九州大学 研究者情報
橋口 暢子(はしぐち のぶこ) データ更新日:2024.04.19

教授 /  医学研究院 保健学部門 統合基礎看護学領域

1. 中島紀江, 楢木ゆうか, 立石礼望, 藤田香奈恵, 松本美晴, 松尾和枝, 小崎智照, 橋口暢子, 成人女性における下肢のむくみと月経周期の関連, 女性心身医学, 27, 3, 295-304, 2023.03.
2. Nobuko Hashiguchi, Yutaka Tochihara, Akira Takeda, Yukari Yasuyama, Effects of indoor summer dehumidification and winter humidification on the physiological and subjective responses of the elderly, JOURNAL OF THERMAL BIOLOGY, 10.1016/j.jtherbio.2022.103390, 111, 2023.03.
3. Miharu Matsumoto, Nobuko Hashiguchi, Hiromitsu Kobayashi, Short- and long-term reproducibility of peripheral superficial vein depth and diameter measurements using ultrasound imaging., BMC Med Imaging, 10.1186/s12880-022-00945-9, , 22, 1, 2022.12.
4. Yutaka Tochihara, Hitoshi Wakabayashi, Joo-Young Lee, Titis Wijayanto, Nobuko Hashiguchi and Mohamed Saat, How humans adapt to hot climates learned from the recent research on tropical indigenes, Journal of Physiological Anthropology, https://doi.org/10.1186/s40101-022-00302-3, 41, 27, 2022.07.
5. Hiroyuki Sawatari, Anita Rahmawati, Nobuko Moriyama, Kanae Fujita,Tomoko Ohkusa, Tomoko Nao, Nobuko Hashiguchi, Mari Nishizaka, Shin-ichi Ando, Akiko Chishaki, Characteristics of sleep-disordered breathing in children with down syndrome - A comparison with typically developing children, Sleep Medicine, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sleepx.2022.100045, 4, 2022.03.
6. 山下智美、大池美也子、能登裕子、橋口暢子, 看護専門学校の教育活動における看護教員の臨床経験の意味, 日本看護学教育学会誌, 31, 1, 111-122, 2021.07.
7. 東 八千代 能登 裕子 立石 礼望 黒川 雄平 松本 美晴 松尾 和枝 橋口 暢子, 看護学実習における長時間立位活動に伴う下肢のむくみの発生状況とその要因, 人間と生活環境, 28, 1, 1-8, 2021.06.
8. 黒川 雄平, 廣瀬 仁美, 立石 礼望, 東 八千代, 能登 裕子, 橋口 暢子, 若年健康成人男女における清拭時の乾拭の有無が及ぼす生理的・主観的反応, 日本生理人類学会誌, https://doi.org/10.20718/jjpa.25.4_79, 25, 4, 79-88, 2020.11.
9. 姜 旻廷、宮園 真美、橋口 暢子、金岡 麻希、木下 由美、藤田 香奈恵、森山 宣子、澤渡 浩之、岩谷 友子、濱田 正美、宮田 潤子、貝沼 茂三郎、樗木 晶子, 漢方医学セミナーを受講した臨床看護師の健康増進行動変化に関連する要因, インターナショナルNursing Care Research, 17, 4, 31-40, 2018.11.
10. 宮園真美, 澤渡浩之、橋口暢子、樗木晶子, 健常高齢女性の冷え症状、睡眠、および血管内皮機能に対する下肢加温2ヶ月連続使用の効果, 日本循環器病予防学会誌, 53, 2, 114-122, 2018.05.
11. Hiroyuki Sawatari, Mari K. Nishizaka, Mami Miyazono, Shin ichi Ando, Shujiro Inoue, Masao Takemoto, Takafumi Sakamoto, Daisuke Goto, Tomoo Furumoto, Shintaro Kinugawa, Nobuko Hashiguchi, Anita Rahmawati, Hiroaki Chishaki, Tomoko Ohkusa, Chie Magota, Hiroyuki Tsutsui, Akiko Chishaki, Three nights leg thermal therapy could improve sleep quality in patients with chronic heart failure, Heart and Vessels, 10.1007/s00380-017-1047-7., 33, 2, 155-162, 2018.02.
