九州大学 研究者情報
渡邊 由紀子(わたなべゆきこ) データ更新日:2024.04.09

准教授 /  附属図書館

1. 渡邊 由紀子, ポストコロナ禍の大学図書館に期待される役割を考える ―九州大学附属図書館の事例を参考に―, 明治大学図書館情報学研究会紀要, 14, 34-50, 2023.03, [URL], 明治大学図書館情報学研究会では,2022年6月18日(土)に明治大学和泉キャンパス第1校舎において2022年度第1回例会を開催し,九州大学附属図書館の渡邊由紀子氏による講演「ポストコロナ禍の大学図書館に期待される役割を考える:九州大学附属図書館の事例を参考に」を行った。まずコロナ禍が大学と大学図書館に与えた影響や大学図書館の機能と制度をめぐる最近の議論を概観し,次に国立大学図書館協会「ビジョン2025」の3つの重点領域を軸として九州大学の主な取り組みが紹介され,最後に大学図書館に期待される役割が示された。.
2. Tokinori Suzuki, Emi Ishita, Xinyu Ma, Widiatmoko Adi Putranto & Yukiko Watanabe , Data Librarians: Changes in Role and Job Duties Over 25 Years, Tseng, YH., Katsurai, M., Nguyen, H.N. (eds) From Born-Physical to Born-Virtual: Augmenting Intelligence in Digital Libraries. ICADL 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13636. Springer, Cham., https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-21756-2_40, 13636, 485-491, 2022.12, The role and the job duties of librarians may evolve owing to social changes and users’ needs. It is important to know academic libraries have adapted to their needs. Data librarians have held a key position in academic libraries. In this study, we investigated the adaptation in their job duties over 25 years. We conducted content analyses using descriptions of job advertisements to examine changes in the role and job duties of data librarians to clarify libraries’ adaptation. All job advertisements for data librarians posted in the IFLA - Library and Information Science Jobs Mailing List from 1995 to 2022 were collected, and 36 job advertisements were obtained after the preprocessing procedures. Based on job titles, data librarians for specific subjects were needed in the early days, and research data librarians appeared in recent years. Job descriptions indicate that data librarians were required to have knowledge of data about various subjects and use statistical analysis software to process data from 2000–2004; however, knowledge of research data was required from 2015–2022. There have been many other changes in work performed by data librarians over the past 25 years, and libraries have regularly adapted their job descriptions..
3. Yasuko Hagiwara, Emi Ishita, Yukiko Watanabe, Yoichi Tomiura, Identifying Scholarly Search Skills Based on Resource and Document Selection Behavior among Researchers and Master’s Students in Engineering, College & Research Libraries, https://doi.org/10.5860/crl.83.4.610, 83, 4, 610-630, 2022.07, This study focuses on differences in the scholarly search approaches of researchers and students in contemporary information environments by examining use of academic resources and elements in search results (such as title or abstract) to identify scholarly search knowledge and skills. To examine how users select documents for different search situations, an online survey of resource selection and the use of search result elements was conducted among 48 researchers and 40 master’s students in the field of engineering in Japan. The results show that researchers use resources and search result elements differently for each situation, while students lack that ability..
4. 渡邊 由紀子, COVID-19下の大学図書館におけるレファレンスサービスの拡充-九州大学附属図書館の実践例から, 情報の科学と技術, https://doi.org/10.18919/jkg.72.1_12, 72, 1, 12-17, 2022.01, [URL], COVID-19の感染拡大に伴い,日本では多くの大学図書館が来館型サービスを休止・制限せざるを得なくなった。本稿では,そのような特殊状況下において大学図書館がレファレンスサービスを拡充する方法について,九州大学の実践例を基に検討した。九州大学附属図書館は,図書館TA(ティーチング・アシスタント)と協働しながら,既存の質問回答サービス,Web学習ガイド,学部1年生向け講習会,図書館TA企画イベントを非来館型に進化させ,サービスを強化した。それらの実践から得られた知見をまとめ,今後は非来館型サービスを来館型サービスと統合して,ハイブリッドなレファレンスサービスを展開していく必要があることを示した。.
5. 児玉 芽生, 石田 栄美, 渡邊 由紀子, 冨浦 洋一, COVID-19パンデミック下の大学図書館における電子書籍の利用状況 : 九州大学の事例に基づく考察, 大学図書館研究, https://doi.org/10.20722/jcul.2123, 119, 2123-1-2123-11, 2021.11, [URL], COVID-19により物理的な図書館の利用が制限された特殊状況下において,電子書籍の積極的な利用が期待されている。そこで本稿では,電子書籍のニーズを把握するために,パンデミック前とパンデミック下の九州大学の利用ログを対象に利用傾向を分析した。全体的な傾向として,パンデミック下では電子書籍の利用が増加していた。またMaruzen eBook Libraryについて,アクセス回数,利用時間,ダウンロードページ数の3尺度から分析し,新たなニーズと尺度によって異なる利用傾向が把握可能なことを示した。最後に,電子書籍の利用傾向をまとめ,さらに3尺度の有効性や利用可能性について述べた。.
