九州大学 研究者情報
川本 陽一(かわもと よういち) データ更新日:2023.10.27

助教 /  芸術工学研究院 環境設計部門 構築環境デザイン

1. 川本 陽一, メソスケール気象モデルを用いた海風の再現計算へのLagged Average Forecasting法の適用, 日本建築学会大会学術講演会, 2022.09.
2. 川本 陽一, メソスケール解析における初期値・境界値の不確実性に関する検討(その3) ドップラーライダーによる観測値との比較, 日本建築学会大会, 2021.09.
3. 川本 陽一, 都市形態解析に基づく都市キャノピー層内の不均一性に関する考察(その2)
Frontal Area Indexによる都市形態の不均一性の検討, 日本建築学会, 2020.09.
4. 川本 陽一, メソスケール解析における初期値・境界値の不確実性に関する検討(その2)
数値解析の誤差評価, 日本建築学会大会, 2019.09.
5. 川本 陽一, ダウンスケーリングと擬似温暖化による福岡都市圏の将来気候予測, 日本建築学会, 2018.09.
6. Hideki Kikumoto, Satoru Iizuka, Masayuki Hara, Yoichi Kawamoto, Akashi Mochida, Ryozo Ooka, Tsubasa Okaze, Yingli Xuan, Urban climate projections in the 2030s/50s for major cities of Japan using downscaling techniques, 10th International Conference on Urban Climate / 14th Symposium on the Urban Environment, 2018.08.
7. 川本 陽一, メソスケール解析における初期値・境界値の不確実性に関する検討, 日本建築学会, 2017.08.
8. 川本 陽一, リモートセンシングと数値解析による北九州・福岡大都市圏上空の海風の把握, 日本建築学会, 2016.08, 過密な都市で発生するヒートアイランド現象等の都市気候の諸問題に対し、海風がその緩和策として期待される。日本の首都である東京では大気汚染物質の輸送に着目した上空の流れ場のゾンデ観測が1980年代に行われ(Yoshikado and Kondo文1))、それ以降も海風の観測や数値解析が行われてきた。一方、日本第4の規模である北九州・福岡大都市圏では、海風の観測事例は限られており(例えば、ドップラーソーダを用いた福田他文2)、更なるデータの収集が求められる。
9. Yoichi Kawamoto, Effect of Urbanization on the Urban Heat Island in the Fukuoka-Kitakyushu Metropolitan Area, Japan, 4th International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat Island, 2016.06, Because Japan is a mountainous island nation, most of the large cities in Japan are located in coastal areas. In these coastal cities, the use of the sea breeze to mitigate the urban heat island phenomenon has attracted attention. Compared with the Tokyo metropolitan area, the capital of Japan and the largest metropolitan area in the world, the number of urban climate studies in the Fukuoka-Kitakyushu metropolitan area, the fourth largest metropolitan area, is limited. Therefore, to accumulate data for the urban climate in this area, numerical simulations with a meso-scale meteorological model, the Weather Research and Forecast model (WRF), and upper air observation with Doppler LIDAR were carried out in the summer of 2015, simultaneously. To represent the progress urbanization over about three decades, the National Land Numerical Information (NLNI) land-use fractions dataset for Japan in 1976 and 2009 were utilized.
For simulation results of the surface air temperature, the results with NLNI land-use dataset of 2009 showed less errors compared to the observations by Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) than did the results with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) land-use dataset used as the default in the WRF. This comparison suggested that the USGS land-use dataset was unable to represent the urban area precisely.
To consider the effect of the urbanization process over three decades on urban climate in the targeted area, the NLNI land-use dataset of 1976 and 2009 were utilized in the WRF simulations with the mosaic land surface model. From a viewpoint of the surface air temperature, most of the northern part of the Kyushu region became warmer because of urbanization. The urbanization process in the Fukuoka-Kitakyushu metropolitan area also had a possible effect on the sea breeze penetration from Hakata Bay to Fukuoka city. Comparing the two simulation results with NLNI land-use datasets and the Doppler LIDAR observations, the simulation results with NLNI of 1976 showed faster sea breeze penetration and higher wind velocity compared with the observations results and simulation results with NLNI of 2009. The results of this comparison suggested that the urbanization process weakened sea breeze penetration..
