Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Reports
Vickers Anthony Edward Last modified date:2024.06.03

Professor / International and Comparative Education / Department of Education / Faculty of Human-Environment Studies

1. Edward Vickers, Education and Climate Change - Is blaming 'Western Modernity' the answer?, NORRAG - network for international policies and cooperation in education and training, 2018.12, [URL], This NORRAG Highlights was prepared in response to the blog post by Iveta Silova, Hikaru Komatsu and Jeremy Rappleye: “Facing the Climate Change Catastrophe: Education as Solution or Cause?” In this post, Edward Vickers, Professor of Comparative Education at the Department of Education, Kyushu University, argues that it is both mistaken and counter-productive to portray the problematic role of modern mass schooling in climate change as a consequence of specifically ‘Western’ ethical failings. Citing a recent report on Asian schooling that he co-authored for UNESCO, he rejects attempts to dichotomize the ‘West’ and ‘non-West’ in assigning blame for our climate crisis. Instead, he urges the importance of recognizing our shared responsibility for this as a factor of our common human frailty. .
2. Edward Vickers, Review of 'Schooling Selves: Autonomy, Interdependence and Reform in Japanese Junior High Education' by Peter Cave. ,, 2017.08.
3. Edward Vickers, Review of 'The Strange Child - Education and the Psychology of Patriotism in Recessionary Japan,' by Andrea Gevurtz Arai, Monumenta Nipponica, doi:10.1353/mni.2017.0020, 2017.03.
4. Edward Vickers, Michael Apple, Lionel Lim, Review of The Strong State and Curriculum Reform: Assessing the politics and possibilities of educational change in Asia, edited by Leonel Lim and Michael W. Apple - with a response from the authors, London Review of Education,, 2018.06, [URL], This is a critical review essay on the Lim and Apple edited volume, accompanied by a response from the editors..
5. Edward Vickers, Review of 'Education, poverty and gender: schooling Muslim girls in India', by Latika Gupta (Routledge India, 2015), Compare: a journal of Comparative Education, Published online in October 2016 (print version forthcoming 2017), 2016.10.
6. Edward Vickers, Review of 'Taiwan education at the crossroad: where globalization meets localization', by Chuing Prudence Chou and Gregory Ching (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012), Compare: a journal of comparative and international education, 2015.10.
7. Edward Vickers, Review of 'Reimagining Japanese Education: borders, transfers, circulations and the comparative', edited by David Blake Willis and Jeremy Rappleye (Oxford: Symposium Books, 2011), Compare: a journal of comparative and international education, 2014.11.
8. Edward Vickers, Review of 'Exhibiting the Past: Historical Memory and the Politics of Museums in Post-socialist China', by Kirk Denton (University of Hawaii Press, 2014), The China Quarterly, 2014.12.
9. Edward Vickers, Review of 'Citizenship and citizenship education in a global age: politics, policies and practices in China', by Wing-Wah Law, New York, Peter Lang, 2011, 259pp., Comparative Education, Vol 48, No. 3, 2012.08.