12. Rieko Izukura, Hajime Imada, Nobuko Hashiguchi, Hiroyuki Sawatari, Takayuki Ohguri, Miyazono Mami, Ohta Shin, Takakura Chiduko, Yamasaki Keiko, Magota Chie, Fujita Kanae, Kuroda Hiromi, Hirata Hideki, Ohkusa Tomoko, Chishaki Akiko, Cardiac and respiratory effects of deep regional hyperthermia using an 8-MHz radiofrequency-capacitive device on patients with cancer., International Journal of Hyperthermia, 10.1080/02656736.2017.1283064, 33, 4, 428-434, 2017.06.
13. Chie Magota, Hiroyuki Sawatari, Shin-ichi Ando, Mari K. Nishizaka, Kaoru Tanaka, Kaori Horikoshi, Izumi Hoashi, Hashiguchi Nobuko, Ohkusa Tomoko, Akiko Chishaki, Seasonal ambient changes influence inpatient falls, Age and Ageing, 10.1093/ageing/afw254., 46, 3, 513-517, 2017.05.
14. Junji Ono, Nobuko Hashiguchi, Hiroyuki Sawatari, Tomoko Ohkusa, Mami Miyazono, Su Young Son, Chie Magota, Yutaka Tochihara, Akiko Chishaki, Effect of water bath temperature on physiological parameters and subjective sensation in older people, Geriatrics and Gerontology International, 10.1111/ggi.13053, 17, 11, 2164-2170, 2017.04, [URL].
15. H. Kuroda, H. Sawatari, S. Ando, T. Ohkusa, A. Rahmawati, J. Ono, M. Nishizaka, Nobuko Hashiguchi, F. Matsuoka, Akiko Chishaki, A nationwide, cross-sectional survey on unusual sleep postures and sleep-disordered breathing-related symptoms in people with Down syndrome, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 10.1111/jir.12379, 61, 7, 656-667, 2017.04, [URL].
16. 塩汲望美, 澤渡浩之, 宮園真美, 橋口暢子, 樋口円香, 中村友美, 吉武さとみ, 田代英樹, 山崎啓子, 伊豆倉理江子, 孫田千恵, 黒田裕美, 藤田香奈恵, 樗木晶子, 慢性心不全患者におけるうつやQOLに対する電話支援による効果―支援期間の違いによる検討―, 日本循環器病予防学会誌, 51, 3, 157-165, 2016.11.
17. Hiroyuki Sawatari, Tomoko Ohkusa, Anita Rahmawati, Katsuhiko Ishikawa, Miyuki Tsuchihashi-Makaya, Yuko Ohtsuka, Mori Nakai, Mami Miyazono, Hashiguchi Nobuko, Hiroaki Chishaki, Harumizu Sakurada, Yasushi Mukai, Shujiro Inoue, Sunagawa K, Akiko Suyama Chishaki, Left ventricular ejection fraction predicts severity of posttraumatic stress disorder in patients with implantable cardioverter- defibrillators, Clinical Cardiology, 39, 5, 263-268, 2016.05.
18. 橋口暢子, 前野有佳里, 宮園真美, 梅崎園美, 樗木晶子, 栃原裕, ミストサウナ浴およびミストサウナ併用半身浴時の生体負担と温熱的快適性, 人間と生活環境, 23, 1, 9-16, 2016.05.
19. Anita Rahmawati, Akiko Suyama Chishaki, Tomoko Ohkusa, Hiroyuki Sawatari, Miyuki Tsuchihashi-Makaya, Yuko Ohtsuka, Mori Nakai, Mami Miyazono, Nobuko Hashiguchi, Harumizu Sakurada, Masao Takemoto, Yasushi Mukai, Shujirou Inoue, Kenji Sunagawa, Hiroaki Chishaki, Influence of primary and secondary prevention indications on anxiety about the implantable cardioverter-defibrillator, Journal of Arrhythmia, 32, 2, 102-107, 2016.04.
