fleischmann, 人の価値観を表すカテゴリを対象にした複数カテゴリへの自動分類の試み, 文化情報学: 駿河台大学文化情報学部紀要, 16, 2, 53-68, 2009.12.
81. 石田栄美, 図書をNDCカテゴリに分類する試み, Library and Information Science, 39, 31-45, 1998.12, In information retrieval, texts are usually retrieved by them with queries. In this study, an approach was suggested that texts are automatically classified into categories and retrieved by matching them with queries classified in the same way. For an efficient information retrieval using automatic classification, extracting methods of words from texts and matching methods are essential. Some extracting methods from Japanese texts have been suggested in natural languages processing. However, it is difficult to extract significant words from Japanese texts because Japanese texts are written without blank space separating words. As for matching methods, many weighting methods have been suggested as well as vector space models and probabilistic models.

This article reports the results of an experiment of classifying Japanese texts into Nippon Decimal Classification (NDC) categories based on the title information in Japanese MARC records. In this experiment, three extracting methods: ― juman, MHSA, n-gram ― are tested on a set of 1,000 books. Four weighting methods: ― relative term frequency between categories, tf・idf and tf(max)・idf ― are tested. The results indicate that the extracting method using juman achieved best and the best weighting method was the relative term frequency between categories, being able to select correct classification categories (upper three digits of NDC) for about 55.9% of 1,000 books..
82. Koji Eguchi, Keizo Oyama, Emi Ishida, Noriko Kando, and Kazuko Kuriyama, Evaluation Methods for Web Retrieval Tasks Considering Hyperlink Structure, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E86-D, 9, 1804-1813, 2003.09, This paper proposes the evaluation methods for measuring retrieval effectiveness of Web search engine systems, attempting to make them suitable for real Web environment. With this objective, we constructed 100-gigabyte and 10-gigabyte document sets that were mainly gathered from the '.jp' domain, and conducted an evaluation workshop at the third NTCIR Workshop from 2001 to 2002, where we assessed the retrieval effectiveness of a certain number of Web search engine systems using the common data set. Conventional evaluation workshops assessed the relevance of the retrieved documents, which were submitted by the workshop participants, by considering the contents of individual pages. On the other hand, we assessed the relevance of the retrieved pages by considering the relationship between the pages referenced by hyperlinks..
83. 石田栄美, テキストの自動分類に関わる諸要素, 日本図書館情報学会誌, 49, 2, 65-78, 2003.12, テキストの分類は, 既存のカテゴリにテキストを割り当てることであり, 様々な手続きを必要とする。本論文では, テキストの自動分類研究を再検討し将来の方向性について述べた。自動分類を構成する要素は, テキスト構造, データ量, 特徴素単位の定義, 特徴素集合の決定, カテゴリ表現, テキスト表現, 類似度計算, 分類先決定方法, 評価である。各要素や要素間の関係について, 既往研究から明らかにした。例えば, テキスト構造と特徴素集合の決定は自動分類全体に大きな影響を与えること, カテゴリ表現と類似度計算は相互に深く関わっていること, 特徴素単位の定義は外的要因の影響を受けるが, その定義は自動分類全体に大きな影響を与えることなどが明らかになった。将来の方向性として, Webページを対象にした自動分類を想定した。テキスト構造と特徴素集合の決定には新たな問題が生じ, テキスト構造は以前に比べてより重要な要素となることを予想した。.
84. 宮田洋輔, 安形輝, 池内淳, 石田栄美, 上田修一, 深層ウェブの実態とその要因: 機関リポジトリに登録された文献を用いた調査, 日本図書館情報学会誌, 58, 2, 97-109, 2012.06, 2009年9月に、先行研究の手法を応用し、日本の機関リポジトリから収集した全文PDFファイルのURLを用いて、より大規模に深層ウェブの比率を計測した。その結果、Google、Yahoo!、Bingの3つの検索エンジンから検索できるウェブは72.0%に過ぎず、28.0%が深層ウェブであることが分かった。単独の検索エンジンでは、最高でもGoogleの53.2%であった。また、PDFファイルとURLの特徴の調査から、URLの動的性や長さが深層ウェブとなる要因であることが分かった。.
85. 石田栄美, テキスト自動分類の概要, 情報の科学と技術, 56, 10, 469-474, 2006.10, テキスト自動分類手法は,1990年代後半からさかんに研究され始め,現在では様々な分野で適用され始めている。テキスト自動分類は,分類済みのテキスト集合を利用して分類ルールを作成し,そのルールと照らし合わせることで分類対象テキストをカテゴリに分類するという手順で行われる。テキスト集合から各カテゴリの特徴を抽出し,分類ルールを作成する方法が,分類性能に直接かかわる。これには,情報検索分野や機械学習分野において提案された手法などが適用されている。世の中に流通する情報が増えるなかで,情報を効率的に探し出すためには,分類は必要不可欠な要素である。これからも様々な分野での適用が求められている。.