6. Mei Kodama,Emi Ishita,Yukiko Watanabe,Yoichi Tomiura, Usage of E-books During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of Kyushu University Library, Japan, Toeppe K., Yan H., Chu S.K.W. (eds) Diversity, Divergence, Dialogue. iConference 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12646. Springer, Cham., https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-71305-8_40, 475-483, 2021.03, The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on education and research in universities throughout the world. Many academic libraries have been closed, and users have had to use e-books instead of printed books in libraries. As e-books are not yet commonly used in Japan, this paper examines the impact of the pandemic on the use of e-books in academic libraries in Japan. As a case study, the usage data for each e-book platform in Kyushu University in Japan were analyzed, and the overall trends in each period before and during the pandemic were revealed. The access counts of e-books from January to June 2019 and those for 2020 were examined. The number of total access counts in 2020 was higher than that in 2019 on all nine platforms. The platform that saw the highest access count growth rate was JSTOR, with an 846% increase. The usage of e-books in the Maruzen eBook Library, which holds many Japanese textbooks, was examined in detail. E-books on mathematics, medical science, and programming languages were in constant use both before and during the pandemic. E-books in law and economics started to be used during the pandemic. These results indicate that the pandemic has evoked new needs for e-books in certain fields..
7. Min Jiang, Xinyu Ma, Emi Ishita, Yukiko Watanabe, Staff Job Titles in Research Data Services in Academic Libraries in the USA, Proceedings of iConference 2021, 8 pages, 2021.03, [URL], Research data services (RDSs) in academic libraries have been developed in recent years, and changed according to researchers’ needs and the current situation. In this study, staff job titles in RDSs in academic libraries in the USA were examined to understand the knowledge and skills that are required for RDSs. The Web pages of 130 RDSs’ in academic libraries in the USA that were classified as very high research activity by the Carnegie Basic Classification in 2018 were considered. As the results of 98 RDSs in 126 libraries showed, the average number of staff was 3.77. Thirty-five libraries (35.7%) had only one staff member and nine libraries had 10 or more staff. The job titles were categorized, and the top three categories were “Research data service”, “Technology”, and “Geographic information”. In half of the libraries, staff with job titles related to RDSs and staff with job titles not related to RDSs were working together in the same RDSs. This result indicates that many staff in various subjects are involved in RDSs. Compared with the previous studies the results showed that the RDSs are being enhanced and are constantly changing..
8. 渡邊 由紀子, 著作権リテラシーを育成する大学図書館, カレントアウェアネス, https://doi.org/10.11501/11596732, 346, 2-4, CA1986, 2020.12, [URL].
9. Emi Nishida, Emi Ishita, Yukiko Watanabe, Yoichi Tomiura, Description of research data in laboratory notebooks: Challenges and opportunities, Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, https://doi.org/10.1002/pra2.388, 57, 1, e388, 2020.10, In scientific research, laboratory (lab) notebooks have traditionally been used to record experiments and their results. Lab notebooks also act as an important record of the generation, processing and analysis of data over the research data lifecycle. As research data becomes increasingly digitized and voluminous, it becomes harder to record and describe research data, especially in paper lab notebooks (PLNs). This paper addresses the challenges of recording contemporary research data in lab notebooks and discusses the requirements in lab notebooks for describing research data. Two basic requirements of lab notebooks are the completeness of the data description and the ability to link the experiment records with their corresponding research datasets. Descriptions of research data should also document the provenance of the research data so that the original data can be retrieved. Guidelines for consistent file naming and systematic directory structures for saved research data can support efficient research data retrieval..
10. 星子 奈美, 渡邊 由紀子, 図書館TAとともに創るパスファインダー : 九州大学附属図書館のWeb学習ガイドCute.Guidesを例に, 九州大学附属図書館研究開発室年報, https://doi.org/10.15017/4061015, 2019/2020, 27-36, 2020.07, [URL], 2020年初頭からの新型コロナウイルス感染拡大の影響により,大学は遠隔授業や自宅学習をベースとする新たな学習・教育のスタイルを模索しており,大学図書館においても,パスファインダーのように利用者のニーズを予測して情報を提供するレファレンスサービスが一層求められる状況にある.本稿は,電子環境下で重要性を増す能動的なレファレンスサービスの充実に資するために,ウェブ上のパスファインダーの一例として,LibGuides を活用した九州大学附属図書館の Web 学習ガイド Cute.Guides を取り上げ,その管理とサービス提供の実践 を通して得られた知見を共有することを目的とする.九州大学附属図書館が LibGuides を導入した背景と経緯, Web学習ガイド Cute.Guides の特徴と運用状況,国立国会図書館のレファレンス協同データベースとの連携,Cute.Guides に対する評価や今後の課題について考察した結果,ウェブ上のパスファインダーの管理と提供において,学生協働およびレファレンス協同データベースとの連携が有効であることを確認し た..