20. Sawatari H, Chishaki A, Miyazono M, Hashiguchi N, Maeno Y, Chishaki H, Tochihara Y, Different Physiological and Subjective Responses to the Hyperthermia Between Young and Older Adults: Basic Study for Thermal Therapy in Cardiovascular Diseases., The journals of gerontology Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences, 70, 7, 912-916, 2015.07.
21. Sawatari H, Chishaki A, Nishizaka M, Matsuoka F, Yoshimura C, Kuroda H, Rahmawati A, Hashiguchi N, Miyazono M, Ono J, Ohkusa T, Ando S-I, A nationwide cross-sectional study on congenital heart diseases and symptoms of sleep-disordered breathing among Japanese Down's syndrome people, Internal medicine, 54, 9, 1003-1008, 2015.05.
22. Rahmawati A, Chishaki A, Ohkusa T, Sawatari H, Hashiguchi N, Ono J, Kuroda H, Nishizaka M, Ando Shinichi, Relationship between sleep postures and sleep-disordered breathing parameters in people with Down syndrome in Japan, Sleep and Biological Rhythms, 13, 4, 323-331, 2015.01.
23. Hitoshi Wakabayashi, Titis Wijayanto, Joo-Young Lee, Nobuko Hashiguchi, Mohamed Saa, Yutaka Tochihara, A comparison of hydration effect on body fluid and temperature regulation between Malaysian and Japanese males exercising at mild dehydration in humid heat, Journal of Physiological Anthropology, 33, 5, 2014.02.
24. Nobuko Hashiguchi, Akira Takeda, Yukari Yasuyama, Akiko Suyama Chishaki, Yutaka Tochihara, Effects of 6-hour exposure to low relative humidity and low air pressure on body fluid loss and blood viscosity, Indoor Air, 430-436, 2013.01.
25. Anuta Rahmawani, Akiko Suyama Chishaki, Hiroyuki Sawatari, Miyuki Tsushihashi-Makaya, Yuko Ohtsuka, Mori Nakai, Mami Miyazono, Nobuko Hashiguchi, Harumizu Sakurada, Masao Takemoto, Yasushi Mikami, Shujiro Inoue, Kenji Sunagawa, Hiroyuki Chishaki., Gender disparities in quality of life and psychological disturbance in patients with implantable cardioverter-defibrillators, Circulation Journal, 77, 5, 1158-1165, 2013.01.
26. Tochihara Y, Hashiguchi N, Effects of room temperature on physiological and subjective responses to bathing in the elderly, Japanese Society of Human-Environment System, 15, 1, 13-19, 2012.11.
27. 宮園真美, 橋口暢子, 澤渡浩之, 塩汲望美, 濱田正美, 馬場チエミ, 樗木晶子, 多疾患を有する虚血性心疾患患者への退院後介入の検討, 日本循環器看護学会誌, 8, 1, 45-46, 2012.08.
28. Yutaka Tochihara, Teruyuki Kumamoto, Joo-Young Lee and Nobuko Hashiguchi, Age-related differences in cutaneous warm sensation thresholds of human males in thermoneutral and cool environments, Journal of Thermal Biology, 36, 2, 105-111, 2011.12.
29. Titis Wijayanto, Hitoshi Wakabayashi, Joo-Young Lee, Nobuko Hashiguchi, Mohamed Saat, Yutaka Tochihara, Comparison of thermoregulatory responses to heat between Malaysian and Japanese males during leg immersion, Int. J. Biometeoro, 55, 4, 491-500, 2011.12.
30. Joo-Young Lee, Hitoshi Wakabayashi,Titis Wijayanto, Nobuko Hashiguchi,Mohamed Saat,Yutaka Tochihara, Ethnic differences in thermoregulatory responses during resting,passive and active heating: application of Werner’s adaptation model, Eur J Appl Physiol,, 111, 2895-2905, 2011.12.