10. 川本 陽一, 北九州・福岡大都市圏の都市化が都市気候に与える影響の検討, 日本建築学会, 2015.09.
11. Yoichi Kawamoto, Effect of urbanization on the urban climate in coastal city, Fukuoka-Kitakyushu metropolitan area, Japan, 9th International Conference on Urban Climate, 2015.07.
12. Takamasa Hasama, Yoshiaki Itou, Koji Kondo, Manabu Yamamoto, Tetsuro Tamura, Yoichi Kawamoto, Mitsuo Yokokawa, Large-Eddy Simulation of Wind Pressure Prediction for High-Rise Building on Urban Block, 14th International Conference on Wind Engineering, 2015.06.
13. 挾間 貴雅, 伊藤 嘉晃, 近藤 宏二, 山本 学, 田村 哲郎, 横川 三津夫, 川本 陽一, 実街区に建つ高層建築物に作用する風圧予測のためのハイパフォーマンスコンピュータの活用, 第28回数値流体力学シンポジウム, 2014.12, This study investigated the influence of actual urban block area for the wind pressure prediction of target high-rise building using large-eddy simulations (LES), and introduced the utilization of High-Performance Computer (HPC) for
LES. Firstly, four LES cases were carried out using 3072 parallel calculation and compared with four wind tunnel experiments, respectively; (1) No-urban block and no-target building case (completely no-obstacle case), (2) No-urban
block and target building case, (3) Urban block and no-target building case, and (4) Urban block and target building case. Both no target-building case (no-urban block and urban block) showed that the same recovery characteristics of vertical velocity profile with the wind tunnel experiment. Both target-building case (no-urban block and target building) showed good correspondence with the wind tunnel experiment for the pressure coefficients of average, standard deviation, max-peak and minimum-peak. Furthermore, LES for target building with complex surface shape on high-rise urban block was carried out using 6144 parallel calculation on “K” computer. In this case, balcony on the building was resolved, and small vortex shedding caused by the balcony was simulated..
14. 挾間 貴雅, 伊藤 嘉晃, 近藤 宏二, 山本学, 川本 陽一, LESを用いた高層建築物の風圧予測における中層街区の影響評価, 第23回風工学シンポジウム, 2014.12, 計算機の発達に伴い高精度だが大規模な計算資源を要求する数値流体力学手法であるLarge-Eddy Simulation (LES) を利用した建築物の構造骨組用風荷重評価が可能となりつつある。本研究では、大規模並列計算機を使用し実在街区中に位置する高層建築物を対象としたLESにより風圧予測を行った。なお、本研究は九州大学情報基盤研究開発センター公募課題「平成25年度先端的計算科学研究プロジェクト」として、鹿島建設技術研究所と共同研究を行った成果である。.
15. Yoichi Kawamoto, Fundamental Urban Morphology Analysis for Use in Urban Canopy Model, 7th Japanese-German Meeting on Urban Climatology, 2014.10, For urban climate analysis, mesoscale meteorological models are widely utilized. The urban canopy models are sub-models of land surface models in mesoscale meteorological models to represent the effect of urban morphology in terms of kinetic effects and surface energy budgets. Normally in the urban canopy model, buildings in one analysis mesh are estimated uniform. However the modeled buildings are uniform, of course the real buildings in any given area are not uniform in building height, building area and building shape. The question is, the gaps between modeled uniform buildings’ morphology and real non-uniform buildings’ morphology are serious or not. In this study, the urban morphology in Japanese cities is analyzed by means of GIS (Geographical Information System). Some urban canopy model represents the buildings’ heights variation based on normal distribution. However in this study, whole buildings’ heights distribution shows power-law distribution on a macro scale in whole of Japan and on a micro scale with resolution of about 1 square kilometer. These analysis result also will be use to update non-uniform urban canopy model in the future work..