11. Mei Kodama, Kaori Abe, Kana Fukushima, Eri Hayashi, Zhiyi Hua, Min Jiang, Ping Kang, Emi Nishida, Shinji Sakai, Yoichi Tomiura, Yukiko Watanabe, and Emi Ishita, Content Analysis of Library Use on Microblog: Pre-coding Results, Proceedings of the 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Library & Information Education and Practice (A-LIEP 2019), 423-428, 2019.11, Today people commonly use social network services (SNSs), such as Twitter, to announce their thoughts and share their opinions freely. An analysis
of content posted on SNSs may generate insights that differ from those which the existing methods like interviewing or administering questionnaire surveys
can obtain. In this research, Twitter was chosen as the focus because it is the most popular open SNS. The goal of the research is to enhance library services and propose new services to meet user expectations. In this paper, 123 tweets containing the word “library” were collected, as a sample data set. Then, open coding was conducted to identify labels for a “library use” coding frame. The coders on the team discussed the identified labels and assigned labels to each tweet over the course of five meetings. In total, 13 labels were identified, including: studying, browsing materials, reading, facility, events participation (intention), collecting information, and public relations..
12. Hideaki Uchiyama, Emi Ishita, Yukiko Watanabe, Yoichi Tomiura, Atsushi Shimada, and Masanori Yamada, A Framework for Sharing Learner Generated Contents in Collaborative Learning, Proceedings of the 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Library & Information Education and Practice (A-LIEP 2019), 477-479, 2019.11, Background: It is important to incorporate students’/learners’ viewpoints into the process of education improvement. Especially, the methodology
to share the learners’ ways of understanding yielded in the self-learning process is required to enhance the efficiency of education in collaborative learning.
Objectives: As a novel functionality of future university libraries, our aim is to collect, index, and sharing the understanding-related contents such as a note generated by learners, referred to as learner generated contents (LGC), so that the learners can exchange their understanding methodologies efficiently. Such contents indicate the essential or confusing points of lectures, and are helpful for both learners and lecturers.
Methods: Our framework is designed based on one of our online services that provides useful resources complied by the librarians in the university. First, learners post LGC. Next, lecturers check LGC to guarantee the quality and reliability. Then, LGC are indexed by criteria such as lecture names and keywords, and finally are published on the web.
Results: A prototype system is developed, and a protocol to collect LGC from the learners is designed.
Contributions: A framework for sharing LGC is proposed as a way of enhancing education quality by university libraries. With the framework, learners
can proactively share LGC, which are not shared before, to reflect and to overcome their weaknesses with collaborative learning. Also, lecturers can understand the depth of learners’ understanding by analysing LGC. Both learners and lecturers can benefit from the proposed framework..
13. Kana Fukushima, Emi Ishita, Yoichi Tomiura, Yukiko Watanabe, and Hideaki Uchiyama, Photovoice for Student Out-of-Class Learning, Proceedings of the 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Library & Information Education and Practice (A-LIEP 2019), 489-491, 2019.11, Background. In recent years, active learning has been introduced in higher education in Japan. Students are also expected to learn actively out of
class. In universities, different departments and institutions have been providing support services for student out-of-class learning. However, student out of class learning is considered to be diverse, unlike learning in the classroom. Thus, it is difficult to assess whether the support services are useful and effective for out of-class learning.
Objectives. The purpose of this research is to investigate the actual situation of student learning out of class on a large scale and understand that what students consider as learning and how they are learning.
Methods. A photovoice survey will be employed for collecting students’ actual learning situations. This qualitative method is used to capture actual situations with photos as objective information. On the other hand, it is an unsuitable method for collecting large-scale data. In this study, we will introduce a system for analyzing a large quantity of photos and information.
Contributions. The results of the survey will contribute to discussions about improvements in existing learning support services and the development of new ones..
14. 渡邊 由紀子, 図書館職員による「情報サービス演習」―九州大学における事例―, 日本図書館協会図書館情報学教育部会会報, 125, 5-8, 2019.05, [URL].
15. Emi Ishita, Yasuko Hagiwara, Yukiko Watanabe, and Yoichi Tomiura., Which Parts of Search Results do Researchers Check when Selecting Academic Documents?, Proceedings of the 18th ACM/IEEE on Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL'18), DOI:10.1145/3197026.3203867, 2018, 345-346, 2018.06, Our goal is to propose an alternative retrieval system of academic documents based on researcher’s behavior in practice. In this study, a questionnaire survey was conducted. Question items were developed from findings in the previous observational study for researcher’s behavior. From the results of 46 respondents, the top three elements checked in the search results were title, abstract, and the full-text version. They also checked structure “Introduction” in the full-text rather than other structures when they found previous research in an unfamiliar field. These results indicate that researchers use different ways for selecting documents based on the type of documents they look for..