31. Hitoshi Wakabayashi, Titis Wijayanto; Joo-Young Lee; Nobuko Hashiguchi; Mohamed Saat and Yutaka Tochihara, Comparison of heat dissipation response between Malaysian and Japanese males during exercise in humid heat stress, Int. J. Biometeorol, 55, 4, 509-517, 2011.12.
32. Nobuko Hashiguchi, Teruyuki Kumamoto, Akiko Chishaki and Yutaka Tochihara, Effects of vertical air temperature gradients on physiological and psychological responses in the elderly, Journal of the Human-Environment System, 14, 1, 9-17, 2011.02.
33. 宮園真美, 前野有佳里, 橋口暢子, 川本利恵子, 中尾久子, 中尾富士子, 木下由美子, 金岡麻希, 樗木晶子, 栃原裕, 頸部下ドーム型サウナ使用時の生理・心理反応, 人間と生活環境, 17, 1, 31-37, 2010.12.
34. 前野有佳里、橋口暢子、松本和博、都留理恵子、栃原 裕, 家庭用ミストサウナの使用に関する実態調査, 人間と生活環境, 17, 1, 15-21, 2010.12.
35. Nobuko Hashiguchi , Yue Feng and Yutaka Tochihara, Gender differences in thermal comfort and mental performance at different vertical air temperatures, Eur J Appl Physiol, 109, 41-48, 2010.12.
36. Joo-Young Lee, Mohamed Saat, Chinmei Chou, Nobuko Hashiguchi, Titis Wijayanto, Hitoshi Wakabayashi, Yutaka Tochihara, Cutaneous warm and cool sensation thresholds and the inter-threshold zone in Malaysian and Japanese males, Journal of Thermal Biology, 35, 70-76, 2010.12.
37. Tomoaki Kozaki, Nobuko Hashiguchi, Yumi Kaji, Akira Yasukouchi, Yutaka Tochihara, Effects of saliva collection using cotton swab on cortisol enzyme immunoassay, Eur J Appl Physiol,, 107, 743-746, 2009.12.
38. 宮園真美, 前野有佳里, 樗木晶子, 橋口暢子, 金岡麻希, 木下由美子, 中尾富士子, 中尾久子, 川本利恵子, 栃原裕, 頸部下ドーム型サウナ使用時の高齢者の生理・心理反応, 日本循環器看護学会誌, 5, 1, 43-51, 2009.09.
39. Hashiguchi N, Tochihara Y, Effects of low humidity and high air velocity in a heated room on physiological responses and thermal comfort after bathing: An experimental study, International Journal of Nursing Studies, 46: 172-180, 2009.02.
40. 橋口暢子, 栃原裕, 大中忠勝, 永村一雄, 伊藤宏充, 吉竹史郎, 実験モデル住宅内における床暖房・エアコン暖房使用時の高齢者の生理・心理反応, 空気調和衛生工学会論文集, 135, 1月9日, 2008.12.
41. 児玉有子, 井上範江, 橋口暢子, シャワー浴時の生理的変化−手術を控えた婦人科系疾患患者と健康な女性との比較−, 日本生理人類学会誌, 13, 2, 103-108, 2008.12.
42. Nobuko Hashiguchi , Megumi Hirakawa , Yutaka Tochihara ,Yumi Kaji , Chitake Karaki, Effects of setting up humidifiers on thermal conditions and subjective responses of patients and staff in a hospital during winter, Appl Ergonomics, 39, 158-165, 2008.12.
43. T.G.Kim, Y.Tochihara, M.Fujita, N.Hashiguchi, Physiological responses and performance of loading work in a sevely cold environment, Internationa Jornal of Industrial Erfonomics, 37, 725-732, 2007.12.
