Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Presentations
KINOSHITA HIROKO Last modified date:2024.06.03

Associate Professor / The International Student Center

1. Hiroko Kinoshita, Social Division Promoted by Commercial Media: A Quantitative Text Analysis of LGBT Issue in Contemporary Indonesia, International Conference on Resources and Human Mobility, 2019.12.
2. Hiroko Kinoshita, Dai Yamao, A Quantitative Text Analysis on Mobilization of the Electorate by Islamist Parties during the 2018 Iraqi Parliamentary Election, International Conference of Global Risk, Security and Ethnicity (IPSA RC44), 2019.08.
3. Hiroko Kinoshita, Being Muslim in non-Muslim country: The case of Egyptian Student, 第2回 ダイバーシティ シンポジウム, 2019.03.
4. Hiroko Kinoshita, The Impact of The World Association of al-Azhar Graduates and its Social Role: The Case of Egypt and Indonesia, International Convention of Asia Scholars, 2017.07.
5. 木下 博子, Introducing Double Degree Program between Kyushu University and E-JUST, JEC-ECC2016, 2016.06.
6. 木下 博子, The Memory of Baghdad: Abdurrahman Wahid and His Legacy in Contemporary Indonesia, 5th Iraq-Japan Symposium, 2015.12.
7. HIROKO KINOSHITA, “The Networks and Activities of al-Azhar Graduates in Contemporary Indonesia”, Kyoto-Cornell Joint International Workshop on Trans-national Southeast Asia: Paradigms, Histories, Vectors, 2013.01.
8. HIROKO KINOSHITA, 「企業・NGO・政府機関のニーズ調査とその報告――福岡県の事例から」, ワークショップ「キャリア・パスとしての社会貢献?-若手地域研究者の現状と社会連携の可能性-」, 2011.01.
9. HIROKO KINOSHITA, “Intellectual Pilgrimages and Construction of the Network: Al-Azharites in an Islamic Higher Education Development in Contemporary Indonesia”, 3rd World Congress of Middle Eastern Studies, 2010.07.
10. HIROKO KINOSHITA, “Indonesia Azharis in Contemporary Cairo: Through the Perspective of the Network Analysis”, Humanosphere Science School 2010 (152nd RISH Symposium), “In Search for Sustainable Humanosphere in Asia and Africa and JSPS Asia-Africa Science Platform Program- Elucidation of Ground-Based Atmosphere Observation Network in Equatorial Asia”, 2010.06.
11. HIROKO KINOSHITA, “Discovering the Diversities of Indonesian Islam in Contemporary Cairo: The Case of Indonesian al-Azharites Community”, KIAS&SIAS Joint Workshop “Diversity in the Traditions and Reformist Islam”, 2010.02.
12. HIROKO KINOSHITA, “Intellectual Life in the Middle East: The Case of Indonesian al-Azharites in Contemporary Cairo”, IAS Second International Conference 2009 “New Horizons in Islamic Area Studies: Identities, Coexistence and Globalization”, 2009.12.