Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Reports
Toshioh Fujibuchi Last modified date:2024.06.03

Professor / Devision of Medical Quantum Science / Department of Health Sciences / Faculty of Medical Sciences

1. 藤淵 俊王, 医療機関における不均等被ばくの実態調査について, FBNews No.535: 6-10, 2021.07.
2. Toshioh Fujibuchi, Haruyuki Ogino, Han Ki Taek, Kotaro Tani, Daniel Emes, JHPS-KARP-ARPS joint program for commemoration of 2021 Bo Lindell Medal to discuss the future of radiation protection among young scientists and the award recipient, Dr. Ogino, Journal of Radiation Protection and Research 46(2):80-82, 10.14407/jrpr.2021.00122, 2021.07, [URL].
3. 浜田 信行, 藤淵 俊王,石川 純也,伊藤 照生,恵谷 玲央,小野 孝二,西山 祐一,松原 孝祐, NCRP Statement No. 13「腹部・骨盤部単純X線撮影時の慣例的な生殖腺遮蔽の廃止に向けたNCRP 勧告」とその付属文書, 保健物理 56(2)、80-93, 2021.06.
4. 藤淵 俊王, 放射能計測・評価の基礎, 核医学技術 41: 84-87, 2021.01.
5. 山口 一郎、#藤淵 俊王, 医療法施行規則の改正は現場にどのようなインパクトを与えていますか?, FBNews No.523, 2020.07.
6. Michiya Sasaki, Toshioh Fujibuchi, Development of the System of Radiological Protection and Medical Exposure: Basic Information
and Trends
, Radiation Environment and Medicine,Vol. 9, No. 2, 2020.04.
7. Michiya Sasaki, Toshioh Fujibuchi, Development of the System of Radiological Protection and Medical Exposure: Basic Information
and Trends
, Radiation Environment and Medicine,Vol. 9, No. 2, 105-110, 2020.04.