16. Yasuko Hagiwara, Emi Ishita, Emiko Mizutani, Kana Fukushima, Yukiko Watanabe, Yoichi Tomiura, Identifying Key Elements of Search Results for Document Selection in the Digital Age: An Observational Study, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2017), LNCS 10647, 237-242, 2017.11, Academic database systems are vitally important tools for enabling researchers to find relevant, useful articles. Identifying how researchers select documents from search results is an extremely useful measure for improving the functions or interfaces of academic retrieval systems. This study aims to reveal which elements are checked, and in what order, when researchers select from among search results. It consists of two steps: an observational study of search sessions performed by researchers who volunteered, and a questionnaire to confirm whether extracted elements and patterns are used. This article reports findings from the observational study and introduces questions we developed based on the study. In the observational study we obtained data on nine participants who were asked to search for documents using information retrieval systems. The search sessions were recorded using a voice recorder and by capturing screen images. The participants were also asked to state which elements they checked in selecting documents, along with the reasons for their selections. Three patterns of order of checking were found. In pattern 1, seven researchers used titles and abstracts as the primary elements. In pattern 2, the others used titles and then accessed the full text before making a decision on their selection. In pattern 3, one participant searched for images and accessed the full text from the link in those pictures. We also found participants used novel elements for selecting. We subsequently developed items for a questionnaire reflecting the findings..
17. Kana Fukushima, Emi Ishita, Yukiko Watanabe, Exploring Issues and Challenges in Writing Support in Japanese Universities, Proceedings of the 8th Asia-Pacific Conference of Library & Information Education and Practice (A-LIEP 2017), 98-107, 2017.11, Background. In recent years, a decline in the academic ability of Japanese university students is regarded as a problem. Contemporaneous with this decline and concerns about students’ poor writing skills, a number of universities that introduced academic writing education in courses are increasing with some universities providing writing support outside courses. However, the outside courses supports have some differences in the management units or instructional contents.
Objectives. This paper aimed to examine the diversity of writing supports in Japan and to clarify the issues of these supports.
Methods. We surveyed the writing support websites of all 86 national universities in Japan using site search. In the event the websites lacked certain information, we searched the related literature. The survey items were as follows: size of university, name of writing support, management unit, instructor, instructors’ training, instructional contents, targeted student, supporting language, start year, and the URL of the writing support.
Results. In all 86 national universities, 28 universities (32.5%) provided 36 different writing supports. The main management unit was libraries, accounting for 58%. Regarding to instructors, 21 of 36 supports employed graduate students. Seven supports employ only professional staffs. There were two supports provided by undergraduate students along with graduate students. Focusing on library units, 16 libraries provided supports by only graduate students. Graduate students played the main role as the instructor in writing supports. Most of the supports provided only academic writing support.
Contributions. These results and considerations contribute toward the future direction of writing supports in universities..
18. Emi Ishita, Yukiko Watanabe, Yasuko Hagiwara, Kana Fukushima, Emiko Mizutani, Xi Li, Christopher S.G. Khoo, Use of Social Network Services and Information Sharing: Comparison of Japan and Singapore, Proceedings of the 8th Asia-Pacific Conference of Library & Information Education and Practice (A-LIEP 2017), 15-25, 2017.11, Background. In the changing IT environment of the digital age, many people are accessing the Internet and social networking services (SNS) using mobile media several times a day. In particular, the percentage of people using SNS is especially high. We assume that what and how people communicate and share information on SNS among young people are affected by the changing IT environment but also the national environment and culture.
Objectives. The purpose of this study is to clarify the use of SNS and information sharing on SNS among the young generation, especially university students in Japan and Singapore, using questionnaire surveys. The survey is part of an international research collaboration.
Methods. We conducted the questionnaire survey in Japan in July 2017, and in Singapore in November 2016 and March 2017 in Singapore. We obtained 388 respondents in Japan and 180 respondents in Singapore.
Results. The survey results between Japan and Singapore shows different characteristics of use of SNS, time spent on the respondent’s primary SNS, and the number of friends/followers. In both countries, there is a high percentage of SNS access via smartphones. The most popular type of information shared on SNS is entertainment and leisure information. Regarding the perceived benefits of using SNS, students in both countries are entertained by SNS content and think it is useful for maintaining human relationships.
Contributions. The results are useful basic data for comparing with other countries. We plan to conduct the same survey in different Asian countries..