86. 上田修一,汐﨑順子,國本千裕,宮田洋輔,林佐和子,三根慎二,石田栄美,倉田敬子, エビデンス・ベースト・ライブラリアンシップ」(EBL)の枠組みの検討:日本の図書館情報学文献の実態に基づいて, Library and Information Science, 59, 105-115, 2008.07, 【目的】 図書館業務における研究成果の活用と研究の実践を促進するエビデンス・ベースト・ライブラリアンシップ(EBL) の適用可能性と問題点を検討する。
【方法】 日本の雑誌論文100論文に対してEBLで挙げられている根拠のレベル, 課題, 主題領域を調査し集計した。
【成果】 日本の図書館情報学論文はEBLの根拠のレベルでは, 事例研究と専門家の意見が大半を占め, EBLのレベルの高いとされるサミングアップは2件にとどまった。 また, EBLで示されている三つの課題にあてはまらず, 課題のない論文が30と多かった。 主題領域にも偏りがみられた。 しかし, EBLの枠組みを検討すると, EBLがエビデンス・ベースト・メディシン(EBM)の影響を強く受けているため, 図書館情報学文献に適用するには困難が多いことが確認された。.
87. Kazuaki Kishida and Emi Ishita, Translation disambiguation for cross-language information retrieval using context-based translation probability, Journal of Information Science, 35, 4, 481-495, 2009.08, Disambiguation between multiple translation choices is very important in dictionary-based cross-language information retrieval. In prior work, disambiguation techniques have used term co-occurrence statistics from the collection being searched. Experimentally these techniques have worked well but are based upon heuristic assumptions. In this paper, a theoretically grounded alternative is proposed, one which uses sense disambiguation based upon context terms within the source text. Specifically this paper introduces the concept of translation probabilities incorporating a context term and extends the IBM Model 1 for estimating context-based translation probabilities from a sentence-aligned bilingual corpus. Experimental results in English to Italian bilingual searches show significant performance improvement of the context-based translation probabilities over the case without any disambiguation..
88. 石田栄美, テキストの自動分類をめぐる現況, 現代の図書館, 48, 4, 211-216, 2010.12, 文献(テキスト)を対象とした自動分類を中心とし、テキスト自動分類のアプローチの一つであるカテゴライゼーションを構成する要素を説明した。カテゴライゼーションとは、テキストを既存のカテゴリに自動的に分類することである。次に、図書館分類法を用いた自動分類の研究例、最近のテキスト自動分類の研究動向を紹介した。終りに、これからの自動分類の可能性について論じた。.
89. An-Shou Cheng, Kenneth R. Fleischmann, Ping Wang, Emi Ishita, and Douglas W. Oard, The Role of Innovation and Wealth in the Net Neutrality Debate: A Content Analysis of Human Values in Congressional and FCC Hearings., Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 10.1002/asi.22646, 63, 7, 1360-1373, 2012.03, Net neutrality is the focus of an important policy debate that is tied to technological innovation, economic development, and information access. We examine the role of human values in shaping the Net neutrality debate through a content analysis of testimonies from U.S. Senate and FCC hearings on Net neutrality. The analysis is based on a coding scheme that we developed based on a pilot study in which we used the Schwartz Value Inventory. We find that the policy debate surrounding Net neutrality revolves primarily around differences in the frequency of expression of the values of innovation and wealth, such that the proponents of Net neutrality more frequently invoke innovation, while the opponents of Net neutrality more frequently invoke wealth in their prepared testimonies. The paper provides a novel approach for examining the Net neutrality debate and sheds light on the connection between information policy and research on human values..
90. 石田栄美, 九州大学大学院ライブラリーサイエンス専攻の概要と附属図書館との連携, 名古屋大学附属図書館研究年報, 10, 1-11, 2012.03, 九州大学統合新領域学府に設置されたライブラリーサイエンス専攻の設置に関し、「ライブラリーサイエンス」の定義、専攻の教育理念、目的、カリキュラム等の概要を紹介し、さらに九州大学附属図書館との連携についても紹介した。連携の内容は、連続講演会の企画、インターンシップ、図書館職員の事業への協力である。最後に、ライブラリーサイエンス専攻の今後の課題と展望として、ライブラリーサイエンスの更なる認知、図書館職員との連携・交流をあげた。.