44. Nobuko Hashiguchi, Megumi Hirakawa,Yutaka Tochihara,Yumi Kaji, Chitake Karaki, Thermal environment and subjective responses of patients and staff in a hospital during winter., J Physiol Anthropol Appl Human Sci, 24, 1, 111-115, 2005.12.
45. Mohamed Saat, Yutaka Tochihara, Nobuko Hashiguchi, Roland Gamini Sirisinghe, Mizuho Fujita, Chin Mei Chou, Effects of exercise in the heat on thermoregulation of Japanese and Malaysian meales, J Physiol Anthropol Appl Human Sci, 24, 4, 267-275, 2005.12.
46. Kazuaki Yamashita, Katuki Yamaguchi, Tsuneyuki Yamamoto, Shuntaro Shirabe, Nobuko Hashiguchi, Masahide Kaji, Yutaka Tochihara, Hematological Change in Venous Blood of the Lower Leg during Prolong Sitting in a Low Humidity and Hypobaric Environment, J Physiol Anthropol Appl Human Sci, 24, 6, 611-615, 2005.12.
47. Nobuko Hashiguchi, Yutaka Tochihara, Tadakatsu Ohnaka, Chiaki Tsuchida, Tamio Otsuki, Physiological and Subjective Responses in the Elderly When Using Floor Heating and Air Conditioning Systems., J Physiol Anthropol Appl Human Sci, 23, 6, 205-213, 2004.12.
48. 橋口暢子, 栃原裕, 高山真一, 浴室内の暖房方法の違いが生理心理反応に及ぼす影響, 人間と生活環境, 10, 2, 101-107, 2003.12.
49. 徳永栄治, 美馬佳奈, 橋口暢子, 加地正英, 栃原裕, 長時間座位に伴う下腿周経および血液成分変動に及ぼす低圧・低湿度の影響, 日本生気象学会誌, 40, 4, 197-202, 2003.12.
50. Nobuko Hashiguchi, Frong Ni, Yutaka Tochihara, Effects of room temperature on physiological and subjective responses during whole-body bathing, half-body bathing and showering, Journal of PHYSIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY and applied human science, 21, 6, 277-283, 21(6): 277-283, 2002.12.
51. 橋口暢子, 井上範江, 石橋圭太, 栃原裕, 洗髪台使用時における洗髪動作が生理心理反応に及ぼす影響−洗髪体位の違いによる検討−, 日本生理人類学会誌, 6, 6, 57-64, 2001.12.
52. 井上範江, 橋口暢子, 清潔の援助にともなう被援助者の生体情報:全介助安静仰臥位での洗髪において, 日本生理人類学会誌, 4, 2, 19-26, 1999.12.
53. 濱野香苗, 大田明英, 正村啓子, 橋口暢子, 竹熊麻子, 牛山理, 鈴木憲明, 井上悦子, 井上範江, 長澤浩平, 膠原病外来患者におけるステロイドの副作用体験とノンコンプライアンスとの関係, 看護研究, 30, 6, 47-54, 1997.12.
54. 正村啓子, 大田明英, 橋口暢子, 濱野香苗, 坂田麻子, 井上悦子, 牛山理, 鈴木憲明, 江頭恵美子, 吉原久美子, 長澤浩平, 膠原病外来におけるステロイド内服患者のcomplianceに関する研究-看護サイドからみた服薬の実態-, 医学と薬学, 35, 5, 1039-1045, 1996.12.
55. 橋口暢子, 大田明英, 正村啓子, 濱野香苗, 坂田麻子, 牛山理, 鈴木憲明, 井上悦子, 井上範江, 長澤浩平, 膠原病患者における病気のイメージとステロイド服用に対するコンプライアンスの関係, Quality nursing, 2, 21, 61-68, 1996.12.
56. 橋口暢子, 井上範江, 宮原晋一, 看護大学の病理学教育のありかた 佐賀医科大学における病理肉眼実習の取り組み, 日本看護研究学会雑誌, 19, 4, 19-27, 1996.12.