19. 渡邊 由紀子, 兵藤 健志, 山田 政寛, アンカードインストラクションに基づく大学図書館員向けビデオ教材の開発, 図書館学, 110, 1-9, 2017.03, 大学教育改革の流れの中で,学生の主体的な学修のベースとなる大学図書館の機能強化が求められている。大学図書館が学修環境を充実させるためには,コンテンツ,学習空間,人的支援を有機的に連携させることが重要である。そして,大学図書館が学習支援を有効に行うためには,教育・学習支援に関する知識・スキルを大学図書館員が学ぶ必要がある。しかし,大学図書館員が集合研修やeラーニングで教育・学習支援に関する知識やスキルを習得しても,実際の場面で活用するという,いわゆる転移がされにくい状況が起きる。これは,知識が活用される文脈に錨付け(Anchored)されないために起こると考えられている。
20. 兵藤 健志, 渡邊 由紀子, 図書館職員をハブとした情報リテラシー教育の展開 ―九州大学の実践をもとに―, 大学図書館研究, 105, 50-60, 2017.03, 大学図書館による情報リテラシー教育を,アクティブ・ラーニングを促進する学習・教育支援活動と広義に捉え,情報リテラシー教育を展開するための図書館職員の役割について,九州大学の事例をもとに実証的に考察した。九州大学附属図書館は,学内プログラムの枠組みを利用して,学習・教育支援体制の整備を進めており,学生や教員との協働による多様な情報リテラシー教育の取り組みの中で,図書館職員はハブとしての役割を果たしている。その役割を担うためには,学習・教育支援に関する専門性を向上させる人材育成が重要となることを明らかにした。.
21. 渡邊 由紀子, レファレンスインタビューの意義と方法, びぶろす-Biblos, 75, 3-9, 2017.01, [URL], 本稿では、質問回答サービスを担当する図書館員のレファレンス能力育成の一助となることを目指して、筆者が2013年度より担当している国立国会図書館の「レファレンス・サービス研修」 の講義録をもとに、利用者の要求を的確に把握するためのレファレンスインタビューの意義と方法について解説した。.
22. Sachiko Nakajima, Yukiko Watanabe, Sachio Hirokawa, Survey on Japanese Academic Library Reference Services, Proc. AROB2016, 403-408, 2016.01, The authors analyzed Japanese academic libraries’ websites for reference-related activities, especially how libraries inform users of terminology as well as virtual reference materials through email or web-forms on their main webpages. Major differences were found in a comparison with a survey of US academic libraries..
23. Yasuko Hagiwara, Meizhi Wu, Emiko Mizutani, Yukiko Watanabe, Emi Ishita, Yoichi Tomiura, An Experiment to Identify How Researchers Select Documents from Search Results, Proceedings of CiSAP Workshop (The annual meeting of the Consortium of iSchools Asia-Pacific), 8-11, 2015.12.
24. Emiko Mizutani, Emi Ishita, Yukiko Watanabe, Motofumi Yoshida, The Supporting Role of College and University Libraries in Student Success, Proceedings of CiSAP Workshop (The annual meeting of the Consortium of iSchools Asia-Pacific), 12-16, 2015.12.
25. Yukiko Watanabe, Kenshi Hyodo, Harumi Masumori, Determining Required Proficiencies for Student Assistants Providing Learning Support in Academic Libraries, Proceedings of CiSAP Workshop (The annual meeting of the Consortium of iSchools Asia-Pacific), 2015, 32-35, 2015.12, To effectively collaborate with student assistants providing learning support in academic libraries, it is necessary to determine required proficiencies for student assistants based on their role. This paper examines the Kyushu University Library as a cas.
26. Yukiko Watanabe, Kenshi Hyodo, Staff Development of Academic Librarians to Improve Information Literacy Education in the Digital Age, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2015), 10.1007/978-3-319-27974-9, 324-325, 2015.12, For enhancing skills related to information literacy instruction in the digital age, we developed an education program for academic librarians, based on knowledge of learning science and educational technology. We evaluated the program in practice and dis.
27. Shinji Sato, Yukiko Watanabe, Emi Ishita, Evaluating Individual Artists' Use of SNS as a Method for Providing Information, Proceedings - 2015 IIAI 4th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (AAI 2015), July 12-16, 2015, Okayama Convention Center, Okayama, Japan
, DOI 10.1109/IIAI-AAI.2015.211, 160-165, 2015.07, To verify whether the use of social networking service (SNS) as a method for providing information by individual artists is effective, the authors conducted a survey based on the results of a preliminary survey. First, one of the authors discussed with individual artists the method of providing information via SNS. Second, the study observed how individual artists provided information via SNS to SNS users. Third, a questionnaire survey was conducted on concert visitors, particularly on their source of information for such events, for analysis. Lastly, the authors examined users’ reactions to SNS content posted by the individual artists. The results indicated that 88.7% of the surveyed visitors used SNS, but 67.1% of them obtained the concert information from flyers and friends’ recommendation. This finding suggests that artists cannot expect to draw concert visitors who are not aware of such artists through SNS promotion. This information-sharing method may be effective for visitors who have come to an artist’s performance at least once. In other words, a hybrid method combining traditional media and SNS would be more effective. If artists posted richer and more varied content on SNS, they could attract more users’ attention. Further, different music genres may be a factor in the difference in fans’ preference for obtaining information..