16. 川本 陽一, 都市形態解析に基づく都市キャノピー層内の不均一性に関する考察, 日本建築学会大会, 2014.09, メソスケール気象モデルの地表面モデルに都市の影響を反映させる都市キャノピーモデルでは、都市形態を均一と見做してモデル化するのが一般的である。しかし、実在の都市は均一な街区とは言い得ない。そこでGeographical Information Model (GIS) を用いて日本全国の建物形状の解析を行った。解析により、日本国内の全建物の高さは冪分布を示すこと、また1km2程度のグリッドに分割した解析においても同様に冪分布を示すことが明らかとなった。.
17. 川本 陽一, 廣瀬 智陽子, 低層ゾンデを用いた東京首都圏上空の気象観測 その1 観測概要及び地上観測結果, 日本建築学会大会, 2013.09, 日本の大都市の多くは沿岸部に位置しており、その様な立地条件では沿岸より吹き込む海風が都市気候の形成に大きく寄与する。沿岸都市における夏期の海風の性状について、東京首都圏を対象として筆者らはこれまで数値解析と観測の両面から取り組んできた。本研究ではGPSゾンデを用いた上空の気象観測と、併せて地上での気象観測を行った。観測結果より海風進入前後の上空の大気環境の変化を明らかにした。.
18. 川本 陽一, Doppler lidar observations of wind fields over the Tokyo metropolitan area, 6th Japanese-German Meeting on Urban Climatology, 2012.09, Currently, about 50% of the world’s population is living in urban areas, and that figure is predicted to continue to increase. On the other hand, many cities are facing problems caused by urbanization. The urban heat island phenomenon is a typical environmental problem encountered in dense urban areas in summer. The use of the sea breeze to mitigate the urban heat island phenomenon has attracted attention in coastal cities. In this study, Tokyo is targeted for investigation. Tokyo is the Japanese capital, and its surrounding region, the Tokyo metropolitan area, comprises a circular area with a radius of 50 km and a population of over 30 million. Within this area, the sea breeze from Tokyo Bay is an important factor mitigating the air temperature rise in summer. Yoshikado and Kondo (1989) had carried out large-scale upper air observations using balloons to clarify the transportation of atmospheric pollutants affected by the sea breeze from Tokyo Bay in 1980’s. After that, such kinds of observations focusing on the sea breeze penetration from Tokyo Bay were limited. To clarify the transition of the wind field over the Tokyo metropolitan area, Doppler lidar observations were adopted. One instrument was set at approximately 10 km from coastline of Tokyo Bay, and the other was set at approximately 30 km from coastline. These set of Doppler lidar observations captured sea breeze penetration from Tokyo Bay well..
19. 川本 陽一, ドップラーライダを用いた東京首都圏上空の風環境観測, 日本建築学会大会, 2012.09, 本研究では、海風の性状把握と都市型短時間強雨の関連性の解明の基礎的検討として、東京湾湾岸に近い東京都内と、東京湾より進入する海風の風下側となる内陸部の埼玉県内の2地点に於いてドップラーライダを用いて上空風の同時観測を行った。.
20. 川本 陽一, Doppler lidar observations of wind fields over the Tokyo metropolitan area, 8th International Conference on Urban Climates, 2012.08, Currently, about 50% of the world’s population is living in urban areas, and that figure is predicted to continue to increase. On the other hand, many cities are facing problems caused by urbanization. The urban heat island phenomenon is a typical environmental problem encountered in dense urban areas in summer. The use of the sea breeze to mitigate the urban heat island phenomenon has attracted attention in coastal cities. In this study, Tokyo is targeted for investigation. Tokyo is the Japanese capital, and its surrounding region, the Tokyo metropolitan area, comprises a circular area with a radius of 50 km and a population of over 30 million. Within this area, the sea breeze from Tokyo Bay is an important factor mitigating the air temperature rise in summer. Yoshikado and Kondo had carried out large-scale upper air observations using balloons to clarify the transportation of atmospheric pollutants affected by the sea breeze from Tokyo Bay in 1980’s. After that, such kinds of observations focusing on the sea breeze penetration from Tokyo Bay were limited. To clarify the transition of the wind field over the Tokyo metropolitan area, Doppler lidar observations were adopted. One instrument was set at approximately 12 km from coastline of Tokyo Bay, and the other was set at approximately 34 km from coastline. These set of Doppler lidar observations captured sea breeze penetration from Tokyo Bay well..

