Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Papers
Kimura Takuya Last modified date:2024.04.21

Professor / Department of Education / Faculty of Human-Environment Studies

1. University Entrance Examination Based on Comprehensive and Multi-Dimensional Evaluation and Visualization of Academic Achievement : The Case of 21st Century Program in Kyushu University
本稿の目的は、21世紀プログラムの入学者選抜の総括とその学修成果の可視化について試行することである。九州大学の21世紀プログラムは、総合的且つ多面的な評価に基づく入学者選抜の嚆矢として、2001(平成13)年度から2017(平成29)年度までの17年間、「専門性の高いジェネラリスト」の名に負けず劣らない、アドミッションポリシーに合致した優秀な学生を全国から集めることができた入試であった。その一方で、26名の学生を毎年選抜するのに、数多くの教員が参加するなど、非常に高コストな入試であったことも否めない事実であった。また、21世紀プログラムに対して、大学4年間で集積された各種テキスト資料を学生のラーニング・ポートフォリオとみなしてテキストマイニングを行うことにより、学生の成長を可視化する試みを行った。その結果、GPAが常に上位であったものよりも、学年を重ねるごとに段々上昇していくタイプの学生に積極性が見られたり、「ジェネラリスト型」に分類した学生の中に学修がうまくいっていない学生がみられたりするなどの結果が得られた。This paper introduces the university entrance examination system of the 21st Century Program in Kyushu University, and the visualization of academic achievement. The said program is the pioneer example of a university entrance examination based on comprehensive and multi-dimensional evaluation. As a result, Kyushu University succeeded in acquiring high-level students in accordance with an admission policy that seeks "highly specialized generalists." However, the university entrance examination has been high-cost system, because testing for 26 students required an admission committee with over 30 faculty. Furthermore, using text mining on the learning portfolio of the program's students (for example, proposal for admission, high school activity report, research plan, research report, graduation thesis summary, and so on), we have tried to visualize their academic achievement. As a result, we found a higher level of motivation in students whose GPA gradually rose over four years, rather than the students whoes GPA began at the top. Also, some students classified as "generalist type" lost sight of their purpose in academic learning at university.ファイル差し替え(2018/4/20).
2. Developing Lectures about Testing in a General Education Course Measuring the Effectiveness of "the Pedagogy of Testing".
3. The Determinants of Students' self-directed Learning Activities:Analysis of the Factors Using the Student Survey.
4. A Structure of Engagement on Junior College : A Study by Multiple Regression Analysis, Analysis of Variance, and Multiple Correspondence Analysis.
5. Text Mining for Improving the Images of University Measurement of the Image Changes of University in Collaboration with High School and University.
6. How does the Satisfaction with University Life change? : An analysis through Item Response Theory and Interruptive Structural Modeling.
7. Basic Surveys Concerning Mobile Phone Addiction among High School Students.
8. Quantitative analysis about the professional training of testing in Japan.
9. Re-thinking about educational theory as 'cultural transmission': cultural sociology and educational theory of Raymond Williams.
10. What does inquiry learning in high school affect freshman in university?: from the result of Japan Freshman Survey 2008 (JFS2008).
11. To which extent should university entrance examination evaluate the activity in the cooperation between high school and university?: self-contradiction of University Entrance Examination System.
12. On effectiveness and limitation of score adjustment for selective testings: an approach for evaluation with pass-fail swapping simulation.
13. University entrance examination system expands academic divides: the origin of open-door admissions system in Japan.
14. University Entrance Examinations and "Comprehensive and Multi-Dimensional Evaluation" Reexamination of the Scientific Basis of the 1971 Report
The purpose of this paper is to reexamine the use of "Comprehensive and Multi-dimensional Evaluation" as the basis for University Entrance Examinations. Though the phrase "Comprehensive and Multi-dimensional Evaluation" itself was first articulated in the 1997 report of the Central Council for Education (Chuou Kyoiku Shingikai), the concept itself came into existence immediately after the postwar period. In fact, "comprehensive evaluation" was merely an excuse for avoiding having to add the score of Japanese Scholastic Aptitude Test (Shingaku Tekisei Kensa, used from 1947 to 1954) into the ....
15. Who is the Specialist of Testing in Postwar Japan? : The list of Nationwide Academic Competence Surveys and their Members in Postwar Japan
The purpose of this paper is to investigate Who the Specialist of Testing is. Immediately after postwar days, the specialist of testing was composed of the specialist of subject matter contents, the specialist of educational measurement (test theory) and the specialist of sampling. In around 1956, the specialist of testing indicated only the specialist of subject matter contents. After 1972, the specialist of educational psychology (especially, interested in educational evaluation) took part in the academic competence survey in order to improvemt course of study. In resent years, the specia....
16. The Relationship between Educational Practice and the Technologies applied within formal education in Dewey's Educational Thought : What kind of logic does bring sciences into pedagogy in earlier 20th century?
The purpose of the paper is to reinvestigate the relationship between educational practice and the technology applied within formal education, especially in educational thought of John Dewey (1859-1952). In considering the relationship, we need to argue between general sciences as fundamental science and pedagogy as a body of applied sciences. It is called the debate on science of education. To compare with John Dewey's educational thought, we first analysis the educational thought of Friedrich Herbart (1776-1841) and Emile Durkheim (1858-1917). Both are known as famous modern pedagogist. M....