28. 小田 光宏, 渡邊 由紀子, リヨンで議論 : 図書館員教育を,本の都市にて語り合う, 図書館雑誌, 108, 12, 818, 2014.12, [URL], 本稿では、2014年8月にリヨンで開催されたIFLAの教育・研修部会(SET:Education and Training Section)の会議と、SETが開催する分科会および図書館員の教育・研修に関する諸会合の概要を報告する。.
29. Shinji Sato, Yukiko Watanabe, Emi Ishita, Preliminary Survey on the Information-Providing Method in the Music Industry According to the Levels of SNS Media, Proceedings - 2014 IIAI 3rd International Conference on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI 2014), Kitakyushu, Japan, 31 August-4 September 2014, 10.1109/IIAI-AAI.2014.44, 173-176, 2014.09, In order to verify the effectiveness of the information-providing method for individual artists according to the levels of Social Networking Service (SNS) media, we conducted a preliminary survey of musical artists. The preliminary survey technique was as follows: (1) one of the authors gave lectures to the participating artists, (2) individual artists used the information-providing method according to each level of SNS media in order to deliver information, (3) artists performed a concert, and (4) we conducted interviews with the artists and evaluated the method. We found that our proposed method was effective in shortening the distance between artists and users, and the participating artists were aware of the effects of the method. We also found that it was necessary to select the appropriate information provided via each SNS due to artists’concerns. In addition, shifting users’ media from participating media to continuation media and from experience, participating, and continuation media to purchase media, our preliminary survey showed the effectiveness of the method. In this survey, we conducted interviews with guitarists, who served as the information providers. We also need to focus on users and their information-seeking behavior, which served to define information access. We plan to conduct additional interviews with users and to evaluate our proposed method in detail using quantitative evaluation methods, such as tracing the timeline of each SNS media source as well as the number of comments and individual accesses..
30. 有川 節夫, 渡邊 由紀子, 変わりゆく大学図書館員の役割, 情報の科学と技術, 64, 6, 200-206, 2014.06, [URL], 科学技術・学術審議会の学術情報基盤作業部会(2010年)及び学術情報委員会(2013年)による「審議のまとめ」をふまえ,主に大学図書館を対象に,図書館員の変わりゆく役割について考察する。現在の日本における大学や大学図書館が置かれている状況を 整理したうえで,今後の図書館に起こり得る変革も視野に入れて,大学図書館員に求められる新たな期待と役割について説明する。また,九州大学が2011年に開設した「教材開発センター」や大学院「ライブラリーサイエンス専攻」等の活動を紹介しながら,図書館員の人材育成・確保のための仕組みを構築する方法について述べ,最後に,図書館員の未来について展望する。.
31. Naoya Mitani, Emi Ishita, Yukiko Watanabe, The Viewpoint of Library Directors on the Introduction of E-book Services in Japanese Public Libraries, Proceedings of iConference 2014 (Berlin, Germany, March 4-7, 2014), 860-863, 2014.03, [URL], In this paper, we aim to make clear what problems might occur when public libraries in Japan introduce e-books. We conducted semi-structured interviews with nine public library directors. These interviews revealed a wide range of opinions about e-book use in public libraries. Seven main factors emerged: a) necessity of e-book introduction, b) recognition of e-books, c) budget for e-books, d) management of e-books, e) difference between public library users and e-book users, f) accessibility of e-books, and g) digitalization of library resources. We also analyzed the differences in perspectives on e-books between two kinds of public library management styles..
32. Emi Ishita, Yukiko Watanabe, Naoya Mitani, Miki Horiuchi, Yuiko Higa, Takako Oda, Ai Yamaguchi, Citation Analysis of the Availability of Conference Proceedings Cited in Doctoral Dissertations, The 5th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Library and Information Education and Practice (A-LIEP2013), 272-282, 2013.07, In the digital age, librarians must rethink their policies and approaches regarding collection development. In this paper, we have focused on conference proceedings cited in doctoral dissertations. We tried to determine how researchers and students obtain conference proceedings and which proceedings are available or unavailable. We examined doctoral dissertations in engineering because we assumed that researchers in this field refer more often to conference proceedings than do researchers in other disciplines. We focused on the following three objectives: (1) identifying the number of items cited in the average engineering doctoral dissertation, (2) examining the type of item cited in each citation, with an emphasis on identifying conference proceedings, and (3) determining the number of conference proceedings from among these that were available on the Web and the number accessible from the Kyushu University Library. Consequently, we employed a citation analysis of 111 dissertations (Doctor of Engineering theses) written from 2010 to 2012 by doctoral students from the Faculty of Engineering and the Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering at Kyushu University. We developed a citation list for those dissertations by means of the following four procedures: (1) We obtained photocopies of the bibliography sections of the identified dissertations from the university library; (2) Each copy was converted to a PDF; (3) The text was extracted from the PDF using the optical character recognition (OCR) function of Adobe Acrobat Pro; and (4) All citations (references) were manually recorded on a spreadsheet. Each citation in the spreadsheet included a title (article, journal, or book title, as appropriate), authors, volume, number, starting and ending page numbers, publisher (for a book), and year of publication. Many errors occurred as the text was extracted from the PDFs, but we manually corrected only title and year errors on the basis of comparisons with the photocopies.
To determine the availability of these proceedings on the Web, we used the Google search engine to search for each of the 805 papers that were cited in the dissertations, and we examined whether the full text was available on the Web. Next, we examined the titles of the proceedings to determine which languages were used. In addition, we manually searched “Cute.Catalog” (the online public access catalog [OPAC] of the Kyushu University Library) to examine which of these proceedings the library owned—that is, whether they were accessible via the library. Of 12,520 citations, 858 were from conference proceedings. Of 805 conference papers (after elimination of duplicates), a total of 515 were available on the Web; of these, 292 (36.3%) were available free of charge and 223 (27.7%) for a fee. Of the 696 papers written in English (or other languages), 498 (71.6%) were available on the Web. Of these, 40.1% were open access publications. In contrast, only 17 of 109 papers written in Japanese (15.6%) were available on the Web. This shows that the digitalization of papers written in English is further advanced than that of papers written in Japanese. Thus, a total of 597 papers were available. Of these, 515 papers (86.3%) were available on the Web, and 340 (57.0%) were available in the library. These results show that the Web fills the role of main provider of papers included in conference proceedings for researchers and students in the field of engineering. Further, the survey regarding availability of conference proceedings shows that the university’s library does not have a comprehensive collection for the field of engineering, but many papers are available on the Web. .
33. Emi Ishita, Yukiko Watanabe, Ai Yamaguchi, Takako Oda, Yuiko Higa, Miki Horiuchi, Naoya Mitani, The Ratio of Conference Papers in Citations of Engineering Dissertations at Kyushu University, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2012), 59-62, 2012.11, Conference proceedings are important research resources, especially for researchers and graduate students in the science, technology, and medicine disciplines. For the development of comprehensive conference proceedings collections in academic libraries, we focused on three objectives: (1) identifying the number of items cited in doctoral dissertations, (2) examining the contents of each citation, and (3) determining the number of conference proceedings accessible from the Kyushu University library. We analyzed 148 dissertations produced by doctoral students at the faculty of engineering in Kyushu University, and 13,177 citations were classified on the basis of citation type, such as journal article, book, and conference proceeding. Among these citations, 1,458 (11.2%) were papers from conference proceedings. The conference proceedings available in the library were then examined to determine the number of items available in electronic format: 28.1% of the proceedings were available as printed materials, 9.0% could be accessed online, and 16.1% were available in both formats..
34. Emi Ishita, Yukiko Watanabe, The Department of Library Science at Kyushu University and Our Collaboration with Librarians, The proceedings of 4th Workshop of the Asia Library and Information Research Group, 145, 2012.03, Kyushu University established the Department of Library Science at the Graduate School of Integrated Frontier Sciences in April 2011. In the current rapidly changing information environment, emerging issues include how to manage information and knowledge properly and how to provide secure information access. In order to educate information professionals, our department offers integrated programs in library and information science, archival study, and records management. We develop highly capable specialists in these fields. Our department curriculum includes theoretical, methodological, and practical elements. We also collaborate with the University Library and Archives and other related institutions. For example, one active librarian at the University Library is involved with our department as a full-time lecturer, and other librarians teach students about cutting-edge information services and systems in academic libraries, such as cataloging, e-resource management, institutional repositories, university digital collections, and discovery services. We believe that this attempt benefits both students and librarians..
35. 渡邊 由紀子, 九州大学ライブラリーサイエンス専攻における大学院教育の現状, 大学の図書館, 30, 11, 191-193, 2011.11, [URL], 現職の大学図書館職員の育成に焦点を当てた形で,受け入れ側の大学院の立場から,九州大学が2011年4月に新設した大学院統合新領域学府ライブラリーサイエンス専攻(修士課程)について紹介した.
36. 有川 節夫, 渡邊 由紀子, 大学図書館職員の育成・確保に向けた新たな取り組み, 図書館雑誌, 105, 11, 738-740, 2011.11, [URL], 筆者の一人が科学技術・学術審議会学術分科会 研究環境基盤部会 学術情報基盤作業部会の主査としてまとめた,「大学図書館の整備について(審議のまとめ)―変革する大学にあって求められる大学図書館像―」(平成22年12月)1)の二つ目の柱である大学図書館職員の育成・確保について概説し,九州大学が開設した大学院ライブラリーサイエンス専攻にも言及しながら,大学図書館職員養成の新たな仕組みについて述べた。.
37. 渡邊 由紀子, 冨浦 洋一, 吉田 素文, 岡崎 敦, 九州大学大学院「ライブラリーサイエンス専攻」の構想と意義, 情報管理, 54, 2, 53-62, 2011.05, [URL], 九州大学が2011年4月に新設した大学院統合新領域学府ライブラリーサイエンス専攻(修士課程)について,現在,社会でどのような人材が求められているのか,そしてその認識から,どのようにカリキュラムを設計したのか等,新専攻の構想と意義を紹介した。専攻設置の背景を概観し,教育研究上の理念と目的を示した上で,養成する人材像と予想される進路について述べ,企業や図書館等を対象としたアンケート調査の結果などから,それらの人材像に対する社会的ニーズを明らかにした。最後に,人材養成のための教育課程および教員組織の編成の考え方と特色について説明した。.
38. 渡邊由紀子,渡辺真希子,今村昭一, 国際図書館コンソーシアム連合 (ICOLC: International Coalition of Library Consortia) 2010年春季会合参加報告, 大学図書館研究, 90, 61-71, 2010.12, 2010年4月にシカゴで開催された国際図書館コンソーシアム連合(ICOLC)の2010年春季(第21回北米)会合に参加し,コンソーシアム合併,電子ブックの利用,冊子体分担アーカイブ, 電子リソース価格調査,電子ジャーナル価格モデル,Googleブック和解案,大学出版局との協働,オープンアクセスへの対応等をテーマとした全体討議,EBSCO社とTaylor & Francis社のベンダーグリル,テーマ別分科会及び非公式会議の合計15セッションから構成された本大会について,その概要を報告した。.
39. 渡邊由紀子, タイトルページを読む楽しみ : 九州大学附属図書館「ラテン語古刊本書誌作成研修会」の活動から, 一橋大学社会科学古典資料センター年報, 28, 11-25, 2008.03, 平成19年11月に開催された一橋大学社会科学古典資料センター「第27回西洋社会科学古典資料講習会」における書誌学(II)の講義内容を基に,九州大学附属図書館ラテン語古刊本書誌作成研修会の概要を述べ,研修会で取り組んだ課題の実例を用いて,ラテン語古刊本の特徴,目録作成上の注意点等について詳しく説明し,図書館員の立場から,図書館員の専門性を育成するための研修活動の成果と今後の課題について述べた。.
40. 渡邊由紀子, 大学図書館における電子リソース・サービスの推進 : 九州大学附属図書館のコンテンツ整備・きゅうとサービス・組織再編, 情報管理, 50, 6, 343-353, 2007.09, 大学図書館が電子リソース・サービスを推進するために必要なことを,九州大学附属図書館の事例により提案した。コンテンツの整備では,コレクション構築のための財政基盤の確立とそれに伴う図書館の責務を自覚することが重要である。利用環境の整備では,ナレッジベースを構築し,リンクリゾルバ,電子ジャーナル集,OPACといった電子的サービスを相互に連携させることで,電子ジャーナルの視認性を向上することが可能になる。電子リソースの最大限の利用を促進するためには,電子リソース担当体制の強化が必要であり,従来の枠組みを超えた図書館組織の再編・整備を検討すべきであることを示した。.
41. 渡邊由紀子, 電子ジャーナルの導入とその影響について : 九州大学の事例, 情報の科学と技術, 55, 6, 265-270, 2005.06, 電子ジャーナルの導入が,図書館の利用者サービスと管理業務にどのような影響を与えたかについて,九州大学の事例を基に考察した。電子ジャーナル導入の経緯,利用支援のためのワーキンググループ体制,ナビゲーションのためのOPACやリンク集,新しく導入した管理ツールやリンクリゾルバー等について述べ,続いて,電子ジャーナルの利用動向を,ILL依頼件数やフルテキストのダウンロード件数をもとに概観した。そして,雑誌管理業務の変化とその変化に対応するための事務組織再編等の取り組みを示した。.
42. 渡邊由紀子, アメリカの大学図書館および公共図書館における電子情報サービスとその導入, 大学図書館研究, 73, 57-68, 2005.03, 訪問調査で視察したアメリカの図書館について,大学図書館に関しては電子情報資源の収集および提供方法,地区コンソーシアムの活動,バーチャル・レファレンス,図書館施設等に関する事例を,公共図書館に関しては地域住民サービス,スモールビジネス支援,利用者用パソコン管理,RFIDによる蔵書管理,外部資金獲得方法等の状況を報告し,電子情報資源サービス,インターネット時代のレファレンス・サービス,図書館員の専門性について考察した。.
43. 山田律子, 渡邊由紀子, 相部久美子, 大学図書館における職員研修の一例 : 九州大学附属図書館ラテン語古刊本書誌作成研修会, 大学図書館研究, 66, 1-11, 2002.12, 図書館員の専門性育成のために九州大学附属図書館で実施している職員研修の一つであるラテン語古刊本書誌作成研修会の10年間の活動を紹介し,この自主活動から得た成果と今後の課題等について述べた。.

